Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Mon., Jan. 7, 1A57 Death Claims Edna L. Reid Funeral services will be held for Mrs. Edna L. Reid, 74, at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the ClouRh-Barrick Chapel with the ftev. Brooks Moore officiating and interment following at Belcrest Memorial Park. Mrs. Reid, a resident of Salem for 35 years, died Sunday morning at a Corvallis hospital. An invalid for 22 years, she had lived at 2440 Ferry St., in Salem. A member of the First Christian Church, Mrs. Reid came to Oregon v ifh her husband in 1921 where he has boon in the contracting busi ness. They had lived in Missouri ar.d Washington where he was a I miristcr. Mrs. Reid was born April 6. 1882 i at Franklin, Kv., and was married to E. T. Reid, June 8, 1004 at Blimficld, Mo. I Survivors include the widower, a nn, Dr. Curtis Reid, Corvallis, director of visual aids to educa tion for the Oregon state system of higher education; daughters Mrs. Madge Scort, Danville, Calif., Mrs. Frances B u t r o, Oakland, Calif.; sisters Mrs, Sophia Clowe, Poplar Bluff, Mo., Mrs. Elva Dun kin, Portland; two grandsons and two granddaughters. Burroughs Baby Dies in Sleep MOLALLA (Special) Susan Lynn Burroughs, month old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Burroughs, route 1, Molalla, died in her sleep early Saturday. Born December 7, 1956 she is survived besides the parents by a brother, Michael, and two sisters, Laura and Diana; grandparents, Mrs, A. J. Burroughs of Molalla; and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rhodes of Manteca, Calif. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from Everhart and Kent Molalla chapel with bur ial in Maple Grove cemetery at Scotts Mills. William Speck Succumbs Here Services for William R. Speck, 73, who died Sunday, will be held Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Chapel of the Virgil T. Golden Mortuary with the Rev. George II. Swift officiating. Speck, a retired contractor, died of a heart attack in his home at 8"0 Saginaw St. He was a member el the Masonic Lodge. Born in Illinois, Speck was mar ried to Lois Harland in Spokane in 1906 and the couple celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last summer. He came to Salem in 1922 where he has handled the dis tribution of General Petroleum and had been a home contractor. Survivors Include the widow, a daughter, Mrs. Alice Esles, Ta coma, Wash., a son. Norman Speck. Fresno, Calif., and four grandchildren. Sadie Peterson Dies al Slaylon Mrs. Sadie Peterson, AS, died to day at a Slayton Hospital. She was a resident of Route 1, Turner and is survived by the wi dower, John Petersen. Arrangements will be an nounced at a later date by the Vir gil T. Golden Co. Deaths Mrs. San Alice (.Maddux) Ilavles At her home. 941 N. Cottaite St., Sundav, Jan. fl. al the age or 82 years. Member of Bethel Baptist Church. Survived by husband. Thorn hi Wil liam Davies, Salem; two sons, Paul Eugene Da vita. Salem; Ma rem La Doyl Davles, Salem: daughter, Mrs. Kit her Trances Davles Taylor. Port land, six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Services will he held Wednesday January 81 h al 1:10 P.M. In the Chapel of the Virgil T. Golden Co. Rev. Everett A. Murker will officiate. Ritualistic services by Pythian Sisters. Interment City View C'fmctcry. Mrs, Maude Enrkner Late resident of 1BS5 N. Capitol St.. Fitturdny. January 5. in a local hns- Sital at the age of 69 yrars. A inem rr or the J anon Lee Met hod 1st Church. Survived bv widower, fifth- 1 ert A. Forkner. Salem, and fosler daughter. Mrs. Fran-es Herglund, Se attle. Services will be Tuesday. Jan uary K. at 10:30 a.m. tn the Howell Edwards Chapel. The Hrv, Raynor S. Smith, and tne nev. Ernest Gnulder will officiate. Interment. Heir rest Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, donations mav be tiade to the Jason Lee Memorial Fund. i. o. Grots: Late resident of Phoenix, Art . January 2nd at Phoenix. Survived by wife. Mrs. Ruby Gross, Phoenix, Arir.; brother, Waller Gross, Seattle, Vash. Sister, Mrs. Kmtnett Stanley. Salem, Ind , half-brother, Homer Davis. Tucson. An. Services will be held Tuesday. January a nt 2.00 p.m. in the Chanel of itie Virgil T. Golden Co. Interment. Ilclcrest Me morial Park. Rev. W. Harold l.ymann will officiate. Ritualistic services by the Knights fo rytmaa. Pleatant Melbourne Hill In this cltv J.inuarv 4th I ale rest dent of 740 tlres Ave. S.llriu. at the ace of 77 vears Husband of Vera K. II ill Salem, father i Mrs Jc;m Meeks, Salem. Mr Mildred Hallir.v, Slem, Mrx Rela thisiuw Smyrna. Trim ; brother of Dnvid I till. Tnr tence. Calif . Mrs Mabel Traglio. Sa Inn. Six grandchildren also survive. Services will he Toes . Jim fl'h at 1:50 p.m. in the Chapel of the W. T. Rigdnn Co. with concluding services In Reirrest Memorial Park. Rev Ken neth Ahbel of Slnyton olflcialing. Mrs. r.tlna I.. Held In a hospital at Corvallis, Sundav, January fi. at the e uf 74 yeai l.ale resident of 21411 Ferry St. Sur vived by hushiinrl. E T. Held. Sn lem; son. Dr. Curtis Reid Corvallis, two daughters, Mis. Madge Scull, Danville. Calif: Mrs Frames But. Oakland, Calif.; two Mlers, Mrs. Sophia Clowe. Poplar Hluif, Mo; Mrs. Elva Dunkaln, Cor Hand: two grandsons and two granddaughters. Services will he Wedi.esd.iv, Jan, 9. at 2 p m. in Clnugh-rUrrick Chapel. The Rev. Brooks Moore will ofhriate. Interment will be in Belcrest Memo rial Park. William Speck: At the residence of PDO Saginaw. Januarv th. Survived hv wtli-. Mrs. I .on M. Speck. Salem, daughter, Mrs. Herman Alice i t'Mrs. T c o m a. Wash., ion. Norman .neck. Fresno, Calif. grandchild i en tbn m vive Services will he held Wronesri.iv Januarv th at 3 :I0 P M In tne Cu pel of the Virgil 1 Go.rirn Co. Hev. George H. Swift will officiate. Sadie Petersen: Mte resident of nt. 1. Turner, at Stayton hospital, January 7th. Sur vived by husband. John Petersen. Turner. Announcement of services iv ill ha made Jaler by the Virgil T, Golden Co. Maude Forkner Rites Tuesday The Rev. Raynor Smilh and the Rev. Ernest Gouldcr will officiate at funeral services for Mrs. Maude Forkner, 69, in the chapel of the Howell-Edwards Funeral Home Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. Interment will follow at Belcrest Memorial Park. Mrs. Forkner. who lived at 1B55 North Capitol St., died Saturday evening in a Salem hospital fol lowing a short illness. She suffered an attack at home and was taken by ambulance Saturday morning. Her husband, Robert A. Forkner, Salem real estate agent and for mer city councilman, explained she had previously received treatment for a heart ailment though it had not troubled her recently. She was born Dec. 26 in Mis souri and was a past president of Hollywood Lions club auxiliary, a member of Jason Lee Methodist church and Women's society and of the Jason Lee choir. Survivors include the widower and a foster daughter, Mrs. Fran ces Berglund, Seattle. Davies Rites Set Wednesday Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. for Mrs. Sara Alice Davies, 82. at the Virgil T. Golden chapel, with the Rev. Everett A. Barber officiating and interment at City View cemetery where ritualistic rites will he held by Pythian Sisters. Mrs. Davies died Sunday after noon in her home at 941 Norlh Cottage St. She was a member of the Pythian Sisters and the Amer ican War Mothers and of the Beth el Baptist church. Born in Ohio in 1874, in Van Wert county, she was married in 1889 to Thomas William Davies. Because of ill health the couple and their family moved to Salem in 1913. Survivors include the widower: two sons. Paul Eugene Davies and Marcus LaDoyt Davies, Salem; a daughter," Mrs. Frances Taylor. Portland; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. William Butte Condition O.K. William Carl Butte, 3320 Brcnna Ave, was described in "good," condition today by doctors at the Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene where he is undergoing treatment for injuries received in an auto accident Friday. Two other persons involved, Wolfgang A. Leppman and David M. Dougherty, were also said to be in "satisfactory condition." The accident occurred on High way 99 at the Harrisburg Bridge. Butte, who had been engaged to play the bass fiddle at a dance in Eugene, found the engagement was canceled, so was returning to Salem. 'According to state police, an other car, driven by Leppman, with Dougherty as a passenger, went out of control on an icy spot and collided head-on with the car Butte was driving. No one was seriously injured, according to report but Butte suf fered a head injury and will be hospitalized for a week. Dougherty is head of the foreign language department at the Uni versity of Oregon and Leppman is an assistant professor of German. MARKET QUOTATIONS Don Smith Dies In Okinawa Word has been received of the dealh of Dun Carlos Smilh. 3, sun of Mrs. Dun C. Smith, H!i7 D St. Smith, a graduate of Salem High school and the University of South ern California, 11)50, died at Nana, Okinawa, where he was working as chiet engineer Tor the Engineer ing Research company on an en gineering project lor the Air Corps. No explanation has been given as cause for the death, according lo company officials in Hiverdale, Md. Born Aug. 10. 1922. Smilh came to Salem with his family when he was still a small boy. During the war he was a first lieutenant in the army signal corps. Survivors include his mother, and a brother, Dale Smith, now with the If. S. Navy at Portsmouth, N. II. Funeral services will be held locally at a date to be announced later. Portland Livestock PORTLAND im-(USDA)-CattIc salable 2,150: market active; fed steers mostly steady; other steers and most heifers strong-50 higher: cows fully 1.00 higher than last Monday with instances l.r0 up, considering quality; 11 head choice 1.009 lb fed steers 22.50: load average choice to around 1,100 lb 22.50; other choice steers 21.00-75: good steers 19.00-20.50: standard 17.00-18.00; two loads mostly choice fed heifers 19.50; good heifers 17.00 - 19.00; standards 15.50 16.50; utility 10.00-13.50; can ner and cutter cows 8.50-10. 00; heavy cutters lo 11.00; one load mostly beef cutters 12.50; utility cows 12.00-13.50: standard and commercial 14.00 - 15.50; utility bulls 14.50-10.00; one heavy bull 10.50; light cutter bulls down to 11.00. Calves salable 250; good-choice vealers strong-1.00 higher at mostly 22.00-27.00, few to 28.00; choice 420 lb slaughter calves 19.00; good 375 lb weights 17.00; cull-utility calves and vealers 9.00- 13.50. Hogs salable 800; market active, strong-25 higher: most advance on U.S. 1-2 grade butchers and light weight sows: U.S. 1-2 butchers lilo-220 lbs 19 50-20.00: around 200 head 20 00; mixed grade lots in. 75 19.25; sorted off No. 3s 18.50; sows 300-5110 lbs 13.50-17.50: a few mostly No. 1-2 grade 270-300 lbs 17. 50-75. Sheep snlaablc 2.200; trade mod erately active; steady-weak with shorn lambs as much as 50 down; Wash, range lambs 107-117 lbs 18.50-19.50; deck of shorn lambs with fall shorn to full wool pelts 19.00: good-choice wooled slaugh ter lambs 17.50-18. 50: numerous lots mostly choice 19 00: good choice shorn lambs lfi. 50-18. 00; deck mostly choice 18 25 with No. 1 pelts: gnod-choice 75-85 lb feeders 15 00-16.50: part deck mostly choice 88 lbs 17.25: cull-good slaughter ewes 2. 00-5. 00. PORTLAND if Buttcrfat Tentative, subject t o immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland, 64-67 cents per lb; first quality, 61-C4; second quality, 56-59. Butter Wholesale, fob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 6.1: A grade. 2 score, 62; B grade, 90 score, 60'i C grade, 89 score. 58l2. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 43'j-53',i. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 47-49; A large, 45-46: AA medium, '42-46; A medium, 41-45; A small. 37-38. Cartons, 1-3 cents additional. Eggs To wholesalers A large, 43-44'i; A medium, 41-43'j; A small, 35-36'i. Live poultry No. 1 quality, f o b. Portland Fryers, 2'i-4 lbs. 21; light hens. 10-11 at farm: heavy hens, 13-15 at farm; old roosters, 7-9. Turkeys To producers L i v e weight fryers, 27-28. Rabbits Average to growers Live, white, 3-4'i lbs, 21-24; col ored pelts 4 cents less; old does. 10-12, few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 56-58; cut up, 60-63. Wool Nominal, clean basis. 'A blood. 1.15; blood, 1.25; Vt blood i.03-08; 'A blood, 1.40; fine, 1.50. Country-dressed Meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef Young cows, utility. 20-22 lb- canners and cutters, 16-17. Veal Top quality lightweight, 30-32; rouijh heavies, 18-25. Hogs Best light blockers, 24 26; lean light sows. 20-21. Lambs Top grade, 34-36. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, 10-12: heavy culls, 5-8. Fresh Produce Onions Idaho Yellows, 50 lbs, 2.35-50; med, 1.25-50; White, 3.00 50; Ore. Danvers, med, 1.50-2.00; 3 in, 2.25-50. Potatoes Local Russets, No. 1, 100 lbs, 2.50-75; Central Ore. Rus sets, 3.00-50; Ige, 6-14 oz. 4.00-25; No. 2, 50 lbs, 1.15-25; Idaho bales. 5-10 lb. 2.25-50; Wash. Russets, 100 lbs. 3.00-25. Hay No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, f.o-.b. Portland, 34.00-35.00 ton. aatlS & H GREEN STAMP m DIRECTORY MsM "Clip & Save for This Week's 1 1 Best Buys" BAKERY Peerless Bakery 170 N. Commercial Pnone fcM 3-57U4 CAMERAS C'oburn Cameras 174 N. Commercial Phone EM 2-1U41 DRUGS Capital Drug Store State & Liberty Pnone K.M J-J11U Chapman'i Drug Store 140 Candajana niva. KM 4-6873 Free Delivery Mootry's Pharmacv Hollywood Business Disk Keizer Business Oist. FUEL ' EL'RN'ITLRE Ermer Colonial Furniture 2745 S. Commercial Phone .W 3-474Z JEWELS Alexander's Jewelers Diamond? Watches Silverware 3S3 Court St. LAWN SUPPLIES Howser Bros. " 1185 S. 12th Garden Tractor Headquarters LEATHER GOODS Sharer- Leather Goods 15 N. Commercial Luggage & Fine Leather Goods PAINTS it WALLPAPER Hutcheon's 162 N. Commercial Phone EM 3-6687 RADIO Mitchell's Radio & TV lRflO State St. Pit. EM 3-7577 Installing, Sales & Service SERVICE STATIONS Batdorf's Texaco Station 20S5 Fairgrounds Ph. EM 3-7455 14th & State Ph. EM 3-9582. Webb cV Anderson (Richfield) ;2th St Mission Complete Auto Repairing TELEVISION Mitchell's Radio & T.V. 1BHH State St -Ph. EM 3-7577 Installing, Sales & Servlca 400 Agriculture 402 livestock For Sale GENTLE Guernsey to freshen with 4th call in June. EM 2-3004. FAMILY MILK COW EM 4-7301 Chicago Grain CHICAGO M Demand for wheat and rye sent those eereals up for modest gains in fairly ac tive dealings on the Board of Irade Monday. News over the wcekeno that ex port restrictions on shipment of American surplus farm products to Poland had been lifted ap peared to be the main influence behind the buying. Other cereals never could par ticipate in the advance. They fluctuated within narrow limits of the previous close, but mostly a little lower. Wheat closed (4-i higher. March 241-2 41'h; corn unchanged to 1 cent lower, March MltTVU; oats unchanged to ' lower, March 7ll's; rye unchanged lo 'i lower, March 1 47V soybeans U l'j lower, January 2.48V2.49; and lard 5 lo 8 cents a hundred pounds lower, January 15.25. Funeral Tuesday INDKPKNDKNCK (Special! George A. tlhcrson, 57, who oper ated a pool hall in Indcpciice un til ill health compelled his retire ment several years ago. died in an Albany rest home Saturday. lie was horn Dec. 28. IMI in Annandale. Minn., and came as a boy wilh his parents to the Inde pendence comimintly. Survivors are lour brothers, .lor ami Fred Oberson of hnlcpcn dener: Jim Oberson ol Sianiield and Henry Oberson of Albany: a sister. Mrs. Hose Clodlellcr of Sa lem. Funeral services will be held at 2 p ni. Tuesday from Smith Kruegcr Mortuary. Independence. Final rites will be at Hill Top Cemetery near Independence. Chicago Onions By I'nlted Press Supplies for Yellow Globe me diums increasing, for Spanish 1 1 1. lit U'ltll 111 H n r q I a market for Yellow Globe mediums steady, (or Spanish slightly mi linger. Track sales (50 lbs V. S. 1 un less stated: Yellow Globes 75 per cent 2-ineh and larger Wisconsin 1.00; Minnesota llollandale section 3.10; Idaho Spanish 3 - inch and larger sold rolling this morning nt arrival acceptance 2.75. of which some sold I.CL track sales basis for 2 75. Street sales: Colorado Spanish 3-inch and larger 2 W-.1.15; While Spanish 3-inch and larger 2. 73. 2 to 3-inch; Idaho Oregon Spanish 3-inch and larger 2.90 3.1.1. lew J.23: While Spanish 2 to 3-inch 2 75-300; Midwest Yellows medium 1.25 . 1.35, irregular size 1.10-1.15. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO UO Steady to strong prices were paid for both butcher hogs and sows Monday, the top gelling back (o '$18.00. Most 190 to 230 pound hoteliers sold nt $17.25 lo $17.60 with sev eral lots at $17.75. Sows brought $14.75 lo $15.75. Average prime to high prime steers brought $27.00 to $27.25, the top. Most high choice and prime went at $23.00 to $25.50. Prime heifers topped at $22.50. Good to prime wooled Iambs went nt $18.50 to $20.50. balable receipts were 12.000 hogs, 24.000 cattle, 500 calves and 5,000 sheep. FOR SALE 3 mo. old toy terrier pups, fit, zmw inq. alter e. FOR SALE Small dog- type puppies, j-n. cm COCKER Pup, AKC re. Must Portland Grain PORTLAND iff Coarse grains. 15-day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: Oats, No 2, 38 lb white 57 00 Barley. No 2. 45 lb B-W Sl.50-52.00 Corn. No.2. K-Y' sh'p'm't 62.00-50 W'heat: No bids or offers. Monday's ear receipts: W'heat 357: barley 88: flour 35; corn 10; oals 4; mill feed 10. Salem Markets Comptlprt from reptiris ot Salem drillers frr ttir Kiiidnnrt of Capital Jiturnal KrAdcrs (Revised d.Vly) Feeds : s Ilabhll Prlleti 1.1 Si mn.lh hi. $4.44 on 10I)-lb. bag. r.RR Ainsn (BO-lti.), Dairy feed $.1 05-J3 50 (80-lb. bag): t-1 :ifl-$4 20 (100-lb bag). Toiillry: HuyttiK prlcrs Colored frvers, 20p; old roosters. Be: colored fowl, 14c; IrRhorn (owl. 11c. f'Cirs: Iluyinff prices AA. 40r: larpe A. 35c: mrdiiim A. 34c; small A. 24c Wholesale prices: A jumbo, Me; rxlra larne AA. Mc; large A A. 4Rc larci A. 4flc; medium AA. 45r; A small, .inc. On cartons, 3c additional, fliinerfat: HiiyinR prices Premium. 8c; first grade, 59-63c; grade 2, 55c. Under: Retail AA grade, 73c; quarten. 74c. Wholesale Solid AA, 71c; quar ters, 73c. i RESTLAWN Memory Gardens "Jitrtd Cartfem a tonal Beautj" ALUM'S NT-IWSV MT SWJ)EWV MMBCiftl! TAHK q i jpo, etyv mbxj Wit' TV W9) Ml.Ai.'l Kanch Tops Mink Show Mll.WAl'KKK if Top honors in the 1H57 international mink show were awarded Sunday to the Delaney & Van Huskirk mink ranch of Mt. Anel, Ore. The Oregon ranch's entries won a total of 16,634 points in six of the 50 classes judged. Kach of the 30 exhibitors :m nlUwu I to rnli-r antmnl to six of tho rUste NelnoD Strr of Huron, Ohio, phiced mond Lew raimcr ot Prwton. Idaho, was thud and Clawnc Scheme! of Mcnusna ii (ourtll ptc. Thr wt M ' best in tniiw'' ptUe lr 44 todKiduiil animal. Wall Slrrrt MOW YOISK if Industrial shares took losses as the stock market declined Rrnerally late Monday afternoon. Volume lor the day was esti mated at around 2..VM.0ii0 .-.hares compared with 2.710.000 on Friday. 300 Personal 314 Transportation WANT ride t Su ins; hhift. 316 Personal MADAM H.ircl. Psychic rp.-idej. h.Ivinc on all alinirs. :itu)5 S. Commercial. KM 4 !l2fi5. MOKK people buy World Kiw-vclopcdia. Why? S-Siitii. EM Weal her Tabic By T1IK ASSOCIATKl) VHKS 24 hours to 4:30 a.m. Monday Max. Mln. Prep. Maker Bend Fiicne KUmafh Falls I.kIhm.' Mediona NsfWDW .-. Not ib fiend IMv'lelin Portland Alrp't Ilovrhmg Salem u.. O 24 1R 41 50 T 35 .12 ."3 v. en ' a M M 57 5.S 43 K ,M s ,m Vt 37 ,0ft 37 .26 ALCOHOLICS Ationvrmnn Bro'.io No. 12058 N Com'l IM ItKLP! Ctothlnc shors. furni lure, toys, etc. needed NOW for nerdv families. Ph. KM 4-5141 NOW or hrinc Hems lo 311 No. Com'l St. St. Vincent UcP.iul More. ALCOHOLICS Alion vnWs".flfl S. Com'l. KM 2-2108. KM 2-2HM1. 400 Agririiltiire 402 livestock For Sale a rrrnEH tmh so m. g. Iltrkman Star Ht. Box 3 Sll verton. TOO Disploy Clossified f DIESEL E j HEAVY EQUIPMENT Nrnis Trained Men Favs N Top Wanrs Dirsrl man. Fd P" Harm-ln'riter writes- 'Sime ; f.'the week before Julv AXh I i rhave a vera iced over $130 per ;J ij'week. The la ft two weeks I . & matte $152 and $l$a respeot- ji & Ively. I am convinced that ; ' your tratnlnjr program play- x Led a great part m my ad-v. ; vaiu'emnit." ; i lf ou ate meehanK'allv in- ; oltned. we can train YOl and ; help jihi crt j.U:trd in thin .. i field whuh otter oppor ; Utility and a fut.irr rite at oin-e (or compte U .lomit the v 3 MOS. old feeder pies Sri ea. lit. 1 Box 91. Silver ton Maple Ave. off Hobart Rd. FOR RENT: Stable with 2 box stalls fciM 2-21 11. NELSON'S Dairy Breeders Assn. SALEM Meat Co.. tloclcer beef. 21c. Custom killing, cutting and wrapping. Bacon ailced free tc trailer loaned. 403 Livestock Wanted TOP cash prices at your place. nay cozei. f.m v.nim uoiiect. LIVESTOCK buyer. Edwards. t. 3, Box 8m&. EM 4-1113. CATTLE. 4237 State. E. I. Ac H., Snetlien, EM 2-1345, EM 2-4300. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. iYicianauan, tjvi a-oiaa. CATTLE buyer. At F. Sommer. 12G0 Harmony Dr. EM 4-9067. 405 Pets SELL German Short Hair Point er pups, purebred. EM 4-4883. FRF.E puppies, part Collie. Lab- ranor, anepnern. tin i-ziaj. COLOR BRED roller canaries. 1340 Chemcketa. EM 3-4385. BOXER dog, 12 mo. old, shot ei ciippea. iMU z-HUii. BIRD Parndise. birds, trnn fish. 3180 Livingston. EM Z-1B4Z. MICKEY'S parakeets, cages. lecns, jb a. Lom i. z-zim K EITH'S POTPVFA"RM MHO Center EM 2-71)89 Puppies all kinds. Buy fit sell. Aft noon Se eves. No Sun. calls. 410 Fruit & Farm Produce FOR SALE: Apples. 11 bu. La- bish Village Alarket on99E. NETTED gem potatoes. No. 1 & 2. 5fil0 Hazel Green Rd. EM 2-5717. CARROTS for feed. $1 sack, 6 PASTE!TR17:ED whole milk, tic gal. Homogenized 7!)c, ',i gal. for 40c. Cleary Dairy, M 2-303S. 414 Poultry & Rabbits CUSTOM DRESSING Plant 5310 Center. EM 3-7360 Dillon Jones Co. 4323 Market OIUiSSKD FRYKItS Special Price. Th. EM 4-1327 BABY Chicks hatched vr. round. Special Red Monsters 5e ea. Valley Farm Store, EM 4-4624. BABY Chicks for meat or eggs. sena ror tree roiacr. wnson s Hiitcnery, Lyons, Ore. PH. ULrick 9-2533. 450 Merchandise Cement work. House raisin p. leveling and foundations. EM 2-6280 - CRANE WORK 451 Household Goods 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand & Gravel. EM 2-2461 NEW Brass Firescreens $12.95. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. Your home washing dried in a hurry! Neatly folded tool ' LAUNDERETTE i Block East of WilJamctte U. 1255 FERRY ST. EM 2-4555 BE THRIFTY Buy used furn iture Ac appliances. The THRIFTY WAY on Easy Terms at WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURN. 515 S. Com'l. Ph. EM 4-3319 450 Merchandise REAL clean 7 pc. dining set $55.00: Channel back davenport and club chair $69.50; philco blonde. Console radio and 3 speed record player $89.50; 17" TV $89.50 ; 21,r TV $99.50, and a host of other great bar gains. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. CASH paid for used pins, mod ern ana antique. lascaae Merc. 1230 Broadway. UNFINISHED furniture. H. L. Stiff Furniture, 175 N. High. HUNDREDS of people, each week, are taking advantage of the low, low prices at Glen Wooriry's Furniture! 1 New 2 pe. Biltwell daveno sets, or 2 pc. sectionals $139.50. Terms. Trades. Glen Wood ry 1 605 N. Summ er. $15Too A MONTH buys house hold of furniture and appli ances at fabulously low prices. Clen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. SEE Glen Woodry for Solid Maple Furniture It Dining sets, bedroom sets, daveno sets, lamps, end tables, drum tables. Yes! a complete line of fine maple furniture. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. 452 Appliances USED refrigerators. $19 25 & up. AI Laue. App.,2350 State St. WESTINGHOUSE-autoTwasrier. guaranteed. $59.50. Terms. $6 down. Miller's Dept. Store. CORANODO wringer washer good condition reasonable price. Call Thorndale 3-2891 Sheridan. SAVE $150. 19 cu. ft. deep-freeze $249.50. Terms, Yes! Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers, ranges tt refrigs, $31.50 c up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St REPOSSESSED Gibson refrig., used 3 mos. Take over bal. S8.65 Der mo. Modern Ann ance Center, 1141 So. Com'l. EM 4-9353. BENDix dryer, can be pur cnaseo ior s-t.ia per mo. Modern Appliance Center, 1141 So. Com'l. EM 4-9353. FRIGIDAIRE dryer, non - vent type, all porcelain finish. Now at jo. 10 per mo. nioaern Ap pliance Center, 1141 So. Com 1. EM 4-9353. CORONADA oil stove, has blow- er. A terrific buy at $50, Originally $125. Modern Appli ance Cenler, 1141 So. Com'l, EM 4-!:i5;i. 420 Seeds & Plants TREES Fruit, shade tt ornamental trees now in also rnses. Middle grove Nursery. 4920 Silverton Rd. 424 Farm Equipment '54 SC. CASE Tractor. 3 bot tom roll-over plow. '54 C'e 7-ft. mower, 3317 Hamel. IM 2-9510. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods $99.95 . $79.95 $89.95 Estate elec. ranee. griddle, like new $109.95 norgc semi-auio. wasner, like new ... ABC. auto, washer Frigidaire auto, washer, cxc. cond Whirlpool auto, washer. exc. conn Hamilton Drver $79 9, CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 2040 N. Capitol EM 4-6761 VACIU'M cleaners (all makes) uprights & ranks siz.&u. COMPACT VACUUM CLEANERS 1321 N. Capital EM 3-7067 CLOTHES DRYER, LATE MDL. $50. EM 3-8650 VACUUM Cleaner G E. Swivel top .34.95EM S-TOfiTDlr. USED washers $15 & up, Mod em Appliance Tenter, 1141 So. Com'l EM 4-933. (EA Save tine -Save money For the Beit Professional Services m e i if Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ACCOUNTING SERVICE Leon A Fiscus EM 3-5285. 1509 4th. ADDING MACHINES Buy as you rent. AH makes Koen-iypewnlcn. oo court EM 3-6773. APPLIANCES . BEDDING CAPITOL Bedding: Mattresses, new at renovatca. f,M j-iuuu. HUM. DINT, . TRADE-INS Home Building remodel, Soecializine in trade-ins Elwood E. Town send EM 2-0987 CAKPENTEK-CONTKACTOH Home Building & Re-modeling. win urn id. or hem vnu oui'd. Balph M. Scheidel, EM 2-0701. CEMENT CONTRACTOR CEMENT WORK EXCAVATING EXCAVATING & Grading. Ditch ing, icarin Moving a specialty. Ben Oljen & Son, operated by Mrs. Ben Otjen it Emil Otien. 818 E. Rural Ave. EM 3-308O. FLOOR COVERINGS NORMS WALKER Paint Co. Floor-covering Division Ijuah Ity Installations Linoleum, As phalt & Rubber Tile. Wall Ule Free Estimates. EM 4-237t. li HADING DOZING BULLDOZING. $5.50 per nr. Ex cavating, trench in ff. tile lay ing, scoties etc Enmh I. Maerz. EM 4-35 1 7 a f te rfi p m. BULLDOZING clearing roads, ponds. D-4 D-6 carryall. V. W uskey EM 3-3146. PAINTING Painting, paperhanging. Ph. Dal las iwayiair j-iij eves. PLUMBING LICENSED Plumber, new remodeling. EM 2-9596. RECORDING STVDIOS ALL types of music or speech recorded by Connelly. EM PAY-LESS ROOFING NEVER Knowinglv underbid. Repairs. EM 4-26 11 TO PLACE AD DIAL EM 4-6811 ROOFING tt REPAIR CASCADE ROOFING CO. PHONE EM 3-4823 SAND Ac GRAVEL SALEM SAND & GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed jound gravel. land tt top soil. J405 M. Front, EM 2-2461. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1625 McGikhrist Crushed quarry rocks and gravel. All size for roads. driveways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE. Garden sand, bull-dozing. shovel and dragline work. EM 3-9249. VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL CO. Crushed fc round gravel sand & conmix EM 2-4002. SEPTIC SERVICE Hamers septic tanks cleaned. line service. Guaranteed work. EM 3-7404 or EM 3-5072. wnuARris Rnto-Rooter sewers. septic tanKS cleaned. EM 3-5327 mikf.'S Seotic service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleans sewers drains, none t,M a-mos. WELDING R E A I R Pmi'or cnwB nil makes reDatred. Magnesium tc aluminum welding txperi oiacie or cnam rcpiut, rnrrfern Weldine St Repair 3405 Portland Rd. Ph. EM 4-6558 462 Wanted Hshld Goods MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM 3-6098. 464 Sports Equipment 466 Bicycles BOY'S 26" SCHWINN PH. EM 2-7047 470 Bu i I d i n g Materials 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials WE INSTALL plastic wall Ule, Formica counter tops. Fir & Birch cabinets. Let us give you a free estimate on your re modeling now. Montgomery Ward & Co. Ph. EM 3 -3 1 9L WHOLESALE PRICES Mulino Sash & Door Prehung door, wood windows. Dale Vogler, EM 4-8720 Keith Brown Specials CLOSE-OUTS While They Last DOORS DOORS: 38 Only 2-0x6-8x1 Fir riusn ... i.uvea. 18 Onlv 2-4xfl-8xl3B 10 Lite French 4.00ea. 11 Only 2-4x6-8xm 8 Lite French 5.00ea. 4 Only 2-0x6-8xl?i 1 Panel 5.00ea. 7 Only 2-4x6-8x1 1 Panel 5.onea. No. 2 Inside Slip Jambs l.OOea. Inside Door Jambs 3.00ea. HARDWARE: Schiaee Keved Locks 4.50ea. Schlage Patio I,ocks 2.50ea. j'a v 4 buiis oupr. PAINTS: Varnish A Penetrating Stains 'i pts 25c, pts .50c, qts....75c.( gal $1.58. Cin-Dek Enamel ya pts... 30c. pts... BBC, qts .. 11.60, Gal . $5.57. Satin Enamel j pts. 30C, ptS... DOC, qtS.. 1.25, Bal S4.38. O.S. White 2.50gal Standard Texolite 1.05qt. 12 colors S3.8Aeal 4x8x't Harriboard l.SOsheet 4xmx! iiaraDoara ... . z.ousneet For Underlavment Linoleum 4x8x3 Hard board -. 3.52sheet PLYWOOD: U" Sanded Fir f .OBsq. ft. 3g" Sanded Fir .09sq. . Sanded Fir 12sq. ft. s," Sanded Fir .13?sq. ft. " Sanded Fir .14sq. ft. V Sheathing Ffr .Oflsq. ft. 3" Sheathing Fir .10sq. ft. " Sheathing Fir .12sq. ft. V Sheathing Fir .13sq. ft. V Sheathing Fir -14sq. ft. 4x8x' Birch Panel 6.40sheet 4xflx' Mahng. Panel 3.84sheet 4x8xU Mahogany Ply 4.80sheet KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD 235 N. Front EM .1-9111 We Give S&H Green Stamps ELECTmCwaU heaters, 25 ofr. 52 gal. elec water heater. $65. 12-2 wire. 4'ic ft. tn rolls. Light fixtures reduced. 3 pc. bath set. $120. Built-in ranges, hath set, $120. Built-in ovens tc 4 burner units $195. Outlet boxes. 2."c. 14-2 wire, 4c ft. in rolls. Apex Electric Jit Plumb ing. 1410 Broadway. EM 2-1866 SfflE YEAR END SALE CONTINUES OAK FLOORING No. 1 RL No. 2 RL -115.00 M SHAKES & SIDING No. 1 Painted shakes it UC 10.7R so 1 x 12 S1S2E Cedar 11H.00M 1 X 12 lnv. Spruce 17S.00 M 1 x 10 lnv. Cedar 130.00 M 48"x96" 1 x 10 Spruce PLASTERBOARD 4B"x9fi" V WxM" V 48"xiW rocklath .120.00 M 7 !S sq. .2.50 ea. ROOFING 3 In 1 215 lb. cotnpo shingles 45-lh. roll 90-ln roll Krait paper - A" GRADE MAH0G. DOORS 20 X 68 4.70 ea. 24 X 68 5.25 ea. 26 X 68 5.25 ea. 28 X 68 S.45 ea. "A" GRADE BIRCH DOORS 20 X 68 7.20 ea. 24 X 68 8.10 ea. 26 X 68 8.40ea. 28 X 69 8.75 ea. SANDED PLYWOOD 4x8 U-in. Fir . 454 Sewing Machines .-i "d J,lfHv Kauipmei't F.eUi With-. $1BCT TRAINING SFB JVIlK I'lAl'K t KN " APVIS- n i lift vnvt m w. ilrT i--.lnir-l NEW Tilt-back recliner chairs.1 $.i9 50: Mmp rockers as low as $19 .50; t'phiilMered occa sional chairs $12.88; TV Koto i-h.urs (Modern l $29 50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. IF YOU need a sinule Item or a complete household of new or used furniture or appliances. Buv now on our -asy terms. Woodry s Thrifty Used Furniture 515 S. Com'l. Ph. EM 4-3319 1 block SoofJ,aperMill BEAUT. 8 pc. dm. rm, set. like new. Sacrifice, $150. Mahogany nccas. table. KM :i-872, KEN MORE circulating oil heat er, ntvono HTl'. detachable tank, nearlv new, $20. EM 2-9fitiX Vacuum Cleaner Kirhy vacuum cleaner complete with all attachments Se floor polisher $22 50 terms $1.00 per week EM 4-7 10J l Dir.) WANTEDS x 10 rug" with pad preferred, rcas. EM 2-2296. DISPLAY cabinet. Hanging cor ner display cabinet, both in laid with ivory. Dining table tc side board. All pieces are rose wood. Bookcase glass dioM carved. 6 din. chairs, silver chest. mahogany. French Marquetry desk. EM 4-lS.l for appt. BOX springs tt inner spring mattre-s. dhi bed sie. Clean, g.HKi end $J5. EM 4-7186 Sun. p.m. or eve. XOT?2!t!U-,0 niT $L,L') 50. New m.xlern 3 pc. Sufa - Sectionals. 1 arse and lovely. Terms Trades. Glen Woodry 1905 N. Summer. WAI L heater l elec. T"' Wessex 4(Hjia Jtt$45. KM Ml, THK greatest Bedroom Buv In Itie Valleylt New Mr. A Mrs. Dresser w-ttlting mirror, book case bed w foot and rails, box springs and matching inner spring mattress $145. Yes' Alt tlie aluue f"r entv $145 Terms Clen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer NEW foldinc chairs $3 49." Glen Wnodry lft15 N. Summer. LOVELY new Charcoal. '7am n.'-ber. J jH- Secure il I9 .w. T-r-Ts. tr.tde Glen Woodry. 1S5 N FOU that household of furniture, let Glen Woodrv Sae ,u sev eral rionlhs nents -- Ye' 1 Y .i d- s pleprv ht Glen W oodry i, 1605 N. Summer. SEWING MACHINE Singer portable, light weicht. 5 yr. guarantee, only $28 50. lib eral trade in allowance, terms $1 wk. EM 4-7102 Dlr.) 456 T.V. & Radio 21" RAYTHEON cabinet T. V. set. $129.50. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. FOR QUICK SALE: 1956 Motor ola TV, 21 in. consnle in per fect cond. Cost $;W9.95, will sell $149.95. EM 4-7450. THE flFST SFRVTCF for let. Hiinsn TV. EM 4-M44. :7" WESTINGHOUSE T.V. sei, $85. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-K.71. 458 Musical Instruments 2525 EPIPHONE Slap shape. Good buy meda.EM2-792L Band Instrument Rentals $2.50 THE MUSIC CENTER 493 Center. Ph. EM 2 5371 PIANO and organ lessons. My home or yours. Nancv B. Hunt. 3865 Liberty Rd. EM 3 9020. MUSICAL instrument clearance Pianos Organs Accordions Band mtruments THE Ml'SIC CENTER 493 Center Ph EM 2-5.171 ! BALDWIN mod. 45 organ. I Blonde, like new. Save $."iXV Piano cased reed organ $95. I Stone Piano Co.. Salem. LARGE studio grand. Reftmshed in gleaming ebony, excellent condition. Ideal for discrimi natmg pinnut and teacher. $1500. Stone Piano Co.. Salem. ACCORDION or Piano lessons" Free use of accordion. EM 2-3255. Duane Hunsaker. PIPE PIPE PIPE 1" ..... 15c. ft. 4" 75c. ft. IV ... 25c. ft. 5" $1.25 ft. 2' j" . 40c. ft. 6" $150 ft. ALL KINDS VALVES & FITTINGS V to 6" 700 good 3 nane! doors with frames tc hdwd . $7.50 " smoke-damaged Chip board, good 2 sides 15c sq. ft. Flushometer Toilets $15 ea. Wah basins $10 4' 3-tube fluorescent lites S10 ea. 8' 2-tube Slimline lites $20 ea. Used Fir fir $45 per M Used lumber. No. 2 & btr 145-155 per M E. S. R1TTER & CO. 8740 Portland Rd. Ph. EM 4-8311 4 mt. North of Salem. l mi. North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday .1.30 ea, 1.60 ea. 1.R5 ea. 34c yd. 450 Merchandise 480 For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE: 175 gallons Butane tank. I ou gal. gas noi waier heater (1 yr. old) 1 gas range. 1 Duro Therm Oil heater, all very reas. Valsetz SH 4-zna. WOOD circulator. One onlv. $24.95. used Mdse. Man. Zfu S. Liberty. Ph. JM 4-6371. 1 HEAVY Frogil oil burner, table Iod elec. water heater, step stool, all in top cond. KM Z-8B3H. 15 CU. FT. Hevco "Chill Chest' deep freeze, nearly new. Also mi nass piano accoraion. tM 4-2096. 305 Boone Rd. New Modern desks S:i2.50. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. ALL metal oval trailer $55.00; 200 oil barrel $34.50: Dbie. launnrv iuds Dam- tub $19.50; bathroom sink $H.50; power lawn mower $39.50: i hp. motors $5.00; car top carrier a,au; tomn. record Dlaver & radio $29.50: Phono records 13c. ea.; odd chairs $1.00 up; davenos $19.50 up; davenport sets $35.00 up; mattresses, springs, beds cheap and a 1,000 other misc. bargains. GLEN WOODRY 1605 N. SUMMER AUTO, oil floor furnace, (H. C. Little), complete with tank. EM 4-6510. METAL filine cabinet (4 - dr Almost new. $49.95. Used flldse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty Ph. EM 4-6371. NEW l4'a'x20V garage for sale. Can be easily moved. Also old z &iory nouse to ce lorn aown. 481 For Rent Miscellaneous RENT cr lease Ige. warehouse space cement floor, brick bide. downtown. Inq. H. L. Stiff Furn. EM 3-91S5. Hospital Bed With Mattress Valley Furniture Co. 219 N Com 1. 483 Wanted Miscellaneous Small Stands of Timber 10 trees or 1000. Also dozine. land clearing, ditching, road and bridges buiit. Evenings BARKER'S furniture wants good usea lurn. we pay casn trade. 3794 Silverton Rd. EM 4-0444. WANTED several thousand cords of wood, all species. Ph. 3-7721 4-t ill ilgms U.M .2.35 ea. 4x8 38-in. Fir 310 ea. 4x8 i-in. Fir 4 00 ea. 4x8 a,i-'.n. Fir 45 ea. 4x8 34-ln. Fir 5 20 ea. 4x8 J-m. Bircn A-3 -lz.uu ea. HARDBOARD 4x8 -in. Industrial 190ea. 4x8 '.4-in. Indiutrial 2.25 ea. CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YARD LANCASTER & CENTER PH. SALEM EM 2-1500 PL ran 3 pc. white bath set comp. with fittings ..... $139 95 3 pc. colored hath set comp. with fittings $149 95 Aluminum Storm Doors $39.00 4" RC Magh. Plywood 13" jc. iq. ft. FOR YOUR REMODELING AND REPAIR NEEDS Let us arrange one of our EASY PAYMENT PLANS. LOANS arranged CP TO $3,500 and ui to 3 YEARS TO PAY with N DOWN PAYMENT. Easy monthly payments. Come in or call in today and let us help you with your home moderni zation neeas. YARDS 349 S. 12th St. EM 3-9606 474 Floor Covering NEW 9 x 11 Linoleums $4 9. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer CI.EANTP - NOW IN STOCK FOR YOUR SELECTION!!! 15c .: ' R. L. Elfstrom Cn. 260 S. Liberty, u.t i l ijoor tne. luc eacn.. INLAID linoleum $1 79 per" 7 Ld. R. L. Elfstrom Co.. 260 ; iberty. 484 Miscellaneous Cigarette Burns Repaired We can repair those unsightly burns on any wooden surfaces in your home or office. LEE 4020 State St. EM 2-7001 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASF.S DR HARRY SEMLER. DentUt Adolph Bldg. State tc Com'l Sts. SALEM PH. EM 3-3311 486 Machinery & Tools SEVERAL used welders. See at rju Stewart st. vn. EM 4-7544. USED Welders fnr sale 698 Ill inois EM 3-8566. 488 Wanted Mach. & Tools used metal h. EM 4 1745. turning 490 Fuel Clean Dry Wood Old growth slab St block wood $12 cord. Also oak wood. Cut any length. Prompt delivery Pn. Salem EM 2-9444. HIGHWAY FUELCO SAWDUST &. WOOD EM 3-6444 WEST SALEM-FUEL Dry green wood Tube or pushout sawdust 1S25 Ed gewater Ph. E M 2-4031. DRY 16" Fir wood. Pick up al farm or we del. cord lots. Ph. EM 4-3081 OREGON FUEL Sawdust. Green tt Dry Wood S&H Green Stamps 3087 Broadway. Ph. EM 3-5533 SOMETHING new for sawduct users. We have a Chm Mi fuel. Capitol Fuel Co. 1420 oroaaway. vr. M 3-7721. ORGANS, new used. Lessons. Rentals. MORRELLS Organ Sales and Service. 363 N Hier.. WE piy top Mh price 'or ptann Cued 1rt Mart 270 S. Ltoerty. EM 4-63T1. Birch Plv V 10c; 2iv ; V 27c. KNOTTY CEDAR i BEAUTIFUL PLYWOOD PAN EL1NC.S CHERRY GUM TEAK MAHOGANY BIRCH SEN CEDAR SAMARA Come In and see them! I I FIR PLY Large and small YOUR SI7F. AT YOUR RE QUEST! RGH SHEATHING V to v. SPKCIAL: Extra-long sheets of St EXTERIOR Dtv. REASONABLY Beautiful . 480 For Sale Mi$cellaneous PIT RUN GRAVEL EM 4-2463 TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs, files, sup plies. Roen's, 456 Court. EM CEDAK fence post good quality Treated or untreated. Pole. Ph. EM 4-3081. wood -PRICED' Oak Flooring tn HEATFD BLDG 462 W.nttH Hshld Goodi kn'Tlg in lm m ' u L'v-ing out cure. DOG house, also Indoor kennel. cheap. EM 41860. eves. DOOR CHIMES REGULAR-$25" Now $1195. Used Mde. Mart, Jiii s- Liberty, rn. KM CAPITOL FUEL CO. Dry oak. ash St maple wood. tnoice slab St block wood mixed, dry or green. Dry mill wood. 1420 Broadway Ph. EM 3-7721 ANDERSON'S slab wood 72 -unlt ANTED : Several thousand cords of bark-fre vennA , . hemlock. Ph. EM 3-7721;' nigh's SHAVINGS: WE DELIVER PH. EM 2-6171 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon LOANS 150.00 to $1.500 00 Buy What You Need Consolidate your bill. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY IB3 S Church St ZM 2-2417 WE NEED FVRNITVRE ( Valley Furn. Co. KM 2-7472 HONEST, lair. cah pncepairt for food, clenn. ued furniture , :-d appliance EM 3-5110 1 Clen Woodr, if05 N. Summer itioe St Birch 13 W and uo. REMEMBER M Months fo P.t on approved credit" And. WE'RE OPEN ALL DAY SAT I'RDA Y AT Portland Road Lumber Yard B R suite. lawn forms Sc fifunnes, tides. EM 25383. set. AITXJ. on floor furnace Kreskv COr - un-nn compete with tank A ntt Itl lortlanfl Koad Lumher -iara Thermarir heater 2.w K.W. , PACIFIC IN'DUSTRIAI Pnavc 3545 ForUand Road EM 4-4433 i EM 3 67U or EM J-7W. 111 S. Uben pa! ESI 1 ' 1 T I I n Ml MI