Page 8 Section 1 4 Car Deaths, Fire Fatality Oregon's Toll By THE ASSOCIATED MUSS Four persons were killed in traf fic accidents and another met vio lent death in a fire in Oregon's long New Year holiday. Lewis Thomas Robinson, 61, a Rogue Hivcr grocer, died on New Year's Eve. Police tried, but failed, to catch him as he sped through town at about 11:30 p. m. On Tuesday morning his body was found wedged in his car off a highvay south of Rogue River. He had crashed into a bridge abutment. Alwin E. Newsom, 48, nf Port land, was the state's first traffic victim of 1957. His car smashed Into another near Boring 'lucsaay morning. He was killed outright. Hie nnctjntifirr and five teen-auers in the other car, cn route to Mount Hood for a day of skiing, suffered non-critical injuries. VillpH Friday nieht were Tommy Johnson, 18. who died in a collision near biivonon, anu Larry Wridge, II, fatally injured when a car hit his motor scooter in Portland. Thn flro viMim WHR Phil L. PnltW fi.1 Portland. He died of burns suffered when an electric blanket he was using at Good Samaritan Hospital caught fire. Red Cross Job Taken Over by t.M.Gruentlier WASHINGTON Wi Alfred M. Grucnthor, former NATO supreme commander, took over Wednes day as president of the American Red Cross. He was inducted into office at a formal ceremony at the organ ization's headquarters here. Gruenlher was introduced lo the staff by Ellsworth Bunker. ! who is retiring irom inc ilea Cross presidency to become am bassador to India. , Bunker called Gruenlher "one of the great public servants of all times." ; Gruenther, the four-star gen eral who retired this week from Active duty said he accepted the Red Cross position with n feeling of great humility. He came, he said, because ho was "impressed with the devotion of the workers who make the Red Cross the great humanitarian organization it is." THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Dies as New Year Arrives mi Jk' wr MAIIION, Ind. Group of young people store In horror at the . midnight New Year's Day. The truck was being driven by William mangled body of James V. Hunner, 55, Marlon after collision of L. Spencer, .11, also of Marion. (AP Wircphoto) his unln ami a tractor-trailer truik south of here shortly after GE to Curtail Its Expansion NEW YORK I General Elec tric Co. "has every confidence in 1957 " but plans to hold expan sion' spending below the record 1956 pace to keep earnings up and conserve manpower, Lemuel R. Boulware, a vice president, said Wednesday. Dn.,i..,nra ticpneeeH the outlook Duums'fc of the nation's biggest electric manufacturing enterprise in an interview in the wake of three postponements of parts of GE's three-year ow miinun uuum pansion program. Within a week, GE postponed construction of a four-million dol- 1 Mmmmirnlinn: eQlliDmCnt plant near Gainesville, Fla. put off until at leasi mia-irai " pansion of its laminated plastics plant at Cochocton, Ohio, and de ferred construction of five million dollars in buildings by its lamp division in a Cleveland suburb. Boulware noted that GE presi-j-t ninh Cnrdiner stated re cently that the company's earn ings had failed to Keep pace wuu its sales because many of its prod ucts were "under-priced" and be cause of the high starting-up costs in- the big 1956 expansion pro gram, which ran almost 40 mil lions higher than 1955. - m UCKLE'S E SALE Men's Women's CHILDREN'S SHOES-HOSIERY-SLIPPERS This timely Sale Coming to you now-Just when you need it most. Our twice a year Sale offers every line, every shoe on sale. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, January 2, 1957 ATTENTION HOTEL - MOTEL - APT. HOUSE & HOME OWNERS READY-TO-HANG WOVEN DRAPERIES First time offered at this terrific LOW PRICE Styled like 7.98. You'd expect to pay more. Lost Boy Dies Of Exposure ' EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (UP) The Air Eorco today extended its sympnlhy to (lie par ents a thrce-year old boy who died of exposure In below - freezing temperatures after becoming lost over night in the deserl. . Helicopter pilot Maj. Jones Seigler early Tuesday spoiled the lightly-clad body of Bill Ray Tyroe in a sagebrush and sand area less than two miles from this base's main gale. Standing guard beside the boy's body was his uncle's pet cocker spaniel. More than 1.000 airmen and ci vilians had combed the desert in temperatures that dropped to 28 degrees. By All Means Sec the famous NATURALIZERS for Women Values to 13.95 fesi-v? -.f.--ii.., .1. I 'i ifllic pair Gibson ArraipiHMl OiiIIoWmtv (lounl ALBANY, Ore. W Ernest T,. Gibson, already serving n life Urm in the ilnlu ponitonliary, will be brought Ihtc Friday for arraignment on a charge of armed robbery. lie and three olheis broke out of jail here Sept. 7. Gibson bad been brought here nowhnfi his ap peal from a life sentence for armed robbery. He was recapt urcd some t ime later at Coos Hay and sentenced to an additional 10 years for car thefl. His earlier conviction was for robbing, with others, the Linn County treasurer's oltice here last Jan, 17. I Theater Kmplied IJy llonih Threat CIIK.'AC.O 11 Police and fire nion emplied a movie theater in suburban 1'ark forest of nhmit r00 persons, nioslly cliihiren. Tuesday afler receiving an nnnn ymmis telephone call that a Iwnlli had been placed in the Innliliuj: Police said they received a mystery call at 3: IK p ni lhal a Imnih planted inside the Mnhdav Theater was set to explode at 4:30 p m. Police squads and fire men converged on me inealer. stopped the show and vacated the house. No bomb was found. If you've liked them for their comfort You'll love them for their STYLE Boy's and Girl's Step Master Shoes Oxfords - Slippers Values fo 6.95 $$90 NOW ""sALE Womcn's 1 fr ( STARTS ' r , I I - Dress and Casuals . I I THURSDAY lm All Styles on Sale I . JAN. 3 w i n ri c 1 90 JDIES S 1 ; ' , -J) SEAMLESS 1 V '' Wsf $0 ' I Modern Block Border Design rk0 CHENILLE II'KV Reg. WJ7 CHARGE IT ON S. R. C. A TRULY BEST BUY SEE THEJI TODAY BUY SEVERAL FOR ADD-A-WIDTH ON WIDER WINDOWS Select from textured printed or woven solid draperies . . . Choose inter esting pebble weave drapery in modern, floral or leaf design in beautiful Harmony House colors, fashioned with S'-in. pinch pleated tops for that added decorator touch. 45x84 inch. Choose from 6 solid colors. HURRY LIMITED QUANTITY Cordowctle Onetone CHENILLE SPREADS Reg. OJiJ 4.98 HOSIERY Charge It" on SRC Soft baby chenille with lovely waveline. Finished with non tangle bullion fringe. Five Harmony House colors. Save. The Coming Days Call for Casuals - Get QUALITY Footwear - All Brands of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes Famous Buster Brown Styles Values - up to s795 SALE PRICES 45)90 Buy Quality "Charge It" on SRC Simply designed block bor der of extra heavy overlay. Thickly tufted cordowale background and rounded corners for graceful draping. Tipsy Driver (ids 11 Months in Jnil SAN JOSK. Cnhf - drunken drivinr. William ChrMer Lewis, 33. of Mountain Mew sentenced to spend nil of HOT and two months of 1958 in Santa Clara County jail. , It was his fourth conviction on drunken driving charges. PoHtoffi to Ho 100 Years Old Thiirsdiiy PHOKNIX. Ore. ifl The Phoenix' postoffice will observe its JOOIh anniversary Thursday. ' There nre two older nostolfurs In Jncfcsnn Cminly-Jfleksnnviiie. rslahlished in 11114. and Ashland, established in 18."3. ' George K. Funston. president nf the New York Stock Kxchnnge. .worked his way through college as a chauffeur. 1 PEDWINS all Styles Values to $12.95 90 SALE Here's Your Shoe Opportunity ALL ROBLEE Shoes for men reduced in Price One Group Regularly 14.95 NOW 8' See the Styles For Men French Shriner Fine Shoes On Sale Ladies Full Fashioned Seamless Hose-Special for this Sale Only 59c 395 N. High . Our New Location Arbuckie's Store-Side Parking Reg. M . - 9.98 Rosette and Scroll CHENILLE 77 JLt "Charje It" on SRC Designed in heavy tuft ing on velvatuft back ground, rounded corners. Scroll repeated in border. HARMONY HOUSE CHROMEFAST TRILORED COVERLETS Excluiiva St.rl chrom.f.ft Milching Ktttteriti Mix or milch Coverlets to 12.50 7.77 Dust Ruffles to 6.9S 3.77 Cafe Curtains Reg. 2 5 pr. 1 77 rtiii'fiiiiUUiiii 550 N.Capitol EM 3-9191 SZff o O