Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 10, 1957 Page & Section 3 THE. CAPITAL JOURNAL I. G. Farben to Pay $7 Million To 4,000 WWII Slave Laborers By HANNS NEUERROURG FRANKFURT, Germany JPi tome 4,000 pcrsrns who worked as slave laborers for the I. G. Karbcn chemical trust during World War 21 will receive a total of about 30 million marks ($7,140,000) unoer a settlement expected soon. The liquidators of what was once Germany's biggest individual concern are about to sign an agreement with representatives of the Jewish Conference on Mater ial Claims Against Germany, of New York. I. G. Karbcn agreed to a settle ment after a court recommenda tion last year. It will pay the lump sum to the Jewish confer ence, which in turn will pay claim ants. Around 2.000 former slave la borers have registered claims to taling $15,708,000. About 2.000 more are expected to report after the settlement. The settlement was suggested by a State Supreme Court in Frankfurt after 1. G. Farben ap pealed a lower eaurt decision awarding $2, .3110 for slave labor compensation to Norbert Woll heim, New York City, In KM 3 the Nazis killed Woll heim's wife and son. They put him to work in a synthetic rubber plant where Farben used 30,000 prisoners from the Auschwitz con centration camp across the road. Wollheim filed his test suit five years ago, claiming wages and damages for harm to his health The lower court ruling, granting his full claim, came in 1053. In offering a settlement, I. G Farben officials emphasized that it would be made to facilitate li quidation of the trust and to help victims of Nazism bu should not be regarded as an acknowledge of responsibility. Elvis Presley Classified 1-A MKMI'HIS, Tenn. m It's a Class 1-A rating for Klvis Presley, the rock 'n roller now awaiting an invitation from Uncle Sam to join the Army. Presley recently was given a pre-induction examination, and the Army said Tuesday that he passed with flying colors. "Physically Ik-'s an A-profile, and that's as high as you can go," said Capt. Elwyn P. Rowan, com mander of the Army's recruiting stnlion here. The teen-age idol's mental rat ing "was about average," added Rowan. Hy law he can't be called for at least three weeks after his ex amination. Recently it became the practice to allow six to eight months before draft notification. HENRY By Carl Anderson 1-10 33w Am Form Band to Help Concert ALBANY (Special) Outstanding instrumental musicians from seven towns including Albany and six others nearby, assembled here Sunday to practice for a concert to ho headlined by Raphael Men dez, famed trumpet player. Meeting in the Albany Union High schol band room for their initial rehearsal were high school band players from Corvallis, Phil omath, Central, Jefferson, Sweet Home and Lebanon. The group formed an organiza tion known as the Benton-Linn Honor Rand, which will play ac companiments to Mendez trumpet solos during his concert here, scheduled Jan. 28. The 60-piece band will play under direction of Darle West, Albany Union High school band director. ...JBy - oh.jwajor W Toea.wiLL J Xg' POlT,l WANrV- VO0 B ICINP 'CM TO TALK TO YOU U ENOUGH TO HELP I "V , ABOUT--- -fll 01 DUMB AAfi t ! rrnrCm3 waT6 ; TigHry WELL. I V WHAT A LOAD Y OH.LAW ME SINCE- COL. OF BOOK.1 PC MAJOR! THESE CAMYON S YOU HAVE ALL I AEENT LKSONS! AWAY FOR A TWAT HOME-, I DIP MY HOVtf- VhORK UOUBi I y TjfAOO. f I HAVE A VERY UROEkA EAMMAR ; SPELLING ', THEi 3 LETTER TO WRITE .' TUB Sf SOCIAL REGISTER; CORWRATTON j REFERENCE BOOKS CAMS V" BLUE BOOC; PUNN AND BRAD- FROM THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, STREET; DOW JONES AVERAGES; L BUT WHAT 1 NEED FROM 'STOCK EXCHANGE TOTALS FOR. KITCHEN SINK STOLEN SAN ANTONIO, Tex. Uft-Wong Ngong told police someone stole a kitchen sink from his grocery. By Walt Disney )r. THPOVV THAT BLOCK .') ATTA BO ' , 1 A FIRST DOWN.' ) ' I iff .i- W4 i ACROSS 1. Source of coi-aine 5. Mllltarj student 10 Prcsnnt 12. Mountain en-si 13. Joins to M Nut 1 j Demon 1H. Glut lit. Soaks up :i. ShortrninR 21 Italian river Horn 2! I.lfrli-.s 2li K.'strn siTiirelv ;n. SI irk III). Woman S.I. l'lUhrii 3.. VrrMlier vai 3ti. Jap. i n:n r 1. timber tiii 40 Cranny: Scot 41. Svnac Hii)h': alibr. 4:i. Spillover 45, Itrownie 4li. Th- Ham 4.1 Hieak a law Ml. C(nuiH'':!ior 51 Landed pii.pertv 52 Shabby I NInHRiO SI I ikHnowI ICJUiN I LMH LIA I N Hr:u,eHf. y f Hh o d s UO.TWV A L.U E Pljb S C,'u'YA'M'u's'EB:i E't A SBBa D 1 C. F SIA M E S.!A l KBSJVH- G 5 I N1 C,0 NSOLiI DA T I ON T O OWL, A M A RIUOiA A'NiaLVAVAaN I . I THIMK ABOUT IT, 1 I FADING rZTZ. X, 1H"HOCDJ ' SOUTH... I TOUR K3 A ME NT , COULD WEAIO AAOS' f BIGHT 1 f H ANYTHIM7 i MAYBE 1 6RA8 V BUILP voue V ron- rifles, ll Ares' men f WHAT5 I weoNe, I HEAKP A LION. THIS I6WT MIKE NOMAD, CA5SIDy-ITS ONE Of BIG-CUT5 HOODLUMS. YEAH WITH 1 A BULLET IN HIS BACK, STEVE EITHER MIKE WAS ARMED, OR HE MANAGED TO TAKE A GUN AwAt FROM" r " T COME ON OUT, YOU rTOOL-PkSEON f I TsTJT?VE'?'" 1 UM " HEg riowers Aliliiomt Giiy Flower Basket n fascinalin (lesion, as American ns quill. making itselt! Make this lovely quilt from scraps; use just one block (or a smart pillow cover. l'allern 7343: Chart, directions, pattern of patches. Yardages lor single and doublc-bcd quilts. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins (or this pattern add & cents for each pattern lor ist-class mail ing. Send lo Capita) Journal. Household Arts Dcpt . P O. Box li8. Old Chelsea Station. ' New York II, p Y Print t' 'nly NAME, ADDRESS. TONE. AND PATTERN NllMRER. Two FREE patterns printed our ALICE BROOKS Needle- craft book stunning designs for you. our readers! Dozens of other designs lo order all easy. fascinating hand-work! send 25 cents for your copy of this won derful book right away! Easier to cut Sew and fit Solution of Yeilerday't Putslt 53 llahan tm p 1, K. 1 ? 1 J ' -TIT' i u I I rt I ,.( 75 It 7T1T.' T 7T r-o" . I.'i " ".-"i 7;.y I -'i. Tv 7"" Jb !" o 3i I s; -j -jj- TbliT Tie Tf mo" qi Yo"; 'Ji " -1 -M All'tfgy "- ' , j J. Puts up 4. Prrfirnr 5 H. aaP .H-e (i W.u i;nd 7 Purity R Pa-, s inarch H Ticht 111. Hequire ll. Compound ether 13. K.yrlahes 17. Star in "Pr-fiasus" Id. Depicted "Z. KiniMied a'Uiu.uu'e '-T. 'oha;v:ue. (I. n noble J'.l. Cup.d 31. of l.e i X. Obliterate: 34. Work out 36 Boxes 37. Weird 39 Racket 42. Chief 44. Cooking vessels 47. Craftv Huiiii CO u.T)n Si ok, pine Xj vou'?Scre5T L pown.xsIi ' X9U gOTYA tOOK AT (TTHiS WAV, he nee-6?sct& hsmo-W' 0jTBeOTA UN-1.APV1.IK6 -HO HO KIN MB: TAKE YOU JO Tut JUNIOR V0U PB0MI5E TO SlVf'eW UP-eJK' fo! imoieiroNeeiHi. night- 8UTaS9 AS T;s fjAMP6 you I K&SOVSRSP 9V TK6 of iW in Ti,; eoc, CLOser III MBS3,4C rY you is chunks!? eight out into TuS S3-,V-i;pe4VIN fiACOFNI A AN PTUNIA5S3HTAN'uEST--- ttKltST THE 0OV PAN06&1aCW- "1EPT WITH A pkuKP HEART AN-NOCKANCI TOWINTHEWAI.THN 1 CONTE5T-y0U IS gUiNEP VO'CHIlS'S HOCHOeOHOO. mrr.m j M MY Mfl SflYB V3U MUST COMe FBOM TH" BfiflNCHOWeTRIUES WHO LIVE IN MARYLAND A ESI ' PflW SAYS HE THINKS WRE FROM W BUNCH THAT MOVED TO IOWA YEAfiSAGO J-16-S7 MY MA BAYS THERE1S STTitVES THAT LIVE IN TEXAS-ARE YOU FROM TEXAS? TeHFROM VERMONT ST MY MA SA OH, IVE UVED LOTS O- PLACES-rM JUST SWMN' AT COUSN ST1VE NOW POO A UHILF 1 I u MARRY HIM.? -AN SAVE DOGPATCH.'I 1 m MARRY HIM.V- CXJR CH1LUJN STARVAYSHOMf MARRY HIM,Y0'FOatr YO HAIN 1 rJOTnIN DUI A WIDDEK AN l-i&KiirDni ICI V ft OSt TO EIGHTEEN, AT THAT.'.' 3 w 0 r. t7 OH-SB.'r-AH'LL LEAVE. IT TO MAMMY YOKUM tf SHE'LL SHOW ME THE YAY OUT.'.'- 1 I IT UJ MAMMY YOKUM .'.- SHE'LL SHOW ME THE ) Iwff-i ' WW: i,( whutuIm, V N kAIXINS PAINT WITH A KITCHEN MIXER.' HOW CAN YOU BE SO V U-1 x 1 V NOT SO I1,' ttSTUPID!) o o o O 9382 SIZES I4",-J4' Printed Pattern Kdslrr to t'ul. Sew and Kit. Half-Sicrs -hwsc a prinlwi Pat tern for your spring sewing! It's f;isltr, easier assures ti perfect (' fur your fi':mv Tins ur'",ri'l dress is as slunmins as a diet with ils novel seoop neckline, love ly soft silhouette. Printed Pattern 9382: Half Sizes U'j. W-i, IB'j. 20la. 22h. 24W. Size lakes V yards 35-inch. This printed patterr assures perfect fit. Kasy directions printed on each tissue pattern part. Send 1k in coin no stamps please' for Pattern with Name. ddress SKIe Mining ana Su Address PAITKHN HI HKAU I nal Journal Box Old Chel jnea Station New York tl N Y l-or flml c mail Inrluda i extra ft eeoti per patters. NOW TfcKETKfVr POOL BLANKET OPF) AND GET BUSY.' A) ' look Y P'NT HM ) (':' I AT THIN.' RUN FuR?MVJbyy here Hcnv lte witL rr P6 when we FiNifw with "KSLM 13 BOCO 1490 KCAY 1430 KOIN 70 KGW 20 KGON IS FM. Mwyclet-KQIW 101.1; KGW 100-3 THURSDAY P.M. HOUR KSLM 5KOCO KdAV KOIN HOW KtiOS 6KSLM KOC'O KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN R(iW KCiOM 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGOS KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN , KGW 1 KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN 00:00 00.15 00:30 00:45 Rnb and Ray Bob and Ray IBob and Ray IBand Concert fPo-Mo Show Jsio-Mo Show Isio-Mo Show Ichuck'a Sporta W'SfSyiNeiWMtharrrom Harmon (Frank Cos. Vnderhoof Vandrhoof Mel Allen Anderson MelQdv.NBlclMelody Magic Melody Magic lElmer Hctersoa News reel CanaieiiKni News CandlclfRht Snorts News ILowell Thomas Edw. P. MTgVMt-Call Music IMan On Go pinner Concert! On the 83 Amos 'n Anay Mvsterv Time (Melody Magic Gabriel Heater Woody Way Melody Music Eddie Fisher Woodv Way Melody Music Car linn Dav Dreams Woody Way iShow Tune Woody Way CBS Feature Music At the U. N. Sam Hayes un ine bh lAinos 'n Andy Mystery Time Meioay Magic Sportscone Woody Way Almanac Music At the U. M. Robt. Q. Lewis Robt Music World Newi Dav Dreams Whisttin' Tunes'Whtstlin Tunei Woody Way TWoody Way Woody Way 14. iewi5Enria lonue iworia luniie MUSIC .MUSIC iIUMC 1 Man's FamilylGildersIeeve IGildcrslecve 9 News Woody Way Tune Table Music .Music Gabriel Heater Woody Way S Star Final News Profile News Flashes Detective Woody Way News-Music Dance Time Bass Harris (Music 1 Woody Way ITunr Table I Music Music Music Woodv Way 'Sports Desk uance J ime Mostly Music Detective Woody Way Music Dance Time Bass Harris ISweet & Swing'Sweet & Swtnf Woodv Wav ILcad. Question Dance Time Uane Pickens 'News Woody way Hunt & Fish Dance Time Mostly Music Mid-niteMel7" Woody Way Music Dance Time Bass Harris Woody Wav Lead. Question Dance Time Jane Plckeni Music iWoody Way Good Evening Dance Time Mostly Music IMfdVnltVMel. 1 Woody Way MUSIC Dance Time Bass Harris HOUR 00:00 FRIDAY 00:15 00:30 00:45 .KSLM Val. Farmcasl IVal. Farmcast Val. Farincast Nevs ' KCiAi Farm News Mnrn. Mag. (Morn. Mag. IKGAY Newt h KOIN News America 1KOIN Klock JKOIN Kloek IKOIN Kloi-k 1KGW News IVanderhoof Vandcrhonf (Vanderhoof ' KGON Rise St Shine IWorld News iRIse & Shine IRise & Slune WEI HAVE 1 V IlL R ("VEC SHORTLY " tOt TMT WILL Y I TUCM&WT X3U PSOWT 1 CI J A 6IX-TWIKTV U I AFTEK 56VEN, Ml LOCK! ) K ALL RKjHT.7 f MCBPT SOCIAL EN6A- J IT 0EPEJ5 JArraIEKT.y .WILL THAT re TOO LATE y IWI nut vitin ' I v "K riicm, 1 1 j ; r?f i u rvw j i m H I ! I t i " v iii ir.i i pjri ii i. 1 Kn- ferVoSi BTy KSLM KOCO I KGAV f KOIN ' ROW KGIlM K.LM JKOCO KGAV KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO J KGAY Ikoin f KGW KGOV KSLM KOCO ' KGAY k KOIN I KGW r KGON HeminRway IBreakfst Gani? iBreakf'st Gnne INcws & Wthr Rhythm RanchlRhythm RanchiHay's In Time IRay's In Tima Morn, Mae, IVanderhoof IRise & Shine Morn. Mag. Listen News Rise St Shine "Cltrf-Engle News Herb's Show Consum'r N'wi Vanderhoo Rise & Shine News INcws IPastor's Call IPastor's Call News (Ray's Melodies IRay's Melodies Ray's Melodies. Herb's Show (Herb's Show Herb's Show IKGAY News Wendy Warren Howard Miller iHelen Trent iMid.Morn. Newt Breakfast Club (Breakfast Club (Breakfast Club IBreakfast Club Spotlite Rec'rdJSpotlite Rec'rdslSpotlite Rec'rdsjSpotlite Rec'rdi News Mnrn. Mo. IKGAY News Goss News I Babbitt Show IVanderhoof IVanderhoof IRise & Shine IBill Guymam IFamily Altar Bible Institute I Bible Institute IRay's In Time IRay's In Time IRay's In Time Herb's Show iHcrb's Show Herb's Show iVaitle News IShelley Sere. Shelly Sere. (Vanderhoof IVanderhoof IVanderhoof IRise & Shine News-Ris & Sh IRise & Shine News Herb's Show Nora Drake Chef GIno NBC BandstndlNBC ITcllo Test 'Wings of Song i Wings of Song Rav's Melodies iRav's Melodies iHav s Melodiei Clarey Dyer IHerb's Show KGAY News IMa Perkins IDr. Malone I Road of Life Anderson Girl Marries IWhispering Sts. BandstndlNBC BandstndlNBC Bandstand 1KSLM News IQueen a Day i Queen a Dav Queen a Dav KOCO News (Ray's MelodieslRay's Melodies! Rav's Melodies KGAY Dinner Winner lDinner Winner iRollie's Recrds i Rollie's Rec'ds IKOIN Happiness I Mrs. Burton IStrike It Rich 'Pat. Buttram KGW True Story (True Story iKonnle Worth IKonnie Worth KGON NBC BandsfndlNBC Bandst'ndiNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandstant 1KSLM KOCO KGAY News News KGAY New Noon News Mitchell Repts. Top Tunes News Top Trades IVal. Farmcast Clarlne Calling iciarinc Calling iClarfne Calling Rollie's Recrds ITown Crier IKGAY News Come Get It House Partv i House Partv Paul Harvey Merry Go R'nd IMerrv Go R'nd (Top Tunes Top Tunes Top Tunes , Matinee Matinee Matinee News 1430 Tune St 11490 Tune St Rollie's Recrds 'Rollie's Rec'ds IRollie's R'crds Godfrey Time (Godfrey Time I Godfrey Time Merry Go R'nd IMerry no R'nd iMerry Go R nd r 5 Star Matinee !5 Star Matinee Hilltop House Matinee IMntince INews News 1 14110 Tune St I14H0 Tune St Rollie's Recrds 'Rollie's Rec'ds iRollie's Rec'ds Godfrey Time iGodfrcy Time (Ruth Ashton Merry Go R'nd IMerry Go R'nd IMerry Go R'nd r Worn nn in Use IM ary Mc B ride Fred War i ng wmafnTMat. IWiTlam. Mat. IWillam. Mat. News 14!)0 Tune St 14!i0 Tune St : Route's Recrds Rollie s Ree ds I Hollie s Hee ds Backstnge Wife'Our Gal Sundy I Take Thirty Merry Go R'nd Merry Go R'nd IMerry Go R'nd I Cafe Lounge Cafe Lounge tit's New I Matinee 11490 Tune St IKGAY News l Godfrey Time IMerry Go R'nd .Pepper Young i Matinee I14!)0 Tune St IKGAY News News-Weathpr IMerry Go R'nd IFred Waring tTello Test 11490 Tune St IKGAY News fTake Thirty (Mcrrv Go R'nd llt's New 4: 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON Matinee Hemingway IHere's Answer News I Buyers' Band. I Buyers' Band. Rollie's Recrds IRollie's Rec'ds ISiRn Off Art Klrkham (Alexanders INewspaper Air Vanderhoof IVanderhoof Vanderhoof Fash. Rhythm Fash. Rhythm ) World News Bob & Ray IBob & Ray IBob 4 Ray News ISlo-Mo-Show . Slo-Mo-Show Ed. R. Murrow'Ncws-Weather 'Torn Harmon Vanderhoof IVanderhoof iMcl Allen Melody Magic IMelody Magic jMelody Magic I Sam Hayes I Buyers' Band. iNwsepaper Air IVanderhoof IWorld News iSports Scope IChucks Sporta i Frank Goss Anderson lElmer Petersen 6 KSLM News Reel IBill Brundage IBIdg. Oregon KOCO Candlelight (Candlelight On the 88 KOIN Sports-News Lowell Thomas Amos & Andv KGW Edw. P. Morgan .McCall (Mystery Time KGON Melody Magic IMan un uo iKaain fans KSLM Gabriel Heater Silv. Serenade i Music I KOCO News Woody Way Woodv Wav f KOIN Melody iNews CBS Feature ' KGW Music Music I Music KGON Fights IFights iFights 'N.S.-Albany IWoodv Way o sc. -use. I Music 9 KSLM KOt'O KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN N.S.-Albany News O S C -U.S.C. Music ' World News NS. -Albany News O S C.-U.S.C. Music Radio Fans SS. -Corvallis News U. of O.-Cal. News Profile News Flashes IN.S. -Albany (Woodv Wav O S C.'-U S C. (Music 11 Man's FamilviBob Hope IN.S. -Albany Woody Wav O S C.-U.S c. (Music IHadio Fans "sTsTcorvallis Woody Way U. of O.-Cal. IDance Time (Mostly Music i Sam Haves lOn the 88 I Amos t Andv (Mystery Time Radio Fans I Sportscone Woodv wav ILook to Skiej (Music Spts. Hiiites !N S.-Albanv IWoodv Way 0 S. C.-U.S.C. Music tBjJbHope ;sTs. -Corvallis IWoodv Wav ll'. of O.-Cal. 1 Dance Time IHadio Fans JS S. -Corvallis W'oodv Wav TJ. of "O.-Cal. (Danre Time (Radio Fans IS.S.-Corvallis INews W'oody Wav IWoodv Way jU. of O.-Cal. JU. of O.-Cal. IDance Time Dance Time Most ly Music M ostly Music KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON Counter Spy ICnunter Spy I Melodies Silent IWoodv Way Woody Way 5 Star Final ISports Desk Music Dance Time IDance Time IDance Time Bass Harris Bass Harris IBass Harris I Melodies I Wooay Way Music iDanceland Harris SATURDAY A.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 8 19 KSLM KGAY KOIN Klin KGON KSLM KO( O KGAY KOIN KGW KttOS KSLM KOt'O KGWY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOt'O KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM Koro KGAY . KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KG ON News IMus Tlmknr Farm News (Salute to Sat. News America KOIN Klock Monitor (Heck Harper News I Monitor Hemingway .Break Gang imn nti-Newi iTimber Jack Game Comm. Salute To Sat. KOIN Klock Heck Harper Monitor 'Nes Heck Harper 'Monitor IMus Timkpr News (Salute To Sat. IKGAY News IKOIN Klock KOIN Klock Heck Harper Heck Harper (Monitor i Monitor (Breakf Gang iTimber Jack Salute To Sat Goss News IHcek Harper News-Monitor News iTimber Jack IKGAY News iConsum News IHcck Harper iMonitor Bible Hour (Music (Haven of Rest Haven of Rest News-Jax Wax Jax Wax fJax Wax Jax Wax Salute To Sat. Salute To Sat. 'Salute To Sat. KGAY News SUjrv Master Rnbt. Q Lewis Hnbt. Q Lewis Robt. Q Lewli No School (No School iN School INo School News-Monitor Monitor (Monitor 'Monitor 4-H Show Farm It Home Pastors Call News-Jax wax 'Jax v. ax uax vtax Salute to Sat. ;S.ilute To Sat. Storv Master News No School No School Monitor .Monitor Salute To Sat. Gunsmoke Btxiks Monitor ax Wax KGAY Newt Gunsmoke iUp & Down iMonitor News Music (Barker Show iBarkcr Show News-Jax Wax Jax Wax Jax Wax Jax Wax Camera Club Salute To Sat. Salute To Sat. KGAY News Storv Master Galen Drake Galen Drake ".alen Drake Merrv Go Rnd Merrv Go Rnd Merry Go Rnd Merry Go Rnd Monitor i Monitor iMonitor RIucs vs Grays Youth Symnh. Youth S-mph. 'Youth Symph. (Youth Symph. News-Jax Wax 'Jax Wax (lax Wax 'Jax Wax Salute to Sat. Salute To Sat Salute To Sat. Salute To Sat. Kathv Godfrev 'Kathv Godfrey Treas. Show Treas. Show Merry Go Rnd Merry Go Rnd Merry Go Rnd Merry Go Rnd Monitor Monitor 'Farm Hm. Hr. Farm Hm. Hr. WISHING WELL R. tittered U. S. Patent Offie.. S1T3 583T A V CMFSOHAUARU 5 3 1 i 8 8 2 5 5 4 5 ? EXEPSLI IEATIf 2 S ? 3 S 8 4 S ? 3 ? OEMURTRUMMBLE "3 5 2 7 4 8 3 ? 6 2 4 8 3 O RTURNVSEE SEE 8 3 8 5 2 7 4 3 8 5 1 2 i TOWIArOICCNMA ,? ' 8 3 5 2 4 6 3 5 4 VEAI IEHPLHtSEO 7 ? 1 2 3 6 5 4 2 5 1 J NRSAOESEYTS XJERE u pltaunt littlt came that will (iv you t messaf e tvenr dy. K ii a numerical puale dwitned to spell out your fortunt. Cttint ih ltcMri in jrour tint name. If the number ot letter! Ii or mr Mbiratt 4. If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result Is war lay lanbtr. start at the upper left-hand corner of the rec. bsjnd tritac every one of your key numbers, left to rifht. Then tew Out I the letters under the checked Afures live you. SV r "Ha- I. Hm tWntart kr Kim mm imui 1-10