Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 3, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page 1 Capital-. Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER pmuXii i .nm.mii wi K ' Tells LimaRcmcnt Miss Gall Mane Biush, above, has announ ced her engagement to Kenneth C. Williams of Adams, Ore. Badger-Flamme Wedding in East Mrs. Hester K. Hill. 725 Dear born avenue, announces the mar riese of her flauhter, Grac? Jose phire Fkmme, to LI. Col. R. R. .Eadger. The wedding was an afternoon one. December 20. in the chapel of Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, Penn. The couple will make the'r home at Carlisle, Col. Badger attending college there. Miss Wallis Wed Sunday ALBANY (Special) In (he sanctuary of the First Methodist church, with the Rev. Harold Shell hart officiating at the double ring ceremony, at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Miss Elaine Eleanor Wallis re peated her nuptial vows with Rob ert W. Goodwin of Vancouver, Wash. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wallis of Route 4. Albany and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Goodwin, Roseburg. Baskets filled with juniper and holly with red Christmas decora tions and white bows and a Christ mas tree decorated, the chancel. Sprigs of holly marked the bridal aisle and lighted red candles were used in the church windows. White candles, tied with holly were used in the candelabrums inside the chancel. Mrs. William Kurtz was the or ganist and was accompanist for Miss Ann OLsen who sang. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white crystal ette wedding dress with round neckline, small buttons down the back of the long torso, and a full bouffant ballerina length skirt. With her dress she wore gauntlets of the same material and her fin gertip veil of tulle was fastened to a crown of seed pearls. The bride carried a cascading bouquet of red roses centered with a white orchid. The orchid was sent to the bride from Hawaii. Miss Anne Swigart, Portland, roommate of the bride at college, wearing a red velvet ballerina length frock wilh rounding nec'--line, was maid of honor. She car ried a muff of white fur with ' sprigs of holly and a fur headband in her hair. Little Miss Stephanie Ann Wal lis, niece of the bride, was flower girl and wore a red velvet frock and a white fur headband. She car ried a basket of red rosebuds. Larry Hutchins, nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. Logan Wallace, Portland, Ore gon State college classmate of the bridegroom, was best man and other classmates Kenneth Hard ing, Portland, and Ron Noel. Rose- burg. were ushers. Jimmy and uacKie nuienins, bride, wearine white surplices, were the candlelighters. Immediately following the cere mony the reception was given in the church parlors. The bride's cake centered the serving table. Other table decorations were light ed red candles and holly. Mrs. William Hutchins of Lebanon, sis- tpr of the bride, poured the coffee and Mrs. Kenneth McKay served l the puncn. -Mrs. Jacn nailis. r-u-ureo in somtf iuri-s. gene and Mrs. Ronald E. Wallis. I Cabbaxe. potatoes a:.J onions Grants Pass, sisters-in-law of the again head the outstandinz buy bride, cut and served the cake, list among vegetables. Beans. Miss Leona Schlimgen, Portland, ! eggplant and sweet pot. toes all was in charge of the guest book, are good buys, along with the so The couple left for San Fran-; called "roof' crops beets, car risen on the wedding trip. For rots, parsnips and turnips. going away the bride wore a dark winter cotton with matching coat, j but market men still don't rate ! la- the former Mary Elaine Grif white hat and accessories. She also j it a good buy. Increasing sup-; dth. of Rockland County, N.Y., -ore the white orcnia irom ner.pnes irom icxas an-i norma bridal bouquet After January the couple will be at home in Vancouver, Wash, De at nome ij MEMBERS of the Salem club.! Pausiters of the Nile, who attend-1 ei the regular luncheon meeting in Portland. VMnesoav were , r,. f n D n: d' Mm E- f. lira". ..ii.-.. till L. Brunk Mrs. Leonard A. ttowffi Mrs Jacob Fuhrer and Jlrs DavidH. Cameron. j I 1 riii Rctrothal Told Miss Jcanettc Harrison, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kostcr, re cently announced her engage ment to Dennis Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Olson. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Golden Wedding ALBANY (Special) Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Vandeventer celebrat ed their golden wedding anniver sary, December 26. at the River side Community hall with all of their 12 children, six sons and six daughters, present. Also present were 39 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. A feature of the day was the serving of a dinner for 85 des cendants of Mr. and Mrs. Vande venter. During the afternoon a program was presented by mem bers of the family and the final Entertainment was square dancing with Mr. Vandeventer calling the squares. Their children are: Verblc Van deventer, Clinton, Minn.; Mrs. German Reimers, liomona, Cal.; Darrel Vandeventer, Moses Lake, Wash.; Mrs. Andrew Cruickshank, Petrocs, Wash.: Glen Vandeventer, Sacramento, Cal.: Mrs. James Aermi, Walla Walla, Wash.; Mrs. Byrd Aole, Canyonville; Mrs.,., Mnn-a Pnnlini I Ronald vandeventer, Moses Lake, l. .11 Wash., and Jack Fontana, Cal. Vandeventer, FOOD NEWS Beef Back In Front In Meats By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Roast beef, shoved into the background over the holidays, will make a strong comeback this weekend in many supermarkets and neighborhood stores. Various cuts, ranging from rriiirlr rnacl tn clrlnin nnH nnrtpr- nouse steaks, will be featured with big type ana small prices. -- - - to be the most popular, a though ground beef and tnngue also are represented. "We feel that most people will want some beef after eating all that poultry, and ham. over the i holidays." was the comment of j one supermarket chain sales ex - ecutive. ( Lamb and pork also will be (ca- i Cauliflower is gettinj; cheaper. should bring the price down. how- ever. The same thing is true for brussels sprouts. Celery was a hit! ,.F,h. U4,. ' h, tholH be less expensive now. The holidays cut into shipments of oranges, grapefruit and tan - ""UT or-. r,.ii.ic una rn. d., three r lmt fruit, are tlll rated a good buy by produce men. I Apples also are listed in tntsiwent into retirement ana oia not Icatrgnry. I return to society until recently. Miss Blush Tells Troth At Holidays Of interest to many friends is announcement by H. E. Blush of the engagement of bis daughter, Miss Gail Marie Blush, to Ken neth C. Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams of Adams, i Oregon. ' The news was told, over the holiday period. A fall wedding is planned. Miss Blush is a junior at Lin field college where she is a mem ber of Kappa Alpha Phi soror ity. Mr. Williams, who was grad uated from Linfield in 1855 with a bachelor of science degree in business administration, is now in the Air Force, stationed at Laredo, Texas. He was president of the student body at Linfield and was listed in "Who's Who in American Colleges." Holiday Coffee Is Arranged by Two Mrs. M. A. Stoutenbere and Mrs. Ted Lawrence entertained at a conee aurmg Holidays at tne former's home, 1102 Redwood street, in the Westridge addition. Christmas decorations added to the occasion. Some 80 guests were welcomed. Alternating -at the coffee table were Mrs. Harold Stoutenberg, Mrs. Joe Gisler, Mrs. Fred Ritter- bush, Mrs. C. L. N'eel and Mrs. I Ted Cotner. Assisting around the mums weie ims. tiviii wanie, Mrs. Dorothy Frantz, Mrs. Paul rrcdericK ana Mrs. Ken purvi ance. . , Out-of-town guests were Mrs. M. O. Buxton. Seattle: Mrs. C. L. Neel, Tigard; Mrs. John Jansen, 1 Portland, and Mrs. Harlan Leath-i crwood, Portland. Baptismal Services Baptismal ceremonies for Kevin Dwayne and Keith Wayne, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne 0. Bolinc. were conducted on Decem ber 23 in SI. Vincent de Paul Catholic church, the Rev. John Reedy officiating. The babies were born on October 18. Godparents 'or Keith are Mr. and Mrs. George fauptman and for Kevin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank LeDoux. The godpar ents are uncles and aunts of the little boys. Also present for the ceremonies were the babies' grandmother, Mrs. Anna Boline. ind their cousins, George, Dan ind Tom Hauptman. A buffet uncheon was served at the home j f the parents following the church ' service. Alumnae Meet Alpha XI Delta alumnae heard an interesting talk on grapho anal ysis by Mrs. Richard D. Slater, guest speaker, at their meeting Wednesday night. Mrs. Slater snowed handwriting examples. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Ted Carlson, Mrs. E. R. Dorfling er, Mrs. Orville Kannier, Jr., Mrs. Reinhardt Behm, Mrs. Dwight Russell, Miss Marion Joseph, Mrs. M. E. Knickerbocker, Mrs. Rollin O. Lewis, Mrs. A. C. Newell, Mrs Lloyd Darling, Mrs. William D. Galloway, Jr., Mrs. Russell Whit mer, and the three hostesses, Mrs. R. W. Tavenner, Mrs. Elmer Meade and Mrs. Myron Pogue. The meeting was at the Pogue home. BEST DRESSED Some New Names in 1956 List NEW YORK (UP)-Two of the hardiest perennials won and placed as the best dressed women of 1956 today and a relatively new addition, the American Princ ess of Monaco, showed. Mrs. William S. Palcy, who has been prominent on the list for II of the past 16 years, topped for the fourth consecutive year the list of best dressed women compiled by the New York Dress Institute. Mrs. Palcy, wife of the chair man of the board of Columbia Broadcasting System, is the for mer Barbara Cushing of Boston. Miss Grace Kelly of Philadel phia and Hollywood tied with Mrs. Palcy for first place last year. Miss Kelly, now Princess of M on- aco. was nosed out for second place this year by another Amer ican bride of royalty, the Duchess of Windsor, who first appeared on a best dressed list in 1935 as "Mrs. Ernest Simpson. ften seen with the Prince of Wales." The princess was third. Thrce actrMSI,5 werc on uie iim which imi-iuul'u -n iiniiif-n 12 places jnstead 0, the usual 10 ,,i ,. ti I ,. , 0lhers on ,he 1,st: 1 Mrs. Winston Guest, the former , Lucy Cochrane of Boston, fourth. Hollywood's Marlene Dietrich 1 and Audrey Hepburn tied for fifth, Mrs William Randolph Hearst j jr 0 ncw York, sixth. I Countess Consuelo Crespi. of tne,r daughter, Miss Barbara Ev Rome, the former Consuelo OCon- . . . , nor of New York, seventh. ,ans- to Donald Haworth, son of Rosalind Russell, of Hollywood. , Mr- and Mrs. Wilbur A. Haworth eighth. ;of Portland. Princess Margaret and her aunt, I the Duchess of Kent tied for ninth. Madrid's Countess of Quintanil- lrs. Henry Ford II. of Detroit and New York, eleventh Countess Mona von Bismarck. of Paris and Canri. twelfth. It is i the first time she has been listed since 1P49. 1 Last on the h't this year-she Wm w, ,M Hai! - son V tliams of New York. After the death of her husband, she v. . I ilk i : , ' 7. i jf. 7J7'- .-. I In Paris Collection Among new fashions featured in the recent Paris collections was this one by Hockanum. The ascot panel, which falls to the hemline, is the style note in this wool crepe number. The fabric drapes softly into a low V-neckline, then flows gracefully into the two panels which loosely float from a high tie. The lenglh, two inches longer than usual, is referred to as "demi-longeuer." Miss Frey Wed Dec. 28 Miss Ora Lee Kalhrine Frey daughter of Mrs. A. A. Frey, was married December 28 to Melvin Beard, son of Mrs. Elvera Beard, the service being at 8 o'clock in the evening at the First Methodist church. Baskets of white chrysan themums and pink snapdragons decorated ithe church for the wed ding. Duane Kuntz was soloist, Alice Rose Jones the organist. The Rev. Burton Bast use heck was the minister. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Charles W. Ramsey. She' wore a white lace and em broidered net over taffeta dress, trimmed with rhinestones. The fingertip veil was caught to a pill box of seed pearls and sequins. The bride carried a white Bible topped with pink roses. Mrs. Duane Kuntz, sister of the bride, was honor attendant. She wore a powder blue brocaded faille dress, ballerina lenglh, and her flowers were pink roses and pink carnations on a white muff. Mrs. Don Bryan, sister of the bride, and Miss Marlene Tracy were bridesmaids. Both wore pow der blue brocaded faille frocks. j ballerina length, and carried the ! muffs with pink roses and carna- tions. Nova and Nina Kuntz, nieces of the bride, were flower girls. Both wore powder blue nylon frocks and carried tiny baskets of white car nations. Don Bryan was best man. Mar vin Ball and Robert Beard were the ushers. The bride's mother wore a cocoa brown crepe dress with mauve ac cessories and a corsage ot pinK roses and carnations. The bride groom's mother wore blue crepe, pink accessories, and corsage of pink roses and carnations. A reception in the Carrier room followed the service. Assisting were Mrs. Ralph Barry, Mrs. Rob ert Ball, Mrs. Charles Ramsey, Mrs. Willard Jones, Gerry Craw ford and Mrs. William Beard. For traveling the bride wore a pink knit suit with black accessor les. Following a trip through norlh em California and ncvana tne couple will be at home at 3333 rnuD p wi 1 be at home JP e ' be f i oruanu nodu, Miss Barbara Evans Tells Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Evans of Colton, formerly of Salem, have announced the engagement of A spring wedding is planned. Duo Engaged JEFFERSON 'Special) Mr. and yrs. D. L. Brown announce ,h(, enw!(,men, o( th(,ir daughter, rl H, n. , . ,..H M.r MlM GIe,")a Brown. ' Uod Mar" latt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Marlatt, Sr. They both were grod- ua(.d al J(,ferson lign ,Crl00 jn ' ! MiM Brown is employed in the Cornet store in Salem. Mr. Marlatt is attending Oregon Col- lege ot r.aucauon at .-nonmouin. 1 The wedding date haf not been seU w I : Silverton Girl Wed in South SILVERTON (Special) Miss Betty Lynette Montgomery, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Montgomery ot Silverton, was wed to Norman Zander Dclore members of the family and friends in the chapel room of the Hollywood Athletic club In Los Angeles the evening of Decem ber 21. The Hev. Douglas Harrcll, former Silverton pastor of the bride performed the ceremony. Attending the couple were two friends. Miss Donna Jackson of Silverton as maid of honor and Martin Schrieber of Hollywood, best man. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a rose lace over taffeta waltz-length dress. She carried a white orchid on a white Rainbow Bible. Miss Jackson wore a blue taf feta dress in waltz length and carried a nosegay of pink carna tions and white stock. Baskets of pink carnations, white gladioluses, pink and white chrysanthemums and white stock were used for chapel decorations. Immediately following the cer emony an informal reception was given at the club. The bride, who resided in Sil verton until about six months ago, is a graduate of Silverton schools and is presently employ ed by Delta Air lines as a secre tary. I he bridegroom is a native of Buffalo, N. Y., where he at tended school. He attended Los Angeles Slate college and is now on the teaching staff of the Pas adena elementary schools. ror traveling, the brine donned I n IK FRIDAY -JANUARY 4 Boxing matches shown on television AUDITORIUM, SECOND FLOOR; MEN'S DEPARTMENT, STREET N.OOR; SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT, .STREET FLOOR 7:00 P. M. Cathol.ic Deanery Women To Meqt Here on Tuesday Five groups of, Catholic women of Salem will be hostesses Tues day, January 8, for the Oregon City deanery of the Archdioccsan Council of Catholic Women. It will be a 12 o'clock luncheon meeting at the Catholic Center, Shipping at North Cottage street. Representatives from Catholic Women's groups in this deanery will attend headed by Mrs. Charles Gildca of West Linn, deanery president. Mrs. James Foley of Portland, council presi dent, will also be present. Salem hostess groups will in clude the Salem court of the Catholic Daughters of America, the Altar societies and Parents clubs of each of the two parishes. Music at the luncheon will be by girls of Sacred Heart academy under the direction of Sister Re gina Mary. "Fringe Benefits of Sunday Morning Breakfasts" will be Miss Jones Is Bride ALBANY, ' (Special) A silk taffeta, with Chantilly lace over the bodice, and short sleeves with which she wore lace mitts, was the dress worn by Miss Diane LaRue Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron LaRue Jones of Route 1, Albany, when she was wed to Orrin Ernest Smith, son of Mr, and Mrs. Orrin Eldon Smith of Route 2, Albany, De cember 28. The candlelight serv ice was at 8 o'clock at the First Methodist church. The Rev. Har old Shellhart read the double ring service. The bride's dress terminated in a chapel train, with Chantilly lace insertions in the skirt. A small- seed pearl crown held in place the fingertip veil of illusion. She carried a bouquet of white chrysanthe mums with ivy entwining the cascading flower. Miss Marjorie Ann Jones, sister of the bride, was the honor at tendant and wore an emerald green satin ballerina length frock styled on princess lines with em pire waistline. The back of tne dress was accented with a large bow at the end of a V neckline with fly panels over pleats in the back of the dress. - Bridesmaids were Miss Karen Kelly, Miss Nancy Kay Reiley, both sorority sisters of the bride, and Miss Phyllis Mishlcr. Each wore a dress style the same as the maid of honor's. Each at tendant carried a Colonial nose gays of yellow chrysanthemums with cascading yellow ribbon and ivy entwining the flowers. James Ammoh, uncle of the bridegroom, served as best man and the usners were JacKson Grcnz, cousin of the bridegroom Richard Hilsenkopf, Donald Peel Lighting the candles were Jean and Linda Smith, sister of the bridegroom. Baskets of yellow and while pom pon chrysanthemums decor ated the chancel with six candela brums bearing tall white candles for the ceremony. Lighted candles werc used on the altar. After the ccrmony the recep tion was in the church parlors. The room was decorated with bou quets of yellow and white chry santhemums predominating. The bride s table was centered with a four-tiered wedding cake, flanked by lighted yellow candles. Yellow chrysanthemums were also used on the table. Pouring were Mrs. Elmer Jones, Mrs. James A. Mild, aunt of the bridegroom, San Marino, Calif.; Mrs Raymond Clelnnd. a black wool dress over which she wore a white topper. Follow ing a short trip to Palm Springs, the couple will he at home at 5816 Harold Way, Hollywood (2B) Calif. Attending the wedding from this vicinity were the parents of the bride, her aunt, Miss Martha Montgomery of Salem, Miss Don na Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jackson. n 1 topic of a panel discussion led by Salem women following the luncheon. Luncheon time has been set for 12 o'clock in order that employed women from the five local affiliates may attend. Represcnfing the five affiliate hostesses will be Mrs. Frank Pavelek, grand regent Catholic Daughters; Mrs.' Edward Pay seno, president St, Vincent de Paul Altar society; Mrs. James Fremhertz, vice president St. Vincent de Paul Parents club; Mrs. L. J. Kelsh. president SL Joseph's Altar society; Mrs. John H. Kolb, vice president St. Joseph's parents club. Mrs. Payscno is chairman of the nominating committee which will report at this meeting. Elec tion will be held at the meeting in March. Miss Marguerite Gleeson Is program chairman for the Tues day luncheon meeting. Parents Tell Of Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Wiggins are announcing the engagement ot their daughter, Miss June Marie Wiggins, to Jerry J. Paddon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Paddon. No date is set for the wedding. Both young people are graduates of North Salem High school and both are employed here. ENGLEWOOD Woman's club is planning its meeting for 'Friday with a 1 o'clock dessert 'at the home of Mrs. George Munger, 10B5 North 16th slrcet. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. D. C. Hall, Mrs. Wal ter Minthorn, and Miss Wilda Siegmund. A talk on her r.ccnt trip to Europe will be given by Mrs. Ellen Fisher. MR. AND MRS. Leonard B. Jud- son entertained on New Year's Eve for Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ro- maine, Mrs. George Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. u. c. Harris. Col ored slides of pictures taken in eastern Oregon when members of the group were attending the meet ing of the Knights of Pythias grand lodge and the Pythian Sis ters grand temple were shown by tne judsnns. SILVERTON (Special) Miss Hannah Olson and Mrs. Ida i uoyic wi t nc Hostesses lor the iimiiuiiiii-i i.uiiiuiis minsiuiidiy Federation at an open house at their home on Saturday, January 5. Members arc invited to call at any time during the day for re freshments. The WMF, through Miss Olson, is sponsoring the project to raise "Dollars For Nome ' for the purpose of con structing a new church at Nome, Alaska. Miss Olson became inter ested in the need for this new church 'on her visit to the Luth eran mission fields in Alaska last summer. Cutting the cake was Mrs. Mack Slate, Jr., and Mrs. James Am nion, aunt of the bridegroom. Serving werc Miss Rita Young, sorority sister of the bride; Miss Marilyn Mild, cousin of bride, Miss Dclores Jacobscn, sorority sister of the bride, and Misses Jean and Linda Smith, sisters of the bridegroom. Receiving the wedding gifts were Miss Judy Heitkcmper, Portland, and Mrs. Wayne Slaton, Miss Marilyn Hcigel, Portland, was in charge of the guest book. The bridal pair left on a wed ding trip to Washington. For her honeymoon the bride wore a brown tweed coat with velveteen trim over an emerald green wool sheath dress, brown velveteen hat, and brown and white acces sories. The couple will live in Corvallis. SPECIALS AT ARBUCKLE'S Women's Ever Popular Black Suede FLATS u LU Ul High of Center u LU to SHOE SALE DAYS-ARBUCKLE'S Dallas Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Friesen, above, were honored on the occasion of their golden wedding at a reception last Sunday in the Mennonite Brethren church at Dallas. Johnsons Return To Arizona School ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Johnson, who were in Salem at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray T. Johnson for the holidays, have returned to com plete their year of study at the American Institute for Foreign Trade, located at the former Thun derbird Air Base near Phoenix, Arizona. Mr. Johnson is primarily interested in the study of the Span ish language and is taking ad vanced accounting and marketing as well. At the school, now In its tenth year, Portugese and French are taught as well as Spanish by edu cators directly from their respec tive countries. The lanuage cours es are so well recognized by large companies throughout the country who have interests abroad as well as in Mexico. Central and Soutn America that many of their em ployes are sent there for brief lan guage training courses before be ing sent to their respective areas. Mr. Johnson before enrolling at American Institute for Foreign Traed in September had been bus iness administrator at the Silverton hospital for four years. Mrs. John son taught at Parrish Junior High school in Salem for two years prior to leaving to study with her hus band. Mrs. Johnson is the daugh tor of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rice of Silverton. Cr rnuf Fvon W1LLAM1NA (Soecial) - Mem- bcrs of four troops of the Gi - Scouts and their parents gather: hall Friday evening for a court of awards. Thirteen girls were Invested and received their tenderfoot badge. including Trixie Bryant, Maria Crone, Kathy Dentel, Berniece Low, Kathy Wagner, Susan Wood, Linda Wright. Gretchen Harper. Judith Hrdlund, Lynette Klnth, Betty and Nancy Fetch, and Ber tha Brandt. Seamstress, second class, and radio and TV badges were pre sented to Sharon Anse, Kathy An derson, Carol Ford, Judy Barr, Karent Bryant, April Endrcs. Mar sha Weber, Karen Kaublc, Karen Thompson, Ginger Mauer, Susie Barrett and Sharon Reed. Radio and TV badges were pre sented to Alair Nylcen, Judy Bark er, Julia Johnson, Phyllis Hamil ton and Nancy Scott; speaker, dabbles, drawing, painting and swimming badges to Romaine An derson; voting and cooking badges, Phyllis Hamilton; cycling badge, Sandra Ingraham. MR. AND MRS. Herbert F. Savage, former Salem residents, arc announcing the birth of a son. Christopher Francis, in Seattle. Grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Savage and James Mullen, of Salem. The mother is tH for mer Alice Mullen. SPECIAL SELLING Ruckle White Buck Oxfords A SPECIAL SELLING OF THESE POPULAR WHITE OXFORDS Weekend Special li Engaged Miss Janice Marie Dabler, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Dabler, has announced her engagement to Harvey Edward Page, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Page. AT THE meeting of Salem He- . bekah Lodge No. 1, Monday eve ning, plans were made for the rummage sale for Saturday, Janu ary S, over Greenbaum's. Ar rangements were made for instal lation of new officers on Wednes day, January 9, A card party and no-host dessert followed the busi ness session. Theta Rho girls will meet Thursday, January 10 at 6:30 p.m. for installation of officers. The Ladies Encampment auxiliary will install its new officers on the ' evening ot January 11 at S o'clock. TodOS'S MenU ' .. FAMILY LUNCH Scrambled Eggs with' Bacon Creamed Carrots and Onions Crusty Rolls Fruit Beverage CREAMED CARROTS AND ONIONS Ingredients: cups thinly sliced carrot rounds, 2 medium-sized onions (sliced thin and separated into rings), '-i cup boiling water, ' teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons butter or margarine, milk, 2 table spoons flour, V, teaspoon pepper. Method: Bring carrots, onion rings, V cup water, salt, and 1 tablespoon of the butter to a boil in a 2-quart saucepan. Cover and boil gently until just tender about 8 minutes. Drain any liquid from carrots into a measure; add enough milk to make ll cups. Melt remaining 2 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan; remove from heat; blend in flour and pepper. Add milk mixture. Return to moderately low heat; cook and stir constantly until thickened and bubbly; mix with carrots and re heat. Makes 6 servings. m m 7 m Z a A to I to X O m to -o m O CI Early