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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, January 5, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section I TgG ST POLITICAL ROUNDUP Control Board, Not Governor, Names Warden of Penitentiary By JAMES n. nt.snv Capital Journal Political Editor A number of radio commenta tors and some newspaper articles have quoted Governor-elect Robert D. Holmes as saying that he plans to replace Prison Warden Clarence Olaoden shortly after Holmes takes office Jan. 14. Some of these commentators go on to say that the present dis turbance in the segregation build ing at the prison is 'politically in spired' intent on putting Warden Wadden on the "spot". But even if Holmes Is deter mined to name a new warden to replace Gladden, who by the way, Is rated among the top prison ad ministrators in the nation, he could not do so without the ac quiescence of State Treasurer Sig Unander and Secretary of State elect Mark Hatfield. Control Board Matter Appointment of the warden of the prison and all administrators of state institutions rests in the hands of the state board of con trol, and the eovernnr i nnwpr. less to remove any of them unless ins ieuo members of the board agree to go along with him. Holmes has lonir flrivnratpH abolishment of the state board of control, contending that authority for running the state institutions should rest in the hands of the governor and not be spread around among three men. But advocating elimination of this board and actually abolishing it are two oitterent things. Legislative Act Needed It would take a legislative act to abolish the board and while Democratic house might vote for a bill to carry out the new gover nor's wishes, there are 15 Repub licans in the Senate who likely would be very much opposed to it And with that opposition, the governor would not be able to get the constitutional 16 votes required to pass a bill, and his idea will die right there so far as the 1957 legislature session is concerned. Opening of the 1957 legislature a week from Monday will bring some of the members of the legis lature to Salem next week. Patrick E. Dooley, who will be come speaker of the house expects to come to Salem early next week and begin preparations for the opening of the session in the house. He is working on his com mittee assignments which he will have ready to announce on the opening day. Other legislators will begin trickling in as the week goes on. The outlook for organization of the senate, prior to the usual cau cus held in Salem on Sunday be fore the opening day of the ses sion, is glum. No Meeting Scheduled No meetings have been sched uled between the Democrats and Republicans, divided 15 and 15 in membership, and unless some un expected agreement is reached during the coming week, the sena tors, will go into the caucus un organized and very likely be in the same state when the session opens the following morning. Republican senators, who met in Salem a week ago, feel that they have made very fair proposals and that it is now up to the Demo cratic members to either accept them or reject them and come up with a counter offer. The statement, given out by the Republicans after the caucus that majority of the Republicans were not in favor of Walter Pear . as president of the senate. brought an immediate rebuff from the Democrats. The Democrats do not have any Intention of allowing the Republi cans to choose their candidate for the presidency, a Democratic spokesman said. It remains to be seen if any compromise can be reached be tween the two forces during the coming week. If not the fight will likely go onto the senate floor and might hold up the inauguration of Governor-elect Robert D. Holmes. 700 Students Dance at YM Salem school students set what YMCA officials think is a new record in dance attendance Friday night at two different functions at the Y. A crowd estimated at about 700 high schoolers and junior high students under sponsorship of Hi-Y and Junior Hi-Y organizations took part in two dances. The dance for North and South Salem high students was held in the main gym, while the junior high schoolers did their stepping in the upstairs foyer of the new youth wing. 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 WHAT'S BISHOP'S . GOING TO DO FOR THE th 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 THESE STORES ARE OPEN SUN (I A) AY SAFEWAY OPEN SUNDAYS 1265 2120 2575 Center Fairgrounds Rd. S. Com'l. 8-10 9-6 9-9 SAME LOW PRICES AS ALWAYS GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN 12 Noon Til 8:30 SUNDAY SUNDAY DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY 248 North liberty Phone EM-38733 Wiles Drug Store Corner Court & High Srs. Phone Em-3-8792 Open 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. nd4P. 10 P. M. Prescriptions Film QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY AT 150 SOUTH LIBERTY IS OPEN SUNDAYS 12 Noon to 2 P. M. - 6 P. M. to 9 P. M. Weekdays - 9 A. M. to 1 1 P. M. (Other Hours, Call EM-39123 or EM-43336) 'Central U-Drive' Truck Service 1095 S. Commercial Vans Stakes P. U. FOR RKNT SALEM'S HOME OWNED Phone Em-2-9062 'U-Drive' Service MOVE YOURSELF Howser Bros. Equipment Sales ( Rental Service 1185 S. 12th Phone EM-33646 Salem, Ore. ECE CREAM 1272 State Street We Feature High Quality Low Prices Everyday Vi Gallon, 85c 2 for $1.65 All Flavors for Your Favor h.o iaii Proien Deve rt - SnerW Orrtt for Afl OeaaWjaw Phone En2-9M0 m HEB. 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. y ' 1 I ft VN- V;.rv V I The Bennetts live here. That's Grandmother Bennett's Bible on the window sill, and the whole family goes to the church across the snow covered field. John Bennett works in the local bank. Martha, his wife, is presi dent of the PTA, and they have three lovely children. Grandmother Bennett has been living with them for the past couple of years, since she broke her hip. She can't always get to church in wintertime and that's why she calls this Aer window. When she can't be in church, it helps to be able to see it. To her, the church steeple represents a great many things, and brings back many memories. Her son was married in that church. Her husband was buried from it. Her grandchildren were christened in it. The Church has helped her to bear grief, in hours of sorrow; and it has seemed to put a benediction upon her happiness, in times of joy. Most important of all, whatever the occasion, whatever the crisis . . . the Church has always been there. To Grandmother Bennett, the most comforting thing in the world is knowing that it always will be there. WE CHURCH FOR AH AIT. Pad . iu. m. we oreol..i I... . u,no o, e)lora-c -". on earth lot Church. n,Z'PJ,tL ""u"- Wout a eon ,ur,i,. Thtr. . , cy nor e'vllliallon ond .upporl ,h Chureh ,fVlc" 'larly entak.. (2) Tor h? Lh,M y or,; For hI a . .1 hi. coZ't't' FMh. i me Church ii whl"u""n the nd material .uppor. pL n"d moral 'ad your Bibl.. dal": ' ondlr ...Piiln,,. Thurida- ' M.M M.Itht JrJJ.r. ... M.tthti Satiirrfav '.,, ...I,tik John t II tl II BRADLEY'S BICYCLE & SPORT SHOP 237 N. High Ph. Em-3 3RH BEl'TLERQl'ISTAD I.BR. CO. "EverylhinR to Build With" 495 Wallace Rd. Ph. Em-3-8181 RUSS PRATT CAPITOL CITY TRANSFER Moving Protected Storage Epert Packlnj Arnt for Mayflower Nationwide Furniture Movers Phone Km 2-2433 230 S. Front St. LESTER DeLAPP TRANSFER STORAGE "Local and Nationwide Movent" Ph. Em-2-1750 1115 N. Commercial R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 20 South Liberty OSCAR ENGER AGENCY Insurance All Typea 665 N. Capitol Phone Em-42201 HENRYS PHOTO SHOP Things Photographic 469 State St. Ph. Em-2-4505 HOWEMEnWARDS FUNERAL HOME Across from Scars 545 North Capitol HLTCIIEON PAINT STORE rain Li Varnishes Wallpaper Ph. Em-3-66S7 162 N. Commercial LUMBER DIVISION OREGON PL'LP & PAPER CO. Quality Material Ceurteous Service Front and Perry Ph. Era 2-2421 MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sales and Service We Give Green Stamps Phone Em-3-7577 1880 State MAYFLOWER MILK Phone Em-3 9205 MONTGOMERY WARD . Department Store I.KS NEWMAN'S Men's Wear and Shoei 179 North Commercial MASTER BREAD Brought to You Fresh Daily by Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co. PAY LESS DRUG STORE "Pay Less Has Everything" 484 State St. Phone Em-2-3654 DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. One Piece or I Truckload 1775 Lana Ave. Ph. Em-3-4939 W. T. RIGDON CO. Funeral Directors 299 N. Cottage Phone Em 3 3173 SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. SENATOR HOTEL and COFFEE SHOP SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 9 P. M. Court and High Sts., Salem Phone Em-3-4151 TWEEDIE FUEL OILS ' "Oil to Burn" Ph. Em-2-4l.',l 1174 Edgenater West Salem THE VISTA MARKET Complete Shopping Center 3015 South Commercial UNITED THEATER CORP. Elslnore Capitol Grand Drive-in OTTO J. WILSON CO. 1 Authorized Bulck Sales, Service 388 N. Commercial Ph. Em-2-362l V. T. GOLDEN MORTUARY 605 S. Commercial Ph. Era-4 2257 THIS SERIES OF ADS IS BEING PUBLISHED EACH WEEK UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY AND IN THE INYJtEST OF ALL SALEM AREA CHURCHES, AND IS SPONSORED BT THE PUBLIC-SPIRITED, CIVIC-MINDED BUSINESS ESTAU.FU4MEM.T9 m sr. ' ' 1 wsttttw - 7 ' gjwaysyww'iatisffgaft,' :vrrtfn