Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 10, 1957 Page 4 Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ESS Theie lalad mollis are delicious wilh ham. Avocado and Orange Mold With Ham Delicious if serving ham arc these Mandarin orange-avocado molds. v This salad is a delight served in individual molds or in big color ful rings. The flavors arc jusl right with the meal and best of all the salad may be made the day he fore, requiring only a quick un molding at the last minute. In making the Mandarin Orange Avocado Mold, plan to add the fruit after the gelatine has thicken ed to the consistency of uncooked egg while. The fruits, held in place by the thickened mixture, may he arranged in a decorative design. The bright orange and vivid green of. the fruits for this salad make an eye-appealing arrangement. The vitamin C gelatine is a fine base for the fruits and gives added nutrients as well as flavor to the salad. Mandarin Orange-Avocado Molds 1 package gelatine lemon flavor 1 cup boiling water 1 cup cold water 1 10-ounce jar Mandarin oranges well drained Vt avocado pear, diced Dissolve gelatine in boiling water. Add cold water. Chill until thick but not set. Arrange oranges and avocados attractively in fi individual gelatine molds, four thickened mixture uto molds. Chill until set. Unmold onto leltucc or other greens. Serve with a dressing of mayonnaise thinned to desired consistency wilh Juice from the oranges. j Steak With Blue Cheese, Dressing Blue cheese and French dressing give special flavor to steak pre pared the way in the recipe given below. IIKKAKFAST Tomato Juice Ready-tn-Kat Cereal with Half-and-llalf Raisin Toast Rutler Milk Coffee I.UNCH Omelet wtih Creamed Pea. Sauce (leftover peas) Ruttered Toast Frozen Peaches and ' Blueberries Gingerbread Slice (leftover gingerbread) Chocolate Milk DINNER Reef Sleak dc Luxe Baked Potatoes wilh Sour Cream and Chives Broccoli Lemon Butter Head Lettuce Salad Pineapple Sherbet Cookies Milk Coffee Beef Steak de Luxe 1 rib, club, porterhouse or sirloin steak cut 1 to IVi inches thick Salt and pepper Blue cheese French dressing Worcestershire sauce Set oven heat regulator to broil and place steak on rack so that top of the meat is three to three and one-half inches from the source of the heat. Broil until nicely browned on one side, allow ing about 10 minutes of total cook ing for rare, 14 minutes for med ium, and 20 minutes for well-done meal. In the meantime, mash blue cheese with a fork, allowing, about half an ounce for each serv ing. Add a little French dressing, drop" by drop, until cheese is soft and of good spreading consistency. Season with a few drops of Wor cestershire sauce and blend. When steak is almost done, season wilh salt and pepper and spread cheese mixture over the top. Heat under broiler until the mixture bubbles; serve at once. Whole Meal In This Casserole Casseroles are a favorite dish during the winter time, especially so for those busy with many act ivities at this season. This one ix a tamily-sattsfyinj! main dish re quiring only a tossed green salad for an excellent meal. Can be made ahead time, put in oven for an hour's baking just before serv ing. Eight generous servings. Busy Day Casserole 1 medium-size onion, chopped 1 pound freshly ground beef 2 tablespoons salad oil 1 I-pound can tomatoes 1 6-ounce can tomato paste H cup water 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt U teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon onion salt 1 tablespoon salt 3 quarts boiling water 8-12 ounces wide noodles 1 cup creamed cottage cheese V pound processed Swiss cheese sliced and cut in strips Use package of noodles, whether 8 or 12 ounces. Size varies with different macaroni-makfrs. Cook onion and beef in oil until beef is browned, stirring occasionally, Add tomatoes, tomato paste, lh cup water, sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, pepper and onion salt. Cover and cook over low heat 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, add l tablespoon salt to 3 quarts rapidly boiling water and gradual Jy pour in wide noodles such as Bott Boi or Lasagne types, so that water continues to boil. Cook uncovered, stirring occasionally until tender, 20 to 25 minutes or according to package directions. Drain in colander. In large, greased casserole, arrange layers of meat mixture, then noodles, cottage cheese spread very thin, and Swiss chease alternately' end ing with top layer or Swiss cheese. Bake in moderate oven, 350 deg rees, for one hour. Family demand will require repeat performance often. Gift From Kitchen Searching for a gift to take along when visiting a sick friend, or as a hostess present? Or Is there no time left for shopping? A little refrigerator dish of fresh cranhcrry-orangc relish (no cook ing required ! ) will fill the bill nicely, as will a small glass or pottery container of fresh cran berry jam or jelly. A charming and thoughtful way to say "get well quick," or "thank you for the party. This Punch Ideal for Winter Sports Doers Here is an ideal punch for serving tired but happy winter sports enthusiasts as they come in from mountain, stadium or other arena. It will warm and refresh at the same time. Recipe makes 12 servings. Sportsmen's Punch Combine 1 pint apple cider, cup brown t"gar, Vi cup granulat ed sugar, two 2-inch pieces cin namon sticks and 3 whole cloves In a saucepan; boil for 5 minutes. Heat 1 quart orange juice and L cup lemon 'jice just to simmer ing point; add to spice mixture. A good way to keep hot for "seconds" is to pour into coffee carafe and place on warmer. Gar nish individual cups or mugs with thin slices of orange and tor) lemon. Apple-Cheese Treat For after-dinner guests, or to serve while you're watching tele vision, here's an appetizing vari ation of fresh apples and cheese with true gourmet flavor. Core four large red Delicious apples Put do not peel. Cut into thick slices. For individual service, arrange slices in a fan shape on dessert plates. Whip t w o 3-o3f. pkgs. cream cheese and blend in ap proximately 4 tbsps. finely diced candied ginger to taste, it de sired, a dash of salt may be added. Heap cheese-ginger mix ture in mound beside apple slices and serve with crisp crackers. Serves 4-fi. Combination Pumpkinand Mince Pie During the holiday rush we re ceived request (or a combination mince and pumpkin pie. We found a variation or two, but- here is a new recipe combining these two favorite pie ingredients: Mince-Pumpkin Pie 1 unbaked 9-inch pie shell 2 cups mincemeat Vt cup brown sugar H teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon ground clove 1 teaspoon cinnamon V teaspoon ginger 1 cup cooked strained fresh or canned pumpkin 2 eggs, slightly beaten V cup evaporated milk or cream Spread mincemeat in bottom of unbaked pie shell. Bake 15 min utes in 425 degree oven. Meanwhile, blend the sugar, salt, spices and pumpkin together. Com bine evaporated milk or cream with slightly beaten eggs. Add to 1 pumpkin mixture. Remove pie from oven, lower temperature to 1 350 degrees, pour pumpkin mixture , over mincemeat. Return to oven and bake until custard is set, a- bout 35 minutes. (A knife blade inserted in center comes out clean when custard is done). Serve chilled or slightly warm. If using condensed mincemeat follow the directions for mince pie on the package. A 9-oz. package will yield 2 cups. Leftover Beef T attnvor rnr. rnnst hfiot m:w he made into Beef Stroganoff. Cut it Intn otriro ahnitt U, inch thif'lf And a couple of inches long. Mix wilh strips of onion ana sucea musn rooms that have been cooked in butter. Add sour cream, bouillon, prepared mustard ami n e a i thoroughly but do not boil. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Halibut Cooked With j Fruit Garnish Tasty ' This way of fixing halibut com bines somcthling of the sunny south to northern fish. Halibut With Fruit Carnlsh Allow ,i large halibut sleak or 1 small steak for each person. Al low 'i banana for each. Wipe sleaks wilh a clean damp cloth or paper towel. Place on greased preheated broiler pan ahout 2 inches from heat. Brush wilh mplted butler and squeeze lemon or lime juice over steaks. Sprinkle wilh sail, pepper and paprika. Broil S to B minules or until slight ly brown. Turn carefully. Arrange banana halves around sleaks and one or more slices of orange on each sleak. Brush sleaks and fruit wilh nielled hutter, squeeze lemon or lime juice over all. Sprinkle wilh sail, pepper and paprika. Broil 5 lo B minules or unti fish flakes easily when test ed with a fork. Seasoning, Sour Cream Fine With Baked Fish If baking some frozen rod, then try Ihis recipe: Baked Fish. Illurhrrrr Mill Saute 2 thinly-sliced onions, 1 thinly-sliced green pepper in 2 tablespoons hotter in heavy iron frying pan wilh a cover. ' Don't let them brown. H'ut the (lame way down and let Ihcm sit thai way for about 10 minules.) Tush onions and nrnner lo one vide and place cod. sailed and peppered wun giiMo. in irying pan rile vegelahles on top of fish: llirn spread entire surlace wilh sour cream. Sprinkle again wilh snll and pepper. Ihnnjh lightly Ihis tune. Bake 111 dec nv.n fnr IS or 20 minutes, until fish can he tuned wun a fork and vegelahles are thoroughly conked Serve riir eelly from frying pan al the table ON ROTISSKItlF A small turkey may he shifted and roasled on a roti.ssene i elect ric). Some cooks like lo use mod erate heat for the first third ol the roasting time, high heal lor the next third, and moderate heal again until the bird is done. HOT DRINK Cold wealher beverage: Apple cider aweetencd to taste with augar and heated wilh whole cloves, whole allspice and stick cinnamon. Remove spices before serving you like. DECORATE SOl'P Cut a slice of bread into a large drcte; now cut out the center wilh amall hearlshaped cookie culler. Toast and butter the decoration nd float It on a bowl of soup. Featured at Behm's This Weekl I I 6 OZ. JAR 2 OZ. JAR kj"! ARMOUR'S STAR , 39 49 Picnics 5S SWEET RASHER Bacon sliced FARM FRESH Stev'g Chicken;! 99 NEBERGAUS CELLO ROLLS Pork Sausage, 39 KRAFT MAYONNAISE Savt He Ouirl 59 "-7T7 UUItll MIUIU IllUiyunilG t Salem's Own 4 ,0, 89 STUFFED CHOPS Double pork chops, teh nit with pocket, take to stuffing and bakmj. I MISSION F( Macaroni & Cheese Dinner L Pka, Lj COTU&E-Ho. 303 CANS JFJ Jg f Peas, Corn Gr. Beans c." OCCIDENT -f QC FLOUR .IP,,., 1U 53 TUNA Ttc 33 N&BISCO SAIIINE 4t CRACKERS cii, 5 Jioo urn . QQ, BABY FOOD Strained Dot. SUNNY JIM PEANUT BUTTER , So catsup m...m. ,599' PRODUCE POTATOES Ho" i 10 ib$. 39 shop at ron a snm start in urr mm T7rr7rv& .iia 3 cans WthWT JEWEL A'JEWBL t mr mmk cl.. fe? . ah 7'M 31b. tin II II J d)ll SWIFT'S PWH WWT- 5aa- :: 39' yjul the meat makes the meal CeORMEp m SHORED )C tr'lx"" PICNICS 3)V 3 CAM 4j iowa . Round or T-Bone ssra-'s:. - SLICED STEAK ib 49' peas :r Cream Style 39 b. SHORT RIBS (SCCy beef 00 Pure Short Cut Green ROAST ... lb. WW GROUND BEAMS tOS oF BEEF . Your Choice WIENERS b 3 Tl f7Tlc 1 5s 89' TOMATOES Firm O OQ lbs. A 9 Ripe Tender Solid CABBAGE lb. 4 mm FOOD MARKET 120 Lancaster Drive Pricis Effective Fri. Sat. Sun. ALLSWEET OLEO lb. 29c Hershey's Chocolate yAUMi. 12 oz. Jumbo M I? f A-A MEDIUM km HILLS BROS. INSTANT COFFEE 6 oz. $139 Jar 1 SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS 2 '. 9e Freshest Vegetables in Toun SALAD VEGETABLES ,.: Fresh Juicy Grapefruit 39' Doz. Cello Bag CARROTS 2 Bags 15 U. S. No. 1 Lprujrs) W lbs. The Most Edible SlioilTKMG lb. Ijc MARKET 1940 MISSION ST., SAIEM PHONI IM 3-7661