Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 10, io THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2Page 1 Edited bj MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER Miss White Bride on Dec. 28 Women S OSC NOTES At a Christmas season wedding, Miss Sali Marie White, daughter of Mrs. Charles E. Hurtado, Mor ton, Wyoming, was1 married to Gene David Hume, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard . Hume, Walla Walla, Wash, The candlelight service was sol emnized December 28 in the First Congregational church in Salem, the Rev. Louis E. White reading the vows at 8 o'clock in the eve ning. The ceremony was a double ring one. Dave Louthan played the music and soloist was Milo Beibelheimer. The bride was escorted to the altar by her brother, Roger White. She wore a dress ot Chantilly lace and tulle over satin. It was lash ioncd with lace bodice, Queen Anne collar and long tapered sleeves. The tulle and lace bouf fant skirt extended into a brush train. The fingertip veil was held by a matching lace cap. The bride carried a bouquet of white roses and stephanotis. Miss Shellcne White was maid of honor for her sister and the Snider and Miss Connie Thome". Committees were appointed for aii nr. iHnt.tipal hniiorinji innoih . the father-son banquets, which frocks of lilac crystalettc with have been scheduled for south matching short veils, and all three , Salem clubs, January 22; north carried white chrysanthemum bou-j Salem clubs, January 23: and all quels. i ninth graders, January 24. The Lorn Weitz. brother-in-law ol the i seventh and eighth graders will bridegroom, was best num. Ushers j have Olympic contests for their were Hon Maddy and Phillip fathers the evening of January barker. 24. Tells Betrothal Announced re cently was the engagement of Miss June Marie Wiggins, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- - old R. Wiceins. to Jerrv J. Pad- don, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy B. P a d d o n. tjesten Miller studio picture) Committees Named For H-Y Banquets Hi-Y Mothers club met Tuesday I for a dessert, followed by a busi ness session, led by- Mrs. Kay- Nancy'"1011 usse" president The bride's parents were unable to attend the wedding. The bride groom's mother wore a pastel blue suit with navy accessories and cor sage of pink carnations. The reception was in the cnurcn Mrs. Lyle Baync announced a kitchen shower for the YM would be a part of the program for the next meeting on February 5, members being asked to bring place mats, pot holders, dish ill.U..l.i,, ..... ' I Inu.nlc il.,o, ,!,,, Il f- Mrs. Lorn Wcitz, jisti. ol bridegroom. Miss Gcri "riplelt as sisting. Pouring was Miss Ivon Long, and ft the punch bowl was Miss Darlene Savage. Miss Donna Meyer was in charge of the guest book and others assisting were Misses Lesley Cline, Jean Lankins. Laura Lee Grimmett. Bonnie Starr and Carole McFarland. Li.- ..,.. ItriHn uinr. I s . . ... . . lenpsb.r riicc iivcino a nhilnvnnhv I beige sheath dress wun maicn- .., ' r ' ing coat and brown accessories, j0' ntc- Following a trip to California the Special guests were Cus Moore, couple will be at home in Salem. i executive secretary for the the purchase of these needed ar ticles. Mrs. Louis Richter and Mrs. Ed Lewis were announced as the housing committee for the youth legislature to be held May 16-18. The Rev. Joseph Harding, pas tor of the Trinity Methodist church at Four Corners, was the Winter Activities Are Varied By PHOEBE LOU BRAl'N (Capital Journal Correspondent) OREGON STATE COLLEGE. Corvallis (Special) After the ex citement of Christmas vacation and of the Rose Bowl, most of the Oregon Staters came back to school for a much needed rest. When the grades came out. many students decided that professors, while trying to deviate the crowd ed conditions by eliminating fresh men, were eliminating everyone in the process. Registration, which takes place in the Coleseum was a race, as usual, with people running to get special teachers or special hours, and trying desperately to avoid Saturday classes. Students seen in this pre-class turmoil were Kathy Busick, Nancy Snider, Bob Beals, Judy Bale, Doris Starrett Garrison. Bob Bennett, and Eliza beth Barbee. A new activity center, which has long been in the planning, soon Will be open. Many students car ried too many activities and let grades slip, while others did not enter into any outside projects. Now students need make only one stop to find out which committees, offices, or productions are open for eager helpers. One of the 16 students chosen for the model United Nations dele gation is Kathy Cook, who par ticipated in fall term MUN activi ties. Kathy will be traveling to Stanford university next spring term, where the delegates will rep resent the United States. The five finalists for the Little Colonel of the annual Millitary ball, will soon he selected. The candidates, which are freshmen women, are chosen by their living groups, and include Arija Lietu vietis and Sharon Bourne of Sa lem; Diane Chase of Dallas; and Sally DeArmond of Woodburn. This weekend the Beavers piay basketball with USC at Corvallis, and the games are followed by campus dances and firesides. ARRIVING this weekend to be here for opening of the legislature will be State Senator and Mrs. nurlin Wilhelm of Portland. Mrs. Wilhelm will remain for the events through Monday then will return to Portland. Senator Wilhelm will be staying wilh Mr and Mrs. Sam R. Haley through the session. li Cathol ic Women Meet Here Yellow chrysanthemums and long branches of laurel, inter spersed wilh 14 ceramic statues in color of different saints decorated the tables at the Oregon City Dean ery luncheon for Catholic Women Tuesday in the Catholic center. More than 100 women were in at tendance at the luncheon for which the five Salem affiliates of the deanery are hostesses at least once each vear. Mrs. Charles Glidca. West Linn. president, conducted the business meeting and presided at the luncheon. Decorations were arranged by Mrs. Leo M. Deutsch, assisted by Mrs. Vincent J. Henly and Mrs Roy G. Green, all of St. Vincent dePaul Parents club. Luncheon was prepared and served by Mrs. Frank Pavelek and Mrs. James Manilla, for Catholic Daughters; Mrs. Edward Payseno, Mrs. George Gruchalla. Mrs. L. J. Kelsh. Mrs. John Bcnish. Mrs. John Nathman, Mrs. Carlos T. Lagerfcld, Mrs. William H. Trumm Mrs. Laurence T. Alley and Mrs. Henry Kropp. for the altor socie ties of St. Vincent ana M. Joe sephs and the Parents club of St. Josephs. A group of sacrea Heart gins, who came in their red and white choir robes, sang several numbers including "Green Cathedrals." Judy Nielson was accompanist for the group and members were Jackie Doerller. Eloise Corey, Dorothy Rupp, Sally Joseph, Pat Kindel and Janet Larson. Next meeting of the deanery will be March 12 in St. Paul and the stale convention will be in Port land. March 27 and 28. Mrs. Ralph Irwin, Milwaukic. junior past pre sident of the Oregon City deanery, reported on the national coaven tion in Chicago which was at tended by 15.000 women. Plans for the 1060 convention, which it is hoped may be held in Portland, were discussed. Miss Kuhn Now A Bride-elect Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Jack K. Kuhn of the en CDA Meeting Court Capital City of the Catho lic Daughters of America met Wednesday evening at the Knights of Columbus hall. The Rev. Joseph Vandcrbeck Mrs. Mary Jane H. Alderman Mrs. Alderman Notes 90th Birthday Mrs. Marv Jane H. Alderman. I Iheir daughter, Linda Marie Has- the last Civil War widow living in musscn. a great granddaughter of Marion county, celebrated her 90th birthday anniversary Wednesday. Entertaining in ncr honor were her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Cutler, at their home at 2270 Maple avenue. Guests called between the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock to extend con gratulations to tire honoree, who is vigorous and active in spite of her years. Mrs. Alderman was born at Morrison, Whileside coun ty, Illinois, in 1867 and came with her mother to Oregon in 1888. She was married to William A. Alder man, November 11, 1889. Follow ing his death in 1930, Mrs. Alder man has lived with the Cutlers. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Clare Rasmussen and Mrs. Erwin J. Winkenwcrdcr. Attending the party were Mrs the honoree. air of west Linn; Mrs Lottie Moffit of Portland, a sister-in-law; Mrs. Ethel Kinsley, Mis. Blanch Johnson. Mrs. William W. Hall, all of Portland; Mrs. Bobbie Hooker of Albany; Mrs. Hazel Donkin of Lebanon; Mrs. M. O. Ballard of Dallas; and from Sa lem, Mrs. Chester Moffitt, Mrs. Everett Hearing, Mrs. Ronald Rossner, Mrs. G. Donald Beards ley. Mrs. George Crawford, Mrs. Eldon Olson, Mrs. Arthur J. Har rell. Mrs. James Lcwelling, Mrs. Al Moisan, Mrs. Arthur Sliffe, Mrs. Ida Holwell, Mrs. Lilas Gam ble. Mrs. Gordon Donkin, Mrs. Margaret Simmons, Mrs. Caroline Lockling, Mrs. Stanley Gaylord, Mrs. Ann Glanville, . Mrs. Clar ence Sturm. Mrs. Ernest Russell, Mrs. Alvilda Gallagher. Mrs. Lena Battleson, Mrs. Lloyd Libolt. Miss gagement of their daughter, Miss jc tnc praVer opening the meet ing The nrocram included a fash- inn talk and demonstration of new spring styles and accessories by Mrs. Don Dill, Meier & franks Salem store fashion director. Mrs H C. Saalfold assisted Mrs. Dill. Initiation will be conducted on Fehruarv 17 for the new mem bers, who were announced during the meeting. They are Mrs. Al Lulay, a transfer from Mount An ccl: Mrs. Harold Snook, Mrs. Ches ter Carbnugh. Mrs. Arnold linger, and Miss Ellen Gallagher. The attendance prize was won by Mrs. F. .1. Riennnn r 7p& Judy Kuhn, to Richard G. Mc- Dermed, Jr., son ot Mr. ana Mrs. Richard G. McDcrmed of Orinda, Calif. The news was first told to a group of the bride-elect's friends at a party given at the home of( Miss Kathy Busick during the holi days. Later, the news was re vealed al the Sigma Kappa soror ity on University of Oregon cam pus. Al the sorority, tiny scrolls on which was written a "recipe for happiness" told the news. The traditional box of candy also was passed. Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn at tended the dinner. No date is set for the wedding. QUEEN of Peace troop of the Junior Catholic Daughters of Amer ica met Monday evening at the Out-of-town guests at tr.c wed ding were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bowers, Mrs. Norman Knutson. Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Weitz. all of Walla Walla, Mr. and Mrs. Roger White of Sweet Home and James Parker of Portland. Officers Installed By St. Paul's Guild Installation of newly elected of ficers was conducted at the meet ing of Junior guild of St. Paul's F.DiscoDal Tuesday noon at the church. Mrs. John S. Tyler. Jr., nast Dresident of the guild was in stalling officer, with Miss Virginia Nowlen assisting. ! Those seated were Mrs. H. H. Henry, president; Mrs. Stanley Watson, vice president; Mrs. Paul M. Gemmell. secretary; Mrs. Clay H. McDowell, treasurer; Mrs. Ger ald Fisher, member of the execu tive board. Special guests were the Rev. George H. Swift and the Rev. Wil lis Rosenthal. The former spoke on the various church activities and expressed gratitude to the guild on behalf of the church for the guild's recent contribution of $1100 to the church building fund. The Rev. Mr. Rosenthal talked on the mean ing of the -Epiphany season and the personal benefits to be derived from it. Mrs. W. C. Taylor was welcomed as a new member. Hostesses for the luncheon were Mrs. Harry R. Walters, chairman; Mrs. William H. Damery, Mrs. Gale Fox and Mrs. Hugh Davy. Committee appointments will be, announced at the next meeting which will be February 12. Rainbows Install Cherry assembly. Order of Rain ' bow for Girls, is to install new of ficers next Sunday afternoon at a sprvice at 2 o'clock in the Scottish Rite temple. Miss Cleta McMorris is the incoming worthy adviser. Willamette chapter. Order of De Molay for Boys, is to conduct the crowning ceremony, Rahmond Kaser as master councilor. Y.MC'A, and Roy Horine, work secretary for the youth division. The January hostess committee is Mrs. L. W. Hammerstad, chair man; Mrs. Willard Vincent, Mrs. Ed Lewis and Mrs. Joseph Wilson. BETHEL 43, Job's Daughters, has scheduled a practice Satur day, January 12, at 10:30 a.m. in the Scottish Rite temple for the formal initiation meeting on Mon day, January 14. Pentacle Theater Pentacle Theatre members have received notices announcing a gen eral meeting and no-host dinner for Saturday. January 19. al 7 o'clock in the Ivy room of the Mar ion hotel. Reservations should be in by January 17, telephoned to either EM 24812 or EM-44466. rpti'RMNR the first of the week from a trip to southern Cali fornia were Mr. and Mrs. L-ari j. Wendt. They spent the holidays in Los Angeles with their son, Carl Wendt. Jr. Alderman; Mr. and Mrs. Clare Florence Moisan. Mss Beulah Rasmussen, the latter a grand-! Prcsnall. Miss Mary Toolcy. and daughter of Mrs. Alderman, and ' the hostess, Mrs. Jack L. Culler. home of Miss Kathleen McCarty Plans for a candy sale on January 22 wore completed. The next meet ing will be at the home ot miss Susan Marker Monday, January 28. Wed in Seattle Married recently in Seattle were Mr. and Mrs. William Waller Lotlis (Sandra Jean Stabbert), above. The bride is the daughter of Capt. and Mrs. C. Fred Stabbert of Seattle and Mr. Loltis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lottis of Salem. (George H. Blomdahl picture, Seattle! Parker-Jones Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones of the marriage ot their daughtec. Miss Rosalie Jones, to Ivan Leltoy Parker, son of Mrs. Hazel Parker of Dallas. The wedding was an event of December 22 in the First Metho dist church at Stevenson, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton May, brother-in-law and sister of the bride groom, attended the couple. The couple will make their home in Dallas. Sorority Meets Beta Sigma chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha met Wednesday ev e ning with Mrs. Gerald Test as hos tess. Plans were made 'or rush ing, for a baked food sale, and (or sponsoring a blnodniobilc. Announcement was made of the district council meeting in Port land, Sunday, March 10, at 12:30 p.m., at El Sombrero. Co-hostesses were Miss ldonnt Shimanek and Mrs. Eddie Hart. Today's Menu FRIDAY FARE Nice way to use leftover fish fillets. Savorv Creamed fish Steamed Rice Chutney Apple and Romaine Salad Bcverace SAVORY CREAMED FISH Increments: 2 tablespoons but ter or margarine, 2 tablespoons flour, l4 teaspoon curry powder. 1 run milk. ' cup fish stock, l'l run. flaked cooked fish fillets laneh a. flounder or lemon sole) sail. oeDtier, l to 4 hard-cooked r?-.. minced uariey. Method. Melt butler oer low heat in 1-quart saucepan; stir in finnr and currv powuer; remove (mm heal. Gradually add milk thn fish stock, stirring until mnnth after each addition. Re turn to low heat. Cook and stir constantly until thickened and bubblv. Stir in fish, salt and pepper. to taste. (Take care in reheating not to stir too much to trcn fish in bile size pieces. Top with hard-cooked eggs (sliced or quartered) and minced pars ley. Serve over cooked rice with chutney as an accompaniment clearance of sports and school shoes reg. 7.95 to 9.95 4 .90 loafers dress flats slip-ons Hurry in for bi savinzs durint; Lipman's big Semi-Annual casual shoe clearance. Choose from a large variety of styles and colors . . . all from our regular stock of favorites. Famous brands, finest quality ... in a-complete range of all women's siws. Lilmnn's SW SnVm, 1st- 111 VS' . li ai . " TIM ' ' - ' fM i' n(p)8 , f. OUiNTIllfS! -ferl 1 n i' , foot n"" I LIMITED QUANTITIES! Drastic Reductions on All Floor Models and Demonstrators SAVE OVER 50 ON SEWING MACHINES MARIE EA11LE TRANSPARENT FILM E5 ! This marvelous liquid foun dation restores the look of breathless, ardent, just-awakened youth to a skin even dry and rough, seeming to bring back a moist, naturally fresh appearance. Colorless, and rich with emollient oils, it softens and smooths the complexion while providing a perfect foundation for make-up. M srie Earl T'tniparent Tim by Lll Dtihe 1.25 2.25 3.75 p.v if) MARIE EARtf mm Capital Drug Store 405 State Si. We Give ,( Green Stamps KENM0RE PORTABLE )Q95 REGULAR 64.95 El Demonstrators and Floor Models KENMORE DELUXE IOC CABINET MODEL Ail Regular 15495 J OnW KENMORE FEATHERWEIGHT mV)C PORTABLE Alri Regular 169.95 K dm M USED CONSOLES FROM 39.95 USED TREADLES FROM 5.00 SAVE OVER 60 ON VACUUM CLEANERS KENMORE TANK-TYPE CLEANER KEN-KART VACUUM CLEANER H as lltt.M 49.95 94.95 REGINA TWIN-BRUSH POLISHER For. 66.00 54.88 KENMORE UPRIGHT CLEANER Rrj. 69.9; 29.95 BIG REDUCTIONS ON FLOOR SAMPLES . . AND DISCONTINUED MODELS! 1 J 1 I 550 -" i hurry; j : j 'SaZtifacOK auviaxZeedn jwi trney fad' SHI&550 N. CAPITOL - EM 3-9191 Hakes 4 servings.