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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1957)
Page '4 Section" '4 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAE BEOS. f DENNIS THE MENACE By K etc ham THURSDAY ON KOIN TV: (S) 4:45 p.m., CARTOON TIME "Hare Brained Hynotist," Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd. 5:00 p.m., RED DUNNING Uncle Red it visited by Ron Shay, Slate Fish and Game department. 5:30 p.m., ARMCHAIR THEATRE "Appointment with Death itnrrine George Nader. Eve Miller. 7:00 p.m., HIGHWAY PATROIBroderick Crawford races find missing armored truck and rescue its endangered guard. 7:30 p.m., I SEARCH FOR ADVENTURE "River Into the Past," In western USA. n.m.. CLIMAX The old man driven to the brink of carnival murder and suicide. Dcbra Paget, Oscar Ilomolka, Peter Graves and Buddy Ebsen co-star. 9:30 p.m., PLAYHOUSE 90 Harpo Marx, clown and silent third of the Marx Brothers movie team, in "Snow Shoes." Stu Erwin will play Mousic, who with Barry Sulivan owns the ever-losing "Snow Shoes. . Co-siarnr.g Marilyn Maxwell, Wallace Ford, John Carradinc, and Kenny Delmar. 11:05 p.m., SHOWTIME ON SIX "Overland Stage Riders" starring John Wayne, Ray Corngan, and Louise Brooks. THURSDAY ON KPTV: (27) 4:45 p.m., PLAYHOUSE 4:45 "City Limits", starring Frank Grau ben and Sallv Bland. 7 p.m., LIBERACE The setting is den ol his home where he keeps his manv troDhirs. :30 p.m., DRAGNET Woman beaten after discovering burglar In ber home. 1:00 p.m., GREAT GILDERSLEEVE "Gildy Hires in Eager Beaver." 10:00 p.m., VIDEO THEATRE "It Happened on Fifth Avenue." Amiable hoho winters in a deserted New York mansion. Stars Ernest Truex . 11:00 p.m., PLAYHOUSE Z7 Nina Foch and Dan O'Herlihy in "Trapped", homicidal woman and shrewd husband involved with Impetuous money-hungry lover. THURSDAY ON KLOR: (12) 5:00 p.m., CAPTAIN Z-RO The historic signing of the Magna Charla witnessed whe nCaptain Z-Ro visits "King John." 5:30 p.m., GENE AUTRY A brave senator finds fighting with "The Bandidos" more fun than battling on the Senate floor. :30 p.m., BUFFALO BILL, JR. A dynamited train involved In murder of a U. S. Marshal in "Kid Curry-Killer." 7:30 p.m., ALL STAR THEATRE "The Lilac Bush", starring Ruth Roman and Marilyn Erskine. :30 p.m., "DANGER SIGNAL" Starring Zachary Scott, Faye Emerson, Mona Freeman, Rosemary DeCamp. 10:00 p.m., FATHER MAC'S ALBUM "What is the Natural Law?" 10:30 p.m., HOMETOWN THEATRE "Star Witness", starring Walter Huston and "Chic" Sales. ' THURSDAY ON KGW-TV: (8) 5:00 p.m., MICKEY MOUSE CLUB English correspondent reports. 10:40 p.m., CHANNEL PLAYHOUSE "The Doctor Takes A Wife." Loretta Young and Ray Milland star. . FRIDAY ON KOIN-TV: () 12:30 p.m.. Bob Crosby Show Bob Crosby and cast open with "Chincerinchee." 4:45 p.m., Cartoon Time "Pigs in a Polka" starring Frank Lovejoy. 5 p.m.. Red Dunning Is visited by Jack Marks, Zoo master, Port land Zoo. , . 5:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Deceiving Eye" starring Frank Love- Joy. 6:30 p.m., My Friend Flicks dlan aeent. I p.m., Mr, Adam and Eve In the premiere program, so-starring Id LudIdo and Howard Duff as a married movie team :0 p.m.. Playhouse of Stars Crippled exercise boy (Mickey Roonev) m The Ladr Was A Flop II p.m.. The Lineup 3,000-year-old clue brews mystery tor San Francisco police In "The Chinese Teapot Case." 10:30 Portland Wrestling From the Armory. 11:30 p.m.. Showtime on Six "Sherlock Holmes Faces Death,'' star ring Basil Ralhbone and Nigel Bruce. V V w w w w FRIDAY ON KPTV: (27) 10 a.m.. Home Filmed portrait of Youngslown, Ohio, repealed. Latest fads in beach wear shown. 12 Noon NBC Mnllnre Theater "One Sunday Afternoon." Dentist's patient is man who long ago stole his girl. 4:45 p.m., Playhouse 4:45 "Pearls Bring Tears," starring John Stuart and Dorothy Boyd. 7 p.m.. Cavalcade of Sports Ike Chestnut of New York vs. Isidro Marlinex of Panama Canal Zone in 10 round featherweight match from Washington, D.C. I p.m., O'llenry Plaj house Thomas Mitchell as 0. Henry, master of make-believe. p.m., On Trial "The Trial of Colonel Blood" stars Micheal Wild ing as courageous rehel against Charles II, Stuart, King of England. 9:30 p.m., liig Story "The James Dean Story." Crunch & Des "Strike Three," a battle against waterfront rac quet eers. 10:30 p.m.. Mystery Theatre A Great Dane becomes an unwitting aid in solving two murders in "The Case ol the Door of Death." star ring Tom Conway as Inspector Mark Saber of the Homicide Squad. n p.m., fcrcrrt Hie U.S.A. Major Morgan, disguised as a German Luftwoffc Olficer. infiltrates Into Holland. 11:30 p.m.. Tonight Starring Steve Allen. -Rob tries to thwart a crooked In- .'JtoWCANl'fWVEFlW'? 1 CAN'T MXMtfCW' On Television UHF KPTV (27) VHJ KOIN-TV (6) KIOR (t2). KCW TV (8), KVAL (13) Programs subject to Jait minute change. THURSDAY 1:00 p.m. KOI.N-Red Dunning KLOR Capt. Z-Ro KVA1 HlK Kounoup KG W Mickey Mouse 1:30 p.m. KOIN Amu-hair KLOR Gene Aulry 5:43 p.m. KVAL Newi, Wra.. Spts. 6:00 p.m. KOIN Wea.. Newi, Spta. KLOR Jungle Jim KVAL Annie Oaklev KfiW Stale Trooper :U p.m. KI'TV McGil News KOIN D. Edwards News 6:30 p.m. KPTV Long John KOIN Name That Tune KI.OR Buffalo Bill KVAL Adventure Road KGW Newsbeat 643 p.m. KVAL Studio 13 7:00 p.m. KPTV Llberace KOIN Highway Patrol KLOR Public Defender KVAL Steve Donovan KVAL Jungle Jim 7:30 p.m, KPTV Dinah Shore KOIN I Search Adventure KLOR All Star Thea. KVAL Frontier KGW Lone Hanger 7:49 p.m. KPTV Huntley, bnnkley S.00 p.m. KPTV Grourho Marx KOIN Hob Cummlnga KI.OR Studio West KVAL Groui'hn Marx KGW To Announce 1:30 p.m. KPTV Uragnrt KOIN Climax KIXJH Movie KVA1 Draiuiet :00 p.m. KPTV-Gilderileev KVAL Man l.'ullril X KGW Wire Service t:I0 pm. KPTV Ernie Ford KOIN Playhouse HO KVAL Ernie Ford 10:00 p.m. KPTV Video Thea. KLOR Fr. Mac KVAL Video Thea. KGW Racket Squall 10:11 p.m. KLOR Newa 10:10 p.m. KLOR Movie KGW Racket Squad 11:00 p.m. KPTV Playhouse 21 KOIN Movie U:H p.m. KPTV Tonite FRIDAY ON KLOR: III) 2 p.m., I.lle With Elizabeth Alvin has "Hlueplale Blues." Lady ol the House Naula Whybark makes old-fashioned "Star Witness," starring Waller Huston "Battle Axe' 2:30 p.m. dumplings. 3 p.m., Mitl-Dny Mallnri and "Chic" Sales. i p.m.. The Rnnge Rider "Outlaw Masquerade." 5:30 p.m., Gene Autrey An old maid, nicknamed lakes over as sheriff. p.m., Anle Oakley "Annie and the Leprechauns." 7 p.m., Sheena, Queen of the Jungle "Forbidden Cargo." 7:30 p.m., Mickey Rooney Show "Mulligan and the Mummy 8 p.m.. Sheriff n( Cochise "Kidnaped." . :.10 p.m., "Dark Victory," starring Hetle Davis, Ceraldine Fill- Patrick, Humphrey Bogart. Ronald Reagan. George Brent 10:30 p.m., Hometown Theatre "Madame DuBarry," starring Del ores uei mo. e FRIDAY ON KCW: (8) 9 a.m., Telescope Fred and Nancy interview the new engineers and lane viewers mru iransmmcr. 10 a.m., Morning's Movie "Betty Co-Kd," Jean Torter and the Jan bavin urcnestra. 11:30 a.m. Community Worksliop-Vniled Fund agencies, Arlhritii & ttiicumntism foundation. It Noon Wtinda Wuntln "You Choose the Story." U:.10 p.m.. Telrrama (colon Today find out ail about "Nutria." Phil Roth and " in the News." t p.m., New llorxlons-tirrgnn and Western Washington cities. 5 p.m., Mickey .Mouse Club Jimmy Cricket presents "You and Your Sense of Touch." 8:30 p.m.. Crossroads "The Man Who Walked On Water" A courageous minister's struggle to convert superstitious Uberinn natives. 10:40 p.m., Channel Playhouse "The Farmer's Daughter" comedv tars Loretta Young, Joseph Cotton, Ethel Barrvmore 1:11 a.m. 1.30 a.m. 8 45 a.m. 9.00 a.m. INSIDE HOLLYWOOD By BOB THOMAS Peiping Gets 'Paper Raid' TAIPEI Chinese Nationalist planes showered propaganda leaf lets on Peiping during the night in the first "paper bomb" raid on the Chinese Communist capital. Air force headquarters said all planes returned infcly to Formo sa despite come ground fire. The mission involved a round (rip of over 2,100 miles. The air force said other targets in the most extensive leaflet raid so far included Tientsin, Tsingtao, Sian and Nanking. Jr. (Mass), asked Wednesday If Congress might alter President Eisenhower's Middle Fast resolu tion, replied: "Even the Lord's Prayer would be changed if it were presented to Congress." ALTERS EVERYTHING WASHINGTON (l!P House Re pajblican Leader Joseph W. Martini COLOR TV SCHEDULE Thursday. Jan. J-KrtV NIC MATINil THIATI1 II NOON-I r M IUX VIDEO IHEATII 10-1 1 CM. SEE AT MARR'S Phone KM-39201 2140 S. Commercial FRIDAY 1:00 l.m. KPTV Today In West KOIN Panorama Pacific KCW Town A. Country KGW Cartoons KOIN Fun to nrrlure KPTV Tie Tac Dough KOIN Valiant Lady KGW Telescope 9:15 a.m. KOIN Love ol Lite 9:30 a.m. KPTV Could Be You KOIN Search Tomorrow 9:43 a m. KOIN CuidinK Light 10:00 a.m. KOIN Stand Up KGW Mnvlt 10:30 a.m. KPTV Hon. KOIN Ai World Tumi 11:00 a m. KPTV Price is HiRht KOIN Miss Brooks 11:30 a.m. KPTV Tenn. Ernie koin House ratty KCW Workshop 12:00 noon KPTV Matinee KOIN IliR Payoff KCW Wunda Wunda 12:30 p.m. KOIN Hnh I'roiby Kit w i eierama 1:00 p.m. KPTV yueen for Day KOIN Hrighter Day KVAL gueen for Day 1:15 pm. KOIN Secret Storm 1:.W n.m. KOIN Eriite of Niht 1:45 p.m. KPTV Modern Romances KLOn Public Interest KVAL Modern Komances 2 00 p.m. KPTV Married Joan KOIN Kitchen KI.OH E!i7abeth KCW New Horliona 2 30 p.m. KPTV Price is Hight KOIN-Slnke it Rich KLOR I.adv of House KVAL Pnee is Right KCW World 'Round Us 3 00 pm. KPKTV Colorania KOIN Oarrv Moora KLO It Movie KVAL- Movie KCW Film Festival 3 30 p.m. KPTV NW Horn 4 00 p m. KPTV YWTA 4 IS p.m. KPTV Industry 4 30 p.m. KPTV Whittle KOIN Mr. Moon KLOR Superman KVAl It's a Fa.t KOW Pioneer Club 4 43 p.m. KPTV Movie KOIN Cartoon Time KLOR Noahs Ark 00 pm. KOIN Red Punnmr KLORt Range Rider KVAt, Hi Roundup i KGW Mickey Moum 5 30 p.m. KOIN -Movie KLOR Cene Autry B 43 p.m. KVAIr-News. Wea., Spts. 6.00 p.m. KOIN Wea.. Newa. Spt. KI.OR An nl Oaklev KVAlj-HanRe Hitler KCW To Announce 1.13 om. KPTV-McCil News KOIN D. Edward News 8 30 n m. KPTV Pro Hall Hilttes KOIN Mv Friend Flicka KLOR Headline KVAl-Spnrtsnian'l Club KCW Newsbeat KITV-Famous FifhU KVAli Fishing Newa KPTV Boxing KOIN New scent KLOR Sheens KVAIr Hoxlng KfiW Riley 7:30 p.m. KUN -rervnn - Person KLOR Mirker Rooney KCW Rin Tin Tm KPTV Huntley. Bnnkley KVAli Snorts Album KPTV Crunch A; Des KOIN-Wfit Pon-t KLOR Cochise Sheriff KVAlCiui ) ii X Des KCW Jim Bowie 8 30 p m. KPTV To Announce KOIN 7ane Grey KLOR Movie KVAL Hmhwav Patrol KCW Crossroads 9 00 P m. KPT V On I'nal KOIN Mr. Adams & Tv KVAL Sime K C W T re asure Hunt 9 30 pm. KPTV-lXtg SU.rv M-- (rivrods Kt.W-Th Vise KIM V (.'runei f pes KV.M Walter Wlnchfll Kt;w-St.ite Kl.Oit- Nri KPTV Mnery Thea. KOI V w Triluig K!OR.-Mo:e KCW-Movle KPTV-Secret F ! I'aJA KVAlr-lel Sea KPTV Tonight KOIN JJV 1 HOLLYWOOD W Deborah Kerr and Tony Bartley are proof that marriage in Hollywood can work despite adversity. Heaven knows, their marriage has been sub jected to more stresses in 10 years than most couples see in a lifetime. "Poor Tony went through , hell in our first! years in Holly-1 wood," said Deborah, a wo- eoe thoma man of re freshing frankness. "In the first place, he was on a visitor's visa during his first three years here and he couldn't do any work. "In the second place, he was married to an actress of some prominence, and that is tougn on any man. And thirdly, he was known as an KAK hero. Ihats a terrible burden to carry; people think you are good for nothing else." Their marriage faced further stress because Deborah had to be absent on long and arduous loca tions to Africa for "King Solo mon's Mines." and to Home for Quo Vadis." Just before Christ mas, she returned from another three-month location for "Heav- Knows, Mr. Allison" in the West Indies. But. said the actress, absence does make the heart grow fonder. And what a wonderful thing suc cess Is for a man!" she added. Tony has found success as a TV producer, having created se ries in Africa and England. Though his business keeps him away a great deal, ueDoran doesn't seem to mind. We average about six months a year together," she said. "That sounds tough, but it isn't really. Think of how many women there are in this country who see their husbands even less men who sell shirts and stockings and un derwear and so forth on the road." Star Defends 'Baby Doll' Fain As 'Honest, Setting New Trend' Br ALINE MOSBY United Press Hollywood Writer HOLLYWOOD (UP)-The most controversial Hollywood film in years, "Baby Doll." has been called obscene by some critics but one of its stars, Karl Maiden, defends it as "honest" and "set ting a new trend." The story of the young bride who has a kissless marriage has stirred up lively battles. The movie was condemned by the U.S. Catholic Legion of Decency. In Kngland a representative of the Catholic Film Institute described the film as "degrading" but said he saw no reason why adult Roman Catholics should not see it. "I believe it's the most honest picture ever made, in America," the affable Maiden said. "I also think this will start a new trend in honest pictures with adult themes. If you're going to get people away from TV sets, you have to make pictures that are adult. Faee Reality "Look at 'Man with the Golden Arm," he continued. "It didn t even get a Producers' Associa tion Code seal of approval ( Baby Doll' did). You cant be an os trich and put your head In a hole and say certain conditions don't exist. To those who claim "Baby Doll" is too sexy, Maiden replies, , Whether the girl is seduced is left tn the individual to decide. The film never makes that point clear. If you're going to look for amut you'U find it in the Bible, he j said. "The cheesecake in 'Baby: Doll" Is nothine compared to Mar-. ilyn Monroe in 'The Seven Year Itch' when the skirt was blown over her head." Unique Film Allhmieh "Baby" Doll" Is a unique film, Maiden is pessimistic about its chances in the Oscar race. He thinks the controversy ill friehtcn Academy voters. Others feel Maiden, Eli Wallach and Carroll Baker all rate Acad emy Award nominations for their superb efforts in the unsual movie. More important, the actor thinks, is that the movie intro duces a new format to the screen. The ending is more like that of a short story or one-act play (it was based on a one-act play .by Tennessee Williams) the fate of each of the three characters never is revealed. "The picture hasn't been out long enough for me to get fan reaction in the mail," he said. "But when I played a priest in 'OA the Waterfront' I got crank letters threatening me. So, what are you going to do?" Bogart Says He's Regaining Health HOLLYWOOD W Humphrey Bogart says his weight is stabiliz ing and he Is "feeling great" after his 10-month fight against illness. The actor underwent surgery on his esophagus last March. Some time thereafter ' he disclosed that a malignancy was removed in the operation. Last Nov. 26 he went back to the hospital for treatment to relieve pressure on a nerve, caused by scar tissue resulting from the previous surgery, his doctors said. "I weigh 120 pounds so I'm hold ing steady, even though I'm about 35 pounds underweight," he said yesterday. He weighed the same last March. Salem, OregoiT, Thursday, January 3, 1957 Woman Cries Fire Alarm in Phone, Then Bums to Death WALPOLE, Mass. ' My God, the house is on fire. I'm trapped." A few moments after shouting that frantic alarm into the tele phone, Mrs. Doris Danchey, 30, and her only child. James, 4 months, perished Wednesday night in their three-room bungalow. Fire Chief Aaron Hill said Mrs. Danehey apparently passed up her only chance to escape by mak ing a valiant attempt to save the baby. The woman's body was found a few feet from the baby's crib. Michael Danehey, 32, a railroad trainman, was not at home when the fire broke out. He collapsed when he arrived home. I Mrs. Isobel Schmidt of North Attleboro, a telephone operator in the Walpole exchange, picked up Mrs. Danehey's message and re layed it to Phyllis Metzger, tele phone supervisor. Miss Metzger said: "It was aw ful. I heard her cry and moan until she died. She screamed for help several times." Fire officials said the blaza might have been caused by an exploding kitchen heater. The African animals, the okapl. must have a house full of relatives. It has the head of a giraffe, earl and eyes of a donkey, neck of a horse, body of an elk and striped legs of a zebra. SHOP AND SAVE IN DOWNTOWN SALEM F. W. Woolworth Co. Liberty and Slate St. 2 DELUXE SLEEPING BEAUTY PILLOWS (Orion Filled) Non-allergle Always Comfortable Dustless 100 Sanitary Moth Proof Covered With Fancy Will Not Mildew Material EACH PILLOW GUARANTEED $4.98 Value Pair ALEX JONES STATE AT HIGH CLEARANCE SHIRTS -SPORT SHIRTS SOCKS -KNIT SHIRTS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Gov.HallDue To Get Kansas Judicial Post TOPEKA, Kan. UPl-Kansas may have a new 11-day governor De- lore the day is over and uov. Fred Hall apparently will emerge as a member of the Kansas Su preme Court. Chief Justice William Smith ac knowledged he will resign from Um oniirr nt least bv Jan. 14. Asked about a successor, he said: "It'll be Fred." A source high in Kansas Repub lican circles, declining to be quot ed by name, said Lt. Gov. John McCuish would be in Topeka to day to succeed Hall when he re signs and appoint him to the court when Judge Smith resigns. George Docking, a Lawrence, Kan., banker and the first Dem ocrat elected in 20 years, becomes governor of Kansas Jan. 14. Hall ran lor a seconu icim wsi summer but was beaten in the primary after a rousing battle among Kansas Republicans. kErci'234 N- iiberty OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MATS Velours, Velvets, Felts. Dark and pastel colors In. eluding off-white. Values to 8.95 AT WEISFIELD'S Reg. 12.95-32-Pc. Set I II It 1 STAINLESS W TABLEWARE W SERVICE FOR 8 !;,7.56 fX NO MONEY DOWN ' J PAY NEXT VKAR aWiafc The Family Store 260 N. Liberty PASTEL MUSLIN SHEETS 72"xl08" 88 Buys like these have made Grants America's top value-retailer of sheets, 81"xl0B" 1.99 Matching' Pillow Cases 46c each THE PIKE Ice Cream and Sherbet 138 S. liberty-At the But Stop-Ph. IM-3-4IM 1 1' Tu-Fer" Ice Cream Sale Featuring . ROCKY ROAD ICE CREAM One Round Half Gallon 95c in Reusable Carton 2 for $1.69 iWfGREEN STAMPS Open Daily and Sunday 'til 11 P.M. Better Learn to Say Grace; Don't Wed Till He Is Sure By DOROTHY DIX DEAR DOROTHY DIX: II you are a piest in someone's home lor a meal, are asked to "sive thanks" and do not wish to, hat should one say in refusine.' Mrs. N. W. IJr.AU vny n-'iuse: i u uci.ou3c vnu don't know what to say? If that's the case. 1 II gladly send you "Grace Before Meals," in Catholic. Jewish and Protestant versions. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able, and willing to ask the I-ord's blessing, if requested. A self-addressed, stamped envelope will bring you, or any other interested reader, this material. s 45 pm. 7:00 p.m. 1:48 p.m. t 00 p m. iZJ Montgomery Ward PRMNVENT0RY FASHION SALE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS COATS SKIRTS SWEATERS ROBES BLOUSES FORMALS DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I'm in love with a sweet, gentle guy who would do anything lor any body. Three years ago he was engaged, but they broke up for some reason and he began to go with me. Since then .... . ... nt. .i t.AJ . UnH he has alternated Deiween us. ine ouier mm we unu iwk un cussion and he admitted she was the only girl he ever loved, although he is verv fond o( me. He said he'd marry me if I wished and we would probably be happy. Do you think under the circumstances it would work? Molly. DEAR MOI.l.Y: While the ex fiancoe is still so much in the picture. 1 would certainly advise against marriage tor you two. Remain friends for the time being, and perhaps your charm will win him completely. Who wants to play second fiddle, anyway? DEAR DOROTHY DIX: We have been informed that Father Is I very ill, and may live only six months. He's not aware of this, in fact is quite cheerful nnd active. Since I am the single daughter at home, do you think I should discontinue all social activities? When 1 go out I feel guilty. lli'ssie. DEAR RKSS: You're a fine conscientious daughter, but 1 don't think (dial duty requires the sacrifice of all outside activity. Be kind to your father, and see that he's provided with special com forts he enjoys, such as favorite magniine. Bring home cheerful stories from the office. Bring your friends home, too; they'll be entertaining for Dad. WB8SBL Yeater TV & Appliance Co. "Jult Acrelt from lipminV 375 Chmktl It. PH. IM44I1I RE-CONDITIONED GUARANTEED APPilAHCES LAUNDROMAT TWINS $00(195 WASHER & DRYER Firestone Auto. Washer 1 yr. old like new $139.95 Apex Auto. Washer like New ..$149,95 Hot Point Dryer no Tent needed 1 month old Like New $169.95 laundromat Heavy Duty Model $99,95 Maytag Wringer Washer like new coo qk jVarimniakes of wringer type washers " $29.95 Salem, Oregon 9o Fabulous Value! JtSim C,r't fMlnti I iT M will J VVUVII DAN RIVER DRESSES 225 300 Assorted Plaint and Patterns . . . New Spring Colors , . Jhei 3 lo 61 Second Floor Sizet 7 lo 14 ANITA SHOP Corner State and Liberty Sts. STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE! 100 f AATC IUAU WOOL In Beautiful Tweed! and Splash Warns Milium linings $1699 DEAR DOROTHY DIX: At the beginning of the term. John and I exchanged rings. Then he went to an out-of-town college. I had one date with another boy. John hoard about it and was furious. During the holidays he came home and returned my ring. How can 1 get him back? l.ois. DEAR l.OIS: Some girls like the advantages of going steady, but dislike its limitations. If you get John hack, remember it will mean no dating until summer. Better play the field. WW Regular 1.00 Costum Jewelry plus tax Pearls, stone sets, metals, neck laces, earrings, pens, etc. Jewelry 1st floor HARTMAN BROS. JEWELERS Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Ore. Trade-in Watch Sale BIGGEST IN YEARS! Most models hare a $20 $25 $30 trode-ln allow ance. See windows each one marked in plain figures. Get Your New Watch Now ! 10 00 p m. 1(1 IS f m 10 M p m. II 00 p m. It 30 p m. O DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Last month my boy friend. Cliff, said some unkind things about my girl friend. Lil. I know 1 shouldn't have told Liz. but I did. She promised not to say anything, but she did. Now. of course, Cliff is mad at me and I guess he has a reason. He hasn't tried to see me since, what can I do to make up? Adnenne. DEAR ADK1ENNE: One of the most difficult temptations to resist is passing on confidences. A secret is told, and always with the proviso, "Now dn't you dare tell anyone!'' Why should you expect someone else to keep faith: when you couldnV All three of you were wrong in this little contretemps. You are all petty gossips. Why not get together and sign the pledge to hold your tongues! 0 Srfd your problem to Dorothy Dti. Or write for her free leaflet IMS. 'Turn Your Spare Time Into Cash." In all easrs, be sure to enclose a sswVrd. oirtn'.onnt trw'. td send request te her. Boys' Colorful Flannel Shirts Assorted Plaids With Pocket Sim ( to 16 Re. $1.25 69 Save d JjH HARTMAN BROS. JEWELERS Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Ore. ANOTHER OFFERING More Fashion Costume Jewelry ,. , , Added to Large Selection alues to S3 00 Bracelets, Earrings, Necklaces, ett. Tax hrtliutol . Chiice 62