Salem, Oregon', Mohflay, January 7, 1957 THE CAPITATJ TOURNAD Seetioii T Page 9 THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY. AMERICA'S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES, PRESENTS THE NEW Full king size m White-tip filter cigarette L - ) h LUl HPfflll IP (ill Your ta can't tei "TC" JE, AX " ' F 2 size Pleasure' X? ' pi fart&kk'? X Xt 7 . I New king size Hit Parade with the new white I V'--lrr:Ns , Mgjhf. VV ' '' ' if tip is on everyone's lips! Here's a new exclu- J a' "fe,j ""3 X ' ' ' M sive free-drawing filter combined with a J j vO I SJSNcTk yiV! . X I ' v V,--- fi brand-new blend of the finest tobaccos. New i m . N 7 - 4 1 Hit Parade draws free as air-with tobacco TobaCCO SO fine. Vf il :i ' ' 50 fine 50 nth' 80 rare-your taste cant tel1 so rich, so rare- f '' ' h' v the filter's there Try new Hit Parade-full . , 1 j ; " ' " size-in the bnlhant red package! Your teste Cant tell I A t ,. .Xv X - the filter's there! N '-gAh'"'"'-"l'fltlii'i"tir iWt ? ' Mil MMi II' II M I If Mll 1 i