Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 7, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Section 2 Page T f by MONDAY OX KOIN-TV: (6) 5:30 p.m. Armchair Theatre-"One for the Money," starring Hath trine Locke, Bill Shefield, Isabel Jewell. 7:00 p.m. Studio One "Love at Fourth Sight." 8:00 p.m. Burns and Allen Gracie convinces George they should thow a greater interest in son's hobbies. 9:00 p.m. I Love Lucy Ricky dislikes Lucy's new hat. 9:30 p.m. December Bride Lily almost loses pal Hilda Crocker 10:35 p.m. Showtime on Six "Ghost Ship," starring Hazel Court Dermont Walsh. . , , MONDAY ON KPTV: (27) 6:30 p.m. Willy The Dodgers' home nearly gets torn down in "Papa Dodger's Birthday." 7:00 p.m. Waterfront Stolen black pearl aboard tugboat skipperd , "Cap'n Long John." 7:30 p.m. Nat "King" Cole Recording artist presents piano stylings and vocalizing ranging from popular standards to modern impro visation in subdued "drawing-room" jazz manner. 8:00 p.m. Producer's Showcase "Call to Freedom," historical drama In "Project 20" series. Real-life sequences interwoven into scenes of Beethoven's opera "Fidelio" as presented at reopening of the re built Vienna State Opera House. 9:30 p.m. Robert Montgomery Presents "The Liar." 10:30 p.m. Colonel .March "Passage at Arms." 11:00 p.m. Cross Current "Confidence Game," starring Gerald Mohr as Chris Storm, the man-about-town Vienna hotel owner. . MONDAY ON KLOR: (12) 5:00 p.m. Range Rider "Border Trouble." 5:30 p.m. Gene Autry "Outlaw Stage." 5:00 p.m. Wild Bill Hlckok "Grandpa and Genie." 0:30 p.m. Meet Corliss Archer Family friendship seems doomed peiween rranitiins. Wilsons and Arcners. 7:00 p.m. My Little Margie "Homely Margie" poses as attractive cousin caroiyn. 7:30 p.m. Dr. Christian Doctor helps truck driver regain his job 8:00 p.m. Man Called "X" Barry Sullivan cleverly framed for assassination oi rree China leader. 8:30 p.m., "Two Guys from Texas," starring Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan. 10:30 p.m. "Gambling on the High Seas," starring Jane Wyman and unoeri ttoiana. MONDAY ON KGH'-TV: (8) 5:00 p.m. Mickey Mouse Club A search for hidden pirate treasure. The Hardy Boys, in 20-episode series begins. 6:00 p.m. Trouble with Father Stu Erwin and family in "Dear iiora. . 6:30 p.m. Newsbeat Richard Ross and complete news staff. 8:00 p.m. Danny Thomas Rusty sings so poorly Danny feels teach er is at fault. 8:30 p.m. Voice In Concert Robert Rounseville", tenor, Hungary, saluted musically. 10:40 p.m. Channel Playhouse "The Well", suspense with Richard flooer, Barry Kelly. TUESDAY ON KOIN-TV: (6) 12:30 p.m.. Bob Crosby Show and the cast sing "Blueberry Hill." 2 p.m., KOIN Kitchen gives shopping tips. 4:45 p.m.. Cartoon Time "Greetings Bait" with Jerry Cnlona Worm 5:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "The Real Thing" starring John Arcner, .Marjone Lord 6:30 p.m., Sgt. Preston sends his giant malcmute, Yukon King, inrougn coraon oi Indians lor ncip. 8 p.m., Phil Silvers Show "The Blue Blood of Bilko" reaches boil ing point. 8:30 p.m., The Rrothers decide to make the worms turn 9:30 p.m.. Red Skelton Show Red lives dangerously in Clem Kadi ddlehapper character. George Raft guest. 10 p.m.. Code 3 Sheriff's office investigate the 'Nelson Case. 10:35 p.m., Showtime on Six "Brazil," starring Tito Guizar, Vir ginia Bruce, Edward Everett Horton TUESDAY ON KPTV: (27) 10 a.m.. Home A capsule version of Broadway musical, "Shoestring '57." 12 Noon, NBC Matinee Theater "The Sudden Truth" comes to bereaved widow. 2 p.m., Comedy Time "HI Get It For You Wholesale" starring juicnaei u anea. wiinam msnop, James Dunn. 3:30 p.m., Northwest Home guest is vocalist Dick Kerr, now appear ing ai Vancouver. 4 p.m., Cowboy Serial Time Part Two of "Saddle Serenade" star ring Jimmy Wakely, 4:45 p.m.. Playhouse 4:45 "Wife Wanted." starring Kay Francis, raui cavanaugn, Veda Ann Borg. 6:30 p.m., Cisco Kid Secret gambling house owner runs afoul of Cisco and Fancho. 8:30 p.m., Noah's Ark "The Guide." story of air force veterinarian's reai-uie comriDuiion to animal medicine. 9 p.m., Jane Wyman Show Jane and Jeff Morrow co-slar in "Twenty uonar uriac. 9:30 p.m., Circle Theatre "Divorcees Anonymous," stars Bibi Osier wald and June Dayton 10:30 p.m., Badge 714 A badly beaten woman is found in the Los Angeles streets. 11 p.m., Scarlet Pimpernel Chauvelin uses a "lady in distress' 11:30 p.m., Tonight Ernie Kovacs with Maureen Arthur and Peter Hanley. TUESDAY ON KLOR: (12) 2 p.m., Life With Elizabeth Alvin and Elizabeth involved with "Chain Letters" find they arc "Lazy Letter Writers." 2:30 p.m., Lady of the House Series with home economist Emma Rngness on woolens: today, sweaters. 3 p.m., Mld n.iv Matinee "Gambling on the High Seas." starring Jane Wyman and Gilbert Roland. 4 p.m., Weslern Star Theatre Johnny Mack Brown combats "Mon tana Desperados." 5 p.m., Captain Z-RO Viewers follow the notorious career of Bene dict Arnold on this journey. 3:30 p.m., Gene Autry Gene disproves the legend of "Ghost Moun tain." 6 p.m., Superman exposed to deadly rays of atomic fission, t 7 p.m., Judge Roy Bean "Four Ladies from Laredo." 7:30 p.m., Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal Dr. Hudson tells how 12 gift jars of improperly canned beans leave a trail of horror. 8 p.m., KLOR Presents "Driven Snow" stars Bruce Cabot as prison parolee. 8:30 p.m., "Affectionately Yours," starring Dennis Morgan, Merle Oberon and Rita Hayworth. 10:30 p.m., "Rulldog Drummond'i Revenge," starring John Barry more, John Howard. Tl'ESDAY ON KGW-TV: (8) 8:15 a.m., Town & Country Discussion of horticulture. 9:00 a.m., Telescope Ginger, the exercise girl 10:00 a.m.. This Morning's Movie "The Ghost Catchers" comedy with Olsen & Johnson. 11:00 a.m.. Community Workshop "Choose Every Two Years" presenting State Senator Monroe Sweetland with Brook Dixon and Marks Haggar of Portland State college. 12 Noon. Wunda Wunda "When Susie was just the right size." 12:30 p.m., Telerama (color) Chef Gino with surprise dish and Kay Milland as Mr. McNutly in "Fishing Trip". 2:00 p.m. New Horizons U S Forest Service. 9:00 p.m.. Broken Arrow "The Rescue"-Jeffords discovers a spirited teen-age girl only survivor of Geronimo's raids On Television UHF KPTY (27) VHF-KOINTV (6) XIOR (12), KGW-TV (8), KVAl (13) Schedule subject to last mlnuta ehmft sjr iliUoiii. MONDAY 4:30 pjn. KPTV Whittle KOIN Mr. Moon KVAL Guest Boole KGW Pinnr 1uh 4:45 p.m. KPTV Movie KOIN Cartoon Tim 8:00 pjn. KOIN Red Dunning Range Rider KGW Mirlcev MniiM 5:30 pjn mh J- -rm net- KLun uenc Autry 5:45 p.m. KVAL News, Wea., Spti 6:00 p.m. KOIN Wea., Newt, Spts. Ki PR wild Bin KVAL Jungle Jim 6:1S p.m. KiTV News now-Trouble Wltn Did 5:30 p.m. KPTV-Col. March KOIN-Hobln Hood KLOR Corliss Archer KCW-Nfwi 7 :00 p.m Kl V alerf ront kuin studio One KLOR Margie KVAL Cisco Kid KGW Hall ot Stars 7:30 p.m. Kr'iV Kins cole MUK-ur, unrisiian KVAL Documentary KGW Bold Journey 7:45 p.m. KPTV World News 8:00 p.m. KPTV Project 20 ' KOIN Burns-Allen KLOR Man Called X h. .- u. I'm idt KGW Danny Thomaa 8:30 p.m. KOiv . it?" -e fiction KLOR-Movie K -iv ie 714 KGW Voice 9:00 p.m. KulW Luiy KVAL Ozile and Harriet KGW Bishop Sheen 8:30 p.m. Ki'iV Uu ..It Pres KOTN December Bride KGW-Top Tunes KVAL Bob Mntsmy. Pra. 10 00 pm. K1 -NMM" 10:15 p.m. KLOR News. Wea. iu:ju p.m. Ki'i v fiayhouse kuin Movie KLOR Mn vie kV; i i: tor KGW News 11:00 p.m. KPTV Cross Current i;w p.m. kh v ronigm TUESDAY 5:00 aJn. KPTV Today In West KOIN Panorama Pacific 8:15 a.m. KGW Town & Country 8:30 p.m. KGW Cartoons 8:45 a.m. KUIN Heducing KGW Telescope 9:00 a.m. KPTV Tic Tac School KOIN Valiant Lady KG W Telescooe 9:15 a.m. KOIN Love of Life 9:30 a.m. KPTV Could Be You KOIN Search Tomorrow 9:45 a.m. KOIN Guiding Light 10:00 a.m. KPTV Home KOIN Visit in Time KGW Movie 10:30 a.m. KOIN As World Tumi 11:00 a.m. KOIN Miss Brooks 11:30 a.m. KPTV Tenn. Ernie KOIN House Party KGW Workshon 12:00 noon KPTV Matinee koin Big rayon KGW Wunda Wunda 12:30 p.m. KOIN Bob Crosby R,uv i Pie ram a 1:00 p.m. KPTV Queen for Day KOIN Brighter Dav KVAL Queen for Day 1:15 p.m. KOIN Secret Storm 1:30 p.m. KOIN EdEe of Uite 'Mum. KPTV nrtcrn RnminrM KLOR Public Interest I kval Modern nominees 2:00 p.m. KPTV Great Life KOIN Armchair KGW New Horizons KLOR Elizabeth 2:30 p.m. KPTV Truth -Conseq. KOIN Strike It Rich KLOR Ladv of House KGW World Around Us 3:00 p.m. KPTV Telecourse KOIN Garry Moore KI.OR Movi" KGW Film Festival 3:30 p.m. KOIN Arthur Godfrey 4:00 p.m. KPTV Cowhov Time KOTN Mr. Moo" KGW Pioneer Club 4-30 p.m. KPTV Whittle 4:45 p.m. KPTV Movie KOIN Cartoon Time 8:00 p.m. KOIN Red Dunning KI.OR Capt. Z-Ro KVAL Roundun KGW Mickey Mouse 5:30 p.m. KOI KLOR Gene Autry 6:00 p.m. KOIN Wa Sots.. Newi KLOR SuDerman KVAL Little Rascals KGW Frontier 8:15 p.m. KPTV McGil News KOIN Edwards Newi 6:30 p.m. KPTV Cisco Kid KOIN Sgt. Preston KLOR Fishing. Hunting KVAL Robin Hood KGW News KPTV Break the Bank KOIN IB4.000 7 - KLOR Judge Bean KVAL To Be Announced KGW Polka Time 7:30 p.m. KPT V Jonathan Winters KOt' Trust Your Wife? KLOR Secret Journal KVAL Code 3 Kf;W Conflict KPTV World News KPTV Fir Surprise KOIN nhil Silvers KLOIl Presents KVAL-Big Surprise 6:30 p.m. KPTV Noah's Ark KOIN The Brothers KLOR Movie KVAL Cel-hritv Playhse. KGW Wyatt Earp 9 00 p.m. KPTV Jane Wyman KOTN- Tft Tel! Trvfh KGW Broken Arrow KVAL Jane Wyman 9:30 p.m. KPTV Circle Thea. KOIN Red Skelton KGW Theater KVAL Circle Theater 10 00 p.m. KPTN ro"e Tr-- KGW China Smith 10:15 pm. KL-)K Nev 10:30 p.m. KV-P.od-e 714 KOIN Movie KI.OR Movie KGW Movie KVAL Zane Grev 1100 p.m. KPTV Scarlet Pimpernel KOIN Movie 1130 pm. KPTV Tonight Drops Scalpel for Six-Shooter Vr;sri n U 19 C..JJlUKNMS THE MENACE Ships in Canal HOLLYWOOD Richard Boone, the doctor itar o( television'! Medic," has become a TV gunman, western style. He'i the star ot a new western series, "Have Gun, Will Travel," which la being lined up lor network television. As a good-guy gunman, Boone wears a trim mustache, Elvis-like haircut and the fancy duds of an 1870 San Franciscan (above). (AP Wlrephoto) Heading North Wrecks Slill in Suez Make Port Said Trip Tricky Problem PORT SAID, Egypt Itf-Thirtccn ships oi seven nations finally were on their way out of the Suez Canat today, more than two months atlcr the British-French invasion and Egyptian counter measures bottled them up in the waterway. Wrecks still obstructing the can al made their passage north to Port Said a tricky navigating problem. Col. Mahmound lunes, managing director of the Egyp tian Suez Canal Authority, esti mated it might take until Thurs day to get all 13 out of the canal The Egyptians themsleves un dertook the job ot moving the trapped freighters and tankers, spurning offers from the U. N. salvaqe fleet clcarihg the ships and bridges which Egypt sank in the canal after British and French warplanes began to bombard Oct. 31. The stranded ships were in a southbound convoy which left Port Said Oct. 30. They were caught about seven miles north of Isma ilia, the canal halfway point, and most of their crews have been living in Cairo. Because the southern portion of the canal is still blocked, the ships must go out through the north. U. N. salvage experts estimate they will have a channel open to 10,000-ton ships the entire length of the 103-mile waterway by early March. The trip north for the ships in volved being tugged around until they were headed north, the first time vessels have ever changed direction in the canal. When all were turned, the con voy was to head north under its own power but the ships were to be tugged past obstructions still blocking the normal channel. MONSTER'S LAIR' It's Bedlam, Says Secretary, Working for Producer Lewis 7:00 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:00 p.m. By Ketcham MO THEN r?ID REDDlNS HOOO SAlOSEE, SRANDAtOTHEf?. WHAT A BIG. IONS TONoUE VOU GOT I' Chou Departs For Moscow And Satellites HONG KONG 11 - Red Chinese Premier Chou En-lai left Pcipir-3 or Moscow today. Peiping radio announced he also would visit Hungary as well as Poland. Observers in Hong Kong con sidered that Chou's extension nf his tour to rebellion-torn Hungary did not mean any possible change - in peiping s support tor the re gime of pro-Russian Premier Ja nos Kadar. Instead, those sources inclined to support the current Red Chi nese line that Soviet military intervention was necessary to keep Hungary from tumbling out of the Communist orbit. The Chinese radio said Chou, who also is foreign minister, was accompanied by Vice Premier Marshal Ho Lung and Vice For eign Minister Wang Chiah-siang. After his visits to Moscow, War saw and Budapest, Chou will complete his interrupted Asian tour with visits to Nepal and Afghanistan. Fiance Still Playing Around With His "Ex;" What to Do? ny nnnoTiiv nix DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Before my steady and I met, he had hern engaged to another girl. They broke up and he hegan going with me. Lately he's been soeng (his oilier girl, who Is now married. He has given her expensivo guts ana nas accepieu presents from her. I have asked him to slop seeing her, but the more I talk, the more he dates her. We're saving our money in a joint account and are supposed to be married this summer. Would It do any good to talk to the girl? Joan. DEAR JOAN: Don't you think it's about time you stopped wasting your breath talking, and did something such as refusing to play second fiddle? There's no place for a nice girl in this messy setup. Vcur friend is not only being disloyal to you, but Is promoting a rift in another home. Get out of the picture before you become front-page news. And be sure to get your money out of that joint account. By ALINE MOSBY United Press Hollywood Writer HOLLYWOOD (UP) The most bewildered secretary in Hollywood is a young St. Louis woman whose boss dictates letters while sitting under his desk, shaving or doing a fast buck-and wing around the room. When pretty Jane Thompson walks into her office she never knows what to expect from boss Jerry Lewis. Jerry is a producer these davs, with suitable executive offices at Paramount. A sign over the door advises, "The Monster s Lair." "It's bedlam," Jane sighed to day from behind her typewriter. Sometimes she has to scribble her shorthand while Jerry shaves in his tiny office washroom. Otten his writers and five other col leagues also are jammed into the washroom, a situation the teacher didn't tell Jane about when she studied how to be a secretary in St. Louis. Strange Dictation "Sometimes when he's dictating I'll look up and he'll have crawled under the desk, she said, ' home times he'll waltz around the room. "Once he dictated four lines of nothing but punctuation before I caught on His liming is so per fect. Other times he'll dictate let ters in double talk. The trouble is it's hard to tell when he's serious "I'm gullible, and embarrass easily. When he telephones me he often speaks in a dialect 1 think it's somebody else." Jane works from 7:30 u.m. to at least 6 p.m. Two mornings a week Jerry makes his secretary repeat this oath after him: "Oh, Great White Father of Humor, you are the funniest man I know, the most delightful to he around and the most wonderful boss to work for. Your business-like altitude creates an atmosphere in which I easily! can get my work done." Secretary Helpless As Jane says helplessly, "You might as well repeat after him. Then you get it over with and can slart your own work." Jane, daughter of the lale St. Louis Post-Dispafch Editor Don Thompson, came to Hollywood shortly ader graduation from Washington University. She planned to work in studio publi city, but started as a secretary for director frank Tashlm. She got to know Iwis when Tashlin directed him and Dean Martin in "Hollywood or Bust." She handles his mail, daily ap pointments and as many as 100 office visitors a day. She ad dressed 61,000 Christmas cards last month. "If a girl likes routine she'd hate this job," said Jane. "But I love it. It's' so unpredictable. Why, one day he tied me to my chair with Scotch tape!" Inside By BOB THOMAS 2 Salem Area UO Students Get 4 Point UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene (Special! A total of 313 uni versity students earning a 3.5 or higher grade point average during the fall term have been named to the honor roll. All "A's", or a perfect 4.00 grade point average, were earned by 37 students. On the honor roll (rom the Ralem area were Gyla Beth Seal, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Seal, P. O Box 447, and Jo Anne Rogers, Hie daughter of Joseph W Rogers. HI. I. Box .127. Independ ence. Both Miss Seal and Miss Ro gers received straight A averages. timers listed on the honor roll were: Stanley C. Allen, son of Mrs. Irene C. Allen, 10(16 Bellevue; Rob ert A. Arrhihad, son of J. N. Arch ibald, 641 Clarmar; Marion S. liaum, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Baum, 850 Prospect PI: Richard B Castle, son of Mr. and .Mrs. E D Castle, Rt 1, Box I!); John P Condor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Condcr. 925 Park Ave.; Lawrence E. Goodman, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Goodman, IR35 North 19th St: Sally Jo Greig. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Greig, 935 Academy: Janice L. Hall, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Frank L. Hall, 2770 Bluff; Priscil a Ilerringtnn, HI. 5, Box 437, the daughter of Mrs. Genevieve llcr rington, Rt. 2, Box BIB, Aslnria; Julia A. Miller, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Vern W Miller, 3R5 West Washington: .Iranclle Siddall, daughter nl Mr. and Mrs. Galen W. Siddall, Rt. 2, Box 441; Nadine M. Small, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Small. Rt 5, Box 409: Bev erly Jean Walls daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Walls, 1150 Sixth, and Gerry D. Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W Wright, 2385 South Cottage. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Although my husband's sisters are mar ried, and well off, he keeps slipping them money without (so he thinks) my knowledge. I never have money for church, charities, clothes or amusements. Shelley. DEAR SHELLEY: Drag the situation out into the open. Tell your husband, and the sisters, htat you need his support more than the rest of the family does. After all, charity begins at home. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Ronnie and I went together for a year, then had a big quarrel. I don't even remember what caused it. When we mccl, 1 try to talk to him but he gives me the cold shoulder. Friends sav 1 hurt him so he s trying to hurt me back. Boa. DEAR HEA: You might plant yoursell in Ronnie's path and say with sweet insistence, "Don't you think we're acting silly? We might at least talk to each other," A surprise attack will probably work. EX1I.E LISTS STOLEN MUNICH. Germany ifl Police reported today that the oflicc ol the exile Ukrain Natio. al Coun cil was broken into and docu ments and membership lists stolen. Police said one theory is that the thell was carried out by a member of a rival Ukrainian exile group here. LEGALS Hollywood DEAR DOROTHY DIX: The women in our neighborhood take turns serving codec each morning. One oi the girls makes terrible coffee, so weak the rest of us can't drink it. We've dropped hints, but to no avail Cotlec Club. DEAR COFFEE CLUB: You have my sympathy. Weak codec calls for strong talk this is no lime for hints! ' Either the lady doesn't know how to make a strong brew, or she's too budget-conscious. Show her how to make coffee properly, or per suade her the few cents saved isn't worth the loss of friends. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: My husband insists on wearing a silly heard. He thinks it makes him look continental; actually it makes him look like a walrus. Can I convince him in some way that he looks ridiculous? Rhoria. DEAR RIIODA: While wailing for hubby In decide whclher or not to shave, take a look at some of the bearded hoys on TV. Beards are becoming fashionable! Perhaps by the lime the whiskers arc sched uled for removal, you'll like em. Send your problem lo Dorothy Dix. Or write for her free leaflet D-35 "Manners And Young People." In nil cases he sure to enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and send rqiiest to her, care of this newspaper. Harvard Prof Says Americans Drifting Toward Sex Anarchy CAMBRIDGE, Mass. 141 - Prof Pitirim Sorokin ol Harvard Uni versity, an authority on human behavior, says Americans arc drifting toward S" anarchy. "Americans," he said, "are vic tims of a sex mania as malignant as cancer and as socially menac ing as Communism." Prof. Sorokin's views on the "sex obsession" Is reflected in the ever-mounting divorce rale, the upsurge in sex crimes, "the emphasis o( sex in radio and TV programs, stage plays and mov ies, popular songs, pictures, read ing matter and advertising. He also wrote that sex plays a major role in modern American political li(e One ol the alarming subject are contained in a hook t results, he said, is that "sex brib titled "The American Sex Revolu- cry and blackmail ... are now as lion." due in the book stores this 1 prevalent as monetary corrup week. I lion.' We are completely surrounded; Sorokin, who is head ol Harvard GRACE'S DATE ADVANCED MONTE CARLO UP Doctors attending Princess Grace of Mo- by the rising lide o( sex which Hrsenrch Center in Creative Al- nacn again today moved forward, is nooning every rnniparur.eni oi , truism, also said me naie ner uany is cxpci icti Snow Flurries Spread in Easl By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A belt of occasional light snow spanned an area from the north ern Great Lakes eastward :"to the Northern and Mid-Atlantic coastal o.-iie tndav and became rain or drir.zlc in "southern Virginia and j South Carolina. A new outbreak of chill air pushed southward over the South ern Plains with snow flurries along the leading edge. LOST AND FOUND EDITOR McALESTER. Okla. There! . have been so many burglaries m McAleter recently that one wom an called Hugh German, reporter T'.'- time the prediction is Jan. 20. The doctors at first predict some- our culture, every sccllnn of our social lile," Prof. Sorokin wrote "We live In a video environ I I ( lime early in February. Last week menl saturated with exhibitinnis tiny said Jan. 25 was more likely. Mic or teasingly semi-draped nudi- jly," he said. "Sex appeal has be- ESCAPIST SELECTS JAIL I come a must in commercial ad MUSKEGON. Mich. IUPI Roy j verlising. . . . Our civilization has Jones. 35, admitted burglarizing become so preoccupied with sex Moles on I lie Mews , ' YV A and asked for the "burglar editor." 9:30 p.m., Calvacide Theatre Accepting the n?ks, they dash lo . .. iciie,tpr News-Capital. saletv. 10:00 p.m., Rosemary Clooney Salutes 4 seaons, with pianist Buddy Greco. , ., , 10:40 p.m. Channel Flayhouse "Fingers at The Window Lew Ayres, Lorraine Day, Basil Rathbone. Service Is Our Business RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE We are equipped to service all makes of TVs. Radios. Tape Recorders and Phono graphs. BYER and BECHTEL Radio & TV Service 2376 State St. Ph. 4-9167 SALEM mm EM 3-4163 COLOR TV SCHEDULE Mm. Jii. 7-KPTV NBC MATINCE THIATil 11 Na.-! m. COIOMM 17 J-130 PM. tsbtrl Mnt9mry P.tfffntf 10-10 10 P.M. MARR'S Phone EM 3 9201 2140 S. Commercial HOLLYWOOD UWIIollywood is i The groups declared that the up in arms about the tax collec- proposal would "tend to retard tor. That's nothing new, hut this' motion picture production in the time the town is doing something ! U. S. and may cause removal of about it. such production to loreign coun- The internal revenue boys : tries" m tossed a bomb- This is but another skirmish in shell at Holly-; me ngni 10 gci a tax orean lor : a siore ann surrrnuerea 10 ponce ' mji h uuw uu.i-.i imhh mm jiuh-.i wood a few'creativc people. - because "I want to go to prison ol American life" weeks ago. With-1 Said a top-notch film lawyer re- 10 '' away 'r"m it all." I Pm'- Sorokin said the nation's out aid of legis-j cently: "Why should the govern lation, he de-! ment continue to give favoritism partmcnt issued to men who discover oil on their a ruling that cor-; properly or own limber land and norations that of-- discrimmale against people who! fer "personal act or wnle novels? Aren't those! services will ne ; wno enienain us ann anu lo our i O taSb taxed, rotrnac- national culture deserving ol1 im rxx lively to 1954, at a tax break? income tax levels. j "If the government would give W hy was Hollywood so upset by the art;sts a break, the result ( this? I would be a spurt of creative ac- Becausc it meant that compa- tivity that would provide work fur nics set up bv stars, producers, many people and raise the quality directors and writers would have ot movie ano leievision. to give up to 95 per cen of their profits to Uncle Sam. instead oi LEGALS the 52 per cent lor most cor- r,rlir,n. i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE porations. I ju,r,: . !..,a, This could conceivably wipe out: notitf is hereby given that the majority of independent pro-! &TU cZi .Vs..,; of r7!.," ducers or send them curryinR tr M.f-n Cmirty, bn promtM anroaa. ine companies oi sucn f rYtP ncni. vr . stars as Burt Lancaster, Frank irv No mm. am hivirf Sinatra. Kirk Douglas. Bing Cros-; ut. .j.. by, Marilyn Monroe, Dei Arnaz- t v..'1! imt,pr ttr in ,ri Lucille Rail. etc.. could be in in-iT ivmr m itr. i' jeopardy "This sex revolution is as im portant as the most dramatic po litical or economical upheaval." LEGALS EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS 1IKHEBY GIVEN that .-, THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL RANK OF PORTLAND lOREGONl cxet'iitor of the estate of Effie M. Henry, Drreisrd, will at 310 Pioneer Trust Build inn. Salem. Oregon, on and after January 21, 11(57, at 1C 00 o'clock In the forenoon of s&ld day, sell at private sale for ca.sli the In terest of Effie M. Henry In and to . the following described real prem ise, to wit: Beginning on the Went line of the John Force Donation Land Claim . ' In Townihlp 7 South. Range S Wett of the Willamette Meridian In Marlon County, Oregon, at a ' fmlnt which la 7.084 rhalm louther y from the Northwest corner thereof; thence N. SO 46' E. 1,703 chains; thence N. 0 or W. 1.404 chains; thence S. BO 4l' W. 2.124 chains to the West line of the said John Force claim: thence S. 13 t, 1!)' E. along the said Wrst line 1.443 chains to the plate of bcinning And contiilnlng 0.2H acres of lend, excepting all mails and roadways. Beginning at the Southeast corner of a tract of land rmive.vrd to W. W. Henry and Kffic M. Henry, hus band and wife, by deed recordrd In Vol. .V1, Page 47, of the Marion County Records of Deeds, and run ning thent-e North 0 (KI' West along the East line of the aforesaid tract a distance of 1)2.0 feet, more or lettn, to the Northeast corner of aald Henry tract; thence North SI) 49' East, a distance of 5.0 feet: thence South 0 n:r East, a distance nf 02.0 feet, more or less, to a point . 5 0 feet North BIT 4B' East of the place of beginning; thence South 80' 45' West, a distance of 5.0 feet to the place of beginning, all lying in the John Korea Donation Land Claim No. KS. in Hie Township 7 South. Range 3 Weit. Willamette Meridian. Marion County, Oregon. Save and Except: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of th John Force Donation Land Claim No. fifl. in Tnwmhip 7 South, Range 3 West nf the Willamette Meridian. In Marion County, Oregon, which Is 1 flfHl chains Southerly from the Northwest rorner thereof, aaid point being the Northwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Worth W. Henry and Effie M. Henry, his wife, by deed recorded July 27. 1048. in Volume 351. Page 427. Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon; thence North Sf 4.1 East along the North line of laid Henry tract 140. B4 feet to the Northeast corner of said tract; thence continuing North SO 45 East along the North line of a tract nf land conveyed to Worth W. Henry and Effie M. Henry, hit wife, by deed recorded September 2. 104(1. in Volume 3M. at Page SOT, Deed Records, 5 00 feet to the Northeast corner of said tract; thence South 0 03' East along the Rait line nf said last mentioned Henry tract, I IMS feet, more or les. to the Southerly line of Greenwood Drive as shown by the plat of "Mel lon Addition" recorded In Volume 1ft. Page SO, Record of Town Plata for Marion County. Oregon; thenca South R!) 4.V West along the South erly line ot Greenwood Drlv and a Wrtserly exteiihlon thereof, to the Westerly line of said John Force Donation Land Claim; thenr Northerly along the Westerly line of said claim to the place of be ginning Said sale la to be made in pursu ance of an order of the Honorable Val D. Slnper. Judge of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for the Coutv of Marlon In proceeding! pending therein entitled "In the Mat irr nf the Eslate of Effte M. Henry, net-rased". Clerk's registry No. Itrd and first published this 17th dav nf December. lOSfl THE UNITED STATE RANK Ot PORTLAND (OREGON! E.-eciHrr of the Estate of Effie M. Henry. Deceased RHOTEN. RHOTEN SPEERSTRA 31ft Pion-er Trust Building Satem. Oregon Attornrvs fur Executor Def 17.24.31.Jan T AllVKHTISI.MK.Vr FOR HIRS Sr;drd nropntt for "Pneumatic Tires and Tunc'" will he recrtvd bv tltc Marion County Court. Room 110, Court home. Salem. Oregon, until 1(J on AM. on the 2?nd dav of Jan tiary, l!(57. ;md thrn will be publicly opened and n ad Jnforn 10 Wi AM. For once. Hollywood united lo fight. The actor, producer, writer, director, manager and craft or ganizations of both the film and TV industries combined to present a strong front against the new .ruling. r Salem. 'irrsi-,n. i-. frr.m IK d"" t trd and fi-it ptihllh- D I P.AHHEE A-lmimMratir tbr Eiat o Mvrtl- E Rtrbe D-'--i-d RHOTEN. RHOTEN A SPEF.RS'I RA ?lft Pi"r.-er Truit Building alm f r-rn AM'-rneyi fir Admlnlitratof ;n 7, 1 21,24. reb l o n rl w b ill a n S5L- J P mux ition and nin Ificati'nis can H-d from thr County Eniji- en, CmirthoiiM-, Salrrn, Oregon Lirutn ('utility reserves lh right to Med any or ;ll tnd MARION COUNTY COURT Adv. J 7, ft. tl At 14 Open J;m. 2i!iid Al MiTLSMENT TOR IUDS Scaled proponil for " Petroleum Prnduf's" will lit received bv the Matton Count Court. Room ll'i. The Marion Co. Sch. Dtst. No. inj (Lake 1-abishi Board has been au ttinrird to rn-eive sealed bids on tin sale of the old schoolhoust lexclu mve of the pump house) on January H, 10.17. at 8 p m. at the ichoolhouse. All bids milut be accompanied by a crrtlfied check of f S 00. The un MiccrRiful bidden will ha refunded their rhei kd 'Hit building must be removed from the premises not later than Scot I. 'M7 The hoard re,erves the right to reject mi1' nd all bids Signed' J, FRF I) REMINGTON. Clerk, Dec 1!( 20.21 .22.24. 26.27. 28. 20. 31. Jin ii thr 21st dav of Jan d then will he publicly -d and read 'firmatmn md specifications ran 1 fr'.in in rr. Courthouse. Marion Countv reiei rt-' t anv rr ill bids MARION COUNTY COURT Jan 7, , 11 ot 14 . Jan 2Ht 1 NfW Rx FIGHTS ASTHMA Salem. Orrgnn erves the right lo in ii Authlni and difficult br-s thing rhirlng rriir.'lti attarki rf BrnnrhUI Aitnma. Hit Fvr and Bron fhltli by UIlIi.- Nw irepravtd Wonir Wortlng MF.NDACO Quickly hflpi eombal thnkiiif phltfm. Tli'i aM 1rttr breathing and lounrt-r 1m p. 0t MKNTACO at druf 1 1 tti. Money bacg mtrantet. Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery "So murh happens every day the public bug lorgotten my campaign promises." Finds Healing Substance That Does Both Relieve Pain Shrinks Hemorrhoids ft mm Yfc. . . 11 I For th flr hm- ftf-nre hn fmjnd a new h""lir-ir nitmanr i'h th atonih tnp ah ilit y to shrink hemorrhoid and to relieve pain-withntit surgery. In ct after rase, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Most amaxing of all - results were so thorough that sufferers mada astonishing statements IfV "Piles have ceased to be a problem!" The secret a new healinff aun stance ( Rio-Pyne I - discovery of world-famous research Institute. 1 his substanrt Is now availahle tn $uipn'tnrt or ottifmetif fmt under (he name Prtpnrntittn M At your druggiit. Money back gonrant. BM- U.S.i'al.WL