Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 31, 1956 Page 6 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Edited by MARIAN .Mr. Hatfield ..Arranges ' Reception An informal reception on the oc casion of his taking the oath of office as secretary of state has hcen set for Monday, January 7, by Mark Hatfield. The general public is invited through the prrss. . . The secretary of stale's office wi!l be the setting for the event , '. With callers invited from 2 to 5 -,- o'c'ock. Mrs. G. Herbert Smith and Mrs. Robert D. Gregg are co-chairmen for the occasion. Mr. Hatfield will take the oath of office earlier in the day. He . ha! asked Justice William McAl lister to preside at the installation . which precedes by one week the , inaugural ceremonies for the gov crnor and the opening session of the biennial legislative assembly. Presiding at the punch bowl for ..' the informal public reception will .,. be Mrs. C. D. Hatfield, mother of the secretary-elect, Mrs. M. Rob ert Gatkc, Mrs. Ivan Lovell, Miss Mary liyre, Mrs. J. L. Siegmund . and Miss Lcolyn Harnett. Host esses will be Mesdames Regina , Ewalt. J. H. Ryan. Robert II. Ebersole, M. K. Moore, Warne Num. Travis Cross, Clorinda Top pirg and K. Jerry Whipple. Serving during the afternoon ' will be Mesdames Ralph E. Pur- vine, Howard Runkel, A. Freeman Hclmcr. Palmer Sathcr. E. F. Alt hoff, John Lewis, R. Bruce Kiehl, ' Dcland Wengert, Harold Strawn nd Paul Daughtrey. Passing the guest book and generally assisting will be four students, Mary Heche, Dixie Rund, Wayne Carr and Pat Farley. Miss Nunn Feied . At Recent Shower Mrs. Mark Brooten entertained at her home Thursday evening with a miscellaneous shower for t Miss Beverly Nunn, who is being ; ' married to William 0. Paulson, ' January 12. Bidden to honor Miss Nunn were Mesdames George Nunn, Oscar I. Paulson, 0. I. Paulson. Jr., Har . old Goodrich, Hale Roberts. Lo- roy Bier, Wilmer Criles, Harry Roseler, Shirley Newberry, Grace . A. Baumgartner, and the Misses ...Doris Reynolds and Blanche v , Baumgartner. Betrothal Told Salem friends are interested in news of the engagement of Miss Yvonne Lcfebvfc of Seattle to James ,'Hugh Block 111 of Los Angeles. . The announcement was made At a family dinner on Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Clinton Davis at Oswego. Miss Lefobvre is the daughter of the late Mrs. Ruth Lofcbvre and is a niece of Mrs. William K. "mith of Salem. She attended Uni versity of Oregon where she is a member of Delta Gamma sorority and is presently employed with United Air Linos. Mr. Block is the son of Mr. and Mrs. .Inmes II. Block II of Whittier, Calif, lie is a graduate of Pomona college and received his master's degree at Claremen Men's college. An early spring wedding is planned, the couple planning to make their home in Cnnoga Park, Calif. 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Tillilt ob served their 501h wedding anniver sary. They were married in Hann hul. Mo., December 20, 190fi. and came to Oregon from Casper. yo., in 15123. The couple were rmployed at the Oregon state hospital, for more than 20 years, retiring in 10": RETTKNING tomorrow from a weekend stay in Victoria. B.C. are Mr. and Mis. Denver Young. SALEM unit. National Parlia mentarians, meets Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock in the City library. LEBANON (Sprriiil) Hamb len club will meet Friday. Janu ary 4, at 12:30 p.m . with Mrs. Milton Anderson, 481 Kal Ash street. Hostesses will be all the new officers, including Mrs. An derson as president. Streamlined Swnnk-Tlns sleek evening gown in silver-gray satin was inspired by the flight-sweeps lines of now automobiles, says its designer, Mignon. Line of bodice echoes angle of fenders. ' 1 3 f-f. Ui4r.ULV?teJ HHJil " K-tK II 1 i l'riZc? U THURSDAY ' JANUARY 3 I J B fA -Coffee And" Time with informal modeling of mJ IS , V. I ; i S tLitoH it'- Hvtim And snort dnlhp-A ' rnm as vou r" tt2 I lb OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR N Capital DrUQ StOre feD VV" y 9 30 10:30 A. M. EM t 40S S.a.e Sr. 4 4J PI ' W 617 Chemeketa St. i.-1'' Vi ' . J 1W We Give Z;H Green Stampl .? ' ii FASH ON MODEL NG !V: ' HW wmm LOIVHY FISCHER For Miss Becke Honoring .Miss Marjoric Becke, who will be leaving this month for San Francisco to live, Mrs. Donald A. Young and Mrs. F. W. Poor man are to entertain Friday night at a party at the Fairmount Hill home of Mrs. Young on Rio Vista Way. Guests have been invited for dessert at 8 o'clock. Miss Real Is Bride Dec. 26 wco. in roruana. In the cnapei ot , Robert M. Fischer, Jr., is the in Westminster Presbyterian church 1 coming King Bins. Wednesday, December 26, were Miss Carolyn Ann Real. Salem, and Richard G. Carey. Portland. Dr. Leonard Odiorne officiated at the 8 p.m. service. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Heal of Salem and Mr. Carey is the son of George Corey of Idaho and of Mrs. C. R. Albers of Portland. The bride wore a white bro caded ballerina length dress, styled with tight bodice, with short jacket with a bow in back, She also wore a while satin pill "va nun ai(-uim-i in udlKi UliU nnes. The hndn rnrripn n whitn n:i.i . ... ...... ill i Jit: wiiii h viNiiiw inrn;M"ii uu in orchid. Mr. Heal gave his daugh - tcr in marriage. Matron of honor was Mrs. Rob- ert Peters of Port and. She wore ..uph" n.iivnc umit.iiia length dress with short sleeves and a matching briaded head piece. Her bouquet was of talis man roses. Best man was Jack Ross of Los Angeles. Ushers were Kent Har binsky and Richard G. Albers, both of Portland. A reception was given in the Fireside room of the church, lowing the ceremony. The bride's table was covered with a while net over satin cloth, caught at the corners by bows and flowers. Flowers and pink candles sur rounded the cake. Pouring was Mrs. J. M. Dobbs, Salem. Cutting cake was Mrs. J. V. Mathcny, Portland. Serving the punch was Mrs. R. G. Albers. Miss Suzanne Harbinsky passed the guest bonk. and serving was Mrs. Chrisline ' Harbinsky, Oswego. For a wedding trip to San Fran- Cisco, too bntle wore a black and while tweed dress, silver jewelry, ; black accessories and black fox ; muff. The couple will be at home at 1021 SW Gaines, Portland. The bride is a student nurse at Uni versity of Oregon medical school and Mr. Carey is a student at Lewis and Clark college. Tells Troth Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Dahler are announcing Hie engagement of their daughter, Miss Janice Marie Dabler, to Harvey Edward Page, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Page. No date Is set for the wedding. i.ii.i.i iHuii-i ia 41 annul m oiilicu Heart academy and Mr. Page is a' r..i-in. - : .1 c 1 sophomore at I.infield college. ... MR. AND MILS. Theodore Woclk entertained several members of their family and friends over the Christmas holidays. Present for dinner on Christmas Day were Mrs. Ida M. Corn, Mrs. Minnie Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Ham ilton, and children Joy Ann, Myrn Jean and Randall 'Kent, all of Salem, and Mrs. Hessic t'ndegraff and Louis t'pdegraff of Oregon I City, formerly of Salem. A teat lire ot the gathering was the presence of five generations of nieces. Mrs. I pdegraff is the 'Mrs. Lee Morrison Mrs William ;omlfm)U(:h( Mr. ami 4lrs. !tv Benson ... In the same apart-1 orics. and the corsage she car niece of Mrs. Ida M. Corn. Mrs. H oniier. Mrs. K. Spnck, High ,,, , , .. ;., : ri(Vt Tho -nimh Mt to mak ih.r Theodore Woclk is a great niece, Mrs. Hamilton is a great great niece and her daughters, Joy Ann and Myra Jean are creat great eri'.'l! nii-i nf Mrs Cnrn hi IN FOSSIL for over the New . Year's holiday is M'ss Marjoric Becke. visiting at the home of staying at Beverly Hills, and he Mr. and Mrs. William H. Steiwer, j fore reluming to Salem, will spend 'r- 1 hour for women with coffee and light snacks t'j L1h1 J OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR Sn S i T V M fjl' fftf rl 1215 - 130 P. M. fd 1 -!Vri , ... . 'KHra'lK I'"' "" o O I Cherrian Party on Jan. 7 Invitations were out this week end for the annual installation cer emony and dinner dance of Salem Cherrians, the event to be Mon day, January 7, at the Senator hotel Capitol room. The social hour will be at fi:30 o'clock, the dinner at 7:30 o'clock, dancing to be until midnight. The party is semi-formal and Cherrians arc to wear their uni forms. Members of the Portland Rosari- ians and the Newberg Berrians are invited as special guests. Justice William C. Perry, new chief justice of the state supreme court, is to be installing officer, I)r n A Olson the erand marshal. Ted Jenny, retiring King Bing. and Mrs. Jenny, and other council members and their wives are in charge of the evening's arrange ments, the group including Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bushnell, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wadsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rishop, Wayne Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Field. i . I V QnTnQ UQy I WedO I HQ oGt Valentine's day wedding JoAnn Kizziah 1 1,1 . ' ' and Or husmc Cerl Eugene Bnrlruff, the , : cm"',c """" "K P1, :,. u. i ' . c"nm , Kt,)ruary , jn ,e t-nslowo;d Evangelical iini,j irihren church, he Rev. Lloyd G. Uecker officiating. The engagement of the couple was an nounced last June. Miss Kizziah is employed in the L,atc highway department and Mr. Bartruff is employed at Meier & Krank's-Salcm. o C.nu0- n, f0-iDfOa JiOWef JOT I kAlcc Recently A bridal shower will be given for Miss Dclayne Cassat, bride elect of Keith Donaldson, next Saturday, when Miss Joyce Brown and Miss Margie Harkins enter tain at the home of Miss Harkins. Guests will include Misses Jan Roberts, Sandie Hill, Debbie Lamb. Judy Seeley. Shirlee Wil- cox, Shirley Talier, lionni Carlisle, N'ancv Weeks. Dia-e Miller, Mar- lys Clark. .Iodic Hume. La.nona t - oii.ns, uamona nuiuvan. .loycc Stettler, Rosemary Stephenson, Sharon Bourne. Roberta F.yrc, Pam Clayton, Sharon Kuykendall, Pat llughlett, Mrs. Milton Boring, Mrs. (icrmaine Brown, Mrs. Lou- anna undcrhill. Is Bride-Elect Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hulscr arc announcing the engagement of their daughter. Miss Jancttc Hul scr, to John Hutmacher, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hutmacher of Salem. Mr. Hulmachcr is em ployed with Bausch & Lomb Opti cal company, as an optician. p T It Engagement Tola Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Patricia Schroyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Schroyer, to Harold L. Itandall. grandson of Mr. and Mrs. II.. D. Burns. No date has been announced for the wedding. MItS. KDWIX JACKSON enter tained her card club on Friday af- tcrnoon. A dessert was served Kinesis included Mrs. Margaret Willis, -Mrs. .Mary iiartiner. Mrs. , Connie McLain. Mrs. K. Knsson. score went to Mrs. McLain MR. AND MRS. Frank A. Hru-' and daughter. Miss Diana iimneu icii ny piane mis ween- end (or Pasadena, where they will attend the Kom Bowl game on New Year's day. They will he , a few days at Laguna beach. .Some Notations . . By M. L. F. To a large group a memorable event of the holiday period was the impressive consecration service for St. Paul's Episcopal church Sunday afternoon, a reception in the parish hall following . ,-. A laree croup attended the service. : colorful with the full choir proces- j sional and the clergy processional, i several visiting clergymen being here from Portland and other val ley cities . . . The Rt. Rev. Ben jamin I), Dagwell, bishop of Ore gon, officiated at the consecration service ... Chairman for the reception fol lowing was Mrs. A. D. Woodman see . . . In the receiving line were Bishop Dagwell, the Rev, George H. Sivift, rector of St. Paul's, and Mrs. Swift; the Kl. Rev. Jamci F. W. Carman, coadjutor bishop of the diocese, and Mrs. Carman, and the visiting clergymen . . Mrs. Wal lace Carson introduced to the line Three festive coffee tables were arranged down the center of the hall, beautifully appointed with white damask, silver service and red blooms for centerpieces . , . The punch table was at one end near the Christmas tree standing in the hall . . , Greens and other holiday features decked the hall . . . In some case, entire families attended the service and recep- j Hon . . . Among those greeted from our end of the table Mrs. William Burghardt, Mr. and Mrs. James V. Slnne and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cltnrles II. Ilettzcl and family and Mrs. Heltzcl s mother, IMrs' H- Gabriel, visitor from Portland: Mr. and .Mrs. Paul A. Lardon, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Arm strong, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Berg. lund, Mrs. William Dolf, Mrs. UUll, KITS. I mmy . LThrdn":lBride-elect Glenn Wilbur, Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Harvey Latham, Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bonis, Mr. and Mrs. lamn. tl U'till. anil fnmilu 1. and Mrs. James Walton, Mr', and ! Mrs. Homer L. Goulet, Mr. and ' Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson, Mr. and Mrs. 'Karl T. Ncwbry, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Friekson, Dr. and Mrs. George K. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sherman, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Kromer, Mrs. Fred Ber nard). Dr. and Mrs. W. Wells Itaum, their son, Capt, Frederic Raum and their daughter, Miss Marion Bnum, both home for the holidays; Mrs. Bingham Powell, Mrs. Austin II. Wilson, Sr., Dr. and Mrs. Tom H. Dunham, James D. Olson and daughter. .Mrs. Frarees Cnle ami her son. BUI; Col. and Mrs. Philip y. Allison, .Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grmmetl . . . An enjoyable and visity open house' of the holiday weekend was the informal affair lor which Mr. and Mrs, linger Hoy entertained Saturday night at their home, as sisted hy their daughter. Miss Sally June Hoy, home from the Univer sity of Oregon for the holidays, their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John II. Hoy, and their younger son, Thomas Hoy . . . The punch bowl and buffet were in the large party room in the basement, gay with holiday decor including the Christmas tree in one corner of the fireplace, the mantel ar ranged with Yuletide pieces . . . Crectcd during our call Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. II. Dodd, Mr. and Airs. Arthur Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Asrhenhrrnner, Mr. and Mrs. Willard W llson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 0. Starrett, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Ks till I.. Hrunk, Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge A. lirotvn, Dr. and Mrs. John M. Ramage, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie K. ; Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Van 1 W vnenrili'n. Mr. nnd Mrs. Milan I Boniface, Mr. and Mrs. Robert j ilr ,, , I srlinrider. Mr. and Mrs. Rrva New Year's greetings and a chat-i ' nole Ctmic rom -Mr- nnd Mrs.1 liii ! .a; n IV ? 'A 4 - .. . ' Tells Troth Miss Elaine Widmer, above, recently anounced her engagement to Jim Higgins. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Widmer and Mr. Higgins is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Higgins of Parkdale. t Jestcn-Miller studio picture) : Miss Frye Mr. and Mrs. Levcarn Frye, Stayton, arc announcing the cn- (Moment of their daughter Miss Nancy Joann Frye, to Roger Niel- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Yj,un nUn nf Wivinn No date has been set for the wedding. .Miss Frye graduated from Stay ton Union High school in 1955 and is employed as a stenographer by the State Industrial Accident Com mission in Salem. Her fiance grad uated from Stayton Union High school in 1954 and is now employed hy the Boeing Airplane company in Seattle. SHFRIDAN (Special) Mrs. Wesley .Moore w as hostess last i week to the FL club members, for their December meeting. Plans for seating the convention officers at the Kebekah district1 convention, to be in Sheridan February 3, were made. Mrs. Cliff Bride will be drill captain. Cords were played after the meet ing, with Mrs. Curt Levy holding high score for pinochle, and Mrs. Perry Newton, consolation. Mrs. Harold Meyers will be the Janu ary hostess, SIIKKIDAN (Special! The Deer Creek club met at the home of Mrs. Niilo Koivu on Thursday. Mrs. Bert Wepster, Mrs. Katie Johns and Mrs. Alice Rogers were hostesses. Homer G. Lyon, Jr., Salem folk now living in Washington, D.C. . . . They report their first Christmas in the national capital very interest ing and enjoyable, having seen many transplanted Oregonians dur ing the period . . . The Lyons were among those at a staff dinner giv- en by Secretary of Agriculture and .Mrs. Ezra Taft Benson recently Mr l.vnn i fin auciclinl In E. L. Peterson, former Oregon I ,.,, ,);.... r ni,.iiM Uw n .ml sTilarv In Mr. i (irnevlfvp rnnnrr of Orrpon. and ! for manv vcars in secretarial work 1 in the capital . mm,: uiuf if iivttvti MMiM- tmmunitM Is a state or condi tion of the bodq which exempts it from con- or which enables it to resist infection cffectivelq. It is sometimes called resistance.- The opposite condition is called "susceptibiliU(." Your phMSiciarv knows it is easier to prevent diseases than to cure them. See uour physician before an illness strikes. We carru. all the -ed Immunizing agents which uour physician might order. Tozer-Newcomb Rites Recently at Dayton DAYTON (Special) - Miss Wanda Faye Newcomb and Albert Ray Tozcr exchanged nuptial vows at the First Christian church in Dayton on Friday, December 21, at 8 p.m. with the Rev. Ray Hcckcndorn officiating. . The church was decorated with white chrysanthemums and ivv in ! a Christmas setting. Wesley Kosta I lighted the candles. Mrs. Harry j Sherman played the 'Conner-Jackson music The bride is the daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Newcomb, Dayton, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Rebecca Panno, Salem. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attractive in waltz length dress "of white velvet with full skirt and lace bodice. The veil of illusion fell from a velvet cap trimmed in sequins. The bride carried a white Bible and an arrangement of red an thuriums and white streamers. The maid of honor was Miss Virginia McKinney, who wore a deep red velvet dress, waltz length, with a red and white floral headdress. Miss Norma Blanchard, Monmouth and Miss Shirlee Wil cox, wore dresses like the maid of honor's except the headbands were of white sequins. The attendants all carried a white star centered with a red anthurium leaf. Best man was Marc Nelson of Monmouth. The ushers were Wes ley Kosta, and the bride's brother, Richard Newcomb. A small home reception was given for relatives and the bridal party. Mrs. Bryon Ogles, aunt of the bride, cut the wedding cake, which was topped with a bride and groom ornament. Mrs. Lorene Van Houten, aunt of the bride, poured. Assisting with the gifts were the bride's sisters, Mrs. Lois Knapp and Mrs. Wilbur Bauer. Gary Newcomb, brother of the bride, passed the guest book. ror traveling, the bride chose a nrjln hlnn fnilln chnnth riro ith mat chine jacket and black access- home in Seattle. Wash., where he is employed as a draftsman for I Boeing Aircraft Co. liisil mir.u? tracting con tagious diseases AH Miss Luthy, Mr. Beckley Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Richard Luthy of Oregon City are announcing the engagement, of their daughter. Miss Judy Luthy, to Fred Beckley, son of Mrs. Nina Beckley of Sa lem. - Miss Luthy is a 1954 graduate of Redmond Union High school, and is a secretary at the Clack amas County agent's office. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Beckley of Sunnyside, and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Luthy of Salem. Mr. Becklev. who attended Sil- verton schools is now employed at Coos Bay. The wedding is planned for Feb. first. . . Duo Wed On Sunday SILVERTON (Special) Before an altar decorated in holiday sil vered greenery and blossoms at the Faith Lutheran church in Keiser addition to Salem, Miss Rarbara Jean Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Foster of Salem, was wed to James Richard Butts, son of Mrs. Flora Butts of 218 Olson Road, Silvcrton. The couple said their marriage vows in a quiet ceremony Sunday, De cember 29, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon with the Rev. Warren Peckham reading the lines of the double rinE ceremony. Guests in cluded immediate members of the two families. The father of the bride presented his daughter in marriage. She wore a soft blue wool suit, a matching small hat, white accessories and an orchid corsage. The attendants were Miss Adi Hopkins as maid of honor and, as best man, E. S. (Johnny) John son. Mrs. Flora Butts, mother of the bridegroom, played the wedding music and accompanied Miss Mar gie Graham, soloist. Following a brief travel trip the ?TXP.!e make "" hme AURORA (Special) Miss Lu- cille Jackson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William N. Jackson of Bar low, was wed to Joseph R. Con ner, US Navy, Snyder, Okla., Saturday afternoon, December 29, in the parsonage of the First Christian church at Canby. The Rev. John J. Stone officiated at the service before members of im mediate relatives of the couple. Mrs. Dean Weber (Helen Jack son) was her sister's only atten dant. A reception was given following the service. . DAYTON (Special) The Krow cldcen Bridge club met for dessert at the home of Mrs. Harry Sher man on Thursday evening. The traditional Christmas steam pud ding was the highlight of the luncheon. Bridge was played and prizes. in keeping with Christmas, were won by Mrs. Clare Heider, Mrs. E. W. Budke and Mrs. Clete Gcll. Mrs. Jim Penland was a guest. Officers were chosen for the coming year including Mrs. Her man Louis, president, Mrs. Harry Gray, secretary-treasurer. WATCH! WAIT FOR PENNEY'S WHITE GOODS SPECTACULAR! in in mi nimi i"imim i Wed 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Corning, above, observed their golden wedding aniversary, Sunday. A reception was given for them at Four Corners Baptist church. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Miss Schindler Wed Recently Miss Delia May Schindler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schindler, was married Christmas Eve to 'Albert Lee Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Howard of Dallas. The 8 o'clock service was at the home of the bride's grandparents, .Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gitchell, in Dallas, only members of the families and a few friends attend ing. The Rev. Mr. Morse of the Assembly of God church read the service. For her wedding the bride wore a. light cream suit with black ac cessories and corsage of orchids. Miss Joyce Schindler was honor attendant for her sister and Glen Howard, a brother of the' bride groom, was best man. A reception followed the service. The couple will live in Dallas. ... SILVERTON (Special) Rela tives of Mrs. C. J. Towe were complimented in a Holiday supper at the Towe home Friday evening. Present from Salem were Mr. and Mrs. George Towe from Mu lino, Mr. and Mrs. Jalmar Elli son, Miss Shela Ellison and Miss Sharon Ellison: and from Silver ton, the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Towe, Orville Towe, Mrs. Minnie Overlund. Mr. and' Mrs.' Syvcrt Funrue, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fun rue and Donald and Robert; and from Philadelphia, Penn., Mr. and Mrs. Norman Funrue and small daughter, Norma Jean, visitors especially complimented. The Norman Funrue family left for their home by plane, Saturday morning. Portable TV 10-Inch Start Low As $89.95 QViTiLO Open Every Night 'Til 9 P.M. Capitol Shopping Center Phone 2-8708 Parents Announce Daughter's Betrothal SUBLIMITY (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Hartmann are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Kathleen Marie Hartmann, to William Weddle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wendel E. Weddle of Stayton. Miss Hartmann is a graduate of St. Boniface High school, and has completed her training at Cali fornia Airline college, Los Ange les, as an ajrline hostess. She is now employed at Edward J. Bell's office at Stayton. Mr. Weddle is a graduate of Stayton High school and attended University of Ore gon. Today's Menu EASY SUPPER Cold Meat Platter Mashed Potatoes Au Gratin Asparagus Salad Bread Tray Fruit Cake Beverage ASPARAGUS SALAD Ingredients: 1 can (14'i ounces) asparagus talks, 1 small onion, 2 tablespoons wine vinegar, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 teaspoons sugar, salt, pepper. Method: Drain asparagus stalks well. Slice onion very thin' and s,Para,.f '"to ""8s- M vinegar, olive oil. sugar and salt and pep per to taste; pour over drained asparagus in shallow container. Cover tightly and refrigerate. Turn asparagus in marinade a few times. Store for at least a few hours before serving. Makes 4 servings. NORGE S 1956 Floor Model AUTOMATIC ' DRYERS $OQ50 FROM 7 WHILE THEY LAST Easy Budget Terms LflUL 2350 State St. Phone EM 2-4105 JANUARY SAVE MORE! Q0 o 0