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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1957)
Page iS Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL rVoodbiirnPTA Eyes Problems WOODBURN (Special) About 75 or fiO people attended the meet injt for Marion county Parent Teat, her association units Wednes day night at the Washington school in Wood burn. Lucille Gideon, leg islative chairman of the Oregon Congress of Parent-Teachers, pre sided and introduced the legisla tors who were present Senators Ohmart and Sidney Sen lest n ger and Representatives Winlon Hunt, Kddie Ahrens and Guy Jo nas. Also introduced were Gard ner Knapp, past president of the Oregon School Board association, and Herman Chindren, long time members of the legislative educa tion committee. School problems, child welfare nnd the tax problem were the main topics discussed. Group discus Bions were held and questions atked on problems to be presented to the legislature. Among those present were div ; (rict school board members from j Woodburn. Salem. North Howell, .Monitor, Silverton, Hubbard, prin cipals and teachers from area : ichools and interested Woodburn residents. Music was furnished by the -"Peace in the Valley" male quar-1 tel. Refreshments were served by the executive committee of the i Woodburn PTA who were hosts with Mrs. Howard Palmer, chair tnan of the hospitality committee, In charge. Charles B. Cornwell is Scolts Mills PTC Dates Ham Dinner SCOTTS MILLS (Special -The Scotts Mills Parent Teachera Com munity club had its January meet ing in the school cafeteria Thurs day night. A play was presented by Jack Taylor, Brenda Nomer, Mrs. Bill St. Clair, and Caroline Sorensen. During the business meeting Glenn Slentz presided. The club voted to have a farm dinner Feb. 9 at the school cafeteria to raise funds for visual education films needed by the teachers. A Luncheon is Served dinner was tabled for the future. Mrs. Karl Baker, Mrs. Melvir, Hubbard, Mrs. Frank Fink, Mrs. James Nicholson and Mrs. Glenn Slentz arc on the kitchen commit tee; Mrs, Dean Sanugren and Mrs. John Splonski, dining room com mittee: Mrs. Harold Wcllman, hos tess; Mrs. K. F. Cook, Mrs. Har old Wellman, and Mrs. Tony Hieienherg will decorate. The next meeting will be Feb. 7. There will be a program. MII.LKRS HAVE BOY LAFAYETTE 'Special) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller are display- in. a new baby son, born Dec. 21 at St. Vincent Hospital, in Port land. The little fellow weighed in at seven pounds, seven ounces and has heen named Steven toward, He has a brothei , Michael, 15 months old. president of the local PTA which met in regular session Thursday nignt. DONALD DUCC By Wolf Disney 51 .tin,. i.... .u-n - -i - i i 'hi.lodiE.' wamta plavO COPS' N' BO&3g5; A 6 LLV PLACE ri ft HENRY By Carl Anderson I SALLOW ACROSS 1 Short napped fabnf 4. Long dis tance 7. Sum 12 Wine I J 3. Poem '14. Abscond !).V Said 'Jfi Color 17. Ventilated 1 B Coasc: naut. BO Protective covering f'J Forsakes 34. Kirrnily 57. Join 2. English princes Ji Kind of Ash 32. Went swiftly J4. God of war 35.1,1ft 37. Powerful explosive SR. Expanded 42. Artificial light 44. Kesolve grammaU. cally 4S Seed 47 Harvest goddess 49. Luzon native 50. Confronts 51. Portuguese coin 62. Fencing dummy 53. Jumping insects (4. Being 55. Bitter vetch u a ons p a RnFll M A & aIIt A L EUyw& t CTOMPlE T I T 0K N E3 b E B g i JyafSt 0 111 t TJPJ T H M BjML 111 0 UE PJc OIT BvAjC XmX okca pM PIAIyM Dip 13 w oiNBp pW ejr UfT A SJPjDldlC. BfTlE Nit RaTnJPJ(71o nBJs.aiwIBI AnBJaiTiM O SIP'eIH yitJBE R i EMRjT& w'ElPiTU'i.A.N ClvVo Solution of Yasureay's Puitle UUWN 1. Detecting device 3. Swarming S. The Devil 4. Luck 5. Amer. humorist 6. Revise 1 J "..'11 i f b 1 j l n X ,.; . 71 75 -, ' , ,1 "T 19 T"Ti . TJ 7T rr ytpf . rr ts .'t I so ii rv1"JJ 17 "ir "" 'vi;i Tt" " 77". TJ" 75f" jV - L 7J 'pi :;isT 7. Conip.iniei of players 8. Potpourri . Violent downpour 10. Monkey 11. Conducted 19. Spirit 21. Prepare to publish again 23. Kind of acid 26. First num ber 25. Poy's nickname 2. Place of conflict 2V Rug 30. Vase 31. Salad plant 33. Absence of blood poison ing 3'. On land 3. Attire 39. Hang loosely 40 Compound ether 41. Bargains 43. Olive genus 45 Away 44. Kind of lace t.Cae Egypt Story Will Be Told LEBANON 'Special) - A first hand account of conditions in Egypt will be given by the Rev. H. William Elmer of Portland Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Evangelical United Brethren church here. Mr. Elmer was pastor of the American church in Cairo for more tlan a year when he and his family were forced to evacuate in October. They recently arrived back on the west coast. He is a me nber of the Pacific Northwest conference of the El'B church. Include. In the talk will be pic tures he took in Egypt. The public Is invited to attend, said the Rev. Charles H. Keep, pastor of the local church. REMODEL HOME BU1TEVILLE (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Knipicka are add ing a room to their farm home. W6 SOW. ib. we fee USZB TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT USK ' Wf CAWS TO 1 It AT THE AV I 1 1 TALK ttOJT I FOIT KB A NOW TWAT ftC HAVE BCI TOANf SEeOfP SACK So THE 6-0 TUUNP.E &O00L4, HE WON T K COIUCTIN4 OtIK " iuc tKMit to oer rvncu-1 SALE MUCES V COLLECTIVE , uriNd' (it iva Issrrsn lfoot.5. ; BUT tut ' Ut INTO I hi wtCO. PAYIN9.' J R7TEET PCCIOEO ID ATHLETICS AT WMPUILL SCHOOL ! SHE I THE COACH OP THE BASKETBALL TEAM, BUT THE SCHOOL It to PCOB. SHE MAP 10 LL STOCK TO BUY A ball; 3 n1 V6 WONTi.f-B.BC ALlX'tP TO PUV ON $OCOCT MCNEV TO A MA TE ATHLETM.' , V " 1 Sua' wisw UH HAON'T 6EN SO QUICK T' TELL THEM REPO'TUHS eSTUHOAY IWAJAH ACCEPT TH HOOPEO HAM 3 challenge, Dinah kf SHUCKS, HONEY- 7383 Easy to Mule! Build your own wooilon lawn or patio chairs easy tu do saves many dollars besides! Woodcraft Paltern 7385: Simple directions (or making lawn, porch or patio chairs. Aclual-size paper pattern pieces included, with easy- to-loilow number guide. Send TWENTY -FIVE CENTS In coins tor this pattern adr b cents nr each pattern or Ist-class mail ing. Send to Capital Journal Holtsehnlrj Arts Drpt . P O. hoi 168 Old Chelsea Station. New York II, r V Print nly NAME, ADDRESS. ZONE. AND PATTERN NUMRER. Two KHEP1 patterns printed our ALICE BUOOKS Ncedlc- crafl book stunnmi; designs (or you. our readers! Dozens ol other designs to order all easy, fascinating hand-work! Send 25 cents for your copy of this won derful book right away! . LOOK AT HIM HIAA6ELP WHAT CONCEIT OH. EVEBYONE a?EALIZES HMSELH . IN SOMfc WAX 5 m mm mm ' w OH.AH AINT AFRAID UP HlK. OR ANVTH1N', FEE THAT aAATTUHJ BUT TUH NtVUH KNUW YVMUT KIND UFA CH ARACTUH WOULD A NOT C UllMT IHAI TOO LATE T WORRY ABOUT THAT, OZARKJ J.OOK! 1c BUT WHAT UNA Bia FAT BEAST UKE THAT SEE IN HIMSELF f HAVEN'T VOL! N Evee seen his TATTOO? Ii J. OKAY.'-THIS IS AN MiBC-tH jWcanrii'le, Jnside Vie "Mirror filttse grnac tsmcs jrt Amazemenr .' t WHERE D YOU OCt NOMAD ? I THERE'S NO WAY OUT OF HEBE.'-YCUUE V BEHIND A POST, OR SOMETHING.' '1 And. Cbtfi. 6M6 MY AISSKT, I'LL 86 eoiN HOW. UT6N. I AIN'T BOGGLE HtAPtf KLUNK. NOfilB X 7i I eh czv; OH.!TAWfUt TO hA8 A LACY CAeevtNfON THAT"'CiN 5eeSE5aPINTATNI6HTl; i5.lieoTTAAPAHTWU 15 FROBLXAI-AP)'" 0U GONNA HAPTA aidSEAHYO'HABira -cwjiN'AN'seesAssi . 1 J Vai,l f WHO KHCIW? 0E UNS INNOCf NT CHAP MGmT CCWE A10N5 AN' BE CifSSJAMV Br lOiAUNCARTHLY etWTY HE'LL AKFO' 70 HASP AN v u& &Ji 6Uj6M IT, 08 iP ANNIE gTRIVE- WHO Ai YOyg FOLKS? 1. 1 )f OH, I LIVE V-- with y-: I COUSIN BTEVE-J: i . WEST CORN BALL OFFERED ' US SIOO300 TO ANNOUNCE HAWQ McCALL WAS BORN THERE." If P SraJk f ntVET? I HALF TH y ef-f HEARD M08INTHIS TEN O' Yoy !i TOWN APE FAMILIES M BEFORE-I STRIVES- I O'STRIVES- E i you cusses TC1'! I ' BT A L Li TU BK. I ONLYFJVT; FAMBJES O' STRIVES - WELL. FIVE O' OUR AUKTS WERE STRIVES, I TORE THEY MARRIED-- I STtU, V;.. SAY, NONE fcC; OF US EVER E&?5 UCrtfTl 1 -. -T SO WE'LL PUT UP THIS STATUE, AND THE TOURIST MONEY WILL START ROLLING IN BUT, SUH.'.'-1 HE WAS CORN HEREjr J r Fk r . ii rimnft I I '- I r ,, , U OKAY.'.'-WE'LL ANNOUNCE THAT IF YOU MAKE USA BETTER Ul-1-CK.'.Yy) TH' TERMITES WIPED US out.'.'-we; GOTNOTHIN' TO OFFER HAWQ.V JOHN x.. here; A NEW BRUSH AND A CAN OF PAINT.' PAINT THIS room; LATER WOTS A MATTER? you havent even STARTED YET , PAINT THICK.' BRUSH STUCK: 1 I 1ST. vl.Ti KTTT1 1 I I ? 4A "Co Everywhere." Sew a whole wardrobe of smart dresses 'rom this paltern! Just vary (he neck line from novel scoop style to a collared version it's an ideal all-season fashion. Make it casual or dressy according to fabric; its lovely lines are botli versatile and flattrrinR! Pattern 9213: Misses Sues 1J. 14 1. 18. 30; 40, 42, 44, 4fi. Sire It requires 4i yards 59-inch fabric. This printed patten assures perfect fit. Easy directions printed on each tissue pattern part. Send He tn coin mo stamps pleasei lor Pattern with .Same, Address. Style Mimocr ana Mie Address PATTERN Bl'HEAU. Capital Journal. Boi 41 Old Chel sea Station New York 11 NY Far first class mall InrludS aa eitra I cents per pattern A41CUI! TTPRY. I U'T TKL KXI THAT I THINK YCllStE BEIN HA?TY, MIC. LOCK V A1TOCNE OK CO TELL -M, Wt WSTIHT.' PAW VP A "W WILL IH ftHKH NOT one CFNT cOf ID MY CAlKHIIW!! i itv urn & i u u u u u KCXICYeflS. AU6HTE TOJ iM WAA OAloMTK UNTIL SHE CAME UHPtK THE WFLUtNCEOF MAL nUIAM$ '. o a a q a OOflBQ n a a q .3 1 1 fW MKT. THEV STOLE Y Xl 7 iTC-fOX AND SCW j ,V THEY'RE TSWN&XJ 1l . 'I. It Birr im OWE $TfP ah OP THEM, MK. WSlC-HT.' I'M HAVING WLLIAM5 AN? r.M TAKING AVWTHA CVT OF Mt WILL .' V-.II ll AfOUT TH Est CRVSIAL rA4t i LATl llS" SCONCM BOW-- VcvARAirMTICYllia SHALllStNO-"j; TO-..THINH.OIJT ' y A WtOLtM 1 WALT? ! 6LA0 YOU HA5WT60NI OUT!.-CANYOU C0M 0V1-J6HT AWAY Ss Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, January 8, 1957 RADIO PROGRAMS KSLAf UN KOCO UH KOAV ".? G,J" K00'' rM. Mft,c7tlr,-KQ1N 1SI.I; KOW 1WJ TUESDAY P.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:4j 5 KSLM KOCO KfiA Y KOIN K(iU' KG ON Bob tV Bay Sio-Mo-Show Rollle't Rec'di Ed R. Murrow Vanderhoof MelodyMaglC Newi RfI Candlelight Sports-News Ed P. Morgan Melody Magic Cabe Heater Woodv Way Melody M U6IC News Bob Sc Ray 6lo-Mo-Show Slo-Mo-Show !New-Weather Worn Harmon Vanderhoof Mel Allen Melody Magic MeICKiyMagtc Ktws Dinner Concert Candlelight pn the 88 Lowell Thom'l (Amos n Andy McCall iMystervTime Man on Go Ted Heath Band Concert ISporU Tom MrCall O. Andenon Slmer Peterson S am Hayes lOn ,e 8S iAmoB 'n' Andy 'Myatery Tim fed Heath I 3asketbalt Woody Way Rubt. Q- Lewis World News World News "Basketball Woodv Way Tune Table Music ' Biog. In Sound " Slusic Woodv Way 5-Siar Finial News News Flashes Woodv Way Woodv Way (Melody ICBS feature (Music 1 Music iWorld of Music Ted Heath "Basketball Basketball Woodv Way Woody Way Robt. Q. Lewis World Tonight Music (Music li Man's FamilyiDragnet Fulton Lewis Sweet & Swing iTune Table iDo You Know MUSIC iLrtin-w Biog. in Sound IBiog. In Sound IJoort Scope JWoody Way (Almanac 'Music Ted Heath basketball iV'oody Way World Tonight Music IDragnet Sweet & Swin tWoody Way iDo You Know 'Dance Time IBiog. in Sound Woody Way (Woody Way Sports (Good fcveniing IDance Time (Dance Time iMostly Music IMoitly Muic (Music (Woody Way (Good Even ins; 'Dance Time (Mostly Music Big City Woody Way Mus. to Midnite Dance Time Bass Harris Big City 'Midnite Mel. W'oodv Wav (Woody way iMus. to Midnite Music Midnite IDance Time Dance Time (Bass Harris Bass Harris Midnite Mel. IWoody Way Music MidmtBi IDance Time iBass Harris WEDNESDAY HOUR 6KSI.SI KGAY KOI KOW KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KG IV KGON 00:00 00:15 00:30 OOi Vail. Farmcast Farm News News America News-Vander. Rise fit Shine Hemingway Rhythm Ranch Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock News Vanderhf Rise & Shine Cliff Engle Rav's in Time Herb's Show Cnsumer News News-vanaer. Rise & Shine News News Herb's Show iWendy Warren HreaKiasi v,iuo ISpotllte Reds. News News Herb's Show Norah Drake Cher Ciino NBC Bandst'nd Vail. Farmcast Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Vanderhoof World News Breakf. Gang Ray's in Time Morn. Mag. Headline News Vanderhoof Rise &Shine Family Altar Ray's In Time Herb's Show Valle News Vanderhoof Rise St Shine News Vail. Farmcast Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Vanderhoof Rise&Shine BrkfsV Gang Ray's In Time Morn. Mag. Frank Goss Vanderhoof Rise & Shine Bible Inst. Ray's In Time L. Ross Show Shelley Srnade Vanderhoof News-Rise & S News KGAY News KOIN Newi I Vanderhoof Rise St Shine News Ray's fn Time KGAY News Harry Babbitt Vanderhoof BUI Guymaa "Bible-Inst Ray's in Time KGAY News Shelley Srnade Vanderhoof Rise St Shine (Pastor's Call IMatinee Ray's Melodies (Bay's Melodies (Ray's Melodies Herb's Show Herb's Show KGAY News unurat-ri Mill. lHi1en Trent Mid Morn New! Breakfast Club (Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Spotllte HcdS. llNews-nccorogiapounc m-m, TelioTest Wlngs of Song I Wings of Sonf Ray's Melodies Ray's Melodies iRay's Melodies Clarv Dver Herb's Show KGAY News (Ma Perkins (Dr. Malone (Road of Life (News I News Dinner Winner HaDDiness True Story NBC Bandst'nd News News KGAY News News-Weather Mitchell Hpts. Top Tunes aW 9 KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON IKRI.M" KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON -KSLM KOCO KGAY I KOIN ' KGW KGON KSLM" ' KOCO I KOIN KGW KGON KSLM I KOCO f KOIN ' KGW KGOMT I KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW ' KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON Anriernon I Girl Marries N BC Bandst'nd 1 N BC Bandst'nd Queen a Day j Queen i Day Kay s Yieioaies inaya mriuaica Dinner winner ttoine s nccras Mrs. Burton Strike It Rich True story Whispering Sts. NBC Bandst'nd Queen i Dav Rav's Melodies Rollle's Records Pat Buttram NBC Bandst'nd N. W. News Clarine qallingl Rollle's Records! Come Get It Paul Harvey Top Tunes Konnie Worth Konnie Worth NBjBandsJndjNBCBandnl Top Trades Vail. Farmcast Clarine Calling Clarine Calhnf Town Crier KGAY News House Partv House Party Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go R'na News-Top Tnes Top Tunes Matinee IMatinee 1490 Tune St. 90 Tune SL Rollie's Becrds I KGAY News Godfrev Time iGodfrey Time Merry Go R nd i Merry uo h na Rollie's Records Rollie's Rec'ds Godfrey Time (Godfrey Time 5 SUr Matinee' 15 Star Matinee (Hilltop House j Pepper Young Matinee IMatinee (News Matinee News 11490 Tune St. U!M) Tune St. 14P0 Tune St. niii-'. npnt-ria!Rnlile's Rpc'ds Rnllie's Recrds. KGAY News Godfrev Time iGodfrey Time iRuth Ashton News-Weather Merry UO nna, merry mm. mcuj iiuu, Woman In Hse. I Mary McBride (Fred Waring Nlcrry Go R'nd FM Waring Telle -Test 1490 Tune St. KGAY News . Take Thirty Merry Go R'nd Sport-O-Bama Matinee IMatinee IBargain Countrl Maura luun i iini nj. i4ui June ai. Rollie's Records! Rollie's Bec'ds Rollie's Recrds. Backstage wire Our uai a naay inxe ininy Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go R'nd! Merry Go R'nd Cafe Lounge Cafe Lounge It's News Matinee I Hemingway I Here's Answer (Sam Hayes News I Bandwagon Bandwagon I Bandwagon Rollie's Recordsl Rollle's Rec'ds Rollie's Recrds. 'KGAY Newt Art Kirkham The Alexanders' Newspaper (Newspaper News-Vander Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Fash. Rhythms I Fash. Rhythms I World News (Music Bob A Ray Slo-Mo Show Tom Harmon Mel Allen Melody Magic Bob & Bay (Bob Sc Ray ' News Slo-Mo Show Rollie's Records: Sign Off Ed R. Murrow NewB-Weath'r 1 Nw-Vanritr Vanrierhnnf I Melody Magic (Melody Magic I News Reel iNews Candlelight Candlelight sports-News Lowell Thomas' Ed. P. Morgan Tom McCall I Melody Magic (Man On Go Gabriel Heater ISilver Seren'deHi Form IBand Concert Sports Frank Goss Anderson Elmer PeterioR Dinner Concert I Sam Hayes On the 88 On the M Amos 'n' AndylAmos 'n' Andy Mvsterv Time IMvsterv Time SIe;p No More (Slesp No More News Melody Fijthts News Day Dreams News Robt. Q. Lewis News-Music IWorld News wooav way Melody Fiahts Moscow I Day Dreams I U'nnrlv Wv I (Sports Scope iwooay way Almanac IFIghts (Jazz Quartet Woodv Wav CBS Feature Fights Jazz Quartet Whistlin' Tunes Whistlin' Tunei Woodv Wav Woodv Wav Robt. Q. Lewis IWorld Tonight News Music I Music Music 1 Man's Family' People Funnjr People Funny Fulton Lewis Woody Wav ITune Table JMtisif (Recollections (News 'News Tune Table 'News-Music I Recollections Gabriel Heater 'Music (News Woody Wav 15 Star Final Sports Desk INews IDance Time INews Flashes IMostly Music (Gangbusters JGanghusters iwoody way Music Tonight Dance Time Bass Harris Woodv Wav Music Tonight Dance Time Bass Harris Sweet A- Sw. Woodv Way Up Date Dance Time X-Minus One News Woody Wav Good Evening Dance Time (Mostly Music Musi- Woody Wny Music Tonight Dance Time Bass Harris Sweet St Sw. Woodv Way Up Date Dance Time X-Mlnus One Musir Woodv Wav Good Evening i Dance ume IMostly Music Music Woody Way Mus. Tonight Dane? Time IBass Harris THURSDAY A.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 . KSLM KGAY I KOIN KGW K(i()N Tkslm 1 KOCO ' KGAY KOIN K(.V KGON Val Farmcast Farm News News America News Rise and Shine Hemingway Rhthm Ranch Morn. Mae. KOIN Klock News Rise and Shine Cliff Engle jVal Farmcast Worn. Mag. KOIN Klock Vanderhoof World News IVal Farmcast News Morn. Mag. iKGAY News iKOIN Klock (KOIN Klock .Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Rise and Shine Rise and Shine 91 News Herb's Show Consumer N'ws News I Rise and Shine News News Herb's Show Wenriv Warren Rreakfast Club r Spotlite Reed. ' News News Herb's Show Nora Drake Chef Gina rN BC Bandst'nd Neus Neus Dinner Winner Happiness True Storv f NBC Bandst'nd Break Gang Break Gang News ,Khythm Ranch 'Ray's in Time Rav's in Time , Morn. Mag. (Morn. Mag. KGAY News I Headlines Frank Gojs Harrv Babbitt I Vandernoof Vanderhoof 'Vanderhoof Rise and Shine Rise and ShineBill Guy man Family Altar Haven of ReiT'Haven ofRest" Ray's in Time Rjv's in Time Rav's in Time . iHerb's Show jHerb's Show IKdAY News Dave Vaille hellev Sfr. Rhn.v ' Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Rue and Shlne R i se a nd Shine Rise and Shine 'News iPastor's Call IMatinee Ray's Melodies Ray's Melodies iRav's Melodic! Herb's Show iHerb's Show KGAY News Howard Miller 'Helen Trent. IMidmorn Newi Rreakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Spotlite Reed. iPs. Eisenhower Prs. Eisenhower Tellotest W trigs of s o n gV ings "of" Song P..iy's Ray s Melodies Rav's Melodic! flarey Der Herb Show KGAY News Ma Perkins Dr Malone unt Marv A.2 5ffw"s CirI Barnes Whispering Sts. N.RCBantlst nd XBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'nd Qjeen a Day Queen a Dav Queen a Dav Rjv s Mrhtdles Ray's Melndirs Rav's Melodies Dinner Winner Rollie's Kecrds Rollie's Recrde. Mr?. Burton Strike It Rich Pat Buttram IiVi 5.,ory True Stor' Konnie Worth NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'nd WISHING WELL A J . 11''' 862 5 8 T Y1VYPBSTOEOO I T 3 1 5 2 I A ? 5 it . k a M t 1 l 3 4 S 7 5 j I g l 1 1 j R C P O W E Y I S j I 5 5 i I i i ; r z ? V ! 1 " ? r ? H K I T r j 5 I l i 5 i j 2 i 5 ? W K M H B p K j t A I 2 4 8 3 " a i a k ' k E, S T f g A s i ? r r S i t- c.sjni nine fam inst will jiv you a missafe tvtry r,,.,Yk'J num"ic1 "u"' 0ifnd lo sptll out your lortuna. Count the llters in your first name. If th number o( letters is or more, sublract 4. If the number is less than 6, add J. The result U ff-'i. "-iT'- St'r,,t lh upp" W-lnni nier et the re ,J1'. f k on ' 5""Jf k5' nuraf-1 lo richt. Trien read the messaie the letlen under the cheeked nfurei ivt you. ? ll. I MM fKrlW mi TtVWH SiMmit