Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 10, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 3 Page 5 Chicken Pacifico Popular it you haven't tried cooking bright western - grown carrots, green pepper and onion with frver size cut-up chicken and a dry sherry wine, you've been missing a real treat. So easy to do; then just leave barely simmering until ready to serve. Perfect with steamed rice or noodles. Four gen erous servings using two 24 pound fryers or cut-up broilers. Chicken Pacifico Two fryers, cut-up Salt and pepper Yi cup oil 1 clove garlic, minced H cup chopped onion V cup chopped green pepper 6 small white onions, optional 6 carrots, cut in quarters 2 cups dry sherry 1 bay leaf y teaspoon rosemary Clean and wash chicken, dry and season with salt and pepper. Brown chicken in oil in heavy skillet; remove to platter. Add garlic, onion, green pepper, whole onions and quartered carrots to skillet; brown lightly. Add sherry, bay leaf, rosemary and chicken. Cover tightly; cook over low heat about 45 minutes or until chicken is tender. Serve with vegetables and pour additional sauce over chicken. CHERRY TREAT Thicken and sweeten canned cherries and their juice; turn into a baking dish. Drop mounds of biscuit dough over the cherries , and bake in a hot oven until the biscuit topping is lightly browned. Serve at once with scoops of vanilla ice cream. QUICK TOMATO DISH Thicken a can of stewed toma toes and serve over rice or toast with strips of crisply cooked bacon for a delicious luncheon dish. Canned whole-kernel corn or green peas may be added to the toma toes. HOMINY DISH Heat canned hominy and sprinkle with grated Cheddar cheese. Serve with meat or fish. ABOUT EGGPLANT Eggplant takes to olive oil, to mato (in almost any form), bacon. DRE.SS UP CORNED BEEF You can dress up that canned corned beef hash by turning it into a greased ring mold and baking it in the oven. ON MAKING RELISH Making raw cranberry relish? You can use a fine, medium or coarse blade when putting the ber ries through the food chopper. STRETCHING HAM Stretching that sliced leftover baked ham? Arrange it on a serv ing dash and ring with watercress (or other salad greens) and deviled eggs. ELEGANT SAUCE For an elegant a la king sauce, use cream for the liquid and thicken with egg yolks. PARTY SNACK Party snack: wrap bacon around chestnuts (canned) and broil; serve with a thin chutney sauce for dipping. DIFFERENT SALAD Mix cooked green peas (drained and cooled) with minced onion, strips of pimtento and mayon naise. Serve in lettuce cups for a different and delicious salad. CHEESE ON SOUP Grated Cheddar cheese 1 o o ks pretty atop cream of asparagus soup. BEAN NOTE Watch those snap beans as they cook! They should be just tender, with a trace of crispness. EASY PIE Slice a couple of bananas into a baked pie shell. Cover with a packaged vanilla pudding mix. Top with whipped cream and shaved chocolate. nririr imntiTlvr; JDR Snrparf seven-minute frost 1 n g over your cake the moment the icing is ready. This frosting wails for no cook! IPPI t! FHITTFR NOTE Want perfect apple fritters? Dip the apple slices ngniiy imo nour before coating tnem wun.uie Bai ter you are using. ORANGE PEEL TRICK Simmer strips of thin orange peel in water to cover for about half an hour; drain and add to a sweet fruit cup. innl-T U1I n RlrF. Wild rice needs to be cooked about an hour to be tender. roi vv vnTF. Simmer your gravy about 5 minutes to make sure the flour is cooked. VAVII T k FI.4VOR Baking an apple pie? Add a little vanilla to the apples 1 o r wonderful flavor. m Til CT tr- - ,.nnuu,n sr nnnamnfl to L3C II Mwu . three tablespoons of sugar when you are maxing cuiuaiwuu .. . nnr.Dov nrccrRT ' Prepare a package of vanilla pudding and chill. !rve mm iresn or frozen raspufi i Add minced drained canned tn inmntn acDic for an in triguing salad. Serve with water V OV BRAND "? J I fi) Fruit Cocktail fi MBattl M 2 .45 Grapefruit Sections 3 r 59 CUT Green Beans 5 95 SB DEL MONTE PEAS 3 s 53 mm WHEN YOU BUY CAKES OF LIFEBUOY Regular Site 332c Bath Site 229c COME IN FC1 FRtt SCTB-AWAT SLtP SURF Soap Detergent LUX SOAP 2,27 Bath Slit LUX SOAP 3.29 Peg. Sin LUX FLAKES 35 Urge Pkg. RINSO BLUE 83 eiatnl Pkg. Spry Shortening 89 3 lb. tin WALTER KENDALL'S "Burger Bits" DOG FOOD 5 ; 65 Del Monte FAMILY SHOPPING DAYS 319 llllLUiU DEL MONTE 0 AA PRUNE JUICE JtIuu DEL MONTE FRESH 0 M WHOLE DILLS 33 DEL MONTE GRAPEFRUIT JCE. "' Da MONTE STEWED 0 0 f t TOMATOES DROMEDARY SAVE 5c GINGER BREAD MIX 14-oi. pkg. 24c BETTY CROCKER DATE NUT BAR 14-oz. pkg. 35c ANDERSON FINEST IN FLAVOR SPLIT PEA SOUP 2'S 35c DUTCH UNCLE (8-OZ. TIN, 2 FOR 1 5c) GREEN PEAS . 3 29c ERICKSON'S-WON'T BAKE OUT PURE VANILLA (4-oz. bottle, 1 5c 8-oz. bottle 25c VEGETABLE JUICE 35c COTTAGE APPLE JUICE bo". 19c N. B. C. NEW GOLDEN CLO CRACKERS lb. Bex 29c NABISCO - CHOCOLATE COVERED COOKIES CHOCOLATE PINWHEELS IK 49c Dromedary CAKE MIX Yellow -While I 17 - Devil's Food 3 Pkas. A This is our pledge to you ... our customers . . . plus quality foods. At the lowest possible price . . . SHOP THE FRIENDLIEST Del Monte TUNA FISH o. M tins CREAM STYLE CORN 2 s 29 IADY ELBERTA PEACHES Halves or Sliced 95 Pineapple GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 3r89 flj TOMATO CATSUP 2 . 39' oz. $100 tint II Medium sile J6. ) 1 i 29' Pound i-i' no a.".- M" II jri rn i if ww" J ' . Danish TEA CAKES 5? 49' nEDtnwnu mil mem i, v wrt.Ls LIED CH All All heat niDen FRANKS SMOKED U. S. CHOICE BEEF, SEMI-BONELESS Chuck Roasl a. 49' U. S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS Swiss Sleak ib. 69' OREGON BRAND - MBS. THICK Sliced Bacon 99' AGED WISCONSIN Sharp Cheese Dcnniion CHILI CON CARNE 51-lb. $100 lins 4 Large Vh-b. tin 49 friendly, courteous service and the largest selection STORES IN TOWN TODAY! Fresh Dressed WHOLE FRYERS m HAM Armour Sta Shank - 69' Oysters Portland Roed- Four Corners - South Commercial - South 12th Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Sunday Assorted DANISH PASTRY 6 for 39' Buy Six, Get One Free LB. Limited Amount NEBERGALL SKINLESS Pork Links X 39' Half, ERICKSON'S THRIFTWISE T-BoneSleakib.59' ERICKSON'S THRIFTWISE BLADE CUT Chuck Roasl fc 39 Pork Shldr. Roast Arm Cut lb. 39c Pork Shldr Steaks ib. 49c FRESH MEDIUM SIZE 59 Pinl New Soft KLEENEX Table Napkins 3-45' fa MuttnuuuitX 1 3EKEEQBLI 59 Quart of Dromedary - Fruit Cake Mix Rig. 79c Villi 59 Armours Dial Soap 2 z 37 Oet One Reg. Size Freel Cottage Pineapple Jce. is Tin 23' Blue Plate Cut Yams Blue Sea Bonito Tuna Flakes 2;-35 it Eastern Glo Pink Salmon Mb. fltt 49 Tin Delrich Highest Quality MARGARINE 5 $100 lbs. A Farm Fresh EGGS AA nwt Large Doi. St. - Woodburn l 1.09 Drip or Reguler cress.