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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 3,1957 3?ap '(WSecliofi '4 THE CAPITAL JOURNAE morning.- Low marks included 21 at Columbia, S. C, and Au gusta, Ga. Arctic air continued over most of the area from the Great Lakes eastward to the Atlantic Coast although warming was forecast during the day. The unseasonable cold was expected to continue in most of the Southeast at least another day. jl Moving Day for Oregon's First Family 'fig Eye9 Club Popular in Antarctic Icy Wave Dips Into Southeast By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Southerly winds brought a ..-mina trmrut in chilled Midwest Bj DON GUY MCMURDO SOUND, Antarctica lA-Thii is the land of the Big Eye. The most popular club in this Navy Deep Freeze base is the Big Eye Club. You automatically join if you try to imitate the sun by staying awake 24 hours a day. Nobody knows who started the term Big Eye. It's a good name for the glassy stare folks give is an unscheduled Big Eye are inside the windowless Quon set huts trying, as C. W. 0. Wal Air Force Globemaster at Hare- movie. The other fellow is prob ably trying to find a poker game. For the first time in history people are flying from New Zea land, a land of night and day, 2, 250 miles to an Antarctica of continuous davlight. The sudden wood Airport, Christchurch, N. Z., in midafternoon and land on an ice strip runway about 11 hours later. By the time you have eaten ear ly breakfast in chow hall and unpacked your gear the rest of the camp is in full stir. A night's sleep was lost without being missed. The first afternoon is the criti cal period. If you succumb to a brief nap, all is lost. You awake so refreshed you stay awake all night and the Big Eye Club has a new member. ter C. Ahlin Jr. puts it, "to get back on a sleeping schedule even if they stay awake all night in the attempt." Ahlin, in charge of pho to mapping and a veteran of many flights over unexplored areas in the antarctic, is from East Greenwich, R. I, and Ar lington, Mass. On previous expeditions to An tarctica it took weeks for a ship to battle its way through the areas today and relief was in prospect for the Northeast but Icy air dipped into the Southeast. Temperatures tumbled below freezing in sections of Georgia, the Carolinas and northern Flor ida as the cold air moved south eastward from the northern Mid lands and Northeast. Readings in the Southeast and along the Gulf Coast were 5 to change jars the sleeping habits of TO HIRE HOUSEWIVES PORTLAND, Ore. 1A-The Ore. gon Civil Service Commission has announced a new policy of recruit" ing housewives for part-time cler. ical jobs. John Martin, manager of the commission's Portland of fice, said the women will be al lowed to set their own working hours, within limits. a lifetime. You can tell the new arrivals by the way they stand around out side late at night wondering whether a climb up Observation Hill would make them tired each other -when they meet in the midnight sunshine. 'Big Eye, huh?" you say to the other party, pretending to be on an important stormy oceans and pack ice that mission yourself. I enough to feel like sacking down. The old-timers have given up at tempting to outlast the sun. They rings the continept. The transition to constant daylight was gradual. Today you climb aboard a big Actually you are on your way to the mess hall to see if there I 15 degrees lower man yesieraay 1 ' ' " . . . . .. ' . . ' . . 1 -,4 , il I III Governor-elect Robert Holmes and Mrs. Holmes were spending the first week of the New Year moving Into their new home at 1745 Alvarado Terrace In Salem's Candalaria district. In the top photo Holmes Inspects new draperies while Mrs. Holmes unpacks ome of her silver in the dining area. Lower photo shows Oregon's new first couple doing a little furniture moving In the huge living room. (Capital Journal I'hotos) YM Schedules Ski Schooling A course In the essentials of skiing for the benefit of adults and others of high and junior high school age will be undertaken by the Salem YMCA. The proL'riim will consist of six lessons on as many Monday nights at the Y. While scheduled pri marily for YMCA members, the course will be open to all others on a fee basis. The classes will be in charge of Bruce Gordon, experienced ski man of Salem who will be assisted by six Oregon College of Education students. The course will consist of skiing fundamentals, safety pre cautions, care of equipment and the showing of motion pictures. Each lesson, beginning at 7 p.m. will extend over a period of two hours. Actual experiences on snow slopes is a possibility at Uie end of the course. KIDS DONATE FOR ANIMALS MALIBU, Calif. UPi Children raided their piggy banks to help finance emergency feeding of do mestic animals and wildlife In the fire stricken Maiibu area. George Crosier of the Society for the Pre vention of Cruelly to Animals said hundreds of donations were re ceived after he made public ap peals for funds. A grcnt many of them came from children. Two Salem Army Reservists to Train Under 6 Months Program tj Two Salem boys, members o( the army artillery reserve, will leave next week to begin training Under the army's six-month training program. They are I'fc. William M. Hate Don, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bateson of Salem, Route 5, and Pvt. Richard l.ermon, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lermon, 1470 North IMh St. They will leave by train Jan. 12 lor Ft. Ord where they will begin basic training two days later. Both are members of the 929th Field Artillery battalion here and are graduates of North Salem high school. Bateson has been attending Oregon State college. . Following two months of basic. Bateson is scheduled to report to Ft. Sill. Okla.. for specialized training in fire direction techniques for field artillery. Lermon is ex pected to remain at Ft. Ord to attend the army administration school following his basic training Two other Salem boys, members of the t)29th have returned to camps in Okluhoma and Texas to complete their six-months training. They arc l'ic. Allan Mcissncr, who is taking radar and electronics training at Ft. Bliss, j lex., and Pvt. George Jacohson, who is enrolled in an artillery survey class at Ft. Sill. Both arc expected to complete their duly training later this month. Mcissncr and .laiobsiin are 1956 graduates of South Salem high and began their training last August. STOP DRY ROT -MILDEW WINDOW SWEATING DAMP CLOSETS PAINT PEELING $50 $60 Will Complete The Average Job Including Labor and Materials GUARANTEED RESULTS Ph. EM 2-7629 or Write (or Details Moisture Barrier 1190 N. Cottage Salem, Oregon Self-Inflicted Vi ottittl ' Kills Ktisft'lie Murine HAWTHORNE, Ncv. un - The Marine Corps has reported the death of PFC Eugene T. Petty IB. apparently caused by a self inflicted gun shot wound. Petty was the son of Mrs. Flora Mae Freeman, 930 Bushncll Lane. Eugene. Ore. His body was found New Year's Day where he had been standing an early walch near the naval ammunition depot here. Turkey's military aid from the United States in the 1955-56 fiscal period amounted to 200 million dollars. FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wtmt of fU tttth htr luHeretl real embarraument b:auH their plat dropped, shaped or wob bled at Juit the wrong I'm, Do not 111 in fear of this hippfUm to you. Just sprinkle a little PASTECTH. th BiKftunr inon-tfia, powder, on your elates. Hold fain teeth more flrmlv. to they feci mor comfortable, Dora Hot nur (hckd "plate odor" (den ture breaC). Qt fAfilUTH it taf rug oouaur. MEIER & FRANK'S-SALEM for your shopping convenience We Have Extended our Store Hours to the Following: OPEN FRIDAY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. OPEN MONDAY 12 Noon to 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Over 20,000,000 families 1 o e OTP CompcwB tfianks to jAf ,Green Stamps Are you getting a discount for. cash? Is your family enjoying the wonderful things you can get with It' easy to Vv t stoi 4' get your share. All you need do is shop stores that give S&H Green Stamps. And m'jr . IfllCV 1C bllC 11I1CBL BLUICS 111 1AJW111 S&H offers you more nationally famous products than any other plan. And no wonder! S&H is the oldest, largest, most reliable stamp plan in America actually 61 years old. More than 60,000 retail stores of all kinds in all the 48 states give them. S&H Green Stamps are simply your discount for paying cash. And not one of the 1500 quality items you can get will cost you a penny. See for yourself all the ways that S&H Green Stamps can help you and your family live better. Visit the S&H Redemption Store today at the address below. Watch the PERRY COMO SHOW, NBC-TV Saturday nightt gives you values no other plan offers Your choice of over 1500 nationally famous products such as Bulova, General Electric, Silex, Mark Cross, Spalding and a host of others. Co all your shopping where you get S&H Green Stamps the stamp of quality. Start today- Only 1200 stamps fill your i4book! Shop where you see these signs , . . TH FV AND HUTCHINSON COMPANY. ..SINCI ISM WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS cnti ml. Jtm awn a VISIT OUR BEAUTIFUL REDEMPTION STORE AT 3rd Floor Lipman's, Liberty at Chemeketa, Salem o