Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 10, 195, Benson Tech's Students Must ToetheMark' Principal Bans Elvis Hairdos, Smoking, Aulo Capers PORTLAND TuP) A Portland high school principal said today that he is ready to enforce the law on his 1700 students and threatened expulsion or suspen sion for those not ready to con form. Ur. Leon P. Mincar, principal of Benson Boys Polytechnic High School, announced before a stu dent assembly that the duck tail hair cut, the Elvis Presley side burns, outlandish attire, erratic driving, and smoking will no long er be tolerated. In a move tailored to fif Port land's campaign to stamp out juvenile crime. Dr. Mincar told the student body that those who do not agree with his program face expulsion. He said "I told them we would allow no fancy haircuts at the be ginning of the ne semester." He commented that "employers nor mally take one look at a duck-tail haircut or aa Elvis Presley side burn and reject the student from any consideration." Dr. Minear was given the full support of the city school admin istration. He threatened loss of driver's licenses for students who "squir rel" their cars and announced a ban on profanity which he said showed a weakness of vocabulary and moral character. Regarding smoking by high school students. Dr. Minear said "if a student is found to be in possession of tobacco he will face suspension." He recalled that for years there had been a truce between school authorities and students so long as there was no smoking at school. "No more," he said. "Even in the cases where par ents have given the kids permis sionthey haven't the authority to give them permission to break the law we will now rule out to bacco." LOVE SOLVES PROBLEM TORONTO (UP)-Carmel Sher wood told a judge Wednesday she had changed her mind about pressing charges of "watching and besetting" which she had filed against James McDonald, 29, last December. She since has married McDonald. store-wide K All C Hotpoinl 1 1 cu. It. Refrigerator Full Width Chiller Tray' 75-Lb. Freeier 5 Year Protection Plan Reg. 289.95 -$60 Trade mm ONLY HOTPOINT w w m mm 30-IN. RANGE Sweeps Prize Was a 'Curse' BOSTON Ifl The life of a sweepstakes winner isn't all roses, a Roxbury barber told Probate Judge Robert G. Wilson Jr. Antonio J. Sena, who was an nounced as a $138,000 winner in the Irish Sweepstakes two years ago, said his winnings cost him friends and customers. "They wanted some of the mon ey." he testified, "and when they didn't get it, they left." Sena's former wife was seek ing an increase in the $25 weekly support lor herself and their two children. Under questioning, Sena ad mitted he has ntwut $45,000 left from the $54,000 he said he netted from the winnings. The case was 1 continued. Russia, Egypt Jubilant Over Eden Quitting MOSCOW (UP)-Official Russian news outlets Wednesday attributed British Prime Minister Anthony Eden's resignation to the Anglo French "failure" in Suez and the Eisenhower Doctrine on the Mid dle East. The official Soviet news agency Tass said "political observers in London point out Eden's resigna tion was caused by the failure of the Anglo-French military venture against Egypt, as well as the proc lamation by the United States of the so-called 'Eisenhower doc trine' ". . . CAIRO (UP) Egyptian news papers jubilantly hailed today the resignation of Jritish Prime Min ister Anthony Eden as a victory for Egyptian President Gamal Abdcl Nasser and Egypt. The theme of editorial reaction was that Eden who invaded Egypt to topple Nasser had only toppled himself. Eden's resignation was the main topic of editorials in all morning newspapers. All stressed Nasser today is stronger than ever while Eden has ended his political career. Cub Scout News AMITY (Special) Cub Scout Pack No. 526 of Amity, enjoyed a field trip recently to the plane tarium at the Museum of Science in Portland. Accompanying the Cub Scouts on their trip were Mrs. J. K. Macken and Mrs. James Hathaway. ONLY Dairymen Told Malheur No. 1 Cattle County Milk Production Center Seen Shifting Over To East Oregon CORVALLIS (UP)- Don Ander son, Oregon State College exten sion dairyman, told the 63rd an nual meeting of the Oregon Dairy men's Association yesterday that it may not be many years before milk production shifts to the east ern section of the state. Anderson said that Malheur county, with 20.000 head of dairy cattle, now ranks as the state's No. 1 dairy county. Tillamook, long one of the leaders, has 18,000 head of milking stock. Anderson said that milk pro ducers may find it to their ad vantage to transport milk across the mountains in bulk transports rather than to haul eastern Ore gon hay to the western half of the state. Oregon dairy herds are now at their lowest level since 1032, Os car Hagg, Oregon State College dairy marketing specialist told the convention. He warned that the consumer milk supply could be endangered unless conditions in the state im prove and said producers have a perfect right to bargain for a fair price for their product. Dr. A. 0. Shaw, head of the Washington State College, dairy department, told the group that two big problems ... the need to increase income by increased pro duction per cow and a more even milk flow throughout the year . . . are the major ones facing North west dairymen. George Hosteller, Redmond, as sociation president, said Ameri cans use 20 per cent less milk and milk products than they need for an adequate diet. He told the dairymen that the United States is behind 12 other nations in per capita milk con sumption, and added that this demonstrates the need for a bet ter selling job by the industry. Glen Lay, executive secretary of the Oregon Dairy Products Commission, said his agency will spend some $100,000 this year pro moting sale of dairy products. He said research has demonstrated that the Oregon consumer "gels more for his milk food dollar than many other areas." The average length of life in both the United States and Canada is 70.1 years. NEW OWNER TAKING OVER FEBRUARY 1, 1957 FULL YEAR SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES HOTPOINT DOUBLE OVEN L - " LOO HOTPOINT WASHER -DRYER SPECIAL Reg. 199.95 $50 For Any Old Appliance $11095 Will Rim Robert C. Kirk wood, Califor nia's state controller, announced yesterday he will run for the U.S. Senate seat to be vacated by Sen. William V. Know land (R. -Calif.), Kirk wood's announ cement came shortly after Sen. Know land announced he would not seek re-election in 1958. (AP Wircphoto) Self- Test for Diabetes Goes On the Market CHICAGO (UP)-A "do-it-your self" test for diabetes, packaged for sale in vending machines and drug stores, has been announced by a medical research firm. The test is not designed for known diabetics but for "the gen eral public, said Paul Becker, president of the Clinical Develop ment Laboratories of Springfield, III., the firm which developed the test. Becker estimated there are million unknown diabetics in the United Stales and medical author ities estimated an additional 3 mil lion persons will contract the dis ease during their lifetime. The test is designed to disclose the presence of sugar in the urine. It consists of a piece of tape treated like litmus paper which is hermetically sealed and contains live enzymes. Doctors advised taking the test in the morning before eating since varying body conditions after meals might affect the tape. "If the tape turns blue on two successive tests, see your doctor, said Becker. The tests will be labeled "Sugar Chck" and will sell for 25 cents. CLEARANCE otpoint Appliances On Regular 369.95 $nrv WW TRADE-IN Automatic Oven Control Super Calrod Unit Push Burton Cooking 8s THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Will Demos Be Able to Put Over Program? By PAUL W. HARVEY JR. Associated Press Writer The same old arguments over money, highways, power and schools wil face the 1957 Legisla ture when it meets here Monday. But this time, there will be a dif ferent group trying to solve the problems. For the first time in 20 years. the Legislature will meet with the Democrats in control of the gov ernor's office and the House. And they have a 15-15 split in the Sen ate. The complexion of the Senate raises a question mark over whether the Democrats will be1 able to pass their program. Here are the issues: Taxes It's a cinch that the Legislature will repeal the 45 per cent income surtax. Then the Democrats will try to raise at least an equal amount of money by revising income tax rates to shift more of the burden into up per brackets. Most Republicans, favoring a sales tax, won't like the Democratic plan. Canada Rail Truce Nearer OTTAWA in Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent says he is op timistic over the chances for set tling the nationwide tieup of the Canadian Pacific Railway tCPR) without a government crackdown. His optimism was based on bo hind-thc-scene negotiations aimed at ending the strike called by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men and Enginemen. The walk out now is in its eighth day. Another high government offi cial said he thought the two sides are "gradually getting a little bit closer," but warned against be ing "too optimistic in looking for a settlement Thursday." There were no disclosures of what turn the closed-door nego tiations were taking in the efforts to end the strike that has idled more than 70,000. Winds Delay 1st 'Pentoniic' Drill FT. BRAGG, N.C. (A High wings that ruled out a mass drop of paratroopers forced a 24-hour delay Thursday in the first test of the Army's new look in defense its "pentomie" airborne divi sion. The entire exercise was moved up one day. Weather permitting, the four-day test will start Friday morning. HOTPOINT Single Oven RANGE isd Reg. 539.90 Valuel Now $ AO COO Just TI&iJ Plus Any Old Appliance SAVE $114.90 $984 PAY ONLY 1 1 PER WEEK Highways The Highway Com mission wants to issue eight mil lion dollars worth of bonds in or der to match federal funds. It also wants authority to make freeways out of any existing highways. Power The Democrats will try to pass memorials asking Con gress to construct a high dam in Hells Canyon, and to build John Day Dam with federal funds. The proposed Columbia River com pact, under which Northwest states would plan their water re source development, will be sub mitted to the Legislature for rati fication. Schools There will be a strong move for a 50 per cent increase in state aid to school districts, higher teacher salaries, and finan cial help for construction in dis tressed school districts. The state aid will cost money and, if ap proved, would necessitate a tax increase. MEIER & FRANK'S-SALEM for your shopping convenience We have extended our store hours to the following: OPEN FRIDAY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. OPEN MONDAY 12 Noon to 9 P.AA. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Regular 289.95 TRADE-IN 95 Super Cilrod Unlti Riitabl Thrift Cooker Automatic Timed Oven Elections The Interim Com' mittee on Elections is recom mending rewriting of the election laws. These would bring about more accurate reporting of cam paign expenses, put all candidates into the state's presidential pri mary, and have only one poll book at the polls. Buildings The budget recom mends 20 million dollars worth of construction at state institutions and colleges. There is some talk of financing this with bonds to be paid off by property taxes. Higher Education A whopping budget increase, which would pro vide higher faculty salaries, will be sought for the state colleges and university. There also will be measures to permit school dis tricts to operate junior colleges in places where there are no col leges. Suburban Problems A legis lative interim committee will seek Sale! APPLIANCES Fabulous Dyer Value! HOTPOINT DRYER Reg. 199.95 All Porcelain Chassis Save 64.95 $ 135 ONLY Phillips legislation to enable residents of suburban areas to provide their own sewage, water and other services. Government Reorganiiation try to abolish many boards and commissions, including the Liquor Commission and Board of Control. This is part of a plan to give the governor more direct control. Court Reform Thcro will be legislation to add two justices to the seven - mpmhpr Cnnrnma Court, as well as other measures to enable the court to dispose of its big backlog of cases. Those Shnillri hn ftnnllnh nmL Iems to keep the lawmakers busy ior quite a wniie. But there are many others. Some nf thc whaii,.,., iu state should operate educational television stations, control rag weed for the relief of hay fever I Seen the BIG Savings at Grants OEABAfKE SALE? ; Hundreds of Items at a Terrific 50 OFF! i Many priced at Vt OFF! Wanted items from all departments . . Hurry . . . Hurry. 260 N. No Down Payment 36 Months to Ray First Payment March 5,1957 00 Holpoint 12.2Cu: Ft. Refrigerator ir AUTOMATIC DEFROST ic PORCELAIN FINISH k 5-YEAR PROTECTION PLAN Reg. 489.95 $100 for any old Refrig.! You Pay Only Appliances 355 CENTER STREET PHONE EM 3-3139 Section 2 Page 5 sufferers, and expand vocational training at tne penitentiary. -There will be proposals to keep records of sex criminals, double the number of doctors at thn t.t hospital, and to increase salaries oi staie workers. RoseburgBuilding Rises 24 Per Cent ROSEBURG m Valuation of building permits issued by the city of rtoseburg in 1956 totaled 12,4.18,. 841. The total was 24 per cent great er than the previous record of ll.Ml.3fi0 set in 1955. Permits issued for new home accounted for $671,638. The Douglas County building department, in its first full year of operation, issued permits total ing $3,583,416. Residential con struction totaled $1,926,931. Have You LIBERTY $ 95 Pi to i VJ.I PA: i . i ! Mr . Ml- m4 r.