cm Make Lite Easier - Read & Use Want ACCOUNTING SERVICE Leon A Pi-cu:: CM 3-528S. 1109 4th St, ADDING MACII1NLS Bu as you rent. f.uer.-'lyncwriter. EM 3-0773. APPLIANCES All makes 496 Court WESTTNGHOUSE Wnodrv F lrniturc Co 471 So Cotn'l EM 4-2111 CAPITOL Bedding; Mattresses, new& renovated. EM 3-4069. C 'PENTlCU-l 'ONltlACTOB ti -c BuiMmr ft Remodeimjj' R;ilph M. Scheldt?), EM 2-0701. CiC.ICNT CUNTRACTUK j C'V-actor ID vrs e Pp. "it i Service. E Drake EM 4-6.139. ' CEMENT WORK I Ctrient i'1'k Hon-t I ., IcvellriK and foundations. EM 2-1-21; j. Crane work 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem farnd & Gravel. EM 2-24 jl TO PLACEAD PHONE EM 4-6811 450 Merchandise f' 490 Fuel STOVE wood k used lumber, sell cheap. 2104 N.UY OREGON FUEL Sawdust, Green & Dry Wond S & H Green Stamns J087 Broadway, Ph. EM 3-5533 SOMETHING new tor sawdur' users. We nave a Chip Mix fuel. Capitol Fuel Cn 1420 Broadway. Ph. EM j-"2L CAPITOL FUEL CO. Dry oak. ash & maple wood Choice slab & blnck wood mixed dry or green Urv mm wood 14-20 Broadway Ph. EM 3-7721 ANDERSON'S stabwood, 2!i-unlt l03d S25. Ph. EM 2-7751. WANTED: Several thousand cords of hark-free word, fir or hemlock. Ph. EM 3-7721: nlnh's EM 4-5633. SHAVINGS: WE DELIVER PH. EM 2-6171 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon SEASONAL CASH IN A SINGLE TRIP Get cash for shopping needs or other seasonal expenses in one visit to office! Phone Beneficial, give a few facts, i then come In! E.flusivet Nationwide Credit Card presented to every cus tomer Rood nt over 1.000 of fires! Beneficial likes to say "Yes!" Phone for a 1-trip loan, write or come in today. LOANS UP TO $1,900 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. (Personal Finance Co.) Ph. 2-2464 105 S. High NOW BORROW THE "SAFE-WAY" FROM Home owned Home operated Loans to consolidate bills-New Purchases Personal Needs. See us at 1980 Fairgrounds Rd Salem. Ore. Free Parking lot Ph. EM 2-7032. LOANS $5000 to $1,500.00 Buy What You Nerd Consolidate your bills. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT mMPANV 182 S Church St. EM 2-2457 $25 to $2500 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 S. Liberty JPh. EM 4-2233 COLONIAL Investment Co Real Property Loans, Contracts Pur chased. 687 Court. EM 4-2283. PRIVATE money to loan. 6ri interest. Ph. EM 2-0794. Tl2 Loans Wanted WANTED to borrow $6500 1st mortgage on income property as security. Write Box 471, Statesman-Journal. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman bicycle routes. Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or have their written permis sion. Apolv at the Circulation Department of the Statesman Journal. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in office personnel. Bid, adj. Presbyterian Church 354 N. Winter EM 2-0636 Your future Is our Job. 604 Help Wonted, Men A PRACTICAL nurse or capahle woman to live in with widmv lady living alone. Good uaees. nice home, permanent posi tion. 30-50 years. Mrs. Georgia Bathurst. 12B(J Hi". vallls, Ore., or ph. Piaza 3-6,5 6'Jr. Melo Wonted, Lady WANTED: Middle aged woman to do housework. 2 in family, all modern conveniences. Live in. EM 4-6553. EXPERIENCED waitress, day shift. Sunday off. Apply 155 N. Coml . LADY to do housework and live in. 3 in family. 5 day week. EM 2-33?5 or EM 2-9460. WANT experienced waitress, evenings. Must have own transportation. Colonial House. EM 4-3744. 610 Soles Help Wontej EXECUTIVE SALESMAN Former Washington or Oregon school teacher or administra tor to represent School and library uivision ui k- lishmg company. Would be m Targe of sales and sales pro- mot:in ti schools ano nun''" in Washington and Oregon. Ac quaintance with rhool and rVhrtoimen In area helpful- No ales experience necessary. Substantial salary plus com mission, bonus. 3tPe"se,-fc;-eJ tirement plan. Include photo tf available. Experienced sales man or wom an. Ramev Ral Estate, 7 Jerry. EM 4-JMI. Save time -Save money For the Best Professional Services. I m EXPERT EXCAVATING EXCAVATING ft Grading Ditch ing. Earth Moving a specialty. Ben Otjen ft Sou, operated by Mrs B-n Otjen & EtII Otien 818 E. Rural Ave. EM 3-30CO. FLUOR COVERINGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co. Floor-covering Division Wualt tty installations Linoleum. As phalt ft Ruhoer Tlie Wall tile Free Estimates. EM 4-2379. L,i;AlM.ili ac UDZING BULLDOZING $5 90 per m Ex cavating, trr-cmni uie 'ay ' Ma.rz. EM 4-3517 after 9 p.m. BULLDOZING during roads, ponds D- D-d "arryall. V Husitey EM 2-14Q, PLuUlAb LICENSED Plumber, new ft remodeling. EM 2-i5!6. KECOIIIUNO STUDIOS ALL types of music or speech rei-oraed by Connelly. EM 8--.H31. ROOFING . PAY-LESS00FING NEVER K- i i" underbid Repairs. EM 4-2615, lib Or ING & REPAIR CASCADE ROOFING CO. PHONE EM 3-4823 600 Employment 610 Sales Help Wanted MEN AND WOMEN COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE Well established resident to rep- resent the Junior Division of Encyclopaedia Hnt.innica, inc. : uonrd. 18P0 Center. aS..WF?aSrtKi.S',iS'S::TV. dean nicely turn, sieenin, C. Dooley, Personnel Mar. Room 506. Broadway Blrig., Portland. Ore. Include charac ter relercnces. EXP. retail hardware clerk. Write giving full particulars. Immd. year round emp. Box 46'J Statesman-Journal. r TO GO to work immediately, either lull or part time, ex perience not necessary, com mission, apply Mr. Hauser each day from 8:30 to 1 until quota is filled Many good jobs available. 329 E. Bush (off So Com'l.) Young man needs work. What have you? EM 4-2821. LATHING by hr. or job. Pauls, EM 2-2547. SPRAYING, tree topping, re moval, pruning. L. W. Caudle, EM 4-1461. Painting & Paperhanging Anv size Job Free Est. Terms. Ph. Nelson EM 3-8403 BUILD," remoriei, cabinet?. ' paint or what have you? Contract or by hr. EM 4-6310. CARPENTER work (he way YOU waul It. tM i-az-ia. CARPENTER, repair or remod eling by ht or coniraci. no job too small. EM 3-4785. HOUSE painting in & out. Charlie Greene EM4j7198. CARPENTER WORK, day or contract, twi t-io. PAINTING Inter, good brushes. Job or hr. Rcas EM 3-3935 FREE estimates on floor cover ings or drainboards. R. L. Elf- strom v-u.uu j- i;iuj' LOU'S tree service, topping, prune, cabling. EM 4-8501. 614 Work Wonted, Lody MENDING, plain sewing, alter' IRONING, my home. 50c. per hour. EM 4-46118. Ironing to do. my home, reas, 2209 N. Front. DRESSMAKING EM 4-7054 rttiT.n care, m home, 4 Corn ers. EM 3-5244 PRACTICAL nurse, considerable hospital training & experience. Ph. Silverton 3-4724 after Jan. 2 CHILD care my home. wk. days, Englewood 0.r.t.EM 3-3426. uiSifcc-wnTiK hv hr. or day Own iransporiaiuiii -"" "ironing,' my home EM 4-4694 RELIABLE baby sitter my home day or nigniieir"-'-"-';; PRACTICAL nursing days. C. S. preferrea. sji . nu. GENERAL CLEANING BY HR. EM 2-1118 WILL do t-niiin" tn iw home. South Salem, EM 4-3462. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mrs. Poe.C55 N.lCth. EM 3-3642. CHILnca-n fn mv h- hr or day. S.Salem. EM 4-3462. TRAINED practical nurse wants Baby sitting or hour work. Ref. 640 Marion, Apt. 5, EM 3-5007. 615 Situations Wonted SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair we", Septic lanKs uiem . power Ditching. Backfill. EM 2-5568. . tt(- u-r nroMlcr dn?er. level! .radine. EM 3-7042. L. Kurth. HEMSTITCHING DONE AT 1551 MARKET. EM 2-9724. 618 Education ADULT CLASSES SALEM PUBLIC SCHOOLS WINTER TERM JAN. 7 TO MARCH 8 FOR DETAILS !c BULLETINS TELEPHONE EM 3-4171 ,.,r-u cfimni. AT HOME Finish your High School in voiir spare time. Books furn. i.n lutlion. rrce dumCi. n CAN SCHOOL. 6543 N. Inter state, Portland 17, Ore. , GET US GOVT JOB! Many now open! Men-Women, 18-95. Start high as $140.00 month. Coaching until appointed! Ex perience often unnecessary. Get FREE 36-page book show ing Jobs. salaries. tests. WRITE: Box 463. Statesman Journal. 620 Doy and Controct i i S'd shovel, crane, hoe d-g line. 25-ton mobile cranes. D-4. D-7 cats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or tint nrices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 1405 N Front St. EM 2-2481 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Room,, tfti WARM sleeping rm.. shwr bath. pnv. ent. 745 S. Commercial. cT.EANwYrm"nns. TV, rinse In 215 S. Winter. EM 2-1722 DESIRABLE room. 1 blk. from Post Office. 658 Fern'. HOME iwiT from home. Men. TV. Pack lunches. 105 N. 4th. Ads Daily! SAND St GRAVEL SALEM SAND & GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed round gravel, sand & top soil. 1405 M. Front. EM 2-2461. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1625 McGilchnst Crushed quarry rocks and gravel. All size for roads, driveways and parking lots READY MIXED CONCRETE, Garden sand,, shovel and dragline work. EM 3-9349. VALLEY SAND St GRAVEL CO. Crushed St round grovel sand & con. mix. EM 2-4002. SEPTIC SERVICE Hamel's septic tanks cleaned, line servne Guaranteed work EM 3-7404 or EM 3-5071 HOWARDS RiMo-Hm le- septic tanKl cleaned EM 3-9327 i MIKE'S Septic service Tanks cleaned Droole Hear ewers drains. Phone EM 3-9468. WALL CLEANING RrULTS perfect, Save paint. Modern Wall Cleaners, EM 2-4287. TO PLACE AD PHONE EM 4-6811 TOO Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board BOARD & ROOM 850 "E" St. EM 3-87M .NK'fcXY turn room, also bsmt apt., close in 63P- N Winter WANTED Man to mom and rm.. men $5 wk. EM 2-7020. M nt 1S09 N. Capitol, EM 4-6134. 7G5 Apartments For Rent FURN. 1 bdrm. clean, attrac. $Gr. 735 N. Capitol EM 2-4579. 1 St 3 rm furn. apt. front. All util. furn. 597 N, Liberty EM 3-7695. extra nice, furn. 3 rms . bath. TV. laundry, park ing aval. Inq. 1348 So. 12ttL 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., toves St re frig. furn. very clean. EM 3-7143. 3 ROOM mod. ant Nicelv furn. EM J-7148 or EM 3-6444. FURN. apts., wash facilities, phone, stm. ht. EM 4-6061. FURN. 1 rm. apt. quiet loc. Close in. EM 2-3434. 666 S. Summer. 3 RM. unfurn. in modern 4 plex rnngc & refng. $45 EM 2-7S20. SMALL 3 rm. Furn. apt. nriults, no pets, Sheldon Apts, 1300 N, Liberty. LARGE rm. furn. apt., priv. bath, entr. Close to State BlciFJs. 1112 Mill St. FURN. 2 room apt., close In. 696 No. Cottage. Reas. CLOSE in 1 rm. furn. apt., util, pd. $28. 765 Marlon EM 2-5223. COURT: nice 2 bdrm. hse. gar., close in, bus. EM 4-6346. SALV ADORE APT'S ONE & 2 bdrm ant? range & refrig.furn:EM2-3841. CLEAN, furn. apt., util. pd. ex cept heat. 194 N14th. JANSSEN COURT FURN. ant., clean, attrac. nr. shop center & but. S. 13th at j.. iturai. """FURN. APT., $35 1210 Tile Rd. EM 4-9352 1 BDRM. unfurn, apt. Steam I no. Hollywood Cleaners. 2044 N. Capitol. EM 3-969fl. FURN. 1 and 2 bdrm.. Apts heated, 1411 Court St. FURN. pulimati apt. Adults 1545 1, uaimoi .fti z-yuuo. LARGE" welOurn. 2 7m. apt, 2nd fir., gas stoves 530 mo, Washinc facilities No pets, nrlltlts Pfd. Pfc. renxircd. 2164 Maple Ave. EM 3-7117. UNFURN. 2-bdrm. court. Near North HI. 812 N. 14th CLEAN, warm. 2 rm. apt. close in. Lady 645 Ferry. EM 3-45J7. sTPM furn. "15 Elderly gentleman. EM 3-5276 eves. THE CENTURY. 1981 CENTER New Irg. dlx. 2 udrm. Apts. FURN. apts. for rent. 1160 S. Liberty. EM Z-5Z10. 3 RM. modern furn. apt., radiant heat. Bus bv door, ivw oene vue. EM 4-3714aftcr 5. MODERN Furnished Court 1 hnrlrnnm WW 1 -" EM 4-6875, evenings EM 3-S743 t AHfiF. ft rnnvunient 3 rm. furn. dc carpetea api. ivao i.kc water, FURN. APT. near Capitol, newly decorated, modern convinces. $40. Util. paid. EM 3-6408 or 145 N. 14th. 4 rm. apt., util furn, inc. linens, See IWJD u-arnei. CLOSE in mod. furn. 3 rm. apt. Ph. EM 3-B4W except aat. 635 N. Summer Furnished 3 room upstairs ap;. u, Adults only. 1 BDRM. court, unfurn.. adults. TV, EM 3-4671, 1435 Trade. REDEC. 1 bdrm. furn. apt. Water & garbage. Off street park. $40. EM 3-5367. CLEAN 2 rm. furn. Priv. bath. & entr. EM 4-7654 after 2:30. FURNISHED apts. 'r rent. EM 2-5210, 1160 S. Liberty St. FURN. 3 rm. apt. Adults, 1545 N. Capitol, EM 2-9006. VERY desirable well heated 3 rm. partly furn. apt. Garage. EM 3-8413. FURN! 3 rm. priv bath. rtoe state bldg's., parking space, EM 3-7310 mornings & eveJ 1 RDRM. apt. furn. Clean. Cln?e in. Ground floor. Parking. EM 3-fiCll or F,M3-71fS5. MODERN 2 rm. 3rd hse. East I Al Memorial liosp. naa uait. VERY nicely furn, te entr. 334 N. Capitol. VERY desirable, clo?;e in 5 rm. flat ft garage -m -h "i apt i- BDRM. court apt. partially furn., $45. EM 2-6286. F. L. Knapp Broker. "RM. furn. apt., priv. hath. 705 N. Liberty, EM 2-6947. FURN. 4 rms. ft bath, front en trance, garage. Ideal for stu dents or working cpl. $40. EM 2-5478. 706 Duplexes NICE 2 bdrm. apt. Large liv. rm., util.. bath, garage, extra nice kitchen. Water furn. $45. 1175 Boone Rd. 2 RMS, Kitchenette, bath, quiet neigh., bus i blk. 2600 N. Front. NEW unfurn. 2 bdrm. duplex. South. r.y RnRMsduDi. M9 "i Winter. EM 4 0887. yznyJ em 4j7. . . i llu i lh l;ui.i I BRAND ne. 2 bdrm. Water. garbage draw drapes Ver T VflK VA V T TMF.S nice va. 4134 Portland Rd. 1j I J1 V , ljl.n. j-RM fSS gar.r-nTr"! LOCAL OR NATION WIDK hospital EM 2 8041 before4 pro Mnvlrl0r f. Cfn.-arrfi CLEAN wr? ' rm n; In, lady. t4t rerrj m 700 Rentals' 707 Houses For Rtnt unfurn. house. Call 1 BDRM. stove, refrig., gar., newly decor. EM 3-8471. NICE 3 bdrm. Suburban home close in. $75 mo. EM 2-0546. 2 BDRM. unfurn. house $42. 1482 Park Ave. EM 4-3718. 3 BDRM. hse., frpl., auto, oil heat, bsmt., gar. Fenced yard, $70. 495 S. 21st. EM 3-7577 or EM 2-6127 eves. 2 BDRM. hse., large ear., back yard. $90. W. EM 2-9029. 2 BDRM. house, gar., bus at door, prefer actum, em yiaa, 1 BR. unturn. except stove Si ra fng. tnq. 1815 Lee after t p.m VERY nice 1 bdrm. court, un furn. except for refrig A stove. 2445 Market. CM 2-199$. NEWLY re-decorated 1 bdrm.', ct. stove & refrig. $50 mo, JE M 3-9746 eve. VERY nice 2 bdrm., frpl. $70. 3381 Duncan Ave. Inq. 3385 Duncan. EM 3-5716. 3 BDRM.. din. rm., breakfast nook, firoplace. bsm't, oil furncce. So. EM 4-1795. 1873 SO. CAPITOL, Adults or t; in all family. Inquire 1011 So. Liberty. SMALL 2 bdrm. wired for dry. lotn. QUIET, clean. 1 bdrm. hse. 4- lurners aisi., J. t-i 2-BDBM. hse. with 1 attic rml. Sub. ivo. $50. EM (-3(01. 4 CORNERS. 2 bdrm. attach gar., elec. heat, no dogs. $60. Inq. 4595 State. EM 4-ZBB2 REDEC. 3 bdrm. hse. $48 at 2060 Br ey man. fcM z-i 4 BDRM.. 2 baths, oak floors, F.A. oil fum., 1 floor, gar, I nquire 1996 S. 1 3 th. NEW unfurn. 3 bdrm. home for rent. Liberty Rd. $85 mo. EM 4-U237. RANCH type 2 bdrm., fully lnsulnted duplex, elec, hwd. firs.. Venetians, Inside utility wired for dryer. Range, rt friii. T.V. antenna furn larpe gar. 35t Bliler. EM i 2-7U05 or inq. 355 Tryon, 1 BDRM. hse., pnrtlv furn. 206!! evergreen. r.M a-suioa. 2 PDRM. house nr. ball park, $iiO mo. EM 4-8269. . FKEE 12th month-Almost new 2 bdrm. house, auto, heat, elec range, hwd. firs. Insulated. Auto, washer, dryer available 2230 Maple Ave. UNFURN. ? hdr- hF . wired for drier $49. em 3-7987, west Salem. 4-bedroom 2030 N. Comm'l. $60 3-bedroom 331 Mission $95. 2-bedroom 2330 Broadway $45. Ramsey Realty. 7 rm. house. 990 N. 17th St. inq. iovo n. Din si. rn. cai 3-8974. SUBURBAN 2 BDRM. HOUSE., WIRED FOR RANGE AND ' HEATER. NORTH, $35 MO. EM 2-5654. UNFURNISHED bdrm. Hoi- lywood I5o. UNFURNISHED 1 bdrm. oar Hiehlnnri 145 with FURNISHED 1 bdrm. duplex $45. S?e Joe L. Bourne Realtor at 1140 N. Capital Ph. EM 3-;:21G. LARGE 1 bdrm., crttagc, water, garbage serv. furn. adults, Inq. 12li5 N. 4th. 2 BDRM, unfurn. duplex. Hv. rm..din. rm., Kit.. o?m t. ciean, close in. Call KM 4-1307. NICE clean 2 bdrm. hse., att. gar. Large yard. $65. 153 Ken wood. EM 4-6269. W. SALEM: 3 bdrm. hse.. ga rage, basement, near sen l, bus & church. EM 3-7838. FOR RENT 1st house South Liberty Sch'l. on right, suit able for duplex, garden, all kinds fruit. City bus tc Bchool at door. See Walter H. Zosel, EM 3-8536. FAIRMOW'T f.flte hnflt 3 rm range, $35. EM 3-9918. 3 BDRM.. full hsint., oil furnace, firepl., gar. Close to schools & Hollywood Canter. EM 3-3161. UNFURN. A rm. house St garage i)6 N. Cottage. 1 BDRM. hse. East. Water furn. Util. rm. $25. EM 4-3513. 2BDRM. & utility. OH heat, $15. 1440 Cross St. RENT nice, clean 2 bdrm. house. Garden t,pot. EM 4-1730. 3 BD R Mh om e in Saiem Heights School Dist. $59.00 ner mo, HIMMEL & FERRIS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Phone EM 4-4478 CLOSEin i bedrm. home. hdwd. floors, fireplace, bsmt. oil heat. Very nice, see this for $55 per mo. HIMMEL & FERRIS, REALTORS 134 South Liberty Ph. EM 4-4478 Eve. EM 2-5122 RENT or sale clean 5 rm. house. Fireplace, full bsm't. Oil turn., garage, fenced back yard. EM 2-il!(52. NEW 1 bdrm.. unfurn. hse. per- feet for couple who wants nice place, garage, near nus, rent wiinin reason, near ucii Hospital, 2251 Breyman. 707-o Furnished Houses FURN. Modern 3 rm. cottage, nnn utilities iurn. wice o clean. 1326 li N. Winter or EM 2-0363. SMALL 2 bdrm., no garage, $50, 1415 jenerson. i LOVELY furn. 2 bdrm. hnme $90 mo. Englewood. km z-3"- FURN. house, water, garbage. laundry, bus. aquhs. fcM 'o NICE 1 bdrm.. South, oil furn ace. Bendix. Ref. EM 2-6247. SMALL 2 bdrm. house, partly fum.. Ideal for couple. $49.50. EM 2-7906. SM. furn. hse., elec. heat. EM 2-0426, eves. EM 4-1044. 2 RM. furn. cottage, yard fenced 1065 Highway Ave. EM 2-6618. LARGE" nartv furn h el" Stale bides, ft Univ. EM 2-3626 week days. CLOSEin Redee. flidrm. frpl., bsm't.. gar. EM 3-4332. 1 BDRM. So., use of washer ft dryer. tM 710 Wanted to Rent Hses WANTED to lease home with acrcape. Minimum 3 bdrms. Hcumninir first week n Feb Prefer fireplace ft sawdust furnace. Wired for dryer. EM 2-2380. 714 Business Rentols ATTENTION small distributor shiDi: Warm bldg. for storage ft office. Excel, loc. for adver tising value. Hiway 90 No. Adequate oarkinv space. EM 4-8WJ or EM 2-3951. STUCCO bldg.. 40 X 80' crete firs.. 2. 12' x 12" No. 3 zone. Inq. 1596 S. , con doors, 18 Convalescent Hornet Vacancy at Cummln'i Care Home for aged men or women. EM 3-9691. n.I 780 Moving & Storage 1 I CCTCD Hp ADD 1 PH. FVf 9.i75n OR FI LAVA - 700 Rentals 780 Moving & Storage Larmer Transfer ft Storage Complete moving service. Also agents ior pi-"",j timu Wide Moyert. Pn. EM 3-3131 LOW COST storage. H. L. Stiff furniture i-o. tai d-mo 800 Heal Estate 801 Bu$ines$ Opportun. ON ACCOUNT of Illness, sell full nne equipment i ju $979. PO Box 1073 West Salem SMALL business for sale or trade for late model car or make offer. EM X01ZO or EM 3-3929. RESTAURANT $500 DOWN SELL OR TRADE tor car, trail er house, or real estate. Long established, equipped & ready to go. SI, 995. ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR. 231 N. Huh. Fh. EM 3-5838, EM 2-9348. 803 Suburban 2 TO 7 ACRES Bv owner clone In North. Very 'nice 2 bdrm. home & other buildings. EM 4-9409. 806 Houses For Sale BY BUILDER New 3 bdrm custom bin It home choice location. EM 2-7071. MODERN older T rm. house elec. heat. 1 acre, in Mon mouth, fruit. Irg. garden. $C,3Qt). Skyline i-mi. 2 APT. residence. Large garare &z lot. $9,900. $1,000 down. KM 4-0392. 3 BDRM. 5 blks. to Statehouse. Wall to wall carpet. Ua baths. Din. rm., Lee. kitchen. $9,800. 1996 Chemeketa. BUSINESS lot with 3 bdrm, hse. 919 S. Com'! make offers 420 N. 20th, EM 3-8766. 2660 BLUFF FAM. kit., party rm., 3 flrepl., 3 sets pium ting. um MR "OWNKR! Glen Wnod'T will pay top price fot your furn appliances. j-anu. Reserved District nr At IT! Ft ft. Modern S bdrm house, Jg. nving room wim picture window, fireplace, beam ceilings. Dining room with lg. gl?ss doors that open on patio. Birch kitchen with nook, dish washer, Utility rm. Dbl. plumb, Dbl. garage. F.A, nil heat. Low rock farden sur rounded by beautiful homes on exclusive street. House has lots of personality. Price $17,950. Ask for Ed Schreder. Ph. EM 3-9236. Evenings EM 3-7825. 5 ACRES (No buildings) 73 Ft. well 6 casing. uiot;e in ioum, Could be all cultivated. Price $1,500. Terms, for particulars aFk for Phil Murray, Ph. EM 3-936 Eve.; Dallas MA 3-2633. Oregon Development Comppnv 313 N. Church Ph. EM 3 0236 Northeast year old 3 bdrm. home with full davlight basement. in livirfe room and base ment oartv room. Paved street. Owner would trade for smaller nome. ASKing nniy $13,500. Call Ruth Morrison Eve. EM 4-1644. Home & Investment Englewood dfst. near schools, oils, rnurcn & snnuDinz. t noun modern homes with garage for only jnioo. une is a ,) ucirm. late built home, the other is a larce 1 bdrm. home. Fenced in vard with fruit trees. This property will pay for itself and is an outstanding good biiv. Call Mr. Rourne for shnw inr and details Eve. Ph. EM 3 7217. Joe Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. EM 3-7217 Basement Home Start the New Year in this at tractive new 3 bedroom Home. Semi-daylight basement, two fireplaces (one up and one down) beamed ceiling living room, dining room and kitch en. Birch cahinets, generous use of natural wond through- nut. Located within the city limits. No closing costs, bal ance at $88 per month. Eastmoreland Attractive double Karaite two- bedroom home located close to schools, bus, stores, state hos pitals. Fenced-in yard, patio In rear. Excellent residential area. Ph. EM 4-4454 Ron Jones, Realtor 1!55 Fairgrounds Rond Evening phones: EM 2-3528 or EM 3-3573 FURNISHED HOME $300 DN. Bal. $35 mo. 2 bdrms. liv. rm., kitchen ft shower Da in .tZMJ, SOUTH SALEM HIGH $500 DN. 5 yr, old 2 bedrm. plastered home, uniy syau or H4u partly rurnuhed. 7 YR. OLD HOME $350 DN. 2 bedrm., hdwd firs., plastered Newly decorated Inside & out. Price $6950, ALLEN C. JONES, Realtor l N. Hieh KM T5M Eves. EM 4.1ga3. KM 2-nH START THE YEAR RIGHT ',i A With 2 B R. home, plenty room lor Kius or nice mr re tired couple. Just $6,790, small down pay't. JUST 15 blks north from State St., older house, bai. fur, 2 Brs, LR. DR. etc. Plus 3 R apt. Rental $35 00 per mo. Iit 66' X 122'. Price $6,000 w ith $1,000 down, $60.00 per mo. HOME on Eatf Market St with bas. fur. 2 BR. LR. DR lit floor. 2nd floor 2 Bdrnn. Cor. lot. Priced $10,900, with $1,500 down. NEW lovely homes In Lincoln Park. Abrams & Skinner 411 Masonic Bldpr. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MflHTr.Ar.E I.OANS , Phone EM 3-M17 Eve EM 3-7388 I or EM J-47W ; bdrrns., plav r-m. 2 frpl hath ft "j. Low an pym i, or trarir for small Hf.u e car. ioi, or what have you-1 EM 4-827! $2W DN "or 'trade. rice I9.B.V). Neat 2 Mrm home dose m. fe"ed vrt 1., shrubs. Al.o - irn'.ll guest cotUge llh bih. EM 4-8272. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Salt C. D. McCargar. Rltr. J LONG I LOW! MODERN! Just completed: just listed; never bean shown. It has a beauti ful kitchen with built-in range and oven; )ge. utility R.; l'i baths: 2 fireplaces: paneling and beams in family and liv. room: entry hall; 3 bdrms. and Ige. double garage with extra storage or hobby room. The setting is beautiful: the location Is south: the exterior is rustic. The price Is right. Call TomFaganeve EM 4-1893 1957 SPECIAL. Only $1,900 down. or ana new, j ixirm; aoie plumbing; ranch style home; delightful kitchen: Ige. living dining room combination; rus tic fireplace; Ige. 2 car ga rage; paved sts. for inspection call 'Mac' McCargar; eve ph. EM 4-7371. GIVE US A REASONABLE OF- iuk on inis 2 on rm. rural home on !) A. Has bam, ga rage, shop, fruit house and fruit. Total price $4,750. North E. eve. ph. At Bender EM 2-76-16. 4 BEDROOMS. Lge. Hv. rm; separate am, rm; l Dams; finished full basement; 2 fire places; located North on fine A. lot with lge. cherry and walnut trees. Price $16,500. Terms. Call Lloyd Rice eve. EM 3-4869. ATTENTION LARGE FAM ILIES Here a one that has utility, space, economy, value and location all wrapped up in one package. The kitchen has a dishwasher and an eating area. Liv. and Din. room com bination has w-w carpet and riranes: 2 bdrme uo and 2 down. Tiled bath; full base ment with shower and wash bowl: a finished room for den or another bedroom. S.D. heat: dble. garage and lge. fenced lot with family fruit and ber ries. AH this for only $11,500 with terms. Call Tom Fagan eve. EM 4-8193. COZY AND ALMOST NEW; fine; close in location 2 bdrm. house. Neat as a pin; covered Eatio with fireplace and grill; eautiful fenced back j'ard. Onlv $9,990 with terms. Also 2 bdrm. South with $750 down. Call Lloyd Rice eve, EM 3-4869 47 ACRES: Grade A Dairy; good house; lge. loafing shed; milk ing parlor; Best irrigation well; all pipes necessary; not far from Salem, north. Price $29,750 with $10,000 down; bal. $160 per mo. Call Al Bender eve. phone EM 2-7646. 702 N. High St. Ph. EM 4-4441. fiMAt.T. 2 bdrm. home. nice. $290 dn. Full price $4,990, EM Ji-Dfdl ir o p.m. Roy Todd, Realtor LIVE MODERN, South Salem 3 bdrm. only t yr. oia. i nis home has over 1300 sq. ft. floor space, with large living it dining rooms. l',i baths, util ity room, fireplace. The lot is large & has several trees. The street is paved. It lias city wa ter & is close to ; hopping & bus. Ownc will take 2 hdrm. in trade. Total price $13,900. Call Mr. Todd. 3 BDRMS. ON ONE FLOOR. This is a bargain. $500 down buvs this nice comforlnble hrmm nnlv 1 vrs. old. Located south part of town. Close to shopping center, grade school ft bus service. Contemporary floor arrangement. Lge. lot with lots of shrubs. All this for only $7800. Call Mrs. Graham. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE M1 Rtnte Street Ph. EM 2-8591 eve. VanMeter EM 4-9500; Hicks EM 4-4D30; filling .m i-iuii; AlHsinn EM 4-3214: Mrs. Gra ham EM 4-4748; Todd EM 2-1731. MUST sell this week. Almost new 3 bdrm. with att. gar. Lge. Hv. rm. and sep. tun. area. The Missus will go for this workraver kitchen. This is not a cheapic just a good buv for someone with $:i85 down. lf57 t-ipcs paid. No closing coats. 1175 Lupin Lane EM 402711. A GOOD buy by builder New 3 bdrm. home, 1300 sq. ft., in good location. See to he con vinced EM 4-5177 eves ft morn. .SEE THIS For onlv $12,500. You can buy this hew 'A bedmom Ranch hnmn i h.tths. Dlninff room. plus breakfast nook. Over 1300 ft. of floor space. New sub division with p.ivcd streets. 2 car garage too. CALL RON CLEARY Eves. EM 3-9039 Don Douctio n I Court Ph. EM 4 8484 Sell Rent Pail or All CLOSE IN Will rent the whole building or any pari, i nrce store or office spaces below, and 2 five rm. apts up. Rent, laese or sell. Call 2-8812, 3-8814 3-8814. Trade or Sell My THREE Bedrm. on one fir. ft 2 In basement, nome nn r. im St. $11,000 $1,000 dn. or take In small home in trade. Aluo have a smaller home close in newly done over, and ready to move into, 2 bedrms for $6900 ft $500 dn. Another Close In ONE blk. off State St. Large 5 rm. Cor. lot on Ferry St. 16th. $7,500. 3 Cottage Court CLOSE to shop, center, on N. nes rented ft 4trv 2 new partlv Fur. the 2 bedrrn. $15,500 Art Marlsen Realty 1326 STATE 3-9580 2-8812 3-8405 " THIRTY ACRES ON PAVED ROAD 2 ftcrei nice Royal Ann cherries In full hearing. L,ive crecx, n m limber. 4 bedroom older mod em home, 2 car garage, han A- h-n cnoo. Onlv 1!750. 1 down. Call T. T. ANDERSON days EM 4-4494, eve EM 2714. NEW yF.AR SPECIAL 'j ACRE VIEW PROPERTY located tn South district near Salem Heights schvu. z neo room home LOW DOWN PAY MENT BUYS THIS. TOTAL PRICE $4650. CALL VANDER VORT. days EM 4-44t4, eve EM 4-7602. FAIRMOUNT DISTRICT HERE'S A DANDY 3 bedroom home with full basement, 14 x 34 ft. living rm., coved ceil ings, kitchen ft br. nook. Fire place. Oil FA heat. Lovely secluded back yard with fire place. Ints of nice thrubs A BETTER OI.DEH HOME FOR $12 000 GOOD TERMS. CALL MrfNTOSH davi EM 4-44M. eve EM 4-08M. . r, , . r, Colbath Land Co. : 517 Court M. DIAL EM 4-44't4 JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR : Let us solve your h -ne needi. j To Buy. Seh or R?nt - Call J Ph. EM 4-ST4J 121 II Mlj;Uf tPh. EM 4-7174 2710 So, Comml. BOO Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole PRICE JUST REDUCED TO $9500 Owner savs sell. Older , home, 3 barms,. 1 down, 2 up, I 2 full baths. Large liv. rm., ! din. rm., wall to wall carpet- i ing, kitchen has steel bullt-lns, I sealed basement, oil furnace. Excellent school location. FOR TERMS CALL RALPH BRUCE BEAUTIFUL SETTING In fir trees. This fine 3 bdrm. home has large liv. rm. with over sized fireplace. Nice bathroom with big square tub. Interior nine paneling and plaster. Reasonably priced at $lfi.5M. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 3 bdrms. plus a den. Id baths. 2 fireplaces. Liv. rm. and din. rm. have wall to wall carpet. Appliances Included. Patio and small greenhouse In back yard Price $14,900. CALL H. K. LAYMON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 180 S. LIBERTY ST. PH. EM 2-2471 Evenings & Sunday call Salesmen O. V. Hume EM 2-5206 J. E. Law EM 3-9113 H. K. Laymon EM 4-9907 Mrs. Richardson EM 4-R98S Walt Socolofdky EM 3-8833 RalDh Bruce EM 2-6381 Ron Hudkins EM 3-8712 it',: , WlHwi DANDY SMALL BUSINESS GROCERY In good neighboring com munity, doing very good business, win consider saiem lrnnt. What have you? This is your opportunity. Call Eastridgc, Eve. ph. EM 36522. I ACRE close in on paved corner in nice setting among me uees, smnii uarn ume. k".-kc. This property has very good huilding sites with lots of large walnut trees, good well. Only $7,990. Call Bill Fidler. eve. ph. EM 4-7448, Wilf trade Income property for home to $(1,000. Have 4 apts. with all private entrances, completely luimsnea, in nuc tw""i. 3 blocks from center of town, full price only $12,750. Bal. on contract. Call Gene Pedwell. 70 acres with apx. 55 tn cult., for svstcm, good ferine DOtiom son mm hum iiui muu, j around stream, large barn, machine shed, hog house, etc. A good 5 brm. home, paved road, close to town St acnool. can Geo. Kraus. REALTORS 316 N. Church St. NOW IS THE TIME! II Get itarted at the turn of tlw year put your money to work. We have 3 nice duplexes one North, the other South Good Invest ment property. Call Louii Lorenz for more Informs-' tion. Lee Ohmart HERE IS A Make a New Year's resolution to .nn.i.n nl'nl W have a Peony Garden with Inrge family room paneled in knotty pine for I'.caea leisure, snaec tor room will save counties'; steps, i ucn sunwrr mi iihimit rooms, All this for $13,950. Ask Adrlenne Sercombe about jinaniiug,. YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME When you first walk into this Add. Spacious living room wun npen iiir:ni. o K..u "--rooms, 2-car garage. This home is the hest value on today a market at ONLY $i;i,7SU. uail FARM SPECIAL 8 Acres No. 1 peat soil, bal. good Willamette soil. All irrigated. new 3-bedroom nome wun la x living num., i a i ? room. Large onion barn, machine shed. All equip. Including 2 tractors, onion loader, cultivator, Irrigation pump Ac pipes, etc. Call Henry Torvend. I'VE GOT A SECRET n. .... ,.t h.,u in n l.hnrirnnm home In the EllffleWOOd Dis trict located on extra large garage with overhead siornge. rms nome w m iop iidur n dltion and all for ONLY $flf.W. Better hurry Call rtalph M-iddy. 477 Court St. Eve.: Louis Lorenz KM-39300 Stanley Brown EM-z.vitu Ralph Maddy NEW YEAR Slay al home and have an income This 13-room houe furnished would be Ideal for a ronvalesrent home. There are II acres of land, some fruit and Hemes Locaiec, 14 nine. ,i..,n nn,..,.. Asking price $32.30(1. A doll house wllhln walking distance of loivn. n excellent con- Hilton nom insiae ana nu, ,.m, r., .. .... . 1 - - BR . altachcd Rarn.e. lols of closcu and slornue space, a ainall. hul nretly yard. Will lease with opllon to huy or lell for II, 000 down. Price In, DM. Owner trensferred. Has lefl mis advantage 01. .. tJ" . m . i.n., .nin... ..." , . " .. ,. baths. Inside utility, double earaae Corner lot with lawn, shrubs and oak trees for aummer shade. Make an offer on this ,11,2(10 home. Liberty Gardens -a 3 BR. home with separate dlnlne room. e.itln area In kitchen. Inside utility, a nice llvInK room with fh-c-. place, l'i baths and double darase. Corner lot. Price 113,000. Tcnns. This Is different. A brand new home with built-in rnnR.- and oven, slalnless steel sink. Hi baths, lame paneled family room , Hl LH . and double Karase. Loci-trrl on a nice coiner lot In a new addition. South. Price I4,(XI0. Terms. A Redwood finished 3-P.R. ranch-stylo home. It hn. flrfpl.ce. inside nlillly and lot, of hulll-lns. It's landscai rd down lo creek. Is In excellent condition, Asking price S10.050. A. k 191 S. HIGH enlngs A Sun. call: K Helen Lewis. KM 2-1504; A. Hoover. EM 3-na.0. fif5 CHEMEKETA Comfortable living in this nice 4 bedroom home. Dandy loca tion. Full dry basement with Invely party room. Corner lot v.ith sprinkling i-.vMem City Inis bv door. Asking $12,(3'l For appointment to nee call Dale Hayburn KM 4-C875 or Eve. ft Sun call EM 2 2045. ISfifiH'S BEST BUy5 ATTENTION BUILDERS! Buy lots now for this year's home conEtruclion. We have 15 nice lots close In In good dis trict with paved sts., curbs, S-ilern Height v. .iter, close to ichool and bus. FHA approved area For more information call Edna Morgan, eve. ph. EM 4-03. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS Ph. EM 4-3311 or EM 3 7820 BIN LOOKIN? 1 3 bdrm. hornet1 i ha vi. hatH ft fm) uth. KM 4.7800 to have a look let's 'e if ue can get together on a doal. FOR SALE 1 arre 84 IM. more Buy Real Vlu 5 - loam 5'A M g WUh Confidence ygSM Buying - Building Q or leM. a went, .) garage, ,i, homes, 4 out bldgi., 1 new i BY OWNER old neniMte 118.500. JO'. cash EM 4-1001. Capital 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole MIDDLE WESTERN OWNER win consider reasoname an cash offer on this attractive 2 bdrm. home at 2oi unerry Avenue. Price was $8500, now ROW. PLEASE DO NOT DIS TURB OCCUPANTS. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY rfor BP' polntment. TRADE 30 X 60 building with x m store, snup, or oince room and 2 bdrm. liv. quar tern. Also 1 bdrm. house. Priced right at $15,000 Will trane. CALL RON HUDKINS 15 ACRES NORTH on ME Price $H5W. Ideal for nursery stock. Wide highway frontage. Road on 3 sides of property. Beautiful oak grove. Ideal for business or home site. Owner will consider some trade. CALL O. V. HUME east, a good J-bedroom home $25,000, Includes good Irrigation Ph. EM 4-6871 Rudy Cal&ba GOOD START pay for jour own home not beautiful 3-bedroom home in w?Mrr v ui.vit - i(t; new home located in me iari &ianicy nruwu. - 12.8 ACRES corner lot with walnut trees, big Phone EM-2H15. EM-24I1A Adrirnne Sercombe EM-4WU12 llcnry lorvena,Mn.w EM-2.14HB OFFERINGS lovely nome inr rannie ... r I'HONK EM 2-8B29 E. Beckett, wi, i. . PHONE EM 4-1878 5 Acres $3000 Hlllitlde prune or chard with partially completed house. Located on paved road approximately fl miles south of Salem. To nee call Dean Klarr KM 4-8879 home phone EM 2 70!. SURE WE WILL TRADE See this 2 bedroom home North, Living room, Dining room, Kitchen and Nook. Ga rage. Near bus and school. (.ALL lilJK. HMAJ Eves. EM 2-0689. Don Doualdo M 320 Court Ph. F.M .HIM BY BUILDER 10 DOWN MOVES YOU IN TODAY - OR BUILD TO SUIT ED FISCHER. PH. 4-S8.13 808 Lot i For Sale Mote), trailer r-ourt or home sites- ci" Norlh near Junction WE ' Freeway Journal, Salem, Ore., 800 Real Estate 810 Forms For Sole WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE in the luumnit Mere are 40 acres that will give you full time work at much better than "going wages". All can be irrigated, Nice 4 bedroom home. All modern conven iences. Close in. Stock and equipment with farm. Call Ben Griffith at EM 4-6875. After 5 and Sunday call EM RAWLINS REALTY 605 CHEMEKETA PHONE EM 4-6875 SEE THIS, tf vnu want horse ranch. Al modern home , also small hoiifc, large bam, 2 large chick houses, tool shed. $3,000 down, balance 9 S- Appt. only. OLAF THONSTAD, RLTR 941 N. Capitol VI?.90? BAHGAfN$B0O per acre for 8 acres at iwa state ai,, aa lem. EM 2-7791. 96 A. FARM. 4 mt. from Sil verton. 10 A. perennial grass & clover hay, 32 walnut ft filbert trees, family orchard. 3 good springs, 6 rm. hse. St bath. 2 barn:,, $12,000. Statesman-Journal Box 470. 812 fcxeh. Reo Estate Let's Trade! GOTTA GOOD CAR ??? NEEDA HUMfcf II your car i ticni ft clean, we have two very good buys to offer! NO. 1 . 2 bedrm. Immaculate, mmiitv home, nicelv arranged. separate dining room. Br. nook ft Inside utility Shaded yard. Price $!750. Nn i lTnulowood. . 3 bdrm 8 U up) full basement with BAWriiiKt heat. Fireolacc. This ts excellent older home. Price $10,500. Call Mrs. Wells, days i,M 4-44V4, eve. tiu -oioot Colbath Land Co. 517 Court St. DIAL EM 4-4494 818 Wonted, Reol Estote WANTED: Listings on all types of property. If you wish to sell or trade call Al Isank ft Co.. and one of our qualified sales- wit h nut obligation. Ph. EM ,4-3311. 850 Automotive B51 New Con Famous German Economy CARS & TRUCKS 1957 DKW . t7,.t uru.w.l Tvvt n - r i-hmh ENGINE 7 Moving Parts ie Bi Car Comfort Small Car Economy 340 N. High EM 4-3353 852 Used Con Fot Sole m ufiMHir turioe Radio Heater ft Hydra. EM 4-3794 njler 3. 55 CHEV. Del-Ray V-fl, now. glide, arldo , heater. 1413 Bicn ncr. CUSTOM 50 Merc. New engine. hood cond. 2HH0 S. Com'l Unit E. , '55 STUDE CHAMPION... $M! 5 unss. cpe.. overdrive, v heater. 55 STUDE CHAMPION $H!5 4-dr. sdn., overdrive, radio St heater. 55 RAMBLER CROSS CTY $1905 Auto, trans., heater ft radio. 93 PONTIAC CATALINA $1299 Hardtop, auto, trans,, radio ft heater. 93 IN'T. i TON PICKUP $705 3-specd trans, ft heater. '53 DODGE 8. 4-DR. SDN. 695 Gyro trans, ft neater. '91 STUDE CHAMPION ... 309 4-dr. sdn.. auto, trans., ft heater. '51 STUDE COMMANDER. $145 2-dr. sdn., auto, trans,, radio ft heater. 90 STUDE COMMANDER .. $350 2-rir. s'in., auto, irimb., raw ft heater. '90 BUICK SUPER 4-DR...-..- $4':0 Sdn., auto, trans., ranio henter. '40 CHEV. 4-Dft- SDN $ Radio ft heater. 4fl STUDE CHAMPION $179 Overdrive, ramo At neaier, '48 STUDE CHAMPION $105 2-dr. sdn,, overdrive, heater. BONESTEELE'S USED CARS 3H5 N. Church EM 2-1003-3.0277 37 WILLYS STA. WON. 4 WHEKL DRIVE Warn Hubs. Hitch, used 3 mos. Owner leaving country Cost new $3100. :i75l West Hills Rd. Corvallis. PLata 3J1539. M6LDS"''88,,,'2 'dr.', hydra., W. W. tires, A-l. EM 4-1000. 853 Auto Port$"4TRepairt Used Auto. Parts Bales & Brady PH. KM 2-4513 NOW WRECKING Chev's. from Kordi Hulck Ply. 8 cyl, Knlier f:hrviler eyl, Ford Console Merc Packard Olds 1 f8" 854 Trucks, Trail, for tale 1041 CHEV. W, T. flat bed truck, Oak rack, all in really good condition. Ph. Turner 726 '92 CMC truck, good cond. with bed. 3222 Mayfietd Place, N- Salem. 2WHEF.LutiI. trailer, high side boards, good tires, 4x6 box. KM 4-!it47. T053 CHEV, 'i T. panel, dlx.. r'ean, very good mech. rond. $ttr See at 3478 Rawlins Ave. or EM 4-OflfiS. , SALE or "trade 40 model Chev". sedan dc!. Ph EM 4 81fi,') 91 GMC flat-bed truck, .prril :t.i17 Uainel KM 2-'X m To Plare Classifird Ads Call KM. 4-68 U ft "48 to 31 '411 to '52 to '58 """" """"-' '4a '31 Thurs., Jan. 3, 1957 850 Automotive 852 Used Con For Sol L.R.B L.R.B. L.R.B. Look Read Buy REAL BUYS FOR 1957 Start the year with one of Loder Bros. Safety tested used cars. '56 MODELS Super 88 Sedan !8 Holiday Deluxe Cpe. Pont. Starchief Sedan '55 MODELS 98 Deluxe Holiday Cpe. Sup. 88 Del. Hoi. Coe. Dodso Sierra Sta. Wag. '54 MODELS Chevrolet Convertible '53 MODELS Chev. 210 Sedan Plym. Sub Sta. Wagon Dodge Coronet Sedan Ford V-8 Sedan Olds Super 88 Sedan '51 MODELS ' Ford V-8 Sedans One 2 Dr., One 4 Dr. Olds 08 Sedan '50 MODELS Plymouth Coupe DeSoto Sedan 1 '49 MODELS 3 Chevrnlets 1 Olds 88 Convertible REMEMBER Jim Loder and Paul Cell an always ready to make you a good deal. Come in and e one of them today! LODER BROS. Used Car Lot 461 No. High EM 2-7073 1050 Ford 2 dr. overdrive, heat er, good tires, good motor. Original owner. EM 4-9458. 2930 Dreamerle Lane. BEST car offered on 55 Chev. Btation wagon, like new, ay Jan. 20th. Bal. $1,390. Harvey Moullft, 576, 9th Stayton, Ore. Ph. 6174. 95 FORD Fnirlane 4 dr. sedan, fordoinatic, radio, heater, SCO ml. Like new 439 Jefferson Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Can Commercial ft Chemeketa EM 4-9711 1P54 CHRYSLER Newport, ex cel. cond., black ft yellow 2 tonc. Premium tires. EM 3- 47H3 from 8-9. After 5 EM 4- 1353. New Years Specials '51 Kurd V-n 4 Dr $205 Radio and healer. '50 Ford V-8 4 Dr. ... $29S Rnd., htr., overdrive. '51 Frnzer 4 Dr. .. $295 rarl., htr., overdrive. 49 Kaiser 4 Dr $75 Radio and heater. 47 Ford V-8 4 Dr. . $75 ALWAYS: HIGH in quality ... LOW in price . . Salem's Used Car Hdqs. 67B So. 12lh EM 2-0881 FOR Sa'lo or Trade: A new 56 Pontlac 4 dr. station wagon, for only a part of new cost of car. A 1052 International 2-3 ton truck with Omaha standard box only 37.000 actual miles. Cont $3,200 when new and will sell for only a fraction of orig in a I cost. Private owner, call km 4-0!HJ6 or see ai iwu ro. River ltd. CAPITOL! Chevrolet Cadillac Union ft Commercial EM 3-3179 B56 Wanted, Cart, Truclci WANTED to buy: Old ft wrecked cars ft trucKs. Ph. 4-4108 daya, 4-2411 nttes. 862 House Troilers Your Car, Furniture, or Pickup on one of these beautiful New '57 MOIllI.E HOMES We have a trailer to fit your family needs. FREE DELIV ERY ANYWHERE IN ORE., WASH., St CALIF. JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2IHI1 Portland Rd. EM 3J104S "The People's Choice New 1B57 Butmore Mobile Homei NOW ON DISPLAY See Them Today! WILL t.k In furniture. pickups, car equine, or ,, have vou. RON'S TRAILER SALES Corner of Center ft Church East OI Aieier ithn Open Evenings EM 2-6H03 NEW1997 CnrdnaPia ft. used a short while, modern except toilet, has everything handy, $1050. EM 4-3560 or see at 2469 Wooddale. TRAILER TOWING Ore. Wash CJ. JAYHAWK TRA1LEB TONVOY UK rorll.nd Rd. V 4-M 2