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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 7, 1957 rage 2 section THE CAPITAL JOURNAL New PCC Athletic Code Viewed as Professional Step PCC Should Be Close at Finish Huskies, Bears UCLA Notch Two Each By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS judging hv the openers, the Pa- :ific Coast Conference basketball and another for violating curfew, ace will be a close fitting thing Washington's sophomore John .his season. I I'ariscau won the second game Washington. UCLA and Califor-; with a 20-foot outside jump shot nia arc olf with two victories each, ' with 4!) seconds to go. but only Calilornia's wins Friday1 Sophomore Paul Neumann of and Saturday at Washington Slate , Stanford sank a corner shot to had margins of more than four j even the Indian scries with Ore points. I Sn Slit"- Neumann's bullseye in The Bears won 66-58 and 61-51 the closing seconds of the game against a team that did not figure , winner in pre season fore' casts. Close at Idaho UCLA, the defending champ, heat Idaho 64-63 and 69-68 at Mos cow. The Bruins won the PCC Ltlc last year with a 16-0 confer ence record. Washington downed Southern Cal 76-72 and S0-78. After losing 64-63 Friday, Stan ford trimmed visiting Oregon State 60-58. Stanford plays California at Berkeley Tuesday night. This , cU . rV ci . ii i. ma. USC at Oregon State. Wash- ington Slate at UCLA, and Idaho u;.,l,iMtM at Washington. Washington Mate began a late move against California In the fipcond same and cut the Bear lead to our points. Kajer to close in, the Cougars got over aggres sive and free throws helped the Bears restore a wider margin. UCLA ran its PCC victory OCE To Open OCC Schedule on Tuesday Wolves al PSC; Top Li afield In Thriller Special to The Capital Journal ORKCiON cou,k;e of kdu- '.T10N. Mnnmouth-Coach Hob Livingston's Oregon College Wolves will work out today, then launch their Oregon Collegiate conference season Tuesday nighl at Portland, taking on the Portland Slate Vik ings at the Lincoln High gym. The Wolves showed they are fit for the OCC schedule by climaxing i brilliant second half comeback irre Saturday night to humble the .infield Wildcats. M-83, with 15 points in a five-minute overtime. The Wolfpock victory over the Wildcats, first win in seven games this season for OCK, came only i line. The Wolves shot .401! on field three days after the Wolves had goals after a stone-cold .211(1 in the absorbed a 77-45 drubbing from j first half. '.infield at McMinnville. It was the OCK employed a close man-to-th'rd meeting between the two i man defense throughout the game M-honls. Linfield also having won land Livingston's charges really Ihe first skirmish, 72-7. I lightened up in the sreond half, tic hind 17 at llj.lltlmr Linlield got only 29 shots in the fin hohinH 17 tinintc nt half- sprniiH h.ilf nnri nvrrtiinp norind time. 42-25, rame hnck in the sec- ind half to co ahead of the Wild- 'and making good on 23 of them. rats 74-72 with 30 seconds remain- l'1'he 'Cats made lfi of Iheir 29 sec- j in, only to have Ituss Koffard sink ond half shots, but they weren't1 a camp-knotting lump shot wilh 10 being allowed too many good shots ' seconds remaining in Ihe game, i by th" pressing Wntfnaik defense, Ilaryl (lirod. whose brilliant floor 1 In the .IV prelim Saturday night. piny was instrumental in the Wnlf- the Ol'K junior squad also atoned pick victory, tried a last-ditch long ' for two previous losses to the Miot for the Wolves with two sec- field JV's by turning in a 52-50 vie-! nnds remaining, but his shot was! lory, (tunnl Hay Smith paced the off Ihe run anil Irnnmi.-ilc Doug lingers missed on his tip-in at 'cnipt as Ihc regulation game end ed 74 74. The overtime was all (H'K. C-irud stole Ihe ball limn Lin field's .l.u k It !-- alter the tipi'lf 0!i:l went in for an r:iy l;'up. tNn fed (Yce Miller fur another nsy cripple a Itle Wolves went nut in front 7H-74 llene Hroun countered with a l;iynp for rdd, hut Hairy Aihiniv on a leed fnmi (iinnl, countered wilh another lavtip lor Ihe Wolves and Miller followed with two free throws and Uoycis added another aiftrr lo pad Ihc (K h mat gin to a:i Miller, WooKry, (llrnd Mar Miller, wlin scored 'JH points to lad the Wolves tn scoring, all of fiem in Ihe second half ;niil uer t me surge. trk'",Ted tK'F's 1 Ml fomehak wrlorv, hut he had r lplr Mipport from all his mates. Cirod. Rogers. Wayne ,oltnl; and substitute guard !arol were all in double (mures ,M'V WooNey, who hadn't playeo but in minutes in six previous games, entered the game in the sreond hr If and wound up with 11 points All of them at crucial moment, (lirod, in addition to sntnnu L points, got credit for 10 scoring pssists and niut have had al h-ast that manv "sterls" to hi r-et'it Jack Rilev. 5-7 s'tard from Grant High of Portland. gar the JOE PAI.OOIvA lf?yilWiflFF 1 1 inn mi 11 I r am) ioj vil vouo Line 10 have A 1 Rrfy J 51 SAID VOUO GIVE I 1 OOOO Wtr-E LIKE ANN TO LOOtS Ji II If AUVTUIUA TTI BF HAPPILY MARRIEO LIKE HI I IV- . AFIFR SOU... XC&M WUrWTTy- SURE- '''ih lGr& 1 would 'be my string to 29 but needed two over times for the Friday victory over Idaho, prod Crrbtree clinched the second victory when he came in for the final minute of play and sank two long shots. 3 Trojans Missing USC's double defeat by Wash ington followed the loss of three Trojan regulars two on injuries let him share high point honors with all-coast forward Dave Gam- bee of Oregon State. Each got 20, flrr(on Stale (SH) (CO) Stanford T, fPT GFPT f" t V. tat 1 in D i Allot d. i 2347 iiKa.r 3 A l 10 ; prr' s is j s 5 Miller. f 0 0 10 Isaac-, f 0OO0 17 16 Wartime 12 14 0 0 10 Wmtnr.B 3 12 7 Goble.c Cnniis.g 10 12 Neman, 5 10 3 20 Nanrni. gfi 4 .1 16 Vftgldr.g 0 0 0 0 Ilarinn.g 1 5 A Total 2 018 19 58 Total 20 20 13 60 37 21 RR 34 28 AO Oregon Rial u Stanford W"ihlntmn (SO) (!) i. Calif. o r p T & r p T sudy.f nil Dv,.t : m Smart,! 11 3 4 20 Pearsn.f 7 1 3 IS Roln c , l3 1 1B sirrm.c 4 2 5 10 Krse"!:i 2 13 5 Gmlil.i 0 2 3 z ' SnLsch.K 16 5 8 Mount. g 0 5 3 smnn"," ! o . I KJiiTv!. 4 2 , Total 30 20 22 AO Washington - So. Calif .. Total 26 26 23 78 43 37 SO 3 4278 Wolves fits throughout the hall game, arching long one and two handed set shots from 20 and .10 feet out wilh monotonous regular ity. He tallied 16 points in each half lo grab game scoring honors with 32 points. He connected on a phcnnmrnal 12 of 10 field goal at tempts and only three of them were from closer than 20 feet. Hiley converted on eight out of eight free throw attempts. Miirlctmrr Scon-n. 21 Bill M.irhnmer contributed 21 points in l.infiedl's losing cause, hitting 9 (or 19 from the floor. As a (com the Wildcats shot a remark able .51)0 from the floor, canning 32 of fi4 field goal attempts. They were even more accurate at the free throw line, dropping in 19 of 23 free throw attempts. Miller, in registering his 28 points, hit !) out of lf from the floor and 10 for 10 from the free throw while Ihe Wolves were getting 45 I Wolfpnek yearlings wilh 12 points. I " "'). . . (S31 I InflrM igninip If n pile 4 119 Kr.i(..n1 5 2 l s 3 1 Vt n"',lZ'' 5 5 5 "! Ail.n 3 1 ,s lit.. n 10 4! Mill.r 10 1 :'H Hitrv - s ::! i i ii it (i w ; It 0 1 II lhii-!i i S I .111 M .!.! it I M I 2 ll.itli 3 " " 1 '' ' ' ToUl M 21 1.1 H't Ki.t tl.iowi tin- rit-M 4 ILtllhmi- IK K as. 'I' :u in iii pi' l (ii'K i. I ,tt ,r: i .ni.eiil . , i NY iNazarriu's Swamp Whitman Collc.'.-KJU.f) W.M I.A WALLA North- ""'"".west Naarene o( Nampa. Idaho. swamped Nhi! CoIUm e. Kit tit'., 1 in a non t 'ereiue basketball Came here Saturday night. Half ul the winners' scoring was dune by two men. center Dae Caul ''i' guai Topi Ti icy. ho gol h .nis v: eh IIi-jIi m hi i nt; honors went to WhihiKin s tb Beckl-r who net- ted points s'ii inns I .cntra! Sl'CtVt 111 V ,',l.f .n l.... -. ' "'ii " i.. i- sen i cliche tMiioned t cntr.i Oregon Coll, -e ti; s.ituni.iv tuglit at haskrlh.ill heie II a- Ihe Cahlornin second li,ntit ulurv Kerwaid Huh Rnnsell smiad's over ttie Central Die hi-.-h ir with :i"i Am) IOu SAii) VOuO Line OOOO WtfE LIKE ANN AFTER Cal Chief Registers Objection Off-SeasonPaying Of Players Blasted BF.RKEl.EY, Calif. 11 Uni versity of California Chancellor Clark Kerr says he'll seek changes in the Pacific Coast Conference's new financial aid code, approved in principle in San Francisco last Friday. Warning against turning col lege athletes into "hired gladia tors," Kerr said Sunday "I think this is a long step toward pro fessionalism." He explained he objected main ly to subsidizing an athlete dur ing me season wnen nc was nui m .pok. special aid to athletes during the (playing season, because their heavy practice and playing sched ule does force them to forego work opportunities, and certain hoys of less well-to-do families would not have the same chance to play unless they were given special consideration," he said. Oregon Dissent i "I do oppose discriminate treat mrnt while a similar situation wilh other students during the off season. This would be turning them into hired gladiators. The new plan, approved by a 7-2 vote, with Stanford and Ore gon dissenting, would determine an athlete's needs for the school year, based on his family's re-i sources and local living costs at his campus. He would be provided' on campus work of perhaps four hours a week during his playing season and 10 hours at other times. The difference between his resources and his costs then would be made up by subsistence grant-in-aid. Plan 'Very Complicated' Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg. U. C. faculty representative who cast U. C.'s vote for the new aid plan last week, said he did not differ with Dr. Kerr on basic philosophy toward aid to athletes. But he said the plan is "very complicated" and thai details are to he worked out in further dchrle at Ihe May, l!ir7, full meeting of the confer ence at Spokane. Van Brocklin Stars for Pros Collegians W'liippftl in Hula Howl f2-2l Al lloiioltilu ll()0l.t:.t! Normnn Van Hrorlilin passed Ihc pro nll stars lo n 52-21 victory over sonic of the year's oulslnndinc collcRiale players Sunday in the It.ila Bowl. i he l.ns AnKPles Rams quarter- hvk completed 19 of 20 throws ,nr ,IV loutiuumns and, 281 yards liefore 24.0HO shirtsleeved fans. Scorning placekicks, the former University of Oregon back drop-, kicked tour out of cijjht point. ""'r touchdown attempts. One: "'her was a clear miss and three were blocked. ; Notre Dame's Paul Hornung hit 2n 10 (ltl1 ,,f pass attempts fori '' yards and all three of the col iiegiate touchdowns, lie also car- ,. , h ,. ,".... .... '".' ' ."! '4 yards. Mississippi s Paige roth- U'k,'(l ,lM ,l,ro' ''xlr" roinls! :ll"'r the collegians' touchdowns. I an llroeklm ilul mnO ,J ),; passim In lllioy Husch. Ham end who also coached Ihe pro all- sl:s II,,,,..!, on 8. 31 and 5't yard misses from Van ItiorUin stanfuiil uuai tei back John Hriiilii1 wrenched his in the lirsl fi'w inimites of play and was hciK'hcil lor tlii rest nl Hi.. .. in... ' Ivi-I Y:ivnc Vi tv W ins ri-:r a ne f i' n iu ON, Ore. '.ft - Kel in aggressive tiU puunder Vancouver, Wash, had things " his own way Saturday nii;ru as ne m-oitu an eii:ni-rmiiu kimrkinil over llui Hroun. Uio. of ' '.HIIi' ayne took iharce al Ihe out- Ml ot the s.heduled 10-roumler ; d was haltering "rutin at will when the I., er hit the canvas. , , L , i i..: i i. .Ji..i. tii 'i , 1 1 1 n.i i nuiiis, ivaipii in i'i eiuinnaiy omits, Itaipn (oin. ttirt Port nod s t o n n e t ' III i i lift, linei siile. Calif., i ine set'onii roiiniv " reonie M:ck. um. lMacado. "re . out- pointed Pon Horn, 1 SR. Rtemer- ton: and lion Kl nagan. I:l: Se- atlle. deciMonrd I'.il Kelly. I.t.'. .k!!lK 10 HAVE A I ACCBPT.'.' Ml TO LOOtS V DEAR - IT TOOK you.. V Seattle's Rabbit (Baylor) Sealtle U's fabulous Elgin (Itabblt) Baylor (22) was making one of his high hops to pull the ball off the backboard here Sunday as the Chiefs beat Portland's I'llots In overtime, 87-81, al the Port Boss Chief Plots Seattle Sealtlr's fiery liltlr roach. John Castellanl (tower land . One of the most attentive listeners Is Ihe Iclir, In giving his chiefs some big medicine for Seattle star, Elgin Baylor (center, with towel). Iheir winning overtime performance against Port- (Capital Journal Photn) Baylor-Led Sports 12-2 Record 1 Jin Scores 71 III 2 ins al Poiilaiul I'OKTI.ANO LT Tlu' 10th- ranked Seattle I'niversily Chief- tains, down M points t the inter - mission, fought back savagely in the second half Sunday to hand an 87-81 overtime basketball d feat on Portland I'niversity. Elgin Baylor, 'he sensational Seattle sophomore, hit the ne Ivsket for 41 points he u-ni v imo ine i nieis a giixo me i oh is n s uf Iheir two-name, week- end series with the I'llots. Seattle we al Yancouwr Saturday nichl. 81-68. a Baylor collected 3.1 ' mtints. I The Chieitains. who ran their , ..... i . 1 ... ,., -i seasons -rciuu lo i--. ai'tu-rtieu seasons -r,i,iu u, i.i. nn'mnn N UiL'L'ish at the onset and the n- lots, hilt' well from the out- su;e. to" up an e.iii. lean inai held good for a : :r advantaje at the ha ! Sea!'' '.irmed -ack .vith seven quick points at tin- start of the coin! Ii.tlf to give the game some By Ham Fisher &OOONESS. KNOBBY t YOU A LONG TIME TO , :., rvjTT.. . . .r r-ri ... TVW1 Ik' ' 11 n land. One of the most attentive listeners Is the Pilot John VYestermann (34) are watching. Baylor scored 41 points. (Capital Journal Photo by Jerry Claussen) 4 Seattle flavor. U'lins They battled on even ilh the Pilots and then Ul rally tllill puiietl Ihi'in imo a 7."i-:ill Uv o' n'Kiiliition pi: at the end Dkk Slricklin's tip-in with 2:42, iu piay was me ue-nuiKer. Field goals by Francis Sound- ers and Jim tlnrney gave Seattle the lead for the first tune in the 1 Kunie shortly after the extra pe- iod opened and the Chiefs wcre never headed. Dick Jo of Portland wound up as the games second highi scorer with 24 points, 20 of them coming in the first half. Stricklin collected 22 and Jack Scrivens od me I'vns got 20. he rii--ls eat 20. " ' smklin.f u :2 Joitrv f t 4 2 ijjinhrii.i l i t io,dji.t l l 5 j Marnev t i s u r'nri'r 7 .1 a i: savindrs.c n l l i 4 tvn.f ooo o.trsi'.B oooo tfull.f ...,rnv rt . , . w,r.,. . n n 5 n M.irniiv r 0 2 4 3 W I'lrmu c o o o o :,it-h f 4 s l n t-hp nn.t t oo l toi.,i 29 2is; Ton:, ills 2.1 si setitle Ji (I li-'J Al l.lhtn.r John Kolb. Nearly 2 4iXl hoys p.uPcipated in intra mural tomh football at .Mich- igan State during IM. FANFARE -.v.. I lis 1 r.rflt'v,:?,,,l:J f . I 4fw m w Hops High I Strategy NAACP Names Jackie Robinson NEW YORK tfl Baseball named national chairman of the 1137 Freedom Fund campaign aign of the National Assn. for tin Ad- i f cinnd lVnnl :it ti,., nmui-.l fund Jitin.if .Sun(,.lv niyjl Tlu drive. Dart of a 10-vear program begun in 1953. will seek (o raise one million dollars. i The monev wdl finance the asso- ; ciation's efforts to eliminate ; raciai segregation and discrimina- tion bv Jan 1. lit. the centennial 0f Abraham Lincoln's emanchpa - i tion proclamation A I tsMwirii Kuirtis , , , r As wimnnniT Coacll , niTi ivn,n ,i c .i 'resigned as swinimini rmeh ni i.., a, ki.. u u,n kp .,,r,wHrH hv niei, plkj,, D U,CK s.. ...ii, ik! c.,,.. ,;,', ,i,i. c i ,,.,. Mates stcamshii- tn.. is motinc tn n iv..., ,i,c .;- iin, , was a member of the 1952 Olym-i pic swimming team and still i,i,u nnnv ' "" American records. KOOt R M l. DALLAS Bill Meek was given a 10-year contract to coach at ; Southern Methodist. Jackie Gets He Announced His Retirement Says He Signed Wilh Look 4 Years Ago By- ED CORRKiAN NEW YORK Wi - Jackie Rob- tacb tSne. executive todav found himself involved in 2nd . fnll-.rMp rouH even thouch his baseball days are over. The now partly gray 38-year-old i Robinson, who became the first 1 Negro to play in the major leagues when he signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers 11 years ago, crossed swords with Brook Vice President Buzzie Bavasi over the way the announcement of his re tirement was made. Robinson revealed his plans in tomorrow's issue of Look maga zine. The story leaked out when some subscribers of Look received their copies before the magazine appeared on the newsstands. Signed 4 Yean Ago Bavasi didn't like that and said so, adding that Robinson let down the reporters who covered the Dodgers and the New York Gaints (o whom he was traded less than a month ago. "Believe me," said Robinson, a former UCLA all-around athlete, "I didn't intend to have things break this way. I signed with Look four years ago and il was com mon knowledge that when I de cided to retire. I would do the story for that magazine. "Imagine my feeling when I was traded on Dec. 12. The coin cidence was all th,e more remark able because I signed for a new job which clinched my retire ment at about 5 p.m. that day, and 10 minutes later Bavasi called me and told me I was traded. Couldn't Hold Story "I immediately called the Giants and asked Chuck Fecncy (the vice president to withhold the announcement of the trade un til I had made a final decision. He called Horace Stoneham (Gi ants' president K who said he couldn't withhold it because so many people in the organization knew about it and the story would surely leak out." Robinson said that was his di lemma Should he tell the Giants he was retiring or try to beat around the hush. He called Look and was InlH lo resnccl his ran. tract, that the magazine was to have first crack at the story. Look Editorial Director Dan Mich con firmed this. "Only Course I Knew" I "So I respected my contract," he continued. "I knew this would ; hurt me, but I took the only ' course I knew." As for Buvasi, Robinson was bit ter. "He might be a little burned over Ihe fact that the deal didn't go through." Robbie, said. "1'vetMary tomorrow night. gotten along with him fine over the years. I've always regarded 0TI and S0C Capture Wins Oregon Collegiate Conference VL Pet. Oregon Tech 2 0 10,10 Southern Oregon 1 1 .500 Kastcrn Oregon 1 Portland State 0 2 Orecon Colleen o o n 000 73rd slate 5Vru,hnn Oregon AO, Eastern Oregon 66. BV THE ASSOCIATED TRESS .(1)1r,on Tl'ch. paced by Truman "ll,l-UIIS scoren it points, eieaiea run ana Male s.nt- Mri'.v nilit to remain undefeated in Oregon Collegiate Conference' basketball. - In Friday night's ODener Port land State lost, u i -65. At Ashland. Southern Oregon fame fruni behimi in the second na" and downed Eastern Oregon.: 80'66- BlU Hollingsworth led the' Winners 'th 31 points while Larry: ; Howard an( arl Snvth each had i 15 for Kas,,'n Oregon. j Oregon College of Education, play'tg outside the conference. was forced into overtime to dc- feat '.infield. 89-83. Coming action pits Oregon Col - lege of Education against Port- Slat' on Tuesday. Then on 'rnday ana Saturday 1Kb meets southern Orecon and Eastern Oregon takes on Oregon Tech. II, n (M'niiston Urninvnl From I iihratrn List WAI.I.A WAI.LA i.P-The llerm- iston Bulldogs were scratched from the list of undefeated Oregon high school basketball teams Sat - urday when they were beaten 63-54 by Walla Walla High The loss ended a nine-game 'Winning streak for Hermiston. By WAIT OITZc'N 1 1 M Into Feud him as my friend. But I guess I was wrong." The new job which Robinson re ferred to is vice president in charge of personnel for a restau rant chain (Chock Full O' Nuts. He signed a two-year contract at a reported $30,000 a year. If this job naan t come up, saia i a P' Vu" "V ThL d : . -i ....j uui.. i.a .oinn.'mic inn mp np u-as rpiirinn 3. , ! had,no.h,g to do with my retir i inB , ... u I B"vasi. mfanni. ing .tarinp nrpitv nroud of his reputation for saying exactly what kept that :n confidence." he thinks," he scowled. "But he Any chance of his returning to doesn't like anvbody else to ex- baseball? ercisc the same privilege. The "Not for a million dollars," Rob Giants, who believed that Robin- inson said. 125-Poiindcr Leads Into Final Golf Play Dickinson Heads Close Field At L.A. Br BOB MYERS LOS ANGELES WV-For a little guy who weighs only 125 pounds, Gardner Dickinson faced a mon- Kansas, North Caro. Likely To Stay on Top Most Conference Races Should Right -Down To the Wire By BEN OLAN The Associate Press Kansas and North Carolina, the, nation's top-rated college basket- baH teams, will eck to Increase their unbeaten streaks this week. I There's little reason to believe they'll be stopped. i i The Jayhawks. No. 1. can i nick uo their lllh victory Inniohl against Oklahoma and take over sole possession of the Big Seven conference lead. Both teams won their league openers Saturday night, Kansas defeating Missouri 92-79 as Wilt (The Stilti Chamber lain was held to 23 poinls and Oklahoma wilh a 69-67 triumph over Kansas State. N. Carolina vs. William North Carolina's Tar Heels f 11- 1 0), well rested after an eighl-dav. I layoff, will take on William and Plenty of action -also Is on to - niohl in thn Din T.. l.-nI..J ff , , ; U ? j ,,,.'! vy iiiiinii-soiii ai-oo oaiuruay, Illi nois will try to get back on the beam against Iowa. In other games, Wisconsin is at Indiana. Michigan at Michigan State and Purdue at Ohio Slate InHian:. P,,rn rhi Cl.l. J .. .. . .. . . I"',- nu Northwestern won their league op- i ,oa ur"a - , J i,"'"'' thiH-ranked national - lj .cte,s. Lo.ola. of Cmcac ,0" ,"'' improve us -z ., .. :...,, ' , . . 5,inl arn sh" ' .. and Duke tied for Ihe lead with ' Southeastern - Nip and tuck 1 rmi;riv, Aiaoama ana '"llt i Illinois Favored Ten-A tossup. Illinois was 'the preseason favorite. Big Seven-Kansas appears too'his e'sh,h straiht victory tonight strong. Ivy-Harvard off to a ouick 2-n ,e- Kul -0!umbia is given the eae' Southwest Southern Methodist should repeat. Southern West Virginia leads Wltn 4-' Hot Rod Hundley canned j points as the pacesetters 1 downed Furman 110-95 Saturday. sk''me Utah State in front With two victnrirs against no de - ; ','',ls- Brigham Young and Wyo- ming next with. 1-0. Rocky Mountain Idaho Stale, 67 67 67 WHAT'S BISHOP'S GOING TO DO FOR THE r-m O 1 67 67 67 0. 167 67 67 67 67 67 67 Over How son would help them, lost a valu able month in which to make deal." Trade Nullified The trade, which sent Robinson to the Giants in return for $30,000 and pilchcr Dick Littlcfield, is nullified. "All he needed to have done lhe time I informed him of th. irarln " rnntiniinH Ravaci "Tkn continued Bavasi. would have been no deal and I would have kept it in confidence if he asked me to. I knew of tin Look deal for two years and I umcnlal task today as he led lh way into the final round of the (35.000 Los Angeles Open Golf Tournament. Packed into a spread of only five strokes were Dickinson and 11 other professionals. At stakt was a first-money priie of $7,000. Nearest threat to the 29-year-old leader from Panama City Beach, Fla , was a seasoned rival, Art Wall Jr. Dickson had a 54-hole score of 208. Wall 209. Just behind were some of the grealest names in golf Cary Middlecoff. Jack Burke Jr., Tom my Bolt. Dow Finslerwald, Doug Ford and England's Ryder Cup star, Harry Wcetman. Scrambles Every Day Add to these names of the so-called hungrier plavers on Ihe i circuit . Doug Higgins. Billy Max well, Billy Casper Jr. and Fred Hawkins and Dickson's problem is easily appreciated. Playing the Rancho golf course, a 3B-35 71 layout whose 7.131 ards was swarming with an es- " "T . limnloil if nnn . i i ""jyn mioi even par. nas ne ..t"""1""-, . . bramble every day, he re- p1wm V"?- . i. . . ' ,a" Tud '2 th' t"el lmt w,'h. " fl,as,h,y fi7' H,'W! '1 him 210. The C , ! " . .VIMa- Lal" lr" back to 211 With his 75 and a tie at 211 wilh Ford (711, Finslerwald I6i and Weet man ififlt. , Middlecoff (711, Burke (741 and Hawkins iftf) were at 212 and Bolt (6!)) and Maxwell (71) at 213. Rigney to Try To Change Jack Robinson's Mind OAKI.A'fl fnlif in f-n. ' nor Rill ni.'n i.aa k,. .. . 1. . ' . nrw 'orK Gianls will do every- thing within our power" to get Jackie Robinson back into base ball. "The way he's talking," Rigney said, "it won't be easy. But I'm still rlinoino In tk U lu.t U.'tl 1 " oc witn us when we open spring training camp in Phoenix next ! month." 1 Robinson. ,hc (irsl NfJ!r0 , ! play in Ihe major leases an- nonnced his retirement from base ball in a magazine article. ine .w-year-nid ath e e was traded by the Brooklyn Dodgers ! cemher Tor Ucner 'S Li. Z lS5taIld laT'TSoiSi- faHu actl iu it-jjuii wouia cancel tne irans- ion. j COCRCHESNE , , ?.UUiv 11 p' -Lightweight Jnnn misso ol ew ork seeks i,n a lu-rounocr with Bobby Cour- ' u:sne 01 nuopee, Mass., at M. Nicholas Arena. the perennial champ, again top with 2-0 altbough it shares lrad with Montana State and Colorado State. -Missouri Vallev Oklahoma lA&M is favored. Wichita ami Tulsa also are 1-0. : Pacific Coast UCLA has run up 29 straight conference triumphs, The Rniint ! ji m.rt, .am as Washington anr1 ralilomia 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 th 67