Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, January 9, 1957 THE CAPITAL' 70URNAE Section" 2 Pape 3 DENNIS THE MENACE By Ketcham i-9 rfeu shcwm't ooshw say 'aihY. Joe, its sad srwwaC STEPSOy OF 17. S. EDITOR Rich Briton Bets Meg to Wed Billy By ROBERT ML'SEL United Press Staff Correspondent LONDON UP) A rich Briton has made a sizable bet that . 'rincess Margaret will marry Billy Wallace. The 30-year-old Wallace is the millionaire stepson of American editor Herbert Agar. He and Margaret, now 26, have been ''good friends" since their teens. the bettor is a shrewd figure tn London's financial district. Court and society circles first ridiculed the bet, but now it's as big a topic as Suez and gas ration ing in the elegant night clubs. The court source who disclosed the bet said the bettor had tied these facts together: Frequent Companions The princess tnd Wallace are seeing each other more frequent ly. They have quiet dinners with a few friends in his apartment. They have much the same likes theater, music, dancing AND DISLIKES. Wallace has just bought a new house a surprisingly big one for a bachelor and the princess has been advising him on interior decorating. The polo-playing Wallace has virtually withdrawn from night life. Close friends say this has nothing to do with romance. But it's a fact that young men tapped by the crown suddenly become very retiring. Prince Philip, before his mar riage to now Queen Elizabeth, was a case in point. No Special Favorites Since the end of Margaret's romance with Group Capt. Peter Townsend the princess has shown no special favor to any of the dwindling group of eligibles. The word "spinster" has been whis pered in knowledgeable court cir cles. Her name has been linked with Christopher Lloyd, a wealthy land owner; Denys Dawn ay, an artist; Dominic Minto, son of the earl of Minto, and Gerald Bridgeman, an art connoisseur. Maybe one or two others. But Margaret has known none of them as long or as well as Billy Wallace. BOY IS BURNED LYONS, (Special) Terry Micheal Diesler of Portland, while visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Remmenga, was burn ed. He pulled a cup of hot coffee over on him. Russ Deliver 12 MIGs to Syrian Port WASHINGTON (tf-Russia was reported today to have delivered about a dozen M1G-17 jet fighters to Syria within the past three days. The shipment, according to dip lomatic sources, was made by sea. It was understood to be part of a 28-million-dollar deal the Syri ans made with Russia some time ago. Syria previously has re ceived some Soviet tanks, small arms, ammunition and armored cars. Officials said the Russians ap parently have adopted a practice of shipping direct to Syria instead of by way of Egypt. Many weap ons bound for Syria were report ed destroyed in Egypt during the Israeli - British - French attacks which began Oct. 29. Officials saw no immediate ser ious dahger in the arrival of late-model MIG fighters in Syria. They said few Syrians are cap able of flying them. Training new pilots is expected to take some time. VISIT IN LYONS LYONS, (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Vaugh Hunt and son Duane. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Meshew and son Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Maxfield and Bobby and Mrs. Alice Choate all of Stayton, and Douglas Barrow and daughter Marilyn of Mehama were recent guests of the Forrest Nydeggers. Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Do false teeth drop, slip or wobbie when you talk, est, Uugh or sneeze? Don't be annoyed and embarrassed bv such handicaps. FASTEETH. an alkaline (non-acid) powder to sprin kle on your plates, keeps falsa teeth more firmly net. Gives confident feel ing of security and added comfort. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feel In. Ort FASTEETH today at &ny drug counter. 1 1 Dr.O.Chan.N.D Dr.T.I.Lam.N.D DRS. CHAN and LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs. 407 Court St Office open Saturday only. IS a.m to 1 jb.; t to 1 p.m. ConnilUtioa blood pressure and nrlne testa arc free of charge. Practiced sloe 1911. Write for attractive tfft No : The United States National Bank OF PORTLAND RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Bonks $ 147,891,475.13 United States Government Bonds 288,104,795.50 Municipal and Other Bonds 71,132,703.62 Loam and Discounts Net 337,926,885.85 Stock In Federal Reserve Bank 1,200,000.00 Bank Premises (Including Branches) 11,579,104.32 Customers' Liability en Acceptances 168,177.90 Interest Earned 2,873,454.63 Other Resources 470,057.57 $ 861,346,654.52 LIABILITIES Capital $ 20,000,000.00 Surplus 20,000,000.00 Undivided Profits 20,612,173.44 60,612,173.44 Reserves for Interest, Taxes, etc 4,827,198.10 Acceptances 168,177.90 Dividends Declared 650,000.00 Deposits 784,152,311.54 Interest Collected Not Earned 4,628,392.66 Other liabilities 6,308,400.88 $ 861,346,654.52 Ilk bcUtl SI taaclwf b O'.poc MAO omCfc POtTlAW, oeseoH 4 OREGON'S OWN STATEWIDE BANK IAW feV1 fMlf law Cfti' Convenient Branches in Salem LADD & BUSH-SALEM BRANCH State and Commercial NORTH SALEM BRANCH 1990 Fairground Rd. UNIVERSITY BRANCH 1310 State St. WEST SALEM BRANCH 1117 Edgewater DIRECT BRANCHES OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND MARCH OF DIMES 7Z 100" PURE n Tr! LEAN j Ground led 3-Pound Package 89 Lb. READY-TO-EAT PICNICS Stew Chicken KrS. 99s CuirariA Armour's Star Pure $1 jaUSaQC Pork ... Lb. Roll 35c w for & CUwl niLr Boil, Bake, jiiuii mu) Braise lb. ANUARY 2-31 Z-C r -x FRESH DAILY 2 ,bs- Solid Golden Ripe BANANAS Roman Beiuty Apples t 39c U.S. No. 1 Idaho POTATOES A 10-lb. Bag IGA funkltt Nivel Oranges Look at this IGA Value! margarine u w Rea. 25c-Seve 6c-NO LIMIT W Win FREE Groceries Listen to IGA Dinner Winner Monday thru Fridey, 1 1 a.m. Do you know why the TableRit meat you buy at youi I.G.A. food stoie is so juicy, tender and reasonable in price? Well, one oi the reasons is that last year more than 90 million pounds oi beei were sold in the 6,000 LG.A. ,wt store throuahout the United States and Canada LG.iL buyers know beei ,. as wen as outes cms otlaeot. ummg oAm nhim makM il oonfbl fat M to sell all meats at lowet prioet ovrf " ' day. Here's another tip out tremendous purchasing power makes It possible for you to save money on every item you buy in an I. G. A. food store. 1 Bumble Bee Chunk Reg. Vi Size Tin TUNA Reg. 27c-Save 2c-No limit IGA or Hunt's Tomato SAUCE 3 Z 20 Reg. 3 for 25c Save 5c IGA Elbow Spaghetti 2-Lb. QQ Pkg. sP9 Reg. 43c Save 4c Dennison UITU mill BEANS V 49' Quality is Tops at Your IGA! Royal Guest No. VA Tin PEACHES Reg. 29c-Save 4c No Limit Case 24 tins $5.95 SPRY SHORTENING 3 Lb. Tin DENNISON MEAT BALLS and GRAVY 16-oz. tin SWIFT'S STRAINED BABY MEATS 21c 39 5 forl MILK, IGA Evaporated DENNISON SPAGHETTI and MEATBALLS 16-oz. tin 27c icansw?l NABISCO CHOCOLATE 12U-oz. PINWHEEL COOKIES Pkg. 4 for$l 00 It's Coffee Fiesta Month! Sunny Morn COFFEE In Whole Bean Pound MM t 35 CREAM OF Large Pkg. WHEAT Quick or Reg. KELLOGG'S SUGAR Lge. FROSTED FLAKES Pkg. KELLOGG'S 00 PEP Large Pkg. PARD Hi) That Good Bee) Tails Lb. Tin DOG FOOD 16c OLD DUTCH Combinalion Sale CLEANSER 2 20c UNIT STARCH 15c High Quality ... Low Prices! YOUR CHOICE Chnc, Spire, Yellow, While PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES Reg. 33c Save 4c No Limit r i -f 12-01. Pkg. RINSO 35c BlUE DETERGENT Large Site SURF All PURPOSE large Site 35c LUX FLAKES large J T Siie JjC SHOP AND SAVE AT THESE INDEPENDENT LY OWNED AND OPERATED IGA STORES EQUJin IGA FOODLINER W.tdburn, Oregon EMERY'S ; IGA fOODUNIlt Wall.c. Id. .1 7h STATE ST. ICA MAIKCT 1130 Halt Ilr..t YISTA IOA MARKET 104 S S. Cml. orcuh's ICA MAIKIT 4100 N. Divw u A Treat for All the Family! TASTY FAVORITE ARMOUR TREET - Peg. 41c Save 4c No limit Clorox Liquid Bleach LUX liquid lor Diihei lb. Tin RINSO LUX Toilet Soap . 14 Gal. Jug While Powder large Pkg. ) eg. O Ban 1 1 iv n 8l,h LUA Toilet Soap :. , Bart LIFEBOUY "ew Floating Fragrance 3 Bars LIFEBOUY.- 2 5 69c 35c 29c 27c 32c 29c o