Ho WHILE - ' e 1vbrfr Even Give Himldelme Of D&1 W-, I'ii WU GIVE ME THE W BECAUSE VOUARENY '4ir&aJ 'C'l BIRO! THAT CUCKOO fflfJCHROWIZED WITH THE I fl J '" )6'rvss '1E mB BIRD! v T'MES' J00 so"1 s t7 jj TS IfJvr wwy? ww aren't honex Bur vou need fyi. ":" jf I WE TKKINGAWMORfA THE FACTS OMON y 4 V k ! '' vi; dflfij'ta JUOV? ysrS COIJGATE DENTAL lwrt wnrjCKrounoouri V cc COLGATE DENTAL CREAM WITH GARDOL GIVES VOU A CLEANER, FRESHER BREATH AU LWWITH JUST ONE BRUSHING! INSTANTLY SWEEPS AWAV BACTERIA THAT CAUSE BAD BREATH ORIGINATING IN THE MOUTH! 7 IV Other Leading Toothpaste CLEANS' CLEANS " guards. GUARDS-j Like Colgate Dental Cream ! Because No Other Leading Toothpaste Contains CAROOL TO GIVE TOO LONG-LASTING PROTECTION AGAINST BOTH BAD BREATH AND TOOTH DECAY . . . With Just One Brushing! Colgate's with Gardol forms an invisible, pro tective shield around your teeth that fights tooth decay all day. . . with ust one brushing! And unlike other VmmttinQ toothpaste,' Colgate's forms an invisible, protective shield around your teeth that fights decay all day . . . with just one brushing! Ask your dentist how often to brush your teeth. But remember! One Colgate brushing fights decay 1? tiours-or more! lATEA-THANKS TO COUiATC Q6ATAJ. CAEAM COlgateS witiTgardol SJfedf! SMOOTHED THE WAV LiVi uSyour breath yYOUR TEETH l HER WEDDING OAVl t; : JiX,!! sip 0 ATP for Children 'a J CATC toUsthtAH Hakes teeth whiter- irOM.. cannot italn or direolorl J Jvt ' CLEANS YOUR BREATH GUARDS YOUR TEETH i wtTM, mv u lane uino ui inriti. t tijur tt-iipr nnf i