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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1957)
Page Hj section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 7, 1957 One Killed as Airliner Piles Up Near Tulsa Plane With 10 Aboard Crash-Lands 6 Miles From Airport TULSA, Okla. IP Only six miles north n( Tulsa Municipal Airport, n American Airlines passenger plane tore into a partially wooded rea yesterday, narrowly missing I power line and scrub oak trees and fatally inj ring one passen ger. The other si- passengers and three crewmen were hospitalized but none reported in critical con dition. The dead woman was Mrs. KelJ Tohler, 70, Tulsa. Paul Johnson, 33-year-old co pilot of Tulsa, walked and crawled almost a mile to a farm house for help. The two-engine Convair en route from Providence, It. I., to Tulsa was piloted by Wesley G. Mims. 34. Tulsa. He is a vet eran of 10 years with American. No cause for the crash has been disclosed. The plane apparently brushed a power line as it pancaked into the field. It skidded about 400 feet between rows of scrub oak trees, one of which smashed the right wing. It did not hum. At the time of the crash, visi bility was poor and there was a light drizzle. Other passengers and their in juries: R. B. Schillcutt. 42, Springfield, Mo., chest injuries. Jerry Souler. 23, Syracuse, N.Y. cuts and bruises. Mrs. Nona Warren. 53. Carter ville, Moc, severe lacerations. Lecanna Swadley, 13, Miami, Okla., abdominal injury. Port Van Smithen, 40, Tulsa, chest injuries. Shot r- - New Santiam BridceSoudit Highway Dept. Plans $700,000 Span on U. S. 99 Route SlKESTOjV, Mo. John Malu gen, 18-ycar-old high school foot ball player, Mho was shot lo drain In a parked car. His teen aged girl friend wait raped by a man who accosted them In their parked car .Saturday night. Po lice are searching for a man described ai a stout Negro. (AP Wirepholo) Negroes Jailed For Slaying of Missouri Youth II. S. Football Player Killed; Girl Friend Dragged, Raped SIKKSTON', Mo. un - Police nr rcslod two Negroes last night and spirited them away for ques tioning about the Saturday night slaying of an 18-ycar-old high school football player and the rape! of his girl friend. More than 100 possemcn fanned; out through the southeast Missouri Delta country in a day-long man hunt yesterday, Rolling up rond-' blocks and searching Negro settle ments house to house. About 25 high school youngsters gathered at one time in front of the Sikeslon jail but there was no disorder. 11. Kldriilge F. Damnf of the Missouri highway patrol said one of the men under arrest was , 61- The Oregon highway department nas submitted plans for a new (7no,Oi0 highway bridge over the santiam river near .leffersnn in the Army corps of engineers for j(:a,l(l' 'Hoot mouth) Lacksley Ipproval. yenr-oiu nmesion nanayman. The hridge. which will be n part I 'I'ht name of the other Negro sf the projected four-lane highway j whs not disclosed. Damp! ;,aid he louth of Snlem to Kugene. will be whs a friend of l.fu-ksley and was located 100 feet downstream from (Picked up for questioning about :hp present bridge on Highway! a -:I2 pistol. WE. I Viclim of the shooting was John Highway officials said the new : Malugan, who lived at Charleston, tpan will handle I wo lanes of' Mo.. 14 miles east of Sikeston. ' louthhound traffic, with the pres-l Police said Mycar-old June ent bridge to carry two northbound ! Caslleherry of Sikeston told them lanes. (she nnd Malugan were parked on! The new bridge will be identical I a country road just outside Sikos-1 the existing hridge and will he ton when a Negro approached the. approximately 2.5 miles down-, car. I Itream from Jefferson. She related Malugan told ic Unless there is opposition from 1 man In move on but he pulled a ' navigation interests or adjoining gun and fired, hitting Malugan in land owners, no public hearing ; the chest. Miss Castlehen v said will he held, the Portland office the Necro drauced her from the of the army engineers said. Boy Injured in Fall From'lloof Glrnn A. Kites, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. It. V Kites. 4.o Ridge Dr., who fell from the roof of a barn Saturday, was reported by Dnernhcchcr hospital. Portland, attendants as being in a good con dition. ! The hoy fill about 10 feet and was taken lo Salem Memorial hos-j Vital for treatment of head in ' juries. Later he was tr.inslerred to Portland for observation. car across porch of . tacked he cotton field tn the cant house and at- Ail ;,( m; i lkr liiiiiiuuml I':iim(I( WASHINGTON i.p Kny Amrru-iin ln(h;m tnhc is homi: invited to h.ivr a n'prcvnliihvc in the pai'.idr marking Presulenl hisrnhnwer's second inniisuialiini Jan. 21. lnauyural cnmimtlcp nftii-ials said Monday thai .vnnr lulu's al ready h;ne niLrplrd. They rsti niatr that IBS such invitations would hr i.ssupd $10,000 Kslalr Civeii i To Sbi'mrr Hospital .K n in - The Portland Shnners' Hospital fnr Crippled Children will get $10. mm. tin- en tire estate of a Maker woman. She was Mrs. Itessie M. Wing field, a widow who had no sur viving children at death, and left the estate to Hie hospital in her will She and her husband, .lames V Winglield. owned a small ranch iuM northeast of Maker before he died. Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? tlcn'l t rtmt tTBKsrrt hv lunsr tHlMt trcili lipping, ilrnipi!)R r ttnLliliti,; ft tint vtni . m Ik m imuli .Mi-l uprtnKlP it IHtlr r'ASTKK 1 11 on oit plntrs Till )lr.iMnl pnwilT unr a rtMimrknhlf mmi.p of urtilrfl rnipfort ml r-rinntv hv hnkllni Piute more flr:i' v. I' ll iilkultni Ufl r ASI'KKTH Ml any tlrtiK rid i GIANT REMOVAL SALE! ISLACKS f 7 1 s, Um ii A omt mcw! f fit WGHTf TIL ! Snow Falls in South Oregon By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A touch of winter returned to Oregon early Monday with snow falling lightly on Portland, Hosc burg and Medford as a cold front passed southward. The snow quickly turned to rain at Western Oregon points but Klamath Falls was in the midst of a moderately heavy fall Mon day morning. Low pressure followed the cold front, the Weather Bureau said, and it appeared that a strong flow of cold air, at high levels, could be expected over Oregon for about three days. The Arctic front itself was moving southward and was expected in northern Oregon by Wednesday. This may mean occasional snow mixed with rain in Wpctnrn Oro. gon until Wednesday, when snow may laice over. Eastern Oregon is to have colder weather. The Bible ff still the world's best selling book with morn than 26, 000,000 copies printed annually. Ship Docks With 1,716 Hungarians NEW YORK un The transport Haan docked Monday with 1,716 Hungarian refugees, three days late because of bad weather over the North Atlantic. The ship's passengers Included 279 women and children, and 29 were infants under one year old. Cancer Meet Slated Tuesday Volunteers in cancer education from six Willamette valley coun ties will meet Tuesday at Chuck's steak house for discussion of the reorganizational pattern of the American Cancer society. Highlight of the conference, ac cording to George D. Porter, pub licity chairman of the Marion-Polk cancer unit, will be a panel dis cussion moderated by Dr. Henry Garnjobst, Corvallis. Joining in on the panel discussion will be Salem doctors, Dr. John Ross and Dr. Russel Guiss. Showing of two films and a dis cussion of the 1957 campaign will Makes Honor Roll LAFAYETTE (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ames learned re cently that their son, Kay, who l a student at Oregon State College, was listed on the honor roll again for the past term, with a grade point of 3.88. Kay has been listed on the honor roll several times previously. follow the panel discussion. AMAZINGLY SOFT! ....... (W) tOEBUCX AND CO. v r nr V. Soft-To-Feel, Pretty-To-See Extra Warm! SECOND BIG WEEK! t ( onlinuoiis quality insnoc- I lfflf- VOWS ZtW Jfr J 909&RAY0N for 10 NYION k -m 6-in. acefate bind ing with your choice of 5 excit ing colors! 72x84-in. s. of sleeping comfort priced so low at Sears. High loft rich tex for cozy sleeping. Choose from surf green frosty pink, federal I, horizen blue, mint green. ALL FIRST QUALITY! HARMONY HOUSE! OSOCCSGClDo SOW SALE! 100 Goose Down Reg. 8.95 fn.7 . I0W Pimply , UrK"" 9OM '" Bh.Whil. r'y ' 'or your com- "Charge II" on SRC CHOICE OF FLAT OR FITTED S;itisfiutioii is always guar iintiMMl or your mont-y will lie n'turtietl. (onlinuoiis qualily insprc (ion of proiliiclinii lo he sure of "Always First Quality." Type for typo you tan't liuy finer shoots than our liar ninny House at anv pritr. 1 ittrd sheets are Sanfttrirod for lasting fit, won't shrink mrr lr 'c Sralnl in air tinht plastic at the factory so vou jirt them fresh and ready lo use. Harmony House ( olors blond Willi each other and all our Harmony House furnishings. 72x108 in. Type 190 Full Bed Size 2,15 Save now now on luxurious white Harmony House percales that are 190 threads per sq. in. after washing. Flat or twin bed size fitted Macron 77 Muslin Sheets Tviic 1 1 Mai or l'iltcil Fullsize Pillow Cases Reg. 59c 72"il08" Pastel tmoo Muslin Sheets 7n,8': Fullsize . 2.15 Pillow Cases Reg. 57c . . . 46c Muslin & Sheets 1 Tvpe 134 E Flat or Fitted Fullsize Reg. 2.15 Pillow Cases .... 59 1 72"xl08" 'Cirge " light and fl "I WC Nylon coCer 0d''e"- '""By ' Full Sile txfra 1167 In pl "Charge II" on SOC chicken 1...l""'"'I"V U,. ... . '""ieri, n.riMd fM(h,r , l'C bag Feather, New Spring-Fashion Fabrics FAIRLOOM COMBED COTTON IN "ROMANCE PRINTS" Faiiloom Sailcloth for Vacation Wear 9c Yd. Dan River "Wrinkleshed"" Gingham Plaids 79c Yd. Printed Chintz 79 Printed Sateen 79 C WasMast Butcher Rnyon 79 "Snowflakc" Nylon Sheer 79c . Kitchen Prints S9c S, 4464 Hemstitched White Stamped Pillowcases 78 c !M A'ti.ctn HiQ" t'jmp. for t - -fi ni. T , y )0 ffli tl'i. PHv to ("(" f-p P-scThCit he"' mm i .-- r &i& Pa - mk aS.s II 1 Thick Thirsty Towels Regular 98c Nylon, Rayon Multi Stripe Regular 4.98 399 Extra heavy, extra larpc 22x24-in. bath towels with Wonder- ,Varm . ,. , t, fluff finish to keen them soft, nrettv. 8 washfast eolors. ...!, .1.. " n " i no ",,..:'V.' V. ... . "'"" ."'anKeis mal regularly sell for 4.98. Whip-stitch ends. 3 colors. 72x84-in. I Matching Hand Towel 38c; 12"xl2" Wash Cloth 18e Reg. 5.98 72"x90" Plaid Blanket 4 99 Cotton Sheet Blankets Regular 1.98 166 Automatic Comfort Reg. 19.95 Ftffl lonn 7"lvQn.iri(-(-i tN rvr u,nrm cnftlvi Pint ihla YaA cIta rUn; 11 .1 -j,.. nuim, s"7 ww. vi 'uiwc i i warmins. 1 wo year napped, long fibered cotton cashes easily, dries quick guarantee against defects. 10o nylon 65b rayon ly. Over-locked, stitched ends. 25 ?o cotton. Single control. ' SEARS 550 N. Capitol EM 3-9191 2