Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 02, 1957, Page 17, Image 17

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Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wed., Jan. 2, 1957
Sights Refugee
Entry Increase
PORTLAND m Buttcrfat
Tentative, subject to immediate
change Premium quality, deliv
ered in Portland. 64 7 cents per
lb; first quality, 61-64; second
nlifilitv SA.Vl
-"" " Butter-Wholesale, f ob. bulk
WASHINGTON - .Senate lie- cuhps (0 who,.sa(,rs(;rno AA.
publican Leader Knowland of Cal- M s(.orCi B:). A erade 92 5C0r0
ifornia said today he expects the!fl2. B cr.1(1(, g0 scorc j,,. c
new Congress to nnss lcKislalionLr:,dc m st.r(. .i,
permittins more IlunKarUm relu- wholesalers-OreSon
6 w Jtr 1.:
ers indicated n similar view yes- r" 2 J
terday after a White House brief-1 Ef!Ks-lo retailers-Grade AA,
i:is on foreicn affairs, including I larRc, 4S-.VI; A large. 45-48: AA
the Hungarian situation. I medium, 44-46; A medium. 43-45;
Knowland. who was at the; A small. 37M. Cartons, 1-3 cents
meeting, said in an interview he ' additional.
did not want at this time to pre-j Kggs To wholesalers A large,
diet what form Ihc legislation 43-44'2; A medium, 41-42'j; A
would take. small, 35-yii 1 a .
Vice President Nixon said in a J .jvt. poultry No. 1 quality,
report that this country should f0 . portland-Krvors. 2'2-4 lbs, I
take "substantially more" llunga-! 17-jn: light hens, 10.1 at farm;:
rians fleeting their homeland. He heavy liens. 13-14 at farm; old
also proposed specific steps for ; ruoslcrfi, 7-il.
Congress to lake, put said no del
inite number of additional refu-
Portland Grain
PORTLAND un Coarse grains,
15-day shipment, bulk, coast deliv
ery: Oats No. 2. 38 lb white 57.00.
Barley No. 2, 45 lb B. W. 51.50
52.00. Corn No. 2, E. Y. shipment
Wheat: No bids or offers.
Car receipts: Wheat 113; barley
23; flour 18; corn 3; mill feed 10
Mid Willamette
cccs should be set
"We should not place a ceiling
on what we will do in fulfilling
our traditional national mission of
providing a haven of refuge for
victims of oppression." he said.
President Kisenhowcr an
nounced Ihc United State!! would
Turkeys To producers I. i v e
weight fryers, 27-2JJ; young turkey
hens, eviscerated. 3.r)-.1(i; young
tarns to 2ii lbs, 34-35, 1-2 premium
for heavier.
rtabbils Average to growers
Live white, tfk-A1 lbs, 21-24; col
ored pells 4 cents less; old does,
10-12, few higher. Kresh killed fry-
nnlm..n In hrinrt in I ..mrf.r.',rC , CrS 10 rCiaiKTS, toW, CUl UP, WJ-
under a temporary "parole" pro- (,J-
cedure beyond the 21,500 quota1 Wool Nominal, clean basis, '4
previously scheduled. j blood. l.K; blood. 1.2."): ! blood
They cannot he granted perma-;; 'a moon i.hj; .me, i.ou.
nent homes until Congress
changes present laws to provide
for them.
The President said this proce
dure would he used "until such
time as the Congress acts."
White House press secretary
James C. Hagerty said none of
the congressional leaders at Ihc
briefing raised any objection to
Tribe Honors
Chief at Feast
Chief Tommy Thompson, who
says he is 103 years old, enme
home to his people for a New
Year's day dinner yesterday.
The visit brought tears to the
eyes of the clii'f who has been
Count, "y-drrssed Meats, f.o.b.
Beef Young cows, utility, 20-22
lb; canners and cutters, 15-lfi.
Veal Top quality lightweight,
28-2!); rough heavies. 15-22.
Hogs Best light blockers, 23
25; lean light sows, 20-21.
I.ainbs Top grade, 34-36.
Mutton Lightweight ewes and
wethers, 10-12; rough heavies, 5-8.
Krr.sli Produce
Onions Idaho Yellows. 50 lb,
2.3.V50; mod. 1.25-50; white 3.00
50; Ore. Danvers, med, 1.50-2.00;
3 in, 2.25-50.
Potatoes Local Itussets, No. 1,
100 lb,; Central Oreg. Itus
sets, 3.00-50; large fi-14 oz 4.00-25;,
No. 2 50 lbs, 1.15-25; Idaho bales,
5-10 lb, 2.25-50; Wash. Russets, 100
lb, 3.00-25.
Hay No. 2 green alfalfa, baled.
f.o.b. Portland, 34.00-35.00 ton.
Apples liox Oregon-Washington
Kerf Delicious, exlra fancy, Iray I
If .... I i- r,
confined to a nursing home at '5M.; , -Hood
Ifver for so.m fme. Hut he h , tPr fl y !
cheerfully forecast that next New . -.,.,,. r ' ,, !
Year's day he would he back lr','w,c
another celebration. ' ,P.i ,.,' -...
Ah..., I 1 11(1 nf 1,n ,...iiiinn I ' ' ' "'.'I'l'1'., v..,, .,..
members of the Cclilo Indians
joined the chief in the feast. Only
about 20 families remain at the
tribal home at Celilo, the Indian
xodus spurred by the loss of their
ancient fishing rocks to The Dalles
li.lll); loose, 4.50-4.75; Newlons.
loose, extra fancy, 4.25-4.50; Slay
mans, loose, 4.00-4.50.
Celery California, 2-2'4 d o t.
ti. 00-6 50; few lower; hearts, 2.75-
3.00 (107..
Pull Break-ins
EUGKNK un Police said
burglars with a yen for a New
Year's party were apparently re
sponsible for a break-in at the
Moose Club rifle rniiRO last week
end. Thieves broke open a door anil
made off with three benches and
two studio couches sometime dur
ing the weekend. New Year's aft
rnioon the couches and one of the
benches were returned.
Why do police think the thieves
ui-re New Year's norlv-eivers? A
qiianlily of confetti was found in 1-1
the studio couches.
Chicago Onions
By I nllrd Tresi
Supplies moderate; demand
slow; market dull.
Track sales (50 lbs.) U. S. 1 un
less stated: .Minnesota Yellow
(ilobes. 75 per cent 2-inch and
larger i, no.
Street sales: Colorado Spanish
3-inch and larger 2 011-2.65; While
Spanish Il-inch and larger 2.75
2.85, 2 to 3 inch 2.75-.1.0II, few 3.23.
fair quality and condition 1.25
1.50; Idaho Oregon Spanish 3-inch
and lamer 2 (.5; White Spanish 2
to 3-incli 2.7.1; Utah While Span
ish 3-incll and larger 2.75-2. Hi, 2 to
3-inch 2.7.V2 115; Midwest Yellows
medium 1.25-1.35, irregular 1.00-
Portland liivt'slock
I'OUTI.ANI) W-ll'SI)Ai-('nUlc
salable 1200: market uneven; few
steers mostly steady stronn. 2;
(lliic;i"() C. r;i in
CIIK'AliO Ul - Soybeans raced
up about four cents to pace an
advancing grain market on the
ll,,.,r,l ,.l T I.. Un.l... .. ,)....
higher; load average choice lllfi, it,...,,,,, t,w.h..,i ,.n" "i, ti...
lot choice '.175-1 Ilia Ih steers 21.50:
piopecls of an expanded foreign
economic aid program and an eX'
pected presidential request to
tcr wheal belt, low temperatures
in the Midwest feeding area and
expectations of export business in
other choice steers 20 :0-21 on: n
,ew goou "; ' '. ''"; ! Congress In permit use of Amor-
' .-..... ....... ...... ; ,,.;, i,,mps , ,hl, ,ii,dle Kast
trucked lot mostly .hoice heifers ; ,. shlluW m
10 00: load good with few choice (m,r h(,1Mn(, lhl,' m.,r.
"' . Ihl'' w,'r'' '"'V weather in the win
9 50; few hea- y cullers III 00. lit il
itv cows 11 00-12 00; cniiuucrcial
12 .10-13 nu: lllllliy nuns H ik.-i:i mi. .. ... , . ,,...,.,,,
Calves salable 75; good and Wheat closed cl'. higher,
choice ealers 21 no i't'. (Hi; stand-1 March 2-U 'n-1.: coin -VP high
aid vealers 15 (Hi -20 00. er. March l:).'.1, : oals lower
Hogs salable 300; sluing to 2.1 , to -'. higher. March 77',. rye
higher on butchers, sows fully j to 2 cents higher. nMrch 147;
steady: sorted V. S 1 and 2 grade j soybeans 2 to 4 cents higher
butchers 10.25 If 7:1: around All j January 2 4ll-2 4H'i, and lard IT
head 19 7S: mixed 1. 2 and 3 1 to :m cents a hundred pounds high
grades IB 751000; sorted oft No. 'er, January 14 on.
3. IH 50: sows 300-500 lb 13 M- i J
Willx-rn A. Clark
SII.VKftTON (Special) Wilbern
A. Clark, W, died at a Brooks
nursing home Iucsday.
Mr. Clark was born in Iowa,
'eh. 28, 1070.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs.
Clara Clark. Silverton; a daughter,
Sirs. Lola Taylor, Council Bluffs,
Iowa; sons George Clark, Wood
burn, and Ralph Clark, Salem;
brother, John Clark. Casey, Iowa;
sisters, .Mrs. Mary Thomas, Calif.;
Mrs. Jennie Gurske, Missoula,
Mont.; Mrs. Nellie Parnham,
Cedar Itapids, Iowa; and Mrs.
Sara Anthes, Springfield, Iowa;
and seven grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements are in
care of the Kknian Kuneral Home.
Graci; WViitlliiiff
LEBANON (Special) Grace
Elizabeth Wendling of lit. 3. Scio.
died Dec. 28. She is survived by
her husband, Alfred Wendling, of
The Itosary was recited for her
Sunday night at .last's chapel, and
funeral services were at St. Ed
wards Catholic church Monday
morning, with the Kev. Pius P.
liaur oflicialing. Burial was in
the IOOK cemetery.
Mrs. Wendling lived at Scio since
her marriage on Oct. 22. 1952,
coming to Oregon from California.
She was a member of St. Edwards
Catholic church.
She was born Feb. 14, 1910, at
West Springfield, Mass.
Pirkls Knlerlain
WOOOnilltN (Special) holiday
dinner guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Pirkl, Rt. 1, Wood
burn were Mrs. Mary Hanel.
mother of Mrs. Pirkl; Mr. and
Mrs. Bill llanle. Don, Bob and
Dick, Independence; Mr. and Mrs.
Anton Zastoupil, Gordon and
Linda, Silverton; Mr. and Mrs.
Louie Uanel, Dennis, David,
Mickey, Maryann and Terry,
Woodburn; Mr. and Mrs. Laudie
Pirkl, Karen, Gordon and Holin,
Molalla: Miss Janet Kempf. As
toria; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yo
der, Joe Judy, Patty and Hoan,
Canhv: Henry Dahl. Hubbard: Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Pirkl, Portland:
Don Carolyn, Jimmy and Judy
Alonzo Carl Ilalri
Late renklent of Ilnvrnpnrt. Iowa.
Dee. 25lli. Survived tiv brothers. Wil
liam Hales, licauinoiit. Cnllf.; Arthur
A. Hnics, Davenport, lown; aunt,
Mn. Klmrr lalcs. S.ilem: niece. Mrs.
W. K. Gates, Salem, and several
nieces and nenhews in the hnst
Services will he Thursday. January
;i. at 2:00 P.M. in the virRH l. i.omen
Chapel The Rev. Roy WorlhinRlon
will officiate. Interment will he in
Hclcrest Memorial Park Ritualistic
Servn-es by Salem Lodge No. 4,
A. FA A M.
Mrs. Winnie L. Harris
Late resident of Hotite 1. Karrls
hurc. In a loi'nl hospital, January I,
nl ttic aKe of 4(1 yrard. Survived hy
her husband Amos U. Harris, iiarris-
tiurj(. Aiinnuni-ement nf .services Inter
by Ilowell-KdwardN Funeral Home.
Arnold Itoelhlln:
At the residence !W0 N. Hlh St..
Salem. Dcfomber :i 1 s t . at Ihe acr of
7fl years. Survived by wife. J;icoba
Itoethlin, Sah-:i.; son. Arthur M .
Itnetliltn, Salein: diiughters. Mrs.
Willa J. I Lee i Ohm.irt, S;ile.n, Mrs.
LiImii (fttKlyi I alalia, Salem. Mrs.
Lorella Carlson. Salem 7 Rrandeiuld
ren also .survive. Member of the
First llaptlsl Chiweh. hervlres will
be held Iliuisday January .trd at 2:M)
n in. in the Chapel of Ihc llowell
Kilw,iids Funeral Home. Hrv. I.lovd
T Andt'iTim will officiate. Iiucrmcnt,
llrlcrest Memorinl l'ark.
Christian Yunsen
l.ale resident of lloute 1. Tlox 4.r'2,
Salriu, tn a local nursing home. Jan
uary 1. at Ihe nt;e of 8;i. Survived hy
ttnee .sons. Robert F.. Carl A., and
At thur H, YunRen. all of Salem;
brntlicr. Abraham YmiRen. llillshttro;
sister. Mrs. Carrie Hichen, Portland:
- m .indsons. Walter and Raymond
Yutici'iv Salem. Menihi-r of the Heth-
any Hible Chinch. Services will be
Ki id.iv. J.tmi.irv 4. at 1 :;I0 p ni..
the Hi.well-KtiwaTds Chapel. Rev C-
w it sauervvein win oiticiaie . on
i hiding services at Zena Ceiiietery.
17. Ml.
Rhcrp s;il;ihr fiiK: tnnrket nr
livp; similiter l;nnhs stnidv- j
wp.'ik: ln;id of i-hoiro U.I lb V;ish-
inRltm Tixtwif IjhiiIis pi ,ifl. in per J
trill out nt 17 .')(: dock choice !
shorn liimhs No 2 nr!t. in ;
Wall Street
. NEW YOI1K V - The Mock
m.iikrl slunihlrd in lis l'i;,7 ,,..
but ; linliiliuil Inmics p.m'd o
decline Into tins afternoon
I ni la. Mocks rr nl! Iioin
...... .... " n.uiii'ns lo aroiiml 2 w .smnc
mm j.,..,.,.!". i i " sli.uos tk sh;l jM.r ,
UllUl. OOH 111. m'"" in i.i n
too few feeders to establish mar
ket: cull-pood slauchter ewes : no
5 00.
slocks rose
SM's Ship.
as.iuist the
Cliit'ati Livestock
CHICACO nuteher hoes
dropped 2 to 50 cents Wednes
day r.s salable receipts expanded
to 16.000 head.
Most 1!K) to 2W pound bull hers
sold at $17.00 to 117 25 nlilimiL-h
Ihc top was $17.75. Butchers sell
ing 250 to 2(10 pounds went at
$16.75 to $17.00 and 270 tn .110
pounds at $16.00 lo $16 75. Sows
fold steady lo 25 cents lower at
$14 25 to $1.1.50.
Steers were mostly steady in
the cattle sectinn allhouch some
prime offerings lost ns much as
SO cents. A few loads nf prime
steers sold early at $2.i ,5 to
$16 00. Prime heifers topped nt
$22.00. Good and choice brought
$17.50 lo $21 50.
Lambs held steady, buyers Ink
ing most good to prime wooled
types it (18.50 to $20.35.
1 hiliUluiK
Volume for the dav esii
I mated at around two million
Mures compared with .l.tiso oihi
Mend. iv.
Salem Markets
t''ilril fnm rrn.ti n smr m
tttnlrrs lor the iiiliUtnf ot i iptUl
JiMinial llrath'ri tKeird 1j ly)
ltn!tlt fillets - 1.135 lH0-lb. bAti.
H U on UHl-lb hag
KKB Mash - 14 IS (HO-lb i.
D..iry ferd-:t iii-f:i .so i80-lb. baft;
. i . v iuhj-io pafi
I I'litillrv:
) lUi.Miif prtee Cototed frver, joe;
o1 rodjtem. ; colored fi 1, He;
' It tr -orn fowl. 11c.
:u inir prlre-AA. 41.-; Irre A W
4Tr. mrtttum A. small A. 21c
1 Wholrale price- A j'itrln, .vie;
j rH litre A A. MV: larijr A A 4Hc.
, I.Tpi' A. 4fi. fnniuim A V A
'sum!1, :inc. On rr tors. 3c additional
, Itnttrrfjit:
I RuMnr prlc - Ptrmium Mc;
I flrt (tr-t)e. Ji-.ic; grade 2. .Se
j lliitlrr.
Rptmi A A R 1 ."1 lc. (HMrtf r
lie Wholesale Solid AA, 7U ; quar
ten, ?3c.
MM) Personal
312 Lost and Found
LOST: Collie pup In W. Salem,
1- cks old. Children's pet.
KM 4-.M!70
LOST- Hl.ick A White Knchsh
Pointer 'toe. in Liberty Pist.
I'h KM lteward.
Will diive ou and your car
am lu te sc-od chai acter. no
hud I.U'tt' ions,
miild'f .iced, jinizle, har done
tM'.iuf ii'M-iR. citetHkink.. for
nn .i : c Warner Krufier
1..M1Y v .inf. tide l l'lTtlnnd.
.'tlv -Hit' hilt. Ph. (Jervan
3.1.1 1. lit 1 M ROIL HronkR.
3 1 6 Personal
1 M1 1 NOT t-e te-ponMhle for
nn del'lv ctnrr than m vwn.
P.'ti.ild M i'.oiiser. lit. 3 Pox
:nV tt.ill.iN. Ore Hrtt avd"Huvell ThankV
fir tite nice Ouislmt cud.
pi'in v 'Mi didn't put c-ur
n.i'i r . n it return aditren on
tl'e em elope I lt the slip
( p.iper th..t 1 .ur ad-drc--
..n I' rite Tom
I 1 i-ri iu and curs a Ne Ve..r
".eie!v (;ir Knend.
Kuth ind Tci-.i Si.ipie;. n
MOUK pe -pie hu W.irld IWk
K.i'cvch-prdia. Wh KM
ALCOHOLICS Anonvt-ousifa
S Cninl. KM 2-108. KM
ALCOHOl ICS Anonvtrou 8rvip
No 1. JOtS N Ccm'l KM 4-;j4l.
ilKI.1V Ch'thmc. "5h.e. furni
lure, tos, etc needed NOW
for needs families. Pn KM
4-.M41 NOW or brinf itenv to
311 No t om l St. St. Vmcenl runt.
100 Ajrriculiurr
402 livestock For Sale
NKt SON" S IVii'v rtreedrn A'n.
Pi KM :
SA! KM Meat Co , Wkrr href.
21.- CuMi-M kiP'UB. cullir'f
rd wrapp'ff (Lieon tlictd
(tt 6t trailer loaned.
CAFROTS for feed. 11 lack,
scks SS EM 4-3081.
10 lbs. for 49c
Green Apple Market
j005 Portland Kd.
PASTEimiZFD whole milk, 75c
gal. Homogenized ,.jc. gui.
lor Vic. Cleary Dairy. EM
BAF1Y Cnlckifor meat or e(f.
hena tor iree toiaer, wiison s
Hatrnery, Lyons. Ore. PH.
Special Price. Ph. EM 4-1327
BABY Chicks hatched yr. round.
special Kea uoosiers ac ea.
Valleyrarm Store, EM 4-4624.
Dressed at Wing's Poultry A
It. ib bits, 2065 State. EM 4-3918.
400 Agriculture
402 Livestock for Sale
40 CHOICE Whltefae Ewes-
Highway 9fK North of Albany
I mile I block Kast on Scott
HUKBARU squash for stock feed
15 per ion m field. $7 banked
out. EM 2-2047.
403 Livestock Wanted
WANTED: 10 or more Bred
hues. A. C. Uliman. Hl-W
Hayenville Dr., Salem. f.M
TOP cash prices at your place.
LIVESTOCK huyer. Edwards,
t. 3, Box 809E. EM 4-1113.
CATTLE. 42Tf State. E. I. c H.
Snethcn, EM 2-1345, EM 2-4380.
CATTLE, horses, at ynur farm.
l. MCUanailsn, .M 3-6189.
CATTLE buyer. A. F Snmmer,
12G0 Ilnrmony Dr. EM 4-9067.
450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise
474 Floor Covering
474 Floor Covering
Beautifully Styled "SEQUIN"
Inlaid Linoleum
SIX color blends for use in the kitchen, bedroom, playroom, din.
ing room, living room and den.
Reg. 3.15 Sq. Yd. Now $2.15 Sq. Yd.
280 State St.
INLAID llnolrum $1.79 per q
yd. R. L. Elfstrom Co., 260 S
R. L. Elfstrom Co. 2(10 S. Liberty,
VINYL floor tile. 10c each..
405 Pets
BOXER dog, 12 mo. old.
cuppea. ti i-ai.ii.
LABRADOR pups. 6 wk.v
BIRO Paradise, bird, tron fish.
3mu Livingston. CM Z-18iZ.
MICKEY'S parakeets, rain
51(10 Center EM 2-7169
Puppies all kinds, buy & sell.
Ail noon at eves, rvo aun. calls,
410 Fruit & Farm Produce
414 Poultry & Rabbits
424 Farm Equipment
'54 SC. CASE Tractor, 2 hot.
torn roll-over plow. 54 Case
7-ft. mower, 3317 Hamel. EM
450 Merchandise
451 Household Goods
9 X 12 LINOLEUM ruRs. Special
at Used Mdse. Mart.
270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371.
IF YOU nerd a single item or a
complrte hntisehold of new or
used furniture or appliances.
Buv now on our -asy terms.
Woodry's Thrifty Us d
515 S. Com' I I'n KM '-3319
1 block So. of Paper Mill
USED davenport it chair JIM. 50.
470 Building Materials 470 Building Materials
40 TO 70 OFF
EVERY YEAR we have a sale of all the windows accum
ulated throughout the year, from salesman mistakes, can
cellation from customers, builders wno have cancelled their
orders etc. We have had this sate every year in Portland, but
this year we are golnft to sell in Salem. We have rented the
FARMER JONES MARKET at 3559 Portland Rd. and will be
open all day Sat. & Sun., other dav I can be reached by tele
phone EM 4-8720 Salem. These windows were manufactured
by one of the larjjest Millwork Mfg. in Oregon. If you don't
see what you want we will make to order.
WE INSTALL plastic wall tile.
r ormica counter tops, e ir a
Birch cabtnets. Let us give you
a free estimate on your re
modeling now. Montgomery
Ward & Co. Ph. E"il 3-3191.
i are
No. 1 RL
No. 2 HL
2I0 00 M
-115.00 M
o. 1 Painted shakes &
UC 10.75 sq.
x 12 S1S2E Cedar . 110.00 M
1 x 12 Inv. Spruce 175.00 M
1 x 10 Inv Cedar .
10 Sprure 120.00 M
rock lath
2 MATCHING linen
rugs, Rood cono. iu u
EM 2-53SI5.
USKD bunk beds with springs
S24.5U. iiuuit iinus. jmh aiaie.
BE THRIFTY Buy used furn
iture & appliances. i ne
'Irrms nt
.115 S Com'l. Ph. EM 4-331!)
casual rue
$35. EM 3-1467
9x12 CALIF'.
blk., cray.
auer o.
USKD IniierspriiiR mattress
si i. so. iioc;t; inios, 2n iatc.
EXTRA nice craftmaster IIvuir
room mute. Reasonable. 870
J nil son,
Hi fill.
USF.D 5 piece chrome dinette
pet 5'USO. HOUU HHOS., 248
GOOD Spark's Oil Heater 100
R.ll. I ailK S.ID. L.M i-Z'.Uti.
4 HO Hayc.sville Dr., Salem.
USKI1 oil heater. Onlv J17.95.
HOGG IIKOS. 248 Mate.
NEW hns spring & niattreys set.
Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM
452 Appliances
REPOSSESSED pink Kelvina-
tor. best model 30 in. ranee
3 mo. old. Terms as low as $9
per mo. Modern Applianre
Center. 1141 S. Com 1. EM
3 in 1 215 lb. compo
sninRies . (Hnq.
45-lb. roll 2.50 ea,
IW-lb. roll 4.00 ea,
Krait pnper 2.40 ea.
Galv. Iron Roofing 10. W sq.
20 x 68 4.70 ea.
24 X 68 5 25ea.
26 X 68 5 75 ea.
28 x 68 5.45 ea.
20 X fi8 7.20 ea.
24 x fi8 8.10 ea.
:fi x 68 ..... IM ea.
28 x 63 8.75 ea.
.2.33 ea.
3.10 ea.
4 00 ea.
4x8 Wn. Fir
4x8 aa-in. Fir
4 x fl .-in. Fir
4x8 f.-ui. Fir 4.55
4 x a 3-in. Fir 5.20 ca.
4x8 -in. Birch A-3 12.00 ca.
4x8 'b-ln. Industrial 1M ea.
4x8 t-in. Industrial 2.25 ca.
PH. SALEM EM 2-1500
Flush Doors
Mahofsnv and Fir
20" Doors 3 95
2-0 to 2-fi Door 4 95
Front Doors. Hollow Cor 7 M
Solid Core. 3 ft. 12 95
Door Jambs 2.M
Louvre and Glass Dfvirs 8 95
Short Mahfpanv Mouldings
At Fir Prices
Shakes & Cedar Siding
Unpainted . 2 95 sq.
Painted 6 95 sq.
Tainted m Boxes 7.95 sq.
These are good kiln dry shakes
we have tar too many.
8" and 8" it 10" Cedar I
Sidinjr $49 up
Sheetrock U Haul
U" 1 36. a," 1.60, V 1-85
Plywood U Haul
V" 8c. ft.. 3," 9c. i" 12c. V
Lie. V 15c. per ft. Sanded
4'x8' 4'x6' and Smaller.
Storm Doors
Wood, $21, Aluminum $39. Plas
tic Storm Windows 39c.
Wall Paneling
Knotty Pine $98135 M
Knottv Snruce and Cedar S145 M
130 00 M I 12" P'f'C ShelvmK . 10c. Ft.
ILumber 2.lxB' Studs 10c ea.
n in nunnics ai i
Shiplarj. 1x8. good .. S3!)'
2x4, 26, 2x8. (fond prices. ,
Toxolite Ruhber Base $1.99 Gal.
All Inside Paints 10 pet. off. Out-
sine faints ana btain pet.
Oak No. 2 Shorts $98 M
Fir. Kiln Dried $75 M
All Oak Flooring on sale.
Toilets, close coupled $19.50
5O0 Gal. Septic Tanks $54.50
'b" Galvanized Pine 14c ft.
Elect. Wire 14-2 in rolls 33c. ft.
Rock Wool 2"x45 $1.19 bag
Fiber Glass Blanket 5-ic. ft.
B's-16"s Nails $10 keR
Birch Plywoods . inc.-isc. ti
Hardboard, 4x8 sheet 1.29
Hardboard, '4", 4x8 sheet 1.98
Mahoffanv PIv. 3 x6 10c. ft
Just a few of our many items
on sale. Please come week
days if possible. Saturdays
and Sundays are very busy.
Carh or up to 36 months on our
a.h.c t'lnn, same low prires
Call BU 5-36R9 for complete
home remodeling service la
bor & material also offered,
All New Material
4.0 Merchandise
483 Wanted MUcellaneoui
Attention Farmers
We are fn the market for logs
in 8' lengths down lo 6" diam
eter at $18 per cord. Also taw
Ings in 16. 24. 32 and 40 ft.
lengths as well as standing
timber at top market prices.
Burkland Lumber Co.
BARKER'S furniture wants good
used furn. We pay cash or
trade. 3794 Silverton Rd. EM
WANTED several thousand cords
of wood, all species, m. a-tn
600 Employment
606 Help Wonted, Lody
LADY to do housework and live
in 3 in family. 5 day week.
EM 2-3M25 or EM 2-9460.
WANT experienced waitress,
evenings. Must have own
transportation. Colonial House.
EM 4-3744.
610 Soles Help Wontel
Well established resident to rep
resent the Junior Division of
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
full or part-lime. Good earn
ings. For particulars write D.
C. Doolev, Personnel Mgr.,
Room 506. Broadway Bidg.,
Portland, Ore. Include charac
ter references.
484 Miscellaneous
Cigarette Bur"ns
w ran reoair those unsightly
burns on any uooaen sun ate
in your home
4020 State St.
EM 2-7001
Aciolph Bldg. State & Com'l Sts.
486 Machinery & Tools
FOR SALE: Slightly used Mc-
Cu loch nower chain saw, aim
with 20' blade,
after 7 p.m.
EM 2-7947
SEVERAL used welders. See at
.90 Stewart St. Pti. vimi.
USED Welders for sale 698 Ill
inois EM 3-8566.
490 Fuel
Sawdust. Green & Dry Wood
S & H Green fatamps
3087 Broadway, Ph. EM 3-5533
SOMETHING new lor sawduct
users, we nave a tmp mix
fuel. Capitol Fuel Co. 1420
Broadwa y. Ph. EM 3-7721.
Drv oak. ash & maple wood.
Choice slab & block wood
mixed cry or green, ury miu
140Bro a d way Ph . EM 3-7721
Clean Dry Wood
Old growth slab & block wood
112 cora. Also oan wood. vui
any length. Prompt delivery.
Ph. Salem EM 2-9444
Drv ereen wood
Tube bf pushout sawdust --
J5Z5 fcqgewaier fn. a-mji.
DRV 16" Fir wood. Pick up at
I arm or we oei. cora iois. -n.
EM 4-3081
ANDERSON'S slabwood, 24-unlt
load Ph. EM Z-i51.
1 30 ea.
...1.R0 ca.
.34 c yd.
WANTED: Several thousand
rorrls nf hark-free wnon, lir or
hemlock. Ph. EM 3-7721; nights
EM 4-5633.
King Building Supply
1G301 N. E'? Glisan AL 4-5551
Portland. Oregon
BW5 N. Vancouver Av. BU 5-3fi21
Glisan Store Open Sundays 9-5
Reconditioned automatic wain-
en, drvers, ranges &t refrigi.
$11 50 A- up.
375 ChrmeketaSt.
USED washers $15 At up. Mod
ern Appliance l enter, 1 141 So.
Com'l KM 4-9353.
454 Sawing Machines
STEEL Garace Doors, complete
with hardware, 513.50 in
stalled. 533.50 Metal eaves
trough, la'jc.. built-in 4 burn
er range. $82.70. Toilet, $24.50.
8-ln vent fan $19 DS.
3740 Silverton Rd. Ph. EM 4-6123
ELECTRIC wall heaters, 25
off. 52 gal. elec. water heater,
$65. 12-2 wire. 4'jc ft. tn rolls.
Light fixtures reduced. 3 nc.
bath set. $120. Built-in ranges,
bath set. $120. Built-in ovens
& 4 burner units $115. Outlet
hnes, 25 1-1-2 wire. 4c ft. in
rolls. Ape Electric &- Plumb
ing, 1410 Broadway. EM 2-lBfifi
Kelvlnntor Foodarama. A ter
rific buv. Terms as low as $lfl
per mo. Modern Appliance
Center, 1141 S. Com'l. EM
4 -S353.
RF.POSSFSSED Maytag refrig
erator A- frre7er combination,
largest si?e made, used 3 mo
May be purchased for $17 64
per mo. Modern Appliance
Center. 1141 S. Com 1. EM
Nice wood circ. heatrr, $30. Rex
air vacuum Willi attach.. $25.
Sewing mach. $12. EM 2-H1170.
USED Refng. $25 Ac up Modern
Applianre Center. 1141 South
Com'l EM 4-S1333.
456 T.V. & Radio
the ofst srnvicr for ii.
Hansen TV. EM 4-M44.
17" TABLE "inodel Hallicrafter
T. $111-95. Eav terms OAC
23fl5 Claude. EM 3-3517.
458 Musical Instrument
ACCORDION or Piano lessons
Free ue o( accordion. EM
2 3J53 Duane Hunsaker.
SPINET PIANO Will sacrifice
e.iut -re!on-ible parl ma
a-i-iitu T''nth p.TVTiirrt c-"!
trjct. Write Mr. Berg. Box 225,
Salein, Ore.
ORGANS, new A- ued Lessona
Rent a M R tLS Urcin
Sales arid Service. 363 N Higr..
WE pay top cash prtcp for
pianos. Used Mde Mrt 270
S LlDerty. EM 4-6371.
PIANO and organ les.ns. My
h.'tue or ours. Namv B. Hunt.
38tl5 Liberty Rd. EM 3 9020.
462 Wanted Hshld Goods
Sintrer Port Electrics
Rd. Bobbin. Cut to
Singer Cabinet Elect,
Hd llonnm
Singer Treadles
Portables From
Com'l. 1
h. EM 3-3312
456 T V. & Radio
TABLE radio. $4 M Used Moe
Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM
PH. EM 2-6171
500 Bus. & Finance
510 Money to Loon
EXP. retail hardware clerk.
Write giving full particulars.
Immd. year rouna einp.
468 Statesman-Journal.
TO CO to work immediately.
either full or pari nine, ex
perience not necessary, com
mission, apply Mr. Hauser
each dav from 8:30 to 1 until
quota is filled. Many good
Jobs available. 325 E. Bush (off
So Com'l.)
Experienced sales man or wom
an. Ramsey Real Estate, 427
Ferry. EM 4-3381.
612 Work Wonted, Men
700 Rental
705 Aportments For Rent
Young man needs work. What
have you.' r.M iu-i.
LATHING by hr. or job. IKE
Pauls, EfU
SPRAYING, tree topping, re
moval, pruning, t.. w. cauaie,
EM 4-1461.
WOOD sawing with chain saw.
CM 4-Zbll.
FURN. I bdrm. clean, attrac.
$(ij. 735 N. Capitol EM 2-457U.
I-: 3 rm. turn. apt. front. All
utll. furn. 597 N. Liberty EM
COURT apt., extra nice. furn. t
rms bath. TV, laundry, park
lng av a il. Inq. 1348 So. 12th.
l& 2 bdrm. apts.. toves & re
frig, furn. very clean. EM
3-71 5.
3 ROOM mod. ant. Nicclv furn,
EM 3-7146 orEM 3-6444.
FURN. apts., wash facilities,
phone, Etm. ht. EI 4-8061.
ONE & 2 bdrm apis., range k
re frig. Jurn.EM 2-384 1 .
2BDRM. furn. apt. newly redec.
1st floor, water & lights, furn.
$55 mo. Also 3 rm. furn. 2nd
floor apt. $27.50 mo. Near
State & Gen, hospital. EM
CLEAN 3 rm. furn. apt., grnd.
fir., prlv. entr. 778 So. 13th.
SMALL furn apt. with heat At
water, Just rc-decorated. nr.
Capitol. EM 4-3271. 348 N.
CLEAN, furn. apt., util. pd. ex
cept heal. im iv. mn.
FURN. apt. clean, attrac. nr.
shop renter & bus. S. 13th at
E. Rural.
NICELY fifn. 1 bd--m. apt. 420
SOjJOlh. Er
"FURN." APT., S35
1210 Tilejttl. EMJ-9332
1 BDRM. unfurn. apt. Steam.
heat. Inq. Hollywood Cleaneri.
2044 N. Capitoj. EM 3-i)6i)8.
FURN. 1 and 2 bdrm..
heated, 1411 Court fat.
Painting & Paperhanqing
Any size job Free Est.
Terms. Ph. Nelson EM 3-B4!)3
BUILD, remodel, cabinets, paint
or what have you? Contract
or by hr. EM 4-6340.
CARPENTER, repair or remod
eling nv nr or com ran. no
job too Email. EM 3-4785.
contract. EM Z-1B4Z.
PAINTING Inter, good brushes.
jod or nr. itcas. o-oujo.
FURN. pulimnti apt. Adults 1543
n. iapitoi z-yuuo.
LARGE well furn. 2 rm. apt,
2nd fir., pas stoves. S30 mn.
Washing facilities. No pets,
adults pfd. Ref. required. 2164
MapIeAve. EN13-7117.
FURN.. close lo State bldg. At
Shop Ctr. 3 rms., pvt. bath.
124U Center.
UNFURN. 2-bdrm. court. Near
North Hi. 812 N. 14th.
CLEAN, warm, 2 rm. apt. clots
in. L,aay two terry. j-ibn.
RM. furn. $15 mo. Elderly
gentlemanEM 3-5276 evet.
New lrg. dix. 1 Ddrm. Apts.
FREE estimates on floor cover
ings or dralnboaras. K. L.. t,it
strom Co. 260 S. Liberty.
LOU'S tree service, topolng.
prune, cabling. EM 4-8501.
614 Work Wanted, Lody
EM 4-7954
CHILD care, my home, 4 Cqrn-
ers. KM
PRACTICAL nurse, considerable
hospital training & experience.
Ph. Silverton 3-4724 after Jan, 2
CHILD care my home. wk. days,
Englewood Dist. EM 3-3426.
HOUSEWORK bv hr. or dav.
Own transportation. EM 3-IHUifl
EM 4-4694
WANT part time work, between
y z:ju. rreier ouice,
clerking. Ref. EM 4-5137.
RELIABLE baby sitter my home
aay or nigni. net, im
PRACTICAL nursing days. C, S.
preferred. 531 N. 22nd.
Get cash for shopping needs or
omcr seasonal expenses in
one visit to office! Phone
Beneficial, give a few facts,
then come in!
Exclusive! Nationwide Credit
Card presented to every cus
tomer good at over 1,000 of
fices! Beneficial likes to say
"Yes!" Phone for a 1-lnp
loan, write or come in today.
(Personal Finance Cn.)
rh. :-24M 105 s. Hieh
EM 2-1118
.... $17.
Used Toilets
Used Wash basins comp $10
V Plaster bd . $125 sht.
00 good 3 panel doors
with frames St hdwd $7.50
ALL Kinds Elec. Supplies
Used Fir floorinf $45 per M
Used No. 2 it btr.
lumber . . .. per M
6740 Portland Rd. Ph. EM 4 -Mil
4 mi. North of Saicm. 'j mi,
North of Totem Pole
Open alt day Saturday
Lt7MnERforsale at157o" N.
Winter. EM 3-4823.
Mulino Sash & Door
Prehung door, wood windows.
Dale Voplcr. EM 4-8T20
480 For Sale Miscellaneous
Home owned Home operated
Loans to consolidate bills-New
Purchases - Personal Needs.
See us at 1080 Fairgrounds Rd.
Salem, Ore. Tree Parking Jot
Ph. 2-7032.
$50.00 to $1.50000
Puy What You Need
Consolidate your hills.
Finance through
S Church St. EM J-2
$25 to $2500
US S, Liberty Pn. clM
COLONIAL Investment Co. Real
Property I oans. contracts pur
chased. 687Court. EM 4-2283.
PRIVATE money to loan. 6
interest. Ph. EM 2-0. y.
CHILD care In mv hme hv hr,
or day. S. Salem. EM 4-34BX.
TRAINED practical nurse wants
Baby sitting or hour work.
Ref. 640 Marion, Apt. 5, EM
615 Situations Wanted
Installation Repair Sewers,
senile i anKs. urain r leins.
Power Ditching. Backfill.
EM 2-55ti8.
LIGHT erawter dn7rr, leveling,
grading. EM 3-7042. L. Kurth.
1551 MARKET. EM 2-9724.
618 Education
Finish your High School in your
spare true. Books furn. Low
tuition. Free Booklet. AMERI
CAN SCHOOL. 6543 N. Inter
state. Portland 17. Ore.
nnw open; Men-Women, 18-55,
Start high as $340 00 month.
Coaching until appointed! Ex
nerience oftrn iinnnrr rnrv
Get FREE 36-page hook show-
inr inns. salaries. tests.
WHITE: Box 463, Statesman-
620 Day and Contract
i. 'i. 5'd. shovel, crane, hoe
nrg. line. 2.i-lon mobile cranes,
P-4. D-7 cats, carry all clear
ing blade. Rental contract or
unit prices.
1405 N. Front St. EM 2-2491
FURN. apts. for rent. 1160 S.
Liberty. KM Z-5Z1U.
3 RM. modern furn. apt., radiant
heal, iius ov uoor. jhzu iu
vue. F.M 4-3714 after 5.
MODERN Furnished Court. 1
bedroom West halcm t ail
EM 4-C875, evenings EM 2-1743
LARGE Be convenient 3 rm. furn.
& carpeted apt. luaa tage-water.
2 RM. nicely furn. apt. privata
bath, good location. $ per
week. Ph. EM 4-4020 or EM
3-81141 .
FURN. APT. near Capitol, newly
decorated, moaern conviences,
$40. Utll. paid. EM 3-6408 or
145 N. 14th.
4 rm. apt., util furn, inc. linem,
see lusis u-arnot.
CLOSE in mod. furn. 3 rm. apt.
Ph. EM 3-8490 except Sat.
706 Duplexes
BRAND new, 2 bdrm. Water,
garbage, oraw arapes. very
nice. $65. 4135 Portland Rd.
EXCELLENT large 1 hdrni. du
plcx south, uil heat, km z-iuaa.
RM. furn. gar., near Stata
hospital EM 2-80-11 before 4 pm
CLEAN, warm 2 rm. apt., cln:t
In, lady. 645 Ferry M 2-4527.
707 Houses For Rent
RENT or lease clean 5 rm.
house. Fireplace. lull nsm't.
Oil furn.. garage, fenced back
yard. EM 2-0952.
NEW 1 bdrm., unfurn. hse. per
fect for couple uho wants
nice place, garage, near bus,
rent within reason, near. Gen.
Hospital, 2251 Breyman.
2 BDRM. unfurn. duplex! livT
rm..din. rm.. kit., bsm't. Clean,
Inleln' Call EM4-1307.
NICE clean 2 bdrm. hse., att.
gar. Large yard. $65. 155 Ken
wood. EM 4-626H.
SALEM: 3 bdrm. hse., ga
rage, basement, near sch'l,
bus & church. EM 3-7838.
FOR RENT: 1st houre South
Liherty Sch'l. on right, suit
able for duplex, garden, all
kinds ruit.-City bus & school
at door. See Walter II. 2o,el,
EM 3-8336.
FAIR MOUNT Late built 3 rm.
range, $35. EM 3-9968.
3770 STATE- St.-4 Corners. 1
bdrm.. nice liv. rm., kit., with
built-ins. utility rm., wired fnr
auto washer, elec. stove & re
frig., newly rr-decoratcd, part
Iv furn . clean $ 6 per mo.
EM 4-47!B.
NEWLY rc-ilocoratcd 1 bdrm.,
ct. stove d ref rig. $50 mo,
F.M 3-9746 eve.
VERY nice 2 bdrm.. frpl.
3381 Duncan Ave. Inq.
Duncan. EM 3-5716.
2 BDRM.. elec. heat. W. Salem,
$60, EM 2-4882.
3 BDRM.. din. rm., breakfast
nook, fireplace, bsm't, oil
furnace. So. EM 4-1795.
I875SOCAPITbL. Adults or
small family. Inquire 1011 So.
SMALL 2 bdrm. "wired for drvl
er. Englewood. Inq. 1310 N.
600 Employment
602 Help Wonted
METAL file cabinet 'Letter
sire i L:ke new. $4! 95. Used
Mdse Mart 270 S. Liberty.
Ph. EM 4-6.171.
'EM 4-2463
Pit Run Gravel
PH. EM 4-474?
LARGE Mt. cedar posts Rt. 2.
Box 247-A. Silverton. Norbert
J. May.
l'KDAK fence post good quality
Treatrd or untreated. Pole's
Th. EM 4-3051.
VaUev furn Co P EM 2-7473
'ft (VP CASH
To lornd for Huh grade
Furnturr At AnrMtance PI
S-M10 PnvMf Top Tricei Hr
Rfttrr C'.dr
C.I Woodtj. 1S05 N Siimmtf
,mim mrn-tire .ir'n i -Mf- i
RCA rryo
iS. Lihert
d plaver. 15 R P M
1 Mde Mart 27')
Th. F.M 4 -6371.
K4 Ivor Bqjtftpwgi
:2 VAPI.IX i
tn Wl 3!!
TYPEWRITERS acldirg ma
clne. cah rer:trrs. dupli
cators deks. chairs, files, iup
p;:e. Rvrn s 4. Court. F.M
l'rn ti-es trucK and casercer
P. iv sell, trade i.ttle OK
etion 441 Fr Rent Miscellaheous
riacpment Agency
Since WR Specialtsti
In Office Placements
F 2 file clerks good typist te
addressograph Open
F-Arct. clerk gen. ledger pay.
roll taxes Open
F Comb, cook & w aitress, will
train $1.12 hr.
F-or Couple Store Mgr.
25-40 Open
M -Grocery clerk 21-45. $1 15 hr.
M-Industnal Lncmeer. $.ioO mo.
F-Sec good tTist cost reports
$2."0 mo.
Best Way to the Best Jobs
State St.. 411 Oregon Bldg.
APPLICATIONS are now being
lakrn for Statesman bicycle I
routes. Several routes will be
open. Applicants must te ac
companied by t):eir parents
or have their written permis
sion Apply at tne Circulation
Department of the Statesman-Journal
700 Rentals
QUIET, clean. 1 bdrm. hse. 4
corners qist., 540. L.M 2-4213.
2-BDRM. hse. with 2 attic rmi,
Sub. No. $50. EM 4-3404.
702 Sleep. Rooms, Board
CLEAN, warm rms. T.V.. close
In 215 S. Winter. EM 2-1722.
8i0 "E" St. EM 3-8708
HOME awav trum home. Men.
TV. Pac k lunch ei.J.095 N. &th.
NICFJ-Y furn room, also osmt.
apt.. close in 539 N Winter
WANTED Man to room and
board. 1880 Center.
TV, cl-an. ntcelv fum. ileenfng
rm.,jnen$5 wk. EM 1-76J0.
MA N s'tic rm TV nnv enL
1505 N. Capitol, EM 4-8134.
705 Apartments For Rent
S RM. furn. apt., priv. bath.
705 N. Liberty. EM 2-6?47.
NICELY furn. 3 rm. Fireplace,
pvt. ent., close in. single per
son preferred. 660 Marion.
Fl'RN. 4 rms. Sc bath, front en
trance, garage. Ideal f"r stu
dents or working cpl. $40. EM
635 N. Summer
room upstairs
Adults only.
Furnished 3
apt. Utilities.
Specialists in office!.
Bldg ad-. FrejM :cru". C-u-rh
3o4 N. Winter EV 2-i.i
Your future is our job.
REDEC. 1 Mrm. furn. apt,
Water A garbaee. Off street
park. $40, KM 3 -567 .
CLEAN 2 rm. furr Priv. bath,
A eatr. EM 4-7654 after 2 30.
FURNISHED apts. for rent. EM
2 5:10. 1160 a. Liberty St.
FURN. 3 rm. art. Arivi'.ts. 1545
N. Capitol. EM 2-SW6
NOW avail. 1 bdrm
Close 1 1 Capit
EM 4-419.
4 CORNERS. 2 bdrm. attach,
gar., elec. heat, no dogs, $60.
Inq. 45tia State. EM 4-2862.
2 BDRM. house, partly-furn
$45. EM 4-5718. 1480 ParkAv.
5 RM. house, hsmt., dbl. gar
fruit trees. $67.50. EM 3-7310.
2 BDRM. home, lirepl., ele
range included, hwd. ilrs.,
bsmt., oil furnace, gar. Lo
cated 1130 Norway. S65 mo.
Call Ren Colbath. Rltr.. davi
EM 4-44!4. eves. EM 4-4077."
REDEC. 3 bdrm. hse $48 "at 2060
BreymanEM 2-5744.
4 BnRM2baths7oak floors,
F A. oil furn , l floor, gar,
Jnquire 15 S. 13th.
NEW unfurn. 3 bdrm. home for
RANCH type 2 bdrm., fully
insulated duplex, elec, hwd.
firs , Venetians, inside utility
wired for dryer. Range, re
fng & TV. antenna furn
larce gar. 354 Bliler. EM
2-.SA5 or ir.q. 355 Trynn.
1 BDRM. hse.. partiv-fijm. 2ifi
Lvergreen. EM 2-5E65.
2 BDRMS. urTfurnTa-trgar., nr.
bus. 530rr.o. EM 4-0015
1 BDRM , stove. ret7iire?Z
gar . newly decor. EM 3-8471.
KUHM. rrcd.. oil heat, larca
RFN"T rr V 'cf
s?a-'e rfrfn! f'o
. rinn'..w" In
r-01. iot i-iu.
604 Help Wonted, Men
A PRACTICAL nurse or capable,
woman to live m with widow I
lartv living alone. God wanes. ,
n'ce hn-e. permanrnt n'
t.on lo-. VI nr Mr Gtrrz: ::sil N. 14th C
viUii, Ore., or pA. Fin 1-76:51
r-n:v frn.
1 art.
el! he.vrd 3
?t. Garage, i
gar. (65. EM 2-3535.
8 RM. mod. hse. 1 ml. N.E. Sil
vertnn i40.jriilrton3-4331.
2 BDRM. "house nr. ball parkl
$t0 mo.Ef 4-8265.
3 BDRM. hse.. frpl. auto, oil
heat. bsmt.. gar. Fenced vard.
rv f"? ,S" EM 3-7577 or
EM 2-6127 eves.
2 BDRM. hse
larce gar., fenced
$50. W. Salem.
Parting fpsc.
165 So
.2 BDRM house, gar., bus"
prefer adults. EM 4-5155,
1 fr:e
PH0XE EM 4-6S11
r nr h-J! A: .chooj.
iCIh. EM 4-9257.
Ina 1315 Lee ifter t p m.
r.trs 1 tidrm. court, un-
( ;ri rv-r- fnr -rfric
1ovf. 3)45 Market EMJ-I5M.
2 IM R-tv Kcrer. E. X".
Mrt5:..i(l:n Acrnl xa N. Mlh
I i-M S Mil. EM 1C612.