' 2 P Page "6 Section 1 I Capital Women Ip i Edited by MARIAN LOWHY FISCHER J1 Mrs. Smith Hostess at Polio Party Cards were received the first of the week for the "first lady cof fee to be given next luesday, January 8. as a benefit for the I!).i7 Oregon March of Dimes cam paign. Mrs. Elmo Smith, wife of Ore- gon s governor, is to be hostess at the party at 3:15 p.m. in Meier & Frank's-Salem Oregon room. ... Department Officer Visitor at Auxiliary Kingwood unit No. fit. American Legion auxiliary, entertained the department vice president. Mrs. Anson Ingels. of Salem, as a spe cial guest at its mctine at the Kingwood Legion hall, Thursday evening. Her departmental office centers on membership and she discussed with the Kingwood mem bers that phase of auxiliary work. Mrs. Irl Folson, hospital chair man, reported on Ihe activities of her committee which included sending eight afshnns made by members to the Veterans hospital at Camp White, crib quilts and doll quills to the Veterans hospital in Portland for Legionnaires lo give as presents to their families at the holidays, and a gift of $20 lo the Veterans hospital at Koscourg tor rehabilitation work. Several members of the unit are meeting today lo tie a quill for the Polk County Red Cross. The next meeting will be Jan uary 17. Invitations Noted At Star Chapter Ainswnrth chapter No. 1TB. Or der of Eastern Slnr, opened its meetings lor the new year Wednes day evening at Ihe Masonic tem ple. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knken, worlhy patron and worthy matron, prosit1 ed. Invitations were accepted by the chapter to visit Salem chapter No. 162 on Saturday evening, January 12. and Zenith chnptcr at Browns ville, Monday evening, January 7. Mrs. Kokcn announced the Jan uary 16th meeting will be instruc tion night as well as obligation night and urged that new mem bers be present. " The Social Afternoon cluh will resume lis monthly luncheons. January 24, at Ihe temple, with Mrs. J. It. Calvert presiding as chairman and Mrs. Warren C. Pahl as secretary. Following Ihe business meeting. a social hour was in charge of Mrs. Frances Gultfeld. Mrs. Nora Itolow. Mrs. Timothy Stivers, Mrs Arlhur Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Parker, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnston. For Bride-Elect Honoring Miss Plum Brown, who is to be married on January 26 lo Spencer M. Snow of Port land, Mrs. Harold M. Olinger and Mrs. John A. Ilellzel are entertain ing Saturday. The party will be a brunch at II o'clock at the home of Mis. Olinger and a miscella neous shower will fele the bride lobe. Thirty (riends have been in vited. Betrothal Told Announcement is being made of, was allired in a floor length wed the engagement of Miss Jacqueline ding dress with a white lace over Carey to Wayne Hamilton. satin bodice, fitted long sleeves The wedding is planned for June . and a white net over satin full 8. The bride-elect Is a sister of I skirt. The fingertip length veil Mrs. Dclvin Luvell of Salem. Mr.waa fastened to a seed pearl cap, Hamilton is the son of Mrs. Wrilt;The hnde carricd a bouquet of Hamilton of Chico. Calif. The ; wnite carnations. nnde-lo-hc is attending ionn ria lem High school. Mr. Hamilton is employed at the Marion hotel. Is Bride-Elect Mr. and Mrs. Percy Johnson are announcing the engagement of llirir daughter. Miss Betty 1ni Johnson, to Deimar Kdward Funk. Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Deimar F. Funk. The wedding Is planned in early August. The betrothal was announced New Year s eve. VISITOR here is Mrs. J. B, Cowen, guest nt Ihe home of her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace R. Cowen of Or land. Calif. She had hcen visiting nver Christmas in Washington with pnother son, slopping here en route south. Today's Menu FH11UY FA UK Mintnme Soun Spaghetti with White Clam Sauce Mixca itreen sniao. vrusiy im-.m '" m- t.mr .mu .m n.u Fruit and Cheese Beverage lotte Hems served punch. Those who agisted in the serving were SPAGIIFTTI WITH WHITK CLAM Mrs Mrs (. H RAITE Griffin. Mrs. R.m.tld Knight. Miss Ingredients: h pound thin spa- M.irs.in,, Kllirk$oni m,vS n.irl,ara gbelti. 6 tablespoons butter. I or ,.in.!Mm Ms, 0llhcrine Hulls 2 cloves garlic. 1 ran '7 ounces am M)sj. Jw)lin minced sea clams. ' cup minced r.)r(), ,Jnpomjm wns , fharR(! of parsley. , ; the guot book. Method: Cook spaghetti accord- ,nK ffm,. ..Tn -nrf -.bl!...''!1 "eft on a wedding trip to igudi ia wuiime - - ------ snoons salt: urain in cummin. shnrllir before snachetti has (in ished cooking, melt butter in small saucepan: add crushed garlic and drained minced clams; simmer (do got boil) 5 to 10 minutes. Add parsley. Serve spnghetli in soup dishes with clam sauce poured over it. Makes 3 to servinss. This recipe departs from Note: traditional Italian ones of Ihe sort bv using butler instead ol olive s Coffee Hour and Program Planned An evening coffee hour at Bush Ilouic is planned by Salem Sym phony society and Salem Art as- social ion Sunday evening. January I3, as on event to increase interest in the concert of the Portland Symphony orchestra here on Jan uary 15. The coffee party will He at 8 o'clock. Dr. Willis Gates of Willam- ette university is to present a commentary on the major work to be played by the symphony in its concert here. The coffee hour is open to the public wilhout charge and refresh ments will be served following the lecture. KnKug-menl Told The en gagement of Miss Judith Ann Schocko, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schocko, to Tor- vat Lee Klien, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Klien of Hobcrts, is beins announced. A June wed ding is planned. The bride-elect is attending business college here and Mr. Klien is employed at the paper mill. (Jcstcn-Miller studio picture). Farewell Coffee To Fete Mrs. Daggett Honoring Mrs. Rraden Daggett, who with her family will be leav ing for Iran, an nu revoir codec is planned for Saturday morning by Mrs. led Morrison and Mrs. hi don Undhor.st. The party will he at the Morri- Mill nuuir, iiii-nuii uuiiiK im m-u in call between IO.:to and 12:30 o'clock. Guests will number about 35. Mrs. David Uennett Hill is to pour, (ireeting at the door will be Mrs. ucorge Heane, Assisting will he Mrs. uus Hewitt and Mrs. Wil liam JIabernicht. Miss Harrison Is Married at Albany ALBANY (Special) St. Mary's Catholic church formed the set ting Saturday morning at 10 n'clork of the wedding of Miss Helen Louise Harrison, daughter of Mrs. Ksther Hulls, Albany, and Richard Thomas Kropp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Monte Kropp, also of Albany. The Rev. I'r. Martin Doherty officiated at the double ring service. The bride was escorted by her brother, James Harrison. She Miss Shirley Laubncr. wearing a walu length moss green dress with dark green accessories, was the maul of honor. She carried white and red carnations. James Richard was best man an" Usncrs were David Ludlow, Jerrv Hnnerlos, Herbert Olson an1 Kngor Shortndge. .More Ith 2H) guests were present. j Candlehghters were Miss Har- i lai a llnrr.Min. sister of the bride. 1;U1(I '1SS Joellen Krnpp. sister of the bridegroom, and they wore red velvet dresses with poinsettia shaped bats, Mrs. Tlmmas J. Hensler whs the organist and was accompanist for Arthur Haas, who sang. The randle lit chancel was dec orated wilh red and white pmn - seuias wnn iwo large haskets of white carnations and while stock. The reception was in St. Mary's parish hall with seasonal decora tions. The bride's table was cen tered with a while-hered weM"ig! cake surrounded by Miv.vcd rtb j bons and red carnations on a white lace cloth. The punch bowl was enc'rcled with tinseled holly and red carnations. Miss Mollv ' Kdick poured. Mrs. James Har Following the reception the Timberlinc Lodge. Kor traveling the bride wor a brown sheath dress with brown and beige ac cessories and a bronze orchid cor sage. After January 7 the couple will be at home in Albany. KK'.IIT o'clock Sunday morning will see the Live "ers cluh of the , YWCA embark for Hoodoo bowl lo spenn me nay mini " jpating in other winter sports. 2 lS3B3!Sffi!;SSa;i2 j fiJ' - ; 'HV Mrs. Walter B. Wei In Wed In DecemberBride at a service on December 29 was Mrs. Walter B. Wells (Rose Margaret Foltz), above. (Stcimonts studio picture). 4 Miss Foltz Is Recent Bride Wed December 29 at a service in the Immaculate Conception Catholic church, Stayton, were Miss Hose Margaret Foltz and Waller B Wells. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Foltz of A u m s v i 1 1 e and Mr. Wells is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells of Cervais. The service was at 30 o'clock in the morning, with the Rev. Math. Jonns rtficiating. John Brand and Mrs. Lawrence Pci trok sang Tor the wedding, Miss Josephine Brand playing the organ. The bride wore a floor length; dress of all Chantilly lace, styled with tilted bodice, trimmed at the neckline with rolled Queen Anne collar, long tapered sleeves with button trim at the tight wrists, and a tiered skirt of alter nate rows of lace ruffles. The fingertip veil was arranged from a beaded headpiece. The bride carried a white Prayer book with white cvchuls and streamers. Mr, Kollz escorted his daughter to lnc yjla'r Miss Nova Ann Geratts was maid of honor. Miss Mary Ann Foltz, a sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. Both attendants wore gold crystallctte frocks, their headdresses and bouquets were of red roses with gold leaves. Don Wells was best man for his brother. The ushers were LcRoy Fcllz, brother of the bride, Jim Wells, brother of the bridegroom. The bride's mother wore a two-l piece navy hlue dress with cori sage of gardenias. The bride-1 groom's mother was attired in, a brown and white suit with cor sage of gardenias. At the reception in the parish hall, Mrs. Carl Boedigheimer, aunt and godmother of the bride, cut the cake. At the cr.ffee urn was Mrs. Kd. Foltz of Scio, assist ing were Mrs. F. C. Foltz, Aums ville, Mrs. Fred Yost, Sublimity, Mrs. Louis Foltz, Stayton, all aunts of the bride; Miss Margy Wells, sister of the bridegroom, Misses Jeanette Foltz, Ilia Jean Boedigheimer, and The res ia Yost, cousin of the bride. For traveling the bride wore a brown suit with beige trim brown and beige acccsscvries and corsage of while orchids. Follow ing the trip to Canada the couple returned to Salem. The bride groom is with the navy, stationed at Norfolk, Va. New Rainbow Group AMITY (Specif The advisory hoard to the newly established Amity assembly. Order of Rain bow for Girls, sponsored by Amity chapter No. 8? Order of F.astcrn Star, staged their initial meeting recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roal Cochran. An election of officers was con ducted with Mrs. Royal Cochran elected as mother adviser. Mrs. Charles H. Law. associate mother adviser, Mrs. Soren Sorensen. sec retary, and Glen Patty, chairman l0 the' advisory board." Tentative plans were made for the Rainbow assembly initiation at 1 p.m. and public installation at 4 p m. on Sunday afternoon, Jan uary 27. Those in attendance for the meeting were Dr. and Mrs. Charles Law, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. John Orr Mr Glen Patty. Mrs. Florence Kirkwood. Mrs. Ann Metger, preme deputy of the Order of Rainbow for Girls for Oregon and her husband. Charles Metzgw of McMinmille. HHK I'OltVKHS (Special' Mivlins .11 Mrs. Clayton Patter son's lunne every Wednesday alter school will he the newly formed Hrownie Iroop 117. Members in clude Tally Sue Fancn. K a t h y Hishop. l.eslre Pallcrson. tdwina Hrandle. Barbara Hamey, Carol Claris. Polly liollolson, Nancy Sachs. Nancy Snmh. Paulina Stringer and Christine Bates. New otficcrs are elected every third meeting. The iiroup has been ac tive m several interesting projects, such as, making and decorating Chrislnis candles. R.uhenns leaves and combining them in a scrapbook. and before Christmas the group met at Ihe home of Mrs I) (;. McLaughlin. Itvu Nebraska street, with other Rrownios lor a wiener roast and caroling. ":'v Party for Miss Beakey Honoring her sister, Miss Bev erly Beakey, who has been here for part of the holidays, Mrs. Rog er Schnell is to entertain at a party Saturday afternoon at her home. About a dozen friends of the honoree have been bidden. M iss Beakey is leaving next week for Germany. She is to be in recreation work in special serv ices with the army. For the past several months she has been in Astoria with her mother, Mrs. Jack Vittliff. Job's Daughters Ends Current Term Miss Trishia Pervin, honored queen of bethel 41), Job's Daugh ters, presided at her final meeting at the Thursday evening meeting of the group at the Scottish Kite tem ple. Appreciation tor her loyally was expressed by the members. Honored and escorted guests were Miss Maruynn Reaney, hon ored queen of bethel 35; Miss Lin da Kmerton, junior princess, and Mrs. Norman Fletcher, guardian, both of bethel 36V and Paul Riffey, past associate guardian of bethel 40. A Christmas letter was read from the adopted grandmother of bethel 48, Mrs. W. L. Patterson, who lives at the Masonic and East-, ern Star home at Forest Grove, i Mrs. John Vernon reported on the! scrap iron drive which will be! continued into February under the two captains. Miss Sandy Everitt j and Miss Linda Vernon. Birthdays of Mrs. Dorothy Per rin, Miss Barbara Davis and Miss Sue Sorick were honored and the attendance prize was won by Miss Klizabeth Alderson. Mrs. Lawrence Lee was in charge of the refreshments hour, following which slides of past par ties of bethel 4B were shown by Paul Riffey. Miss Janice Drnkley will be in stalled as honored queen at cere monies to be held on the evening of January 12. Practice for the installation rites will be Saturday morning. January 12, at 10 o'clock at the Scottish Rite temple. Drill practice for the grand session will start January 14 and will be con ducted every Monday and Thurs day afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. SII.VKRTON iSpecial) Mrs. Harry Yetter, president, is an nouncing the regular meeting of the Christian Woman's fellowship of the first Chrislian church, to he Monday, January 7, in the church social rooms. Following a no-host luncheon served at 12:30 o'clock, a program is to he given, featuring Mrs. Tom Cutshnll as speaker, her topic to he: "Our Neighbors and outh of Our Community. Mrs. I. McKibben will direct the devotional hour. Mrs. Vetler will preside at the business hour when plans for the coming six months work will be presented and discussed for adop tion. Members needing transportation 'iav cal Mrs. Tom Myers. 11(1 3-M21, or Mrs. Harry Vetler, Tlil 3-431. Nursery care for younger chil dren is being provided. ... MOl'NT ANC.KL (Special) For eign students at .Minim .Angci Women s college were holiday din ner guesls ot Miss Carol Wnchtcr. Those present were Miss .lacdue- hne de Mercey. of Paris, r ranee: Miss Shin Hok Sun. Seoul. Korea; Miss Kita Wong. Honolulu; Miss Judy Pi and Miss Catherine Chen, both of Formosa. Also present were Miss F.lainc Kuschnick, Cer vais. college junior. Miss Judy Wachter, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wachter. ... l.K.BANON 'Special1 Mrs. War ren Walker and Miss Sally Walker, worthy adviser for Marguerite as sembly. Order o( Kainbow (or C.irls. were at home to Kainbow girls and their mothers Monday morning Irom 10 30 until 1 o'clock. Mrs. M. Taylor, mother adiser. poured assisted by Mrs. Albert Carlson THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Couple Wed on New Year's Bride on New Year's day was Miss Arlene Lorraine Petersen, wha was married to John Virgil Taylor. The service was at 7:30 o'clock in Grace Lutheran church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Petersen and Mr. Taylor is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George V. Taylor. Chrysanthemums, palms, can dles and a Christmas tree decor ated the church. Mrs. Ervin Nel son played the organ and Erving Nelson was soloist. The Rev. Low ell Holte officiated at the service. The bride wore a white nylon net, ballerina length dress styled with lace bodice and three-quarter tengtn sleeves. I he fingertip, pearl-beaded veil was held in place by a floral headpiece. The bride carried a bouquet of gar denias and chrysanthemums. Miss Audrey Walker was maid of honor and Mrs. Don Cole the bridesmaid. The former wore a blue, ballerina length nylon tulle dress and Mrs. Cole a pale yellow Dauerma lengtn dress. Uoth car ried bouquets of irises. Pete Taylor was best man for his brother. Don Cole was an at tendant and ushers were Duane Petersen and Ronald Petersen of Albany, cousins of the bride. The bride's mother wore a para keet blue wool dress with white ac cessories and a corsage of chrys anthemums and carnations. The bridegroom's mother wore a gray wool knit dress with black acces sories and corsage of carnations and chrysanthemums. The reception following was in the church parlors. Mrs. Norman fetersen of Lebanon cut the cake. Pouring were Mrs. Elmer Peter sen, nt the coffee urn, and Mrs. Lldrcd Dcrry at the punch bowl. Both are from Tangent. Assisting were Mrs. Harry S. Petersen of Albany, Miss Lucille Eder and Miss Betty Eder of Woodburn. For traveling the bride wore a navy blue wool sheath dress with red trim. The couple will be at home here after January 7. Joint Installation Planned by Groups SILVERTON (Special) Plans were completed at this meeting of Tryphena Rebekah lodge No. 38 for joint installation of officers of the Rebekahs and Odd Fellows of Silver lodge No. 21. Mrs. Elmer Idcen, of Salem, noble grand, pre sided. The installation program was planned for Friday evening, Janu ary 11, at the Odd Fellows hall in Silverton. Visiting member guests attend ing the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, who recently moved to Boise. Idaho, and returned to spend the holidays with local members of their family. Rebekah No. 38 olficers honored the noble grand, Mrs. Ideen, in a surprise event in verse in appre ciation ot her year s worlc. Mrs. Waller Larson, of Salem, a Sil verton member, directed the pro gram with the assistance of all fel low olficers of the year. To add to the hobby collection of ceramics of the retiring noble grand, Mrs. I. L. Stewart and Mrs. R. B. Hen- wick presented a plate embossed with the Rebekah emblem, the noble grand's name, and the dates ot her term as head official of Tryphena Rebekah lodge. Mrs Idcen remembered her committee chairmen and (ellow officers with gifts. The personnel of committee workers for the regular January 10 meeting of Tryphena lodge in eludes on decoration Mrs. Wilbert Peron. Mrs. Frank llubbs and Mrs. Pearl Porter, and for the dining room. Mrs. Mary Howell Receiving the guests will be Mrs. John Beals and Mrs. Clay Allen, and in charge of the refreshment hour are Mrs. Carl Rutherford. Mrs. Gladys Waltman, Mrs. Clint Wciby, Mrs. Henry Aim. Mrs. Tom Lathrop. Mrs. Art Nelson and Mrs. G. E. Weatheral. On the perpetual membership committee arc Mrs. Clay Allen, Mrs. R. B. lienwick and Mrs. I. L. Stewart, and on the auditing committee are Mrs. Lial McClure, Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Stewart. At this meeting the Rebekah stale president. Mrs. Ethel Gibbs. o( Ocean Lake, will make her afternoon and evening visit. A 6:30 no-hostess supper is to be served at the Oak street cafe. OHicers are instructed during the after noon. Gervais Teacher Is Wed in Grants Pass GERVAIS (Special) Miss Mar joric Mahoncy. who teaches com mercial subjects at Gervais union High school, was married Decem ber 23 lo Eugene A. Tenney o( Vancouver, Wash. The service was a double ring one at the home ot the bride s par ents. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Mahoncy in Grants Pass, Miss Virginia Mahoney, cousin of Ihe bride, was maid of honor and Robert Frier of Portland was best man. The couple went to San Fran cisco on their wedding trip. Roth young people are graduates of Ore gon Slate college. The bridegroom is now with the nrmv, stationed at Fort Ord. Calif. FKMO? TOEES Peach -Pear $1 l7C Plum - Prune ham & m J CHERRY and APPLE TREES FWII S2-00 F. A. DOERFLER & SONS Nursery landscaping Garden hnn Open Monday Through 2..0 .v Lancaster Wed., Dec. 27 Lt. and Mrs. Charles A. Bartlett (Marie Hoolcy), above, were married during the holidays. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Hooley and Lt. Bartlett is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bartlett. The couple will reside in Panama City where the bridegroom is now stationed. lYeager studio picture.) JD Installation at Molalla Past Week MOLALLA (Special) One of the impressive events of the holi day season was Saturday evening, when Miss Carol Shaver, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shaver, was installed as honored queen of Bethel No. 46, Order of Job's Daughters, Ceremonies were in the IOOF hall, open to the public with a large attendance. Other oflicers installed, together with the honored queen included senior princess, Miss Alice Burns; junior princess. Miss Virginia Pal mer; guide, Miss Karen Morrow; marshal, Miss Barbara Hull; chaplain, Miss Marcy Walters; recorder, Miss Gloria Landsem; treasurer, Miss Leanne Lehman; Miss Mary Lou Eyman, musician: librarian, Miss Harryettc Swerver; senior custodian, Miss Vina Harshman; junior custodian. Miss Kathy Howell; messengers, Misses Joanne Olson, Jackie Turner, Bet ty Hull, Bonnie Tibbs, Sharon Ca- son: inner guard, Miss Irene Lam bert; outer guard. Miss Lois Burns; historian. Miss Kathy Dreeszen: lady of the lights. Miss Jeanme Sharp: pages. Misses Pat ty Bentley, Ginger Bentley, Dee Ann bhailer, Carolyn Landsem; choir, Misses Cora Adams, Sonja Ball, Dons Lambert, Nancy Cro ckett, Joanne Crawford, Karen Lehman. Molalla order of DeMo lay headed by master councillor, Skip Fox, assisted in the crown ing ceremonies. ... Miss Duering Wed At Recent Rites LEBANON (Special) Before the flower and holly decked altar of Ihe First Christian church Satur day evening, December 29, Miss Dorothy Alice Duering exchanged wedding vows with Fordyce Clyde Worsham, of Powers. Miss Duer ing is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duering and the bride groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce Worsham, of Powers. The Rev. L. O. White-read the service. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore white lace and tulle over satin with fitted bodice, long pointed sleeves and Queen Anne collar. Her fingertip veil was fashioned on a satin bowknot and covered with matching lace. She carried a white Bible with white carnations and red roses. Mrs. Gene Stewart was matron of honor, wearing green velveteen in princess style with white fur cape and mults trimmed with holly. Bridesmaids were Miss Ruth Duering. sister of the bride, and Miss Judy Hanson, of Clats kanie, both wearing green velve teen also, Robert Willcutt, of Oceanlake, was best man. Ushers were Tom Hamm, of Myrtle Creek, and Bruce Burwcll, of Gifford, Con necticut. Candlelighters were Miss Vir ginia Duering. a sister of the bride, and Miss Carol Adkins. wearing red taffeta dresses in princess style with matching caps. Mrs. Raymond Aycrs was the organist and she accompanied the Rev. Gerald Sawyer, who sang. A reception was given in the church after the ceremony, with the bride's table decorated with holly and white candles. Pouring were Mrs. Robert Love and Mrs. Jay D. Pritzen. Mrs. Ralph Juhnke and Mrs. B. E. Osburn cut the cake. In charge of the gift table were Miss Sherry Gross and Miss Sharon Olsen. Mrs. Keith Klavano passed the guest book. For her wedding trip the bride wore a navy blue sheath dress wilh navy and red accessories. Her corsage was white carnations and red roses. The couple will be at home at 3S.i East A street after January 6. Saturday, ft a. m. to 5 urive ai si lornrrj V imiMU'iiwiuniniitteSS SALEM Begonia society met at the VMCA, Wednesday evening, with Mrs. Merle Curtis presiding. There were 42 members and eivht guests in attendance. Ernest Iufer showed colored slides of his Euro pean trip, and Lee Frederickson showed colored slides of New Mex ico, Utah, and California. The re freshment committee was com posed of Mrs. Jack Stagner. Mrs. Wylie Rolfeson, and Mrs. Louise Brown. The next meeting will be at the YMCA on February 6. ... Miss Tanner Bride At Lebanon Service LEBANON (Special) Poinset- Uas and red candles provided a background for the wedding Sun day afternoon, December 23, of Miss Nancy Marjorie Tanner and Ronald Carl Van Vlcet at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Tanner. Dr. Harvey J. Schmidt read the dou ble ring service. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Van Vleet, of Oregon City. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a suit of soft tweed. Her attendant, Miss Mar- ceil Smith, wore a sheath dress of blue-gray brocade. Eugene H. Tanner Jr., Eugene, was best man. Present were the bridegroom's two sisters and brother-in-law, Miss Joyce Van Vlcet and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Huber, of Salem. Sharing honors with the bride's cake was an heirloom coffee urn, used traditionally at family wed. dings and belonging originally to the bride's great-grandmother. The couple drove to Washing ton for their wedding trip and joined the bride's parents at the home of her grandmother in Puyallup for the grandmother's 84th birthday. Both the bride and bridegroom are graduates of Lebanon union high school. The bridegroom served with a paratrooper unit in Germany and is now employed at Cascades .Plywood corporation. The bride is attending Oregon College of Education. The couple is at home at 192 East Vine street in Lebanon. To Visit Club SILVERTON (Special) Dr. Eleanor Guttman. state president, will make her official visit to 4he Silverton Business and Professional Women's club at their dinner meet ing Tuesday at 7 p.m. act the Meth odist church. The health and safety committee is in charge of the meeting. Miss Thora Arestad, chairman, assisted by Miss Ruth Barber and Mrs. Mahlon Hoblitt are making ar rangements which will include the showing of a mental health film. "To Serve the Mind." and a co ordinated talk by Dr. Guttman, who is on the staff of the Oregon Slate hospital. Husbands and guests will be welcomed at the meeting. . . CENTRAL HOWELL (Special) Entertaining at dinner for their family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Roth had as their guests during the holi days Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beach and two daughters, of Portland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roth and two daughters of Silverton and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Roth and three sons of this community. Mr. and Mrs. Roth and Mr. and Mrs. Beach ar.d children drove to Springfield where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Roth and new son. Schaefer's Liniment This vUuable time tried lini ment in use 60 years, has proved effective in the treat ment of rheumatic end neu ralgic pains, tore muscles, backache, sunburn, insect bites, itching or burning fee). Onty at SCHAEFERS DRUG STORE Alien Daily. 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. ,'undavv 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. 13S NORTH COMMERCIAL Salem, Ore., Friday, January 4, 1957 Duo Wed In South Announcement is being made of the marriage of Mrs. Roberta Ba deau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist of Brooks, to John L. (Jack) Malmin. Jr., son of Mrs. Bernice M. Malmin and ot J. L. Malmin. Sr., of Salem. The wedding was on December 14 in the First Presbyterian church at San Francisco, the Rev. N. H. Baker officiating at the double ring ceremony. The couple will live at East Palo Alto. Cahf. Mr. Malmin is credit and bookkeeping manager at Stewart Oxygen company in the San Francisco office. Both at tended Salem schools, and Mr. Malmin was graduated from Ore eon Slate college where he is a member of Sigma Pi fraternity. ... Nelsons Gather for 'Kinfolks' Dinner Among unusual holiday social events in Salem was the Nelsons kinfolks dinner" in the Colonial room of the Marion hotel on Dec ember 30. This a((air, jointly sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Theo. G. Nelson, of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Alt. O. Nelson, of Silverton. was announced by Alt. O. Nelson, who was master of ceremonies, as an experiment in something a little different than a formal house Dartv. a coffee invitation, or an open house snack party. There was no elaborate, far in advance party planning and there were no formal invitations. The affair was planned to help members of the current generation of the family to expand their acquaintance. An nouncement of the kir elks dinner idea was sent to local relatives and to some of the relatives in Arizona, California, Colorado, Min nesota, Michigan, North and South Dakota, New York, Virginia and Illinois who might possibly have occasion to be in the Pacific northwest during the holidays. Among other things the announce ment said: Now when it is pos sible to cross the continent in a fraction of a day more kinfolks should see more of each other than in horse and buggy days." Greetings were read from twelve out of state well-wishers who could not be present. A picture of the valley in Hadeland, Norway, where Gulbjor Hanson, mother of the hosts, was born and reared, was shown to the guests. A few completed pages were displayed of an illustrated scrapbook mem oirs volume which Theo. G. Nel son and Mrs. Nelson are compil ing and hope to complete in 1957. Relatives of the hosts present were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Brennen and daughter, Sue, Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Brennen and sons, Patrick. Mich ale. Russell Jr., and daughter, Mollie Jo, Seattle. Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Don Burch and sons, John and Richard. Silverton: Mr. and Mrs. Louis O. Fiscel and daughters, Linda Lou and Karen Sue, Tucson, Arizona: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Knutson and coil- dren, Solveig, Knute, Brandt and Lmilio, Sheridan: Mr. and Mrs Ben Hultgren. Hubbard: Mr. and Mrs. llarald G. Nelson and daugh ter, Janet. Salem: Mr. and Mrs. J. Manning Nelson, daughter, Karen, and son, Scott. Vancouver, Wash.; Theodore Knute, Eric Bruce. Oliver Sigmund and Dag mar Kay Nelson, Eugene; Mrs. and Mrs. Thelmer J. Nelson, Eu gene: Mr. and Mrs. James Nel son, daughter, Sue, and son. Brett, Silverton: and Mildred Hultgren Shady, Portland. SILVERTON (Special) The Rev. Alvin L. Solid of the Trinity Lutheran pastorate, accompanied by Mrs. Sclid and their children. Rebecca. Ruth, Naomi. Mark and Rachel, have returned home from a holiday visit wilh relatives in Tacoma and Seattle. MOLALLA (Special) Karen Morrow was hostess to a teen age party New Year's eve in the Ra leigh F. Morrow home. The eve ning was taken up with games, dancing and refreshments. Guests. arriving at 7:30 P.M , included Jane Tiffin, Darlene Marson, Car ole Smith. Clara Fillis. Don Graves, Chuck Maben. Larry Burkholder and Dennis Kyllo. "A Night Out at Meier y MONDAY -JANUARY 7 9 5 ', menu and dinner music, modeling, free favors for the children. J OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 5:00 8:00 P. M. Samsonite Travel Bureau Demonstration LUGGAGE, STREET FLOOR V Is Engaged Miss Barbara Stangland, above, has announc ed her engagement to 2nd Lt. Eugene P. Bartlett, U. S. Air Force. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Stangland and Lt. Bartlett is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bartlett. Mrs. Nelson to Be Feted on Birthday Mrs. May Nelson is lo observe her 70th birthday next Sunday, January 6, an open house being planned in the afternoon at the-, home of her daughter. Mrs. George Lynbcrg. 5B6 Thorndale Circle. Friends and relatives arc invited to call between 1 and 5 p.m. ... Past Presidents Honored by Group WOODBURN (Special) Past presidents of the Woodburn Wom an s club were honored at tne regular meeting Wednesday after noon. There was a no-nost luncn eon. Special guests were Mrs. H. F. Buttcrfield and Mrs. Anna Miller. The committee in charge of the luncheon and program in cluded Mrs. E. W. Nelson, chair- an. Mrs. Claire McMillan, Mrs. Steve Bauman and Mrs. Elizabeth Rail. Seated at the past president's table, which was decorated with pink carnations, white tapers and silver candalabrum, were Mrs. A. G. Cowan, Mrs. A. E. Austin, the only charter member of the club. Mrs. II. F. Butterfield, Mrs. P. C. McLaughlin, Mrs. Percy .Seely, Mrs. R. L. Anderson and Mrs. James B. Gay. The club presi dent, Mrs. Benton Dailcy, present ed American Beauty rosebuds to each past president. Mrs. Dailey presided during the business meeting when $5 was do nated to the scholarship loan and fellowship fund and $25 voted as a welfare donation. The club vot ed to enter the mebership drive which is a project of the state president, Mrs. George Rossman, and also of the third district fed eration. Speaker of the afternoon was Joan Ross of the Salem Charm school. The next club meeting. Febru ary 6, will be a short business meeting at Ihe library at 1 p.m. alter which the members will go to Aurora to attend the charity tea by the Aurora Woman's club at which time the slate president, Mrs. George Rossman of Salem, will be the speaker. CENTRAL HOWELL (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Way, Jim, Charles and Frcdora were dinner guests at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Way. A tele phone call was enjoyed from their daughter, Helen, and son. Bob. in North Hollywood. Calif. The Ways' son. Dean, is aboard the S. S. Patrick enroutc to his home after a year in Korea in the Signal Corps of the U.S. army. He is due for discharge upon reaching the homeland. ... CENTRAL HOWELL (Special) Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Summers Jr., and five children spent the holi days at the home of Mr. Summers Sr., near El Paso, Texas, with a few days at Juarez, Mexico. Also, a short time was spent in New Mexico with Mrs. Summers' par ents. The trip was made by air and the tickets were the Christmas gift of Mr. Summers' father. & Frank's Salem" Special BfJJTJSckv-