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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1957)
page BSlcliori 2 ' S- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Ike's Reply to BulganinWill Reject Parley WASHINGTON Wl Rejecting a Russian proposal for a five power disarmament conference, president Eisenhower reportedly plans to keep U. S. discussions on the subject within the United Na tions for the time being. . That is said to be the gist of a reply prepared to Russian Pre mier Nikolai Bulganin's Nov. 17 letter to Eisenhower suggesting a new conference including Britain, France, Russia, the United States and India, Eisenhower is said to have de cided that such a conference would not be useful at this time, but to he lcavins the door open for a later meeting if he is con vinced some progress can he made. In the meantime, he sug gests, such talks should be con ducted at the U. N., where a dis armament commission has been meeting periodically. The note to Bulganin. revised several times, was reported dur ing the weekend to be ready for dispatch. Jon Haaven, North Dakota cen ter, holds the Loyola of Chicago fieldhouse scoring record. As a sophomore in 1953 he made 38 points in one game. Bandits Grab $33,600 From Messengers LONDON tm Two messengers of the American Express Co. were attacked and robbed of about 12, 000 pounds ($.13,6001 in a split second theft outside a bank in sub urban South Ituislip Monday. The messengers, their heads battered with blackjacks, were taken to a hospital, Their attack ers escaped in an automobile. The messengers called at the bank for British currency for the American Express branch at the U. S. Air Force headquarters in South Ruislip. As they left with a money-filled bag, they were assailed near the door by two men who slugged them, grabbed the bag and jumped into a waiting auto. Brazil to Buy U. S. Products WASHINGTON W The United States and Brazil announced Mon day tli? signing of an agreement under which Brazil will buy $1.18, 700,000 worth of surplus American farm products. The commodities '0 ba taken by Brazil include approximately l.ROO.OOO-metric tons of wheat valued at 111 million dollars; lard, approximately 15,000 metric tons. S millions; dairy products, $2,200,000, and vegetable oils ap- HENRY By Carl Anderson II I ICE 1 f ICE CREAM CREAM S, SODA SOOA 1" C; Storm Drives Liner to Port LK HAVRE. France W The luxury liner Libcrte, forced back to port by storm damage, will! leave again for New York Wed-! nesday after repairing damage to tne lorward part of the ship. Experts found no serious hull damage despite the stress of mountainous , waves which swept over the 51.208-ton ship the world's fourth largest liner in an Atlantic storm. Three persons were injured, including a steward ess whose leg was broken. U NU TO RESUMK HELM RANGOON, Burma W U Nu, who advocates a policy of neutral ism in foreign affairs, will re sume the premiership of Burma which he resigned six months ago. A government announcement said Nu, 49, will head the government while the present premier, U Ba Swe, 41, becomes one of three deputy premiers. The date of the shift was not disclosed. proximately 4,000 metric tons, 114 million dollars. DONALD DUCK ( UKCA DONALC?)! I BET you POM'T KNOW HOW By Wolf Disney ( UMCA DONALC?) I BET you POM'T KNOW HOW rTt-ON A TUBE OP3 7-TKiOTW PASTE isy you meah the bis ecoNOMy SIZg.Ott JUST ggiSULAgy J Bedroom Ensembles Modernize your bedroom any one of FOUR ways Your choice of tailored or frilly spreads, curtains, dressing table skirts. It's thrifty to be your own decorator! Smart "brightencrs" for your homel Pattern 7002; Instructions for four casy-scw ensembles. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern add fi cents for each pattern nr Ist-class mail ing. Send to Capital Journal. Household Arts Dent , P O. hox 1H8. Old Chelsea Station, New York 11. i V. Print i. 'nly NAME, AfWItrcSS, TONE, AND PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed In our ALICE UWJOKS Needle craft book stunning designs (or you. our readers! Dozens of other designs to order all easy. fascinating hand-work! Send 25 cents for your copy of this won- nr-nui noon riqht away! ma;V oav ofp! J O'AftOUT ) L ACROSS I. Piece of metal 4 Rotating piece 7. Large headed naili 12. Mr. F.isen. hower 13. Some 14. Inset 15. Require 17. Pull hard 18. Father 13. Copy 20. Bin- 21. Fowl 22. Entrance 24. Feline 23. Mother's sister Zo. Clamor 27. Loped 29. About JO. Satisfied 31. Compara tivt ending 33. Beguiles S.V Anecdotes 36. Coarse grass stem 37. Bitter vetch 38. Tariff 39. Unrefined metal 40. Swamp 41. In place of 4.2. Exist 4;!. Fasten 44. liive 47. Come in 411. Title 50. Pull after 51. Tempest 52. Stlanse 5,1. Watch V AlDlO SElSlWEE.PlS I RIOTn ElRlIt E A P O f IME R4HL E R BJ L A f SJMiSB AjjjLBsjt i M L EJa) S N EtEjRB C t r. N&r7 lb s (oifit e n Gmz N O SlfflT u!l F-K3 Wit- NlF. wjr UlTiu'Rjti.S 0 A iftiQP rifJI a;la TIP AlPo A R I AIU I T a t Ha ijmCe s s Bn!y f Hull CJet A I Liojw Emf.LTehMsT Ta i iif, Solution of Yesterday'! Punle DOWN 1. ln ite 2. Fori-vt-r: M.util 3 Sl;iv 4. Walking stick 5. Conjunction 6. Belonging to me 7. Totato I Z 1 ! I S s 1 j i I I ! c I i 75 .-73 ; : 75 , 15 16 11 ; , ID ': 75 TJo T77 nA-i'. TiTzi TV. :5 - Is" TT jT 36 g 37 r"ja 47 4 1 W re ri rfm "rr 8 Label SI. Uln'.cd N:itioiis: a tli i-. 10. Subject to support 11. Slope IS. Likely 17. Rags 20. Lamp T I. Color 22. Fius 2.V Not the same 14 Drinking flask 55. Skill 27. Coticn 23 Abstract heme 30 Callow vouth 32. Beam .14. Shelter 35. Salt of auric and 36. Garment 38. Put on 40. Steattv 41. Walk in water 43. By 44. Performed 45. Plavthing 44. Female sheep Aft. For 49. Thus rvAJV MVICL SENT IT OUT TO THE BAS-6 ViUOiS SrUFP-TWE MAN SAID CO. CANVWI 14 THIS f-WHy. IMP PAID US BILL 8Y TELE- ITS COL. STEVE I OZAPH AND ASKED THEA CANYONS BAalTO DEADHEAD HIS LM4A0E ! ' WfA U Til'l ,eu F6mE2 JOCKEYS HAVE y ... . i TOeav, steveTi won't Ct.tr0HMI1ST THINK. NOT B5 USINa HB ALU HIS (WOl)LP! LEAVE. I P-wt THIS IS VyES, PEAK. 'HOME "TO BilT WHY THE M UIIA WOW SUDDEN Bi BECAUSE HE PUONEC fEOM WKIfiHT- PATTERSON, AND I TOLD HIM THAT FOTEET 1 HAD BEEN STAYIN3 OUT LATE EVERY 6VENIN6 SINCE HE HAS BEEN AWAY JTEET .ZiSiSvi? J. that., ah '-is r7EES THOUGHT AH a J ViiT' 1 1 m i 1 r L tl Ar Dk' Li 9280 -1 Mil : 24 Most flatterini; princess tines fashion ths Invely spring dross perfectly proportioned for the shnrter, fuller ficuro! A joy to sew di.icrnm slwws how MASY it is! on II w ant in ni, ike several for day and e rnin; oeeaions in shantung. Imen, ,y eoMon-s! Pattern w:w lialf Sies H'i Itvi. If';, l'0'i, LM'j. Si?e tfi'i take A i At its :vt uu h fabric. This easy-to-use pattern iu perfect fit. Complete, illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step. This printed pattern assures perieet fit. Kasy directions printed on es'eh tissue pattern part. Send S:c in coin mo it.imps plcftsei (or Pattern, with Name, Address. Style Nuniher and Size Address PATTKUN HI RtTAU Capital Journal. Bon 42. Old Chel sea Station. New York 11. N Y For firit rn mall Include an eitra & cents per pattern. AIN'T ! mm 6DV rijs: fmsxm KIOBU AROUND, li I II WULI , iJ-l I SOVlEBUDOV K li DID KNOCK II I ' THEEE'S A , - .rT-lii. J NOTE ON TH Vl PON'T 1 Think thatS i necessary j COLONEL, COULP WE WAVE A euevEYOZ STAKE. OUT THE PROPERTY LINE BETWEEN A AND B COMPANIES r , (L6A6E, MI55 KAENAC DOWN NOW--HOW FATHEH FIND OUT IT'S ALL eOVEBNMENTOH. THEY PEOPEBTY I PON'T WOULDN'T SEE WHY ANY GI 1 ftlHP THAT ABOUT STEPPIN6 OVER THE UNE S MAC-SLOW Y OiO YOUR MIKE v M ft oon t moiv. HHS SC.WTMiVG tA Ml -KM ITS WHAT'S 0N THE UNE THAT THEt RE PICKY ABOUT MR. ROPER.' 1 SAW THE LOOK OW MY FATHER'S FACE WIW IHBY TOOK MIKE KHKt.lH HfS SOWS TO KILL HIM" COME ON, NOMAD GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK.' LL ME HOW MUCH ROPER KNOW5-" NO COMMENT? ALL RIGHT, . . . i m 433 K 'St J M195T f WHAT f JKV 1 trsr-n r i r what i w foc a 193.' I LIKS! ASfllK W Miun US Blif Wt'AT If HIM IS MS TSOTA OfifSSWS 1 1 t;S5P rAlcTi' f msc U4Nil 1 VIAKS X CJP TH MACiDFK rt BRAND NEW ' FEW DAYS AGO, I HAVE BETCHA I EVER SEE. THET Lll VARMINT. 1957 HAINfT ARRIVED YET.v AN' AH C AIN'T SERVE "NOTHER TERM.v- NOT AFTER WHAT AH THROUGH - 1 BIN ) HAPPY NE i FOR US. IN SOME WfVB. LAST VEAFf WAS NOT TOO 6000 GUESS THATS WHY TIME PASSING ton Bt SUCH fl NICE THINQ- AH BET ON STEVENSON. 1 AH ROOTED FO" BROOKLYN, V AH BACKED HAROLD i. . i r- 'BPECtALLY WHEN TH'TTME AHEAD LOOKS SO FRESH AN' BFiiGHT AN' CHEERFUL-EH, Mfr I 71 AH NE.EDS OH.WHAR IS THET U'L COWARD A REST.1 het y r vol 'Gv; f HERE IT MO.Y-AH Y S GO THROUGH r who ' DOES? 3, THEY COME DOWN HEAH T' WHOOP IT UP CAUSE IT S CHEAPER --.W THATA . WAV WWEAR 3rf.tli -nfJl 1 'IBW-ssKiftS'a' DOGGONE. MA. HOWS A MAN SONNA GIT ANY -I SLEEP AROUND HERE IP YER KEEP RlNSIN' j them BELLS EVERy YEAR' -in, HAPPY NEW EAR, SEX.' - 41 rA HAPpv NEW IE JVNf. ! tCV HAVEN'T STOPPED 9y TUB OFFICE i TO NEW lEAffS j PAY, HAVE yOU f Hcir NO? TM ON MY WAY TO CHl'KCH AND WAS WONPERIN6 IF lOU WOULD SO WITH ME .' , "XT rVr r. . . . t , 1MMI Lrtf. .LnLLCD, k(CM.-iWT...BtfN Ltl Vl -Ofvn . I ,,M "(rJ II') s..,. p,v. nk.r,FLtw. ORTTlN-.-..l -an ma . ELL! "IET ME START EACH DAY THESE HfAKT-fttT PRAKESRIN6IN4: 600, 1 THAKK THEt FO EACH YEAGONESY! GOO. I THANH THEE FOR THE ONE NOW NKiH - T V li Thl5 (9 A DAV IN WHICH wp ftuo.ii n rum OL CREATOR FOR THE BLESSIN05 OF TH r? i tcak Ay FKAt THAT WE ARE L M- WORTHY TO RECEIVE THE BLESSlN&SOF A:'.' IHi NcW 7bAK -- 1957 S'0UfHINiMU5r BE A REACKA81E YOUNO IAOY.OKANLWOTHEIS WORTH f rf ill 5 Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, January 1, 1957 RADIO PROGRAMS ""KSLM13M KOC0 14M KC3AY 1430 KO.N 9T0 KGW 30 KOON 152D KSLM13M KO M(scydtlKOIN i01.l, KOW 108.1 TUESDAY P.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 0045 . KSI.M KOCO k KtiAY KOIN ' KGW KGOS Tkslm ' KOCO k KOIM I KG IV 'kgow Bob & Rav IBob k Hay nnllle's Rec d Sign oil (Bob Bt Ray ISlo-Mo-Show IMusie ISporU 7 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KG ON kslm" KOCO KOIN KGW KG ON KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KG ON RollieiKecaa S' '" Vnm Harmon !Tom McCall Ed K. Murrow tilel Allen 9. Anderson Bm PVtmo !VoicC8-Events News jBill Brundige Candlelight fCandlelight Sports-News i Lowell Thorn s Ed P. Morgan 'McCall Voices-Events Voices-Even ta ;Eddie Fisher News Reel ISam Hayes On the 8B On the 88 i Ames 'n Andy Amos 'n' Andy I Mystery Time 'Mystery Time IVoiccs -Events V olees-Events Woody Way t. mc may Music IMusie Music JWnocIv Way (CDS Feature Music (Night Life Sliow Tunes Woody way Almanac Music Night Lle Whfstlin Tunei iwooay wa; Gabe Heater Woody Way Melody Music News "buy Dreams Woody Way Rotn. Q. Lewis World News World News "NSS IE?ltin Ljwli ISwtrt V'ng',rtvSw!v'ng Wnnrlv W.I V WOOUV o .-- Tune Table iTune Table Music t Music. may Dreams WhlsMin lunes Rob! Q. Lewis eWorld Tonight World Tonight Music Music IMueIc It Alan's ramllyiDracnet Dragnet KSLM KOCO KOIN I KGW KG ON KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KGON IDo You Know Do You Know m.inr Time 'Dance Time Biog . in Sound IBlog. In Sound 'Biog. in Sound IBiog. In Sound Music I ii u sic I Wood v Wav iWoody Way Good Eventing iGood Evening Dance Time (Dance Time . IMnstly Music IMostly Music Music IMusie Woody Way Iwoody Way 5-Star Flnial ISports News iDance Time Richfld Reptr, IMostly Music nio riv Rie Citv Woodv Way IWoody Way Mtdnite Mel. IWooriv Way Mus. to Midhite iMua. to Midhite Music Midnite Dance Time IDance Time iuance lime Bass Harris Bass Harris IBass Harris IMidnite Mel. Woody Way iMusic Midnita IDance Time jBass Harris HOUR 6 KSLM KG AY KOIN KGW KGON 7 KSLM KOCO KG AY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM flKOCO V KG AY fjKOIN WKCW KGON KSLM 9 KOCO KG AY KOIN KGW KGON 1KSI,M KOCO KG AY OKOIN KGW KGON 1KSLM KOCO KG AY 1KOIN KGW KGON 1KSLM" KOCO KGAY 2 KOIN KGW KGON 00:00 WEDNESDAY 00:15 00:30 "00i4j Vail. Farmcast Vail. Farmcast Farm News Morn. mag. News America KOIN Kloctc News-Vander. IVanderhoof Rise & Shine 1 Worm news Hemingway tBreakf. Gang Rhythm Ranch Bay's in Time Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock I Headline News Npws Vanrierhf IVanderhoof Rise Se Shine Rtse & Shine Family Altar Ray's in Tirm Cliff Engle Rav's in Time Herb's Show Cnsumer News News-Vander. Rise St. Shine News News Herb's Show Wendy Warren breakfast Club Spotlite Reds. Herb's Show Valle News Vanderhoof Rise Ac Shine News News Herb's Show Norah Drake Chef Gino NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'nd News Ray's Melodies Herb's Show Howard Miller Breakfast Club Spotlite Rcds- TelloTest Ray's Melodies Clary Dyer Ma Perkins Anderson Vail. F.irmcast Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Vanderhoof Rise & Shine Brkfst7Gang Ray's in Time Morn. Mag. Frank Goss Vanderhoof Rise & Shine Bible Inst. Ray's In Time L. Ross Show Shelley Srnade Vanderhoof News-Rise & S. Pastor's Call News KGAY New KOIN News Vanderhoof Rise & Shine News Ray's In Time KGAY News Harry Babbitt Vand-rhoof BUI Guyinan Hlhle Inst. Ray's in Tima KGAY News Shelley Srnada Vanderhoof Rise & Shine News News Dinner Winner Happiness True Story Queen a Day Rav's Melodies Dinner Winner I Rollie's Recrds Mrs. Burton strike It Rich True story IKonnie worth Matinee Hay's Melodies (Ray's Melodiei Herb's Show 1KGAY News Helen Trent I Mid Morn News. Breakfast Club :Breakfnst rinK News-Records Spotlite Beds. Wings of Song I Wings of Song Ray's Melodies j Ray's Melodies Herb's Show KGAY News Dr. M alone Aunt Marv Girl Marries Whispering Sts. NBC Bandst'nd I NBC Bandst'nd Oueen a Dav nay s meioaies NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'nd I NBC Bandst'nd News News KGAY News News-Weather Mitchell RDts. Top Tunes N.W.News I Top Trades Clarine Calllngl Rollie's Records! Come Get It Paul Harvey Top Tunes KSLM Matinee IMatlnee KOCO News 1490 Tune St. KGAY Rollie's Recordsl Rollie's Rec'ds KOIN '.".odfrev Time Godfrey Time KGW Merry Go Rnd. (Merry Go R'nd, KGON 15 Star Matinee 5 Star Matinee KSLM IKOCO f KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM IKOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON I KSLM" KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON -KSLM" wKOCO Ikgay Jkoin KGW KGON KSLM " KOCO KOIN 1 KGW 'KGON .KSLM IKOCO KOIN ' KGW KGON I KSLM" KOCO KOIN KGW KGON KSLM i KOCO I KOIN ' KGW KGON Clarine Calling ! Town Crier I House Party Merrv Go Rnd. News-Top Tnes Matinee MM Tune St. Rollie's Recrds Godfrey Time Merrv Go R'nd Hilltop House News H!)0 Tune St. Queen a Day Ray's Melodies Rollie's Records Pat 'Buttram Konnie Worth NBCBandst'nd Vail. Farmcast" Clarine Calling House Party Merrv Go R'nd Top Tunes Matinee . IlflO Tune St, KGAY News Godfrey Time Merry Go R'nd Pepper Young Matinee 1400 Tune St. Matinee (Matinee Mpii-q Una Turn Qt Rollie's Records Rollie's Rec'ds iRollie's Recrds.! KGAY News Godfrey Time I Godfrey Time (Ruth Ashton News-Weather Merry Go Rnd. I Merry Go Rnd.Merry Go Rnd. (Merry Go R'nd Woman in Hse. I Mary McBride Frcd Waring Fred Waring Telle-Test 14!)0 Tune St. KGAY News Take Thirty Merrv Go R'nd Sport-0-Bama Matinee j Matinee IBargain Countrl wews 1480 rune st. hwo Tune St. Route's Records Rollie's Rec'ds Rollie's Recrds. Backstage Wife Our Gal S'ndavlTake Thirty Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go R ndl Merry Go H'nd Cafe Lounge Cafe Lounge It's News Fulton Lewis j Hemingway I News Bandwagon I Rollie's Recordsl Rollie's Rec'ds Art Ktrkham IThe Alexanders' News-Vander. Buver I Fash. Rhythms Fash. Rhythms 1 Bob & Bay (Bob Ac Ray Here's Answer I Sam Hayes Bandwagon Bandwagon Rollie's Recrds. 1 KGAY News newspaper Newspaper miyer Music News Rollie's Records lEd R. Murrow News-Vander. 1 I Melody Magic I Dinner News Candlelight I Sports-News I K.Q H. Murrow Slo-Mo Show Sign Off News-Weath'r Vanderhoof Melody Magic Bill Brundage Candlelight Lowell Thomas! lorn McCall Melody Music (Man On Co Gabriel Heater News Melody Fights News Silver Seren'de Woody Way Melody Fiffhts I Moscow Buver World News Bob A: Ray Slo-Mo Show Tom Harmon Mel -Allen Melody Magic News On the 8S Amos 'n' Andy Mystery Time Melody Music Hi Fnrum " Woodv Way Bine Crosby FIcrhtR TBA I Day Dreams News Robt. Q. Twls News-Music World News News News Tune Table News-Music Recollections Gabriel Heater IMusic News , Woody Way 5 Star Final Sports Desk News uance Time Sports Scope Sports Frank Gosi Anderson Elmer Peterson Sam Haves On the 83 Amos 'n' Andy Mystery Time Melody Music iShow Tunes Woody Way Almanac Fitrhts ITBA Day Dreams Whfstlin' TunesWhistlin' Tun Woody Way Woody Way iWoody Way Robt. Q. Lewis 'World Tonight iNeus Music IMusie IMiiRic 1 Mans FamlyiPeoperunnyjPeople Funny Fulton Lewis woodv Wav Time Table MUSIa Recollections I Sweet St Sw. Woodv Way Up Date Dance Time X-Minus One News " Woody Wav Good Evening Sweet & Sw. Woody Way up uaie Dance Time X-Minus One IMusi- cfv Wav Good Evening iRichfield ReptL!MostlyMusic.iostlyJluslc Mostly Music oangnusiers oangnusters Musi- iMusio Woody Way Woody Way Woody Way Woodv Wav Music Tonight Music Tonight I Music Tonight Mus Tonight Dance Tune Dance Time (Dance Time Dane- Time IBass Harris BaS5 Harris IBass Harris (Bass Harris THURSDAY A.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 , KSLM KG A) KOIN f KGW KGON 9 KSLM J KOCO KG AY KOIN KGW KGON Val Farmcast Farm News News America News Rise& Shine eifinEwav Rhythm Ranch Mom. Mag. ' m KIock . News Rise tc Shine 00:30 Farmca3. Val Farmcast Morn, Mae. Morn. Man KOIN Klork IKOIN Klorlc Vanderhool Vanderhoof I World News I Rise & Shine 00:45 News KGAY News IKOIN Klock IVanderhoof I Rise & Shine W! , KSLM k KOCO I KGAY ' KOIN K fi W KGON 'liFf Engle News Herb's Show ' '"turner ti w News Rise Ae Shine k KSLM I KOCO f KG AV KOIN KGW KGON News News Herb's Show Brenkf'st Club spotlite Reed. KSLM News KGAY r.w KGON K SI.M KOCO K(j,Vl 11 I.N Herb s Show Nora Dake Mi p" i nlet Ginu NBC Bandst'nd News ,".m!!,m,l !tanCh"'ay'S ln, Tlme I Hay's In Tim. ;, uin. H KGAV .Mews IRfse".. !V;'"'i"h''" IVanderhoof'" I Rise i Shine I Rise i ShmeBill Guyman '"-iiT.'T' ""j-"' n -Hmi IRaylS'Tim. rS". !X""'?t' IVa'ndVrhoofe' Rise & Shine JNews-Rise i S i Rise & Shine ,w' "isfor'. rl" Matin. " ' 'hVli."" 'y'S Melodl" IHy'I Melodlel BreWn ,h "nl'lZ: -"-r. isnntiii. i . 1 -iuo i nreanrast umo I Spotlite Reed. INews-Spotlite Spotlite Reed. .Ra.i s Melodies I Ray s Melodies IRaVl Melodlel ..uAY iNl.k News Dinner Winner M topi'-ess True Storw NBC Bandsfnd BC SnH,1-VC!.ri !,"rrl" 'Whlsperine Sta, Bands! nd.SEC Bandsfnd stir tJ,i'.H SJ& iliv'' , , I-" on 'rike It P ' t t"ttr-- 1 nr H,"rJ . '5S!!.ni Wnr,h 'Konnie Worth ,NBCBand.tnd NBCBandstndi NBC Bandsfnd WISHING WELL HE Regiilered U. S. Patent Office. PHT A T I- Y E E H N i, . F POLS I U P 8 8 5 S S g f 2 a i a r t t pWTTTT3 R T 3 i, i I 1 1 3 5 5 J 5 Y.MC?RSTH E E O O AY vu I ' 7 5 i 3' 4 1 1HE Y A N E T I L D 2 8 ' 3 S 5 J 2 J 1 1 e & 4 1 5 y I Y E E A N E B OSAAAAAHRRRSR b,o .ubt Ae. 7 h ??Ur A"'n,m- " 'h number of letters Is or Ih. m,. h!7n, " !w ke)r numb,r' o right. Th rtd th. me,e the Utters under the checked flfurei five you. C:'