Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 03, 1957, Page 13, Image 13

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    , .Salepi, OregonYedn?s(Iay, January ?, 3957 .
lliu iiau uvuiiiinu
' , . .. . , ,.., I Cn;tv in 1M5 In raised lettering
-The first Bioie lor me unuu i, "
published by the American Bible ' notBraille.
Stealing the Scene From Eddie and Debbie
Pae 2 Section 2
Holmes Plans
Attendance at
Gov. -elect Ilobcrt D. Holmes and
h's wife will attend the inaugura
Ton of President Eisenhower on
J?''. 21, he announced Thursday.
Ke is schedu'ed to take office
J::n, 14, and will fly (o Washing
ton, D.C., Jan, 19, returning im
mediately after the inauguration.
Holmes now is working on his
Imursural mcsfagc, scheduled for
d 'very Jon. 14.
"lie governor's inaugural ball
v 'll be held that nir-h:, sponsored
t;' the state Democratic Central
c tirruice. ftepublicans will be
I sta buy the tickets for the ball
li, ougli Ineir central committee.
It will be the fourth inaugural
ba:I in the state's history. Holmes
s-ri. The others were 70 years
ao, when oov. Sylvester Pennoy-r-
took ollice; and in 1939 for Gov.
Charles A. Sprague.
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 3, 1957 '
Junior CDA Event
MOUNT ANGEL (Special) - A
sncc'al program is being arranged
fT the Thursday evening, January
3. meeting of the Junior Catholic
Daughters of America, at 8 o'clock
in tie school meeting room. A
guest speaker will be present, and
the mothers of the juniors are in
vited to attend.
Preceding the meeting, the jun
iors will attend holy hour and ben
crl'ction services in St. Mary's
cimrch. beginning at 7:30 o'clock,
father Edward Spear, OSD chop
lain, will officiate at the services,
and will also be present at the
The refreshment committee In
charge include the Misses Jean
Kbncr, Barbara Bockelman, Susan
Hoffcr, Agnes Purdy, Diane Wilde
and Diane Bourbonnais.
LEBANON (Special) New
Year's Day hosts were Mr. and
Kirs. H. A, Southard, who greeted
friends at their home during the
afternooh, Tuesday. Assisting were
Miss Helen Clem and Miss Doro
thy Clem.
fa 1 1
Bridges Will
Be Opened in
Next 2 Months
Two Marion county bridges now
under construction will probably
be opened for , traffic late this
month or early in February.
This was indicated Thursday
when County Commissioner Roy
Itice told the court that he had
visited both construction jobs and
found that satisfactory progress is
being made.
Both bridges are reinforced con
crete structures, replacing two old
type wooden spans. One is across
Clear Lake and the other bridges
Champoeg creek a short distance
upstream from the Willamette
The Clear Lake span will be
200 feet in length, approximately
100 feet "shorter than the former
bridge. The shortening was ac
complished by an earth fill at
cne end. Reinforcing steel is cur
rently being placed and pouring
of concrete will follow.
A short fill was necessary for the
Champoeg Creek bridge which will
be completed in about three weeks.
Both bridges were placed on
creoso'ted fir piling.
TORONTO Wl At least 46 ac-J
cidcntal deaths were reported in
Canada for the four-day New
Year's holiday. It was the second
highest total in history, but sub
stantially below the 61 killed dur
ing the three-day celebration last
year. Traffic accidents tooji the
biRgest toll 27 lives. A year ago
39 died on the roads. I
Ambulance From '
Salem Gives Aid
To Injured Trio
A Willamette ambulance was
--nmnllv nn thn CfflllO With HlH fnf
victims of one accident Wednesday
1IIC I uiuninj-uuui
arrived at the scene shortly after
a car containing Mrs. Alvena H.
Ross. Sherwood, and her parents
left the Baldock freeway near the
Oswego turnoff and flipped over in
a field.
Jay Brown, ambulance service
operator, and attendant George
Flawn save emergency treatment
to the three and then took Mrs.
Hoss on to a Portland hospital.
Another ambulance was called
from Tualatin to take her parents
to - a hospital. All were believed
seriously injured. Brown said. He
did not learn the names of the
parents, he said.
The accident apparently oc
curred after the car carrying the
three was involved in a collision
with another car, witnesses told
Brown. '
Al,... Ar.ara Afro Hnc( In iha
, hospital, the ambulance continued
on its way to another hospital to
pick up a sick patient for transfer
to Salem.
Bonds Signed for
County Officials
The county court has signed
surety bonds in the cases of three
county officials, all of whom were
re-elected at the November general
County Treasurer Sam J. Butler
is bonded for $40,000; Sheriff Den
ver Young, $10,000 and County
School Superintendent Agnes
Booth. $1,000.
3 Cars Damaged
In Morning Crash!
Three cars were damaged hi a
collision at Boice and Commercial
streets Wednesday morning, city
police reported.
Officers said a 'car driven by
Frank E. Wilson, 860 Oakhill Ave.,
struck the rear of a panel truck
driven b George W. Waterbury,
755 Harris St., which in turn struck
the rear of a car driven by Eliza
beth Nesvik, 340 West Browning
Ave. The Nesvik car was stalled
at the traffic light and the truck
was stopped behind it at the time
of the 10:15 a.m. accident, police
The Wilson car was towed away
after the accident. The truck in
curred heavy rear end damage
and the Nesvik car minor damage,
they said. No injuries were re
ported. Oregon Ryegrass
Commission Coal
Creation of an Oregon ryegrass
seed commission has been re
quested in a petition signed by 270
growers of common and perennial
ryegrass, and which was received,
Thursday by the state department
of agriculture.
Filing of the petition followed ac
tion by ryegrass owners at a re-,
cent meeting held in Albany under
sponsorship of the Linn county
farm crops advisory committee.
Paul T. Rowell, market develop
ment chief for the department,
said the first steps under the Ore
gon commodity commission act
will be development of a budget
estimate for the petitioners.
for your thopping convenience
We Have Extended our Store
Hourt to the Following: ,
10 A.M. to 9 P.M.
12 Noon to 9 P.M.
9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
State Butlgct Will Be
Announced on Friday
The state budget for the two
years beginning July 1 will De
announced Friday. Gov. Elmo
Smith said Thursday.
The budget is expected to total
about 260 million dollars, and
probably will be balanced.
HOLLYWOOD Baby Carrie Frances Fisher l only ten weeks
old, but already she's stealing scenes like this from mother Deb
bie Reynolds and lather Eddie Fisher. It happened as the Fishers
and Carrie Frances posed for their first picture as a family group.
(AP Wlrephoto)
nviviriTIftM TAIITG SFT 1
CAIRO lit) The government
backed newspaper Al Gumhur
riya said Wednesday talks Will
begin soon on the unification of
Egypt and Syria. Arab national
ists in Egypt. Syria and Jordan
have long talked about a federa
tion of the three counties, all bor
dering Israel.
Now ! Greater Speed . . . Excellent Results
Every'Time with the World's Easiest to
Use Painting Team ! Only at Sears!
1 " ....,ae AlWI
'""1 .... M
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1010 OMIT IT
Satin Enamel
Is Odorless
Tough Beauty That Lasts
satin enamel
Sale Price
'Sero-glo is the perfect trim
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latex paint. Use it indoors
or out, it leaves a beautiful
mar-resisting coating that's
washable. Use as a wood
work trim in all your
'rooms. Easy to apply, tool
Buy it at Sears todayl
1-Gal. Latex-Base Paint
Plus Quality Roller Set
Regular 6.67
i M Combination Price
For less
Paint Alone
Save a
Big 2.06!
Quantity I Sin I Itjrn Rag, i Sl Quantity 1 Sire I Item Reg. Salt
4 I Gal. Whita Flrwall-dntd 5.19 2.88 2 ! G1' 1 shtV Paint-Rosa 4.29 1.99
6 Flitwall Ivory-Pink 5.16 2.88 23 I Q'- I Sroteol- ttur paint 1.QQ 39C
12 I O"-1 '"XI' mllt- "lo" 1.49 88C 3 Gal. Serotex 13.10 1.88
5 Gal. Hs. Piint-l whif , 3 blua 5.29 2.49 5 Gal. lafx-motHy dark colors 4.981.98
17 Qts. I FlatwatUhirtraun 1.59 76C 6 Qts. Gloss Paint-antd. colors 1.69 77 C
H mar., in i .1 mi7mmmcmmmmmmi
if you can buy better dresses
at this amazing low price
or 2.57 each
Vfflf We PUnncd months ahead and bought in volume to
illtih "ov-iui-aprmg aresses at this un
HSfm believable low Drier). Onalitv faKrl
ffff j ""'iva iiuiu audi ia
lVVi mous names as Lowenstein, Coleport, Pacific Mills.
W Zip-up or button front styles; fashion trimmed with
white pique, velveteen, cording, lijen-like touches.
Washfast colors. Sizes 9-1S; 12-20; 14V4-24V4; 46-52.
Buy .' IV. T. Grant "Charge-It" Plan. A'o money dovn.
ton uii mmm-m uvwrow
SaSxelSat ftuuOUn jitm Maf 6u4' MRS 550 N, Capitol EM-39191
1 ( '