Salem, Oregon", Wednesday, January 9, 1957 THE CAPITAL' JOUKNAd Section" 3 Page 1 'lanned Here Next Monday Night ATTENTION! HOTEL. MDTPI, JOT. - .,. . TH'OUSE!&tHOMEdWNERS 1 ' . -ri r.-"T z.:.m- iiuii.i u :.. i ; ; a -" v v" &- A---: WJ ifec J A,," V'jsSfO ' J 1- I Ms j ' -r-rf. s - ft f ' j 1 . K ..'I ' 'r-l "V ,?r 'V:" I In Inaiifiural Dresses The inaugural ball for Governor-elect and Mrs. Hubert D. Holmes next Monday night is arousing much interest throughout the state. The event, to be at the Marion hotel and the armory, will follow inaugural ceremonies planned for earlier in the day. At left is Mrs. Walter Pearson, wife of Slate Senator Pearson of Portland in a pastel blue. Senator Pearson is the Democrats' choice for president of the senate. Mrs. Holmes, center, is to wear a handsome white lace model. At right is Mrs. Pat Dooley, wife of State Rep. Dooley of Port land, in a champagne dress for the ball. Rep Dooley is slated to be speaker of the house. (Pictures by Jerry Claussen, Capital Journal) -"ST""' I 1- ILtamtal Women 1 I Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER 1 ii HOfficers Named by Assembly Some Notations ... By M. L. F. Ii Engagrd Miss Shirley Benike, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Benike, has announced her engagement to Arnold Schmidt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schmidt of Silverton. AAUW Board Meets At Dykman Home Board of Salem branch, Ameri can Association of University Women met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Dale Dykman. Mrs. F. D. Palmer assisting. The speaker for the January meeting was announced as Miss Hattie Bratzel, Marion county dis trict attorney. Her topic will be "The Leeat Interests of Women." Several weeks ago an appeal was made to branches from the national association for contributions to the Hungarian Itelief Fund for Uni versity Women. Mrs. Dennis Patch 8nd Mrs. Stewart Lee. co-chairmen of international relations and so cial studies committees here, a.-ked members to entertain informally at a benefit coffee or brunch. The report was made at the board meeting that hostesses so far in clude Miss I.rlia M. Johnson. Miss Bcrvl Holt, Mrs. Marion F. Wood en. Mrs. A, C. F. Perry. Mrs. Den rn Patch and Mrs. S. V. Leek. Other members are planning to en tertain before the branch mooting SHERIDAN' (Special' The hdies of the Mill Creek Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. Ilotf Harris last week. "Secret pil" names were revealed and now names drawn. Those attending included Mrs. Mary Ridseway. Mrs. M. R. Jole. Mrs. Bess Johnson. Miss Margaret poberton, M:ss Naoma Rogers. Miss Bertha Rogers. Miss Birdie paley, M' Mildred Wertz. Mrs. F"rnice Kartell. Mrs. Ma vine Harris, Mrs. Ira Ems, Mrs. HONORING Miss Harry Pallady, Portland, visitor here Monday for the reception given in the office of the new secretary of state. J Mark 0. Hatfield, a luncheon was given preceding the reception. Mrs. t Paul Van deVelde, president of the Salem club of the Republican ; Women's Federation of Oregon, 1 was hostess for the luncheon. Mrs. I Pallady is state president of the i federation. Others attending were i Mrs. Clark C. McCall. past state federation president; Mrs. John ' W. Cochran, past president of the Salem club; Mrs. William F. Leary, past treasurer of the local club, Mrs. Stanley Kolfsness. new treasurer for the group, and Mrs. Stanley Watson, committee chair man. Miss Nunn Feted At Recent Shower A surprise wedding shower hon ored Miss Beverly Nunn. Monday evening, at the home or Mrs. 0. D. Gard, 4140 Toni avenue. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. I,ila Jean Far ris and Mrs. Chris Bartruff. Miss Nunn will be married Sat urday to William Paulson. Attending the party were Mrs. George H. Nunn. mother of the hnde-clect. and Mesdames Da, id Moon. Charles Hieley. H. R Pfeil, David Hanson. Mamn Cheney, Grace Stull, Ward Jacobson. A. Ruth Croehan, Louts Sachtler, San day McCrca. Fred Braach. and Harry Bowman. Louise Val. Mrs. Clara WJUams. Mrs. Barbara Knutson. Mis Pg gy Harris, and M;5S Avis Robert son. Legislature time is practically here and already special events welcoming the lawmakers are being set .... One of the events will be a get-acquainted party planned by management of the Senator hotel next Sunday evening following the caucuses of the two houses .... W. W. Chadwick and Mr. and Mri. Leonard Rowan are hosting the party in the Capitol room of the hotel. ... Women's part in the March of Dimes campaign in the valley area was off to an enthusiastic start with the "first lady coffee" given Tuesday afternoon in Meier & Krank's-Salem Oregon room with Mrs. Elmo Smith, wife of Oregon's governor, serving as hostess . . . Women came from many parts of the state for the gathering . . . Featuring the tea table was the "gold-plated" coffee maker, and a centerpiece arrangement of gold ornaments . . . The coffee maker was engraved with Mrs. Smith's name and later was presented her us a gift. . . The women's division work in Salem area really gets underway next Saturday when Mrs. Rnnnld K. Jones, Sr., chairman for the coffee series, entertains a group of 25 or 30 volunteers at her home for coffee at 10:30 o'clock. 1 each attending then to give a coffee for 10 or so guests, all proceeds from the "chain" to go to the March of Dimes cam paign. . . Among those assisting at the hea table were Mrs. N. Thomas Stoddard of Portland and Mrs. Max Kielman of Eugene . . . and assisting in greeting was Mrs. Dee Rtirdirk, Portland, state women's activities chairman. Mrs. Stod ward's husband is state chairman for the March of Dimes . . . Among special guests were Mrs. Ben Potter of Portland, "polio mother of the year in Oregon" and her little daughter, Cindy . . . Among others on hand during our call, several of them assisting, were Mrs. Harry Hagedorn of Ku gene, Mrs. William C. Perry, Mrs. Hall Lusk, Mrs. Jamrs T. Rrand, Mrs, William McAllister, wives of supreme court justices; Mrs. Ron ald K. Jones. Sr., Mrs. Wallare ( oh en, Mrs. Ted Jenny, Mrs. Vil lard Stone, Mrs. J. Karl Cook, Mrs. George H. Swift; among others from Portland, Mrs. Glenn Hopkins, Mrs. Ed Hamilton, Mrs. Roger Conkling; from Monmouth, Mrs. E. K. Gentle and Mrs. C. C. j Powell; from Wasco. Mrs. Joe; Craig; from Hood River, Mrs.) Joyce McCutrheon and Mrs. Na-1 drne Jenks; from Columbia coun ty. Mrs. II. A. Shadley, Mrs. A. A. Ridcnour, Mrs. N. Jleumann; i among others from Salem. Mrs. I Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. Walter L. ( Spaulding. Mrs. L. C. PfeWer. Mrs. John CrockaU, Mrs. Virgil Fade, j Mrs. Kpnnpth Mullfr, Mrs. Charles ' H. Heltzpl, Mrs. Irwin Wrdrl . . . SOUTH Salem Lions club auxil-j iary met Monday n;2ht at the home of Mrs Nels Johnson. Spe cial guests were Jean Morris and Haze! Myers from the House of Charm. Plans were made for a no-host turkey dinner to be served on January 18 as a joint eent with the Lions club at Mayflower hall. j Neighborhood Coffee Welcoming Mrs. Forrest Walker to the neighborhood, Mrs. William Busick and her daughter, Mrs. James White, entertained this morning at ai. informal coffee at the Busick home. Guests included neighborhood friends on North Summer street. THE MID-WINTER no-host din ner and game night of the YVYCA's Live Y'er's club has been ar ranged for Friday evening. Dinner, to be served at 7 o' clock, will be provided by mem bers, after which volleyball, ping pong and card games will occupy the remainder of the evening. All single men and women be tween the ages of 18 and 35 arc invited. j Miss Barbara Henken was chosen as worthy adviser for Chadwick assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, at the meeting Tuesday evening at the Masonic temple, j Others elected for the new term are Miss Pamela Lindholm, worthy associate adviser; Miss Janice Philips, charity; Miss Judy Baker, hope; Miss Anne Case, faith; Miss Anna Belle Hart, rec order; Miss Linda Morey, treas urer. Twelve members of the assem bly, accompanied by their mother advisers, Mrs. Paul Griebenow, and Mrs. A. B. Pederson, visited the Masonic and Eastern Star home at Forest Grove on Sunday and a report on (heir visit was made at the Tuesday meeting. Refreshments were served by the Mothers club. i Bethel Will Assist In Korean Relief Contribution to the Korean Relief fund was made bv members of ilethel 59, Order of Job's Daugh ters, at the meeting Tuesday eve ning at King wood hall. Plans for installation ceremonies for the program on January 19 at the Scottish Rite temple were discussed. Birthdays honored were those of Misses Nancie Scars, Elaine Standish, Linda Tromlitz and Judy Denycr; The traditional cup and saucer was presented to the retiring honored queen, Miss Bar bara Morris. HOSTESS to her bridge club Thursday for luncheon and the aft ernoon will be Mrs. Bjarne Knck- sen. Additional guests will be Mrs Ragnor Johnson an! Mrs. Harold Parsons. AMONG affairs honoring vMr, and Mrs. E. Braden Daggett pre ceding their departure for Iran will be a no-host dinner gathering bnturnay night at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Whipple. Attending will be a group of former neigh bors and other frienls. e READY-TOiHANG WOVEN DRAPERIES It iWIH iowpmce 'iJ-Tif'fcitI -frlPrilW You'd expect to pay more. Have Perspiration Stains Ever Ruined Your Dress? NewARRID with Perstop Stops Perspiration Stains - Stops Odor DRAMATIC STEAMBATH TEST SHOWS HOW Thit woman wbi put in iteamhath at 104 decrees. ARRID with Peritop was rubbed into her forehead. Fif teen minutei later . . . . . she wai dripping with per- piratiori - hut AHRU) with Pertop kept Iter forehead dry. ARRID will do the lama for your undararmt, too. Juit rub ARRID in - rub per ipi ration out. Rub ARRID in rub odor out. When the cream vanithei you know you're aafa ven on hot, sticky dayi. SKWING club of Capita! unit No. ; 9. American Legion auxiliary.1' mets Thursday morning at 10 n'rlocV at the l2ion hall, with a no-hoft lunrh to be Frned at nron Mr K. C. Mcnn-s and Mrs. L. E. Stif Her will be hosieries. j L..V !" JihtZ&t . LrJ KM lis W ARRID with Pantop,1 uwd daily, keepa your clotnea fe from uely tain. keep your underarms dry. ofl und i-et. ARRfD with Peritop ia 1 Va timet as effective, ai all lead ing deodoran'i teited a&amit prpiration and odor. So . . . don't be half-asfe. Be rnmpMely tafe. U new ARRID with fertop t aa tare. Ait plui UX CHARGE IT ON S. R. C A TRULT BEST BUY SEE THEM TODAY BUY SEVERAL FOR ADD-A-WIDTH ON WIDER WINDOWS Select Irom textured printed or woven solid draperies . . . Choose interesting pebble weave drapery in modern, floral or leaf design in beautiful Harmony House colors, fashioned with 3V4-in. pinch pleated tops for that added decorator touch.' 45x84 inch. Choose from 6 solid colors. HURRY -LIMITED QUANTITY Cordowale Onerons CHENILLE SPREADS Reg. 3.98 "Charge It" on SRC Soft baby chenille with lovely waveline. Finished with non. tangle bullion fringe. Five Harmony House colors. Save. Modern Block Border Design CHENILLE Reg. 6.98 E77 "Charee It "t-1 ou SRC Simply designed block border of extra heavy overlay. Thick ly lufled cordowale back ground and rounded corner! for graceful draping. Rosette and Scroll CHENILLE Pen. C.90 MW "Charge It on SRC Designed in fleavy tufling on velvatuft background, rounded corners. Scroll re peated in border. HARMONY HOUSE CHROMEFAST TAILORED COVERLETS Exclusive Seri Chromcfasl Matching Accessories Mix or Match Coverlets . Dust Ruffles , Cafe Curtains . to 12.50 7.77 . to 6.95 3.7,7 Reg. 2.95 pr. 1.77 Citti Pi-oducu uUmf fat riilttd njdiocaboo tuffatunti, I mJyM' JtHrVJ 550 N. Capitol tiVl 3-9191 i