Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Jamjary S, 1957 BQBB Page 6 Section 4 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Malenkov Seems to Have Made Big Comeback By CHARLKS M, MCCANN I'nilcd Press Staff Correspondent Russia's Grorgi M. Malrnkov teems to have made a big politi cal comeback. Ever since he resigned as premi er nn Feb. 8, 1955. Malenkov had been in partial eclipse. But his attendance at the im- fiorlant meeting of Communist paders in Budapest last week in dicated pretty clearly that he has been restored to nrst rank in bo Viet leadership. I One reason apparently is that Malenkov kept his head during the long argument among Soviet lead ers over Nikita S. Khruschev's (course in repudiating .Josef Sta lin's methods of dictatorship. I Another is that Malenkov prob i ably is the smartest of the 11 men ui the inter-leadership of the Kremlin. j When Malenkov resigned so dra matically as Stalin's heir in the rrirtin miniiirv ho saiH ho 1 inadequale for the job. Malenkov was reduced to the rank of an ordinary deputy premi erbehind several first deputies and made minister for electric power stations. ) He remained a member of the i inter - collegiate leadership. But men like Khrushchev, the first secretary of the Communist I'arty, and Nikolai A. Bulganin, who sue : ceeded him as premier, did the talking and represented the Krem lin on visits abroad. I Malenkov did make a visit to I Great Britain. But he did so in his capacity of minister for the power j stations, to visit British atomic land other installations. I Last week's Budapest meeting marked the launching of a new So viet policy line toward the East European satellite countries. The choice of Malenkov to ac company Khrushchev to that meet jing, which brought together the i Communist leaders of Russia, .Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Jlo- Fatal Crash Wraps Auto Around Tree nCT?" 'ji- """"t 1 itV'TTwyr ,'n . fyf " 1 fi'.Vp? -" ' -'"-vl t ,n(irj'',rjF,w... : .. :- ' , -.s SOUTH BEND, I,D. if)."J-modrl auto In wrapped around a tree tlft feet from the ipot where it IpU the highway li mite west nf here early yeaterdny. The accident occurred In the fog on a curve. The body of Joseph Rush Jr., 21, South Bend, a Michigan City, Ind., factory worker, who was killed almost Instantly, li covered by a blanket in the foreground. (AI Wlrephoto) mania and Bulgaria certainly I: ; significant. He would hardly have been i chosen unless he had made a full comeback. This docs not necessarily mean that there is to be any formal change in the present Kremlin line-up. Khrushchev's Job Safe Khrushchev seems to be safe in his job as Communist Party first secretary despite the East Euro pean revolts which resulted from his down - grading of Stalin. There has been no sign that Bulganin. who supported Khrushchev in the down - grading policy, is likely to Ioe the prime ministry. But it is entirely likely that some day Malenkov may get back that job or may replace Khrush chev as first secretary. For a short time after Stalin's death Malenkov was first secretary a well as premier. The big thing in Malenkov's fa vor is that he is both smart and an able administrative executive and that he does not indulge in loose talk. His visit to Great Brit ain was a resounding success. Khruschev and Bulganin, who fol lowed him there, bounced from one blunder to another. At 55 today incidentally today is his birthday Malenkov was Stal in's risht-hand man for years. He is called pudgy and roly poly. Though he is but 5 feet 7 inches tali, he weighs about 250 pounds. The keen little eyes that look out from his fat face miss nothing. If he really has made a come back, he is likely to be a balanc ing influence in the Soviet leader ship. 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