Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 3, 1957 Page Bisection 3 N THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Zesty Tabasco Adds Much as Seasoning No question about It, west-coasters like food vith a little more test than those in other parts of the country. Talking with Tabasco folks recently, they deplored ten dency of many to "use a dash of Tabasco"; asked why take chances on not enough or too much season- ing when it's so simple to be right? Here are some "right" ideas from their culinary experts. Eggs take on new zest if "a few jdrops" of Tobasco are added to either boiled or poached eggs after they are cooked, to scrambled eggs and omelets alter eggs have been beaten and before they are cooked. Good, too, added to your favorite stuffing for deviled eggs. Gelatine salads take well to Tfl'iascn's tan. Add Vi teaspoon with other seasonings to any basic recipe calling for one envelope of gelatine. Very good in molded seafood salads. Give a tittle zing to gravies and whi.e sauces with V4 teaspoon Tab asco to 2 cups of gravy or white sauce adding it along with other seasonings. Creamed eggs, chipped beef or chicken a la king will ap preciate the extra piquancy or Tabasco. Soups and stews take well to Tabasco. How about Tabasco flavored melted butter for vegetables. Old-Style Lemon Filling Is Liked Some times the old reliables are best, and an old faithful is this lemon filling to go with cakes when it comes dessert and coffee time: OLD-FASHIONED LEMON FILLING 4 tablespoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons cold water 1 cup sugar - 2 lemons, juice (tt cup) 3 tablespoons butter 2 whole eggs 2 egg yolks Blend cornstarch with cold water. Combine with remaining in gredients in top of double boiler. Stir over hot water until thick. Cool, Spread between cake layers. Creamed Patties Add minced onion and green pepper to canned codfish cakes; form into round patties.' Mix chop ped pimiento and a pinch of curry powder with condensed cream of mushroom soup. Heat and serve as a sauce over the browned patties. ABOUT PASTRY SHELL General directions for baking a pastry shell: Prick the shell well all over with a fork and baka In a very hot (450 degrees) oven for 12 to 15 minutes or until gold colored. Remove from oven, cool and then fill. FOR NIBBLING Brown shelled blanched almonds In butter, then sprinkle with salt and such a seasoning as chili pow der, -curry powder or garlic pow der. Use a light touch when add ing the seasoning. Serve for pre- dinner nibbling. FRENCH DRESSING Finishing up lhat catchup bot tle? Then make some French dressing in the hotlle. The last little bits of catchup in the con tainer will add flavor to your dressing. STORING PIMIENTOS When you open a 4-ounce can or Jar o( pimientos and use only one. you can keep the remainder for a rojple of weeks if you add a hall teaspoon of vinegar to their liquid and store them, tightly covered, in the refrigerator. HOT BISCUIT TRICK Split baking powder biscuits and slather cut surfaces with butter; sandwich halves together again with small pieces of Irizzled ham as filling. Serve Vith chicken Iried or creamed. MILK NOTE If you serve every member of your lamily a glass of milk at each meal you'll he sure bolh youngsters and older (oik are gelling vitamins and minerals they need. FRUIT DUO Eer mix canned greengase plums wilh canned sweel red cher ries? Nice. too. with fresh orange sections added. CHEESE SANDWICH NOTE Sutler the outside of cheese sand wiches generously: toast in a heavy killet on bolh sides. Serve with currant jelly lor lunch. MELTING MARSHM ALLOWS As a rule, II s a good Idea to melt marshmnllows over simmer ing water. Stirring often hastens the melting process. MACARONI Til Macaroni products need to lie cooked in a large amount of boil Ing salted water lo keep Ihem from becoming sticky. rr Don't Trust LUCK get things done vftk CLASSIFIED EM 4-6811 It fit I JUS Your BEST place to save because your total food bill i lower her (hopping trip after ihopping trip. You'll be dollars ahead this year . . . shopping Safeway. Our low prices on item after item right down the line mean Important savings on your total food bill. Combined with top quality merchandise and friendly courteous service, these low prices make Safeway "your BEST place to save." Your BEST place to save because ... ', ' x quality merchandise gives meaning f y I to low prices. f fM f 1 FXpfi..ji Sri' I 11 r- J (five OH --nTS . 1 'FACIAL TISSUE fWlSSI 0R CARROTS mm W SLICED PINEAPPU . I A" pricea In this ad are in effect - lb. 477 N. Pnce M5 2 Pkg. YoiaveJ2cJ Your BEST place to save because . . . friendly, courteous service makes shopping more fun. Your BEST place to save because... Safeway's own brands mean quality foods at extra savings. Reg. Price 15c Each TOMATOES Safeway's your BEST place to save on m Grade AA Large Guaranteed Fresh GARDENSIDE From Fully Ripened Fine Tomatoes 303 II JJ LO) Tins Chiffon Brand, Reg. Price 229e Now Only . . . . doz. doz. Marion 303 E Hillside 3) N0" 1 iffC Half K Flat Jfr slice, U) Tins Zb U SAFEWAY'S YOUR BEST PLACE TO SAVE ON . . . Westfair tZiZ7.Z Tomato Scup Cimpb,,' serve the right to limit. EVERY ft . Item guaranteed unconditionally- vrUJJC JUIkC Green Asparagus TODAY'S BEST FOOD VALUE chekui mi Tall Can L None Better for All Milk Uses FOR BABY FOR TABLE FOR COOKING K LL-WELL GELATIN JE Now 8 Delicious Jell-Well Flavors lo Choose From Reg. 4 for 29c BEL-AIR PREMIUM turn t grttn peas FROZEN PEAS rrtl Reg. 19c Ea. Sweel Tender Young Peas 15c Each 10-oz. (Q) fo) C pk9S' (Q) S Franco-American 2 43 .59 15 2 "Jir 27 39 Nu Made brand 24-oz. bottle Gardenside, cut No. 300 can 12oi. can' Spaghetti Corned Beef Blade Pepper Protein Bread Cooked Squash Mayonnaise Sandwich Spread Peanut Butter B8ver,y Pineapple Tarts Polly Ann Fig Bars Melrose coM' Chee-Zip thee5e 'pread quart jar pint jar 67 Lunch Box 4fl 07 Crown Colony Brand, The Finest Name in Spices By Skylark-A Low Calorie Formula Bread Bel-air Frozen Premium Quality 15- oi. jar taf Mb. pkg 16- oi. jar eftaV 4-oz. Tin 2 15-oz. Loaf 14-oz. Pkgs. 25 25 25 Shortening Roy" s,,in Cheese Food v,n ZM Harvest Blossom f,our Apple Chip Cake Mix Marshmnllows l""Zl Orange Juice Bel,ir' froien Waffles B9l,ir' fr8ien Ice Cream Snow s,,r Ice Cream Snow s,ir Margarine Coldbook, Instant Coffee Edw,rd Nestle Cocoa F,mi,y SiIS Boy-ar-dee Dinners tompl,,, pkg.45 NBC Cereal Dental Cream Co,9,, dn 65 3-lb. tin 83 2-lb. pkg. 69 10-lb. lack 89 Swansdown Alt 19-oi. pkg. T I 8-oz. pkg. I 2 -ox. can W 5-oi. pkg. 18 quart w half gal. 89 1-lb. pkg- 21 $1.19 98e TUNA FISH Sea Trader Brand Ko',2 Finest Chunk Style Tin 6-oz. jar 2-lb. 3-oz W(!!f 1 i. SAFEWAY'S SI your iyrplace to save! Cigarettes Popul,r b,,nd,, $1.73 Rug Cleaner ("yOI,mur ,,1.59 Liquid Starch F,un,,aroy vrt25c Toilet Tissue ,ilkbr,nd ,.215 DoaFoodNipnTuek 6,5M4nr55 CUT OYSTERS Nor'WesI Brand 10-oz. Regular 35c Each Tin 29 LUCERNE MILK 3.8 Regular or Half A Homogenized Gal. ?v FRESH BUTTER Montrose Brand Solid "C From Sweel Cream Pound w SARDINES Admiral Brand O U-size OOi Reg. Price 2 for 23c W Tins TOILET SOAP Brocade Brand 1f Bar t Bath Size Bar All Pack Dl