Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 04, 1957, Page 3, Image 3

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    Salem,. Ore., Friday, January 4, 1957
Judge Stadter
Studies Auto
Beating Case
A charge of maliciourly beating
on a car with a pipe wench has
been tanen under advisement in
.Marion county district court after
a trial there this week
Judge E. 0. Stadter said he
would probably decide earlv next
week what action he would take
on the charge against A D Aker
man. 7060 Portland ltd.
Akerman is charged with mali
cious and wanton injury to person
a property in the smashing of
duu oiner aamase to a ear
belonging to C. C. Heintz. Dallas.
At the time of the August 3 inci
dent, the car was being used bv
Alden Bailey, Dillard. B.-iIey is the
complainant in the case.
Bolh Akerman and Bailey testi
fied in the trial that the affair
started in a passing incident in
the Portland road underpass and
that after that Akerman refused
to let Bailey pass him as thev
'roceeded northward. Bailey then
began following Akerman's car at
a distance of only a few feet and
followed him when he turned into
his driveway.
There followed an altercation.
-After this point the testimony dis
agreed. Akerman said Bailey
jumped back in his car and at
tempted to run over him. Bailey
said he jumped in the car and at
tempted to back out of the drive
way onto the. highway.
In any event, it was agreed.
Akerman first smashed out the
headlights of the car with a pipe
wrench and then went around the
car smashing out all the windows
and the windshield. Damage to
taled J290, it was estimated.
Three Indicted
For Burglary
Charged with burglary not in a
dwelling, three men were indicted
by a Marion county grand jury
Thursday. They are said to have
been involved in the burglary of a
Candalaria district drug store
Christmas morning.
Those indicted are Elmer Walls,
Peoria, 111.; James Henry Cain,
453 Tryon Ave., Salem, and Duane
Arvid Spencer, Newport. William
Elliott Miley, 2.W Hazel Ave.,
pleaded guilty to the charge in
circuit court.
Salem TV Again
Seeks Channel 3
WASHINGTON tfl The feder
al Communications Commission
Thursday again . was asked by
Salem Television Inc. for a li
cense to operate on television
channel 3 in Salem, Ore.
C. H. Fisher, president of the
firm, said Salem Television is op
posing an application by Storer
Broadcasting Co. to have the
channel assigned to Portland
where Storer now operates an
ultra high frequency station on
channel 27.-
Applications by both Storer and
Salem Television were denied by
the commission earlier.
- rf
Sfflsfy d3 mm
Fifty, m'xfy, wventy... foster, faster. ..eighty,
tmety CRASH!
Up in a cloud of smoke goes several thousand
dollars trorth of chrome, steel and rubber ... up in
ance rates are governed by the cost of automobile
accident . . . costs that are made up of such things
is hospital and medical expenses, garage bills, at
Liberty Street
Vacant Building
Destruction Set
Permit to wreck the vacant
building at 153-157 South Liberty
St. was issued by the city engi
neer's office Thursday.
The structure was last used as
the Smith for Governor and Mc
Allister for Supreme Court head
quarters. It is a two-story cement
building and is adjacent to the
parking lot at the corner of Ferry
and South Liberty streets.
The building is under the juris
dalism and thefts in Silverlon dur-
Wrecking will be done by E. S.
Bitter & Co.
Visual Program
Of Elks Told
The program of the Oregon State
Elks involving assistance for the
visually handicapped was present
ed to the membership of the Salem
Lions club Thursday noon at the
A motion picture entitled' "Out
of Darkness" was shown while
Wesley Stewart, chairman of the
Salem Elks lodge committee on
visually handicapped, explained
the manner in which assistance is
The children's eye clinic con
ducted on the University of Ore
gon medical school campus is con
sidered one of the best in the
world, said Stewart. The clinic is
for children of parents who are
financially unable to give assis
tance to their visually handicapped
The motion picture showed the
activities of a number of pre
school nurseries provided children
with sight difficulties.
Everett Wilcox, superintendent
at the Oregon School for the Blind,
commented on the program from
his own experience.
Foot Bone Broken
By Mrs. Truman
Mrs. Harry S. Truman is at In
dependence Hospital after break
ing a small bone in her left Zoot
in a fall at her home Thursday.
The foot is in a cast.
Doctors said she would be able
to return home in a few days.
Riesel Promised Help
Bv London Eve Doctor
LONDON Uft Labor columnist
Victor Riesel, who was blinded
by an acid attack in New York
last year, is visiting London for
several days and plans to see an
eye specialist.
Riesel said after his arrival yes
terday that the London specialist
"can help me, but he can't give
me back my sight." He also
planned to talk with British trade
union leaders.
Black Flags to Signal
Traffic Deaths in City
ALLENTOWN, Pa. in Black
flags will be flown from the top
of Allentown's highest building
and on all city police cruisers and
motorcycles the day after anyone
is killed here in a traffic accident.
Under the plan, yellow flags will
be flown when no one dies on the
highway in a 24-hour period.
go your
smoke go hopes, dreams and
plans for the future . . . and
up go your insurance rates,
It's just as simple as that
Vnn we. automobile insur
940 White Kwvy fiMg,
Graves, Nelson
Sentenced to
5 Year Terms
Theft of 50 pennies from a lccked
cash register in the Claude - and
Carolyn tavern. Turner, last Oc
tober 23, was a costly venture
for two Portland men.
Pete Graves, 35, and Roy Arthur
Nelson, 33, who had previously
waived grand jury investigation
and had entered guilty pleas to a
charge of burglary not in a dwell
ing, were sentenced to five years
in prison in circuit court Thurs
Ervin Wayne Speer, Aumsville,
charged with the burglary of a
North River road service station
last August, pleaded guilty to a
rharge of burglary not in a dwell
ing. The case was continued for
Also continued for sentence was
the case of Larry Brown, 18, H65
East Rural Ave., who had pleaded
guilty to a charge of obtaining
money by false pretenses. A $15
cneck. passed in Salem, was in
volved in the crime.
Blood Donors
Give 89 Pints
Eighty-nine pints of blood were
given in the Red Cross drawing
bold here Thursday. A week ago
108 pints were donated at a spe
cial drawing.
James B. Westfall, 385 Delmar
Dr., and Miss Helen L. Frazier,
3705 D St., each donated their 16th
pint of blood and Dale L. Green
lee, 1440 Ferry St., and Mrs. Mel-
vin Lux, 2770 Market St., joined
the Gallon club with their eighth
The Red Cross Bloodmobile will
make its next Salem visit here on
February 7;
Former Salem
Resident Dies
Funeral services will be held
here at 2 p.m. Tuesday for J. O.
Gross, a former Salem resident
who died in Phoenix, Ariz., Wed
nesday. The rites will , take place from
Virgil T. Golden chapel with the
Rev. W. Harold Lyman officiating.
Burial will be at Belcrest Me
morial Park with ritualistic serv
ices by the Knights of Pythias.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs.
Ruby Gross. Phoenix; two daugh
ters, and a brother, Walter Gross,
19S6 Floor Model
Easy Budget Terms
MIAIIC Hefrlgcraiion
IMUC 2350 State St.
Phone EM 24195
torney fees, automobile replacement parts and all
of the costs involved in the settlement of claims
including amounts awarded by juries.
Yes, even the safe driver helps pay the losses
caused by the careless ones.
Can anything be done to stop this? Yes, by
doing all you can to help stop accidente, by driv
ing carefully and courteously, by exercising sound
judgment in the awarding of damages. When
accepting jury service, follow the court's instruc
tions: "weigh and consider the case without regard
to sympathy, prejudice or passion for or against
either party."
SonMto 1, KfojiSington
Joyner Released
To Officials in
Clackamas Count
A 17-year-old Salem youth
charged with assault with a dan-
gerous weapon, has been released
to Clackamas county from where
he was on probation, Polk county
District Attorney Walter Foster
said Thursday.
Jack Crawford Joyner is charged
with shooting at a window in West
Salem with an air rifle in which in
cident an eight-year-old girl was
hit near the eye with a glass
Foster said he released the youth
to Clackamas county at the re-j
quest of circuit court Judge Ralph I
Holm an, from whose court the
youth was on probation" after being
given a suspended sentence.
The Polk county charge will be
held in abeyance pending action in
Clackamas county, roster said.
150 Cops Hunt
Teen Sisters,
Missing Week
CHICAGO tfl-Police intensified
their search today for two missing
teen-age sisters who failed to re
turn home last Friday night after
leaving to attend a movie.
More than 150 policemen were
directly involved in the hunt for
the girls, Barbara Grimes, 15, and
her sister Patricia, 14.
Capt. John McCarthy said po
lice have investigated scores of
reports that the girls had been
seen in various places in the city
and suburbs. However, he said.
police concentrated their work on
the city's South Side in the belief
that the girls are staying close
to home.
Taxi Fare Boosts
Asked in Portland
Council Thursday was asked by
three Portland taxi companies for
permission to increase fares.
The proposed rate schedule calls
for 10 cents per quarter mile in
stead of the present 10 cents per
third mile.
Complete Installations
Free Survev & Estimate
36 Months to Pay
Call Today EM-3H555
Eve. EM-48790 or EM-48821
Salem Healing &
Sheet Melal Co.
1085 Broadway
vvw e o- iii mil m in 11
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