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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1957)
WANT AD WHOPPERS ?00 Rentals 707-a Furnished Houses SMALL 4 rm. furn. cottage, nr. pus, stores, tw. .m -.mum. FURN. houst, : bdrmi., all dec. iarb.. water-turn., bus. Nr. state hoip. Small child accepted. EM 4-4963. $50; 1 BDRM.. all dec W. Sa lem, nice for steadily em ployed. EM 4-3648 or Stayton 8074. NICE 1 bdrm. water far. bus, store 1002 Park Ave. nr. TURN. 3 bdrm. East, frols. dishwasher, auto, washer k dryer, dbl. garage, 2 bUts from (trade school $100 mo. 4 RM. MODERN house, partly furn. Keizer Dist. Adults only, no drinkers, 2 blks to bus line & store $37 mo. 740 Cummlngs Lane EM 4-7345. 800 Rev Estate 806 Houses or Sole rOR SALE by owner 3 bdrm. 3 yr. old home. , blk. from bus stop. EM 4 5503. - BY OWNER $700 down, new 3 bdrm. home In .lovely n w residential dist. EM 3 9072. BY OWNER Englewood dist. S bdrms. full bsmt.. t'i baths, firenl. att. far., walkini dis tance stat chospltal. Good loan available. Call wk. days after 5. EM 2-3458. 800 Real Estate 1800 Real Estate R00 Rfal Estate f 806 House For Sal 806 Houses For Sole 806 Houses For Sole 1 RDRM., furn. hse., elec. heat. West Salem. EM 2-2391. understood he saw If offered for sale In the Classified.' rOO Rentals (00 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Boord 707 Houses For Rent BOARD St Room. pvt. home, bus at door. 2252 Simpson St. EM 4-0674 WANTED Man to room and board. 1880 Center. TV. clan nicely furn. sleeplnf rm., men $S wk. EM 2-7620. 70b AparrmcnH For Rent CLEAN 3 rm. furn. util. pd., real Wash fac. 365 S.16th. PARTLY furn. 5 rm. apt. 2nd fl. $45. Close to Bush school. EM 3- 5530 or 1-4796- BACHELOR will share modern 2 bdrm. home. auto. wanner, dryer, etc. with young man 25-35. Refs. $50 mo. EM 4-0675 after 7 p.m. or EM 3-9148 days, ask for Carl. I RMS. full bath, heat k water furn. $35. EM 4-8124 or EM 4- 4658. I" BDRM. ant. newly decor.. TV antenna, 1306 Chemeketa. EM 2-3565 or EM 2-6607. 3 BDRM. LOVELY NEW HOME. LA HUE KITCHEN, BUILT-IN RANGE. W. TO W. CARPET. DHL GAR . 2 BATHS, 2 FIREPL., $125. CENTER STREET REALTY 1748 Center St. EM 4.6631 Eves. EM 2-7812 ALMOST new 2 bdrm. house, 515 S. 16th Salem Properties. EM 4-3482. 1 BDRM. court. Stova it refrlg. 12J0 Highland Ave. CLOSE IN on Ferry St. 2 bdrm hse. $50.00. See Roy Todd Real Estate, 2.U9 State St. Phone EM 2-8591. NEAT 1 bdrm., water, garbage. garage. $45. 1235 N. 16th. REDEC. 1 bdrm. firepl., gar., bsmt. See to appro. EM 3-4332. FURN. Modern 3 rm. cottage. pan utilities turn, in ice at clean. 1326'i N. Winter or EM 2 0363. FURN. house, water, garbage. laundry, bus. Adults. EM 2-2786 2 RM. furn. cottage, yard fenced iuoo mgmvay avc. r..i 2-0010. LARGE arty furn. hie cle Stale bldgs, it Univ. EM 2-3826 week days. 1 BDRM. So., use of washer k dryer. EM 2-6758. 710 Wonted to Rent Hses UNFURN. or partly furn. house. West Salem or close in North, Middle aged couple. No chil dren. Stead v emploved. Ph, MAyfair 3-4448 Dallas. 714 Business Rentals SACRIFICE LOW DOWN PAYMENT Re - decorated 1 bdrm. house, bdwd. flors., frpls., full bsm t.. oil furnace, garage, fenced back yard, lot So x 120. Holly- woodDlst . E M 2 9932 $800 DOWN. Nicely furnished. loveiy rm. nome. x irepiace, H.W. floor, b'ment. furnare. garane, close in North $7600. B. M. Ma son, Rlt. 341 Che meketa, Ph. EM 3-8841. $250 DN. or trade. Price $9,050. fieai 2 Darm. nome. ciose in. fenced yd . lawn, shrubs. Also small guest cottage with bath. EM 4-8272. BY OWNER 4 yr. old 4 bdrm home Englewood dist. EM 2-5880. CAN'T find the home you want? Let us loan you our plans, hundreds to choose from. It is )eis costly to build what you want man n nuy snrony, cheaolv constructed specula tinn houses. We have several lots for vour consideration also. Be smart call EM 4-0222 eves. C. L. Bell 4c Son Custom builders. 1345 Strong HA. OFFICE space, all util.. Janitor service $55. Penman Bldg. 659 N. Cottage. EM 4 7583. STUCCO bldg., W x 80. con crete nrs.. 2, 12 x 12 aoors, No. 3 zone. Inq. 1598 S. 13th. CLOSE in 1 bedrm. home, hdwd. floors, fireplace, bsmt. oil heat. Very nice, see this for $55 per mo. HIMMEL & FERRIS, REALTORS 134 South Liberty Ph. EM 4-4478 Eve. EM 2-5122 ATTRAC. 2 bdrm. apt., bus service, newly dec. stove, refrig., heat k water furn., close in. $75 mo. EM 3-8193. COMFORTABLE, clean, newly decor. 2 rm. grnd. fir. furn. apt. Between shopping center k downtown. EM 2-7H30. i-RM, apt., all utilities paid. EM 3-839 lr500Un ion. IT APTS. close to state bldgs., KH, E,iM 4-KI9b. - BASEMENT, furn.. util. nd-. steam ht., 1 blk. to eapilol bldg. $28. EM 3-6254 after 5 p.m. SMALL apt., close in, 404 So. High EM 2-4046. I RM. & bath nicely furn. elec. heat pvt. ent. 1140 5th St. EM 2-4816 after 5 wkdys. NICELY fur. 2 rm. apt. private bath. Utilities paid. $9.50 week- lv. BPACIOUS 2 B R. fur. apt. Prl vate entrance, hath. $50.00. B. M. Mason. Rlt. 341 Che meketa. Ph. EM 3-8841. COURT APT. Furn., individual, elec. heat, bus it store. $45. EM 3-8470. SUBURBAN: 3 bdrm. furn. apt. water it garbage furn. $50. See at 3205 Moody or call EM 2-3061 CLEAN Suburban 1 bdrm., all elec. part furn. $3fl.50, furn. $45. garden space EM 2-9646. 7 YEAR Old 2 bedroom close to schools & hus in .nsleuond $50 mo. Phone EM 2-8578 alter 2:00 p.m. PARTLY FURN. 4 RM. HOUSE. EM 4-6200 RENT $20,000 new home with view, "iurn. or unfurn, EM 4-4216. TWO B.R. house, oil heater. 1 block to West Gate Shopping Center. Ph. EM 2-4345 DOWNTOWN office snace. tnr rms. it warehouse. EM 3-4114 1 8 Convalescent Homes SUNNYVIEW home. Good food k care; private rms. Avail able. Christian atmosphere. Mrs. Chas. Klein. TR 3-4356 Silverton. MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUE Here Is a real value Just (or YOU. New & Sparkling. 3 bedrooms plus family room " wan to wan carpeting 2'i baths, 2 Fireplaces Many many other fine fea lures which make this one l must see. Morningnide District 116,000. Cat) Cordova Stephen son EM 4-6766 or Eves EM 4-6149. Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N. HIGH PH. EM 4-6766 it He 780 Moving & Storage Larmer Transfer & Storage Complett moving service Also .Rents for BEKINS Nation wide Movers, Ph. EM 3-3131. LOW COST storage. H. L. Stilt Furniture Co, EM 3-9185. ROO Real Estate PARTLY furn. garage house, Hollvwood Dist. Newlv deco rated. EM 4-4607. Call 1805 Fairgrounds Rd. BDRM. newly decorated. Irg. liv. rm. area, attach gar., utility, auto, oil heat, no dogs. South. $55 mo. EM 3-5667. SMALL house partly furn., gar age. Adults 855 Shipping. FaTrmOUN'T Late built 3 rm, ra n ge, $35. EM 3-W6I. 4 RM., alt elec.. utility k car port. Com p. re-aec, aauits, 2586 Lee alter 3. 801 Busmen Opportun. FOR LEASE MAJOR OIL CO. SERVICE STATION, EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR QUALIFIED MAN. EQUIP. & UTILITIES FURNISHED. YOUR INVEST. IN RB SALE MDSE. ONLY. FOR DETAILS PHONE EM 4-8858. EXCELLENT DIST. Neat 3 bdrm. home. East Knele- wood. ltt. living Ktn. wnn lire place. Kitchen with eatmii space. Approx. 1 200 aq. fl. (Ir. mare, utility Rm. Attached garage. Nice lawn and hark yard. Price $9,700. For parti, culars ask tor Ed Schreder Ph. EM 3 9236 EvenlngI EM 3182!. , Oregon Development Company, (Realtors) 31 N. CHURCH PH. EM 3 !123 LAND CO. . REALTORS I? COUR.T EM 4-4494 SPECIAL ONLY $:t00 down buys this 3 bedroom noma loeaieo in wesi Salem . Thi is a good buy for $4350. ASK TO SEE TO DAY LOOK! LOOK! ' PARADISE IS HERE at thii location uonaenui laijie 101 South -plenty or trees et shrubs, 2 bedrooms. 2 balhs. 14x27 It. living rm., dining I room. TOTAL PRICE $ti!50. 1 Call VANDERVORT. days. EM 4-4494, Eve. EM 4-7602. DISTRESS SALE 2 REDROOM HOME with w to w carpeting, dining rm.. nice kitchen, full basement with partv rotim k extra bedrm. Will include refrig., range. washer h drver. drapes. Asking ' $9250. GOOD TERMS. Close in. Call Mr. Leach, davs EM 4-4494, Eve. EM 3-7440. $750 DOWN OWNERS LEAVING STATE AT ONCE WANTS QUICK. AC TION Means a better value for you. See this 2 year old 2 bedvn. home near State Hos- glial. Will take a car in traoe. all T. T. ANDERSON, days, EM 4-4454, Eve EM 4-2714. A BEAUTIFUL BIRD HOUSE with ULTRA ULTRA brick front over 1100 sq. fl. of floor space, l'j years old KHXi.iu it. ioi. j nenrms. Swedish fireplace. South end nf street familv location on i pavinn. Price $12 fiOO. GOOD TERMS. CALL MRS. WELLS, days EM 4 4494 eve EM 2-3738. USE YOUR CAR AS THE DOWN PAYMT. FOR THIS 2 year old 2 bedroom home large fenced lot, liv ing rm. with inside Roman brick planter fireplace rim ing rm. beautiful kitchen w ith dinette, separate utility rm. Located in Henningsen addition on paved M Price $12. .W0. EASY TERMS. Call Mcintosh days EM 4-4494, eve EM 4-0626. Lei Ohmart EXCEPTIONAL VALUE-10 ACRES I Acres No. 1 peat (Bea ver Dam! soil, bal. good Willamette large family orchard. Clean, modern 3 bedroom home with view of mountains, large onion barn, machine shed. 2 trucks, onion harvesting machine inc. Located on paved road appx. 9 miles from Salem Call Stanley Brown. 806 Houses For Sole Rudy Calabt QUALITY - CRAFTSMANSHIP - STYLE YOU will find all of these features In this fine new 3 bedroom home In "Hillendale" You will like the beautiful paneling, the excellent workmanship, the 2 fireplaces and the large utility room with extra bath. A real quality nome ior Ask Henry Torvend to ahow you thru. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT SEE this new. 3 bedroom home with family room, double plumb- ins ann i iirun ami mis nnm it lncaien in orano nrw uis- trict juat South of town A reai bargain for in.fWKi.OP thi? home cant be duplicated at that pnee tan naipn .maa anytime. Vt ACRE NORTH EAST THIS Is a very nice place with 2 bedroom home, shake rxtcrinr, 1 ferred and will consider Osweco property In trad-- Trice $11,600. Call Louis Loreni today. LOOKS GRAND! PRICED RIGHT! YOU'LL feel like applauding when you see this brand new 3 bed. room beauty on Onndale St. Spacious 22" family room has fireplace as does the living-room, 3rd fireplace on patio large master bathroom plus tiled shower off utility room Lots of house for $14,500. Ask Adrienne Sercomba about terms. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tues., Jan. 8, 1957 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 810 Formi For Sale CONSIDER TRADING? Your small home (if priced right! may be traded on this larser suburban home. 2 nice bedrooms plus den, 15 x 20 living room, large kitchen with nooK, separate nininR room, huff Inside uttlltv room. F A. oil (urn. Double g'arage. Nicely landscaped. You will get your monev's worth here. $11,000. Call Johnson Eve. EM 3-3S58, McKINLEY DISTRICT Good older S bedroom home with basement Near all schools & bus. Need! some re decorating inside. ha new naint outside and new roof Nice yard. Only $ssoo. Call Lucas. Evt. EM 3-9388, DAIRY FARM Fullv stocked it equipped. Tilla mook Co. 29 cow. $23,000. Down. $2,000. Bal. of month v milk check, incl. 4 Dct. terest. Call Rich L. Reimann for information, REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 s. Hish Ph: KM .vnan 30 Acres Irrigated Land SELL or trade 42 acres In all. This is one or tne tmesi tarms we have ever listed and in cludes a beautiful 5 yr. old, 3 bedroom home with D.R.. H.W. fir. & F A. oil furnace. 1 A. strawberries, 3'V A. Nec tar berries, V A. rilberts, A. walnuts. Price $;il,300 in cludes trng. pump & equip. Tractor and attachments, lurn 4060 and outbuildings. Will take good home up to $11,000 in trade. For Appt. call Geo. Patrnv with Allen C. Jones Realtor. 231 N. High. PH. KM 3-5JUa. Eve. EM 4168!. 2-0A48. J LISTINGS NEEDED QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU 477 Court St. Phone 24113-241 16 Eve Stanley Brown EM-25M1 Hrnrv Torvend EM-33R12 Ralph Maddv EM-23488 Louis Lorent EM-35390 Adrienne Sercombe EM -4 1)082 i i iii i i ii iirriirr"nrii i i i jm 1 Buy Real Value 5 -Loans -5 I gj With Confidence ppp-j Buying - Building g 850 Automotive 852 Used Car For Sale A CHOICE ACREAGE Approx. 10 Acres. 4'a acres ne1 irawDcrnes. sdacb inr a prox. 4 acres more. Excellent soil. There is also an excep tionally nice 2 hedroom ranch style home, larije comfortable living room, fireplace. Dining room, well planned kitchen, lots of huilt-m and storage space. Tiled bath and shower. r.xtra touei in uounie garaRP. Overhead ttorace. Larce util- ltv. Close in To see Call George Reed. Eves. EM 2-0639 Don Douckton 320 Court Ph. EM 4-84B4 LISTINGS WANTED Dial EM 4-4494 COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS FAMILY HOME This a hedroom homo built by present owner about 2S years ago. Condition just like new. Lieht. drv basement. Laree lot 100x120. Plenty of room for farden. Shade trees, lawn, lowers, located North on Ha zel Ave. Near all schools. Jim W. Brasher. Eves. EM 4-7386. 605 CHEMEKETA Two DUPLEXES ON ONE LOT. Shows good return on invest ment. Rental Income $2.15 per month. Expenses $60 per month. Owners health forces sale. Price $1S,000. $2.r)00 down will probahlv handle the deal. To see call Dean Klarr. EM 4-6875 or Eve. it Sun. call EM 2-7010. 5 Acrei with 2 bedroom home, barn, chicken house, double garage St workshop. ,Ti acres patiture. Year round creek. Family orchard and plenty of f:arrien space. 200 ft. road rontaue. Asking $10,500. Tn se rail Dale Rayhurn EM 4 6R75 or Eve. & Sun. call EM 2-2045. PRM. FURN. apt., all util.. 1st fir. 507 N. Liberty. EM 3-7B95. 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., toves St re frig. lurn. very clean. EM 3-7145. "R06M mod. ant. Nlcelv furn. EM 3-7146 OTEM 3-6444. frlTRN. apts!, wash ' facilities. phone, stm. ht. EM.4-80fll. TURN. 1 "rm. apt, quiet loc. EM 2-3454. MIJ. Summer. r RMTunfurn. in modern 4 plcx range & refrig. $45 EM J52fl. FURN. 2 room apt , close in. 696 No. Cottage. Reas COURT: nice 2 bdrm. hse. gar., close in, bus. EM 4-6346. S ALVA DO RE APT'S ONE A 2 bdrm ants range 4 refrig. furn. EM2-3i4i. JANSSEN COURT nrM ant clean, attrac. shop center it bus. S. 13th at E. Rural. , BDRM. It bsm't. clean $50. EM 2-6731 or see at 335 Hick ory after 6 p.m. it wkends. 2 BDRM. located at 4125 Hudson Ave. call 4133 nuason or tM 4-R0R5. 4-RFDROOM. 2030 N. Com'l. $60. 2-bcdroom 2330 Broadway $45. Kamscy Keaiiy. R,iwi-jjai 1 BDRM. stove, refrig.. gar.. newly decor, km 3-B41 3 BDRM home in Salem Heights school uisi. saa.iiu per mo, HIMMEL & FERRIS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Phone EM 4-4478 NICE3 bdrm. Suburban home close in. $75 mo. KM j-omo. 2 BDRM. unfurn. house $40. 1482 Park Ave. EM 4 -371 a. 3 BDRM. hse.. frpl., auto, oil heat, bsmt., gar. Fenced yard. $70. 4!)5 S. 21st. EM 3-7577 or EM 2-6127 eves. 2 BDRM. hse. back yard. EM 2-5025. BUSINESS lot with 3 bdrm. hse. 545 S. Com'l. Make often 420 N. 20th EM 3-8766. SERVICE Station for lease. Mod erate equip, it stock for tale. Loc. 837 S. Com'l. SUBURBAN SOUTH Almost 2 acres near new Judson Junior High. Good 2 bdrm. home. Wonderful view. Could make 5 large view lotg $0000 & $1000 down. 51n ACRES $4500 Sunnyview Ave. Terms. Salem Properties JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 367 N. High EM 4-34B2. EM 2-1533 Evt. EM 2-0723, EM 3-3292, EM 4-3220. FOR LEASE or sale, equipped small cafe. Good location. 2 can handle with small capital. EM 4-4796. 2-8812. 3-6814. large gar., $50. W. FURN. APT., $35 1210 Tile Rd. EM 4-9352 1 BDRM. unfurn. apt. Steam heat. Inq. Hollywood Cleaners. 2044 N. CapitolM 3-0658. FURN. 1 and 2 bdrm.. Apts. heated. 1411 Court St. 2 BDRM. house, gar., bus at door, prefer adults. EM 4-5155. VER Yn ic el bd rm . court, un furn. cxront for refris tove. 2445 Market. EM 2-1 Ml. NEWLY rc-riecornted 1 bdrm., ct. stove it refrig. $50 mo. EM 3-9746 eve. FOR SALE: Restaurant equip.. reas. 431 S.12th. EM 2-S275. FOR "LEASE: Dbl. Bay major oil co. Service Station In In dependence. Small investment, good rental. EM4-4458. mCHFlELD Oil will have newly constructed station available in 3 weeks. Good location In West Salem. Partial financing avail able. Mr. Osborn, EM 4-6703 or EM 2-6678. ON ACCOUNT of illness, sell full linn onuinment tt stork at SOOd located filling station. Only $075. PO Box 1073 west saiem SMALL business for sale or irftrie for late model car or make offer. EM 2-9120 or EM 3-3925. Don Douckton 320 Court Ph. EM 4-8-184 PH. EM 4-6875 4 bedroom auhurban $500 down pament. Haiance ime rem. whv rent when you can buy this fine older home. Base ment with oil furnare. Fire place, double lot. Price $7000. For appointment to see call Fred Rawlins EM 4-6875 Eve. it Sun. EM 2-6013. 00 ACRES. ERY NICE PLACE TO LIVE. 3 hedroom home, large barn, machine shed and filentv oiher huildings. All cul Ivated. Farms In the Valley are going higher as more peo ple' move in. Thia place will hav for itself also make a nice living for you. Onlv $5,000 down. Easv Terms. Call Ben Griffith EM 4-6875 or eve. and Sun. call EM 3 R1W. 2955 SUNNYVIEW HERE IS A CHOICE HALF ACHE PROPERTY WITH NEAT 2 BDRM. HOME, large gar. This location could be court site, bus by door, close to shopping. Good terms can be arranged. It would pay you to go bv this property and get in touch with Clyde Foulk to see It. Eve. Call EM 2-3826. 745 E. EWALD EVEN IN THE WINTER MONTHS THIS HUME lb ATTRACTIVE - the reason -lovely large rooms with a spacious teeiing. a inoroueniy en iovible home and location. Has 1420 sq- ft. fl. area and a lot 80 x 105. Fenced back vard. Owner moving from state. Only $13,750. Call Doro thy Deal, Eve. EM 4-B632. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1500 R. Commercial EM 2-36W JSfiflH'S BEST BUyS 65 ACRES Mission Bottom halis soils. 22 acre bean con tract, comfortable 3 bedroom home with swimming pool outdoor barbeque, barn, mi chine shed this Is a mone; niAker. Driced to sell 1 $ Call Crawford Eves, EM 4-5020. AL ISAAK & CO REALTORS 323 N. Church St. Th. EM 4-3311 B12 Exch. Rea- Estate 1953 ROYAL Lancer Dodge Hardtop $2850 $1400. Bal and new modern Mt Cabin (De troit Orel $7000. Will consider trading as down payment on New Mod 3 bdrm. home Salem Statesman-Journal Box iyji. 2 CI. FAR Salem properties, fm.lilHi vaiue. irane ior man arm No. Box 476 Statesman-Journal. Dealer 56 Olds Super 83 Holiday coupe, radio, ntr. finish with tan interior. Iff new! Savt Hundreds of $ $ $ 55 Olds 98 $2895 Dlx. Holiday Sedan, heater, hydramatlc. power iteerin. rower brakes, red it whit inish with black it white in terior, white tires, one-owner. Sold and serviced by Lode r' a. 54 Olds Super 88 $1995 A Door, radio, neater, nyara matic. tinted glass, rear speaker, tutone green finish (t low mileage. The most out standing car of "54." 53 Olds Super 88 $1499 4 Door, raoto, neater, nyora matic, white walls, tinted glass, black and uhita finish. A nice car. 51 Olds 98-4 Door 893 Radio, heater, hydra., whit w alls, one-owner. Sold ft serv Iced by Loder's. An outstand ing Rocket engine car witft low mileage. Remember Jim Lndcr and Paul Gell are al ways ready to make you a good deal. Come In and se one of them today I LODER BROS CO. OLDSMORILE Used Car Dept. 4151 No. Hish EM 2-797S 8T8Wonted, Real EsroTa BRAND NEW A BEDROOM Nearly completed ready or your large family. Lou 01 NATURAL WOOb PANEL ING. HUGE FIREPLACE BRICKED TO CEILING l'l baths ln..ide utility, full dlmog room. Birch tt Formica. Dbl. farage. All this and other fine eatures lor the LOW LOW price of Only 14.2(K). Call Walt Jones at EM 4-6766. Eyes EM 1-7R32. Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N.. HIGH EM 4-fi7fifi SOUTH SALEM HIGH $S00 DN. 1 vt. old 2 bdrm. plastered nome. uniy jau or atnau partly furnished. 7 YR. OLD HOME $350 DN. 2 bdrm. harwd. floors, plastered, Newlv decorated Inside St out. Price 8!tM. ALLEN C. JONES, , REALTOR 231 N. High EM 3-Sa.lfl. Eves. EM 4 1689. EM 2-9B4R. WONDERFUL VIEW WORDS can't descrihe this love ly 4 bedroom home with .1 haths. 3 fireplaces. Ljvlng kitchen. Built-in appliances. Davlight basement. Double ga rage. Call Eave Seal for ap pointment. Eves. EM H-55!)4. Don Douqldon MODERN COUNTRY LIVING. 3 bdrms. only 2 yrs. old with forced air oil neat. All rooms good sizen, attacnea garage, ioi 100x130 with finest soil for flowers and garden. Located north. Owner will take ise. trailer hse. for equity. O. I, loan may be assumed. Priced at only 9700.O0. Call Mr. Todd. FULLY EQUIPPED GARAGE. One of the best garages In Salem. Owner will sell equipment and stock at Inventory. Must see mis to appreciate. ihu mr. mens. SOLID COMFORT, In this lovely 2 bedroom home. Lge. living rm. wilh rircnlace. nice dinine rm. A kitchen to deliKht any mo ther. A hndv utility rm. Lge. lot with filbert, walnut, cherry and apple trees. Located east, only $10,900. Call Mr. VanMeter. piuit n.Ai55 AP ATlTMFMT HOUSE tn tin-ton ahaoe. In hlfh demand rental area only 2 hlks. from Slate bldg. on Cen ter si. 12 Income units r a sleeping rm. Ill furnished apts.) Low fixed overhead. Prire f0,000. Income 1805.00 per mo. Terms 2fi,000 down, $300.00 per mo. at B. Call Mr. EUinf. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2.11f) Stale St. Phone EM 2-3)l Eve.: Filing EM 4-B514: Allison EM 4-3214: Mrs. Graham LARGE well furn. 2 rm. apt. 2nd fir., pas stoves. $30 mo. Washing facilities. No pet. arhilts pfd Br-r. remtired. 2164 Maple Ave. EM 3-7117. UNFURN 2-bdrm. court. Near North HI. 812 N. 14th THE CENTURY. 1961 CENTER New Irg. rilx. 2 bdrm. Apts. ilODERN Furnished Court. 1 t-DOO, evening - LARGE At convenient 3 rm. furn. &. carpeted apt. 1055 Edge VERY nice 2 bdrm., frpl. . 3381 Duncan Ave. Inq. 3385 Duncan, EM 3-571H. 803 Suburban 2 TO 7 ACRES Bv owner close in North. Very nice 2 bdrm. home St other buildings. EM 4-9409. 806 Houses For Sale CLOSE In mod. furn. 3 rm. apt. i Ph. EM 3-8490exceptSat. , r BDRM. "court, unfurn.. adults. TV. EM 3-4671. 1435 Trade. FURN-3" rm. apt. Adults, 1545 N.Cjpitol.EAl2-9006. VERY desirable well heated 3 rm. partly furn. apt. Garage. EM 3-8413. VERY nlcelv furn. small apt. private ent'r. 33WJCaito. f'ERY desirable, close tn $ rm, flat h garage EM 2-4817 for app'r I BDRM. court apt partially furn . MS. KM 2-62Wi. E- L- Knapp Broker. AMBASSADOR APTS. NICELY furn. apts. 550 N. Sum- mer. EM 2 nzm ELAINE APTS. fi-79 N. LIBERTY Apt liv. rm. dinette, kitchen, QUIET, clean. 1 bdrm. hse. 4 Corners dist.. $40EM242131 NE-SUBURBAN 3 bdrm. clean modernhomeL $60EM2-2673. 2 BDRM. cottage, kit. furn., newlv dec. off Center. 634 Catterlin, $70. Also 1 bdrm., 155. EM 2-2.07. 4 CORNERS, 2 bdrm. attach. NEW Bar., elec. heat, no dogs, swj Itiq. 45115 State. JEM 4-2MZ. BDRM.7 2 batbs, onk floors, F A. oil furn., 1 floor, gar. Inquire 15U6 S. 13th. RANCH type 2 bdrm., luiiy insuiaien aupiex. eieu., nu. firs . Venetians. Inside ultlitv wired for dryer. Range, re in e & T.V. antenna furn.. large gar. 354 Bliler. EM 2-.HU5 or Jnq. 35S Tryon. I BDRM. hse., partly turn. 20G9 Kvercrecn. r-m vo. hdrm. bath. BY BUILDER New 3 bdrm. hse., dble gar., nat. birch kit . fireplace, F A. oil heal. $11,500 . 81,000 down, 950 Eld in Ave. EM 4-0084. TRADE hdrm. So. Suburban, fireplace forced air heat. dbl. carport. Take most anything In trade or will sell with small n uvm t. l-'auiine Ave. RlilTOHf; A TERRIFIC DEAL ft WAITS YOU Builder just railed us and SAID REDUCE MY HOME FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. The home is located south In a Bond location, it la new. has 3 hod roo in s, dining room, lit baths, inside utility, fireplace, forced air heat, birch kitchen with nook and a dounie gar age THIS ONE WONT LAST LONG AT THE AMAZING PRICE OF $11,000. $l.flO0 Down. Call Ted Morrison EM 4-6766 or Eve. EM 2 5016. Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N. HIGH PH. KM 4-67R6 2660 BLUFF FAM kit., nartv rm.. S fired. . 3se Is plumbing. EM 3-3434. WANTED: Listings on all types of property. If you wish to sell or trade call Al Isnnk it Co., and one of our qualified sales- withmit obligation. Ph. EM 4-3311. CAPITOL) "Chevrolet Caciilaij Union it Commercial EM 3-3178 19MFORD1 B7T850. Mobil Sta tion . 1291 Edgewater. EM 2-9424. MUST SELL Our IMS Ford V- idn.. rsdlo, heater, overdrive, only $1373. Sc. l J HO No. 13th alter I p.m. or PH. EM 2-8578. 4ft FOHD srdan, radio & hpatef. while walls, food running ennd. KM 2-3180 850 Automotive 353 Auto Port, & Repair! 8S2 Uied Cart For Salt FOR $500 DOWN MUST SUM. 2 hdrm.. with uninl.hed Hairs. Ph. KM 2-8HM. KM4-474B; VanMeter F.M 4-9S00; Hicks EM 4-49.10; Todd F.M'gQy p,'f Courts tor Solt lIufTlM" 320 Court Ph. F.M 4 8484 STEVENS SPECIALS WHERE CAN YOU find the equal nf this good building lot on Cascade Drive? Price cut to $650 for quick nale. Street assessments can be assumed Call Burt Picha. ATTRACTIVE HOME WEST SALEM. Secluded Redwood fenced vard with trees. Roomy 2 bedrooms, large separate dining room and 19 x i ft. living room with fireplace. Paved street. Garage plus car port. $12,500 with FHA terms, Call Bill Estill. KEIZER. DANDY 2 hfdroom SPRING SPECIAL! Yes. we're WANT QUALITY? Snarious 3- Bdrm., separate dining room, tile bath i hath off 2 car garage. Finest Subdivision. Trees. Pick your colors, 2 weeks to finish. Built by Wittenberg Craftsmanship superb. Phone DON BELL INGER home EM 4-04H2 Of fice EM 4-3394. FAMILY LIVING. 3 Bedrms close in. 5 yrs. old. New paint inside and out. large storage attic. $B!'50. Terms? Yes. make us an offer! Phonp CLIFF BO WD E R horn e E M 3-9956 Office EM 4-33S4. in tivi e. Ph. EM 2-375!.. home with 3rd bedroom poS' sihilltv. Onlv 2 years old, some interior finishing to be done. Large well developed lot. 16500 easy terms. Call Gilbertson. UNFURN 2 bdr hse ivt red Tor drier tro " Salem. ; 7 rm. " house. IWn N. 17th St Inq. 1595 N. 5th St. Ph. EM 3-9574. . PBDRM. frp!.. part. furn.. gar.; near bus i5.EM 3-5620. TBDRMr, full bsmt". oil furnace firepl.. gar. Close to schools k HolKwood Center. EM ,1-3161. UNFURN. 4" rm. house 4 garage 6f6 N. Cottage. TbDRM-hse- Eat Water furn. Uul rm.$25 EM 4-2513. 2BDRM. k utility. Oil heat, $45. 1440 Cross St. RENT nice, clean 2 bdrm. houne. Garden spot. EM 4 1730. VERY NICE furn. 3 rm. Apt. 2 Irg. closets, pnv. bath A- entr. 2"0 S. 22nd. after 4 P nv e?m?Tb?hVTVd,Uo.V 707-O Furnished House. tng avail. Inq. 1341 So. I2in. BY BUILDKR NEW 3 bdrm, full daylight bsmt.. wall to wall carpet in liv. rm. St hall. 2 baths up Joff bdrm.. Ig. kit. Ac din. aiea. dishwasher, builtin oven & range. Bsm't. includes large puneled rec. room St den with tironiare laiindrv room, bath & shop area. All this located 379 n. High St. on Jt A. Close in. w.wv. x-m -oo29. T Tn Pnpmpkptn St. SELL Equitv in new 3 bdrm. I r hnir lor MM) .v over con- r m it k-- Salesmen's eve. 'phones: Pnha KM 4-3152; Estill EM 4-B:i66; Gilbertson EM 4-9140. Stevens Realtors EM 4-6837 706 Duplexes 2 BDRM . Suburban he . "i acre hrtd "r- in!aid lino leum. 1 mt. E. Suegel School $.-.5. EM 4-85511. RENT SAVER. 2 BDRM stairs duplex, near School. Very clean itove. re- w aler iurninen .i . Grin PARTLY Ft-RNISHKD EM 3-8997 ri riv fiirn or unfurn C'.ose m. T.V ant . gar., bus by-, gDRM with GARAGE North door. EM 3-3734. unfurnished S45. THEBEST"2'bdrTir"::th "lr- 2 BDRM WITH CAR. unfur- trad. pmts. $80 mo. Young; couple lived m home for 1 1 vear witn no ennoren. raven street, Citv Water. .Suburrian Arta. EM 2-576;i aMr6pLm: FOR SALE by owner. Immed. possession E. Suburban 2 bd rm. home, on 1 1 acre, com pletely landscaped: henhouse, work Fhop. greenhouse, as sorted berries: endles water supply. CallEM 3-5307. NEW 3 bdrm. home, family rm . 2 baths, utility, built-in oven It range, dbl. gar. 1372 sq. ft. Large lot. $12. W0. 1413 Bren ner. No loan costs. LGE. 3 bdrm. home by builder. log Corner Cascade It Fair- o.iks. Ph. EM 3-40U3 JOE HUTCHISON RF ALTOR Let 11 solve h -ne neea To Buv, Sel. or Rent - Call Pn EM 1-:4:1 111 Rdgewaier Ph EM 4-. 874 2710 So Com ml SMALL 2bdrm. home, ntre $JV) tin. Full price $4,S50. EM i 2 7;tl after 6 p.m earlv but this is a suburban beatitv. NEW. lovely 3 bdrm., SDiitious inside utility, Mre place, forced air hent. public uaier. FHA huilt Heput.-ilile cont rnctor. $IO.Tr0. Phone CLIFF home KM 3-9956 Office EM 4-3:i!4. LARGE COUNTRY HOME In beautiful setting of trees. Home has 8 rooms, fireplace, nil piped furnace. Fruit hnise. tool hnuse. garace. Fruit. Price $12,500 Terms $lRnn. down. CALL O. V. HUME. EAST MOn ELAND . 3 bdrm., full basement, liv. rin , mn. rm., lovely kitchen with eat Ing area, 2 fireplaces, oil forced air healing. Dble. at tached garage. Shake outside Plaster inside. l'a yrs old. Good materials and workman ship. Price $16,750 To See CALL RALPH BRUCE. BEAUTIFUL SETTING in fir trees. Thii fine 3 bdrm. home has large liv rm. with over sired fireplace. Nice bath room With big sqiinrt tub Interior pine paneling and Reasonably pneen at PLUMBING SHOP In good lo- cation, win sen iiwk a n n equipment at inventory' along ith buildings or sell huild ings separately. Would be good for variety of uses. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY. LET'S TRADE Neat and at tractive 2 norm, nome wnn large lot. Price $9500. Will trade for 3 bdrm home in South or West Salem. Up to $16,000. CALL H. K. LAYMON. NORTH SALEM Convenient to schools and transportation, neat and clean, 3 hdrm. home This home is in excellent condition. $fiNKl CALL J. E. LAW. APARTMENTS Supplement vour Income wnn tins t-irar A ant. blriff . well lorn ted room for expansion. Rrings $200. monthly, can be pur chased for $15 000 CALL RON HUUKINS. plaster, sir. r.fiii CALL MRS. RICHARDSON. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 1R0 S. LIBKRTY ST. I'll. KM 2-2471 KvrninKs & Sundays call Sal.. men APARTMENT HSE. IB UNIT BRICK BUILDING CLOSF. TO DOWNTOWN. Good condition, always rented. Attractive entrance and ex terior on this three story building. New refrigerator and ranges, laundry facilities. Ill garages. TV hnok-un serv ice. Proprrty free ann clear of encumhrnnce. Owner will consider variety of terms, con tracts. Call Chet Nelson. Eve. EM 2-1.150. Nelson & Nelson RKALTORS 1500 S. CoMimemalEM 2-36 9 UNIT COURT Plus good 3 bdrm. horn. Thia property Is well located k in very good condition. Tenants pay all utilities. 2!t pet. down will take this very attractive Invevtment. Owner will carry balance on easy terms. Salem Properties JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 367 N. High EM 4-3462 EM 2-1533 Eve. EM 3-:i2fi2. EM 4-3220. EM 2 U723 TOP VALUES 51 Willys Sta. Wag. ... $495 50 Willys Sla. Was $3115 53 Willys 4 Whl. Dr. Station Wagon. $M5 51 Willys 4x4 Jeep All metal top $fl95 52 Willys Tudor. Radio heater, overdrive $.95 52 Packard Sedan. A nice family car. $595 Cor. Center & High ONK IN A HUNDRED SI Chev. Styllne Deluxe 4 Door, 41.0(h) miles, ann really sharp. MiRht finance. 2A20 Englewood Ave. after 5:jl0 P.M. 5(1 CH EV. "Sta. Wg . 210. 4 dr.. V-B. radio, heater, o'dnve, windshield washers, 13.000 ml. EM 2 0172. 1641 HUDSON Citih cpe. very good motor. EM 4-2fU2 after 8:30 '51 PONT. Catallna. Excellent condition. Just take over con tract plus $.r0. EM 4-5467 after 3WI. Mrs. Richardson EM 4-886 II K. 1-tvinon EM 4-507 Ralph Unite EM 2-'i'Hl O. V. Hume EM 2-ifHi K. Uw 3-5113 Walt Ikiculofskv KM 3-HH.I5 Ron Hudkina KM 3-6712 808 Lots For Sale served older home with an up per & lower apt. or can me as 3 bertrm. home. Has double plumbing, well built, large lot, to paved allev. Two garages k lots of fruit. I7SO0. $1500 DN. Three Bungalow COURT k double garage close to Shop. Center Not old. Well rented all the time. Some fur nishing Catch owner eve. Ph EM 3-R405. Price I15.5O0. One third Dn. Art Madsen Realty 132 State EM 3-5.rW, EM J-M12. F-M 3-atn.i MR OWNER? filen Wood-T will pa? top price' foi your furn K ipphrfncr E.V, 3-5 i 1 0 1 1 Hii I Viiiii i HI i mmmnmM lftM Fairgrounds Pd. LOTS 77 X 110. Trees, water, paved St . Elne new subdivi sion. fltioO Phone Don Hell Ingifr, homo EM 4 0412. Office EM 4-:i3!i4. Chir Howder Co. REASONABLE large restricted Itils Kelzcr EM4K513. BY" OWNER Mntej, trailer court' or home sites close In North near Junction SHE tt Freeway. EM 4-!M0!i. 810 Farms For Sole 2 BKDROOM DtTI.KX (A New LlMingl Near MCKIN LEY SCHOOL Corner lot. 2 brdrooms. living room, din ette, kitchen, utility room and balh each unit Don hie gar age. Property In Good con- 1 dition. I unit reartv for oc-1 cunaney. Other rented f o r J75 fW. Price 115.500, Call Mat, one Fanning EM 4-I7M or Eve. EM 4 WW. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2M) N HK'.I! KM 4-67M COMFORTABLE CMintrv living on Ihts acres. 3 hrm. older home on nice corner with view Good well. aho'M i in or chard, chicken house, other building Owner wants smaller arreage soutnean, a gooa ouy ai rw- n rtun-i. ph. EM 4-7448. EXCELLENT buv in a new 2 bedroom home, nice sire dining and living room romb kitrhen. tilt hath, utility room on 75 x 130 lot. onlv 170M, with $lono dn. or a real buy at t5O0 cash. Call Gene Pedwell. I LOOK NOW! Spring Is corning. This 40 acre farm all Irrlg has excellent 3 bedroom home on paved highway Approx. 35 a re in cull, row crop soil Can sell or trarle 10 ncres with the house Prefer trade on home in West Salem. Call Eailndge Eve. ph. F.M 3-652. 316 N. CHURCH ST. RKALTOR PH. KM 4-6871 Used Auto. Parts Bales & Brady PH. EM 2-4513 854 Trucks, Trail, tor tola NEW 2 WHEEL TRAILER 9fi0 N. 15th St. 41 "INTERNATIONAL 1 T. dual wheels, 9175 2320 Kappihaha nd. LATE model T 1 Ford pick up. Almost like a new truck. 9300. Would trade for car. 4684 Lowell. '47 INTERNATIONAL i T. Pfck-up. good tires. Best offer lakes. E M 4 0609 'M'WILLYS Pick up. 4 wheel dr. good cond.. 9000. MA 3-3703. '52GMC truck, good cond. with hed. 3222 Maylield Place, N. Salem. 2 WHEEL util. trailer, high sfd hoards, gooa tires, xs on. EM 4 0447. 856 Wanted, Cart, Trutkt WANTED TO BUY Clean Used Cars Moen Motors. nt so. ..tin Phone EM 4-8.173. 862 House Trailer WANTED to rent with option t huy. used nouse trailer a ii or over. Silverton TR 3-5113. Ift5fl 45' TRAILER house, 1 bdrma., tront & oacK, w 1 i i trade equity for lata model car. EM 2-M08 days, EM 2-fiOflfl eves. 1054 PACKAHD Super Clipper 4 nr. senan. tinnjo, neater, iiitramatic. nouer brakes illfti al Warner Motors, 670 So. 12th. 55"cilF.VnOLET "210" 2 Door 91305 at Warner Motors, 67ft Mi. 12m. 54 M KHC. Montlerev HdtD.. full power equip, sisw. t,n 4 0240. 55 CUSTOM Merc. 4-dr. 2-'tone, Merc-o-inatic, radio, heater, bfickup lites, wlntishleld wash ers, turn signals, all nylon uphnl.. while siilewalls. Exc. cond. Serviced locally, must sell. 91,700. terms, KM 2-UH73 eves. W H EC K I Nf 1 ' 4 8 D E SOTO KM 4-0008 46 Ford 4 dr. sdn. exc. running cond. 95. EM 3-3441. EXTRA nice large heat 1790 Davidson 1 bdr . oil EM 2-1053. CLEAN furn: 3 rm. duplex apt., with bath. fjose. tqj'-"'! KFwYlvflrm.. birch kit . Ig. liv. rm.. garageEM3-"4I: CRND 'fir. 3 rms, f.icelv furn. Redec. Car. Art-.-1's. I'M Carrol. EM!-?"' iSF.W unfurn. 2 Mr-n. duplex. South. S5. EM 4-KT8. V'KPY'nice jf'bdrm. duplex pr:v. e-r.. g location $.5 rr.o. EM I!T. 1 RM furn. gar . nrr hospital EM 2-8041 b(or 4 pm 707 Houses For Rffnt TOR RENT partlr furn 2 hdrm. rnu.e Cloe to SUtt Hosp. 465. EM 3-7310. vtf-F 1 BDRM. WITH DitrxirN'T economical saw. dust heat. gar. near schools, snooping. Aailiblt Jan. 15. . 't."T??L BASEMF.NT. double jrarate. WM (urji'ur. sol'TH. BIN L00KIN? C. V. KENT & CO. LLOYD KEENE, REALTOR if desired, rear schools 95 ee Je L. rVurfe Realtor at 1140 N Capitol Ph. EM3J1216 , OnFURN 2 Mrrr. heme. NE r.- grade rhool. -5 "" EM 2 MM das. EM 2-4436 eves. ft" ACRE with small mM i houe. frjtt. berries ehicfcen hou-e. EM 4509. r"OR RFNT- S-rall 2 bdvr, i 'jrn rm . 9t 1350 Waller. Ovi ner 1357 Hines. MODrtraVler hoTg laundry pnv-1 I Privileges, elec. k v ater furn. 1 Private lit. Set lo appreciate. 33 bdrm. homes south. All have bath 9c frpl.. etc. Ph. EM 4-7800 to have a look k let's see it v can get together on a deal. New view Jwris. 3 bdrrr.s.. play rom. 2 trpi.. bath k 'j. isi-M an P or trae for srrail houe car. lot. or what he ynu1 EM 4-B272 A GOOD buv bv builder-New 3 Mr-, ho-f. IV. sq ft . in g'vl lo Tion See to he mn. tnced EM 4 -5t77eves k morn. BY BUILDKR New 3 hdrm custom buit ioiT.e choice location. EM 2-7071. ov nwvF.R 5 hdriT. on acre, Ig. attach, slop 4.S6 N tree inruos nrrrie 12 wi ilwn, terms on Bal. 9179 Tuner Rd. EM 4 23. FOR SOMEONE WHO WANTS NEAR THE REbT. Very lovely 3 B R. home. Ig. Jiv. rm. Un usually nice kit. finished In 2 shades of gumw ood Bathrm. has twin wash basins. Dav Iignt basement i'h party room finished :n knotty pine Lg, covered patio, Lovelv v ew L-rf-aterl sojth. Re sure 9c see. ll'vW-0 1 ab.e. INDEPKSDL..Lt. this spin - iee, .i hedroom FAMILY ROOM ard EXTRA batn ALL this tin an aire of beautiful view property. on can neai I't 110 "VI low. ent Owner t change climate is Y reason tfiii p!a.e is aail- STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 167 S. High St. Ph. EM 3-3'51 f-H A C I. OR LOST, TFRM CONVENTIONAL MORTCACE LOANS OWNER LEAVING Anxious to sell 2 bedroom and den south. Lot 120 x 200 plenty tA room for the kiddles lo plav. Paneled den could be CAN YOt TOP THIS' 2 hvei No 17 rrj- n'-n .No. 2 4 rm. modern noue on 2 Xf-re Ph sre nartlv f'ir nished, PLUS garage rhlrken hout barn and Fa-ilK fruit t SchfOl bu at the door Ner b jv ton Per.t one. live in . tre' otT Priced at nrh . tl.VA, i the bst of terms. I - FKTTFR THAN gUAI.l IY in t-. real BL'SINESS AND HOME Attractive 2 bedroom plastered home about six years old. Abentee owner wants to sell nd will consider 11000 do-xn to responsible partv. Business building suitable for cabinet shop, garage, etc Large lit approx 't acre Keuer area on arterial. Price f 10.250 OFFICE RENTAL 2t sq ft fmt c!- ground flfx-.r office in rev bui,d:oc a it off ireet narV'.ng Al' ,-ide Call Pick exira bcdro.rn or family room. Hot water radiant heat Price 911.950. SlortO DOWN 10 ACRES small stream, timber, I K oak Mfime r earen lano. i.i able older Ivpe home all on I floor, fiitragc, barn. IR7V1 with low doun payment. Owner will, subdivide and sell off a part . of the property. Good place (or a handy man to get started See this inr value. Call Al Itoonif, Eve. EM 4-541. Joe Bourne Realtor 1110 N. Capitol Ph. EM :iR21 SPECIALIZED FARMING 27 Acres, plus. rich, rich alluvial unnv loatn sou. go-m mi hulhi. potatoes or special can nerv crop Has excellent Irn gallon outfit. 4 Hdrm, house was built in lim. in very good condition. Also olher buildings. This place is a imniev linker Price 34 'too with down Call Al Bender eve. EM 2-7MH 40 FORO cnupe, one of the best, EM 3-5025. TRADE or sell equity In '54 Mercom.itlc hardtop, for older ear. EM 4-ft18. CUSTOM 50 Merc. New enmne. 51 I'lvm 2 dr. Iw miles Good cond. 200 S. Com'l Unit SPECIAL 9 rms. furniture, cnmplelt to trade lor trailer, nusni to A 4 25 . WILL trade 35 ft. Eastern Built trailer as down payment on 4 or 5 rm. hnuse. Bat. cash. EM3-KM)9. m TRAILER TOWING Ore. Wash Cal. JAYHAWK TRAILER CONVOY 2ft40 Portland Rd. EM 4-6334 ALL aluminum 22 ft. hous trailer, bath. 2 lull size beds, right ie for home or travel, like new inside. 91.200. F.M 3IHI75. The People's Choice New 1057 Blltmore Mobile Homes NOW ON DISPLAY See Them Today! WILL take In trade furnltura. ckups. car equities or wna ave vou. RON'S TRAILER SALES Corner of ('i nter it Church East of Meie' ir Erstik Open Evenings EM 2-6809 900 Display Class. Oregon's Oldest Dralcr BKST BUY Used Cars nektU 57 WILLYS STA. WGN. 4 WHEEL DRIVE Warn Hubs, Hitch, used 3 mot. Owner leaving country 23ft5. Cm, l new f.iUXi. 3750 West Hills Rd. Corvallis PLasa 3-8535. 4 CMHYSI.KR Sdn. fully equip. excel, rond. r..M GOOir'40 Chev. 2 dr. 75. EM 4 549. Readv tn i fftin horr Sr High airenrtv fie fireniacr nhi dre'-i i k:?rhen fm.shed in hirch A ' -tu-. m:vit.'pf; farm IN THE CITY witr, 7x y-4 t, ;h law r. snrubs . fruit nd berries. Price $1.1500. CHL'RCH UJREVHOI ND RLDO ) EMpirc EVE r KIGGINS EM 4-5474; KEENE 7M J-Vi71; rfRHtVG EM 2-04; LEAVENS EM 4S5; BUHiuxaun i-n. j':IMiet nrovidei 'chmidl f'-r nvir EVENINGS AND SI'NDAYS CALL DICK SCHMIDT W. H. STEVELY Ph. EM 2-7.V.7 Ph, EM 4 2fil OUR MRVirr. IS TO HH P Vol F' II. D OR PVY AND FINANCE A HOME COOD LISTINGS NEEDED - BUYERS AVAILABLE C. D. MrCarKar. RHr. 702 N. High St. Phone EM 4 4441 SUBDIVISION PROPERTY 37 ACHES. Al) level This land ! been produi:K.g I.eaai and 1 1 VrH .ibeme Ni e reit.ndeled fdiiler f'ir home and i -on e Will tike a 2 or :i ticdrootn n I'ni.e in trade Call Hon I Cleiiry. Even. EM 3 :t't DcrH Douctl.Jzi"- 53 PontiHC Sedan $1195 Rad.. hir., hydramatlc. M Ford Club Sedan $1095 Radio, heater, ovcrdrlvt. 52 Pontiac 2 Door $995 Radio, heater, hydramatlc. 52 Pontiac Catalina $945 Radio, heater. hydrimiUc. 51 Pontiac Sedan $695 Radio, heater, hydramatlc. r. f-l l- tO.. ed.. radio heal- 31 -''"'" orua" v, UR5. See all Radio, heater, powergllde. nth after 5 p m. or j ()ts fl Club Sdn. $495 Radio, heater, hvdramitic. 51 Rambler Hardtop $495 Radio, heater, overdrive. 48 HndMin Club Cpe. $95 Radio Ii heater. 47 Chevrolet Sedan $95 Radio Jt heater. '55 MERC 4 dr Custom. 2 tone, white aide walls, fully equip t. 11.700, terms. EM 2-0p ;55 MERC'."" Mont. New tires, Ina'ied with extras. 12350. MA Z .m2 Dallas. 40 MFRC 4 d conv.. radio. auto ,d cond KM 4-5282. ; 55 CHEV Del Flav V-8 now iao .neaier. nu nim 51 CHEV 4 dr deluxe fair fond H5. t.m 4 !"5J. aw snnx Ave 30 Court fn. M 4VIWH TO PLACK AD PM0NE EM 4-6811 TAGGESELL PONTIAC 660 No. Liberty EM 2 4111