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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, January I, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 1 Page S $ P,lW?MM'''l''IJIIJl IIMBIIlll.lllJIM JMMWMWIt j Hungary Reds Due to Return ToUNFriday 50 Million Loan From Russia to Radar's Regime Reported By RICHARD R. KASISCHKE BUDAPEST, Hungary w - The Communist Party newspaper Nepszabadsag said today Hun gary plans to return to the U.N General Assembly Friday. The Hungarian delegation, led by Foreign Minister Imre Hoi vath, walked out of the Assembly Dec. 11, protesting alleged U.N interference in Hungary's internal affairs. He blamed the United States primarily for influencing the Assembly, whicr. was then about to adopt a resolution con demning Russian intervention to crush the anti-Soviet Hungarian revolt. The newspaper estimated for eign aid received after the rebel lion at 700 million forint (63 mil lion dollars). It stressed contri butions by Russia and Red China but also mentioned 20 million dol lars received from the United States and aid from West Ger many and Finland. (The newspaper apparently re ferred to relief contributions, m 4uding Red Cross aid.) Nepszabadsag announced a new BO million dollar loan by Russia to Premier Janos Kadar's gov ernment, which needs much more help to rebuild the revolt-shattered 'economy. It expressed hope that "Western countries also will contribute sub stantial loans to alcviate our economic- difficulties." Some economists say it will take 400 million dollars in hard currency to put Hungary back on Its feet. Meanwhile unemployment con tinued to mount. Lagging coal production is at the heart of Hun gary's crippled economy, and it has been speculated many of the thousands of factory workers on forced layoffs may be put to work in the mines. U. S. aid to Hungary appeared unlikely as long as the Russian imposed Kadar government re mains in power. Meantime, East Germany s Communist newspaper N e u e s Deutschland said Monday West ern estimates of casualties in the Hungarian rebellion were "gross ly exaggerated" and that actually fewer than 4,000 persons were killed. Indian Prime Minister Nehru had estimated the number of dead et 96,000 Hungarians and 7,000 Russian soldiers, on the basis of reports from Indian diplomats in Hungary. Alaskans End Long Drive in Statehood Bid WASHINGTON Wl Alaska's Unofficial three-man congression al delegation arrived on Capitol Hill Monday to dramatize the ter ritory's bid for statehood. The group, elected by Alaskans last October, drove in two white automobiles up to the steps of the new House office building. There they were greeted by Alaska's voteless delegate in Congress, E. L. i Boh) Barllctt. The three Alaskans were elected by territorial voters under what is known as the Tennessee Plan used by Tennessee and several other territories which elected sen ators and representatives prior to admission to statehood in an ef fort to spur congressional action. Actually, the Alaskans have no official status in Congress. Two of them. "Scn."-elcct Wil liam Egan of Valdcz and "Rep" elect Ralph Rivers of Fairbanks arrived here Sunday night with their wives after a 6300-mile drive down the Alaskan Highway and through the United States. The third member, "Sen." elect Ernest Grucning. former governor of Alaska, now makes Viis home here. ' "We hope to present our case in a manner to enable Congress to see that Alaskans are good Amer icans and ready and able to as sume statehood," Egan declared. "We feel that we are here with a Just cause." Chou, Nehru Inspect Dam NAN GAL, India W Red Chi nese Premier Chou En-lai and Prime Minister Nehru Monday in spected the big Bhakra Nangal; Dam 215 miles north of New Del hi. , "These are the temples where I worship." Nehru told his Com munist juest "Here I do my God's labor for the welfare of hu manity." , .,. ... ... The dam is being built with the technical cooperation of American eneinecrs. .... Chou returned to India from Eat Pakistan Sunday for further talks with Nehru. He had come' earlier this month in the course of a swing through several Asian countries. i Authoritative Indian sources said Sunday Chou's party had iven the impression Peipmg , plans soon to release 10 Amen-, cans still imprisoned in China. j The citizens of Bermuda stole inn kecs of powder from the Brit ish and shirped tncm tn Boston i aid the American forces in the gat of Bunker Hill. General Washington sent them a Save On Ij vv ..t..Vr -A mmmm 33, exclusive Chatham washable blanket 6.88 Regularly 10.951 Only Lipman'i has this Wonder weave: light weight yet thickly woven of Nylon-rayon for allergy fredom, easy washability and fast dry ing. Luxuriantly bound in 8-inch acetate to match these colors: pink, yellow, blue, green, hunter, tann ine, red, white. Lipman's Bedding, 2nd mil I lz cn ; t: k rr rrr-t. ( , f r Lipman's exclusive! sturdy, nylon-sewn contour mattress pads I.. rrg. 6.95 twin size 3" 4" rrg. 7.9') double size Reversible. Good Housekeeping approv ed pad. Acts as cover and pad. M .' 'S .- - 11 ii,'' : quality at savings! fully bleached mattress pads rrg. 3.95 hin size 2:'9 359 rrg. 4.95 double size -. Etra wrll made, carefully stitched Your choice of three popular styles. ii pink, -i ! 1 IMIMTO1till' Ullliawie imranim I I liiin-niwiiiMiiinmiiiwiiM K; Blankets iV it 'SJk . KimumS 100 orlon blanket by Springfield rag. 15,96 twin size 1088 rag. 1T.86 artra wide double Cashmere touch ... yet youll have all the modern performance features you want, too, mothproof, non ihrinldng and allergy-free. A famous Lipman ex clusive . . . choose from pink, blue, green, yellow, champagne or pure white . . . beauty colors! Lipman's Bedding, 2nd Cannon Muslin Sheets ' TRADt "ftV ' MAK J I CANNONJ y7 Pequot Plus Service t comforters and pillows V- , rrg. 14.95 08 rpe 7'95 4- ( comforter O pillow p or 2 for S8 I- "Midas Touch" they're called because glittering golden tra crry outlines the comforter aml'pillow tover. Choose from blue or w hite. Gannon isiliiliL Si 1 ( :...,.: TRAOI HHfV ' MAKK Lt i l CANNON "Satina" pattern in carefree colors 98" 58 reg. LS8 bath towel rag. 80o hand towel reg. 99c washcloth .... w Come, choose from many colors ... your bathroom will be all the more glamorous for these important looking towels . . . thick . . . thirsty . . . satiny smooth to touch; at such prices buy the complete set 2.84 Lipman's Linens, 2nd popular white muslins are famous for wear rrg. 2.49 72x108" . reg. 2.69 Slxlf)8" . 69 99 reg. 2.49 fitted hvin rrg. 2.69 "1 99 fitted double 39' rrg. 59c 43x36" case toughest-wearing muslin for longest life; save! ri g. 2.79 1 99 rrg. 3.39 939 63x108" -1- 90x1 OS" rrg. 2.99 939 rrg. 6.95 -95 72x108" & 108xl22!i" O rrg. 3.19 939 rrg. 69c rrf 81x108" 42x36" case Oil1 Lipman's Sheets, 2nd ' Goodyear's Rubber Poly-Aire foam ruhher mattress pads reg. 5.98 twin size 966 rrg. 7 98 q66 double What derp, cushy comfort. Allrrgy-frre and washable too. Ural protection for your mattrrssrs, extra comfort for you. S:ivr now! mm. Towels i 1 1 it! mm ii lit '14 Li la JCANNON ( , gay Cannons in Roman Stripes rag, 1J0 tab towel 98" : 58 rag. SOo washcloth .28? New bathroom smartness in these fluffy Cannon tow els in rtoman stripes or Harmonizing colors. Thick, absorbent ... in wanted colors. Stock up at this low price. Complete set 2 84 Lipman's Linens, 2nd save 6.90 a pairl 100 pure while goose down pillows rP, 993 2 for 1300 Plumply filled, 20x26 si,o pillows at great savings. Downproof patrician im ported ticking. Buy a pair at this price or singly for 6.95 each. V i ! guaranteed 100 latex Koolfoam .oum rubber pillows 398 rrg. 5.95 extra special reg. 8.95 "Premium" size Rrg. 9.95 "Superplump" 598 698 898 ft rrg. 11.95 "King Deluxe" m mmsm letter ol thanks. i 4a mar, mw-xw- to. i;."iiai. i-IVi..iit L,.ian&,,i.Ziyi.M.?.