SaIem, Oregon, Monday, Januar y 7, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Section 2 Page 3 1st National Notes Demand For Financing A near record high mark in loans 1 n ai'0nal bank of p""land on December 31, reflecting the heavy demand for money f? con umer and business financing it was reported bye. B. Stephenson n "le slat'le banking stem, following a call for stated X, ,f,cndit' the comp troller of the currency. hr!iSUhrCSt IcasrI the Salem' branch of First National show de posits at the branch were $29 851 077 and loans were $11,533,262 ac cording to Lewis Wiltshire vice president and manager. Released at the same time were comparable totals (or the branch for December 31, 1955. On that date, deposits were $27,646,555 and loans totaled $14,379,992. First National's branches re ported loans and discounts of $431 742.185, a gain of $11,067,663 over a year ago, but down $12,376,695 mce the September 26 all-time record high figure reported to the comptroller. Deposits on the last day of the year were $808,810,991. This is $12, 314.585 off from the same day one year ago but a $24,006,422 gain unce the fall bank call. French Ready ToBoycottUN PARIS Wl - The U.N. Assem bly was threatened Monday with a new French walkout if the As sembly decides to debate the na tionalist rebellion in Algeria. French Foreign Minister Chris tian Pineau warned his delegation would boycott any U.N. debate on Algeria as he took a plane for New York. The French staged a temporary U.N. walkout after the Assembly agreed last year to debate Asian African complaints against France's campaign to put down the. rebels. The issue was allowed to Subside without further debate and the French finally returned to the Assembly. The Asian-African bloc h a s i Kas,man Kodak made its comn aint to the Assem-: r.merson naaio bly again this session. Delegates Picked By DAR Chapter Delegates to attend the Con tinental Congress of the Daughters f the American Revolution in April at Washington, D.C., have been named by Chemeketa chap ter, DAR, Salem, as follows: Mrs. H., M. Broadbent. regent of the local cnapter: Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Herbert L. Ost lind, Mrs. Philip T. Boutfleur, Mrs. L. O. McLeod and Mrs. E. E. Bergman. The group was named at the chapter meeting, Saturday. Death Claims Oldest Doctor at Pendleton PENDLETON (UP)-Dr. H. J. Kavanauch. dean of the medical fraternity here and a prominent physician in eastern Oregon for 30 years, died at his home yester day. He was 81. Dr. Kavanaugh was a graduate of Willamette University and the University of Oregon medical school. He ended active practice 1947 after serving as senior medical officer for city, county and state health departments in the area. TODAY'S CLOSE S.Y. STUCK Ql'OTATIIIVS (By XHE ASSOCIATED PRESS) Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers Aluminum Co. America American Airlines American Can American Cyanamide American Motors American Tel. & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Armco Steel Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Maach. California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Crown Zellerbaeh Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Christmas Aid Given 3600 by S. A. Corps The Salvation Army helped more than 3600 persons during the Christmas season, Major West re ported to the advisory board Mon day at its monthly meeting. This included 250 families of about 1250 individuals, 900 who re ceived gifts, in the hospitals, 60 who were served a Christmas dinner and 1000 children who re ceived toys, nearly all of which came from the Fire Department Exchange club Christmas toy col lection and renovation project. About 2350 toys figured in this distribution. The public gave the Salvation Army $6113.39 for its Christmas work. Major West reported. Of this $4326.63 was placed in the Christ mas kettles. $1491.93 by mail in response to solicitation letters, and $294.83 from other sources Exact a m o u n t of the disburse ments is not yet known as all the HIS dill ill. V.uwo. , n"l IT given to needy families amounted S andard Oil Ca if. f hw om aiH Standard Oil N.J. West reported further that the new Salvation Army hostel pro vided 222 meals and 60 lodgings between December 16 when it opened and December. 31. It has received many items of equipment given by the public but still needs a deep freeze badly, he said. The board, presided over by its chairman. George Dudley Hender- ..n.A-l ln hnM I h annual ,i ii, s a fiianVl at ' Western Union Tel. 6:30 p.m. starting' with a dinner. ! Westinghousc Air Brake Henderson appointed an arrange ments committee. Ford Motor General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kaiser Aluminum Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Loew's Incorporated Montgomery Ward New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel & Tel. Penney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R.R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Puget Sound P 4 L Radio Corporation Rayonner Incorp. Republic S'.eel Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. St. Regis Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck 4 Co. Shell Oil Co. Sinclair Oil Socony-Mohile Oil Southern Pacific Studebaker Packard Swift & Company Transamcrica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Slcel Warner Piclures IVnclinrrhnncn Klprlrir I Woolworth Company 14 H 95 is 34 90 23 Ci 42 Vi 77 SVi 176 V 75 72 14 64 26 14 190 y 59 45 39 's 42 14 32 94 14 17?. 68 14 68 45 It 54 Ik 45 89 -188 H 87 3. 6'i 55 H 58 43 7k 42 14 28 . 80 '.' 37 Vt 104 y 48 U 43 127 13 li 55 14 20 14 20 1. 40 35 41 14 50 126 H 83 4 22 19 'k 17 '4 26 ij 34'k 31 H 56 69 68 '4 45 ; 60 ' , 29 86 '4 63 54 46 48 'i 59 7 40 37 J. 23 59 '4 31 42 88 . 6 '2 71 28 l4 20 29 5fi !. 45 $784 Million Deposited at U.S. National The United States National bank in its year-end report shows a de posit total of more than 784 million dollars. The four Salem branches re ported combined deposits in the amount of $61,122,243.56, accord ing to E. C. Sammons, U. S. Na tional president. Total resources for the statewide system stood at $861,346,654, an increase of better than 13 million dollars. Loans and discounts now total $337,926,885, a 12-month gain in excess of $28,800,000. Loans and discounts for the Salem branches now total $21,217,454.32. "The past year has been one of increased service at U. S- Na tional," Sammons commented. "The recent increase in savings interest rate to 214 per cent was a highlight of the year end." Salem is served by four U. S. National branches. They are Ladd & Bush-Salem headed by Rex Gib son, vice president and manager; North Salem branch with G. Car roll Meeks, vice president and manager; North Salem branch with G. Carroll Meeks, vice pres ident and manager; University branch. Edgar H. Whitt, manaqer: and West Salem branch, Sherman P. Bostrack, manager. Local Paragraphs Seeks Assistance L. L. Keep of Route 3, will be given assistance in the graveling of a turn-around used by a Salem school bus on his property. Keep, who lives on the road extending from the Liberty district to the Vitae Springs area. said he gave the school district permission to turn its bus around on his property. However, there has been no maintenance and there now exists a need for gravel. The court agreed to help. Installation Set Installation of President Dan Wiles and other new officers of the Salem Ex change club will be the main item of business at the Wednesday noon meeting at the Marion hotel. 'Dick' Wants SIcNary, lVorris in Hall of Fame WASHINGTON (UP) Sen. Richard L. Neuberger (D-Ore) Sunday proposed the late Sens. George W. Norris (Ind.-Neb) and Charles L. Mc.Nary (R-Ore) as candidates for the Senate's "Hall of Fame." A special committee headed by Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass) was set up last year to pick the five "greatest" senators in his tory for special portraits to be hung near the Senate chamber. None of the five can be living. Stock Averages Hip Broken Mrs. Mary Addic Curtis, 81, 245 East Myers St., was reported in fair condition Monday at Salem Memorial hospital where she was taken by Willamette am bulance after falling at her home Saturday and breaking a hip. Nautilus About to Be Refueled First Time After 50,000 Miles WASHINGTON UP)-Americas first atomic-powered submarine, the Nautilus, is about to be re fueled for the first time now that it has traveled a record-breaking 50.000-plus miles over a two-year period. Snow Likely in Salem Tonight A new blast of winter weather is due for the valley areas this week, if indications in the weather forecast are followed. Some snow is booked to be mixed with showers tonight. The five-day forecast calls for recurring show ers with occasional mixed snow, becoming mostly snow after Wed nesday. And temperatures are to be several degrees below normal for the period. New snow hit the high mountains over the weekend and the high way department reported travel was hazardous in all mountain areas this morning. Chains are a must for all pass routes and the Timberline area, the report stated. Minimum temperature in Salem Monday morning was 35 degrees and rainfall in the 24-hour period to 10:30 a.m. amounted to .03 of an inch. A low of around 32 is booked for tonight. Welfare Aides Still Critical, But Improving KLAMATH FALLS UP) Two! Klamath county welfare commis-! sion officials continued to fight for fheir lives in a local hospital to-; day and doctors reported their conditions as 'slightly improved." The two were injured when a disgruntled pensioner appeared at a welfare hearing here Friday and opened fire after not receiving a boost in his pension. Fred Peter son, 75, welfare chairman, was killed in the incident. i Reported as "still critical but slightly improved" in Klamath Valley hospital today were Airs. Altha Urquhart, 47, county wel fare director, and Jerry Rajnus, Klamath county commissioner. Meanwhile Guy K. (Bill) Cra mer. 76-ycar-old Bonanza pension er was being held in the Klamath county jail without bail after be ing bound over to the grand jury on a first degree murder charge. The Klamath county courthouse was scheduled to be closed this afternoon for the funeral of Peter son, a former county school superintendent. The Navy has decided to refuel : the Nautilus to keep it up to peak I performance. It presumably could I go even further .on its original load of enriched uranium, but it would be operating at reduced ef ficiency. The refueling process will con sist of replacing the present uran ium slugs in the ship's atomic power plant. The old slugs prob ably will be sent to the Arco, Idaho, atomic test center to de termine exactly how much farther the Nautilus could have traveled on the original fuel. It was just about two years ago that the Nautilus set forth on the first atomic-powered voyage in history by going down the Thames River from Connecticut into the Long Island Sound. Since that date. Jan. 17, 1955, the Navy has built or has in the planning stages IS more atomic powered craft, including a giant carrier and a missile cruiser. The Nautilus has surpassed the hopes of it most ardent backers in performance and endurance. Just how far she has traveled is a closely kept secret, but the Navy has said it has cruised more than 50,000 miles, much of that dis tance submerged. Copel ami Acquires 2 More Lumber Yards PORTLAND W J. W. Cope land Yards brought its total lumber yards to 50 Monday with and 65 stocks ' purchase of two from the Ham mond Lumber to. at urawiey and By UNITED PRESS Dow-Jones final stock averages: 30 industrials 495.20, off 3.02; 20 railroads 156.44. up 0.02; 15 utili ties 69.04. off 003, 174.26. off 0.63. Sales today were about 2,500.000 1 Holtville. cant, uammona is shares compared with 2,710.000 1 owned by Georgia-Pacific Corp. shares Friday. Recently the Hammond retail Fuel to Be Piped To Two AF Bases SPOKANE to Fuel for jet planes will be piped into Fairchild and Geiger Air Force Bases here starting in March, Yellowstone Pipeline Co. said Monday. Construction of a 28-mile, 8-inch line from Yellowstone's tank farm near here to the military bases will begin when a permit is grant ed for crossing county roads, the company .said. Present plans call for delivery of 3,500 barrels of jet fuel each day. yard at Albany was bought by Copeland. Of the 50 yards. 30 are in Ore gon, 7 in California, and the rest in Washington and Nevada. 3 Spectators At Blaze Die In Explosion RIDGWAY, Colo, Lfl An ex plosion killed three men and in jured 18 other persons among a crowd of more than 150 curious spectators watching a fire Sunday at a county highway garage. Sheriff Harry B. Scott said the blast was caused "by gasoline or powder or maybe a combination of both we just don't know." He planned a further investigation. Harold Leicester, 35, of Ouray, a lineman for Western Colorado Power Co., died at the scene. He was fatally injured while trying to remove a meter from the side of the building. George Copeland. died en route to a hospital. Virgil Gould, 69, died shortly after he was received at a hospital. Gerald Stark, It, who suffered a brain injury and skull frncture, was reported in critical condition at Montrose Hospital and Clinic He was the most suriously injured. Windows in houses and other buildings within a four-block area were shattered by the explosion. Lumber Mills Remain Closed After Holidays EUGENE to Many holiday closures of sawmills have been extended and extremely low pro duction marks the region. Ran dom Lengths, weekly lumber market news letter, reported Monday. Green mills' prices have gone up slightly but this does not re flect a market pattern, the report said, since demand is limited to essentials. Still to be seen, it adds, is whether buyers will absorb the recent increase in rail freight rates. Retail yard buying from mixed car fir mills was reported to be reasonably active, with most of the purchasing in the Middle West. The pin market expects to see the New Year's trend developing in the next week or so. Mean while, the market is unchanged with shop grades the weakest and commons the strongest. the price jump in plywood irom a base of $67 to $72 now is nearly industry-wide, but the report said the move seems to be to test the market and buying volume w i 1 1 tell whether 'he price holds. Blaze Kills 2 Altiiras Boys ALTURAS. Calif. (UP) Twin boys died last night when fire de stroyed a small cabin in which they were sleeping here. Police Chief Darrell Rachford said the boys and an older brother were sleeping in tne cabin behind the Richards residence when the fire broke out, apparently from aa overheated stove. The older boy was awakened by the smoke and went to the house to get his fa ther. Gcoree Richards, but when The victims were Ronald and they returned the flames were too Russell Richards, 6. intense to rescue the victims. SYRIA CIIIKK IX PAKISTAN' KARACHI. Pakistan Ml Pres ident Shukri Kuwatly of Syria ar rived here Monday for a 10-day visit. President Iskander Mirza and Prime Minister H. S. Suh rawardy of Pakistan were among those who welcomed the Syrian president and his party at the airport. . assy....,. .-mi i f REMOVAL SALE! nJ IS G 1 TOIPS ATT5 Special tj "V Group a P I ft "ir y Plus iJ.'Jtf" Green Stamps Capitol Shopping Center OPEN MON. & FRI. NIGHTS TIL 9! Top Click of the New Car Season Bute! Umiiyr' J-Ooor tMan omplishmer Design for Att This Steel Age "5000" Lint Executive-Conference Desk was created for the man who demand, the very finest in sleet office furniture. Every detail of design from the spacious top to the noiseless drawers and adjustable height baa been planned to add efficiency and comfort to his busy work day. There's a fajnoos Steel Ate desk for Tirtuallr erery Job funo gaoa in cb modern office. Come m and see them todayt STEEL OFFICE FURNITURE it sold by Roen Typewriter Exchange 454 Court Street H,. IM..-.773 Want to get your New Year off to a rollicking start? Want to take the wheel of the car that's winning raves from Coast to Coast and back again? Then take the wheel of a 1957 Buick and try the sparkling-est new performance team in all autodom. We mean the team with the highest powered V8 engine ever to ginger a Buick and an advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow. Here, with just a judicious touch of foot to treadle, you get response so obediently instant, so liquid smooth, and so full range in "Drive" that you've never in your life felt anything like it. , ,.r ' kf. P ins tr It's sports-car going in a full-sized traveler that's sheer delight from start to finish. Ivnow what else? Folks like the way this new kind of per formance comes dressed in sleek and glamorous styling that's fresher than tomorrow's news. They like the new roominess inside these low-sweep Buicks and the new luxury of their "nested" ride. They like the new case of handling, the new steadiness of cornering, the way stops are always on the level no matter how quickly you use the brakes. Fact is, folks like everything about the newest Buick yet the car that's fast becoming the biggest hit of the new car year and you will, too. Come on in and try it this week. We'll have the red carpet out for you. Xeu Advanced Variable Pitch Dnaftm it the oniv Dynaflna B'ikk build today. It if Handard on Roadnuuter, Super td Century-optional at mode ertra cott on the SpectaL Big Thrills Buick -WHIN ICTTU AUIOMOHIU AM IUI1T IUICK Will aUILD IMIM- fftt 3. Vtf iEsom. So. 388 N. Commercial St. Slem, Ore. 3 Success and Happiness co-aid. Depend, upon tlie Services of YOUH DENTIST (C j I, BY HIS TRAINING AND ABILITY . . . by hi dedication to th protection ef Your Health, and th. haalth of Your Family , . . Your Dentist It qualified to play a vital role in protecting you against the dangers of dental decay and infection that can lead to serious, costly illness. Right now is the right time to mate that dental appointment for yourself and your family. See your Dentist regularly and bt guided by his advice. You'll be glad you did. DR. SEMLER WILL GIVE YOU ALL THE CREDIT YOU NEED . . . for all the Dental Work you need. No red tape, no bank or finance com pany to deal with. Terms are readily ad justed to small budgets at Dr. Semler'i. k Spread the Monthly Payments Over Any Reasonable Length of Time, ML No Cash Down 2 Years or Longer fo Pay Set Comfortable, Natural-looking duntures RIGHT NOW at Dr. Semler's, without ONE PENNY DOWN PAYMENT, on approval of your credit. YOU DECIDE how small your credit payments should be, and Dr. Semler will accept any reasonable terms you prefer. PRICES QUOTED IN ADVANCE NO APPOINTMENT REQUIRED You're welcome any lime t your convenience. Dental work usually completed in I to 3 days . . . con venient for out-of-town residents. QUICK DENTAL PLATE REPAIRS Special EMERGENCY SERVICE for broken dentures. Prompt resetting or relining to help restore the fit of loose, uncomfortable plates. And Stall el Registered Dentists fo)DHTI$T l FHONC 3-3311 STATE & COMMERCIAL, SALEM Wafers Acfofph Bldg. PARK IN ANY LOT . . . Give ui the TICKET ... for the) period yer are having Dental Servica performed in our Office.