Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, January 2, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Reunion at Canby Monitor; Mr. and Mrs. John Flora and family of Canby; Mr. and Mrs. 1 Russians Build Molokan Church at Gervais Albany Jayeees Will Burn Trees On Twelfth Night ALBANY (Special) Albany Junior Chamber of Commerce numbers will observe Ihelr an nual Twelfth Night ceremonies Sunday when they hold their Christmas tree burning. Chairman Jim Donahue says (he trees will be picked up through Saturday from street curbing. The burning will take place Sunday night on Hill St., across from the railroad tracks, Donahue described the pro gram, as well as being tradition al, as a safety measure, de signed to rid the city's homes of highly flammable dried out Christmas trees. Driver Penalized ALBANY (Special) Bazil Wayne Cooper, 72, Tangent, was arrested on Seven Mile Lane by a state po lice officer Sunday. The officer found Cooper driving his car in an erratic manner. Cooper, when he appeared in district court pleaded guilty to a drunk-driving charge and was fined $175 plus $5 costs. He was committed to the Linn county jail pending payment of his fine. More than 2.500 companies are engaged in door-to-door selling in the United States. SCOTTS MILLS (Special) A Toljiet Hoheim of Oregon City; family reunion dinner was given recently at the Marks Prairie hal in Canby. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Vetter and sons; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cup and sons of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cutsforth of Estacada, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Vetter and family of Scott's Mills, and Mr. and Mrs. DeWayno Vetter of Molalla. Ph. EM 3-3191 155 N. Liberty i. i It. -- m . ' -w .EW 1 el ' u fa'-ViiiV'iri i r-r Seventeen volunteer I a boron of Rtuclan birth or extraction were ioclated with the tymbollam of this Chriitlan wet. About SO engaged In bull din the Molokan church at Gervalt on the last families constitute the congregation with Iran Baghdanov as day of 1956. The word "Molokqn" means drinker of milk and Is preacher. (Capital Journal Photo) Tally 3 Babies ' At Lebanon In New Year Derby LEBANON (Special) New Year's Day babies at the Lebanon Community hospital came late in the day this year, but three finally arrived. First was a Rirl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramsey of Sweet Home, who came at 3:41 p.m. Next was a boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anzel E. Kent of Lebanon, arriving at 5:16 p.m. Last was another boy, born lo Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hinlon of Foster at 8.05 p.m. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL JEFFERSON CSpcciall Mrs. Geneva Kester was taken to the Albany hospital Monday where she Is receiving trealment. Home Rebekah Lodge Installs Officers in New Year Ritual W00DBURN (Special) The annual installation of officers of Home Rebekah lodge was Tuesday night at the IOOF hall wilh Mrs. Blanche Wagcnveld, district dep uty president, as the installing of ficer. She was assisted by Mrs. James Livesay as deputy marshal; Mrs. Nellie Johnson as deputy warden; Mrs. Clara Slange as de puty secretary; Mrs. Guy Englc as deputy financial secretary; Miss Mabel Livesay as deputy treasur er; Mrs. Gordon Luffman as dep uty inside guard; Mrs. Frank Wright as deputy outside guard; Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo as deputy musician and Mrs. Arthur Burt as deputy chaplain. Installed were Mrs. W. W. Sporalsky, noble grand; Mrs. James Gass, vice grand; Mrs. Addie Doud, secretary; Mrs. Myr tle Hall, treasurer, and Mrs. Thom as Engle, financial secretary. Appointive officers seated were Mrs. Hattie Fields, warden; Mrs. Frank Covey, conductor; Mrs. Harlow Dixon, flag bearer; Mrs. Arthur Burt, RSNG; Miss Mabel Livesay, LSNG; Mrs. Blanche Wagenvcld, RSVG; Mrs. James B. Gay, LSVG; Mrs. Alfred Moon, musician; Mrs. Verna Bushman, inside guardian; Mrs. E. C. Pey ton, outside guardian. Mrs. Ed ward Dellaan is the retiring no ble grand. Mrs. Sporalsky appointed Mrs. Clara Slange, Mrs. Frank Wright and Mrs. Nettie Johnson as the new finance committee. Mrs. Clara Slange was elected degree captain and Mrs. Arthur Burt was elected trustee for three years to succeed Mrs. Nettie John son whose term had expired. Mrs. Johnson presented a gift to Mrs. Dellaan, retiring noble grand, in behalf of her officers and Mrs. Wagcnveld presented her with a past noble grand's pin in behalf of the lodge. Mrs. Wagcnveld and her instal ling officers will install the of ficers of Frances Lodge No. 242 at Monitor Jan. 9, when Mrs. Ethel Gibbs, president of the Rebekah Assembly of Oregon, will make her official visit to the Monitor lodge. A thank you letter was read from the IOOF' Home in Portland for Christmas gifts sent by the lodge. A report on the Christmas party was given by .Mrs. Guy Engle. Mrs. Lorraine Tragelio of Trucker Pays Overload Fine ALBANY (Special) Charles Richard Henderson. Mill City, was assessed a $610 fine in district court here when he pleaded guilty to the charge of overloading his truck. Judge Wendell Tompkins also fined Charles Kenneth Rem ington, Sweet Home, $175 for drunk driving. Also appearing before Judge Tompkins was Larry Gene Will, of Hubbard, who was fined $45 on a charge of following too closely the vehicle ahead of him. He was ar rested by a state policeman. Buzz Clarence Quimby, Port land, bus driver, was fined $15 for speeding. Keith Rebekah lodge in Canby was a visitor and extended an invita tion to visit Keith lodge January 29 when Mrs. Gibbs, the president, will make her official visit. A potluck lunch was served after the meeting by Mrs. E. C. Peyton, Mrs. Nettie Johnson, Mrs. Harlow Dixon and Mrs. Jay Web er. The tables were in charge of Mrs. James B. Gay and Mrs. De Haan wilh decorations appropriate to the New Year. The next meeting will be Jan. 15 with Mrs. Arthur Burt, Mrs. Myrtle Hall and Mrs. Harlow Dix on serving refreshments. 1 Phone EM 3-3191 ; s;84 y ear, old policy , MR. JH every .fern Bfe; 155 N. Liberty M: :T fid iV W 111 I iW k 1.1 ; (, MYJl V BUREAU OF STANDARDS Wards own low-priced brands REDUCED! Every one lab-tested and approved! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back! Longwear Muslin Sheets sale 1.59 81 x 99" FULL SIZE 72 x 108" TWIN SIZE FITTED TWIN, BOTTOM SHEET 81 x 108" full size or fitted full, bottom sheet Pillow Case 42 x 36"-39c 1.76 Treasure Chest-Silky Smooth 180-Count Combed Percale 2.19 1.99 81 x 108" full size or 72 x 108" twin size fitted full bottom. or fitted twin bottom. Pillow Case 42x38lV'-56c Sweet Dream Longwear Pastels 2.15 81 x 108" full size. Pillow Case 42 x 36" 46e. Blue, Green, Li lac, Pink. More Wards White Sale Savings! 19c UNBLEACHED MUSLIN For drapes, Ironing covers. 36" 14c yd. 35c BLEACHED MUSLIN Best quality. For uniforms. 36" 28c yd. 3.98 CHENIUE SPREADS Eyeful of color. Washable, 5.94 BLEACHED COTTON SQUARES Usual 27c. For towels. 30" o.. 5 for $1 Dacron-Nylon Edged Towels Usual 79c ea. for 99c Cannon gave these fiuffy tow. els fray-resistant edges. 22x 44". Face Towel 3 for 99c Wash Cloth 6 for 99c 1.98 CANNON 25x50" TOWEll 20'. pioie drying area! ... 1.24 3.49 MATTRESS PAD Filling won't ihiftl Bleached .2.94 2.49 Twin Mattress Pad....l.94 1.98 SHEET-BLANKET White cotton. 70x90" 1.74 2.98 COTTON BLANKET A warm sheet, tool 80x108" 2.64 4.98 WARM SOFT BLANKET 90 rayon, 10 nylon 3.94 First Quality 80-sq. Percale 28yd. Cotton you'll sew into aprons, dresses. Geo metrics, florals, juve niles, "calicos", and many others. PRE-INVENTORY J bJ ZA Lb Lb Bras tic Reductions On Women's (oats, Dresses, Sportswear SENSATIONAL SAVINGS . . . TREMENDOUS ASSORTMENT To make room for new merchandise, Wards is slashing women's clothing prices to rock-bottom for quick disposal. Not every size in every style ond color so hurry and choose yours while quantities are still ample. You con save plenty now ond pay small amounts later with Wards Convenient Monthly Payment Plan. MISSES' COATS ( 1 . i 1 Were 16.98 Now $9 Were 19.98 . . Now $13 to $16 Were 24.98 Now $20 ! Were 29.98 . . Now $20 to $25 BLOUSES Were 1.98 . . Now 80c to $1.50 Were 2.98 . . . . Now $1 to $2 Were 3.98 . . Now $1.50 to $3 MID-TEEN COATS Were 14.98 . Now $13 f Were 19.98 Now $16 5 GIRLS' COATS Were 1 2.88 to 1 2.98 Now ... $6 to $1 0 Were 14.98 $13 Were 16.98 $13 Were 19.98 $16 Were 3.98 , Were 4.98 , Were 5.98 Were 7.98 Were 8.98 Were 9.98 Were 14.98 SKIRTS . . . Now $2 to $3 . . . Now $3 to $4 . ., . Now $3 to $5 Now $5 Now $6 Now $6 ...... Now $7 H05 t ssxsEsssnsi JACKETS Were 7.98 Now $5 Were 8.98 . . . . . . Now $6 SWEATERS i Were 3.98 . . . . Now $2 to $3 1 I Now $6 y Were 4.98 NYLON NET FORMAL Were 15.98 to 16.98 . . Now $12 Were 19.98 Now $14 DUSTERS Were 8.98 DRESSES Were 9.98 Now tit Were 12.98 Now $10 M ft 1 Now $3 i rift I Were 10,98 to 14.W ... Now $7 I IB? "ss H-4--- - f Were 5.98 Now $3 o