Page Section 2 THE CAPITAE JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, January 2, 1957 ' Chinese Jade Pagoda to Be Unveiled at Eugene , EUGENE (Special) Unveiling of a $75,000 Chinese pagoda at a special ceremony on Sunday, Jan. 6. will open the University's 1957 festival 01 Arts. , The nine-foot carving, made en tirely of jade, is the largest and ST- - Lhewing Aids Digestion For real chewing enjoyment, treat yourself to tasty Wrigley'i Spearmint. costliest of the Chinese Imperial paRodas In existence. Jt was given to the university by an anonymous donor and will be shown for the first time at the unveiling. Ordered made by the Emperor K'ang Hai in 1706, the pagoda was meant a a votive offering to gain admittance to Buddhist heaven for the Emperor' newly born grand son. M iniature jade Images of seated Buddhas are carved in the niches of the first story, and gilded images of the founder of the religion are set into the niches of the succeeding stories. "East meets West" is the theme of the university Festival. It will be held from Jan. 6 through March 25. Included among the events are special exhibits from Japan, lectures, stage productions, and many other special shows. The opening exhibition will be of secret relics of Japanese Chris- $31,600 for U of O KUGENT5 (SpeciaD-A grant of $31,600 has been made to the Uni versity of Oregon by the National Science Foundation of Washington, D.C., for support of a college teacher. training program in mar ine biology at the 1957 Institute of Marine Biology on Coos Bay. The grant is one of live made to in stitutions of the nation for train ing at the college teacher level on,y and the only one made for work in marine biology. 4-II News KEIZER (Special) - Newly or ganized Nifty Sifters have elected officers as follows: Barbara Art hur, president; Susan Frizbie, vice president; Nancy Ebert, secretary; Sara Beutcll, news reporter; Angela Hays, game leader: Carol Sittser, song leader. Mrs. Ebert is club leader. HENRY By Carl Anderson T 1 II I HI !H 0-kl r I 6 wUm 1 ( I ' . i ll : d, DONALD DUCK By Walt Disney 7 tian art. Succeeding shows will include one of Japanese ink-paint ing and calligraphy, one of con temporary Japanese oil partings and sculptures, and one of the art of Japanese gardens. Prelly TV ('over Prettiest TV cover we've seen! Its graceful medallion design, border o! shell stitches easy to crochet, and so-o elfcctive! Pattern 7020: Quick crochet! Directions for TV cover 22-inches In No. 30 cotton; smaller in No. 50 cotton, larger In siring. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern add 5 cents for each pattern tor lst-class mail ing. Send to Capital Journal, Household Arls Dept.. I' U. Hox 1(18. Old Chelsea Station, New York II, I'. Y. Print ,.' 'til.v NAME, ADDRESS. ZONE, AND PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed in our ALICE BROOKS Needle- craft book stunnin;: designs for you, our readers! Dozens of other designs to order all easy, fnscinatlng hand-work! Send 25 cents for your copy of this won derful book right away I ACROSS , 1. Triangular inset ' 8. Mother 9. That girl 12. Begin 13. Auricular 14. Being informed: slang 15. By 19. Go quickly 18. Also 20. Among 22. German coal region 24. Boil slowly S7.Cuoid 29. "Wild animal 57. Sullen 31. Yale 59. Kxist 32. Woman who has lost her husband 14. Builder of the ark It. Man's nickname 37. Make certain 39. Kur. coun- 41. That thing 42. Canvas shelter 44. Eats sparingly 45. Point 47. Midday 49. Under. ? round iingus 50. Cicatrix BlAlRIICIAjMllSIT UlDlS JHK Ea NIvMf A N't L w. miain nBTu H- gA PlF Hl aIdBhiE N aidjj'ItJHc a j BOwtr OlFHCjO n t e Nt Beir (fMA!l. W-'R sjBJ aTnTa enTe RHsTTfenr 0w 'slToRMcTI5IbEYE. Solution of Yesterday's Punle M. Performs 62. Obstruction 89. Sound of s 04. Near abbr, 55. Plant 61. Rodent 63. Chills and fever 85. Quartet part 67. Amer. humorist chick DOWN 1. Tihelan gim'Ue 2. Hopeful 3. Concerning 4. Terminus 6. Ethical 6. Gam 7. Note of the sea It l 2 i l-t I., IS lb ll 8 1 Jt I10 I" : it p" iyTr si" "gZZHllil yf fj 31 4rH52 lZZZZ 50 T Ji si v """gZZ J$6F I Behave t. Young pig 10. The fellow 11. Kpistlc: abbr. 17. To such a tlt'gree 19. Bone 11. Short bows 23. House covering 25 The mass of voters 5(1. Broadest -7. Kxpeets 28. Put toftipht 30. Spikenard 33 Singing bird 35. filament 38. Son of Seth 40. Rare gas 43. Language 48. Adhesive 4ft. Nostrils 51. Artificial language 53. Enlisted man id Soft mass 58. Chart HO Swab 61. Sun ffd tl. Public notice 64. Iave 66. football position; abbr. 9238 Five davs out of seven, this Is the dress you'll reaih lor! It's easy to sew jiffy to iron always looks crisp and frh! Make it al one color, or have the top and skirt contrast for a smart new separates effect. Choose faille, linen, bright cottons. Pattern 9231: Misses' Sues 12. 14, 16. 18. 20: SO. 32. 34 . 36. 36. 40, 42 Side 16 takes 4 yards 35-inch. This easy-to-use pattern gives perfect fit, Complete, illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step. This printed pattern assures perfect fit. Ensv directions printed on each tissue pattern pail. Send in coin mo stamps plensei for Pattern, with Name. Address. Stvle Number and Sue Address PATTERN IURKAU Capital Journal. Bos 42, Old Chcl sea Station. New York 11. N Y For first class mall Include sa txUa i seals per pattern. rk'ifuawewl pNcrmiNO lo ru.'YW neves: piplj r"wu.,c;s T"1" 1 fir why HT maybe tbww ka -s' IHiMWIir IDTHTHM KEU ITrKIt!K WltO.oNy t.'l NCT J SS LEAEV IMflTEO T6 KIW I i WELL. TPVP. wz&rr-PATrcerti htutc rwev I ctis cnoz hcslikz lpk-,ur IWiV K T71bUtA ---n ll k'l bi -rr, Tue a,-. 1 Z fcl K ItWY f glTTEW0lP ME ASICS.' NIOHT iCi YC) I P1PNT TAKE KE1! I EN OCT THAT SCHOOL I HOLLEK...I lnffcl TUl)NP tOJOO.5.' 3 y M 65TTIMO SACK ' ".jgfA MY PLACE TO TLU PEOP A HINT IN TKI4 BASE K OPEN.-l fTl Ifl kClil H fTiij'j MSjT-?- S llVWi mWI!'jff iMffjt J HEK TOPC ,XK CONVEKATION? THEliEt NO LOK0EB. 1 1.J I 1 QJiff ) ft. flf I J V- Jr-,.,. ..;. 1 jL 1 hi' GREATEST UVIM' ATHLETE.. 0&m?& TI TRY ME f 21 r?r5I?TF?F" I l-H AM' T' PROVE MAHSUPEaORlTY 51), f ,'7oI9 I J ,T,E03K) Vk f'l NVUFLLT 1 tyj HOOOeO S a CKL-ZOiSOUTHH JlXri'. i -A'tf If Ul" y- -1 r $Sr'f n SX5W,WHOOO I vvAf: itif4. i x WHV I r A VEAH, A LOVE LETTER I I j . .vi. 2 JAN. '57 I jslWll till ff SAM I WISH I COULP PONT LETTER? f TELLIN6 HEK THAT OU i SUBJECT: LWE LETTER I Sw"llf!S TELL6U5IEHOW YOU 6MP I - S UKE HER.ANP 60 FORTH ;. TO: SUSIE POOZV, WAC LeVv''WV&'WjfW u MUCH I LIKE HER, 7 HER A I 0 AT sL. l FROW: ORVIE SNORKEL, est RA KW1..W 3 eoT i MsmtoZA xmx?J r. n - 1: recipient shall peem &Wj&yWffl3( 9 CLAM UP r V ' - JriOSiPtJ M J O . ' HERSELF APVISEP ON THIS wsw's.' M vy !crs. j Tn jat ' ' tfzT, 'ANP 60 FogTH thi reoistcation certiwatb . 'thats enousS; TTiistfr as f?f eOMPr ) tJWfej Jfrm kC.J9 IiVw;:i;VViVwi we your ath6W car may 1 sudoie stand asm mios-orrflSti , linjbsr Cl52S-lvl WmsiiifimM ij iissAgNAc nwPE x s T ( SO GEEf T OH, HE Hfl9 LOTS ( IF ONLY HE WOULDN'T V.f tjS T WHAT TIME- STEVE? OK HEBKflO ) ER-WHAT KINO I OF J08S-BUT MOSTLY I WORK SO HARD -BUT HE WtSSSSi r DOES COUSIN STEVE HIS BREAKFAST I ( OF A JOB HAS ) HE A CONTRACTOR I SAYS WORK 19 ALL HE BPwi M GET UP FOR AND BEEN GONE HE GOT? A, AND BUILDER- I KNOWS OB CARES FOR- JsteS-ffi BREAKFAST? FOR HOURS- J K Xr'U9 V" , iipr ItioT" rSHl 1 ylmlMr1BnW I . . J ( BUT. WE DONE V SAN FRANCISCO Wt WRIT TH'ClTV O' ) . ' s , ' I 5'Ch I MtERB FUM I) SENT-AVERV 1 BOSTON AN' TH' 7 -" vA 1 oScGto f CLEVELAND. A HOSPITUBBLE ) LETTER VERE. "Z-t CfiQA1 1 ' vC Bf4L THEV SAID, f NOTE. THEY RETURNED, MARKED, "TtAA"!- : 1 r0,,ov" "TRVSAM Nl RECOMMENDED 'AWO-ifFr U -----ruLAtl0S - 0k0k ?'c','Vo; A. FRANciSCO.T"JV.v BOSTON, y I NO FORWARDING ) Z TotE TCH Of ;) ArtfW r- V ADDRESS'.'.'- J gsJg T0?) I r-JEFF. Mj;? V WHERE IS V HERE V OH.ONCEI 1"? 5 r TOLD A K?5?fS iSSn He? 1 Kl 1 AM! iHOW WASVERYTALL Y$ 1 WITCH EXTTy J DWN i SHORT BUT ONE NKJHT jfcW pffi HOUGHT V h LrfT HIM-Vl"ERE.' FIWgpl I I" A.FRICA I A HE WAS FULL J iw .Ik , -- V- ' ? VA (A MADE A tf -1 V OF BUNK Jmmi f r MARTHA ICXKflOfAllM IOCK.' TUASi. . H .A . X..V" CJWE INTO MY OFFICE J V MH.WIU.UAIS IN f JA TI.L EiNO 1 .. I KVU.'M XTSTu t 'Mm mm. m mtm SlLiliSSeMWSisktll? 'tt-cONfiotNnAiiv,i'v ...soitiED I 1 l5" "3 ' IF TU REALLV MEAN n. MOW-l HADA Si t .VOvtK-T)W 1 NEED .VfEUN'IfOUlO J AAOTVIra TtSm "TE.Ar J0i Ml-.-I-.-IWAMTrONELPVOUfJ COUNTONOU. m ' rfJ"fxL U,,TOMi& (tS RADIO PROGRAMS "KSLM13M KOCO H9S KOAI HH KOIN I7 KCff ! KOON 15 r.Ml M.cycl-KOIN 101.1; KGW 100.S WEDNESDATf P.M. HOUR 5 H l K 7 ! H 8 9 1 0 1 KSI.M KOCO KC.AY IKOIN rKGW K(;oM KSI.M ' KOCO JKOIN K W BK3LM I KOCO 1 KOIN ' KGW KGO.V fc KSLM I KOCO F KOIN Ikgw KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGO.V KSLM" KOCO KOIN KC.W KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGOX 00:00 Bob St Bay NU.'!t Rollie's Records Ed R- Murrow News-Vander. MelodyMagic I Dinner News CandleliKht S ports-N .'' Ed R. Murrow Melody Music IGabriel Heater News Melody Fuzhti News Day Dreamt Newt Robt. O. Lewif News-Mualc World Newi News News Tune Table Mpiifst-Mimir? iRecollectlons Gabriel Heater News 5 Star Final News Rlchiield Reptl GanRbusters Woody Way Music Tonight Dance Time Bass Harris 00:15 Rnh At HV Slo-Mo Show ciaei nff jNews-WeathT Vandernooi Melody .Magic IBill Brundage Candlelight Lowell i nomas Tnm Mrf.all Man On Co (Silver Seren'de Woodv Wiiy Melody Fights I Moscow I I Day Dreams wooay way Robt. Q. Lewis i Man's Family Wnrfv W.1V Time Table Music Recollections Music Woody Way Sports Desk rianrts Time Mostly Music I Gangbusters Woody Way Music Tonight Dance Time Basi Harris I 00:30 Bob ft Rav Slo-Mo Show Tom Harmon Mel Allen Melody Maglc News On the 88 Amos 'n' Andy Mvstery Time Melody Muslr Hi Forum Woodv Wav Bine Crosby Fight TBA 00:45 Sports Scop Sports Frank Goal Anderson Elmer Peterson Sam Hayes On the 88 Amos 'n' Andy Mvstery Tims Melody Music Show Tunes Woody Way Almanac Ftehts TBA IWhlstlln' Tunes Whistlin' Tunei Woody Way (Woody Way (World Tonight (News Music (Music rPeople Funny People Funny Sweet A- Sw, Woodv Way tip Date Dance Time X-Minus One News Woody Way Good Evening n.ttic Time Mostly Music Mostly Music Sweet it Sw. Woody Way up uaie Dance Time X-Minus One Muslc Woody Way Good Evening uance rime Muslc Woody Way Music Tonight Dance Time Bass Harris Music Woody Way Mus. Tonight Dane Time Bass Harris THURSDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 KSLM KGAY KOIN KGW KGON Val Farmcast Farm News News America News Rise and Shine! IVal Farmcast iMorn. Mag. KOIN Klock Vanderhoot World News KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON Hemingway Rhythm Ranch Morn. Mag. KOTN Klock News Rise and Shine Clirf Engle News ' Herb's Show Consumer N'ws . News Break Gang Rhythm Ranch Morn. Mag. Headlines Vanderhoof Val Farmcast Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock vandernooi INews IKGAY News KOIN Klock ivanderhoof Rise and Shine RiseandShint News IRav's in Tim KGAY News Harry BaoDUK Vanderhoof Bill G-uyman Break Gang Rav s in lime Morn. Mag. jFrank Goss Vanderhoof Rise and ShlneiRlse and Shine j Family Altar IRay's in Time iHerb'i Show Dave Vaille Vanderhoof KSLM KOCO KGWY KOIN KCIV KGON Rise and ShlneRise and ShlnejRise and Shlnel 9 KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON News I News Herb's Show Wendv Warren Breakfast Club Spotllte Reed, News News Herb's Show Nora Drake Chief Gtnu Haven of Rest IRay's In Time Illerb's Show Shelley Sere. Vanuernooi Haven of Rest Rav's in Tinm IKGAY News Shelley Sere. Vanderhoof Rise and Mime News Ray's Melodies Herb's Show Howard Miller Breakfast Club Spotllte Reed, Pastor's Call (Matinee . KSLM I KOCO 1 KGAY nKOIN Kf;iv w KGON NBC BandsfndiNBC BandsfndiNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst nd ITellotest Ray s Melodies Clarey Dyer IMa Perkins I ABC News IRay's Melodies Hems snow Breakfast Club Spotllte IRay's Melodies KGAY News Mlrlmnrn NWI Breakfast Club ISpotlite Reed. Wings of Song Ray's Melodies Herb's Show Dr. Malone Girl Marries Wings of Song 'Rav's Melodies KGAY News i Aunt Mary Whispering Sts. KSLM News JQueen a Day (Queen a Day KOCO News Ray's Melodies Ray'a Melodies KGAY Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Rollie's Recrds KOIN Happiness Mrs. Burton (Strike It Rich KGW Rnlho'a RwrHi Trust filnrv True Slorv KGON NBC BandsfndiNBC BandsfndiNBC Bandsfnd IQueen a Day Hay 5 Aieioaiea ,Pat Buttram Konnie Worth NBC Bandsfnd Konnie Worth 1KSLM KOCO KGAY 2 KOIN KGW KGON News World News KGAY News Noon News Mitchell Repts. Top Tunes INews Clarine Calling Rollie's Recrds Come Get It Paul Harvev (Top Tunes Top Trades Clarine Calling Town Crier House Partv Merrv Go R'd News-Top T'ns KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON Matinee 1490 Tune St. Rollie's Recrds Godfrev Time .Merry Go R'd 5 Star Matinee Matinee H!tO Tune St. Rollie's Recrds Godfrey Time Merry Go R'd Woman in H'se Matinee 1400 Tune St. Rollie's Recrds Godfrey Time Merry Go R'd i5 Star Matinee Matinee 1 1490 Tune St. (Rollie's Recrds Godfrey Time Merry Go R'd Mary McBride IMntinee 1490 Tune St. Rollie's Recrds Godfrey Time Standard Bdcst IHilltop House INews 14!i0 Tune St. Rollie's Recrds Huth Ashton Merrv Go R'd iFred Waring Vall'y Farmcast IClarine Calling KGAY News House Party Merry G-o R'd Top Tunes KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON Matinee 1490 Tune St. Rollie's Reeds B'ckstage Wife iwerry oo a Cafe Lounge Matinee 1490 Tune St. Rollie's Recda Gal Sunday Merry Go R'd Cafe Lounge KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGOX KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON KSLM" KOCO KOIN KGW KGON 0 KSI.M KOCO . KOIN I KGW I KGON 1KSLM KOCO KOIN IKGW . KGON Fulton Lewis Bandwagon Rollie's Recrds Art Kirkham Vanderhoof Fash. Rhythms Hemingway Bandwagon Rollie's Retcrda Eddie Fisher Vanderhoof IFash. Rhythms IMatinee 14i0 Tune St KGAY News Godfrey Time Standard Bdcst rep per Young Matinee 14ItO Tune St. IKGAY News Weather, News Merry G-o R'd IFred Waring Bnrg'n Counter! iivu -rune si. Rollie's Recda Take Thirty Merry Go d ew ITello Test 1400 Tune St. IKGAY New Take Thirty Merry Go n o Sport -O-Ra ma Here's Answer Bandwagon iRollle's Recrds NewsDSDer Vanderhoof IWorld News Bob and Ray Slo-Mo Show Rollie's Recrds Ed R. Murrow Vanderhoof Melody Magic (Bob and Ray Slo-Mo Show Sign Off News. Weather from Harmon Vanderhoof Mel Allen iMelody Magic iMelody Magic ISam Hays Hanawagon KGAY News NewsDSDer Vanderhoof Jos. C. Harsch Sports Scope Ichuck's Sports Frank Goss Anderson lElmer Peterson Dinner News Candlelight Sports News Edw. P. M'rg'ni music (Bill Brundage INewsrcel Candlelight lOn the 88 Lowell ThomaslAmos 'n Andy McCall IMvsterv Time Man On Go (Melody Magic ISam Haves On The 88 Amos n Anay Mystery Time IMelody Magic Gabriel Heater Woodv Way Melody Music News Day Dreams Woody Wav Robt. Q. Lewis Music World News News Woody Way Time Table Music Conversation Gabrlrl Heater Woody Wav 5 Star Final Richfield Rptr. Richfield Reptr. Detective Woody Way News-Music Dance Time Bass Harris (Eddie Fisher Woodv Way Melody Music Car ling (Show tunes wnonv wav ICBS Feature Music At the U. N. (Show tunes Woody Way (Almanac Music I At the U. N. Day Dreams IWhistlin' TuneslWhistlin' Tunes Woody Wav Woody Wav Woody Wav Robt. Q. LewlslWorld Tonite World Tonite Music 1 Music Music 1 Man's FamflylGildersleeve Gildersleeve Music I Woodv Way Time "Table Music rersatlon Sweet t Swing Woody Way Lead. Question uance i ime Sweet it Swing Woody Way Lead. Question uance lime (Jane Pickens (Jane Pickens Music iWoody Wav Sports Desk Dance Time Mostly Music Detective Woody Way M usic Dance Time Bass Harris New Woody Wav Hunt it Fish Dance Time Mostly Music MldneMe,T MuFie IWoody Way iGood Evening IDance Time Mostly Music Midnite Mel. Woody Way IWoody Way MUSIC MUSIC Dance Time Dance Time Bass Harris (Bass Harris FRIDAY A.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 7 8 K K 91 1 0 1 1 KSLM KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO V KG As Ikoin Ikgw KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KC.W KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON Val. Farmcast Farm News News America News Rise & Shine iVal. Farmcast IVal. Farmcast ! News Morn. Mag. IMnrn. Mag. IKGAY News KOIN Klock KOIN Klock )KOIN Klock Vanderhoof Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof World News (Rise & Shine IRise it Shine Heminewav IBreakf'st Gamr :Breakf'st Gun iNVun a wthr Rhythm Ranch'Rhvthm Ranch : Rav's In Time IRay's In Timt Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. IMorn. Mag. (KGAY News Listen INews (Goss News iBabbitt Show News Vanderhoof Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof Rise it Shine Rise it Shine Rise it Shine 'Bill Guymam Cliff Engle (Family Altar jBlhle Institute l Bible Institute News IRay's In Time 'Rav's In Time Ray's In Time Herb's Show (Herb's Show Herb's Show Herb's Show Consumer N'ws Vaille News IShelley Sere. 'Shellev Sere. Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof R ise it Shine i R ise it Shine iNcws-Ris it Sh Rise it Shine News jNews I Pastor sCall IPasto"r's"Csll "" News IRay's Melodies Rav's Melodies Rav's Melodies Herb's Show IHerb's Show Herbs Show I KGAY News Wendv Warren 'Howard Miller 'Helen Trent iMidmorn. News Breakfast Club iRreakfast Club IBreakfast Club 'Breakfast Club Spotllte Rec'rds Spotlite Records Spotllte Rec'rds Spotllte Rec'rds News News Herb's Show Nora Drake Chef Gino NBC New"; New (Tello Test I Wings of Sonr iWings of Song IRay's Melodies Ray's Me!sd:es iRay's Melodies (Clarey Dyer Herb's Show iKGAY News Ma Perkins IDr. Malone Aunt Marv (Anderson Girl Marnes IWhigpertng Sts. BandstndNBC Bandstand Bandstnd NBC Bandstnd.NBC 'Queen a Day Queen a Day Queen a Dav wiiuirr niuiitf unuit-r . niiiei nniiie f nerrni Hnilie s HSC dS Happiness Mrs. Burton 'Strike It Rich 'Pat. Buttram I True Story I True Story 'Konnie Worth 'Konnie Worth NBC Bandsfnd NBC Bandsfnd XBC Bandsfnd NBC Bandstand WISHING WELL 8653 T435SJT FCBRPJYAII I E 1, T 6 5 S 5 3 1 8 5 i 1 s J OKA8CCAERHY L H "S 9 7 3 S 1 i 7 3 J j- E R It TOYTUEI FB r 1 J S S 7 e 2 1 7 3 J 5 1 g AAAgycyRUQRG K "5 3 S 5 I S 3 7 5 4 4 3S E bPUREUKWER T P 4 17 3 5 3 4 3 2 7 5 RIBLEIOK I O I R E T T 5 5 ? 5 5 5 7 3 I 1 KOTRRODEAASST TLTERE Is s pit ssant little tarns that will give you s messaf e every A day. It is s numerical poule desijned to spell out your fortune. Count the letters in your Arsl name. If the number of letters is 6 or more, subtract 4. If the number is leu than t, add 3. The result is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rec tar.j'.e and check every one of your key numbers, left to rifht. Thesi read the meuaic the letters under the checked Afures five you. e U.T. Ir sroiw . HotsputrSMiS it sua Tnnm tiwktivl- Q o