Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 10, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 3 Page 7 Dear Friends and Neighbors: We know you can't really save money on just a handful of "weekend specials." So we've round ed up a whole storeful of our most outstanding values to prove to you that Safeway is THE place to save. Just take a look at the sensational prices on these two pages. Then hurry down to see us for YOUR share of these great savings. Cordially yours, Your Safeway Managers Reg. 25c SEA TRADER TUNA FISH lv; : Ii m mfJufeitj!ti it.'" CARL IAGERFELD 1265 Center St. BARNEY BACHAND 2575 S. Commercial St. Tor the real ocean-flavor, choose Sea Trader light-meat chunk style tuna. It's tops! No. Vi Tin 20 Tree ripened Unpeeled ea. 19c Reg. W HIGHWAY WHOLE PLUMS iv I IS - $1K ERIE BOURLAND 2120 N. Fairgrounds Rd. Reg. 225 GARDENSIDE GREEN BEANS , r"ii CHARLES MORRIS 245 Court St. HENRY DALPEZ 633 Mill St., Dallas CLYDE MEICHEN 402 E. Main, Silverton Every bean in the Garden side tin is plump and meaty. Guaranteed to please by Safeway. LADY ELBERTA Fancy Quality Here are the Finest Peaches that money can buy. Peaches fireen leans Margarine ea. 35c 3 No. Vh Tins Famous Santiam brand, fancy cut. Finest money can buy. Have you tried Sunnybank brand? Delicious for a spread. Wonder ful for cooking. 5 No. 303 Cans Q Mb. V Pkgs. No. 303 Tin 10 $ 00 95 $00 Reg. 29 WESTFAIR APPLE JUICE Made from the finest apples ea. 23 Reg. 227c GARDENSIDE CREAMED CORN Plump, tender kernels, smothered in rich creamy sauce. Wow! Here is a ter rific Safeway savings. No. 303 Tin Ic 10 Save up to 40c on World Famous TEA GARDEN PRESERVES The "Finest Quality" luscious ripe fruit. Cherry Delight Boysenberry Delight Grape Delight Strawberry Delight Your Choice ea. 25c 00 HEINZ World Famous Look at this Low, Low Price Ketchup ,2,0 SM" t-- -' - f- for a delightful salad, des Choc. Dairy Drink Ji 39' Peaches E, ft! I I III I xl i; A. woia orana oroKen snrimp is me tmen . t jf $100 "ea Roast' extra smooth ana creamy Ea. 35c tins A Grade "A" Medium Eggs 2 do, 89 H'GHWAY Brand Halves Sliced, Reg. 33c Pineapple No. Vh tin 29 For a delightful salad, dessert too, try Highway No. Vi $100 i. 27c 4 No. Vh $1( cam A Peanut Butler 3t.;,l Van Zee Brand Pkg. 69 Cheese Van Zee Brand Pka. 69 Country Fresh, BLOSSOM TIME COTTAGE CHEESE Take your choice of wonderful creamed large curd, farmer style, small curd, or chived. Specialy priced for this gigantic salel m Reg. 59c 1 Full Quart Prices Effective Only Thru Sunday, Jan. 13 Hell never know the deep pleasure of really fresh coffee ..till you grind your own 1 w dAJEJCiWJnA The Fresh Coffees NOB HILL AIRWAY Edwards , $1.02 . 95c Hb. $1 07 2-lb. $013 (in Rich and "Aromatic" "Mellow-mild" Rich and Vigorous tin DRV BEAN VALUES! Small White Great Northern Red Pinto 2-Pound Package 29 4-Pound Package Here's teal Saving! 2 lor Ibe Price ol i Pooch Erand Nip V luck PARADE DOG FOOD POP CORN APPLESAUCE 2Z59c 2C95c 3 -25c 12 1.00 10c 15 oi. tins While or Yellow. Evenf 2 OQ Kernel 6uaranteed fe Pop Cello Beg A7t Uinkw.. Krinrf Made A no. 303 from the Finest applet i an . MMMlifr' Empreis Jtrawbtrrr, PRESERVES DelN Spread This Week's Finest Meat Value Here's Our Guarantee of the Finest Beef , . Yours at Safewayl f Mlflf ROAST Wsmo)c e2 Every Cut of Beef Safeway Sells is "USDA Choice" Grade Trimmed of excess Bone and Fat Before Weighing Blade Cut u lb. ALL "USDA CHOICE" GRADE 11EEF LOCKER BEEF Cut and Wrapped Free of Additional Colt U.S.D.A. Choice" Grade Beef Standing BEEF RIB ROAST C THE "KING" of Beef Roasts Guaranteed Perfect Eating Aged for Flavor and tenderness IL Trimmed Before Weighing. ID Beef Round Steak usda ci,o,t. lb. 69c Beef Rump Roast U. S. Choice-Bone In IB. 69c f fi I Boneless nr. Boneless $1 1 r Sirloin Steak t,p lb 85c up lb Stew Beef USDA Choice Boneless Cubes LB. 59c Boiling Beef USDA Choice Plate Cut LB. 15c Ground Beef Whole Carcass Beef Fresh Ground LB. 39c Corned Beef USDA Choice Boneless Brisket LB. 69c SOMERSET BRAND-ALL MEAT SKINLESS FRANKS Canned Picnics Morrell'i Mb. Pkg. 39 3-LB. TIN r I- Whole or Half IB. JOC Med. Pacific Vi Pint 39c Pin, 69c Fore 120 to jjC Hind Full Sides Sjy 225 to I JJ f ClL D B to 10-Lb. Avera JiUU DULUM Oysters DATAII Val-Pac Standard Sliced lb. 39 2 lb. lit 25c 69c SAFE WAY'S Wit &&F pte to save I Orange Cake Colorful And Tasty This loaf cake Is delicious, hav ing a texture similar to a pound cake and one with a fruity flavor due to the orange juice. Orange Loaf Cake 2 cups sifted cake flour m cups sugar n teaspoons baking powdci ia icaspoon salt i cup shortening W cup orange juice 1 tablespoon gralod orange rind 2 eggs Sift together into mixing bowl the cake flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Add shortening, orange juice and rind. Beat vigorously for 2 minutes (if using electric mixer, use medium speed I Add eggs and oeat oi two more minutes. Pour into wax paper lined 4x9x3 inch loaf pan. Set on a cookie sheet in a mod- crate oven (350 ) degrees and bake lor one hour. The cookie sheet gives more even baking. If bak ing in glass decrease oven tem perature to 325 degrees. Cool on cake rack. Remove from pan while still warm and gla2e with this icing: Combine and mix until smooth, 1 cup sifted powdered sugar; 2 tablespoons orange juice. i teaspoon ot grated orange rind. Fish Baked With Crushed Rice Cereal Hsh for dinner takes on new Interest with this recipe for bak ing them. To make, fish fillets are"Tut Into serving pieces, dipped in milk and crushed toasted rice cereal, and then baked in a very hot oven for about 15 minutes until the fish is tender and the coaling is crisp and golden brown. If you wish, frozen f'sh mayt be used and for a richer coating, use undiluted evaporat ed milk. Crisp Baked Fish 1 pound fish fillets 3 cups touted r'ce csre' 1 Mi cup milk 3 teaspoons salt 4 teaspoons salad oil Cut fish into serving pieces, allowing about V pound for each serving. Crush rice cereal into fine crumbs. Combine milk and salt. Dip fish in milk, then In cereal crumbs. Arrange on well oiled baking sheet or shallow pan. SnrinUe over f is''. -kc in extropiel" hot oven 'SO' ''e- grces about 15 minuter Serve immediately with slice of lemon or tartar sauce. Yield: 4 servings. FRUIT IN PUDDING Try folding mixed fruit into your vanilla pudding mix just before It thickens a delicate mixture of flavors. MUSHROOMS IN SALAD Add raw mushrooms to your toss ed green salad: the vinegar and oil mixture enhances their flavor. BANANAS IN PUDDING An old timer but still delicious; Sliced banana folded into chocolate pudding before it thickens. SANDWICH NOTE Slip slices of tomato into a cheese sandwich before grilling; the two flavors blend for an Interesting tang. FOIl MACAROONS Baking macaroons? Top them, before baking, with chocolate sprin kles, pieces of glazed pineapple or cherries, or Fmall pecans. LEMON HIND IN COOKIES Add a tablespoon of grated lemon rind to vanilla drop-cookie batter; sprinkle cookies with shredded co conut before baking. TO BREAD CUTLET You'll need one egg (slightly beaten) and about a third cup of fine dry bread crumbs for bread ing a pound of veal cutlet. THOROUGH RINSE Itinse bleached clothing thorough ly because any blench that remains in the fabric continues its action and may weaken fibers. NUTRITIOUS DRINK Nutritious cold beverage: Bottled prune juice mixed with homogenized milk. Add a dash of nutmeg or allspice, or both, just for an extra flavor twist. SESAME ROLLS Sprinkle sesame seeds over yeast rolls aflcr they have been shaped and their lops have been moistened with water. Let rise and hake. TASTY TOMATOES Cream butter with a little crushed garlic and spread over Uhe cut surface of halved loina S Iocs. Make or broil. Delicious with chicken, meat or fish. FIRST COURSE Sliced cucumbers, black olives and canned piniienlns make a de licious and attractive lirst course. Serve with cruels ot olive oil and wine vinegar, salt and freshly ground pepper. French or Italian bread, or crusty rolls to accom pany this of course. SPICK GRAVY Serve a spiced gravy with slices of pot roast. Bay leaf, whole cloves and thin lemon slices are all sood to add to the gravy, rlsh out the bay leaf and whole cloves before serving. FILBERT FLAVOR Making chocolate fudge for a partv Add toasted shelled filbert i crushed i to it for flavor mat similar lo those fancy chocolat creams called "truffles." WATER WITH YEAST Always dissolve active dry yeasl in water rather than in milk. O