Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, January 9, 1957 Page 2 Section 4 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Pete Elliott Predicted for Washington Grid Coachingjob 'Reliable' Source Say! s It Klliolt at Coaches Meet, Declines Comment liy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sports writers of three major tlate newspapers are pointing to Coach Pete Klliolt of Nebraska as the likely new football coach at M13 University of Washington. The Spokane Spokesman-ftc-View, the Seattle Times and the Seattle Post Intelligencer all list wi the split -T conch as the choice ol Athletics Director George BH22S. The Times said Tuesday thai "only contract terms" stood be tween Klliolt and the job, , The P-f said Washington is so close to signing Elliott "that many Husky fans expect the announce ment to come momentarily." The Spokesman-Review said it learned Elliott can have the job If he wants it. The paper said its information came from the same source which predicted the firing of Johnny Cherberg as head football coach, ! the resignation of Harvey Cussill as athletic director and the hiring of George Rriggs as Cassill's suc cessor at Washington last year. Both the Seattle Times and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer have itaid that Elliott, a former assist ant coach at. Oregon Slate and an exponent of the split -T. was high on the list of prospects for the top coaching position at the UW. The head coaching job at Wash ington was left open last month when Darrell Royal, Cherberg's duccessnr, quit to take over as head football coach at Texas. Royal teaches the split-T. MS Boss Said Headed for Cal SAN FRANCISCO Ml - Michi gen Slate's Hugh iDuIfy) Dauglv erty heads the list of possible sue itmipi in i.ynn ii-miiivi n il uori n '..l na iiiiiiiiHii viiHvn hi ine univcr Rity of California, Ihc San Fran cisco F.xamincr said Wednesday. The Examiner's Don Selby said close observers nt flerkeley were almost unanimous in Hie opinion that Daugherty is the man. wilhnul naming his sources, to go as high aft S'JO.OOO In obtain Its choice. Waldorf was receiving $7,h(M when he resigned after 10 years at the I'C helm. n-..ilcrvt in SI. Louis for a Coaches meeting, said when con lac "(j by newsmen: "I would like In make it defl- nile once and for nil (hat I have no thought of leaving Michigan Kt te." lYiiiiinii iiiiiiiui'i ins sources, , , . , ,...,... ',., Selhy faid California is prepared n . kirtk - .inni L lutJwith ount RasiC! s nnd Hilhe Krk- Ml IH-X HI Ul I ICS, l III lU'KIMn. I 111 J "III lUIIMMMi: llllliir,n vim snid it had learned from a "re-1 nda, Hawaii nnd go on overseas to c Mi '.I- m;,i,ii v.,oi, iimi-r. i considering Chalmers iB.imn. Kl-! liot' . Iowa hackfield coach, as W-VlorCs replacemenl. KUtolt. ai. was an assist mil poach al Michigan and Oregon Rtnle before going to Iowa in T'."2. Ho is a brother of letr Kl-' linlt of Nebraska, who is reported the likch choice fur hrjid coach j nt I lie Cniversily of Washinglon. ' Yawama Loop Amitv IWk Fivr Mm , In iMppmtr I ,t'iis;ul'-s ' AMITV iSnecial'-Amilv marked their relnrn lo Yawama league basketball with a win over a good Salem Arademv club, 55--I5 : Warrior Coach .Ine Uraileliih kept his starling five fur the whole .T! minules and il paid nil hand- somelv. Amilv rolled up a 2718 halllime lead and held oil Ihe t'ru-' fadcrs in Ihe second half. Amily Center Dick fuller gave a line 123-iwinl wrlurmnnc lo lead Ihe win. Salem Acedemvs, I.arry Merk canned 18. as did Ken Utirx of Ihe Warriors. The Acadrmv .IV's -.nlmeeri lU'inelhini Irom Ihe I rip. healinc Ihe Amily junior varsity, jfi-.W. "' A""-,1", j O S M,r, .Vi. Voto 3 IlMo cr 1 4 ft ft KiOt.r Mfl'- T 4 1 IH KliUi. 1 S flirt 4 fl .1 K HublMid 0 I nruntf 0 0 n o IlfnriiUii I 2 i t.rrtat 0 0 10 To' .1 1 1.1 Hi 'I'i-i I v it f . Ki c liuoat ti.i-.-rii S. Ai Mlcifx , d Attvn l'1 N.'llt.M-f m. tr S Arsricmj, IP, Asmt :' M men .lip I ici YAMHIl.l. 'Spinal '-The Sher M nod r.owmen, despite heme de- pnven oi mnr irirmuy Mierwrnm nulonwth Warriort opened thnr Forest cover, ambushed the Vnm- pt;,; Vnjipu, Kiribati hill Ti;ors. In a aw;ulia jiraon on a mi. ro -ud nolo here Leafliie bns:etba!l ;ime here Tuesday m-ht. deleatmu the Hankv Tuesday nipht. Sherwood nunrd Hr.uo, Mr;: to a W IS intermission lead and l.vlr namthrrlv hit , points to von fioinn away. Irad the host quint ami take name Bowmen Dle Black topped all honors Fcorers wilh 17 points while Pave The Warriors owned a 17-U in Haermen hit 9 lor the ho.t tne termission maium Yamhill fron the "B" quad mix, The host Jawtrs won Ihe open-W-28. 'er, S3 40 (1M AiiiNtl l fi noii 4 '-1 5 mu ' v i ih i2i I I Ion I V(nnhi!l I rniU I He Jests Here Tonight Frank Hannibal, sharp-eyed et-shnl arllut of the Court Jesters, will enlertaln basketball funs tonight al South Salem high school when Iho Jesters ploy the Portland All-Stars at I p.m. South Salem leltermen are sponsors. Hannibal formerly slnrred with the Harlem (Hohelrotlers and the Marques lloynes All Stars. Court Jesters to Entertain With Hoop, Music Tonight burg, Kans., Teachers college, de- llai'lcill Jazz Combo to scribed as a lightning-fast com- ... ii pelilor. J'lay at llalllime Willie Curtis, formerly all-confer- Al 7IOIUI1 IfJIU Fletcher Frazier, the fireball of ,' ." ,. , i Ihc oullil, from Vancouver, Wash. A combo playing Harlem i"'"-. v v.,yn ai Clark .lino ami Port will be a feature of halltlme -1 ;in(1 staU. .n,., , m. leitainnu'ilt tunight when the Court : (. Jesters play baskelliall al me; JSoulh Salem high school gym. The Jesters will meet the Port 'innd All-Stars, a tough learn of , ,, , u' .i. -..v i former co cue nml high school , . . .,. n,i movers wnn ri'iimm nnimiui-i o,,.. virums ni ine .n-Mi-is in """land is sail' lo be one ol the fastest comics. The game will slart at jm0 in ,.,. baskelball. o'clock-lhe first half lo be good Krnnk 1iniha, from Porlland, hard bnskelball and Ihc second I nfimriori Benson Tech nnd Pnsn half a lot of court showmanship. ... ,, l.0ii,,,,f. ic i0jnot ihe The jazz foursome consists of . Klein's orchestras: Henry Kstrlle, pianist for years with Dina Wash- inglon; an electric guitarist nnd a drummer. I.etlrrmrn Sponsoring Spnnsors are the lettermen of Soulh Snlem high school. The Jesters have a 3.1-1 record this season on a tour through eastern Oregon and Washinglon. binationnl baskelball and trick ' shooting. 1-Yaturcd comic is the Mont -7 Richard "Stretch" Martin, who holds the individual scoring record for Arkansas A 'At M college. He stuffs Ihe basket nnd juggles the hall other Jesters: Paul Jones, formerly at Pitts- Action Starts YA;'ili: f I A.N lM N ( iS w. I. Amity 1 Pit 1 001) illamma 1 0 1 nun 1 II I oral 1'hilomnlh I a 1 duo Sllll'nl Academy n 1 nun I1;, ,l,n 1 .om Vamhill 0 1 .mm Banks ll .mm Sh. i ul;ir 0 0 .010 it. n i . . i ... -lll(lo-ZH (.hew I irnU'n W'll.l.AMlNA i Special' The "'llamina llulldoss made their HOT Yjiu'iunji Dafkelhall debut a mccesslul one here Tuesday lllchl delralms I hp Daylon Pirates, !: 4:1 I Wes Sli.m tupped the winner, with lV llf UiA Budke canned l''.-'"r ""' "in. noma un, :ii-:'4 at Ihe hill Will.imm.i urappul up Ihe lice prelim, IV II. ium.mi V, . ! f.mlkr H. il:, W.,!M,r Nu'l'ii -r: iii) ItH WUUtnln.1 A oilc " il- I.Mi-.-,- i I -' 1 t iH!rto-n i " C U iI'.i.mooh Siotlh T, Kullrr 1 Vi'arrioi Tip lli-arH PHII.OM TH iSn...-i:.h Tl, Jihk l.'l) Ntinn i 1 NfMrt'iolo -r iOU if: (Wl PhltiMtiAth ' 14' S'ltnh Si n-tfir ill 1 W'nln-' il'i n- it'rv I ?l t'tl'lk ' 1 1 PfSfliitl 1 , . i,,,.,s. (,.0, pliril,-ul. was all-city at Benson Tech and played at Oregon lech, lie is raleil one of the funniest men on the court. John Miller, from l.nngstnn, nlln nlln-iilurl 1 nm.tlnn mllr-Un n!U cm '(;i0hetrolters afler mili- lh iiar em Mai; c ans. was with the Harlem Magicians. Conch is Damien ftocha, brother Lf Rpd Hocha, the former Oregon Stale college great now in pro bas kelball. Tickets are $1.25 and 50 cenls. (lanhv (irapplors JJoal Mihvaukic flVIIV (C r. tilt I' iKu'.' lA,;in , f ? , 7- ' l y wrest leis, fast establishing them- " 5 ''!'' 'T i': added anclhcr big victim lo their list Tuesday night, downing Mil waukie, Milwaukie. a wrestling power in its own right, went down to defeat for the lirst time in 2.'i dual in.iUhes. The win continued Can by s undefeated string this season. The Cougars took a 11 point lead alter the first three matches that proved to he the final margin. Al together Cnnby won eight matches to live lor Milwan', four by pins. 97 pounds: I'rlr Rpikft. Canby, pin; Ifl.V T'.iul I .a Krai jjr. Can In , drt' ; 111 llinii. Canhv. Ore; l-'2: Tom MCall. Ml) . tiff : 12!: Hon Hive, t'.iiil). pin; H5: Don Srhfuii-r, Mil . dfi ,; HH !)k k Itrrf. Mil . pin M; : Trd Pirwktcr. Mil., pin; I .Mi H.ii i v SthidPi . Canhv. dec : lt.7 D.tve Srhrider. Cantu. pin: ii' KPfl (Mlrr. C rflinv. net'.: iw. tl I'onltv, Canln , pin: hcav.v f Lhl; Hill K.llion, Mil , pin McDanirl 2r Hrlps IlusUics (.lull (Irntnil CKNTHAI, MICH SCHOOL 'Spe cial1 Wilh Itoyce McPamcl shuw inj; the way as usual, the Sweet Home Huskies smashed the Central lliph Panlhe (iKtil. in non loop haskethall came here Tuesday ni'ht. McOanie! hit C.i points lo take tame sennnp lion- or SmitI Home led L"J 1!) al Ihe hall, but puked up the Irmpn in ihe second canto lo win soins l'. Jim Travis paced Ihe local quint with Iti points. The Hi.ksy Pups won the Rro mix, :u X.. SMfft Mo (hl .lo.key Hill Hflrtnrk led the nd rs in l!ioi with -H7 winners. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Kinds, Truues, Abdominil Supports, I'lasllc HoMcrv Ktpert Fitters TrlvAte Kitting Room "Ak Your Uortaic" Capital Drug Store " Sla irnrt Corner l I iturrfi 0 (iren SlmiH Bears Beat Indians for First Time in 3 Years; Dons Beaten I St. Mary's Edges Fresno State In CBA SAM FRANCISCO (UP)-A big gun" has suddenly loomed up on the Pacific Coast Conference scene but it looks like there will be noth-1 noticed. i gfpt gfpt, Fjrf( Methodist v. First Congrega te hut hand-to-hand combat in Tne Komc ot M to s,w . gond f s I 4 11 rriend.f tional, 9 p.m the California Basketball Associa- ,;,r as ,ne Bcars lo make Pfiufcr.f o o o o kop.i o n o Al North Salem girls' gym lion. I ficd soa in the first 4,j min. ' isac r i J rout J o oo First Presbyterian y. South Salem Tuesday light California and . tiles. But .California surged to a warms c l o .1 2 Haiier.c o o o n Friends, 7 p.m.; girls gym. rruit Sanla Clara went shooting for a 32-19 leJd in Ihc second hall and Wajnr.i n 2 2 Rol-nsnj e 4 2 is aTlt KL'B v. .lason Lee Methodist, pair of "firsls"-and their marks-! the Indians were unable to catch vSo'id ill' Diu'i 0 0 0 h p.m.; girls' gym, Clearlake EUB manship couldn't have been better, ! up. Djtr.g 0000 simpsn g 003 0 v. Free Methodist, 9 p.m. The Bears walloped Stanford, 59-j Stanford's Dick Haga was high-: ToU, TuiuTs T.t.1 Sun 55! Team managers are asked lo 48, for the.r first victory over the point man with IS. while guard 1 M-4S Plek P complete schedules for iiiuians since iniwie uiiiimar ou - came coach. Dallmar's teams had downed Ihc Bears twice in 1955 and twice in 1956. Sanla Clara scored a 51-47 upset victory over the University of San Santa Clara poured the fuel on Francisco which wasn't exactly a ! with a well-organized stall, first but it marked the first time! Futile Try a CBA team was able to beat the I The Broncs lead through most of national ehamninns in 32 altemnts Ithp pamo sometimes hv as milrh Meanwhile, St. Mary s came ! as 10 points, but when the Dons . tne racuic coasi i.caKue ui.-c-through wilh a narrow, 74-72, win closed the gap to two points hi : hall club and the National League over Fresno State to remain in a the closing minutes the Broncs Pittsburgh Pirates. The clubs first place tie with Santa Clara in hauled out the deep freeze. I have had a working agreement the young season. i Dick Garibaldi was high scorer for some time. California's .victory was a warn-ifor Santa Clara wilh 15 points. Rickey, who was 75 last Dec. ANNUAL WAREHOUSE (SALE LIMITED TO AVAILABILITY OF NEW TUBELESS TAKE-OFFS Brand new tires taken off new cars and replaced with General Nygen Cord Tires 14 and 15-Inch Limited Quantity in Some Sizes So Hurry! UNC0ND TONALLY MUD-SNOW-ICE SUBURBANITE 1 hurn 710 SttcSt n( In ntliaf Vm In-imc. th... Ihn' m.i, ... ....... . vv, nam inoi .. Rear mil-lit ho nrrllv harrf In nanaie. aianiorn naa jiisi spin a hair-raising series with the Oregon State Beavers, touted as one o me lougnies on me coast. The Bears didn't receive much runfnro u..hi.n ih i-nnr.L-H , Washington State twice, but Tues- day night's easy victory over the i rugged Indians couldn't go un- i Kar Hnhinson snarkoH ho Hoars wjt h 16 usf made a last-minute deler - minod effort to pull Iheir 32nd CBA victory out of the fire. but. n 1 n r rs 1 TIKE SERVICE, mc. (Across from Elks Lod-ae Otxjti Every Niaht 'til 9 Art Riu tho Dnn With 11. on uaj ..... i The SI Marv's-Fresno Stale game was a name irom Man m finish. The Bulldogs led by "e point at halftime, 31-30, but thp ; liaels naa me two uig pirm m the final buzzer. Fresno's Gary Alcorn hit for 24 points, while I.aftoy Does had 21 , or tne vi ictorious Gaels. ,.,.,. ( California Ca ifornia 1 1.,. , , . . Rickrv J.s (.llilirniail aj utl, H.w.e St'it HOLLYWOOD W Flection of Branch Rickey Sr. as board chair man of the Hollywood Stars Mon day tightened the link between s 5 mi - GENERAL KRAFT SAWDUST CAPS or Church Loops 5? rhnrfh Rn Welh:-ll lerrtnie will nl I- HU 1U rnlln...inn! ! OPCIl lliiiisu.iv v. un inc luuur. 1115 I ,, Parrish Jason Lee Metho- i jst v. 1st Nazarone. 7 p.m.: First Baptist v. Silverton Christian, 8 p.m.; First Christian v. Inclepena- - ence Baptist, 9 p.m. ., nh siilrm hnvs' (vm-rl- vary Baptist v. Knight Memorial, 7 p.m.: boys' gym, St. Paul's v. First Baptist, S p.m.; boys' gym, , intii iirtniia ol ui-- ...,v.. TENNIS ST. PETERSBURG. Fla. Aus tralia's Mervyn Rose and Don Candy and Eddie Moylan, Tren ton, N.J., the three top seeded players, swept Iheir opening matches in the Florida West Coast Tournament. 20, also is chairman of the Pi rates. Ho was elected to succeed the late Victor Fcrd Collins, who died last November. NEW GENERAL CLOSE-OUTS Not Seconds-New Tire Guarantee GUARANTEED $50 USED TIRES J up f E fMl 15 1 fl 1 m Hl L& In L iBastien Keeps Title Against Poppenhciin -WW 1 : a . - 7 1-1 o I 11 i I I Ol I PI lldll lit J I ' Brings 'No Contest' The third time may be the charm for Kurt von Poppenheim to regain his Pacific Coast junior heavyweight wrestling belt, but ap - parenlly he'll need some help to stop Red Bastien. , Basticn proved that two men are stronger than one again last night at the Salem armory as Referee Cal Roberts called the main event no contest match. But Red would have been beaten if he had n't had a second helping him out for the second straight week. Ponnenheim nrohahlv hroueht it : alt on himself. Roy Heffernan was 'of outfielders have signed on the in Bastien's corner, Riving his! doited line with the Kansas City 'cloanie" sidekick 'a few hints on how to deck the bad Prussian. Poppy didn't like it and took a swing at Heffernan. Under the Ring Heffernan. knocked off the apron by the blow, came into the ring and pulled Poppenheim off Bas tien. The two took their squabble outside the ring and even under it. By the time everybody was back inside, Roberts had had IMS CLEAKA STOCKS) M ACC vll ?JMt 10 OFF enough and called it "no contest," So Bastion still holds the title, and Poppenheim thinks everyone is against him. The ex-champ wants a rematch, and he also wanls a second next time. Each grappler had taken one fall when the war began. In the trio 01 prenms, Henernnn , had plenty of wrcsller to deal with as he and Henry Lanz fought to a 1 no-fall draw, Rilly Wicks dumped Reggi Siki and Robert? heat j George Drake with some effective j dropkicks. 1, c. SliaillZ SlgllS 1 . . . , , Willi Athletics KANSAS CITY Ifl Southpaw pitcher Bobby Shantz and a pair Athletics. The American League club an nounced the diminutive hurler re turned his 1957 contract Monday along with Johnny Groth and Dave Melton. Shantz, one of the A's top flind ers, has been ineffective for the past three years, mainly due to a sore arm. His won-lnst record last year for 101 innings was 2-7, He reported his arm feels fine l GENERAL During This Sale Only mi 1 5 S AXUrf? mi H 1SQ Finest Selection y In Salem Phone EM 2-2459 illj, V'uins it). 4 J iliculs. Kakint inrt t;-til(.Min.