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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 3, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAE Section 1 Page 9 3 I Reg. 119.95! French Provincial chair & ottoman 99-50 Outstanding savings on this smartly styled twosome perfect for lounging comfort. Sturdily built, handsomely styled with lovely matelasse cover in beige, green, rose' or gold. Cherrywood legs. Lipman's Furniture, lower level Reg. 159.50! French Provincial loiinge chair 11950 A comfortable, decorative addition to any home now at a saving of $40! Beautiful French Provincial styling, uphol stered in either rich tapestry or textured tweed fabrics in 4 colors. Fruitwood trim. Lipman's Furniture, lower level 3-Pc. Sectional Foam Sofa Bed reg. 349.95 299 95 re $199 $139 Made by Biltwcll. Full foam rubber cushions. Green tweed cover. Real buy! Full size lofa. Closes with bed made up. All foam rub ber cushions. All colors. Reg. 59.50 Each! Slumber Sleep mattress & springs 29.75 Save one-half on this 405 coil mattress- or box spring both known for sleeping comfort. Prcbuilt borders, 8 ounce tick ing, handles for easy turning. Both terrific buys at this low pricel Lipman's FtirnUure,lower level Dining Room Table 1 TV Roto Chairs 129.95 8995 rri!. 79.95 5995 Mahogany Chair 11495 Custom Love Seat reg. 144.95 $190 $149 Mahogany Buffet 12995 reg. 169.95 Bronze Lamps 1993 3-1.95 Handsome mahogany table and leaf with Duncan Phyfe legs. 38"x58". Leaf 12". Comfortable TV viewing. Turns easily. Red, green, brown tweed. Button tufted. Handsome heirloom piece. Hand-carved Victorian chair. Oval back. Needlepoint cov- Custom made by Pennsylva nia House. Lovely tapestry cover. Ruffled skirt. Traditional, slylyig. Deep g Flemish bronze, copies of an drawers, brass hardware, dl- j tique French lamps. 1 pair vided silver drawers. 60". only. Beautiful buyi. '!i;'i.'.,W'-y-"'J 2-Pc. Sectional 27995 reg. 3.39.50 2-Pc. Bedroom Set 13950 reg. 169.50 Foam Lounge Chair 7995 Smartly styled open-end sec tional. Full foam rubber construction. Brown tweed. 6-drawer dresser with tilting mirror. Bookcase headboard bed. Cameo white. Rockers and Swivels 79.95 J J Wonderfully comfortable Smart covers in tweed and I Occasional Chairs , Hide-a-Bed Sofa rcg. 99.95 rrg. 109.95 79 95 reg. 299.50 Recliner Chair 7995 Famous Stratorester special ly priced. Comfort plus. Tweed and nangahyde covers. Maple Bunk Beds 7&5 5495 Sturdy, attractive beds, wag on wheel design. Handsome Salem finish maple. Save! with foam rubber cushions. Brass Up legs. Gold tweed. Occasional Chair 8995 solid colors. Light oak wood trim. Comfortable. 2-Pc. Sectional Distinctive Swedish modern styling. Handsome tweed covec in turquoise. Real buy. 25950 Simmons hide a bed with Deep Sleep mattress,, green nuhby frictfe cover. Comfort plus. 2-Pc. Bedroom Set 159.95 11V Double dresser, plate mirror. Modern Lamps no r 17.95 Smart contemporary design Bookcase headboard bed. in brown, pink and brass. Walnut or light oak. 2 lamps. j White Vinyl shade. 2 only. reg. 129.95 reg. 269.95 219 95 Foam Rubber Sofa 22993 rrg. $260 Smart Davenos 9993 Nylon Throw Rugs rrg. 139.95 Vi off Handsome blue velvet cover Save $50! 100 nylon tex with button tufted detail, j tured frieze cover. Foam Cherry wood legs. I rubber cushions. Valentine Seavcr foam rub ber sofa. Grey and gold cov er. Skirt with Inverted pleat. Extra heavy patterned cover in brown, red or green. Deep bedding compartment. rrg. 4.45 to 14.95 1007. nylon. Skid resistant. Reg. 4 4S, 24x42", 2.25. Reg. I 9.41), 3x5', 4.7.1. 4x8' 7.50 Ceiling Lamps 2095 Colonial type ceiling pull 'down lamps In brass with frosted chimney. Lovely de sign. imt-i.'- " ...1 i. . ' '""'M'r .'Ti l IC , ...t .... n tfcaTIDiirT -ry "r f-'- - k - hof-a-Kind! Floor Samples! Famous Is' a me! mattress & springs Vs off Tremendous savings on famous name mattresses and box SDrines in twin or full bed sizes. One-of-a-kind and floor samples, some slightly soiled. Some foam rubber sets 13 off regular prices! Lipman's Furniture, lower Iriel All Reg. 11.50 Sq. Yd.! Stain Resistant all wool Mulby Tex g.95 mj. yd. Save now on Lipman's most wanted quality carpet! All wool construction; firm resiliency for longrr wear; rip pling ""high-low" loop construction for rich-looking texture. Choose from 10 beautiful colors. Lipman's Carpeting, lower In cl ..... 1 ... J w- I iaw. wau f Specially Priced! Textured Viscose Rayon ! tweed broadloom 4.95 n(j. yd. Importantly textured, tightly tufted broadloom iu your choice of 4 favorite tweeds: brown, gold, green, blackwhile or "Ploughed Karth." Long-wearing quality. 12 foot lengths only. Limited quantity. . Lipman's Carpeting, lower level ,... , -,J.. IP H I. Ill IJI , , 'T''""''"--" Suez Salvage Pace Speeded -At Two Points VT. German Teams Push " Bridge Work ; Divers Eye Raising Job By ANTOINE YARRD PORT SAID, Egypt to - TIk ' pace of salvage work in the Sue. Canal picked up today with divers and crews working on two of th biggest obstructions the col lapsed Ferdan bridge and th sunken Egyptian landing ship Akka. ; West German teams pushed their work at the Ferdan bridge, 38'i miles south of Port Said. Divers attached wire cables In sertions of the sunken span. Th salvage vessels Energie and Aus- '1 dauer, largest of their type in the world, stood by to lift parts of "; the damaged structure as they ' vore cut away. . ", Divers made underwater sur--'-vcys of the Akka. Her removal is expected to be one of the toughest '; jobs in the clearance operation. ' . The possibility that some of the 13 ships stranded in the canal during the Brilish-Frcnch-lsraell -attack on Egypt might be able- . to move out in a few days was " ' reported by Egypt's Middle East . News Agency. The agency quoted Mahmoud Yunis, managing dircc---- tor of the Egyptian Suez Canal' ' Authority, as saying large ships ';: would be able to sail for Port ' Said within the next four days. U. S. Lt. Gen. Raymond A. Wheeler, U. N. boss of the clear-. .: ance project, has estimated the - entire canal will be open in May to me tartest type vessels it can handle. He hopes to have a chan nel open by early March that can accommodate oil tankers and f other vessels un to about 10,000 tons. Work In the immediate Sues - city area was taken over by sal- - vage crews from the Egyptian, canal aulhority. The Egyptians 1 went to work on the sunken tug , Atlas. An Egyptian spokesman . ':: said they expected the tug could ' oe moved in tour days. Wheeler, on an inspection tour of work at the Ferdan bridge, told . reporters the clearance operation is going on very well. Egyptian authorities in Port Said handed over to a Swedish . battalion a body they said was .1 d-u:.i. A.m.. Tl AIt....... Moorehouse. Moorehouso was kid- ., Inaped by Egyptians Dec. 11, short ly before Britsh-French invasion forces pulled out of the port city. Newspaper accounts have said he . suffocated while hidden in a cup board during the search for him. Dooley Heads T J. UJLJ JLV J. UUlIg Men Selection J. C. Will Honor Group At Dallas Banquet January 19 TUI-SA, Okla. lAV-Ten men, all under 35, from the fields of sports, the ministry, medicine, law, I government, business, engineering , an deducation, today were named the outstanding young men of America for 1056 by the U. 5. Jun ior Chamber of Commerce. The 10 will he honored at a ban quet Jan. 19 In Dallas. . . Selected by a panel of national- ' ly prominent persons, the 10 men . were chosen for outstanding con tributions to their professions and to the general welfare of the people. The 10 receiving the awards . are: Thomas A. Dooley, M D., 29, St. Louis, author of "Deliver I's . From Evil." a storv of his work with Vict Nam refugees from communism. Carl D. Erskie, 30, Anderson,. Tnd., baseball pitcher for the' Brooklyn Dodgers. Millard Iliirinon, 30, Auburn- dale. Mass., educator and class1 room leiiclicr. author of 40 pro fessional articles and a national ' education cuii.iul.ant. Hobert C. I.iebenow. 34. Wil- mette. III., attorney, president of the Chicago Board of Trade. Frank W. C. Loo, 34. Honolulu, Hawaii, attorney, leader in Amer-. icanism ana citizensnip, eauca-' .. no,,, ii iiiiiuniiy iiriiri niri.i fliiti religious development programs in Hawaii. Richard Foote Peder&on, 31, New York. Den.irtment of State foreign officer. II. S. mission to the United Nations. John Patterson. 34. Montgom ery. Ala , attorney general of " stale attorney general, Albert L.' Patterson, who was assassinated . in Phenix City. The Rev. Robert Eugene Rich ards, 30. Laverne. Calif., minis ter, amateur athlete and teach er, r.00 uiympic poie vaun cudin pion. Dr. Hugh E. Stephenson Jr., 34, Columbia, Mo., cardiovascular surgeon. Richard T. Whitcomb. 35, Hampton. Va., aeronautical re- .' of airplane design for supersonic 'L flight advanced aviation. Ol.I.ENHAl'ER TO VISIT U.S. BONN, Germany to The West German opposition leader, flrirh Ollenhauer. will go the I'nitrd States next month to con fer with American leaders. 01l"n hauer. chairman of fie strong So cialist Party, would become chan cellor of West Germany If his So cfallsts win the September gen tral election.