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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 10, 1957 Sal Page B Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL V D the. mnl T in i ful rigl the fori mo! Ii Avi frui ed est by arr Th( of. an Thi has nut sal; Ma 1 1 1 1 Vi I wa thii am ind I hi unl oir of in Charlotte Of Apple And Raisins This Apple Charlotte varies Ihe collection of apple desserts, and is a fine dish for the family dinner. Fresh Apple And Raisin Charlotte ft Winesap apples, pared, sliced 6 tablespoons butter or margarine !i cup raisins " 1 cup sugar dash salt 8 slices white bread V cup milk Melt 2 tablespoons butler or margarine and add sliced apples, raisins, snlt and V cup sugar, Cook slowly for about 10 minutes Stir frequently. Combine remain- ins 4 tablespoons melted butler or margarine and milk. Dip one side of each bread slice in the butler-milk mixture, then in maining sugar. Line a 2-quart baking dish with the bread, sugar ed side down. Spoon apple-raistn filling into bread-lined dish. He;it oven to moderately hot (400 deg, F.. Cut remaining bread slices in half for topping. Dip one side of bread in fat-milk mixture, then in sugar, as betore. Place over filling, sugar side up. Bake 45-50 minutes. Serves 6. Butter-Ball Coffee Cake Easy and Good A homemade butter coffee cake nothing could be finer for the leisurely Sunday morning break fast, and especially good if lots of coffee is on hand. Hutlrr-Ball Coffee Cake 3 cups sifted enriched flour tablespoon salt Vi teaspoon mace Y cup sugar 1 small egg, well-bealen H cup evaporated milk lit cup lukewarm water 2 tablespoons melted butter 2 pkg. dry active yeast cup warm (not hol water 4 cup chopped walnuts cup golden seedless raisins 2 tablespoons melted butter !i cup mixed sugar and cinna mon Combine first four ingredients. Combine next four ingredients. Dis solve yeast in warm water, add to egg mixture and mix well. Stir In dry ingredients and m i x well. Knead on lightly floured board un til smooth and place in well-gre;is-ed howl, turning once to bring greased side up. Cover; let rise in warm place until double in bulk (about 1 hour). Punch down, cut dough into small nieces and roll into 40 walnut-size balls. Roll each hall in melted butter, then In cin namon-sugar. Place one layer ni 20 h a'l 1 s in well-greased 8-inch spring-form pan, so balls barely touch, leaving a small space in the middle. Sprinkle with half (he wal nuts and raisins. Make top layer of remaining balls and sprinkle with rest of walnuts and raisins Pour on remaining butler and cinnamon-sugar. Let rise about 43 minutes nr until not quite doubled fn hulk. Bake at 325'F 40 to 45 minutes. H 'One for Road' Hero's a new idea for "One for Ihe road" Hoi Reef Broth Punch. To make it, merely heal equal amount of canned con densed href hroth and apple juice tlitlil steaming. Sea.son to taste with nutmcc. cinnamon nr powder ed cloves. For a larce group, it's most festive served Irom a punch bowl at the evening's end. Warm and encrsy-Rivins. Ihe punch will be vvrlcnme helnre the long cold ride home. ln til or Pi in' m nr wi Bi ly bi EASY KM. AD A lisle-tempting naiad that's' quick and rasy lo prepare, i s i made of diced, impeded Delicious apples, sliced bananas and chop, i pert datrs. Serve with mayonnaise1 or French dressing. i fr It Si Pi AVIK'ADO-RACON TI1KAT Serve grilled avocado and bacon sandwiches with howls of tomato imp lor a satisfying lunch. Use either mashed or slued avocado and crisp cooked bacon. tJtll'K I'ICKl l' t'nmhine a scoop nf vanilla lee rream vviih a ulass of apricot whole fruit neelar in Ihe electric blender lo make a quick alter chnol pick up for Ihe children. BKOILI.D (iRAI'F.FRLlT Top broiled grapefruit in the half shell with a little sherrv wine Served hot, it it a delicious starter for special dinners during cool weather. RF1.IS1I TRAY Brighten a winter menu with a relish tray of crisp raw cauli flower and erlcry, handsome ripe nhvrs and w h.ile spiced canned cling pearlies. Need a differ nt dessert for com pany Fill paifait or sherbet glas ses with chocolate ire cre.un and pour a mint flavored sauce in er t: top with whipped cream if ue sired. RIl'E FRITTFRS You ran make fritters with sour leftover cooked rice; mix it with a beaten egg am. fry in a skillet. FI.SH NOTE Try boiling vinegar al the same timt that you are conking fish. This may keep fishy odor from remain ing in kitchen. FOR POR. CHOPS Want extra flavor for pork chops? Try adding pineapple juice or can. ned chunks of tht fruit to the skil let while pan-frying Ihe chops. VST. LEFTOVER RIPE Try adding leftover rice to waf fle ar pancakes fur interesting tearlure and new taste use a few tablespoons to one cup of belter. If Starts Today for 11 Big Days a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a----a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a'---a-a- Reg. 69c Dry Milk INSTANT LAC-MIX 8-Qt. Size 59- You tcl more for your money with instant mixing Lac-Mix. Imagine, 8 quarts at this low, low price. (J) Bel-air "Premium Quality" YOUR CHOICE (ireen Means 10-oz. French Style Ream Chopped Itroecoll 10 Whole Kernel Com golden con French Fries 9-nz. pkg. Leaf Spinach 12-oz. New Enriched KITCHEN KRAFT FLOUR Kitchen Craft is guaranteed to work silk lo giva it the finest texture. SAVE 16c SAVE 10.; 89' 25.: Hits weekis treat-- at SATEWar iAiviAKiAO ripened a WWNttO 'belterway A IL Our bananas are ripened a spe cial way . . . slowly . . . from Ihe inside out. As nature does it. Tube Tomatoes Navel Oranges Rome Apples K Cauliflower Snowy While Boiler Onions Fresh Dales Calif. Finest Produce Prices are effective thru Sunday, January 13th only! SAFEWiWS -.Vf - -... ' S v m m (J) Reg. 47 SUZANNA PANCAKE FLOUR 3V2-lb. Pkg. Once you try wonderful Su tanna you'll never change to anything else. It's the fincstl 39- pkg. 10-ot. - oz. 10 - oi. 6 - 89 each 15c pkg. - Guaranteed wonders with ANY recipe. Sifted through 21c SAVE 46c $198 50i $389 Wonderful Red Rip Perfect for Slicing 5-lb. Cello 69 2 ,b, 25 Heads lb. 19 10 . 29 Cello 49' Large 36-lb. U.S. 25-lb. Reg. $1.09 Sleepy Hollow TABLE SYRUP 48-oz.Bottle 89' Sleepy Hollow extra rich syrup is made with real maple. Truly the finest imi tation maple syrup money can buy. Pie Cherries Pears Apricots Reg. 33c POLLY ANN "This Weeks Featuring" Sugar Famous SEASIDE Cinnamon Rolls E, 29 s Buffer Coldbrook brand-a real favorite Margarine Ea. 21c Reg. 31c Bumble Bee brand-a real ODTuna Fish E,27c 29' 13-oz. Tubes NAVEL ORANGES Site Sunkisl Box $3.59 12 POTATOES No. 1 QQ U.S. No. 2 00 Sack 7U SO-lb. Jack 7 to save! (E) Reg. 66' MAYDAY SALAD OIL Full Quart 55' Mayday Salad Oil Is tops with most housewives be cause of its neutral flavor. A real valuel HONEYBIRD Brand Tender plump cherries everyone perfect. ea Sundown brand. Tender pieces of only the finest pears. A real valuel ea. Sundown brand. Specially selected, whole unpeeled Apricots. ea. TasteTells brand, 5 Pkgs. I00 s Dry Limas No. 300 tin 10 valuel Reg. 17c wonderful whole kernel 4TNiblels Corn 1 1 1 1 1 1 . fl 1 f f sll r Gardenslde Brand ween Beans n0. 303 rm fnm Gardcnside Brand (.ream Lorn no. 303 Fancy Pumpkin MoonbMmBrandNO. 303 Sweet Peas No. 303 Blackeye Peas No. 300 Pork & Beans T"'"B" No.300 Kidney Beans t'8" r.L ir;jnur Taste Tells Brand No. 300 No. 300 vain muiic; Pinlo Beans ma Mex. Style Beans 5" , More Proof "Safetiays Toilet Tissue Scott $1.00 Applesauce Facial Tissue 400!" 5 .01.00 Pie Crust Mix 7Min,l pkg. Show Boat Rice loZBZ Macaroni or Sp'9heMSsrisp;8. Fudge Cookie J,n'A,,t.s;;ad Dog Food Pl,y,,ir ,.n. $1.00 Tuna Fish Grocery prices In this advertisemenf art In effect rhrough Sunday, January 20, at Safeway in Salem Silverton Dallas. Meat prices effective through January 13th only. This swmtmj rtmsw At the hems indicated art Safeway products fBat wt takt grttt pride in. It at moans greater savings for your pocketbtok tool (5) Reg. 59 CHATHAM MILD CHEESE Chatham mild cheese is ex tra nutritious and tops for flavor. Here's a real Safe way value. Ik 4 v s1 27c 491 I 27c Cans No. 2', $100 E No. 2', $100 21c Cans Brand-Excellent Quality Beans k 4 T specially selected 15 12-oz. fin SAFEWAY Here's proof your money buys more at Safeway! Values like these help your dimes do big ger job for you. can can can can can can Your Choice For Only can can 1 j Your BEST Place to Sate" Stokely brand QO No. 2'i can L t Grapefruit 3 " 49c Whole Plums 6 N:,n? 51 Grapefruit Juice bZ; 4 4c6.:.I $l Tomato Juice SDUZ 4 ?.r $1 10c 35c 69c 49c Corned Beef Hd 3 1 Bumble Be chunk No. Va cant