Salem, Oregon, Saturday, January 5, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Page 4 Section 2 Jc u he Li W M R ju ho sc ce m Si tri le m fft CI P. to Ji o'. F M R M W E tl cl S. n V st 81 E ji I l RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM 1190 KOfO ll KGAT 1410 KOIN f.t KGW KOON 1320 ,' FM: Mtiacycln KOIN lei.I; KCW IM.I SATURDAY P.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 5 .7 31 9 1 O 1 1 KSLM hOCO K(.AY KOIN Klitt' KGO.V KSLM KUCO KOIN KUtV Mi ON KSLM KIHO KOIN KI.VV KG ON KSLM HOI O KOIN Kf.ON KSI.M I KOCO I KOIN KliW KiiON KSLM KOCO KOIN KOff K(iO.N KSLM KOfO KOIN KfV KGOV titwt iCmintry Style Jack Kirlah Harrv Jama iR'serve for you Guest Star Sal. 'Hits iSign Off i News Wialh?r (U N. Record Harmon Spts Dreicr News Cluh 620 Club A20 Monitor .Monitor ! Monitor Hawaii Calls .Hawaii Calls CandlpliRht (Candlelighl Entertainment iKnterlninment Ja.z Concert Maz. Concert Ncu'X-Mnnitor IMnnilor Word of Life iVnrd or Life News-W'dy Wy Woody Way FBI FBI Jazz Concert Ja.r. Concert Monitor Monitor Musir ' Mus If News W'dv W'y Woody Way Gil Hcnrv Henry J.i7. Concert Jazz Concert Monitor (Monitor News ! Dance Party News-W'rty W'y Wood v Way liasKCinail nasKCinau Jazz Concert jJazz Concert Mosllv Music Mitsllv Music Frank Gost I Cluh 620 (Monitor " Wstern Se7T Candlelight IHoniiinie 'J.17Z Concert (Western Ser. (randlehxht Romance Jaz Concert IFarm Home hr Farm Home Hr West. Serenade West. Serenade 'Woody Way AVoody Way jJimmv Wakely Jimmy Wakely Uazz Concert Jazz Concert (Monitor (Monitor tt'onctv Way H.ishelh;.ll iJnzz Concert Monitor iDance Party ! Woody Way Basketball (Jazz Concert Mostly Music IMusir Wr.orlv Way lllasketball I J a.. Concert IMnnitor Dance Party Woody Way Basketball I Jazz Concert Mostly Music Danre Purlv 'Dance Party iDancv party Dance arty NevLS-W'dy W'v Wnodv Wav (Wood 7 Wav Woody Way Sat. Nile Final Sat Nite Final Good Fvrnlnf Good Evenlnf Danre Time iDanre Time iDanre Time Dance Time Mostly Music iMosllyMusic !MostlyMuaic I Mostly Music "b"anrePjirtv hVru-v Party iDanre Parly Dane Party Nrws-W'dv W'v Woody Wav Woody Way iWnndy Way Mui. Midnight XI us. Midnight Mus Miriniirht Mus Midnight Dance Time Dam-eland Dance Time Danee Time Bass Harris Bass Harris Bass Harris Bass Harrll SUNDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 OC;30 00:45 KGW 6:10 Negro College Choir KOIN 6:30 Churrh of the lr Khl.M Melody Jnurn'y , .nelfxiy Journ Musir ,( .hurUi Hciii KOCO New Tune Time Tune Time 'Tune Time I'lime Time KGAV E Power Biggs E. Power Biggs Church oi Air Church of AH KOIN Christophers .Anthr. Chance i Israel 1 iirBC.l, , KGON Foun. of life Foun. of Life Mf.mun.lnat n Mt. Illumlnat n "KSLMr:or,BTptisT"SalcmAcad. I Back to God Hack to God KOCO News 4-H Club Quaker Hr. I Quaker Hour KGAV WMfle Club Waffle Club Waffle Club I KGAV News KOIN Inv. to I.earn Inv. to Learn (Salt Lake Tab. i Salt Lake Tab. KGW Revival Hour lllfvival Hour I Revival Hour I Revival Hour KGON Light A Life lLightA Life j Music Music KSLM Bible Class Bible Clas j Voice of Proph. Voice of Proph. KOfO Mm. for Sun. IMus. for Sun. j Music for Sun. I Music for Sun, KGAV Roberts Organ flloiMTts Organ iHil Heview i KGAY News tiitsj i.u ith t o m. it Krnm i i Foreipn Affairs Sundav News KGW Scandinav. Hr. Scandinav. Hr. I Scandinav. Hr. 'Scandinav. Hr. KGON Back to Bible IChrist. Friend Vce. Prophecy Vce. of Proph. i Christian Sri, Prcsbvtcrian Hit Review Art Museum Music for Sun. inev. Mueller I Concert Min'tr tFlrst'Methndist First Methodist I First Bantist I First Baptist I First Baptist Frank & Ern'itl Music Organ Loft j Organ Loft Hit Review ! KGAY Newi Treasury Show i Treasury Show Music for Sun. ( Music for Sun. ISun. Music I Sun. Music 1KRLM News KOCO Presbyterian KGAY Hit Review 0KO1N Washington. KGW Music for Sun. KGON Bible Eldest. 1KSLM Join Navy KOCO First Baptist tillAV filuirv Runtltt Tiltarv Ra nl Uf 1 falv a r v Rant (it f'alvarv Bantlst 1K01.V Symphonette iSymphonelt ' N.V. Phllarm. IN. Y. Philharm. KGW Church Service "Churrh Service Church Service IChurch Service KGON Baptist Cliurch Baptist Church IBaptist Church Baptist Church 1KSLM News IMus'ic Heart Beat I Heart Brat KOCO Worlds News ISun. Matinee I Sun. Matinee I Sun. Matinee KGAV KGAY News ISun. Serenade I Sun. Serenade ISun. Srrenade KOIN N. Y. Philharm. i N. Y. Philharm.' N. Y. i'hilarm. I N. Y. Philharm. KGW Newi-Dreler Musir Music I Music KGON Monitor Monitor IMonilnr Monitor KSLM Sun. Serenade iSun. Serenade jSun. Serenade Sun. Serenade KOCO Sun. Matinee ISun. Matinee ISun. Matinee Sun. Matinee KOIN Sun. Serenade (Sun. Serenade Sun. Srrenade I KGAY News KGAY Percy Faith Hr. Percy Faith Hr. (Percy Faith Mr.' Perry Faith Hr. KGW Met. Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Mrt. Opera KGON Monitor Monitor (Monitor Monitor KSLM Sun. Srrenade ISun. Serenade Sun. Serenade !Sun. Serenade KOI O Sun. Matinee ISun. Matinee Sun. Matinee ISun. Matinee 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i T i KGAY Sun. Srrenade ISun. Serenade ISun. Serenade koin piuia. uri'ii. iPhii.1. orrh. 1'hlla. orch. KGW Met. Opera Met. Opera i Met. Opera KGON Monitor IMonllor Monltor KGAY Newi Phlla. Orch. Met. Opera Monitor KSLM Sun. Serenade ISun. Serenade ISun, Serenade KOCO Sun. Matinee Sun, Matinee ISun. Matinee KGAY Stanley Butler KOIN News KGW Met. Opera KGON News Stanley Hutler IStanley iiutler Univ. Exp. Meet Senators Mel. Opera Met. Oner a IConsldine Meet the Press Sun. Serenade Sun. Matinee Stanley Iiutler Meet senators Mel. Opera Meet the Press KSLM Music KOCO Sun. Mattnee KGAY Gt'wn Foruin KOIN Meet Senatora KGW Met. Opera KGON Monitor Music IMennonltes IMennonltea Sun. Matinee Sun. Matinee Sun. Matinee Cl'wn. Forum Airllme l.Mr Time Meet Senatora lac o W rkshon tad o Workshop pici, imera perrnane lMi-renane ftioniior Monnor IMonilnr KSLM News KOCO Sun. Matinee KGAV KGAY News KOIN Musir Hall KGW Headlines KGON Monitor Mimic hun. Matinee 'Sign Off Music Hall Overseas IMonitor KSLM Walt Wlnchell Front Page KOCO Nocturne iNorturne KOIN Miss Brooks Miss Brooks KGW Paul Harvey Isokolsky KGON. Monitor Monitor KSLM Marion Theater IMarinn TheateriDrew Pearson KOCO Nocturne (Nocturne Nocturne KOIN Johnny Dollar Johniiv Dollar iGimsnmke. KGW ' Lnwrenre Welk ll.awrence Welk'OId Dustv KGON Ntl Rad Pulpit INal Had Pulpit jAmer. Forum KSLM Munir IMusir (Music KOCO Nocturne INoclurne Not-liirne Nocturne KOIN Suspense Suspeive IMitcn Miller IMitcli Miller KfiW Music Festival .Music Festival I Music Festival iMsulc Festival KGON Monitor IMonitor (Monitor Monitor Lutheran Ilnui ll.utiieran Hour ISun. Matinee iSun. Matinee I rernage Tunes CBS Newsroom 'CHS Newsroom Greatest Story Greatest Story M on i lor IMonlfor (News (Nocturne .Tai k Benny JFulton Sheen IMonitor (News Nocturne .lark Bcnnr IFulton Sheen IMonitor Music INocturne Gunsmoke Old Dusty Aruer. Forum KSLM News IDave Hn IVallev Music KOIN Mitch Miller Mitch Miller Trras. Show Tre.n Show KGW Musir Festival IMusir Festival IMusir Festival Sen. Neuberger KGON Family Altar IFamlly Altar IMr. iif Decision'Hr. of Decision KSLM Hr. of Decision Hi. of "Decision Music IMusic" KOIN Sun Nite Fin. 'Mm. Mernor. Years of Crisis lYrais of Crisis KfiW Canham Vei News People Proh WashniBlon KfiON Rich. Itenorter Suit. Serenade Sun, Serenade iSun. Serenade KSI.M ! l KOIN News-Music (Music IMnsic Music KGW News Cltv Council Citv Council Citv Council KGON Sun. Serenade iSun. Serenade l.Sun Serenade jSun. Serenade MONDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 6; 71 . KSLMVal. Farmrast KG A Farm News I KOIN News America KfiW News ' KGON Rise Ai Shine KSI.M Hemingway ' KOt f News ' KG WMorn. Mag KOIN KOIN Klork KGW News KGONRise A 'Shine F.irmcast Val F.irmcast 1 News Mom. Mag. Moiu M,ts KGAY News KOIN Klork t KOIN KUick 1 KOIN Klm k Ynnili i hoof ! V.itnici hoof ' Vandri hoof WoildNcws ! Rise A Slime jltistr A Sluoe lltrrakfast Gang Rreakfast Gang News A- Wrath IHitvthm Ranch R.iv s In Time's In 'I line Morn Mac : Mom, M.ig. i KGAV New s Heaillme News 'Goss News It, .Mutt St;n Vindr! hoof V .inde hoof V.tiuirihoof iRe A Smne : Rise A Mime Hill tiuvniAn 8 9 KSI.MClift Engle Kf KM) News KGAY Herb's Shu KOIN Consum. News tVaile New Ki.W News KGON Rise dV Shine Family AMar 'Bible Ins! Hsvs In Time llav s In Time Hcih'i Show Hcib's Show S'ie lev Sere n Vainlerlmof t Vnderhonf Roe A Shine I Ri-r A Shine KSLM News KOCO News KGAV Herb's Show KOIN Wendy Warren KGW Breakfast club nrekla.t rltib ' Pastor's Call Melodies Ra s Mrlodies s Slinw Hei h s Show nd Miller ! Helen Trent KGON Recordings 1KSLM News KOCO News KGAV Herb s Show A KOIN Nora Diake II KiW Chef Cm Rie.ikfast club RrcordniK s Herb's Show Di M.iiiii Ritile Inst l.iv In Time KGAV News Shellrv Seren. Vanderhoof Hie A Shine Matmre Ha Mrlori'es KGAV New s Mid-Moi o News Bicikfa-t club Itrcontincs Wiiiss of Song H.i s Mrlodies KliAV Nws KGONNBC Bandstnd N lit lluuMcd NIK" llanilnd KSI.M News 'Queen f.. KOCONrws KGW Dinner Winner ' Dinner V KOIN Happiness Mis ihiri KfiW True Sturv sn.i KGONNBC Bandstnd MIC H.imKtml MU It.uuHtiui It Rub I'.tl MU' tl.Mitht.ind KSI.M News kill O World News KGAV KGAY News I New s ' me Oiling 1'l.ninc C.itling ( K.illlf s Hr.-oulv I , i Hike Siiow Will For e, n-t KOIN News We.sther Come Gel ll KfiW Mitchell Rpts. I I'.iui ILuvey Mem io Hud KfitlN Top Tunes flop Touts r,,p luev KSI.M Wlllam. Mat. : Will m't:e Mat. WMl'm lte M il I KOCONrws 1IW Tune SI I I'M luoe St KfiAV Rollie'S necoid Hollie s Records Hollie s Nrcoid' I KOIN Godfrey Tim IGodfrev 1-me Codlrrv Time 1 KGW News Alerrv-Go Rnd Mei i v-Go-Hud KGON& Star Mat 15 Star Mai 'Hilltop Hr 2 KSLM WiU'm'tle Mat. KOCO HM1 Tune St.. KGAV News KOIN GodfiT Time KGW News 'WilU'ii Mst I U90 Tune St. Fjisv Show T.odfie Ti v.e IMerr-Gn.nnd Gd News lliai June St. Kav Show Ruth Ah!on Rnd KGON Woman in Hse. I Mary Mi Bride Fied KM-M Wilam Mat Wrtlam Mat ! Rarfn Counter 3 KOCO 1490 Tun St. I MM Tune St 'HW Tui"e St KGAV Bollie'a Records' RoIlie"s Rerords' nollie's Re, ord KOIN Backstage Wife Gal Sundav pake Ihirtv KGIV News I Merry-Go. Rnd ' Mei r -Go-R.nd KGONCafe Lounge icsfe Lounge Mt New K VLSpMa 1 1 nee Hemingway Here s Answer alKOro Buvera IRuveis Buyers ilKGAY flollie'i Herordi Rolli s Beeordi Roliie Record 'lKOIN Art Kirkham Novelette Newspaper KGW V-anderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderiioof KGON Eash. IHiythrn J Fash. Rhythm i Wor Id KiL'ffdD & ITay 4ftb A: Rss i Bwh Ji ftiv ..." SB. lrVtV-iWit-A!.: :N.UiBf Owtr"f News Reel ' Nw IDtrOrr ptM4n EorCand enght Candlelit 'on th. OkgW TA. P. Morgan iMrCall ;jv lJ W KGON Melodv Magic ' Man on Go ( Mus f ontrsti ( larme I .illing KGAV News ll.'ll'f I'Jilv Mrii-(io-Kmt. I op 1 ones ilLi-ielle Mat H-tl luoe St KG V News Gn.Miev Tinif Men -(io-Rnd ' Pepprr Young Ma'mrr ' iV'ii 1 une'St. r- S'vw New s.WeaOier MerM -f.r..Rnd -rd Wating Tr!" Test ' ! i:m Tune Si KGAV Nfwi .tkr Thulv Mei!Vtio-rnd ' Sportoi aoia Sam Haei lo'nr'psv.h. New poer Vandet hoof lomor. 'itlstMi (hind ('-fci , 9 to- oPrrffvP- ' txitfl t C-eattt r A-ftCtln-reA 'Xltctft V-inHs fflflSj ft, On fl W Aoms n A'y Tl" KSLMGabriel Heater KOCOWoodv Way Kf)IN Melody KGW Music KGON News KSLM Day Dreams Ikim o Woody Way 7KOIN Knot U. l.CWIS KfiW Music "kgoN World Newi 61 71 K I 8 9 1 0 1KSLM News iQueen a Dav Queen for Day iQueen for Day KOCO Ray's Melodies iRay's Melodies 'Rav's Melodies iRav's Melodies KGAY Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Rollie's Rec'dx .Rome's Rec'ds . KOIN Hannlnesi Mrs. Burton (Strike It Rich I Pat Buttram 1 KfiW My True Story IMy True Story IKonnle Worth Konnie Worth 7 8 KSLM News iKoro Woody Way (KOIN Tune Table 'KfiW Music KGON Telephone Hr. 1KSLM Fulton Lewis KO( o Woody Way KOIN 5-Star Final P KfiW News Profile Kf;f) News Flashes 1 KSI.M True Detective JTrue Detective KOCO Woody Way W'oodv Way KOIN News-Music Mus. Midnight IKfiW Dance Time Dance Time KGON Has Harris I Jliiss Harris Serenade Wondv Way Melody Music C. Applewhite Dav Dreams Woody Way Music 1 Man's Family Fulton Lewia Woody Way Tune Table Music Telephone Hr. I Music Woody Way ISporls UesK i Dance Tune ! Mostlv Music Radio Rosary Woody Way CHS eature Music Entertainment fSoor'scooe Woody Way Almanac I Music Entertainment Whistlin Tunes' Whlstlin Tunes Woody Way Woody Way World J origin 1 r-.ews Vce. Firestone Vce. Firestone Red Cross i Music Sweet & Swing' Sweet & Swing Woody Way I Wood v Wav Cap Cloakrm Cap Cloakrm. Dance Time Dance Tim NiEhMJfr 1 Nitht Life News 1 Music Woodv Way Woodv Way Chnmb'r Forum'Chamber Forum Dance Time (Dance Time i Mostly Music iMustly Music Melodies Woodv Way Mus. Midnight Dance Time Bass Harris Melodies Woodv Way Mus Midnight Dance Time Bass Harris TUESDAY A.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 . KSLM Vail. Farnuast Val. Farmcast KfiAV Farm News Morn. Mag. KOIN News-America KOIN Klock I KGW News (Vanderhoof " KGON Rise & Shine World News Val. Farmcast iMorn. Mag. IKOIN Klock iVanderhoof Rlse Ut Shine 00:45 KGAY News KGAY News KOIN Klock (Vanderhoof iRise & Shine KSLM Hemingway IBreak. Gang Break. Gang iNews KOCO Rhythm Ranch IRhythm Ranch (Ray'r In Time IRay's In Tim KGAY Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. (Morn. Mag. KGAV New KOIN KOIN Klock Headline New Goss News Babbit Show KGW News Vanderhoof IVanderhoof IVanderhoof KGON Hise k Shine Rise & Shlne Rise & Shine IBill Guyman KSLM Cliff Engle Family Altar i Haven of Rest 'Haven of Rest KOCO Ray's In Tim Ray's In Time Hay's In Time Ray's In Tim KGWV Herb's Show Herb's Show Herb's Show .KGAY News KOIN Consumer N'ws Valle New Shelley Serend IShelley Sere. KfiW News Vanderhoof IVanderhoof IVanderhoof KGON Rise & Shine Rise & Shine News RAShine IRise At Shine KSLM News IKraft News (Pastor's Call Matinee KOCO Rav's Melodies IRay's Melodies Ray's Melodies IRay's Melodle KGAY Herb's Show Herb's Show Rom Show IKGAY News KOIN Wendv Warren 'Howard Miller Helen Trent Midmorn. New KGW Breakfast Club .Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club KGON KSI.M News ITelln-Test iWtngs of Song IWings of Song : irinu'a Mnlnflloa IRiif'i MslnHloa KfiAY Herb's Show I Herb's Show Herb's Show KOIN Nora Drake iMa Perkins IDr. Malone I Road of Life KfiW Chef Gino (O Anderson IGlrl Marries I Whispering St. KfiON NUC Bandst'ndNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'ndl KGON 1KSLM Chron. of Air KOCO Newa KGAY Rollie's Rec's a KOIN Noon News KGW Mitchell Ilepta. Paul Harvey iNews Top Trades 1 Val. Farmcast Clarlne Calling Iciurlne Calling Ciarlne Calling Rolhe's Hec'ds iTown Crier IKGAY News IWeather House Party House Party (Merry Go And. Merry Go Rnd. HENRY By Carl Anderson II , I I l.l i 1 1 i-r rr- ONE shoe J I M WISHING WELL K. Ri.l. red U. S. Patent Ofric.. 284STBS4Z58 A F E O O IRAXOFIM 5 1 2 8 3 6 5 5 1 1 J I. C D I T E E D N II R F M "8 2 5 7 3 6 2 1 7 3 8 1 2 R K O E I, N K A A I O S A '3 7 2 8 4 5 7 3 8 2 t 1 g K A M M H R R B U O U I O "2 6 8 4 3 7 8 2 7 4 5 2 3" UGOOBEDSCV A PI. S 5 6 2 i S 3 7 2 S 6 4 T DCGUAEIATEE I. S 1 2 3 7 5 a 2 8 4 3 8 8 2" UUSHSTREEStSE TJTERE is pleasant little came that will live you a message every day. It is a numerical punle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters in your first name. If the number ot letters is 6 or more, subtract 4. If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result Is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rec tangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you. C I'll, .j ft ltniM I. Mm.;. DlttilbmrJ br Kim r.iliiftl 8ndktt. 1-5 ACROSS 1. F.xhibit 5. Tart of the mnuth 8. Fit together 12. Plane curve 14. Spindle 15. Lifts up 16. Mimic 17. Amounts of nifdirine 13. llrri-k E 2ll i;u;.liit 21. I'lnbirlla pal I 2. t. I1..I lr jlly 2:i. N.nti iicd 28. T ,10. Hair hnr of a icllfr 32 Dud annnais 34 S,ft PdlHlO 3fi Wild animal 3". Conductor's stick 3!. Hunk 41. Uninterest ing 42. Roadside lodging 44. Uncompli mentary exclamation 4ti. Kali's p.upellrr 47. I'.idrvfl. upcil tluw iT 4. tlibil point ,Y1. liiuk gflms 5.1 I' !;. Kittle it:l lntiudilce '1'ii i ee pot till Iuimele til lll;i, k BIUiDa5H;AflE:RlupTf a1tj4lm IeirHrIj IsIeJr R iBiETsB R I A i ftpH T0 B Pj 1 IT8SBjR jJCJA Iff fj tMt. E"1ni T BO IL 'E ra B3ulsiTjrjH ier BJ an o mn't(ra b e. r IHTlAjrl Ti AL ii-HNf A A.& ilJralkiyiMpJraiY bJj ina;mpTl;a fj D! OMe) WC I U iM S ' Aoo l'n'a't'f H ty r e B S IE n Solution of Yesterday's Puzxle DOWN 1. Hurried 2 Cuvle of li f lit 3 Sources of metal 4 Hesitate 5. Make note of ' r r l TTrJ' 15 1 t -pr i r" r " Ehffl Ji 6. Slicitered 7. Squander 8. Slit-ep cry 9. Travelled new territory 10 More drowsy 11. Kiock 13. Shallow IS1. Donkey 2H. I .aurel tree 24. Spread hay 2.i. Watch pocket 2(v Inspector 27. Kr:.He 2 t'.ri joke ;U. Ccok in 33. Nesative 35. t'nnily crowri 8 Bird 5 beak 4.; Bras t : TratLAparcn: 4. Of the eve 4-5. Firm ti K. Indta tr.vitfj hnnt 40 e;n..t t-rij rej.ol 41 To a p.not .;!un ti Meat dlin 4 Utter 3d. Tinch r twi u him. v "... ..'. 2 Accused Given Psychiatric Tests THE DALLES A young man and a young woman facing criminal charges here have been taken to Portland for psychiatric examinations. One is Mrs. Jean Olson, 24, who is accused of setting several fires here last August. She has pleaded innocent by reason of insanity. No date has been set for her trial. The other person facing psychi atric tests is 20-year-old Eugene Calvin " Hatch, who is charged with second degree murder in the fatal knifing of elderly Walter Freeborn in October. Hatch is scheduled for a Jan. 28 appearance here before Circuit Judge Malcolm Wilkinson. ALASKANS VISIT DAYTON (Special) Mr. and Mrs. John Sherman of Ketchikan, Alaska, spent several days here with his brother, Harry Sherman, and family. They were enroute to the virgin islands on vacation for a month. W I v.eipFTU'Pt7c;s ) rnunD iu toww got ATP I vcXJ WAWT...VE5, its 1 ,4r J.vViTrir" I ru-TAKE V2rrV-4C That some cat nawed fflW ffi1," KifirZ' ''I'TkvV uy CAPTAIN, A eoSHM I HE'S X JUST, SORE? OOLLV, I I TEMA ' M s JIA 0 "S isV'S"' S'S'' B " nJ. In A.I 'aTWRE NOT "X, I ONE OF VCU IS THE X"3r151 a!,'lVliijf? this 15 TOO SLOW, STEVE BY THE M-jKornect'ftn-kvseT MWM. CMD ) rrtL BLrTf'Vf-M-'rnr''1"5 iTttsTff 1 fki'Sh iKisV'rX" TIME WE MAKE ALL THESE HOODLUMS, rnSMmSOS flAZc' -REACH A ,JC J US .,c7 CJJ P"7Te mm -tf-?-i?itAt4!y YOUK BOY N0MAO WILL BE DECORATING That Has Delighted Ifef DEAD END ?, IB. TIME "71 "TSt A-'iJhft, ri?Ii!liimS'M'!."4' S A DITCH IN the -s. ThouraHjsVjis - I 'PjNjWmWM WtM iklu .& U J&KJ&ih S ".7r jSrl Beame A Chamber kTfTV- i jMiiZJmjrik. VwJffj Ssf'sSSI?! & ErT i M or Horrors wv2Crn virik'MZaS Zft'lil 6ty tQfice "3xi. f0meBSim'lr what ! mi, ) MvsevooY&CK? omupii Quickly Memorlied-You'U win HIS 0BP SINCE W5T J I f TO &g J I CAN'T BgACH V31 PON'T I AIN'T SICK. J- , IBs' 'old Chelsea PSt'otion, ' New m'wm ' ''. 1 II U IL ' II- I Wf L?" r- '"' '" yl Vork 11, N y. Print ,i 'nl sasJ telfevl.lM"--r-V-'t IP f oh.ohIiT SLIPPED-RflCKETl MAKE fl UJT I jj StJU'RE WHflT THIS OH. YES, SIC- NAME, ADDRESS, ZONE, AND f HOWDOVOU RNE-F1NE0USTGETTtN' SSI I'M SORRY I OF RACKET. ANNIE I I I OLD MORUE NEEDS! I IT'S fl NICE Bf'.l,: PATTERN NUMBER. I FEELTHtS OUT OF THAT HOSPITAL i MADE SUCH 0 RAISE NED AROUND I I LIFE! UPROAR I HOUSE-NOW IT. Uy I MORNING, WAS BETTER'N ANY SiK RACKET! I HERE I LOUDER I 1 EH. SAL? I CAN BE A HOME! I , Two FREE patterns printed I UNCLE SIL? V MEDICINE- '"r ,, , , TH' BETTERa J&W in our ALICE BROOKS Needle- XJ.(-c -TJl . ,i-T W&?''4$'WmfcA lOlf ll U!&&r, craft book - stunnma designs g m MpifJ II T jfm I 'KPJ:'. for you. our readers! Dozens of ' ttfcSSf MptffelSS' WZWAA I f W'' -f- other designs tQ order-all easy, U-- iKSM ' ' I iX. , ftVA g.0- 1 I I b fJ fo. :- ' fi, fascinating hand-work! Send 25 fe'l 557 ISgA WlJJ ) 'H?gli3 AW yFK TkA cents for your copy of this won- r fTTXV-l "irnr'li " ' k'r. rhn ' "'Si I'f if";) jr -M dorful book right away I " ZCh j L 'T sew and trt , , . , jvc.-iV -ixs. I If AN, i;; fcTV11 rv-vu T V -o you'll V oh,no,)( but, that s rZS -1 lL Rah Wfi PON ' . I DAMAGE A SUHV THE TEN- K If ..s..JT l ONCE. HAWG McCALL FO' DO UMMVA'h - ' DOLLAR DAMAGE. I DOLLAR lr p llU NEVEEyn-'A BICYCLE- V THIS AIN'T WUCH OF A HlLL ? WHAT I DONT LIKE Pfe l .' llil 1 I A THING rBOILT-FOR-TWO.' YET IT SEEMS AWHJLL.VHARO) IS THE WAY THESE J ? XT s i'A Li I I't ' LIKE THIS ( WE HAD IT UP IN J I TO PEDAL.' I DON'T LIKE FOOT RESTS KEEP ,.QtS , V S"M",JJ,;J rAKTM, W PCNT yOU W NOfTi r I CAME HERE HOPING THAT WV I I I rrZ ft5?l , jl A X IVJ E AN ATTORNEY .M COULD HELP VE, AL .' BUT AU. I '4 1 jjfc. Sff X W I MS VERY MUCH IN LOE WITH V - ANP HAVE HIM S'V I OU SAY ft '&ET RIP OF HIM' Tp?, 'I fi TV? II i OU,MRIHA 1 6vei I TILL I COMMITTED t J " I HE S MY FATHER.' CANT VOU '. '- SZjjti ' rjf l!l ' II . I THI5 L04LTY THIS V tl I ' UNDERSTAND THAT T ITS V? J i! , -Y) Rd . V l O 1 ATTACHMENT TO YOUR FATHER.' 7 H (R l k 1 E TO TA CARE OF 5 : - ftiA f'k 'Ld II l l . I :. v j I - J I ?i I a. ' LvXr.: ll ll ll k -rfi a m xjc m I 77 I I 1 TOLD HIM HE D ' X.' II K MOTHER fM S' r 4URE VOU HAVE THt 1 ' 1 L' S BCTIIR PUT BLIMDEMON 1 -.A,.,, m p. I T N WROSJCi SDD5E VOllNi MAN: NO- B i I) yv,.,....,.,,., ME--:INSTJAOCTHtHOI I IPYCU NEED ' IKk W HERE OROERED THAT' 1 I K. 11 A - ' av X jf ! I ii r i i I .11 1 r m J M I I 9050 .2-20 Printed Pattern Fashion news in POINTED Pat tpm the cape as the star of spring! This pretty sundress has its own cape, that you can button on in two different ways (smooth line, turn-back reverse") Printed Pattern 90.V): Misses Sits 12. 14, If, 1ft. 20. Sue 16 dre requires 4S yards 35-inch f.ibnr; cape takes IS yard: This printed pattern assures perfect fit. Easy directions printed on each tissue pattern part This printed pattern assures perfect fit. Easy directions printed on each tissue pattern part. Send in coin no stamps please' for Pattern with Name. Address Stue Number and Sue Address PATTERN BUREAU Capital Journal Box 42 Old Chel sea Station New York II N Y far first class mall Includa estra S cents per pativa.