Y I Capital Journal, Salem, Ore,, Tues., Jan. 1, 1957 Folsom Again to Ask Federal Grants for Medical Schools WASHINGTON Wi-Sceretary of Welfare Folsom said today the ad ministration will apain 'ask Con gress for federal funds to help medieal, dental and public health schools build teaching and train ing facilities. Folsom noted that last year the ad ministration proposed a five year program of 250 million dol lars in federal grants to be matched by such institutions to help build medical research and tcMchint facilities. federal grants can act as a stimul us in raising matching funds from other sources," Folsom said. Without mentioning any amount, Folsom said funds will be asked also to put into effect two pro grams authorized by Congress last year to help persons become less dependent. No money was voted last year. One program would help support research into the basic causes of poverty and means of overcoming them. The other would help train MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND IM Buttcrfat, Tentative, subject to immediate chance Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland, 64-67 cents per ID; Iirst quality, 61-64; . second quality, 56-59. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 03 score, 63; A grade, 92 score 62; B grade 90, score 60'i; C grade, 89 score, SH'i. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 43 !2 -53 'i Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 49-51; A large, 46-48; AA medium 44-47: A medium, 43-46 Congress approved a threc-yejr w"rRers "mc 0 million dollar program ot,wl,h Pendency problems, grants for research facilities only, making no provision for class rooms and other teaching facili ties. Folsom noted that within three months after Congress appropri ated 30 million dollars for the first year of the research facilities pro gram, requests for well over UK) million dollars were received by th? Public Health Service. "This demonstrates the need for! PORTLAND W The U. S. this program and illustrates how! Weather bureau Monday said the enure coiumma nasin may nave professional workers able to deal I A small. 37-33. Cartons 1-3 cents, additional. Lowest Basin Runoff Likely In Ten Years Mrs. Wanamakcr Stirs Lewis in Baltimore BALTIMORE, Md. UP Mrs. Pearl Wanamakcr. Washington State superintendent of puhlic in struction, and her husband, Lem uel, Monday sued radio commen tator Fulton Lewis Jr., the Mu tual Broadcasting Co. and three Maryland stations for $50(1.000. Mrs. Wanamakcr h.isod her suit on a broadcast mode by Lewis last Jan. 6, which was carried over the Mutual network and eired by 50 to (i0 stations. Valley Dates MILL CITY 'Special! He- one of its lowest spring runoffs in 10 years unless snowfall is un usually heavy in January and February. A bureau spokesman said "we need roughly half again the aver age precipitation ... the next four months" if the low runoff is to be avoided, Snow packs in the Cascade Mountains of both Oregon and Washington were reported unusu ally light. The bureau said this was caused partly by niid-lJcccm-her storms which poured rain into (he Cascades up to the 10,000-foot level. The bureau said the pack at higher elevations is only "one tliird of normal" for this lime of year. "We usually have three or four feel" of snow by Jan. 1 at the 3.000 to 4,000 foot level where now there is little or no snow, n ct'iiuy orxHiiucu nun city .Jiivui'iw ; , ., rhnrinr iM ,iii h ia.,nI,u i spokosninn said. tr,rtinn with n 7 n ,n hannliri A comprehensive report on ex- Boy Podrabsky is president of the club. Among guests will be the plate vice-president of the .Junior Chamber to receive a charter in 1937 and 175 scheduled to attend. PROSPIXT (Special) The Prospect Home Extension unit will meet at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Leonard Alhin, Itt. 3. Box 72fl. Mrs. W. H. Moore inches for this date over the past and Mrs. Alhin will present the . 10 years. Government t amp Mwi project, "Yepst Knits SHERIDAN (Special - Well Child clinic will he held in Sheri dan Thursday, Jan. 10, from t p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The clinic is usually held on the Iirst Thurs day in the month, and was changed for .fanuary only. WOODIUIRN (Special i-Educa-tion problems of children ol mig rant workers will be presented in a motion picture at the meeting of the Woodhurn-Parent Teacher as sociation Thursday, Jan. 3 at the Washington school, beginning nt 8 p.m. UNION HILL (SneeiaP-Mem-bfi's of the Union Hill Woman's club will meet at the home of Mrs. j Donald Peters on Thiir:.dnv of this week. Club members will reveal j their Silent Sisters names at this j meeting. Mrs. Guy Scott is in charge of the program. The Union Hill Grange Com munity Service club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Gilhnm on Friday evening of this j week, C.ERVAIS i Special -Thp C.er vnis Chanter ol Eastern Star will meet Friday, nt 8:00 p.m. at the Manorm hall for n politick dinner. Initiation of new members will he conducted by worthy matron, Mrs. Merle Unnip. The Fairfield Home Economics club will meet Friday at to a.m., tit the home of the new chairman, Mrs. Prudence Moore. Mrs. Lucille Foley will be co-hostess for the event. New officers to he installed arc chairman. Mrs. Prudence Moore, vice-chairman, Mrs. Helen DuKette and secretary, Mrs. Edith Weirick. D A L L A S (Special Revival meetings will begin Tuesday eve ning at the Assembly of God church with Evangelist Johnny Hoskins of Salem as the featured speaker. Rev. l.eland Morse is pastor of the church. The meetings wil continue each evening except Monday and Saturday at 7:4." p.m. DALLAS (SpccinP-Cnrl B. Fen ton Post and auxiliary will meet Thtirsdey evening nt the Knights of Pythias hall, The ft o'rlnck meeting will he preceded by a cov ered dish dinner nt fi-30 pnv peeled spring water flow will he released in in bout a week, the bu reau said. But the spokesman added "we have enough figures now" to know that onL, heavy snows can erase the present pack deficit. In Oregon, Crater Lake report ed a snow denth of 25 inches in an area that has averaged 67 mrge, n.w-hw, loose pacK. n.uu-a.50; ited JJciecious, tray pack. 5.50-B.OO; Red Homes, tray Eggs To wholesalers A large, 44-4('; A medium, 41-44 '4; A small, 33-364. Live poultry No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Portland Fryers, 2'a4 lbs, 17-18; light hens. 10-11 at farm; heavy hens. 13-14 at farm; old roosters, 7-9, Turkeys To producers L i v e weight fryers. 27-28; young turkey bens, eviscerated. 35-36; young toms to 2fi lbs, 34-35, 1-2 premium lor heavier. Rabbits Average lo growers Live white, iH-4l2 lbs, 21-24; col ored pelts 4 cents less; old docs, 10-12. few higher. Fresh killed fry ers to retailers, 56-58; cut up, 60 63. Wool Nominal, clean basis, Va blood, 1.25; blood, 1.25; , blood 1.03-08; '2 blood 1.40; fine, 1.50. Country-dressed Meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef Young cows, utility. 20-22 lb; canners and cutters, 15-16. Veal Top quality lightweight, 28-2H; rough heavies, 15-22. Hogs Best light blockers. 23 25; lean light sows, 20-21. Lambs Top grade. 34-36. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, 10-12; rough heavies, 5-8. Fresh Produce Onions Idaho Yellows. SO lb. 2.35-50; med, 1.25-50; while 3.00 50; Ore. Danvers, med, 1,50-2.00; 3 in, 2.25-50. Potatoes Local Russets, No. 1. 100 lb. 2.5P-75: Central Oreg. Rus sets. 3.00-50; large 6-14 ost 4.00-25:, No. 2 50 lbs, 1.15-25; Idaho bales. 5-10 lb. 2.25-50; Wash. Russets, 100 It), 3.00-25. Hay No. 2 green alfalfa, baled. f.o.b. Portland, 34.00-35.00 ton. Apples Box Oregon-Washington Red Delicious, extra fancy, tray pack and wrapped, medium, 6.50- Storm Balks Rescue of 2 On Mt. Blanc CHAMONIX, France UP A vi olent snowstorm Tuesday again de layed efforts to move two moun tain climbers marooned on Mt. Blanc the past 10 days. Six res cuers now are stranded with them. It was feared the two men, Jean Vincendon of France and Francois Henry of Belgium, would have to spend another night on the narrow ledge Vk miles up the mountain. Temperatures there Monday night plunged to 4 degi ics below zero. Both men are suffering from frostbite and fatigue. Mid Willamette Obituaries dav had no snow and Timhcrlinc prick, extra fancy. 4.23-4.50; Wine- Lodge on Mt. Hood had nn's'ips, wrapped, extra fancy, 5.50- 'aclual depth" of only 42 inches the bureau said. In Washington, Blewctt and Sat us passes Monday had no snow, Snoqunlmic Pass reported n scant four inches and Mt. Baker Lodge bad a 73-inch pack. A low spring runoff could se verely curtail both power produc tion and irrigation in (he basin area (bat embraces Washington, Oregon, Idaho and part of Mon tana 6.00: loose, 4.50-4.75; Ncwtons, loose, extra fancy, 4.25-4.50; Stay mans, loose, 4.00-4.50. Celery California, 2-2' 4 d o z 6.00-6.50; few lower; hearts, 2.75 3.00 doz. I PA Experts Scanty Power vvcl Month PORTLAND lUPI Bonneville power administrator William A. Pearl said today that BPA can be sure of supplying only one-fourth of the interruptihle power it holds contracts for in January. Pearl said the Columbia river is so low that since early Decem ber some of the normal interrupti hle loads have bad to be cut off. Aluminum companies and other concerns using interruptihle power have bad to buy higher cost pow er liom other sources to remain in production. Interruptihle power contracts cover 12 big electro-process indus tries in the Northwest. At present BPA is supplying about 2r.lu.U0 of ttie 4H0.0IK) kilowatts these com panies normally take. A raise in the Columbia in Jan- Langley Asks Re-hearing on Quash Motion POIITLAND l'P New rlot-ll- incuts af-kins a rclirarins of his motion to set aside indictments tigiiinst him were filed in circuit court here yesterday hy Multno mah County District Attorney Wil liam Langley. Langley is under indictment, re lumed hy the summer-long vice proliing grand jury, charging him with malfeasance in oflice and conspiracy to open gamliling in the city. Earlier motions tiled hy uangiey were denied last week. Principal contention in the new documents filed hy the district at torney is that grand jury witness es names were not endorsed on the indictments. Langley said that the trial of David Nance, recently acquitted of ii perjury count, brought out that Nance had been a witness in the testimony taken in respect to me district attorney, l.angley said the indictment did not show tins linn saio iiiriner mat tne omission of the names of witnesses nullified Wilbur A. Spray ALBANY 'Special) Wilbur A. Spray, 55, died at an Albany hos pital Sat'irday follo ing a long ill ness. The funeral will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Fisher Fu neral home. Burial will be made in the Albany Masonic cemetery. Mr. Spray, a native of Oregon, was born at Spray, on May 27, 1901. lie went from Spray, at the age of six years, to Cottage Grove, and in 1937 came to Albany where he had since lived. He was a vet eran of World War I. On Oct. 1, 1926 at Mcdford, he married Helen Fern Howard, who survives as do a son, Richard II. Spray, with the United States Army Aif Force, at Mt. Home, Jdaho; a brother, Gene, Princville, . and a sister, Mrs. Mable King, Hoscburg. William Piifsh ALBANY (Special) The funer al for William M. Pugh, 66, of Houtc 1, Brownsvilic, was held Sunday at the Brownsville Fisher Funeral Home chapel. Burial was made in the Union cemetery at Crawfordsvillc. Mr. Pugh was born Nov. 21, 1890 at Oakville, and had also lived at Oak Ridge for 30 years and the last eight years in the Brownsville vicinity. On June 6. 1917 at Albany he married Anna Fields, who sur vives as do seven children and three sisters. The children are: Ralph, Springfield; Jesse, Browns ville; Robert, Longvicw, Wash.; Mrs. Milo Flock, Kelso. Wash.; and Mrs. Betty Harrell, Mrs. Jack Stcinborn and Leila Pugh, all of Brownsville; the sisters arc Mrs. Laura Agec, Boardman: Mrs. Mima Huffman. Philomath; and Mrs. Lou Walker, Brownsville. A brother, Walter, preceded him in death. Margaret Crowell ALBANY (Special) Mrs. Mar garet Pipe Crowcll, 89, resident of Albany for 47 years, died at Ku gene Friday after a long illness. luneral arrangements had not been completed Monday save that burial will take place in the fam ily lot in the Masonic cemetery. Mrs. Crowcll was horn May 19. 1867, in Shellsbure. Pa. She was marnca to George H. Crowell at Kansas City, Mo June 14, 1892 and the two lived at Pans, III., until Sept. 29. 191)9, when they came here. Mr. Crowcll died Sept. 30. 19.19. Surviving arc two children, Dr. Dean P. Crowell. San Rafael. Calif., and Mrs. F.dwin F. i.lulial horlmillcr, Albany, three grand children and eight great-grandchildren. Alii Like Magic Classified Ads EM 4-6811 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify 400 Agriculture 414 Poultry & Rabbiti LOST: Black St White EnRltsh Pointer dog. m Liberty Out. Ph. M 2-i371. Reward. Wi!la"rive-ou and your car anywhere, good character, no bad habits, recommendations, middle aged, single, have done ch a uttering, caretakine. for any a K e. Warner Krujer EM 2-5725. I BABY Chicks hatched yr. round, Snectal tied Koosters ac ea. Valley farm Store. EM 4-4624. WILD DUCKS & GEESE Dressed at Wine's Poultry Rabbits. 3985 Slate, EM 4-3918. 424 Farm Equipment Nif wnnri ci re. heater. 130. Bex air vacuum with attach., 5-3, Sewing mach. S12. fcM 2-wrti. Youne man needs work. What have you? EM 4-2821. DRESSMAKING EM 4-7954 Ironing to do. my home, reas. iua n. rront. Advertising 4 nn. ant., util furn, inc. linens, See J'?tj?rn- 2 hdrm. oartlv furn. hse , country, attach gar. garden spot. iW. tM z-yjw. : Will rent our como. furn. bdrm. home. Tor j mo. reas. to responsible party with refer ences. Call EM 3-6922. Deaths ll:irv inlilH ivkk !) ol nil win IVmi .s;ml, hut point t-d mil ilwil I ll'"y of the indictments Inns nniRO weather lormists call for Mow normal temperatures in .lamiarv. and this likely would keep the stream (lows down. Tipsy Drivers Have It Koii"li In U.S.. Cities Manv past e WOOmU'HN (SpeeiaP - The monthly business meetmi nf the Woodhurn HiiMness ami l'i nh-s-jtinnnl women's eluh will he Thurv dav nt R p in. id the home of Mrs. Molly Hunt. Mrs. Eeln Poland 1 (it n. Js chairman of the membership j in Miam committee which will have chariii of the meeting. Others on the fore. I'olti commitlee ore Mrs Itosanna Ai-' est N cher. Mrs. John Zerzan nnd Mrs Hunt. Hy I'MTCI) I'llKSS That national menace, the drunk en driver, had a had time of it Monday niv.ht. Police in irttially e cry city were out to yet hnn. And accord- inn I" a I'tulcd 1'rcs; made a prclly fai Ktlitor Ursics Senate Truce McMIWVM.l.E OP -The News liemstcr Monday said Republi cans should vote for n Democrat Alimo Carl Italrs l.ntc resident of Davenport. Iowa. r)ri 25th. Survived bv brothers. Wil liam Males, liraumont. Calif.; Arthur A. llii Irs, D;ivcnport, Iowa; mint, Mrs. Klmrr lale.i. S.ilcm; niece. Mis. W. K. dates, Salem, and several nieces and nephews In the Kast, Services will he Thursday. Jnnuarv :i. at 2:00 P.M. In the Vned T. fiolrirn Chapel. The Rev. Hoy Wort rung tan win oiikiale. Interment will he In llclcrr;-t Memorial Park Ritualistic Services hy Salem Lodge No. 4, A FA-A.M. Thomas Fdwln Cowitrll: At the residence of 1060 Mill St , Dec 2!tih at tne nf 87 years. Svir- ived by son Mill tnt I- Cowdrll. Auburn. Wa.-h.: 1 brother Clarence M Cmvrlell. Portland: Sister. Mrs, K!nr.i stone, Salem. Services will he Wednrdav, Jamiarv 2. at 10 am In tie Mowill-Kd wards Chapel. Inter ment will be in City View Cemetery. Statesman-Journal Newspapers 280 N. Church St. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mln. 2 lines) 'Weekdays Sun. per line 1 time J5 .25 per line 3 timei M .80 per line S times tl .30 11.20 per line 1 mo. , $5.00 (Inch Sun.) Classified ids will be run In both papers to givt advertisers the advantages or tne iremen' dous combined circulations. When an ad is ordered three or six times and a Sunday t? Is Included (for examole Frit Saturday. Sunday! the lower Sunday rates apply because only i ne biaicsman puDiisncs - days. Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, con clude in the evening Capital Journal but ads will be Ac cepted for Sunday Statesman oniy. The deadline for classified ads Is l:oo p.m. the day before put). ltcation except for Sundav when deadline Is 5:30 p.m. Friday. F.rnertccncy ads and small line arts received alter l cm p.m. weekdays and until 12 noon Saturday for Sundav mav be placed in the "Too Late to Class ify" column. Ads for Monday papers must be In by S p.m. Saturday. The Statesman-Journal News papers reserve the r'.ght to re ject questionable advertising; it further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. The Statesman-Journal News papers assume no financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements published in Its columns and in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Aa .in ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal News naners box number for an ad dress Is for the protection of tne advertisers ana must tnrrc fore be answered by letter. The Slntesman - Journal Newspaprrs nre not at liberty to divulge in formation aa to the Identity of nn adevrtiser using a "Blind" ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect its readers against fraud, deception, or Injuries. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a po sition advertised in the help wanted columns. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must state If the pay Is in the form nf salary, commissions, guarantee, or Include firm name. Bona fide offers of em ployment with pay belong to the "Hcln Wanted" columns. Ads In other columns which re quire Investment in stocks, samples, equipment or cah bond should be thoroughly in- ! vestlgatcd before paying out any money. Advertisers re quiring a cash investment for samples or merchandise, sales aids, etc., must so specify in their ads. Kindly report any exception to this rule to the classified ad vertising manager. 300 Personal 312 Lost end Found LOST: English bull dog. male, white with brown ears & Bides of face. Reward, 1000 Fir. KM 4-3602. LOST: Fawn boxer, male. EM 3-4008. 1510 Davidson. OLD white i- gold Cocker strayed from 3310 Sunnyview EM 4-4767. Reward. 314 Transportation LADY wants ride to Portland, works swing shift. P!i. nervals 3334, Rt. 1 Box SOB. Brooks, 316 Personal Dear Relty and Russell. Thanks for the nice Christmas card, sorry you riidn t put your name and return address on the envelope. I lost the slip of paper that I had your ad- orcss on. fiease write, i urn and I wish you and yours a Happy New Year. Sincerclv your Friends. Ruth and Tom Stapjetor TOO MANY BILLS? Don't let your bills get you (n irounie. it you re behind in payments, we can help you. No security or co-signers needed. One place to pay all bills. Pay only what you can afford! (Bonded and licensed for vour protection!) CREDIT CONSULTANTS Dial Salem EM 2-8844 for Information. MORE people buy World Book Encvclopedia. Why? EM 2-5662. 15 00 PER MO. Buys Complete n. M. ruriuturc at uien Woodry, 1605 N. Summer IF YOU need a single Item or a complete household of new or used furniture or appliances. Buv now on our asy terms. Woodiy's Thrifty Ust d Furniture 515 S. Cnm l. Ph. EM 4-3319 1 block So. of PaperjMiJl DINETTE DAZE! ! Absolutely balem s Lowest Prices During Huge Inv. Sale!! 5 pc. Sets From $39.05 & 7 pc. Sets From $69.00. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer BE THRIFTY Buy used iurn- iture Ac appliances. The THRIFTY WAY on Easy Terms nt WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FL'RN. 515 S. Com'I. Ph. EM 4-3319 AI.COHOLICS Anonymous. 986 S. Com'I. EM 2-2108. EM 2-2850. AI.COIIOLTrs Anonymous group No. L 2088 NCom'lEM4.234S. HELP I Clothing, shoes, furni ture, toys. etc. needed NOW for neodv families. Ph. EM 4-5141 NOW or bring Items to 341 No. Com'I St. St. Vincent DcPaul store. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sole 40 CHOICE Whlteface Ewes Highway D!iE North of Albany 1 mile 1 block East on Scott Road. RAM 3 yr. old husky $35. Joe Portal. Rt. I, Aumsville. Ph. 828. HUBBARD squash for stock feed $5 per ton in field, $7 banked out. EM 2-2047. NELSON'S Dairv Breeders Assn. Ph. EM 4-11949. Classified Index "For Your Convenience" Anna l.ee January Hall At a local rest home. Dee. 31, at the age of 79 years. L.ite resident nf liWS Hickorv St. Survived bv daugh ter. Mrs. Violet F. Stafford, C'.erv.il; iis president of the state Sen;ite. daughters. Velie Felu'n Under. Ku- lla M.ie relton. tervais; gr.inrt. t.ordon Hive, Lnitcd I he Irnnt iwe eiliton.il hv editor Phil Hlndine also gnirl the (101 senators .should vole for someone other than Walter Pear son, the current Democratic Chinee. Pearson, said Hindi nr. is per sonally popular Inn lacks what he termed "political anneal." llla- vey they'1''" former Yamhill County tch. lU'iMiniu-an chairman It ICS reported fewe States Army somewhere many: Dtiane I. Feltnn, Forest flrme; l.arv L. Feltnn, nervals; sister, Mrs. Mnllie Pyejitt. Phoenix. Art ; eight gteat-gr.indchitdren. and a number nf nirie and nrnhews. Services will be held Wednesd.'iv. January 2nd at I .'10 I'M. In the Chapel of the W T. Rig di'ti I'n. Intc-ment Cl.iggett t'rrnp tru. Rev. Wnvne CIreeric will oflli'l Alr 1hrl Knott: The iitorial said the Drum- -..iV B, I' jinn i. river arresis man om in-: "" " fear matoriivist Hct II, v nr.-. u r ' a-; ih Hie House hut n l.Vl.i deadloek Sl,1,1,,r.r!' thought wide publicity held the to-!"1 "i1 SennlP. are entitled to the piTMiirney nnd chairmanships of there were nine ar rets, tomp.iicd to 17 the year 1m. e said it was the "nuiet- Vear's le m Years" ! Democrats should not have with arrets ahout the same as plele power to throttle the ppposi on ai average Saturday nii;ht turn " Ki'lat'wly speaking, the lat er WOODRL Ii (Special' mr dies Im.i ImIi.t ivionU m U ejutent of l.Ul I hv daughter. H u h v 'oppenish, Wash . Mr. Henver. Coin ; mother. Maiv Nansel Denver, Colo; . Mrs. lldttie Forrv. Knsle- Ihr Ia and Wavs and Means I w,v,d- r,lUl Mr Minor in- I'nnim.llpn. ' ' 'P1'1- Mr- Mane Irwin, Albion. o'""Httees. 1 Nrh - brntlier. Kavmnnd Nanwl. The editorial added that the Minn. Ar.hie Narvrl. Neb. Ce.Mire ..inri, i.rorgia. ttarry .N tinsel, rirn. Six (i .tndvns and one f ra mid. ivi sh irr :.! Mirvive Services will N held Wedne-d.n. J anu.tr v 2. at 10 Hi x in. of t'-e (. li'Mc!i-Il.irr:'k com- nera Ho r w th.i Methodist Men will meet for a drunk dnun.r pot luck dinner Wednesdav at the er ones. In all ot New Wk. sm.iM I Salem Markets Mr: Park drairri Woodburn Methodist church at tw drunk drixers were .irrtMt-d i'omi'ilrri fmrn reports 6:30 p.m. A business meeting will ( he! ween 4 pm. and nv.dmcht In follow. Albert Schalock, president, , I'lucano, there were :'0 arrested Will be in chars. between 2 -3U pin. and midnight. Washington police arrested only WOODBURN (Spet'iaD "Veast two, a 33 per cent decrease from Rolls" will be the topic to be riis- j the year before, cussed and demonstrated at the1 'o An-eles led in drunk dnv mlinifi nf Iho Home Kxtensinn " arrets w ith UW San h ran uniln Thursday in the Woodhurn Salem tor the iuirtnre of t tpital Journal Keadcn (Key lied daily rrrdi Habrri rellrti - 3 M (80-lb. bag): 14 44 on liM-lb haR t'Ktt Mash - ft 13 IRO-Ih 1. Hairy feed :i 05-13 W t80-lb. bf: 100-lb bag). I'onll r : huvit f prlre- Minnie I aird: V.-rr ,.f F. W.,ne I lint: twin suter of Winnie l..nrd 2 grincK'hild ten aUo Mirwve. Nephew. C.ibson L. t ollis 1u.vs re nfd Wednes day. Jamnrv 2nd at 10 00 AM at the Colonel Mortuary N E. 14th Sandy Hlv'd . Portland. Orern (Ir.iveside .servu-ei at 2 oO P M. W'ed neil.iv at Helcresl Memorial FarR, urea. Tho Woodhurn unit will meet in the club rooms at the city library with Mrs Albert HeilinR and Mrs. E. C. 'cyton as discus sion leaders. Tire meeting begins nt 11 A.m. Members of the Union Home Extension unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Lester Henn. Rt. 2, Thursday at 10:30 a m. Mrs. Henn will be project leader. I ciM-o h III drunk nnwm; arrets and police .said it was an "excep tionally quiet niyht.' f.'wi. ue -Colored frvers. ?V; ird fnw I, Hi-; Arnold Rorthltn: At the r.-v-'i e 5.0 N Ht'i St . A A . lo: !ti:Ki (;t:4' H.ivts on u ay MUNICH, (lerwktay w lw jn: "Operation &af Ha-i p-:;w left Tuesday carry aw ra an refugees to tW U. 9 Tl wit her leaving Moon 5Wr tww 9,404. e I'Mii A. ;t.V; -;naU A. 2- .ile n.r., A itnnho. Re A A. .W: lariir A A Jpc; medium A A 47c: A r"V. 4wt a. Sfm. "PPt CI Bvlliot;iW.f-in.A IX Tin jniHrv H.-tt)liti. S.i : Willa J 'I.,-. I I linn trtudv 1 reiia Carls ren a!. h hU Th.r p m m te !edw-sr nn ftl hv I'mr PKHSONAL .110 MeetinR Notices 312 Lust and Found 314 Transportation 316 PorMiiiiil 318 Stnnips and Coins 400 ACimcULTimF 402 Livestock For Sale ni.i i-ivesaocK Wanted 405 Pels 410 Fruits A- Farm Produce 412 Miirket Basket 414 Poultry A Rabbiti 416 Sea Foods 418 l.awn A: Harden 420 Sreds A Plants 4L'2 Kertiher 424 Farm Equipment 425 Auction Sales 450 MKRCHANDISE 451 Hon st-ho Id Goods 452 Appliances 451 Sewing Machines 45fi T. V. & Radio 45fl Musical Instruments 4fi2 Wanted Household Goods 4K4 Sports Equipment 4rift Birvcles 470 Iluilding Materials 472 Plumbing. Heatinf 474 Floor Covering 47fl Po It Yourself 4WO For Sale Miscellaneous 4BI For Rent Miscellaneous 4H2 Tr;ide Miscellaneous 4;i Wanted Miscellaneous 484 Miscellaneous 48fi Machinery A- Tools 4ftft Wanted Machinery St Tools 4!0 Fuel 500 nVSINESS AND FINANCE M0 Money to Loan 512 Loans Wnnted 515 Investments BOO EMPLOYMENT 6i)2 Help Wanted 804 Help W.mled. Man li(H", Help Wanted Lady oa Picker'; "Vanied 810 S.tlrB Help 813 Work Wwnted, Man 814 Work Wanted. Lady 815 Situations Wanted 817 Job Information 81 fl Education 620 Day or Contract 700 RENTALS 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board 70.1 Wanted Rooms. Roard 705 Apartments For Rent 7iW Duplexes 107 Houses For Rent 707-A Kurnthed 70S Firm For Rent 701 Wanted to Kent T'.O j!'cti lo Rent Houses 712 Wanted to Rent AplS. 7:i Himness Rentals 7',H Resort RenM'.s 71B Convalecent Home " W Moving and Storag e.X) REAL ESTATE (VI Business Opportunities t'2 BuMness Troperty tM Suburban 8v1fl Houses For Salt e7 Apt.. Courts For Sals "08 Lots Tor Sate M0 Farms For Sale 13 Evchanse Re.il Estat 8!S t'oat l'r.';'f-, f'.8 IJe'int ProperTv 51.1 Warit d Real Fstatt fi-'J Insurance WANTED: 10 or more Bred hives. A. C. Ullman, 4440 ILiyoKviLle Dr., Salem. EM 2-2II76. TOP cash prices at your place. it. IV V.UZCI, I.M (OIICCI. LIVESTOCK huyer. Edwards, Itt. 3, Box 809E. EM 4-1113. CATTLE. 4207 State. E. I. & H. Mielhcn, EM 2-1345. EM 2-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. t. C. McCandlish, EM 3-6189. CATTLE buyer. A. F Snmmer, 12li0 Harmony Dr. EM 4-9067, SALEM Meat Co.. locker beef. 21c. Custom killing, cutting nun wrdpping. acon rncea free St trailer loaned. 403 Livestock Wanted 405 Pets PUPPIES wire foxters: Welsh. tcrs; Pekingese. Pedigreed rear, prices. Douglas h.enneis. Scolts Mills, Hwy. 213 lo SU verlon cont. 5 mi. signs. BOXER dog, 12 mo. old, shot c Clipped. t-.M 2-8131. LABRADOR pups. 6 wks. EM alter 5:30 or weekends. BtRH Paradise, birds, tron fish, 3180 Livingston. EM 2-1812. MICKEY'S parakeets, c a g e feeds. 3825 S. Com'!. EM 2-2755 KEITH'S PUPPV FAPM 5400 Center EM 2-7M9 Puppies all kinds. Buy & sell. Aft'noon & eves. No Sun. calls. 410 Fruit & Farm Produce CARROTS for feed. $1 sack, 0 SWKKT "POTATOES 10 lbs. for 49c Green Apple Market 5005 Portland Rd. PASTEUni7EDwhole millT75c gal. Homogenized 79c, gal. for 4c. Cleary Dairy. EM 2-3035. CLOVER hav, apples, potatoes tl 50 ion ns. li, nil. E. i, mi. N of Keier School. Watch for signs No sales Fri. after 4 A Sat, Ed Sproed. 54 S C. CASE Tractor. 2 bot tom roll-over plow. '54 Case T-ft. mower, 3317 Hamel. EM 2-3510. 425 Auction Sales SUDTELL'S FURNITURE AUCTION WED., Jan. 2, 7:30 p.m. sharp. Several lots of good house hold furniture & appliances & misc.. to oe som ai Auc tion open every day to re ceive consignments warm building. LANE SUDTELL'S ' AUCTION 3!15 Silverlon Rd. EM 3-finrw LIVESTOCK & MISC. AUCTION Thursday, Jan. 3 10 A.M. Misc. of all kinds tools produce Livestock 1:30 p.m. Milk cows feeder stock veal baby calves pigs chickens & rabbits. LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION 3f5 Sllverton Rd. Ph. EM 3-6098 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods NOW HEAR THIS! new iull Size Box Be Inner Spring Mattress Sets, 12 only Clnscout J46.88. Glen Woodry, 1&I5 N. Summer. casual rug, red. 15. EM 3-4467 9x12 CALIE. bit., Rray. after fi. SAVE plenty on Maple! I Ore- kiiii s imvcsi -nces on aonn Maple Furniture!! Dining sets Sofas-Cricket Chairs. Hutches and Tables Captains Chairs Shop Us Get our deal. Trades E Z Terms. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. EXTRA nice craftmaster living runm suue. iieasonaDie. am Jutibon. ATTENTION EVERYONE! I sdu.uw mock Jteduced 10 p.c. to 50 p.c. During Our Huge Inventory Ciearance-EZ Terms!! Shopt Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 450 Merchandise 454 Sowing Machines SALE USED ALL GUARANTEED Sinper Port Electrics Rd. Bobbin, cut 10 Singer Cabinet Elect, Jul. nummi Singer Treadles $495 Portables From Kralt oaoer Galv. Iron Roofing SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'I. Ph. EM 3-3512 Woodburn 2-7912 458 Musical Instruments ACCORDION or Piano lessons. r ree use or accordion. EM 2-3255. Duane Hunsaker. SPINET PIANO. Will' sacrifice equity responsible party may assume monthly navment con tract. Write Mr. Berg, Box 228, Salem, Ore. PIANO INVENTORY CLEAR ANCE! All pianos go regard less of price! Save dealer's markup 1 Save as much as ?ii!! Hurry to Tallman Piano Store. 395 S. 12th, near S.P. Depot. ORGANS, new used. Lessons. Kcniais. mukkells Organ Sales and Service. 363 N. Hif.. WE pay top cash prlc for pianos. Used Mdse Mart 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6311. 'A' GRADE MAHOG. DOORS 20 x 68 4.70 ea. 24 X 68 . 5.2S ea. 26 x 6fl 5.25 ea. 28 X 68 5.45 ea. 'A" GRADE BIRCH DOORS 20 x 68 7.20 ea. 24 x fia 8.10 ea. 28 x 68 B.40ea. 28 x 6S 8.75 ea. SANDED PLYWOOD 4x8 '.-in. Fir 2.35 m. 4x8 11-in. Fir -.3.10 ea. 4x8 i-in. Fir 4.00 ea. 4x8 5-!n. Fir -....4.55 ea, 4x8 3,i-n. Fir . 5.20 ea. 4x8 i-in. Bircn A-a .12. uu ea. HARDBOARD 4x8 'Vin. Industrial l.!Wea. 4x8 U-in. Industrial .2.25 ea. CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER PIANO and organ lessons. My mmie or yours, nancv b. Hunt, 3865 Liberty Rd. EM 3-1020. 462 Wanted Hshld Goods WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co. EM 2-7472 im.noo cart? To spend for High grade Used rurniiure c Appliances. PH. 3-5110. Paying Top Pricei for Belter Grade. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM 3-6098. 464 Sports Equipment 22 MARLIN rifle, bolt action. Mans shoe skates, sr.. 10',i. Both like new. EM 3-5361. CASH paid tor used guns, mod ern ana antique. cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway. 470 Building Materials WE INSTALL plastic wall tile. r nrmici counter tops. ir Birch cabinets. Let us give you a free estimate on your re modeling now. Montgomery Ward it Co. Ph. EM 3-3191. '55 MODEL television RCA. electric range, living room suite. Frigidaire refng., dining room set. late model Singer sewing machine, two twin beds complete. 26'. Turner Rd. VISIT Our Maple Shop. Glen uuary, iouo im. summer. UNFINISHED furniture. H. L. Mitt r urniture. 175 N. High. USED 5 piece chrome dinette set $49 50. HOGG BROS., 248 State. CHAIR Sale. Glen Woodry's. No Lower Prices, anvwhereM Choose from 150 Styles. lt5 N. Summer. USED bunk beds with springs 4t,.-HI. IlUULi z-tH Male. NEED Furniture?? Shop Sa lem s Hig Store. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED 3 piece bedroom set $49.50. HOGG BROS, 248 State. NEW 3fl"x50" plate glass mirror. s.o. complete twin size bed, $15. Good folding dav bed & unit tress, $25. EM 3-4018. USED innerspring mattress $11. 50. HOGG BROS, 248 State. FABULOUS LAMP SALE! ! Table Lamps 2.99 to 18 00. Floor Lamps 6 113 to 30 00. "These You'll Like." Glen Voodry. 1605 N. Summer. USED Hoover Vacuum cleaner SL'!!.50. HOGG BROS. 248 Stale. GOOD Spark's Oil Heater 100 g.11. laim s;ia. EM 2-2976. 4440 Havesville Dr.. Salem. USED oil heater. Onlv '$17,951 HOGG BROS. 218 State. USED blonde dining set $29.50. nuiiu imu:, iu Mate. USED daveno & chair $29.50. HOGG BROS. 248 State. 2 MATCHING linen & cotten niKs. giod cond. 10 8" X 11'3 ". EM 2Mm. 0 414 Poultry & Rabbits WHITE Cornish roosters ft White Hock pullets. 8 mo. old. $1 50 ea. EM 2 5972. BABY Chiek--ror meat or tggt. Send for free folder. Wilson's Hatcnerv. Lyons. Ore. PH. ULnck fl-2533. PRESSED FRYERS Special Price. Ph. EM 4-1327 USED davenjKirt & chair $24.50. HOGG BROS. 248 State. NICE Dining Set. Walnut 55.00. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer USED platform rocker $11,561 HOGG BROS. 248 State. CARLOAD Sale Chairs. Save 20 pc to wj p.c. night Now Swing Rockers. Roto T. ' Chairs. Rubber Seat Club iMckers- Small Midriff Chairs, Reclmers Select From 15( New Ch.iirs!! No One Com petes. Girn Woodry's. tfiO-5 N Summer. Terms - Trades. 452 Appliances REPOSSESSED- pink Kelvins tor, best model 30 In. ranee 3 mo. old. Terms as low as $9 per mo. Modern A ppliance v rmrr, lui a. torn j. tti F.'0 Al'TOMOTlVE RM Ni w Cars 8?2 led i'4r lor S Auto Tarts snd Repair :r'.e Tfc'mber mt the , 1 rucKs, Trsilen fer Sal Cfcurch. tv1i- ill votorcvfies irisv J.tumi 0 1 to 04 Wanted Ca-w. TmMp Oi.wel f the .'-1 f1 TVp1Jjaj iptai h oTt1 e iev 1 ; rjw i'Wifw 1,1 office. 4W8Mf3.1. V.P WV Oh'v.cl, S.ilr.n. M- (. alubii, S.ilem Mr. S.ilt-m 1 irandfhlM- 1 fcihap&i &mxii f.tfkw Let A Classified Ad Solve That Problem TO PLACE AD DiAttM 4 SS11 00 GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wah ers. drvers. ranges At refngs. $.11 50 9t ud. V EATER APPUAXCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St. UStD w.nhers $18 St up Mod ern ArrMtance Center. 1141 So, Com i EM 4-3353. CLOSE OUT Kelvinator Foodaram. A 1 nfic buy. Tern-s as low as $18 per mo. Modern Appliance Center, J141 S. Com'I. EM REPOSSESSED Maytag refrig erator Ar freerer combination, l.irsest sire made, used 3 mo Mav be ourchaed for $17 64 per n-.o. Modern Appliance 1141 S. Com I. i-M BLDG. SUPPLIES Used Toilets $17.50 Used Wash basins comp . $10 V Plaster hd . $1.25 sht. 700 good 3 panel doors with frames St hdwd $7.50 ALL Kinds Elcc. Supplies Used Fir flooring $45 per M Used No. 2 4 blr. lumber . . $45-$55 per M E. S. RITTER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd. Ph. EM 4 8311 4 mi. worm 01 haiem. l3 nu. North of Totem Pole " Open all day Saturday LUMH E R f oTs ale"'at1570 N. Wintcr. EM 3-4823. WHOLESALE PRICES Mulino Sash & Door Prchung door, wood windows. Dale Voglcr, EM 4-8720 474 Floor Covering P. L. Flfstrnm Co. 2P0 S. Liberty, vi.NYLfioortiie. joceacn INLAID linoleum $1.79 per sq. yd. R. L. Elfstrom Co.. 260 S. Liberty. 480 For Sale Miscellaneous GIGANTIC Jan. Clearance. Glen Woodry "The Store that REALLY Saves U Money" 1605 N. Summer. DOG house, also indoor kennel, cheap. EM 4-1860. eves. 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials HAUL mm YEAR END SALE CONTINUES OAK FLOORING No. 1 RL No. 2 RL. ...210.00 M .115.00 M Jlr SIDING No. 1 Painted shakes St UC .10.75 sq. 1 x 12 S1S2E Cedar 110.00 M 1 x 12 Inv. Spruce 175.00 M 1 X 1" irv Leudr 1." in"vun" 1.85 ea. 1 x 10 Spruce 120.00 M PLASTERBOARD 48"X96" 4R"x!6" rocklath 1.R0 ea. 1.85ea. 34c yd. ROOFING 3 in 1 215 lb. compo shingles 45-lb. roll , DO-lh roll . 7.R5 sq. 2.50 ea. 4.00 ea. 2.40 ea. -.10.50 sq. YARD LANCASTER & CENTER PH. SALEM EM S-1500 INVENTORY SALE TAKE IT AWAY YOU'LL SAVE MANY $$$ Elush Doors Mahoganv and Fir 20" Doors 3.05 2-0 to 2-8 Doors 4.!5 Front Doori, Hollow Core 7.95 Solid Core. 3 It 12.05 Door Jambs 2. OS Louvre and Glass Doors 8.95 Short Mahogany Mouldings At Fir Prices Shakes & Cedar Siding unpainted 2.!."i sq. Painted 6.95 sq. Painted In Boxes ' .... 7.95 sa. These are good kiln dry shakes we have far too many. 6" and 8" St 10" Cedar Siding $49 up Sheetrock U Haul 1" 1.36, V 1.60. V 1.85 Plywood U Haul 8c. ft., V 8c- V3" 12c. "i" 13c. V' 15c. per ft. Sanded 4'x8' 4'x6" and Smaller. Storm Doors Wood, $21. Aluminum $.19. Plas tic Storm Windows 39c. Wall Paneling Knottv Pine $98135 M Knottv Spruce and Cedar $145 M 12" Pine Shelving . 10c. Ft. Lumber 2x4x8' Studs 10c ea 2x4 In Bundles . .. $19 M Shiplap. 1x8. good . $39 2x4, 2x6, 2x0. good prices. Paint Tnxnlite Rubber Base $1.99 Gal. All Inside Paints 10 pet. off. Out side Paints and stain 2U pet. off. Flooring Oak No. 2 Shorts $98 M Fir. Kiln Dried $0 M All Oak Flooring on sale. Toilets, close coupled . $19.50 500 Gal. Septic Tanks . . f.n.sii V Galvanized Pipe 14c ft. Elect. Wire 14-2 in rolls 3ac. ft. Insulation Rock Wool 2"x45" $1.19 bag Finer Glass Blanket ft'vc. ft. S's-lfi's Nails $10 kec Birch Plywoods 13c. -10c. Ft Hardhoard. V, 4x8 sheet 1.29 Hardboard, U". 4x8 sheet I OR Mahoganv Plv. .Tx6' 10c. ft. Just a few of our many items on sale. Please come week days if possible. Saturdays and Sundavs are verv busv. Cash or un to 36 months on our A.H.U. Plan, same low nrices Call BU 5-3669 for complete nnme remonrnng service la bor St material also offered. All New Material King Building Supply IC301 N. E'i Glisan AL 4-5551 Portland. Oregon Glisan Store Open Sundays 9-5 STEEL Garage Doors, complete wnn naruware, tuw in' stalled. $j3.S0 Metal eaves trough. 1320.. built-in 4 burn er range. $H2.70. Toilet, $24.50. 8-in vent fan. $19 95. EPPING LUMBER CO. 3740 Sllverton Rd. Ph. EM 4-6123 470 Building Materials 470 Building Materials AIL NEW WOOD WINDOWS 40? TO 10 OFF FAER YEAR we have 1 sale of all the window accum ulated throughout the year, from salesman mistake, can cellation from customers, builders wno have cancelled their orders etc. We have had this sale everv year in Portland but this year we are goine to sell in Salem. We have rented the .".'"'J'"' i-vMimnu na. ana win De oren day Sat. A- Sun., other dav 1 can be rearhed bv tele phone EM 4-P720 Salem. These windows were manufactured bv one of tne largest Millwork Mfg n Oregon. If you don't see what you want we will make to order. MULINO SASH & DOOR DALE VOGLER EM 4-8720 474 Floor Covering 474 Floor Covering I'SVD Hrfng l?J A up Modrrn Arn-iMh. r- (Vn'.r. 1141 Soutli Com4! TM 4-oii.l CS4-:!! rf (narrator i9 A UD AI Lur. App., 2.40 State St. 456 T.V. i RidTo Tir FrsT sr'SViCT for ten. Hin, TTKM -W4. 174,"TABI.F mifl Hlltcralt.r n- l!0i5. El" ter-ri OAC 'MM cjd. yun. Beautifully Styled "SEQUIN" Inlaid Linoleum SIX mVr hrrt. tor ue in thf kilchtn. bedroom, pljvroom d n iwm. Iimiiji room and den Al.t. FIRST Ql'AUTY - STANDARD WEIGHT Rep. $3.15 Sq. Yd. Now $2.15 Sq. Yd. FREE FSTTMATTS GLADLY m mm-,1 Y T L ' L 0 4 1 1 nm mss o o