Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 3, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section" 3--Page 6 ,-,-"'6 Simple But Rich A tauce and fruit cocktail put this dessert into the glamour class. Sauces for Puddings Or Cakes With a good collection of sauces filed away to use when occasion demands for pudding or cake you can always count on a tasty and good dessert. Vanilla Friilt Cocktail Sauce (For Cake) No. 2'4 can fruit cocktail 2 tablespoons cornstarch teaspoon salt V teaspoon pure vanilla extract Drain the juice from the fruit Cocktail and blend with the corn starch. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until desired thickness. Add salt, pure vanilla extract, and drain fruit. Serve over plain cake. Yield: 3 cups. Vanilla Pineapple Sauce i For Cake) 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons constarch H teaspoon salt 20 ounce can crushed pineapple 1 tablespoon butter or ' margarine H teaspoon grated lemon rind l'i teaspoons pure vanilla extract Combine sugar, cornstarch and salt in a saucepan. ' Blend in crushed pineapple. Cook over med ium heat, stirring constantly, un til thick as desired. Add butter or margarine. Stir in grated lemon tind and pure vanilla extract. Serve over cake. Yield: 2 cups. Vanilla Butteracolch-Nut Sance (For Cake) JVi ounce package butterscotch, pudding S cups milk It requires only three Ingredients Is make this "Sophisticated Des sert." And could you imagine any thing easier to prepare? Diced avocado is surrounded in a dramy sea of apricot-flavored whipped cream. This dessert, exotic to the extreme, is a perfect foil for a somewhat ordinary meal. Small servings are in order. Sophisticated Dessert 1 cup sweetened cooked dried ipricots 1 'medium-sized avocado 2-3 cup whipping cream Force apricots through a sieve. If sieved apricots are very thick, blend in some of syrup from fruit, until consistency of thiJk jam. To prepare avocado, cut into halves and remove seed and skin. Dice avocado is surrounded in a dreamy but not stilf. Whip apricots into cream a small portion at a time. Fold in avocado. Chill thoroughly. Makes 4 to 5 servings. Scrambled Egg Note Season soft, fluffy scrambled eggs lightly with chili powder and stir in husky chunks of ripe olives and mushrooms sauteed in butter. Garnish the platter with broiled canned cling peach halves and bacon curls. 114 teaspoons pure vanilla extract cup chopped nuts y teaspoon grated lemon rind Make butterscotch pudding ac cording to directions on package, using 3 cups milk. Cool. Add pure vanilla extract, chopped nuts, and grated lemon rind. Serve over plain cake. Yield: 3V4 cups. Mince Meat Dumplings Delicious So you're lucky enouch to have a package or two of mincemeat around the house. Here's a simple yet exciting way to help use up that aromatic, flavorful surolus. Serve these dumplings with lemon mincemeat sauce recipe given Be low. Mincemeat Dumplings densed mincemeat into small pieces; add two-thirds cup water and stir over low heat until lumps are broken down. Boil briskly for one minute; cool. Make one recipe biscuits or nnrknepH htcniit miv roll dough y inch thick and cut m vincn squares. iace spoontul prepared mincemeat in center of each SOUarft rpsprvintf nno-thirH cup for sauce. Draw corners of oougn logetner over fruit. Pinch edges tneplhpr nnrt nriplr with fork. Rnka in ravlaralA loan OKA degrees, 30 minutes or until lightly Drownea. serve with: . Lemon Minrpmenf .Qann. Miv H CUD SUCar With I (nhlKmAn cornstarch. Gradually add 1 cup wuiug waicr, siimng constantly; boil 5 minutes. Remove from heat and Sad 2 fahlPKrwvma fcH.M. tablespoons lemon juice and one- umu cup mincemeat. Serve hot. Easy Butter Sauce Used on Fruit Cake Looking for a good basic sauce to serve over that fruit cake left over Irom Christmas? Try this one: Butter Sauce Blend in double boiler; (1 pound (1 stick) butter, 1 cup sugar, 4 cup heavy cream, dash of salt. Stir over hot water till smooth and hot. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla or other flavoring. Serve hot. Makes 1'4 cups. USE OF WATERCRESS Sprigs of watercress and carrot curls make a pretty and colorful garnish for. a baked stuffed fish. Tastes good with the fish, too! HAM IN SAUCE Add diced ham to a cheese sauce and serve over green asparagus stalks arranged on buttered toast. Nice for a ladies' lunch! FOR SALAD PLATE Colorful vegetable plate: Baked stuffed tomatoes, green peas or asparagus, candied sweet potatoes, water cress. MAYONNAISE TIP Pep up mayonnaise for a salad by adding onion juice, lemoa juice, crushed garlis aud chill I powder. Xtppy J" 2S53a Clean Up While You Clean Out! let time spent trl cleaning out pay you well I Use Classified Ads to clean up cash for those things you clean out . . . trunks, luggage, a no longer worn fur coat, a radio, clocks . , , Want Ads find you buyers for everything. If you've saved something, If has value anything that has value can be soldi So clean out today and clean up on cashl Dial 4-6811 and keep your bankbook handy you'll be making a deposit toonl 8 351 State St.""' CZ ST Phone EM-34988 YOUNG STEER BEEF! BEEF Ofm ROAST ... lb. VU ROUND STEAK ... lb. 69 SWISS STEAK ... lb. 59 T-BONE STEAK ... lb. 69 RIB STEAK ... lb. 59 BONELESS BEEF ROAST lb. 59 YOUR CHOICE! Ring Bologna Liver Sausage ' Minced Ham lb. 37 LARGE FRANKS lb. 29 SKINLESS WIENERS lb. 39 POLISH SAUSAGE lb. 49 Try Our Own Double Smoked Bacon & Hams r V ( Great For Getting Workers. When Grandma Was a Girl Almost Instinctively men and women in need of work or wishing to change jobs check the Classified again and again. The advantages of your job-openings told there will help you fill vacancies fast. May we aid you to describe them' well? Dial EM 44811. I Yin" N iB Instant Sanka COFFEE HI $09 VAN CAMP TUNA A Perfect Sandwich Filling 3 59c VAN CAMP Delicious Served Hot or Cold PORK AND BEANS 249' 1 BMBHHHBMa.HHrf lammi BETTER VALUES Here It Is! Pigly Wiggly has rounded up some of the biggest and, best money-saving val ues in town! These items are priced to sell immediately. Get your share come down to Vi&gly Wiggly today and join this January Savings Spree! When you pay casts, yoe 94 GREEN STAr.rS and IK'if easy ta) save os yoo spend STORE HOURS Mon. Thru Sat. 8:30 A. M..10 P. M. Sunday 9 9 FREE PARKIN9 I DENNISON f rg minced ciams CHILI CON CARME - ST vi oi, 29c . I OTTERBROOK Crf ip I GREEN BEANS -i". 2 N-3 45 OYSTER STEW inw in. DUNDEE Adds New 1 CO TOMATO SAUCE !f T GOLDEN RICHTEX SHORTENING R Oiont 89c VfcL, TAD s,. () J1 SNOWS CLAM CHOWDER 15 oi. Tin 2 1 55c JIFFY PANCAKE & WAFFLE MIX H 25 c 2 HIGHLAND CANI S MAPLI SYRUP 24oi. 59c "a'" SUNSHINE 6reeh MAH MICP S Krispy Crackers ub.a.29c nv C Q Chocolate Graham Crackers 29c OYSTERS Wnl SUNSHINE F5ESH iinJ Candy Marshmallow Peanut Pkg. 29c GROUND BEEF J : Bread i.rBe loaf lot SLICED BACON , 39' gne Breod JZm LEAK BEEF m 1 1 UMATILLA SHORT RIBS n, Frozen Peas 3 fl, 55c LARGE WHITE HEADS Cauliflower INDIAN RIVER Grapefruit e. SwmI ind Tngy U.S. NO. t . . Nice Slit rOfaTOeS 'of Cooking . TOMATOES Eh 19 2 15 10.45' WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS O 3 Q- ttrt'x no END to saini SAVE GREEN STAMPS