Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 3, 1957 Section 'I Page 5 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Holt Goes to Korea to Get 140 CRESWELL to Creswcll farmer Harry Holt, though ill with a heart ailment, is en route to Korea to set up another babylift. He already has brought more than 200 of the homeless waifs, fathered by United Nations serv ice men in Korea, to new homes in this country. He hopes to bring 140 more to the United States be fore the extended deadline for their entry expires Jan. 31. His wife told reporters Wednes day night that Holt will spend a month in Korea preparing adop tion papers for the children. He was accompanied on the trip by his son, Stewart, 23. Two of his daughters, Molly and Barbara, al ready are working at the Holt orphanage in Korea. Mrs. Holt, three younger daugh ters and the eight Korean orphans the Holts adopted a year ago are remaining at the family farm here. Holt suffered a serious heart attack on one of his babylift trips last summer. Since then he has Been subject to spells of exhaus tion and dizziness, his wife said He probably will not accompany me cnuaren Back to the Untied States "because of his health." Mrs. Holt reported. Meanwhile. Sen. WnWoai- in. Ore) reported in Washington that!'" earthworms is a profitable the Dee. 31 deadline for bringing (business in many -sections of GRUNTING PAYS SOPCHOPPY, Fla. ifi Crunt- auen orpnans into this country naa Been extended until Jan. 31 by President Eisenhower. Neuberccr said he nlan in In. Iroduce a bill in this session of Congress to establish a new five year program for admission of 10,000 orphans. HOT CRASH CLINTON. S. C. -Tnick driver Alfred Payne was in front of the fire station when his truck caught fire. The blaze was extinguished quickly. while he was inside the fire station telephoning home, the truck rolled down a grade, knock ing oown a mail box and a fire hydrant and crashing into an oak iree. The town was without water for six hours while the hydrant was repairca. VOTE PAYOFF Florida. Over 100 men, women and child ren are engaged in grunting, or rubbing up, earthworms in Wakul la County alone; packing them in containers with the proper sand, muck and moss and shipping them to various parts of the south. To get the worms out of the earth workers drive in short wood en stakes and then use an axe, spr-ng leaf iron or any other suit able iron for rubbing the top of the stake. The vibration makes the worm prized as fishing bait come to the surface. You can make more worms come out by using batteries connected to steel rods but more worms are killed that way. One dealer last year shipped over $12,000 worth to Florida cus tomers alone. Recently one man and his wife grunted up 84 quarts about .too worms to tne quart in two days. TOPEKA. Kan. m - The Kansas State Senate was.considerine a bill to increase expense allowances for Lieut. Gov. James McCuish, who was presiding. The first vote count showed a 20-20 division. Chortling lawmakers reminded McCuish he had the tie-breaking vote. Before the embarrassed lieutenant governor acted, however. senators abandoned their practical joke and changed their votes.' The bill was passed unanimously. HENRY FULL DINNERS 00:00 I KGW Music ' KliDN World Nwi KS1.M Naw KOCO Woodv Way KOIN Time Tabl. KUW Muilc KUON Convention A RSI M r.abrl.l HMter j kih.u woody Way KSLM New. Koto Newa ikgay Herb-. Show lltolN Wendy Warren 'kc:W Breakfait Club KSLM Newa KOCO Newi KGAV Dinner Wtnntr KOIN HaDDtnesa Kr.w True Story KSI.M Matlne. I KOCO Newa KGAT Rome's Recrdi I KOIN Godfrey Time I KGW Merry Go R'nd KGON 9 Star Matinee lNT'rSiy!SSWWI6LDN KeU. AN' I'VE HIT tt'E SOT faK fUB EV W OU.tHt POES ALL UCg 1 t iV- Kajni mrViV-7 -rn r- . I I BUT UUS UDuntlC LrJ .IP. n ,in 1 Wl II f Un Bin UDf eM 1 f "COUSIN STEVI! IRA POTEST.' I've' PRESENT WAS PEE-VINE-id TcEHy WITH WPPEnll jfraa)' ma (m " " ' "'" "" " r" KSLM WELCOME HOME) I MtEP ANP IW WIIP AH.-..T -f -' Mi EU46 AE, J Opa.,VV"!j1'e "HEt ARE KASMEP 7 yelatai I'm jus- uoetiH' , f m -&df. the spocts clothes ) Ifl siZ k Wt&wgTftttn .el in t 1 HAPPV T' SEE jWW.m CM HOLLYWOOD.' ILJ "J : B KS 'ilLtCTl fi!53S. . at If f VrW VOI I r-S' iirttlBK CI r - s. II MM . - i -i il ..v-. T j4jVsM ,n.'-: W 1111 ,t r IB I 1 A I WU " "esiaent Eisenhower. ren are engagea in grunting or e-- UTSlSHMS I Vtt?4,'A V i' UN? 1 M HXJlS LUitmi HOUR Vfl Ulldllft . rgor said he plans to In- ruomng up, eannworms in nanui- - ! -WiiyZin Wtt. lTit-iv I rOfJ8 IV feSSilV M - la county alone; packing them u MNmtA'fRZG& II9h3. tSKM riSTrJEkWm MtulM I -v'sSifta J MO'MIM'.WSeLF. I I ''V I THEY'RE . 1 I W&ae? -TUR,U.y I I " P3kfl5 -1 rTTW5s7--T-" r v 1 I V J nOTE THAiT rflM FELLA WHO AH WILL I A . Til' IWII II JT" V 17 ll I ik. 11 i AV MAM UiXlW Jl . 1 irrZJ .1 II . . TUEHAD ITf BUT WHERE can I 1; tCH f, I CANT STANK THE 1 I 7 I 1 VOU OO AT THIS ' "1 l : Mi mill T Kn eucTNHMs lI hour of the ? I M HOUR v-r u Y .cw . r. i ' i i' ii 1 III - lill I j. If I V I f I ITTl r . is I . T I I I 1 f . IN. J I I I By Corl Anderson A-Ht Iff A S Mr.r! MWW. S f 11 ltlJ IWWYll III A " " 1 'AirriHfWZM IMlVWCvT U ii?-T k 7. 7. ." Wwf II I Orr Mill vj HMWl r..M. o, s.S-AW ..JrEKIr: JMSniS 1 ' . stsi rzNr fcrBk -& t-W-Vgg . i S-l new stvle. you wiU too-its sew- r I L'iA v a,7r .1 M...f.l I I.' ' . T; ,. ""7 I ' .... ' IdC v--n'' nwwinMJl Jj-. rjirDVSS-ifl -J II I I I I H 1 DONALD Buu By WoltUisney gencj TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In I hLSSg V V Y' -1 nTfl 7, T fl i . 'it mi ay rs v' ? v : v;..u:r - ' .-- .. . ... I W-T-'-rC.-rT-i Household Art, Dept. P O. Box VJ IT IElfflH Tr, nn I r -n T COUSSN STEVE 1 If WELL. REALLY WE LIVE HERH 1 I CkoIn Frl'n m f tS "r" u; " rrf,.:K IS ."stL,, artwiI!9! lf ; S,- n 'sd hI needed us-. J 9 .,: I . t?55n)t - I ' TZSt-iS. I I A3ir-. ftl'imc-oa, wc., I I VERY SICKf I UHLL I r "lav ncrL, Ira I W " " v ' S M it M -V M PATTERN NUMBER. U iiJL'FUL OT """"ll TTTTnniTir ZT. fZKI A kill' ' 74 . in niir Al JCE BltOOKS Needle- tfAVCTV llr:.. J Jii.0 - ... ... 1 1 irmpwmBl MmltsAX I Irf I llli S l-Wtftflilta i1 L-jC miiig tor Eas,er t0 cut j T7T 7hawg cEPr' ) a r. tzti tRT ,,s-;m fefete) S,Ok J S53lak&J '-tC XS& M;.(& 5 Ur-rf7 "ST- Lfo&J v, A I hour ; rii'mii'ininmi.1 BaaaMaaB sM w Wi?2a2irni- WTxrxmm -v rxsuvASrAei L i INQ1IHKIH.1JI i ii-ii a -r- 7w--tti i -r.T ii ii m i '.v'-.rji i i t.nruriaHi a- i li imSi fwiit MWin kNlfMH HTv ' I I M B1 I I I tfl I J I Mil i a 1 a ITli I I V Kl II I W " H ILfc I BU 1 . -"Ll.'.h'.Tl -iril A .,tl.n .( Ye.t.rd.y. Puzzl. ffSfWM I gs X Tl I A TIM I ,.T7,- I -- f-Jlf Tf'nrLl t--, i Kmt FATUEK IS TERUIBLYl";l FhE PEUEVES THAT V THAT'S M ft KNOW IT -BUT HE'S X ' 1 T'-rnBI HT3 ' uprt, AU HE HAS TO THE n YOU AND I TOl.E A fCRAZy, 1 DETERMINED TO HAVE ; -ilTTlml V4 Yl-tU. ONLV TAKE A YlM NOT k GONE TO THE f-- POLICE ! STRON& -BOX FROM A. MARTHA l YOU ARRESTEP V, 1 ThlPwTKntedVaUer is a j 'l SVIt ; Skj .' S cinch to sew! See the diagram-! if ' VT Jflf? 1, B" Nl I aTI I ' f V Nl just THREE main pattern parts! a LJJl 11 Jl Wjrj J I Until ! j X J . V" X 1 No fitting worries-wraps at the EJ II P 1 1 fVff h!r1 J3 JT M V I JC1? X I back, ties in a neat front bow. II J J 1 O XJtZAttiJ l kJ PlR$M f X I Makes it a smart housefrock. Wl M I I M H " A g y- T-8! suLTmT.;. s"e utptw right, f vrm? ?D;;,Jft.c requires 5 yards 33-inch labric. !?S?J2H K ' 5weu ouy touarl-ano 'AD8,6 ,tat1V NTh,s printed pattern assures vfflTO? M'; "7 AU that... Tf V perfect fit. Easy directions printed vouno ko!-.. forget I thatj all' r- " T I lT84rV "iUX I J on each tissue pattern part. memtwmed -t.huh? tfjN, V I il ' AllXA. I ( o RADIO PROGRAMS KOCO 14M KGAT 14M KOIN tit KGW 2t IU: Meiacyclei KOIN 1(1.1; KGW 1IJ THURSDAY P.M. 00:13 00:30 00:4S KSLM Bob nd Riv IBob nd Hav IBob and Rv 1 koco Slo-Mo Show Isio-Mo Show Slo-Mo Show kKGAY RolUc'i Recrdi Sim Off IKOIN Ed R. Murrow Newi. Weather ITom Harmon KGW Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Ml Alltn KGON Melody Magic I Melody Maile iMelodyMagle . KSLM Dinner News IBlll Brundait INewireel ' kuiu canaienini Hanaieiigni un ine i kgw tiiw. Mrg niMccaii ' KGON Muilc IMan on Go IS porta Scope rChuck'a Sport irrank Coi Andtraon Idmer Petersoa KSLM C.abriel Heater lEddie Fisher f KOCO Woody Way IWeodv Way KOIN Melody iMelod KGW Mustc iMusic KGON Newt ICarhnf . KSLM Day Dreamt I KOCO Woodv Wav KOIN Robt. Q. Lewis Robl ISam Hayei I On The M Andv lAmm 'n Ani Myatery Timt IMyttery Tlm flieioay Magic iMelooy Magic IShow Tunet IShow Tunea , . Woodv Wav CBS Featurt jMuiic (At the V. N. Woody Way Almanac Muilc At the U. M. IDav Dreamt Woody Way iRobl. Q. La IWhlitttn' TunetlWhlitlln' Tunes Music 1 Man'x Family! Woodv Wav LewlilWorld Tonita MUSIC !Glld Muilc Woodv Way Time Table Music Conversation Music Woody WaY Sports Dealt uance nmt KOIN A Slnr Final KGW Richfield nnlr JIGON Richfield iHeptrJ Mostly Music KSLM Detective Detective KOCO Woodv Wav Woody Way KOIN Newt-Music Music KGW Dance Time Dance Time KGON Batt Harrit Bass Harris lllderileev Sweet Ac Swing Iiooay way Lead. Question Dance Time Jane Pickens Newt WoodT Wav Hunt & Fun Dance Time Mostly Music MldMiHe-MeC Woody Way MUSIC Dance Tim Ban Harris Woodv Wav World Tonit MUSIC iGtldersleeve Sweet A: Swing Woody Way t.cad. Question . Dance Time (Jane Pickens Music Woodv Wav iGootl Evening ' uance lime ' Mostly MutlC Mid-nite MelT" Woody Way .MUSIC I Dance TJm Bast Harris 00:00 JFRIDAY 00:15 00:30 00:45 .KSLM Val. Farm cat t IVal. Farmcatt iVal. Farmcast INtwa I' kuai rarm News Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. IKGAY News KOIN News Amtrtca IKOIN Klock IKOIN Klock KOIN Kloclt KGW News . Vanderhoof I Vanderhoof IVanderhoof KGON Rise & Shine (World News (Rise St Shine Rise it Shin KSLM Hemingway (Breakf'at Gang IBreakf'tt Gang I Newt k Wthr nnyinm Hancnmnyutm nancniRay s in TuntiHsys in Tim Morn. Mag. IMorn. Mag. (Morn. Mag. IKGAY News Listen Newt IGon News Babbitt Show KGON Rise & Shine (Rise & Shine IRlte & Shins IBlll Guymam KSLM Cliff Engl kuLu nrwi I KGAV Herb'i Show IHerb'i Show Jkui.-i Lflinum r n ws KGW Vanderhoof KGON Rise St Shine Family Altar Blblc Institute Bible Institute i nay s in nmemay t in nmeiKay s in Tim intrn snow I Herb's Show Vallle News I Shell v Sere. Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Rise & Shine Newt-Ris At Sh Rli & Shin IShelly Sere. naer I Pastor's Call (Pastor's Cell News Rav's Melodies IRav's Melodies Rav's Melodlal Herb's Show (Herb's Show IKGAY Newa Howard Miller Ulelen Trent iMld.Morn. News Breakfast Club (Breakfast Club I Breakfait Ctab KGON Spotlit Rec'rdslSpotlite Rec'rds I Spotlit Rec'rds I Spotlit Rec'rdS 1 KSI.M News ITello Test I Wines of Song I Wings of Song KOCO News (Ray's Melodies I Ray a Melodies IRayTa Melodies KGAY Herb'i Show (Clarey Dyer Herb's Show IKGAY Newt OKOIN Nora Drak )Mi Perkins' (Dr. Mtlone (Aunt Mary KGW Chef Gino I Anderson iGlrl Marriet Whispering Sts. KGON NBC BandttndfNBC BandstndNBC BandttndlNBC Bandstand Queen a Day Riv i Melodies Rav's Dinner Winner IRofllc's Rccrds I Queen a Dav letlRay's Melodies Mrs. Burton True Siory (Strike It Rich (Konnle Worth Queen a Day Rsy't Melodies . Home's nee as Pat. Buttram I IKonnl Worth KGON NBC Btn'dtt'ndlNBC Bandtt'ndlNBC BandttndlNBC BandtUnC 1 KSI.M Newt News (Top Tradea ' IVal. Farmcast koco News , IClarin Calling jClarlne Calling lClarin Calling KGAY KGAY News Rollie a Racrds (Town Crier IKGAY News 2 KOIN Noon Newt (Come Get It' (House Partv iHout Partv KGW Mitchell Repts. Paul Harvey (Merry Go R'nd (Merry Go R'ad KGON Top Tunes Top Tunes (Top Tunes (Top Tunes Matinee Matinee I Matin 1490 Tun St 11400 Tune St 1 1400 Tun 81 Route's Rec'ds IRollle's R'crds IKGAY Newt Godfrey Time (Godfrey Time (Godfrey Time err i.o k na iMerrv uo n na Merrv uo r ri S Star Mstlnee (Hilltop House (Pepper Young Matinee hot Tune I Matinee St 1 1400 Tun It F KGAY Rollle't Rerrdt Koiiie't Hec'dt IRollle's Rec'ds IKGAY News I News St 11 400 Tune ' KfilN Godfrey Time IGodfrev Time I Ruth Anhton INewt-Weather KGW Merry Go R nd Merry Go R'nd IMerry Go R nd IMtrry Go H'nd Kiiifn woman in hi mary wi curiae is rea waring ir req waring KSLM Willam. Mat. . S.KOCO News r KGAT noli e't Recrds IKOIN Rackstaite Wlfel f kg w Merry Go u na KGON Cafe Lounge KSLM Willam. Mat. I Will am. Mat. ITello Teat 1400 Tun St 1400 Tune si 1HM Tune Rollle't Rec'ds IRollle's Rec'ds IKGAY News Our Gal Sundy I Rake Thlrtv (Tak Thirty Merry go R naMtrry uo u na Merry uo n il Cafe Lounge lt't New jit's Nw Fulton Lawls IHmlnKwav I Here's Answer ISam Hayes KOCO News Buyera' Band. (Buyers' Band. Buyers' Band. kgav Hoiue't necras Koine t ec as isign uu i KOIN Art Ktrkham lAlexandert (Newtpaoer Air (Nwtepaper Air KGW Vanderhoof lVanderhoor ivanaernooi lvanaerneor KGON Fash. Rhythm (Fash. Rhythm IWor.d Newa iWorld News A: Ray ACROSS Mlluminant 5. Head and shoulders fi. Two wheeled carriage 12. Spring flower 13. Fencing sword 14. Brown kiwi 15. Compass point 16. Wondering fear 18. Wandering 20. Furniture 22. Groove 23. So be it 25. Upright 28. Seed holder 30. Object 32. Red deer 33. Exist 34. Pale 35. Musical note 36. Juice of a tree 38. Bring 40. Jewel 41. Journey 43. Residence 45. Small bird 46. Piece sewed 49. Ornament 52. Moor 53. Ruthenium svmbol 54. Vandal 55. Independent Ireland 57. Wind instrument 59. However 60. Amer. journalist 61. Tidings DOWN 1. Scraped linen 2. Open space 3. Musical note 4. Religious -poem 5. Insect 6. Higher i z i U I -Js U h a Kp 10 ii 77 ' TS 'ij; 16 "21 . s 22 "23 M - 25 I " Js TJ-HpT 5 . ' '60 ' 61 7. Ocean 8. Great fear P. Scraper 10. Electrified particle 11. Channel 17. Trouble some plant 19. Brook 21. Naughty 24. Sta.rcas post 25. Lunge forward 26. Fish 27. Company of players 28. By 29. Khayyam 31. Rug 37. Manifest SB. Restrain 39. Expectation 40. Secure 42. By w ay of 44. Massene opera 47. Black bird 4a. Colors 49. For what reaon 50 Regret 51. Hurrv 52. Nour.hd 56. Sma t s'!: abbr. 58. (Bob & Ray IBob Ac Ray Sportt Scop ISlo-Mo-Show ISlo-Mo-ShoW IChucks Soort MnrrowiNews-Wealher ITom Harmon I frank Goss ndcrhoof' jVanderhoof (Mel Allen' rttl 1 Anderson ,! locly Mafic Melody Magic lAlelody Alafic iJmer reiertu Dinner News IBlll Rmndag IBldf. Oregon a-nrn randlelleht ICandlelleht (On the 84 sporlJ-Nf wi luowen inomat i Amof Anoy Amos at a nay kihn Edw. P. Morcan iMccall ' KGON Melody .Magic IMan On Go KSI.M Gabriel Heater ISllv. Serenade (Muilc woody way iwoodv way eloriy INews (CBS Feature IMtl.tlC MU IFiKhlt (Flfhta ISam Hayes On the (Mystery Tim IMyttery Tim irorecaii ai irorecaai at INS. -Lebanon I W no fir Wav (Look to Skies MUI1C Spis. Hllltet N S. -Lebanon IN. S. -Lebanon IN. S. -Lebanon iKOro Newt 1 Woody Wtv IWoodv Way KOIN Hoht. Q. Lewis IBobl. Q. Lewis I Baiketbsll HOW Muilc Muilc Muilc KGON World News ll Mnn trmnyiHoD nope KSI.M ft S. -Sweet HmlS.S. -Sweet HmjS.S. -Sweet Hm Knco Newt I Woody way woody way KOIN IlaHkrtball ! Basketball lHaaketball KGW Music IMusic Dance Time K(i()N Radio Fins iHAdio rant naaio rant . KSI.M S S. -Sweet Hm S S.-Swcet Hm IMuiic I KOCO Newt Woody Wtv I Woody Way 1 KOIN S Star Final Sporla Teik (Good Evening 0- ".W Newt Profile Dance Time (Dam-e Time KGON Itlchl'ld Reptr. 1 Mostly Musle jMnttly Muiic iHounter Snv 1 Melodies IWoodv Way JWoodv Way I Woody Way ICItv Club (Cilv Club j Dance Tim KGW Dam-e Time luance Tune I)ince Urn inanceiand KGON Bate Harrit jHats Harm IBaaa llama IBau Harrit unter Spy IN. S. Lebanon Woody Way Raiketball Music Bob Hope S S. -Sweet Hm. Woody Way HatKetntii Dance Tim Radio Fans Music Woodv War Good Evening Dance Time I Mostly Musie Melodies SATURDAY A.M. 00:00 00:1 5 00:30 00:45 . KHI.M Newt IMua Tlmkpr K(i a V Farm Newt iSalute to Sat. IKOIN Newt America KUIN mock KGW Monitor IHeck Harper KGON News iMonitnr Mua Tlmkpr Newt ISalute To Sat. IKGAY News KOIN Klock IKOIN Klock IHerk Harper IHeck Harper Monitor iMonitor 1 KHI.M 'Hemingway IBreak Gang SJ u iift liiun ( iri.Nw iTimher Jat-M KGAY G.-iine Comm. ISnlute To Sat, f KOIN KOIN Klock KGW Heck Harper KGON Monitor Herk Harper Mnttor akf Gang. I Newi Timber Jack (Timber Jack Salute To Sat IKGAY Newt Gota News Conium News Herk Harper IHeck Harper News-Monitor (Monitor KHI.M ntble Hour IMualc KOCO Newii-Jax Wax Jax Wax I KGW Y Salute To Sat. Salute To Sat, KOIN Slorv Master Hom n 14m KGW N Si-hool (No School KGON Newt-Monitor lAl-oltor KHI.M 4 H Show Farm Home Pattora Call I KOCO Newt Jax wax Jax wax unx wax I KGAY Salute to Sat. Salute To Sal. f KOIN Story Matter Newt KGW No School No School KGON Monitor Monitor KHI.M Newt iMusIr MuB'c... K(CO Newa-Jax Wax Jax Wax Jax Wax KGAY Camera Clui KOIN Storv M KCiW Merrv G KGON Monitor 'KSI.M MutlC I Music IMutlc KOCO News Jax Wax Jnx Wax lax Wax KGAY Salute to Sat. thnltilf KOIN ntv KotpMal KliW Merrv ( KGON Mentor Haven of Rest I Haven of Rett , Jax Wax Jax Wax Salute To sat. ikuay newt Robt. Q Lewis 'Robt. Q Lewis No School !No School IMonitor IMonitor Bargain Counter Uax Wax Salute To Sat. KGAY News Gun smoke I Gun smoke Books Ud St Dowa (Monitor IMonitor Music Jax Wax Salute To Sat. To Sat. KGAY Nwa n..i f-. in nrilii T.iIm Drake Rnd Merrv Go Hnd Merrv Go Rnd'Merry Go Rn ; Monitor IMonitor Blues vs Grays Music Jsx Wax To Sat ISalute To Sat. Salute To Stt. Hoxollal ITreas: Show Treat. Show Itnd Merrv Go Rnd Merry Go Rnd Merry Go Rnn Monitor itarm Hin. nr. u-arm nm. nr. WISHING WELL U. 5. P.t.nt Olfic. This prinlfd pattern assurp. perfect fit. Kajy directions printed on each tissue pattern part. Send V in coin 'no stamps please' lor Pattern with Same Vidress. StMe Number and Sue Address PA1TKHN Bt KKAU Capital Journal Bo 42. Old Chel sea Station. New York II NY Far first class ,mil Include ai eitra i eeitf perl patter. M H 8 Y A C Y E H N O A E I 2 7 5 I 1 8 5 1 S O I A A I N 1. C L R R N Y J i 4 7 It S 1 5 a i I S T" O I Y O D E F W B 8 E F J 1 i S T 1 J 3 7 i I 5 S . E N O O UUPRBPACW "4 5 1 i 3 ' 5 I its N O A N A CI 1 Y N U H K "5 S 7 i 5 3 i 1 I S I YE8YI. AEITEDAE T 3 7 S 5 I I ! 5 J, A.DERSYYROAS1N HERE is a pl.aiant littl. urn. that will five you a msa cvtry day. It is a numerical sutilt d.slfned to spell out your ortuns. Count the letters In your first name. If the number of Liters is t of rr.ort, subtract 4. If the number is less than I, add 1. The result if your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner ( the r. lanile and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Theft Had the message the letters under Iht checked figures iv you. f) 1.11, I. Hum. I, MUM. Di.ilta.f4 ar KIM to .M S'aJWM