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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1957)
Page 2 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Ore., Friday, January 4, 1957 M. de 18 inl Mi El T, Ul an Vt pe do; IS w at Fires, Fumes Snuff Out 36 Lives in U.S. 27 Children Dead In Residential Tragedies By UNITED PRESS Firrs and deadly fumr-5 have killfd more than 35 persons, most ol them children, in an outbreak or residential tragedies across the nation. A survey by United Press show ed a total of 3B persons killed. 27 of them children. Fires claimed 28 lives,, all but six of them young sters.' Carbon Monoxide Takes Toll Carbon monoxide fumes were blamed lor the deaths of a couple and their child and for a father and four of his children. The worst fire tragedies killed six persons each at Jeffersonvillc, Ga and Temple. Pa. OPE Protests Hiring Policy PORTLAND UPi A spokesman for the Oregon Public Employes Union Council protested to Go. Elmo Smith Thursday against the stale Civil Service Commission's new policy of hiring housewives as part-time office workers. In a telegram to the go.ernor, union council representative Leo Butts declared the program-"can only result In the ultimate de struction of career opportunities in the state by utilizing inexper ienced, part-lime employes at sub standard wages. , . ." At the same time, some 60 housewives showed up at the state Civil Service Commission offices here to apply for work. The turn out came a day after the com mission reported it had about 20 clerical jobs open and no qualified workers for them on a full-time basis. The commission said then it would recruit housewives as part-time employes and, within certain limits, would let them set their own working hours. NH'IM By Popular v., Request We - Are Having 'DAILY MATINEES When These Two Meet a Great Conspiracy Begins! INGRID RLDfiMAN icairinn YUl mm HELEN HAVIS It l J l m. MA M 1 cNf MtSgp.i Colo, . 01 LU't Co-Western lilt "DESPERADOS ARE IN TOWN" HEY KIDDIES Don't .Miss Sat. Malinre New Serial Plus "GUNSMOKE" With Audie Murphy liHiii'rjj HURRY-HURRY! Must End Sat. Nile IMPORTANT! WE WIIL ONLY PLAY "GIANT" ONCE AN EVENING AT 7:45 DOORS OPEN 6 45 Five members of one family were killed in a home fire at Marshall, Mo., three small chil dren burned to death in a blaze near Okolona, Miss., a father and daughter died in a fire at Dubuque Iowa, and two children were killed in a Birmingham, Ala., blaze. At Troy, N.V., Joseph Lashway, 42, and his three sons and a daughter died shortly after they were found unconscious in their homes late Thursday. Authorities said carbon monoxide apparently was responsible for the deaths, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown and their 8-year-old daughter died in their Columbus, Ohio, home when carbon monoxide fumes filled the house from an unvented gas heat er. Wipes Out Family The fire at Jeffcrsonville killed A. Lucius Ringwood, 40, his wife and their four children. An overheated kerosene stove was blamed for the fire at Tem ple. Trapped and killed by the flames in their one-story frame home were Mrs. Esther Rothermcl, 48; her grandchildren, Jimmy Hrobst, 1, and his 3-year-old sister, Peggy; her nieces, Donna Rother mcl, 2, and Carol Ann Fromm, 4; and a nephew, 4-year-old Kddie Hothermel, Donna's brother. Orvell Swisher, 37, his wife and their three children died in the fire at their home near Marshall. Probers Hit at Andrea Doria's Safety Margin Plane Hits House, Four Killed mmm Four Callfornians were, killed when their light plane crashed Into the rear of a home on Phoenix' Kast Side. No one was In the house at the time. (AP Wlrcpholo) Mansfield Bids Ike Tell Solons Risks, Costs of Mid-East Plan b1 Italian Line Disputes Criticism of House Committee By FRED S. HOFFMAN WASHINGTON Ufi -Specialists who- investigated the Andrea Doria sinking for a House com mit Lee say the Italian luxury liner met by a very narrow, margin" certain international safety standards. In Genoa, owners of the multimillion-dollar vessel disputed this and other findings of a panel which conducted the investigation ! for the House Merchant Marine , Committee. ' The probe was the outgrowth of ing placing blame for (he incident, badly damaged, but did not go said yesterday there were ser ious questions" as to whether the Doria and the Stockholm "were being operated in accordance with the precepts of good seamanship and the provisions of the inter national convention for safety of lite at sea. The investigators, while avoid ing placing blame for the incident, in yesterday there were ser ious questions" as to whether the Doria and the Stockholm "were heing operated in accordance with the precepts of good seamanship and the provisions of the inter national convention for safety of life at sea." By ERNEST B. VACCARO WASHINGTON MV-Sen. Mans field (D-Mont) called on President Eisenhower today to give Con gress an estimate of the "costs and of the dangers" involved in his proposal for thwarting possi ble Red aggression in the Middle East. Mansfield, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Commit tee, said Eisenhower should pro vide this information when he ap pears before a joint session to morrow. The senator spoke 'out in an in terview regarding Eisenhower's request for standby authority to use U. S. mflitary forces in the Middle East in event of possible aggression there. The President will go before an unusual Saturday joint session to to use U. S. military might if he felt such a move was necessary to block Russian intrusion into the Middle East. 2. Authorize tl j spending of 400 million dollars over a two-year period beginning next July for economic aid to nations in the strife-wracked area. So far there has been little .out- British Reopen WWII Air Base On Indian Isle By WATSON SIMS ward opposition in Congress to the Eisenhower administration's Mid dle East proposals, pictured in some official quarters as needed to fill a power vacuum left by de struction of British and French in fluence in the region. Overseas, the administration's proposal for standby troop author ity met a hostile reaction from sources in Arab Syria and Egypt and Communist Yugo slavia. In Damascus, Ihsan El Jabri, chairman of the Syrian Parlia ment's Foreign Affairs Commit tee, called the plan "a plot en gineered by the imperialists." In Cairo, the newspaper Al Messaa published an article saying Eisen hower's request involves a meth od "rejected by all the peoples of the world." In Belgrade, the Plane Smacks House; 4 Die phuenix, Ariz. Wl A novice pilot spun out of the overcast yes terday and crashed into the only unoccupied house on a quiet res idential street. All four aboard the plane were killed. 1 Raymond C. Roberts, a 38-year- old oil exploration engineer at Cos ta Mesa, Calif., had rented the plane at an airport near his home. With him were his busi ness partner Urbin N. Hartman, 52, of Anaheim, Calif., and their wives, Mrs. Leona Roberts, 40, and Mrs. Anna Hartman, 51. The Civil Aeronautics Adminis tration said Roberts got his pilot's license Dec. 24 and had flown only 24 hours on his own. Khrushy Saul Still Healthy MOSCOW, Ifl A Soviet Foreign Ministry spokesman told a report' T.ntsmnN m Fanorf uiiih ih. 1 Communist newspaper Borba saidiPr Pririav hp has anihm-i,! press for approval o( a resolution los5 o( ncr mjijtary hasos in Cey-ilhat b adopting the Eisenhower , state that Nikita Khrushchev which would: 1. Give him advance authority Army Contract Given Defense Official's Wife Ion, Britain has decided to reopen ;Plan ,h.e utcd s'atcs w0",!d risk her Wor d War II a r base n the w""B '" WASHINGTON IB The Army has awarded an $8:14,150 contract Asst. Secretary of Defense Robert idia" ,cen wme 0 miles south Tripp Jtoss. Maldive Islands as a stopoff on the way to Australia and the Far East. , The Commonwealth Relations Office announced an agreement had been reached with the Mal dive sultanate to reactivate the base on the island of Gan, in the Addu Atoll group. A communica tions center also will be set up on the neighboring island of Hat tadu. The Maldives, a chain of more than 2.000 tiny islands in the ln- But Mrs. Claire Wynn Ross, confirming yesterday the contract award shown in Defense Depart ment records, said in New York west of Ceylon, became a British protectorate in 1887. The popu lation of 93,000 is almost entire ly Moslem. Reopening of the Maldive base was viewed in London as a major doctors gave heir to the colonial powers.' to is in good health. He declined, how ever, to give any reasons for the Communist Party leader's ab sence from public functions since New Year's Eve. Khrushchev's absence from sev eral functions he might normal ly have been expected to attend in the or that serious had aroused speculation West that he might be III; some thing politically might be in the wind. Body Severed, Man Clings to Life 7 Honrs HANNIBAL, Mo. WJ-John Bob bin, 46, was cut in two by a switch engine yesterday but amazed doctors by clinging to life more than five hours. Through three of those hours he talked with his wife, a minister and doctors, who told him almost irom me ouiset ne wouia cue. ne VAN NUYS, Calif. W - Actor nm not appear in mucn pain, ineni Michael O'Shea has pleaded guilty O'Shea Guilty Over Gun play him her hid was $75,000 lower than thejnew approach t'0 tne prol)em ofand he died two hours later anesthetic ! to questioner. 'I saved the govern- ii, mil 7S IVn nii lliie Kill 1 Hnn'l They said "it is clear from this i,,., ,..k.i, ni ' n;i,i accident that the operation of theor iose a lot o lonev." Miinuarus oi me mil international convention did not meet their ob jectives." Accordingly, the spe cialists recommended that the IH'Xl lUWl'M IU Olieri'U. maintninina;nnr k "My husband has no more to do 'tween Britain and the Far East, with it than you do." she told a Britain agreed last July to give illegally discharging a gun within the citv limits, a misdemea nor punishable by up to six months in jail. 'lis Drobntion hearinir and sen- up her naval base at Trincomalee " see them." ! fencing were set yesterday for nu her air base at Ka unavake ur. en said me crushing in-1. inn 21. on Ceylon. Premier Solomon Ran-Jury, across ihe ahuomen, sealed! Actress Virginia Mayo, O'Shea's darnnaike, who upset Ceylon's, 0,1 D1fd vessels and mere was wj(, accompanied him to Muni- The Defense Department said pro-West government in elections j almost no nleedimr. i eipal Court. He was arrested Nov. the contract was awarded Nov. 13, 1 last April, formally requested j , 1 oioner itenry 11. aweeis said 7 nfter fjrjng a 22 rifle at tires iy."i6. for 249.000 pairs of light-; r 1 1 1 s h withdrawal from the doDDiu tout several persons no f a tractor being driven by two I never heard of such a thing.' said Dr. J. W. Well. "Most people injured in that way are dead when j you see them." ! Dr. Well said the crushing in-i rnited States propose si pes to ward adoption of "more elleclive standards for construction and operation." 1 threw himself in front i switcher. Relatives said been nervous recently. Tito rn.trf vine t II.- way the Dona was fitted with nsl October, (in-i limn niuiiu unrnis aimed at confining flooding to damaged portions of the ship. It said the Hnno ha,T.Ki .v,Ai i . j j j '.y, "'".many government contracts, -j 11 u'of them won on "''"'i-"""' --m mi nu- lnmrma tion they had indicated that the vessel, was not properlv ballasted, causing her to list badly alter the crash. i weight cotton wind-resistant trou- bases, sers. It went to Wynn Enterprises. Handaranaike advocates a pol Inc. of Knoxville. Tenn.. and : icy of neutrality between the West New York. Mrs. Ross said she . and the Communist bloc and elos- Hpnt nf Wvnn Enter-1 er relations with Russia and Corn ier hrother re ired muni si Lnina. a hoiiBh he has 1 '"'L,U' eu .wi 11 UJ boys near his ranch home in Van ',auxuys. At the time he said he had I become "fed up" with the noise. Marine Chiefs A-Arms Quote GoesUndenied Officials Huddle, But Refuse to Comment On Pate Words WASHINGTON (fl A pub lished report that U. S. Marines in the Mediterranean area have "live" atomic artillery weapons was discussed among top govern ment officials yesterday. But there was no official confirmation or denial of its authenticity. The report, published in Scripps-Howard newspapers, quot ed Gen. Randolph Pate, Marine Corps commandant. Pate himself was among those who declined to comment. At the White House, press sec retary James C. Hagerty said in response to questions that Presi dent Eisenhower "has given no authority for use of atomic or any other weapons in the Middle East." Hagerty declined to com ment further. Newsmen also asked Secretary of State Dulles about the re port as Dulles emerged from a conference with Eisenhower on the Middle East situation. Indi cating he and White House offi cials had discussed the atomic ar tillery report, Dulles told re porters he expected Hagerty to "comment on that right away." The Hagerty statement came more than an hour later. At the Pentagon, Pate con firmed to newsmen that he had talked over his reported remarks with Deputy Secretary of Defense Reuben Robertson. But the Ma rine commandant refused to "confirm, deny or discuss any thing" about the report itself. Pate also conferred with Secre tary of the Navy Charles Thomas prior to his session with Robert son. Congressmen Attack Dollar Aid Program In Iran as Wasteful Plane Safe as Engine Conks SEATTLE m A Northwest Airlines plane carrying six per sons landed without incident at Larson Air Force Base. Moses Lake, Thursday night after one engine failed on a westbound flight to Seattle. Ihe twin-engined DC3 was car rying three passengers and a crew of three. The flight origi nated in the hast and was on the last leg of the trip, Spokane to Seattle, when the engine failed 10 miles west of Ephrata. Say Cash Used in Place of Smart Diplomacy By LEWIS CULICK WASHINGTON W Rep. Jack Brooks (D-Tex) said today It looks jas if the United States "used dol lars instead of diplomacy" in try ling to bolster the strategic Middle ; East country of Iran, j Brooks is a member of the House International Operations ' subcommittee which yesterday used such terms as "loose," "slip Ishod" and "shocking" to describe . America's quarter billion- dollar aid program to Iran 1951-56. The subcommittee pictured U. S. aid as pouring "uncontrolled" money into Iran when Iran got into economic troubles after Pre mier Mossadegh's 1951 seizure of the British-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. It said American gift dollars have continued to go to the Mid dle East country at a high rate even though her oil earnings started up again in 1954. Iran, with a 1, 000-mile border with Russia and an estimated 13 per cent of the world's oil re serves, is presumably one of the countries thought of in President Eisenhower's plan to thwart any Soviet aggression in the Middle East. Eisenhower reportedly wants authority for a special 400-million-dollar, two-year aid program for the area, along with standby au thority to use troops, if necessary. He is to address a joint session of Congress on the situation to morrow. The House subcommittee listed its conclusions from a lengthy in vestigation of Iranian aid in a report which Chairman Hardy (D Va) said was approved in a closed session 5 -terday. The subcommittee recommend ed that Congress take a broad look at the foreign aid program to find out "the extent to which it has departed from its economic role and has become a vehicle for dealing with diplomatic prob lems simply by writing out an nual checks drawn on the U. S. taxpayer." The congressmen also said that foreign aid officials should "re verso the present pattern of de- llUUIg Ul. - .....1.1.3 'first and actual programs and projects later. HEI.ZER NAMED MAYOR OREGON CITY il - Georse Helzer has been named mayor of Oregon City. He was elected to the post Wed nesday by the City Commission, succeeding Rich d Long. Pete Laurs was named presi dent of the commission. ' EAGLES DANCES AGAIN SAT. NIGHTS YOUR GUESTS ARE WELCOME AT EAGLES HALL Completely Remodeled Centrally Located BANQUET FACILITIES Group Meetings From 10 to 100 People 440 State Phone EM-35016 PRINTED PATTERNS Simply Beautiful to Cut and Sew man for Skellon said would return home in SKF.I.TON SON HAS I.Kl'KEMIA China, ami had served as ; made no move to take Ceylon out ; ton's 9-year-old son Richard is un- irriKiirrr sinre ihe firm was of the British commonwealth. The treatment tor leukemia at founclwl in .'.H4. I British are to withdraw from the Los Angeles hospital. A spokes She said the company has had , Ceylonese bases this year. each ' sow a new noli lira oartv has low competi-1 been formed in ' eylon to seek to ; aa s- live bid. 'keep the British at the Tnncoma- A spokesman for Ross said he ; loe nnvl base. At the party's in s e v e r e d business connections auguration New Year's Eve it was when he filed as a candidate for ' said that more than 30.000 fami- nomination to Congress in Febru- 're nepenoent directly nor tnnirecny on income earned from the naval installation. II. C. BILL INTRODITFD V Alll v.:tiiv i . A Kill ' which would authorize construc tion of a federal Hells Canyon the bov : Dam on the Snake River was in- about 10 troduced Thursday bv Rep. Pfost He said physicians v ould ; (D-ldahol. Sen. Morse ID-Ore) not speculate on his chances for saul he intends to offer a similar reeoverv. 'bill in the Senate. arv 1952. Hcplying to these criticisms, the Poria's owners said the liner met hilly inlernatiiinM ' require ments on watertight subdivision of hulls. They said further the Dona was built in line with standards set by the British Lloyds Itrcistrr is of Shipping, (he Aineruan Bureau the tremendous blow she received. of Shipping and the Italian Reg-.the ship was able to remain afloat ister of Shipping. ; r 11 hours. . ." On the question of ballasting, lie owners said. "The best proof of the positive stability of the ship seen in the tact that despite ' ?T 'GEORGE STEVENS' PROOUKTION I an EUZABrttf Pflfm J.WES w ENDS TOMORROW JW H0LLIDAY Paul DOUGLAS AMI "PORT AFRIOUr Pier Anell l'hil Orrv Hollywood Kids Club Matinea tvary Saturday 1-4 P. M. This Week's Special Feature "DANGEROUS MISSION" Victor Mature Piper Laurie William Hrnclij Vinrrnt Price AND DON'T FORGET ONE HOUR OF CARTOONS Special Attention to Hirlhitav I'irlies M ARIS SI MIAY I'M'O U)P HITS rr 1 -I ll Spfncpr Trary Hnhrrt Wjrnrr Deputy Jailed on Moleslin; (unl KLAMATH FALUS (.ft Woody .loo, 42, a sheriff's deputy for the past t'i years on the Klamath Indian Reservation, i$ held in jail here under $.r,000 bail on a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The complaint stems from the molesting of a 17-year-old girl from Monana, said Sheriff Mur ray Bntton. Joe was fired shortly before the complaint was signed. m m m hAburg kORTH CAPITOL ATHOOa. WHfKS THE F0OO Hi fiOOW' .V MIMA DON'T MISS IT The m m sion fet) "Don WltXteltead v i Who jtorted the FBI and when? How do it get re cruit? Whot chance have you of joining up? Who! is the iniide itory on iome of the G Men'j moit famoui caie? How did ill activity differ in Wotld War I ond in World War II? lheie ate just a few of the qoeitioni that thii extraor dinary jene oniv.erj. It itarti in this paper Monday and will run fix day a week for five week. STARTING MUM, AM. IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 7 I i0 M AT' X O FRONT I I I Am H I! V , , t Wny are our patterns mere popular than ever. favorites ov smart women everywhere? It' simply because our patterns ore PRINTED I Loot ond see how eoeh beautifully shaped pattern piece has directions printed on it. See how easy il is lo cut ond sew ihii flattering sheath. Then turn to our Pattern Feolure today. Order your Marian Martin Pattern Prompt delivery assured. MARIAN MARTIN printed patterns Designed for Easy, Fast Sewing Capital a Journal T t