Page 8 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAE Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 7, 1957 Kilmer-Oziah l DALLAS (Special) Miss Laura Marie Oziah, daughter of Mr. and "Mrs. Francis Oziah, was wed to - Lynn Kilmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. :B'.acy 0. Kilmer, of Sheridan, in -a ceremony at the Methodist ' church in Amity, Friday, Dcccm ljtT 28. The Rev. Bruce McConnoll rei the 7:15 p.m. servir?.s. " The bride was attractive in a vhite sheath dress with round " neckline and sleeveless bodice. An ' empire jacket completed the en semble. The bride wnre b'e ac cessorics, a dark blue hat, and I her corsage was of pink shattered I carnations. i Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Alen Kilmer, of Amity, cousins of the bridegroom. Mrs. Kilmer wore a suit of aqua with dark blue accessories and a cor sage of white carnations, i Following a short wedding trip, the young couple arc now at home at 216 Hankie street in Dallas ; where Mr. Kilmer is employed. I Mrs. Kilmer is a 1956 graduate I of Dallas high school and the j bridegroom attended Sheridan schools. Are Engaged MILL CITY (Special) - Mill City friends learned this week of the engagement of Miss Louise Haun, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haun, Salem, to Allan Vail, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Vail, Gdtes. Mr. Vail is a graduate of the Gates schools and attended the University of Oregon and is now employed at Boeing Aircraft in Seattle. Miss Haun attended Gates schools and is now a senior at North Salem High school. Tie Best Place fo Shop , . . Afler All MADE-TO-ORDER FACE POWDER PRESSED IN A COMPACT ... or boxed as usual " ' The tame, pure face powder . . . nothing else added i. hand-blended to your' coloring, then pressed lj info a smart, slim compact as you watch. for this newest beauty boon. $2.00 plus tan Come in today NX. j ST I v V ffl I Wood burn Man Wed in South WOODBURN (Special) In a morning ceremony Saturday, De cember 29, in All Saints Catholic church in Alhambra, Calif., Miss Mary Ellen Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .,ylc Francis Coopej, Alhambra. was wed to John Pha len Wall Hanrahan, son of Dr. and Mrs. John Hanrahan, Woodburn. j Monsignor Peter T. Hanrahan. uncle of the bridegroom, sang the solemn nuptial high mass. Rev. Joseph Angllm, C.M.F., was dea con and the Rev. Lawrence Clark was sub-deacon. The bride wore a champagne princess lace over satin frock with matching hat and short veil. She carried a bouquet of white carna tions. Mrs. Particia Reid, sister of the bride, and her only attendant, wore a pink satin princess frock with matching hat and carried a bou quet of pink carnations. Dr. Robert Mcachem, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, served as best man and ushers wer Gerald Cooper, brother of the bride, and Jim Troxal. All Souls parish hall was the setting for the reception immedi ately following the ceremony. The bride, a graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles, teaches at Bell hiuh school. Mr. Hanrahan was gradu ated from the University of South ern California and teaches at Mis sion high school in San Gabriel. After a short wedding trin the young couple will reside in their new home in West Covina. Dr. and Mrs. Hanrahan and Des mond Hanrahan. Woodburn, and Dr. and Mrs. Robert Meachem, Portland, went south for the ceremony. Miss Lehman Bride At McM'mnville Rites McMINNVILLE (Special)-Miss Joanne Maurine Lehman and Bruce W. Klunder were married December 22, at an 8 p.m. cere mony performed in the First Pres. ryterian church in McMinnville, the Rev. R. K. Stnppel, torvallis, officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lehman, Dayton, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. . H, Klunder, Baker. Michael Doherty, Baker, was soloist and Mrs. John Good was organist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of lace and tulle over satin, with a short veil trimmed with lace and held by a crown tiara. She carried a white Bible with baby orchids and riDDon. Mrs. Norma Weatherly, Colorado springs, Colo., sister of the bride, was matron of honor, and brides' maids were Linda Benedict, Day ton and Sally Hornccker. Oregon City. They all wore princess style dresses of white embroidered taf feta with red velvet bows in back and carried star shaped bouquets oi rca carnations. Norma Weather- ly, loioraao springs, was ring oearer. Don Garren, Baker, was best man and ushers were Bob Van Vactor, Mapleton', Nicholas Wiltz, Bend, David Davis, Baker, and Melvin Lehman, Dayton. Baskets of white stock and red poinscttias decorated the altar. At the reception in the church parlors, assisting with the serv ing were Mrs. Stephen Benedict, Mrs. Robert Strinel. Mrs. Lernv Peterson, Miss Minerva Whitmorc, Mrs. Don Garren, Miss Virginia Lively, Miss Peggy Cruickshank, Miss Norma Belt, Miss Louise Riley, and Robert Van Vactor. Th hrirf is a irraduate of Ore gon State college and is a teacher in the Mapleton schools. Mr. Klun der is a junior it Oregon State col lege this year. TUESDAY -JANUARY 8 FASHION MODELING OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 12:15 -1:30 P.M. III Ill IIIMI ""j!!!!! spring Fashion Preview Larry Aldrich designed this feminine and slightly nostalgic afternoon dress in navy tscuo faille with bell skirt gathered into a self-banding and bow at the hem line. Elbow-length sleeves are bow-tied and a narrow belt is set into the waist. (AP Wirephoto) . . . FASHION NOTE5 Comfort SUBLIMITY (Special) Miss Beverly Miller, a sophomore medi cal secretary student and Peggy Minden. freshman specializing in music, will both resume their R"lfl uary 7. Other students returning were Allen Hendricks and Ray mond Hcuberger to Mt. Angel Seminary; Donald Toepler to Uni versity of Oregon; Dave Parrish, junior and Bernard Hipp, senior to University of Portland; and Hobcrt Albus and Clarence Weisen fels, both freshmen, to Oregon State College. Pat Reiser, sopho more, is studying pharmacy at Oregon State. in 1 1 m IT: er 5 GIVES YOU Not only will your clothes receive the most careful, thorough, and gentle cleaning possible with our modern methods, but you will receive each garment in a LUXURIOUS PLASTIC iCOfiDT DELIVERY BAG THEY'RE REUSABLE ear plastic leli you set what's in your closet 1 isy to put on or take off Keeps your clothes cleanerlonger Moisture proof tear resistant use over and over ft 1 : I UUiecler J SALEM LAUNDRY CO. Style Now . j By DOROTHY ItOE AP Women's Editor ! NEW YORK WV-This spring it will be smart to be comfortable. This is the big news New York1 designers are passing along to long-suffering American women, I on the first day of a week of spring previews for the nation's visiting fashion press. New clothes are designed to conform to the natural lines of the body, to fit loosely and easily and to require no contortions of waist, bust or hips. You won't have to wear a strangling waist cineher to fit into your new spring suit or dress. You won't have to pad your bust line or struggle to eliminate your hips. The general silhouette is slen der, hut not in the sausage-casing sheath manner. Designers employ many ingenious methods to ease the fit of the new suits and dresses white maintaining the slim line. One of these is the peg-top skirt, still narrow at the hemline, hut with slight fullness at the top Front or back panels also give the illusion of longer lines to the new suit skirts. , Jackets of the new suits are short, tanning from just below the bust to just above the hipbone. Some are loose and boxy, some bhmscd in back, some semifitted, none tightly fitted. the cape is an important new trend, being used instead of a suit jacket, sometimes as a part of the jacket, sometimes as an addition to the jacket. The ankle-length dinner and theater costume continues impor tant in all collections, with full length evening gowns much more numerous than the shorter var ieties, except in junior collections. The elegance and formality launched last spring continues. with definite demarcation between daytime, cocktail and evening clothes. There's also a covered - up modesty m most of the new tash ions, extending from bathing suits to evening gowns. MIKKIDAN' (Special Vnani- nintislv rv I netpH .n; 10i7 nffirprs of the Stitch and Chatter club were: President. Mrs. Hoy Blair; vice-president, Mrs. Dora Thomas; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Marian The club met at Die home of Mrs. Laura Blanchard. Members nrospnt includrd the now officers and Mesdames Thelma Hill, Lola Mctthie. Kthol Hlancnard, I'earl Hill, and Yclma Walker. Ml. U,. "AY. tt I I on tmi Vk. 1 I I CENUINI a I LURHR mi TOILET TANK BALL Noijy rvnning loilfh Kon wotff 0.' 1000 f.llom of wnttr o day. TK .fficitnl, paltnlcd Waltr Moiltr 'onk ball Inttantty ilopi tht ow el wat.r afttr each Ainhing. 7 at Hardware storfs STORE HOURS , MONDAY: II NOON TO 9 P.M. FRIDAY: 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS: 9:30 A.M. TO 5 30 P.M. (till PATIO SHOP SALE! A tremendous special event ... so special that we are using our entire Patio Shop to display these special savings. Most items are one of a kind, taken from our regular stock and drastically reduced for clearance. Shop early for the best selection. mattresses and box Springs Simmons Rollaway cot 30-inches wide; with innerspring mattress QQ Odd lot of discontinued covers and unmatched mattresses reg. $39.50 AviOO and box springs in twin and full size. All famous brands; I J f each with hundreds of coils, and sturdy prebuilt borders. jimmOIIS D60 1101116 adjusts to twin or full size; aluminum finish $1J QQ $ q gO 'eg 7 - 3.oo reg. $39.50 lo $49.50 I O0 ea. 10 fifi Hide-A-Beds and convertible reg. $54.50 lo $59.50 7-00 ea. Floor samples of discontinued patterns. One-of-a-kind Sim mons Hide-A-Beds with easy conversion to bed or sofa; com- Simmons Hollywood bed set p'-'"- Consists of roll edge innerspring mattress, sturdily con- tloo Cn I 07 1 JU structed with hundreds of coils and durable cover; match- 9" r'"',iJ Jo ing box springs sturdily built on six round legs. Jq $299.50 PA reg. $74.50 44.88 - odd bedroom sets . Incomplete sets and discontinued numbers of better quality SimmOnS StUdiO COUCueS bedroom P'ec.- one-of-a-kind. Modern and traditional in a variety of finishes. Also included are some odd chests Makes into a full size bed or two single beds- Complete with and beds at a great savings, innerspring mattress and two spring-filled bolster pillows. Finished with kick pleat valance; assorted upholstery fabrics. ' 1 reg. $249.50 I lH. JU ,e,W5o s69.88 l0$15 fo'298 PATIO SHOP SECOND FLOOR FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CAJIS SSK mi J -I 1 Phone EM-39T25 263 South HiSh Sr. 3 oo "liyfVrTtjfTT''! " i.i