fikjr f ti flap. lWI - QlT- ' ' '-1- fill Lb ; 7r f - .t, fm ' x t2 v I ff i iiiiw unfiiri iriinT' fruit-- .i-X.i--.i i . fcaBM M-iiii---tfci-wm'M---ii"--""i-" MRS. SIDNEY SCHLESINGER AND CHILDREN GREETED among newcomers in legislative circles this session will be State Senator-elect Sidney Schlesinger of Salem. Mrs. Schlesinger and the children, Miles, at left, and Lynn, are shown in their Leslie street home. Mr. Schlesinger was named to the senate seat county last month. Mrs. Schlesinger is an active worker in the Bush school Mothers club. Kappa Delta alumnae are to meet Wednesday n'lt for their monthly gathering at the 'iome of Mrs. Leo G. Johnson in Manbrin Gardens. Mrs. Don Emerson is to show pictures from her European trip. Pi Beta Phi Mothers club of Willamette univer sity will meet at the chapter house, Tuesday at 2 p.m. Hostesses will be Mrs. Solon Shinkle and Mrs. Jeanette Sawyer. Tri-county Dental auxiliary is meeting for a luncheon next Tuesday, January 8, in the Senator hotel at 12:30 o'clock. Antiques will be the subject for the program with a representative from the Baker Bridge Trading post at Clackamas, Ore. to be here to talk. MRS. ROBERT L. ELFSTROM, SR. WIFE of the senior member of Marion countv's dele-ation in the leitislature 11 Mrs. Robert I- ElMrom. Sr., above. Rep. nd Mrs. F.lfstrom have long nent in the capital's social and "'; tional life. Mr. F.lfstrom is shown in their apartment at the Lee. S Bllt:1?ir Vii" Hlr : i V I '7 C? '.? "J 9 X . Th Cralive Art -roup plans ils rosular mcrt- Uttl-H' X:lilH;-f I I . f3 . ru 1. -ip -) tag al the Bush House Tuesday evening at il : ... " TO launch the new year's program, the Busi ness and Professional Women's club plans a "new year's frolic,"- Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Capital Business college, 147 North Liberty street. Miss Noli McCue and Miss Iouisc Cattuzzo of the recreation committee are in charge of pro gram arrangements. Hostess to her bridge club for luncheon and the afternoon next Thursday will be Mrs. Richard A. Meyer. Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood will meet on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. D. M. Gruber with Mrs. Robert Howells as co-hostess. MRS. EDDIE AHRENS AND PATRICIA WELCOMED back this session in the Marion county delegation will be Rep. and Mrs. Eddie Ahreni of Turner. Mrs. Ahrens and daughter, Mlsi Patricia, are pictured above. Patricia it a student at Pacific Lutheran college. md Mrs. at the piano, from Marion msMXMwmmmmmMMimmmmBisam Annual installation ceremony and dinner dance of Salem Cherrians will be Monday night in the Capitol room of the Senator hotel. The -ocial hour will be at 6:30 o'clock, the din ner at 7:30 o'clock, dancing to frllow until mid night. The party is semi-formal, Cherrians to wear their uniforms. Justice William C. Perry, new chief justice of the Oregon supreme court, is to officiate as in stalling officer, assisted by Dr. 0. A. Olson as marshal. Members of Portland Rosarians and Ncwberg Berrians are to be special guests. Taking over as King Bing is Robert M. Fischer, Jr. to succeed Ted Jenny. Mr. and Mrs. Jenny head the Cherrian council members and their wives arranging the party. Board of Salem branch. American Association of University Women, is meeting on Monday night at the home of Mrs. A. D. Dykman. ' ; t (Jesten-Mlller ttudlo nlcturei) . MRS. LEE OHMART, JUDY AND BOB THE FAMILY of Marion county's senior state se tutor, Lee Ohmart, Is pictured above in their North 14th street home, Mrs. Ohmart, the daughter, Judy, In center, and the son. Bob, at right. Bob is a student at Oregon State college. Mrs. Ohmart is always one of the popular hostesses during legislature. An event for Sunday afternoon will be the re ception honoring Mr. and Mrs. John W. Evans in observance of their golden wedding anniversary. Friends are invited throuch the press to call be tween 2 and 5 o'clock at their home, fill West Bowclrn Lane. With the couple for the occasion are their five children, Mrs. Tom Jorgcnsen, John B. Evans, Howard T. Evans, Mrs. Dean Needham, all of Salem, and Mrs. Victor Peek of Winchester Bay, and their husbands and wives. 1 West Salem Woman's club is planning Hs next meeting for Thursday at 8 o'clock at the West Sa lem City hall. The committee m charge of the program, which will include a while elephant sale, are Mrs. Dean W. Tucker, Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mrs. Don Kuhn, Mrs. Dale Taylor and Mrs. Darrel T. Bradford. MRS. WINTON HUNT .VKvVCOMKRS In the Irgitlatite group from Marion county will he Rep.-elect and Mrs. Winton Hunt of Wood burn. Mrs. Hunt Is pictured in the invert above. The couple is well known in Salem social circles, lot. FIRST meeting of the new year for Salem Garden chili will he next Monday, January 7, in the Snlem Woman's cluh house. The cirsae class Is to be conducted by Mrs. Charles Cole nnd Mrs. Bryan (loodcnough. and Mrs. P. L. Brown will supervise the fbwer ar rnngemcnl class in winter dried arrangements. There will also he a class in flower making with lie-tic ribbon. These classes meet at 10 o'clock nnd members arc asked to take their own con tainers and flowers with which to work. The general club meeting will be at 2 o'clock with Mrs. A. R. Tartar, president, presiding. Miss Elizabeth Lord will conduct the program entitled "Mediterranean Gardens" which will be illus trated. Mrs. Clifford Taylor's "In the Garden" and Miss Lord's horticulture talk also will he features of Ihe program. Mrs. W. K. Speck will decorate "Ihe table of the month" nnd Mrs. J. J. Kosler will be in charge of the club flower arrangements. Mrs. Maylon E. Scott is tea chairman assisted by Mrs. Theodore Woelk and Mrs. Norman Kcnney. The following members will assist at the tea hour: Mrs. W. E. Anderson, Mrs. H. J. Clemenls. Mrs Bryan Gootleiiough, Mrs. Fred Keelcr, Mrs. 0. E. Palmatcrr, Sirs. Lowell Sloan, Mrs. J. A. Sprang, Mrs. Don Upjohn, Mrs. A. E. Koff, Mrs. B. L. Bissell, Mrs. Nerval E. Edwards, Mrs. W. T. Grier. Mrs. Hall Lusk, Mrs. Itussel E. Pratt, Mrs. II. F. Smithers, Mrs. Stella Stevens. . (All jittturts by jMten-Mllljr Itudto) MRS GUY JONAS AND CHILDREN THE FAvill.Y of Rep. -elect (iuy Jonas of Marion county Is pictured above, Dan. Kav and Mrs. Jon.n. The family recently moved to a new home at 4439 Oakman. Mr. Jonas is a new representative uamed at the last election. Symphony Event An even? of interest in connection with tha Coming concert of ihe Portland Symphony orches-! tra here on Januaiy 15. will be the coffee hour ! planned by Salem Symphony society and Salem1' Art association on Sunday evening, January 13, at-' the Bush House 1 ; The coffee will be at 8 o'clock with Dr. Willis Gales of Willamette university to givo the com mentary on the major work to be played t: the Portland Symphony in its concert hem. Thii- J ' the Symphony No. 4 in G Major by Mahler, con- ': sidered to be the culmination of the composer's first four symphonies. -Mahler has attempted to set forth his v-hole concept of religion in these symphonies and so prano Brunctta Mazzotini will stag with the or- . chestra, which uses the voice in the last move ment. In addition to Dr. Gates' 1-rcture on the-' symphonies of Mahler, Dr. Stanley Butler will cover other music to he played by the Portland; heard over station KGAY every Sunday from S ! to 4 p.m. This coffee hour is without charge, open to the ' public and refreshments will be serve"1 following the lecture. Parking is to be on the High street sine. Table decorations will be by Mrs. Stewart Johnson. ! i icKeis 10 uie concert oi January in, wnicn win be in the Fine Arts auditorium of Willamette uni-' versity at 8:15 p.m., are available at Stevens & Son. all scats being reserved. A city-wide meeting for all chapters of Beta Sigma Phi. non-academic sorority, is arranged for next Wednesday night, January 9, in the YWCA at 8 o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. Eurton A. Myers are to be guests to show their three-dimensional pictures taken on their trip to Europe last year. Alpha Psi chapter members' are hostesses for the evening. Mrs. Lester Thomas president. Mrs. Robert Hansen Is program chairman. ' Capital unit No. 9. American Legion auxiliary, . meets Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Legion club. On Wednesday, the mission study group of the First Congregational church will meet at the home of Mrs. Julian J. Krisrr. 795 South Church, at 1:30 for dessert. Mrs. Gerald Smith will be co hoslcss. The devotional service, conducted by Mrs. Ray. J. Bunnell, will be based on the new year theme. Indonesia and its problems will be the to. ic for the study, under the leadership of Mrs. H. P. Scntman. Bush School Mothers club will meet Tuesday at 1:15 p.m. at the school with mothers of the fifth grade students as hostesses. South Salem Lions club auxiliary is meeting on Monciav night at the home of Mrs. Nels Johnson, 3S80 Welty. Woman's Club Salem Woman's clu.i plans its first mrctintf of Ihe new year or. January 11 at the club house t 2 p.m. K. L. Smith, former chief oi Ihe Sa!..n fire department and now chief of the Kuro. . fire de partment, will present pictures of the atomic ex plosion at Yucca Flats. Mrs. Floyd M. White, music chairman, has arranged for community singing to be led by Mrs. David H. Cameron. Mrs. Clifton Mudd will be the accompanist. Mrs. Paul A. Lnrdon will be tea chairman and will be assisted by Mrsdames GenrRe H. Swift, Cal F. Patton. Byron B. Hcrrick, Don F. Smith, Frank If. Strublo, K. F. Carleton, W. S. Levcns. At Ihe business meeting plans will be completed for the annual benefit card party and dessert on January 25 at the club house. Mrs. Howard N.. Hunsnkcr is chairman of the benefit and will be assisted by the members of the executive board. An executive board meeting is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. at the club house preceding the regular meeting on January 11. Kaeh member is be!? invited to bring a guest to the cluh meeting and ny interested women of the community are invited. Additional Society on Page 8 J lam mmmmmmimmimmMmS