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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, January 2, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 1 Page 9 Struggle With Officer Lands Sheriff in Bed CORVALL1S Benton Coun ty Sheriff Clifford N. Lilly suf fered a heart, attack here early Tuesday after struggling in the street with a Philomath police of ficer he was attempting to jail on a drunkeness charge. Lilly, 62, was reported in critical condition at a hospital here. The police officer, Capt. James A. Steadman. 28, a former prize fighter, said he could not remem ber the incident. He was quoted by officers as saying that he re membered being in a night club near Philomath New Year's Eve but that his memory was a blank about what happened between that time and when he woke up in jail. The management of the night club had called Lillv at 4 a. m. Tuesday to report that Steadman was trying to get back into the club after having been ejected. Lilly went to Philomath, arrested Steadman and brought him to Cor vallis. They were entering the jail when Steadman shoved Lilly to the ground and then fell on top of him, said Aaron Dearing, chief sheriffs deputy. Steadman was Jailed by other officers. A short time later Lilly became ill. He collapsed while being taken to a hospital. r'1 Four Children Die in Fire LINER L1BERTE SAILS LE HAVRE, France OP) The trench liner Liberte France's largest sailed for New York Wednesday. fi7 hmtrc after it hA returned to port to repair dam age suncrea in a mid-Atlantic storm. The ship sailed on Dec. 27 with 533 passengers and was two days out when a cnmn hairh was stove in and two loading Quunis were Dent. . , : , . r ... . .. . . f Earth Fill Starts On Brownlee Dam BAKER Workers Wednes day began dumping clay which will serve as the core Tor Idaho Power Co.'s Brownlee Dam on the Snake River. Company officials said the work will continue in three shifts 24 SANTA BARBARA, Calif. With smoke still rolling from the ruins, firemen probe for bodies of the four children of Mr. and Mrs, James L, Free, who died when the home burst Into flames. One body Is being carried out at right. The parents and one daugh ter escaped with minor burns. The dead are James, 6; Robin, 4; Sarah, 2: and David. 1. (AP Wircpholn) hours a day, with 3.000 to 4,000 cubic yards of clay being put in place each day. Preparatory work -for the foun dation of the 63 million dollar dam has been underway for come time. BUTTON, BUTTON FARMINGTON, III. tn-Mrs. Wil liam H. Brown knows who has the buttons because she has a collec tion of some 6,000 of them. Egypt Cancels Troop Treaty With Britain Tommies Can't Return In Caae of Attack J By Russians By WILTON WYNX CAIRO UP Egypt has formally ended the 1954 treaty that Rave Britain the right to station troops in the Suez Canal zone in the event of Soviet aggression in the Middle East. A decree signed by President Nasser said the pact was hroken "from tlie moment the British armed forces attacked Egypt." In effect the treaty was written off when British and French planes bombed Egypt Oct. 31 in preparation for the invasion of the Suez Canal zone. The next day the Egyptian army seized the five big British supply bases main tained under the . treaty, jailed their British cjvilian caretakers and confiscated the stores of arms and equipment. Nasser's action takes away the right of British troops to return in case of attack by an "outside power" mutually understood to mean Russia on Turkey or anyi of the Arab nations of the Middle East. Loss of the British bases at the strategic crossroads between East and West may be a heavy blow to Western defense planning. The pact hrd five, years to run. At the canal, work to clear the wrecks and debris blocking ship ment of oil and ether necessities from Asia to Western Europe fi nally got into full swing under U. N. auspices. Two lT. N.-chartcred salvage vessels the Italian tug Herculc and the Swedish ship Herakle began clearing away wreckage at Japanese Vessel Escapes Koreans SH1MONOSEKI, Japan LT A Japanese fi$)jfcK ship captured by a South KoiWn gunboat returned to .In nail today after escaping while its guards were sleeping oil a New Year s Eve drunk. The coast guard said the Daiichi Chirodi Maru and its crew of 17 slipped out of Pusan Harbor be fore dawn-New Year's Day, South Korea has captured many Japanese ships on charges of crdssing the Korean-proclaimed Rhce Line, which extends an av erage of 60 miles from the Korean coast. 8 KILLED AS HI S I'PSETS SANTIAGO, Chile (A Eight persons were killed and 10 were injured when a loaded passenger hus overturned near Temuca, Southern Chile. Wednesday. Kilometer 39 in the northern half of the water way. The world's biggest salvage ves sels West Germany's Energie and Ausdaeur tied up at the wrecked Ferdan bridge, 51 miles south of Port Said, one of the largest obstructions in the canal. Two German tuns and the Italian floating winch Squab arrived with the Energie and Ausdaeur, ready to begin work on the collapsed are "doing fine. Drmgc. Italian diver Bruno Sontina went down to examine the dam age underwater, and then tied wire cables from the bridge to the salvage vessels. In Israel, official quarters de nied reports from Cairo that the U. N. is putting on pressure for a First Quints Born in India MADRAS, India Ifl Police cordoned off the hospital in Pon- dicherry Wednesday to keep back curious crowds thronging to see India's first quintuplets. The quints, all girls, were born to a 29-year-old Indian servant woman living near Tiruvanna malai, 50 miles from Pondicherry. Mrs. Munale Corneille, 40, nurse at the hospital, said the .quints arrived in quick succession early Monday. They weighed, in order, 3 pounds, fi ounces; 4 pounds, 6 ounces; 3 pounds, 8 ounces; 3 pounds. 12 ounces and 3 pounds, ft ounces. They will he named on the 10th day, according to Hindu custom. The mother, who earned about $2 a month as a servant, wept as she said that her husband, 35, is unemployed and thai she al ready has three other daughters to bring up. Local merchants, welfare bodies and other persons have contri buted to a fund for her aid. Doctors reported Wednesday that the quints, like their mother, Swim, Climb Stunts Mark Start of '57 PORTLAND in -The New Year was welcomed into Oregon Tues day with two traditional events the "polar bear" swim and the annual race to climb Mount Hood. A group of swimmers paddled around in the 42-degrec water of the Willamette River in their tra ditional old-time swim suits. Port- MRS. WHITNEY OPERATED ON NEW YORK W Mrs. John Hny Whitney, whose husband soon will hecome American Ambassador to Rrltnin, was reported in "very satisfactory condition today lot lowing an operation lust Friday fnr ctnmnrh tilt-Arc NJntU Vnrlf speeaup oi me Israeli wunarawai j Hospital said Mrs. Whitney, 47, from the Sinai Desert and Gaza ontcrcd the hospital for a check Strip. Egypt is. restive over ;vhat!up, returned home for Christmas, It Calls the "Unjustifiable Slow lh ro-i.nli.rrH fl.r the hnlirinv Israeli pullback, slated to take , for th pcration. she is the for- """" . , , mer Betsey Cushing. Informed political circles in , Jerusalem said there has been no Tne tRfAe My isn the Gar.a Strip, which Israel has T,ho5C white feathers on top said It will not relinquish to o' "ls hpBd Jusl makc hlm look Ea pi. I bald. land's Olympic swimmer Maureen Murphy, was queen of the event She wore a white fur swim suit and used a beach chair for a throne. The first group to climb Mount Hood was a party of four from Washington Bill Unsoeld and Stan Bishiprick. Vancouver, and John Utzingor and Ed O'Neal, Tacoma. The city's New Year's Eve cele bration was the quietest in years. Only 34 were arrested for drunk cness about the same number picked up on an average Saturday night. OUT OF COLOR TV NEW MAKE-UP DISCOVERY MAKES YOU LOOK NATURALLY LOVELY DAY AND NIGHT IN ANY LIGHT MAX FACTOR'S NEW f lii-fiWl mm FLUID MAKE-UP Hi-Fi ends the "made up" look once and for all! Because Hi-Fi does (or color whet high fidelity does or music . . . reproduce perfect natural skin tones that blend perfectly, naturally, with your own skin. Choose from iz h'ighly fluttering, high fidelity shades. $1 75 Flia CAPITAL DRUG STORE 40S State St., Salem, Oregon WE GIVE H'K GREEN STAMPS Fluid Rouse ia new . high fidelity colore Plw Tu u " " w All Are Here 7 bi?II3Q(al l I JWte& V L- U J LJ LJ W-J V t4 i! The B.t Place to Shop .... ?Mr ' . i . AfterA" allsizes M 8 Short to ;M 11 12 Long! fa A I- t - 1 I T! 3 RTn" regular styles full fashioned with seams, Stretch I I I I ll'U O Sheers and the regular style seamless. Now! Fill Advance shades' The new spring j ,tfeJ 3 and summer shades are here await- I , . '.f i f SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF FINEST I-65 and V QUALITIES! 00 .75 SHEERS TO SERVICE! 15 DENIER 60 GAUGE! 20 DENIER 60 GAUGE! 30 DENIER 51 GUAGE! STRETCH SHEERS Popular stretch sheers of this famous brond are added to the sale this yeor. Making it a sale of regular styles full fashioned with seams, Stretch Sheers and the regular style seamless. Now! Fill your hosiery wardrobe complete with every style at a big saving in price! NEW SEAMLESS These new???? brand seamless are prime favorites judging by the sales of all styles of hosiery this year. It will pay you to select several pairs of these. SPRING SHADES Advance shades' The new spring and summer shades are here await ing your shopping tour to this on nual sale. LIGHT, MEDIUM AND DARKER SHADES ... for dressy wear ... for work or school ... for sports wear . . . you'll find a great variety of shodes from which to choose. PHONE EM 2-2431 OR MAIL ORDER Ask For Your Free Ticket On The Valuable Prime! SELECT HALF OR A DOZEN PAIRS AND SAVE STILL MORE! Miller's are proud to be able to bring you this sale of fine hosiery direct from this famous mill at this time of the year. It's the luckiest purchase Miller's have made in many years. Proportioned leg lengths! Every foot size from 8's to 1 1 Vl this sale will be for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Friday store hours will be 9;30 to 9:00. QUALITY FOR QUALITY Miller's Prices Are Lower The best for the price ... no matter what the price! And this is no idle or empty phrase. Comparison of so-called bargains will prove our contention. Slight irregulars are so nearly perfect that the little speck cr flaw defies detection. Unlike most irregu lars, subslondords, seconds etc. These ore graded out by factory inspection experts to maintain the factory's long time reputation for "the most fam ous brond of stockings in America." Save $9.80 on a dozen pairs of the $1.65 or $11.40 on the $1.95.