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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1957)
Page 2 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 7, 1957 - - M 1 0 L A Teener Admits Most of Arab World hves Ike S r- j. . ? 1r !l. Stabb.ngGirl,;Mid.Easl Guard With Misgm 4 JVlUtllipVI ' S, jlUllllS it III I IVi 8, Many Times Actress Relates Crime Details To Newsmen ENCINO. Calif. i-Morie Mc n,.ln 'The hodv" of filmland lame, says that an $W.OOO ran s,.m was set by the two swarthy mrn who, she told police, kidnaped tier. The glamorous blonde actress, wearing a white niehlsown, burst into tears twice as she told a news conference in her bedroom yes terday that the men said they hoped In ransom her for $20.0(10 earn from these four persons: Actor Michael Wilding, es tnmcd husband of actress Klua belh Taylor and Miss McDonald s escort in recent weeks. manufacturer Harry Karl. twice married and twice divorced Miss .McDonald. Mrs. Marie Tuhoni. her i.,othcr. Harold Plant, her business man The two men called Karl and her mother, she said, and dialed the telephone so she could talk to WildinE and Plant. Hansom was not mentioned in any of the calls "They wanted to build up worry with each call so that they would pay the ransom," Miss McDonald, ila'nkrd bv two attorneys, told nraiinrn In the same bed room Irom which she said she urn AhHiieteri. Alter she disappeared Thursday niaht. male callers phoned Karl nri Mrs. Tuboni and Miss Mc Donald phoned Wilding, Plant and movie columnist Harrison Carrpll She said the men forced her to lea- c with them by threatening her ileening children with a gun She said she was taken to a house in the I.os Angeles area where she was held most of Friday. The men gave her whisky and pills, she said. "I hid Ihem in the hollow of my cheek and later got rid of them." she said. "They apparent ly thought the pills had knocked me out." It was then, she said, that she phoned Carroll. She burst into tears as she told newsmen how her abductors had hit her -"more than once." She cried again when a reporter asked her, "Why?" One of her attorneys, Norman Brand, said: "Marie, you already have given that statement In police. After she was found on the desert near Indio Friday night police questioned lier at an lndio hospital. Detectives at the scene backed up statements of her phy sician Dial there was no indication that she had been raped. But detectives in I.os Angeles said that she had Informed offi cers that she had been raped. When another reporter asked her yesterday if there was any "vindictiveness" in the kidnaping, her second attorney,- Jerry Gies ler. warned her. "It would be best not to soy anything on Ibis mailer, as it might be misinterpreted." Her news conference was her first meeting with newsmen since her disappearance. She covered her face with a veil and dark glasses as her mother and actor Wilding escorted her from the lndio hospital yesterday to a wait-1 Ing ambulance, which returned her to her big home in this I.os Angeles suburh. A dentist called yestertiay prior lo her press conference and tem porarily rrpaired two caps broken from upper teeth, apparently from a blow. Despite makeup, her left eye was visibly hlackened, and the left side of her face was swollen. Marie McD .! ''fJ.US-Mir ) UJWg and Daughter 77 . J J4 ! 5 X Body of His Playmate Mutilated With 115 Wounds FAIRFIELD, Calif. Ifl Multi latcd by 115 stab wounds, body of frail, blonde Rose Ann While, 8, was found by a railroad track here yesterday. A 14-year- old boy admitted the crime. Roger Brown's "principal con cern was that he might lose the Icilyil knife, reported Dcp . . JIV. ..... MMyis." V.. A4kaP .....J , Yule Observed In Yugoslavia BELGRADK, Yugoslavia W - Most of Yugoslavia's millions of Servian Orthodox faithfuls cele brated C'.ristmas today although it isn't an official holiday in this Communist country. The Servian Orthodox ohscrvt'S Christmas according to the old Julian Calendar. It lags 13 days behind the Gregorian Calendar regulating the year in the West ern 'd. Despite the lack of official rec ognition of the religious event, genuine Christ mas soirit pre- iled in the Yugoslav capital and even more in the countryside. Baby pigs w e slaughtered by the thousands and sold at record prices. Suckling pig is lo (he Ju goslavs what turkey, goose and duck mean to others at Christ mas. Thousands Mocked to churches KNCINO, Calif. Marie McDonald hugs five month old daughter Tina Marie In bedroom of her home here last night as she talked to reporters for the first time since she was discovered wandering In the desert Friday night, 24 hours after she says she was kld naprd by two men. The 33-year-old actress said the men threatened her daughter and her other two children and wanted $80,000 ransom for her return. She has been In seclusion at her Eneino home since her return from lndio by ambulance Saturday night. (AP Wire to hear a special Christmas mes sage from Patriarch Vikentije, head of the Serbian Orthodox Church. He called on the faithful to preserve goodness and love in their hearts. lnlc)knlcntltank Due in Portland POKTLANI) LI financial sources here report that a group of businessmen have heen char tered to establish a new I'nithnd Independent bank, The Oregonum aid Monday. A dnvc-in bank is planned in the northeast section of the city, to be known as the Bank of foil land, the report said. School Flection Set l.KBANON I Special) School patrons of Golden Valley and Ham jlton Creek districts will vole at their respective school building, Jan. 17 on whether lioldcn Valley will consolidate with Hamilton Creek. Voting hours will be 2 to R p.m. ENDS TOMORROW I SPENCER TRACY ROBERT WAGNER., r. mityniw A - PLUS - Ends Tonight- "Giant One Show Nightly starting at 7:45 P.M. STARTS TUESDAY Comments overheard When we Played "Friendly Persuasion" On Our Sneak Prevue t "Best Picture I've Ever Seen" I'm Going To See it Again I'll Tell Everyone Its Tops Even Better Than "High Noon" GARY COOPER is terrific in the BIG SURPRISE role of the 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 WHAT'S BISHOP'S GOING TO DO FOR THE 67 67 67 67 Brings Back to The Screen Something Long Absent. A Movie The Whole Fam ily Will Enjoy. Don't Miss It (Regular Prices) r7X Gary Cooper WtlliAM WvtFRS hi i - TT- T- 1 1 MAxrt.e Mjn J to COtOft M Ml I Ends Tuesday! U j "ANASTASIA" T:lJh.t- Starts Wednesday BATTLE Of THE SEXES ... anu siA-uunsi rs: AT 1:00 P.M. cava the jffaa Ln C 4Sp four Queens r J' rtti jfNwitif TrL-'i j yi. ' PIAftANN SHKRIUAX STKVE COCHRAN "COME NEXT SPRING" 0 n. the ASSOCIATED PRESS I so far unsuccessful efforts President Eisenhower's plan for solve this problem, blocking, communism In the Mid-1 Sampling of opinion in Beirut die East was viewed with inisgiv-, showed general disappointment in ings today in most of the Arab ' the doctrine. But a number of world. ; Arabs found some "good things" Reaction elsewhere ranged from . jn k, SUch as an implication enthusiasm in some Western Ku-! 0f stronger U. S. sunoort for in- ropcan countries to cries of "rude , dependence movements. One Arab interterence irom Moscow, non- expressed the view mat r.isen the Arab allies of the United States in hower put across "an the Middle East welcomed tne piece of diplomacy program. plained: The Eisenhower doctrine I ..H.rf Kinnnwer mentioned aimed at preventing Communist anvthing ahout Israel, Britain and encroachment on the Middle East : Fr"ancei he would have scared couples the promise of large-, Congress away from giving him scale economic help to the area'stancjhv authority. Once he gets with a threat to use U. S. armed ln, ooWcr, he can do what he Dist Ally. J. Clinton Peterson. Young forces against overt Communist wan(s and he wiu j0 whaCs India's Prime Minister Nehru and his top associate voiced mis givings. Without mentioning the dootrne specifically, Nehru saie that if, there is a power vacuum tt.A IHMIa Fad it le ., I 1 1 f ) countries in that region to fill it. i Most Western Europe was grati. V S .. jr:.J K., tl.n nn.i, nnlin., D to the struggle between East ana "j " Y""'.:. ' .., . I Italy found little to criticize in thi nest. . . ..... i. .i thoi Political circles in Iraq, wmcni. is aligned with tne esi in iik Baghdad Pact, thought the doc trine seemed lo touch the disease in the Middle East without trying -lo find the cause. Turkey, a NATO ana. uaanuuu Pact member, gave the plan its eJcellnt strongest support in tne ni.uuie excenni A.inan MimHrps j r.asi. rii-'inii-i nuut. - -- I "One fact, that the Middle East will not be abandoned to us laie, is clearly understood. Peace and stability may prevail in the re gion." Pakistan also viewed it with favor. He right.' Newspapers in Israel also were disappointed that the speech did not offer a remdy to the Israel- aggrossron there. The President outlined it to Congress Saturday. In Cairo, the reception was hil ly but mild. Some Egyptians who Peterson said Roger, the step- na nora ,un" """Arab problem. But they welcomed son of Sgt. Merrill Brown of the ; rmJay " '"'" ithe. S'CP " entrance 01 tne at H . 1 llalm"1 Lnuca aiaics in ine fluaaie casi. uinoMunuu. m syria, wnerc a pro-aoviei Thc was alsj the feeling that , cique is "in power, official quar thc doctrine would make it more iters called the doctrine a "formal and! difficult for Egypt to play olf the declaration of cold war." A uiiiMiuuiaia t;f-iiini ..i-.-, " spokesman saia tne Aiiaarc cast in the past. There was fear that doos ot want t be involved in continued flirting with the soviet bloc through arms purchases and other help would lay Nasser open to the charge of heing a vehicle Brown led authorities at 3:30 a m. to the place where Rose Ann's body was buried loosely under a I pile of thistles ane grass. I 4,15th Antiaircraft Battalion nearby Travis Air Force Base, confessed the killing calmly and lold how he later went home to work on a stamp collection watch television. Last night in the Solano County jail at Vallcjo, Roger wept a little talking to reporters and said he "wished" the girl was alive. SALEM ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN Prtmntt . . , Flnl of Striti of Programii DR. A. W. NIEMEI.A Siltm Dirtctor of tptcial Education en Educator'! Viewpoint on Manitl Rthibililation TUESDAY, JAN. 8, 8 P.M. littla Thaairo $. Saltm Hi No Charflo An autopsy disclosed that the : of "indirect Communist aaares- child had not been criminally at-jsion." tacked, although her panties had) Cairo newspapers cautioned been removed. Her skull had been 1 restraint, saying many phases or fractured three times. Roger had been employed to take care of Rose Ann at various times while her mother Mrs- Frank White, 33, worked at her the Eisenhower plan remained to be explained. Many Arabs throughout the area expressed disappointment that the the President passed quickly over job as a beer parlor waitress. The ,ne Israel-Arab dispute, leaving child's father is an airman in lhc United Nations to continue its JaPan- ci : t onl ine i ouMiimu Roger said while they were playing Saturday along the rail road track, he tripped and Rose Ann fell over him, knocking her self unconscious on a rock. While she was unconscious, officers said, the boy related he beat her on the head with a rock and then stabbed her repeatedly. j He removed her pants and! buried them, officers said, be cause he left bloody finger prints on them when he turned her over. Inspect Hospital PORTLAND W Gerald D. Crary of Deadwood, S.D., imper ial potentate of the .Shrine, was in Portland Saturday to inspect the Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children. He reported that the Shrine spends 5'a million dollars a year to maintain its 17 hospitals in the United States. 1 FURNACES Complete Installations Free Survev & Estimate 34 Months to Pay Call Todav EM -38555 Eve. EM 48790 or M 48821 OIL OR GAS Comfort Clean Thrifly Salem Healing & Sheet Metal Co. lOR.I Broadway O 9 NOW OPEN! "BUD'S" RICHFIELD m i iiviru Corner of Lancaster and Silverton Hold E. J. Boust, Owner My Office Will Be 1 Closed January 14th Thru February 4th Dr. Clayton Cullen CHIROPRACTOR 1 296 S. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. WMP . v -mrtmAt '" c . J - i r . I 9 JWBfca-1. IRnally Believed His Eyes and Ears I lie has heard and read a great many wonderful things about this new 1957 Cadillac since it made its first appearance a few brief weeks ago about its magnificent new luxurv, for instance ... its brilliant new power and responsiveness ... its marvelous new handling ease . . . and its extraordinary new smoothness of ride. And so. quite frankly, he began to wonder if it weren't all too good to be true. Could any motor car be as wonderful as this latest "carof cars" as reputed to be? Well, he kaa decided to put his eves and his ears to the test today. And the verdict is unmistakablel It's a joy Just to lean back into those deep, soft cushions and look out over that graceful hood into the beckoning highway. And what a revelation the car is to drivel A curve in the road ahead? He simply follows it with the arc of his hands and the car responds with perfect obedience. A hill in the offing? He just nudges the accelerator and the car sweeps up and over as effortlessly as if it were traveling the level road. A stop light coming up? He presses his toe ever so gently on the broad braking pedal and comes to the smoothest, surest stop imaginable. Yes, it's true what they say about Cadillac. ThU is Jar and away the finut nwtorcar escr to travel the world' highway. . How about you? Have you heard the wonderful things they're saying about this newest "car of cars"? Well, the proof is in the driving and the facta about Cdillae have never been more convincing. Why not make it today? CAPITOL CHEVROLET CADILLAC, INC. 510 N. Commercial SrrMt, Salem PHen. IM4417S 67 67 67 67 67 67 67