', Salem, Oregon; Thursday, January 3, 1557 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAC ' Section 2 Page 8 ' Gets Keys to Mansion ' ''fir D inni'i" RIacLaren Youths Recaptured After 6-Hour Freedom Three escapees from MacLaren School for Boys at Woodburn were recaptured Wednesday night after lix hours of freedom and the theft of two automobiles, state police reported. The three stole a car belonging lo George H. Hansen, Woodburn contractor, from a construction lite near the school after their 4 p.m. escape, police said. They abandoned the car in Portland and stole another. They were apprehended about 10 p.m. in Hood River, officers reported. COLUMBUS, Ohio Ohio Got. Frank J. Lausche hands the keys to the governor's mansion to Republican Lt. Got. John W. Brown who will be sworn tn as temporary governor at soon tomorrow. Lansche resigned to take his oath as U. S. Senator when Con gress convenes. Atty. Gen. C. William O'Neill, a Republican, was elected to succeed the five-term Democrat and will take the oath of office at noon Jan. 14. AP Wlrephoio) 1957 Babies Late, But Win $25 Bonds STAYTON (Special) The first boy and girl babies of 1957 arrived in the Santiam Memorial hospital Thursday, tardily, but each win ning a $26 U. S. savings bond donated by the hospital. The boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Willis J. Thayer of Turner, and the girl was born to Mr. 'and Mrs. Arthur Fromhcrz, Rt. 1, Aumsville. Sloper Denies Traction Order Circuit Judge Val Sloper yes-: terday denied a request by the I Portland Traction company ior a temporary restraining order i against the Public Utilities com mission order compelling h 10 1 issue transfers on its interurban lines. The request, filed in Marion county, stems from the commis sions ruling earlier that uie inter urban line must continue to issue the transfers. Judge Sloper took the question of issuance of a permanent restraining order un der advisement. Both parties were told to file briefs. Meanwhile, patronage on the in terurban line was reported down yesterday, as Portland patrons had to pay a double fare to reach downtown. Although the interurban line, complying with the PUC ruling, continued to issue the transfers, they were not being accepted by the Rose City transit line. The Rose City line is not sub ject to the PUC ruling. Interurban service to downtown Portland was interrupted by con struction of new Hawthorne bridge approaches last summer and the transler policy naa Deen in use since that time. A hearing in the state office building in Portland was sched- uiea ior loaay 10 air uie puaiwuii of the Rose City Transit Company. 27-Foot Ship Channel To Get Careful Study WASHINGTON Ufi When the Corps of Engyjeers prepares its budget for 1958, msideration will be given the proposed 27-foot Co lumbia River ship channel from Vancouver, Wash., to Bonneville Dam. Sen. Neuberger (D-Ore) report ed Wednesday he had received assurance from Col. J. L. Person, acting assistant chief of engi neers, lhat the project would get "careful consideration." ' Tarty' Trial Re-scheduled Trial date for Robert Keith Dial, Boring, on a charge of contributing tn thft riolinnnpnro nf minor. was continued in Marion county circuit court Wednesday wnen uiai appeared without an attorney. Dial is one of several indicted by the grand jury investigating reports of teen-age drinking and sex parties in Silverton recently. Judge Val D. Sloper reset the trial for January 16 and appointed an attorney to represent uiai: Distribution of 1957 Blue Book Next Week Oregon's 1957 Blue Book, con taining official data on state his tory and government facts will be ready for distribution next wecK. A picture of Ml. Hood graces the cover of the book this year. 3-5-7 1 M Lames jnees & If Values " 1 1 lo 8.95 11 J 1 Record Smashing SHOE SALE! Traditionally the Greatest Savings Event of the Year in Salem . . Ask Your Neighbor ! America's Finest CHILDREN'S SHOES Lazy Bones $ il 90 Val. to 7.50 fr Stride Rite $C90 Val. to 8.95 J 796 PairV i Ladies Shoes H Values iTZj E I to 12.95 JC J Now is the time to outfit the Entire Family. Marilyn's Sales are Never Equaled for Values! MEN'S SHOE DEPT. Winthrop-Pedwin-Churchill Values to 12.95 NOW .... Values to 14.95 NOW Values to 18.95 NOW . . . . . Names You Know j Mean Quality! faVniiO Del'ua Debs Selby : Air Step florsheim ! Mill and Dale . Capezio D' Alexis Town & Country j British Brogue ' Bosfonian Winfhrop and 29 Othersl jf 3,692 Pairs ff Ladies Shoes Values 11 1, Your l Choice . . Jffl SPECIAL GROUP Palizzios . . . De Lisa Debs Florsheim . . . And Others Values to 21.95 NOW ONLY . 13 Men's WORK SHOES At Savings Up To ALL SALES FINAL 0 Shoe Department Store 141 N. Liberty Greatest Selection of Slioes in Sal em! Charge It Now Fay Later! FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS STORE HOURS MONDAY: 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. FRIDAY: 10 AM. TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS: 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. SALE! girls' s7.98-s14.98 SPRING DRESSES Fashion Coats! Save25to50 'IS... : 1 Dresses! $9 $12 36 Values to 49.95 i'w;?T;y.Tv'r''Tvyw'7'ir:'ri Formals! s16.88 i Values to 49.95 Just unpacked! . . . riundrecls antl hundreds of newly arrived, advance spring dresses. Dozens of pretty, young, gay styles in wondrous nylon, wrinkle - resistant cottons, polished cottons and miracle lilcnds. Dresses for school, for party time, for dancing school . . . some with petticoats . . . many one-of-a-kind designs. All with exquisite detailing! Prints and plains in every imaginable color combination. Sister styles, too! Sizes 3 to 6'A and 7 to 12. Mail antl phone ordnrt. Phil shipping coat tn arms outside our regular truck delivery routes. GIRLS' SHOP STREET FLOOR Suits! 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