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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 7, 1957 Page 6 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Genre, Mrs. D. M. Eby, Mrs. Ro Birthday Event Four youngsters who observed their first birthdays on New Year's, were complimented at a party last week at the Frank LeDoux home. The (our honored were Roger L. Doux. Debbie P e r I m a n, Np.n Shinkle, and Steve Vincent. Adulu present for the event were Mrs, John Periman, Mrs. Tad ShinVIe, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Vincent, and daughter, Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank LeDoux and their young son. David. Instruction School A school of instruction for new lurt wn th chief business of bert Forster, Mr. ana Mrs. wu fred Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Merle W. Phillips. The committee on refreshments and decorations for the Friday mooting inelnHpH Mrs. A. L. Cum Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER .u. cviHav evening meetine of Trinity chapter, Order of Eastern Star, at tne west aiem city nan. Tn fharua nf thft Rrhnnl Were MrS. mins, Mrs. Hazel Anderson and R. C. Genre, Mrs. Harry Charlton Mr. and Mrs. Charles ingranam. ST. AGNES guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church is meeting for a no-host dinner Tuesday night at 6:30 o'clock in the church. and Steven r. KosenDaum. VamaH tn tho new Rnlnhnw Miss McKinney Bride-elect Romantic news being revealed this evening is announcement of the engagement o( Miss Sharon McKinney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. McKinney, Salem, to Harry H. Chapman, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Chapman of Eugene, The news is being revealed at dinner at Marylhurst college this evening. Mrs. McKinney and Mrs. Chapman both will be guests at the dinner. Miss McKinney Is a junior at Marylhurst and is a member of Nu Sigma, medical secretarial group. She was graduated from North Salem High school. Mr. Chapman is a junior at Portland university and was graduated from St. Francis High school in Eugene. No date is announced for the wedding. kniril tnr 107 U'hif-h Will In stalled on January 13 when Cherry assemDiy, uraer oi nainoow lor Girls has Its ceremony, are Mrs. BEAUTY SALON ONLY-OPEN MONDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. r 1 Wff " Id vAfil Party Droas Brancll designs a black tissue silk dance dress uith easy, full skirt and all-over tucked jacket of while chiffon. Afternoon Costume Larkspur blue printed silk surah dress and little jacket of hand -loomed wool, from the llattie Carnegie collection. III i! Tunic Skirt This suit has brief jacket, tunic skirt, designed by Adelu Simpson. Washington Scene . . . By Lillian Porter Say McKays Entertained in Capital WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 7 (Special I President Kisenhower docn't Inrset hi friends and Iheir loyal service. Fnrmcr Secretary ol the Interior Douglas McKay and Mrs. McKay came back to Washington late in the week from their home in Salem, Ore. Saturday nisht the President and Mrs. Eisenhower complimented the McKays by attending a din ner jiven in their honor by Sec retary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks and Mrs. Weeks. Sunday the Kisenhowers invited the Mc Kays to sit in their pew at I lie First National Presbyterian church. Alter hearing a sermon on "Buildms the Christian Life." the. lour returned to the While House to greet Mamie's mother, Mrs. John S. Doud; and drink colfee from the sold band china datine back In the Wilson era. "Also," said Mabel McKay, "We eninyed the bouquets of Mamie's favorite flowers pink carnations that we saw everywhere." At dinner in the Weeks' home in Georgetown Saturday night, the President and Kirst Lady arrived promptly at 7:30. Mamie wore a black chiffon evening dress al most matching that of Mabel Mc Kay. A charming hostess in pale blue satin, Mrs. Weeks' table was covered with a delicate green satin cloth centered with white lilacs. The President sat on Mrs. Weeks' right; Mr. McKay at her left while Mamie sat at the right of Secretary Weeks and Mabel at Ins left. Present were Attorney General and Mrs. Herbert Browncll, Jr. she in red satin) ; Presidential Assistant Sherman Adams and obviously enjoyed the tenderloin of beef followed by raspberry ice and coffee. Placing a White House car at their disposal, the Eisenhowers urged the McKays to stay on (or the inaugural. 'However, the McKays plan to leave the capital this week for an extended trip Ihrough the south ern states. Later in the month they will slop in Thomasvillc, Ga., as guests o( Secretary and Mrs. Humphrey. Betrothal Announced Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harrison of Shedd are announcing the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Olga Geneva (Jeanl Harrison to Rai mund Treml. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Treml o( Snlem. The bride elect is attending Merritt Davis school of commerce here. No date Is announced (or the wedding. Dr. Gutman Appointed Dr. Eleanor Gutman, Salem, president of the Oregon Federation of Business and Professional Wom en's clubs, has been named on a five-member committee to recom mend procedure changes for the biennial convention of the National Federation of Business and Profes sional Women's clubs. A national program-planning: meeting is slated lor January 12 and 13 by the national group i.i Washington, D.C. Dr. Gutman and Mrs. Richard Gordon of Wecoma Beach, vice president of the Oregon federation, will attend the meeting and will give a report on the ses sion at the Oreeon federation's board meeting in Portland on Jan uary 26 and 27. RETURNING to Winter Park Fla. this past weekend was Miss Sidney Kromer to resume her work at Rollins college. She spent Miss Hunter Bride-elect Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Hunter are announcing the betrothal of their daughter. Miss Faye Hunter, to Leonard Hovey, son of Mr and Mrs. J. L. Hovey of Corvallis. The news was revealed at a party Friday night at Winston hall on the Oregon State college cam pus. Miss Hunter is a junior at the college, majoring in home eco nomics. She is a graduate of Ren ton High school. Mr. Hovey also is a junior at the college, major ing in chemical engineering. He was graduated from Corvallis High school. Recital Wednesday Salem Federated Music Teachers will present their students in their monthly recital on Wednesday, January 9, in the Music hall at Willamette university at 7:45 p.m. Students appearing are: Polly Clark, Gwen Goddard, Mary Webb Frienderike Boost, Diane Lulay, Mary Ann Blem, Charles Blem, Ann Halvorson, Susan Marlott, Cathy Turnidge, Doran Katka, Charlotte Magnusom, Paula Fred erick, Kathleen Samuel, Rickey Muhs, Glen Robinnet, Sally Rob erts Connie Ritchie, Christine Cannon. Counsellors are: Mrs. Carlisle Roberts, Mrs. Ray Chumbley, Ade line Bradtl, Irene Byers, Mrs. David Traviss. Mrs. V e n e v a Shields, Mrs. Marjorie Muntz, Eli zabeth Jepsen, Miss Margaret Hogg, Mrs. Victor Jalmason, Mrs. C. C. Gilbert, Charles Hargrave, Mrs. Genevieve Mickcnham, Feme Craven, Mrs. Harvey Gibbons, Sacred Heart academy, Jean Hob son Rich. MISS PATTI CLAGGETT com- Mrs. Adams: and Secretary of the pletes her year as honored queen Treasury and Mrs. George M. of bethel 43, Job's Daughters, at the Christmas holidays with her Humphrey. I the meting on Monday evening, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Described by the McKays as at The meeting at the Scottish Rite 1 Kromer. Miss Kromer will gradu "his genial best," the President temple opens at 7:30 o'clock. ate at Rollins this coming June. SALEM Federated Music Teach ers plan their monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 9, at 10 a.m. in Wills Music company auditorium. Toastmistress Club Lists Contest Entries Preparing (or the area speech contest of Toastmistress clubs, Chemeketa Toastmistress club named Mrs. E. W. Hillstrom, Mrs. Lynn McCulley and Miss June Dunn as its speakers for the pre liminary contest of the group, at its meeting at the Golden Pheasant Thursday evening. Mrs. A. S. Tussing was chosen as alternate speaker. The Salem contest will be on February 21 and the winner will compete against winners of the Salem Toastmistress club and of the Albany and Junction City groups at the area meeting at the Golden Pheasant on March 7. The Chemeketa members will be hostesses for the March affair. At Thursday's dinner, Mrs. Helene Hansen won the award for the best speech. Mrs. A. B. Thomas and Mrs. Lynn McCulley were other speakers. Mrs. Jean Howe served as toastmistress for the evening and other members participating were Mrs. Alice La- Soine, invocation; Mrs. Charles Wigle, table topics; Mrs. Jutta O'Dell, general evaluator; Mrs. L. C. Tennis, Mrs. B. L. Trelstad and Mrs. T. R. Westfall, evaluators; Mrs. C. E. Jaqua. hostess: and Mrs. J. A. Johnston, timekeeper. Special guests were Mrs. Herbert Bailey and Mrs. William Charles. Chapter Entertained Beta Mu chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha, met last week at the home of Mrs. Earl Smith. Committee reports were given as to the activities for the remain der of the club year. Plans were discussed for the state convention to be in Pendleton this year. The group voted to send five delegates to convention. Also discussed were plans for a progressive dinner in the near future. Refreshments were served by the co-hostesses Mrs. Jim Stagias and Mrs. Robert Coates. The next I meeting will be January 16 at the nome oi Airs. iiuDeri aievens. you'll catch admiring side glances with your new brush-happy baby bustle It's so bouncy . . . new . . . young! A saucy brush-flip of curls at the nape, scissored short in front, it's slated to make you prettier yet. Designed by us for your public to exclaim, "What did you do to your hair? I love it!" Cold Wave includes shampoo, style set and glamor rinse from $9.50 BEAUTY SALON SECOND FLOOR PHONE EM-32211, ext. 271 Wt featuri th moil pop ultr haircolorlng Miu Clairol Hair Color Bath Wt ute Ogilvit Sitten preparation to help your hair hsalth; Revlon's "Say It with Rubiai" for beauti ful menleurei. The Most Dramatic Savings We've Offered! Shop Monday! "sViillXI UNJ lyLnilla LL l li 1ft Ul Ift L COATS I I SUITS VALUES TO 9225. VALVES TO 9135. AOIT J 0 NOW QJ y o Imported lambswool sweaters Values to H7.95 $1 9.95 Values $Q.95 to $14.95 f Robes VALUES 16.95 v 10. VALUES TO 929.95 now 12 .95 Dresses One Group One Group One Group Reduced fo Reduced to Reduced to f15.20.30. DRESS SHOES Da liso Debs British Wslkers Rice O'Neill Manniquins VALUES TO 919.95 NOW 10. FORMALS Values to $75.00 Note Values to $155 Now 5850 HOSIERY Keg. 91.95 Reg. 91.65 Reg. 91.35 NOW NOW NOW P5 1 85c SOAP Special 91.50 value now $1. PERFUME 40 One of our famous lines GLOVESHPrW One Group l llWl J! 135 K. 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