Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December 29, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL It's Tapering -Off Time for Oregon State and Iowa Page 2 Section 2 Protliro Attacks Beavers Attitude Evashevski Sees Toss-Up Game Tuesday PASADENA, Calif, w Iowa and Oregon State were through with any physical contact work Satur day and the tapering off process sel in for their New Year's Day game in the Rose Bowl. ; Oregon State Coach Tommy ' Prolhro seemed genuinely un happy over the mental attitude of his squad. "I have never seen a team that ; seems to have its mind so little on a football game, he said. The Beaver coach noted that 12 or 13 of his players came from ' Southern California and it was natural tht they would be dis tracted by visits from relatives 1 and girl friends. No Overconfidcnce There was no such gloom from the Iowa camp but certainly there , was no show of overconlidence. "I still think this is a toss-up Three Post Contests Slirinc All-Stars Baltic in SF Ga IMC By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The big postseason college foot ball weekend got under way to- day with three major attractions. . At Jacksonville, Fla., Georgia Tech and Pitt met in the Gator ' Bowl. The Blue-Gray game was slated lor Montgomery, Ala., and the East-West Shrine game was on tap in San Francisco. On Monday, seven more bowl games will be played the Hose, Sugar, Cotton, Orange (the big ' four), Sun, Tangerine and Prairie i View. Tech was a 1k point favorite Fresno Nips Portland U. PORTLAND, Ore. Ifl Fresno State parlayed numerous trips to ' the free throw line into a 77-7.1 basketball win over Portland Uni ' versity here Friday night. It was the Pilots' fir.'t loss of , the season. Both teams hit 27 field goals, but the Californians added 23 Irce throws while the best Portland . could do was 11. ; Fresno State center Gary Al- corn hit for 29 points, with lfi of ; Ihcm coming in the first half i which ended with the visit' a in Irani. 45 .16. Rolland Todd added 26 points ; for the winners and Wally Panel topped Portland's scoring with 20. The teams ireet again Saturday night. Molalla Defeats David Douglas VOI.AI.I.A (Snerinl) After leading by only two points at ; halftime. the Molalla Indians trounced David Douglas 50-31 in ! ' a non-league basketball game here i Friday night. The halftime score j was 22-20 1 David Brock with 17 and Gerald , . Tarker with 12 led the winners. The Molalla JV's turned back - the David Douglas juniors 45-41 in the preliminary. Molalla (SO) Myrick 8 Heed tOl Parker U2) Osburn 7) (31) l)a-ld none la i F 161 Slrulml F toi Stewart C (I llrntlciMin CI t T i I'nrkpr 12 1 Olson Reserves icorhiB. Mnlall TUown 2 .Marsnn 2. DihikUs. Miller 2. Cramer 3, Smith 3, Lit; tit 4. Clark 2. , saiCIll lailK I ram iFOls'Kcn Richter with 13 and Rickic : Vic-lory Over Towing 1 ';a?b ',lf- 12 pacC(lh,hhe ",,skl,phs- ..,..;. , ,, ... 1 Hoh Martin was hiRh (or the AUMSV1LLK 'Special' - The 1()crs Wlth cicht l irct ltlnnil R-niLr In-im nf lk . Salem City Icncue downed the Aumsvillc Tmvnies S2-48 here Kn- day niRlil. The winners, led hy i.arry cuvk s zu points, neui a zu 19 halftime lead, M National J: rturf 5) F.mprev it) Zi tek (TOl r Htishv (21)1 Aiimvin r iii nikf F (101 R Kilimrrr C ill) Itnrll c: ;, ti sn,-,., (i ifi. f'-MUli- k Nh hil 1 in) Hrn-rvr' acur Sprrr A, FhiR 1 uinsvillr. O ; Ft'i.i.MF.u i;m:ik;ftic NKW VOUK U'l1'- Chairman - Julius lU'lland of the N Y, state weight champion Hay Hohinson Athletic Commission says t hai- ("lonks in great .shape" for his Jaji. lender CJene Fullmer "seems 1 2 dt-lense against C.ene Fullmer, bursting with energy" for his mid- Craiano predicted a Hohinson vir dlcweight title fight with Sugar Itoiy hut Jones said he wanted to v Kay Hohinson. .Ian. 2. llellandjsee Fullmer work out before inak- watched Fullmer work out Friday. ing his forecast. FANFARE ?ET fClnE fcC-8i.wA65 J. vZ'Cr XN V J tC' hall game." said the Iowa coach Forest Kvashevski when asked if he was more "optimistic" than a week aqo. "If 1 answer that it would sound like I was saying we will heat Oregon State. I can't say that. I still think it's a toss-up game." Some Small Players Kvashevski added he couldn't I 'buy comments by the Oregon State coach, Tommy Prothro, that his Beavers were much smaller : than the llawkeyes. I Kvashevski pointed out that both teams have some small play lers who drag down the overall team average. Itefercncc was I made to Oregon State's center, jDick Corrick, who weighs only I 161 pounds, and Iowa's right guard. Bob Commings, a 173- pounder. j The Iowa coach said he was still undecided whether Mike Hag I lor would start at right half in stead of Bill Hoppel and John No cera at fullback in place of Fred Harris. Hagler and Nocera have I impressed the coaches on pass I aeiensc. - season Set Today over Pitt In the Gator Bowl. The game will be telecast and broad cast by CBS starting at 2 p.m. KST. The Kast was rated a 6-point over tne west in tne bnrine game. The West has won 14 games in the series and the Kast 13. Four ended in tics. The game will be broadcast and telecast by NBC starting at 4:45 p.m. EST. The South was a 6-point choice in the Blue-Gray game. The game will be broadcast and telecast by NBC starting at 1:45 p.m. EST. Here is the New Year's Day lineup: ROSE BOWL at Pasadena, Calif. Oregon State (7-2-1) vs. Iowa fl-l-0. SUGAR BOWL at New Orleans Tennessee (10-001 vs. Baylor (H-2-01. COTTON BOWL at Dallas Syracuse (7-1-0) vs. Texas Chris tian 17-3-01. ORANGE HOWL at Miami Colorado (7-2-1) vs. Clemson (7-1-2). SUN BOWL at El Paso. Tex. George Washington (7-1-1) vs. Texas Western i!)-l-0). TANGERINE BOWL at Orlan do, Fla. West Texas (7-2) vs. Mississippi Southern (7-1-11. PHAIRIE VIEW HOWL at Houston Texas Southern (8-1) vs Prairie View A and M (4-5), 2 Hunters Cilod For Trespass Two Salem duck hunters were charged with trespassing Friday after they were found hunting on posted land, the Marion county sheriffs office reported. William Albert Werner. 1058 Howard St.. and William Roher Roger Durig. 410 South 14th St., were arrested on the complaint of Robert K. Hoyser. HI. 3. Box 487. They posted $5 bail each at the county jail and were released. Arresting deputy Richard Boeh- nncer said the two men were hunlinu on llnyscr's property olf South River road beyond Hall s H"'ser told Hoehnnger that lnp liln1 n;1(1 b'' Pos,wl a,1,'r- h said, he had to pay ahout $1,000 lasl M'ring to repair damage done 10 fences by hunters. Canhv Falls to Norlli Marion CANHY i Special North Marion romped to nn easy 45-2B win over (,'anhy here Friday night in a non-league basket halt game. The winners were ahead 19-11 VaV , h,,,v - nnj l" in e irormi- Onhy Ingrain 2. (Irttzumo Pit hs Ray Ovrr C.vito Fnllmvr CKKFAWOOD L A K K. X V 'Ti'1- Kx-mi(ldlrweislil champion Itocky draiano and Halph ' Tiijeri Jours iced tmiay that middle- yy&usi-j -''' VrI "'4, Umbr- i"ir ... " f X: OSC Guard Ken Nanson here went driving through the middle and over the head of towering Art Day (6), San Francisco center, to rack up two points In the second game of the Far West Classic tourney at Corvallis Friday night. The Reavers played their best Backboard Backboard power with an extra kick was dis played by Washinston's Huskies in the first game of the Far West Classic Friday. Ron Smart 145), Hoi alter a rebound to help the Huskies run roughshod over Southern California. Sophomore Smart and Center Bruno Boin (30), who scored 27 0CE to Return At Linfield Wolves asv Ncrnnicl; Rogers Leads itli 1..8 A crape ORKCON COIJ.K(iK OF F.D CCATION, Monmouth Oregon College returns to the collegiate hoop wars Wednesday. Jan 2, plaing Linfield at McMinnwlle in n nun-conference tilt The Wildcats delcatcd the Wolves earlier in the season. 72-i7. l.indflii will also Itiinish OCK's first l'.i7 court action at home when they meet the Wolws at Mon mouth Jan. 5. JV tilts at 6: 15 will precede both varsity encounters. The Wolves will get gunning for their initial victory of the sea mhi at the expense of the Wildcats. OCK has lost twice to Pacihc, j By WAIT OITZcN Beavers Split USF Defense to Win in Kick Power Helps Huskies points, controlled the boards over the smaller Trojans and Washington won. 80-61. Fighting with (he Huskies are SC's Ken Pearson (2fit, Jim Kauf man (IK) and Jim Pugh (behind Smart), while Danny Rogers comes In from backeourt. ( Capital Journal Photo) to Action on Wednesday twice to Seattle Pacific and once to. Linfield in dropping five straight games. Dr. Bob Livingston, who missed many of OCK's practice sessions and early-season games because of the death of his daughter, will be back at the helm of the Wolves for their tussle with the Wildcats. Livingston held practice sessions for the Wolves on Thursday and Friday of this week and then sent his cagers home for the New . ear's weekend. On Honeymoon One m.tntin.e f no u.u'irl miinl Cecil Miller, will use his extended Iwliday for n honeynuHin. Miller exchant'd vows with Miss .leanine Sei)ili2t of Coos Hay yesterday. The marriage of Miller brines to cinht the number of married play ers on OCK's 14-man squad. Freshman John Vermuel. a promisins 6-4 pivot man from Sea side, will be lost to the team for the remainder of the season be cause of a knee operation. Yer niuel was the tailed member of the imnH inrf hart Kfn rmmtrH ntvin for increased action when the Wolves launched Oregon Collegiate Conference play. Woles Wednesday night will have Barry Adarm and Poue lingers at forwards. Wayne Young at center , ?nd I)arl Girnd and Cecil Miller 1 at guards J Huijers is the teams leading scorer 79 points for a IS points T ball of the season to trounce the favored Dons, 62-40. Other players here are OSC's Don Pino (16) and lSF's Mike Preaseau (left) and Bill Mallen (3). (Capital Journal Photos by Jerry Claussen) scoki:s In I he Alleys CAPITOL BOWI.INti ALLEYS Capitol Minor? ttr Lramif Team results: Ardcn Farms (I) Lemmon. 456; Commercial Credit (31 Lmnell, 430. Hardv Tax Service (41 Frat7ke, 3S(i: W. C. Dyer A.- Sons (01 J. Davis. A20. Cluett A- Kenvnn. Realtors Ml llertel. 400; Homer Smith Insurance 1O1 Z.tnunw, 368. Matter Service Station No. Three i31 Staab. MB: Ed's Market ill Clacsrtt. 431. IIiEh individual name: Doris Unrein of Arden Farms, 18!. Hifh individual series: Evelyn Lem mon nf Arden Farms. 4.6. HiRh team fame: Arden Farms, 7S2. HiBh team series: Commercial Credit. 2117. FRIDAY'S FU1HTS Bv TIIK ASSOCIATKD 1'RKSS MIAMI. Fla. Hahv Yasnuez. 1. Mexico City, stopped Faolo UOSI, 1J4'1, uaij, . RACING MIAMI Getthere Jack i$fl.20) nosed out the fast closing lntelli iivnl to capture the feature at Tropical Park. RASKBALl. CLKVKLAND Bob Feller, who pitched for the Cleveland In dians for 20 years, retired to de vote more time to his insurance r W. s second in scoring with 7 Ptnts- OCF Cumulative Scoring Through me-Pos. I'tl VT PF TP AVE ?fi 27-41 IB 19 15 B m is-iB s 47 9; U 15-20 7 4t B2 Hirers. 1 Miller, g . f - 'v.1 Classic Whitworth's Giant Is Pro SPOKANE 11 Coach Wayne Hintz of Whitworth College said Friday his star center, Phil Jor don, has signed a two-year con tract' with the professional New York Knickerbockers of the Na tional Basketball Assn. Jordon will set $7,500 a year and a $1,500 bonus for signing. Hintz said. Jordon worked out with the Knicks in New York Fri day morning and Hinlz said Coach Vince Boryla told him he thought the 6-foot-10 Jordon had a "bril liant future" in the NBA. Jordon would have been eligible to play for Whitworth in the Ever green Conference after Feb. 1. Whitworth has 10 games after that date, six of them conference games. "It's a blow to our chances, but I believe it is the best thing for Phil," Hintz said. 'He is. married and has a small son and has had financial problems as a student." Jordon played with the national AAU champion Buchan Bakers of Seattle last season. Johnson Gets 25 In Valsetz Win PKRRYDALE Special -Ernie Johnson hooped 26 points to again lead the Valsetz Cougars to a 64-41 win over Perrydalc here Friday night. The winners led 34-21 at half time. Perydalc took the JV game 64-36. Yahetz (4) (41) Pfrrvrialr Alstotl (4t F CD Phillins Fcrnn 17 F (SI Hiehenthal Jonnson 2fi) C (6) R Dodee 1 131 C, ifi) Gi Davidson (4) G (Si D Reserves scoring: Prrrvdalf Frank 3. Smilh 2. Stapleton 2. Chapin 2. Of ficials: Wickrrt ar.d Rawlins. Jorjiciison to 5c Mountic Coach VANCOUVER. B.C. tft Ap pointment of John Spidcr Jor gen5on as player-coach of the Vancouver M o ti n t i e s baseball team was announced here Friday by club officials. Jorgenson succeeds Eddie Tay lor, who recently was hired hy the Philadelphia Phils as their Northwest scout. The new coach is a veteran Pa cific Coast League player. SWISS TO BOYCOTT ZURICH, Switzerland UV The Swiss Ice Hockey Federation will boycott the 1957 world champion ships in Moscow in a formal pro test of the Soviet intervention in Hungary. Tide Table TIHES KOR TAFT. OKKCiON (Compllnl hy US Coast A Oendrtlr Survey, Portland. Orrsnn I Hisrt Waters Lou w a ten Dec. 2 9 58 am. 73 3 48 a.m. 2 9 5:25 p.m. -0.7 4 41 a.m. 3 0 6:05 p.m. -0 8 5:29 a m. 3.1 6:42 p.m. -0 8 12 08 a m. 10 42 ajn. 12:49 a m. 11 :23 a.m. JOE PALOOK.A IWSU, KN093V -YOU'LL SMT 85 WELL ENCOiH TO LEAVE... I SOT V0U1L HAVE TO y OSC, Washington Gain Finals Of Far West Tourney Tonight USF, USC Lose By Margins of 22 and 19 CORVALLIS. Ore. W .Wash ington and Oregon State, a couple of teams which have taken their share of knocks this season, meet Saturday night for the champion ship ol the t ar wcsi BasneiDaii Classic. The Huskies, hitting with awe some regularity the first half, out classed Southern Calilornia, BO-61, in the opening round Friday night, and OSC tripped favored San Francisco University, 62-40. Washington potted 22 of 34 field goal attempts in the first half for a shooting average of 65 per cent. The issue really was settled in one seven minute stretch when the Huskies ran up 22 points while blanking the Troians to take a 41- 12 lead four minutes belore halt- time. Hook-shooting Bruno Boin con nected with five of his first six field tries and ended up with 27 points, high for the evening. Doug Smart, the UW's sophomore whiz, Aussie Netter Signs Contract Kramer Signs Ken Kosewall lo Pro Pact By LEO H. PETERSEN United Press Sports Editor SYDNEY. Australia (UP) Jack Kramer announced today he signed Ken Rosewall, Australian Davis Cup tennis star, to a pro fessional contract calling for $55, 000 a year for 1957. In addition the 22-year-old play er who teamed 'With Lew Hoad to turn back America's bid, 5-0, in the recent Davis Cup challenge round, will receWe 20 per cent of gate receipts over $350,000. Should he be able to beat Pancho Gon zales during the professional ten nis tours promoted by Kramer, Rosewall will receive a contract guaranteeing him $25,000 in 1958. But if the stoncy-faced Aussie is unable to handle Gongales, king of the professionals, the 1958 contract is voided. Kramer was also reported in terested in signing Hoad, the oth er star Australian. Sublimity Tops Visiting Shedd SUBLIMITY (Special) John Irish scored 24 points here Friday night, but his Shedd teammates fell to Sublimity 53-39 in a non league game. The Saints led 27-21 at halftime. Tom Cbristianson with 14 led Sublimity. The Saints also took the JV game, 41-23. Shedd (39) Groshons (3) T Cooper (01 F J Irish (241 C M. Irish (6) G Kirk 1 4 G (53) Sublimity (5) Bradlev 171 Meiers (14) Christianson il.ll Heuberger (III Silhernaerl Hcsprves jsconng Sublimity Wolf 3. OKicials: Anderson and Bates. sSH'FraZev Looks 19o6 lear of Memories By OSCAR FRALEY United Press Sports Writer NKW YORK (UP -One last look back today, before looking ahead, with some personal memo ries of the 1956 sports year. Almost a year ago, it's been, since you sat in the echoing raft ers of Madison Square Garden and watched Parry O'Brien become the first man to heave the shot 61 feet. It was the first of many rec ords One of the first came in the courts, with Wes Santee appealing his suspension. Then the Garden again and Louisville stopping Day ton ii the NIT basketball final. The old thrill at the opening of the baseball season, and a windy day in a Manhattan hotel when Rocky Marciano met you in the lobby and popped the details of his retirement. Ben llogan Wilts The heat at Rochester, under which e"en Bon Hogan wilted and blew a two-foot putt and what would have been a -eeord filth U.S. Open, while Cary Middlecoff chewed his nails and hung on .or the victory. Playing the rolling acres at Canton. Mass., with Tom my Bolt and then watching him blow, but good, as Jackie Burke won the PGA. Floyd Patterson sitting in a tiny dressing room at his camp and de- THANISS. DOC.' I 15 tT ALL BiuHT CE MY UF6 T'VOtf AH' TH1 WONOERPUL TSCATMEUT I 60T CWVALESCE AT A BCCTOf T WV wir wiTh Th Ri HE AT TH- VETS' UK, V0U IUsOW.' wound up with 18. hitting 8 of 11 shots. Chuck Reilly, reserve guard, topped Southern Cal's scor ers with 11. OSC Defense Tight Oregon State set up a tight de fense which caught the San Fran ciscans flat-footed. The Beavers jumped off to an 8-0 lead and it was six minutes before the Dons could score. The Californians made It 17-9 OSC midway in the first half but the Beavers struck for eight quick Chicago Favored To Defeat Giants NEW YORK Wi The Chicago Bears ruled three point favorites to beat the New York Giants and win the National Football League championship tomorrow! But Giant Coach Jim Lee Howell pro nounced his team fit and ready although he conceded the Bears "Can kill you either way." By "either way" Howell meant passing or running. In their work outs, however, the New York de fenses have been concentrating on Chicago's powerful ground game. No, 1 m not lorgetting about Harlon Hill (The Beais' pars- catching wizard), and Ed Brown (the leagues top passer) But all season long thfl Bears have been predominently a running team," explained Howell. The big, bad Bears, winners of the Western Division title, ar rived here yesterday and will work out at Yankee Stadium, the Giants' home grounds, this after noon. Only a few box and reserved seats are left for the big game plus the almost 12.000 bleacher seats which go on sale tomorrow morning. The teams met once during trie regular season and a two-touch- City Leaguers 1 o Open Year Action begins Jan. 2 for Salems City League basketball teams with three games scheduled t for the opening night. All the games are set for the Leslie junior high floor. The opening week's schedule: Wed., Jan. 2 7:00, Orcutt's Market vs. Wolgamotts; 8:15, M & M Plywood vs. Surroz Motors: 9:30, Meier and Frank vs. First National Bank. Thurs., Jan. 3 7:00, Wolga motts vs. M & M Plywood; 8:15. Surroz Motors vs. Meier andi Frank; ,9:30, First National Bank, vs. Orcutt's Market. ! Olympic Boxer Gets Seattle Sports Award SEATTLE ft Pete Radc- maeher, Olympic Gaines heavy weight boxing champion from Grandvicw, Friday night was named Seattle's "Man of the Year" in sports. The 28-year-old balding Army officer won the national Golden Gloves heavyweight championship! 1953 after having won the Northwest title in 1M9-5 1-52-53. Back at Big daring "111 knock out Archie Moore." Phil Rizzuto's damp-eyed realization that he was through after 15 years as a Yankee and more tears, happy ones this time, as Shirley Fry took the U.S. tennis crown. The World Series, high - lighted by Don Larsen's breath - taking perfect no-hitter and the memo ries of the heroics of old Sal Mag lie and the heart-break of Don Newcombe. In Fall Colors The Storm King Mountains hand painted in fall colors by Mother Nature as for another year you sat in on the Army football team. Then off to the Olympics. The excitement of the games at Melbourne. Bull sessions with Bob Richards, Paul Anderson and countless other athletes. The fren zy of the various international dis cords. Listening to the radio from home as Patterson kept his sum mertime pledge to flatten ancient Archie. Cold days ad hot ones and then , the closing ceremonies. Reunion in j san rrancisco with O Bnen and many more of the Melbourne crew. Lunch with the football writ ers at Fisherman's Wharf and home again on a flying carpet into Idlewild. Here's hoping the next one's as good. CROSS FCS NOISY TO sf I GOOO NEKS. kosbv-vm.m f-- N ., C00! HOUSE, HOME WITH ME...AMNWIUI. 6 YOUR ) Tl ANN. WAS ) NUBSe UNTIL YOU BEf.BeiAVc . V,1 fl S3M rWy c points and ran their halftime bulge to 29-12. Forward Bob Allord hit 10 for 10 from the free throw line and ended up with 18 points, high for he winner and the game. Team mate Dave Gambee had 12. Art Day and Mike Preaseau each tal lied 10 for the Dons. OSC shot 46 per cent from the field; San Francisco 24 per cent. Southern California was to meet San Francisco in a Saturday night preliminary consolation game. down fourth quarter rally enabled the Bears to emerge with a 17-17 lie. Both teams are reported in top physical condition. The action will be televised with New York City and surrounding areas up to 75 miles blacked out. Basketball Scores OREGON PREP RESULTS Salem Academy 4.1. Taft 38. Dallas 61. Corvallis 45. Beaverton 70. Albanv 61. Sweet Home 43, Lebanon 41 (Over time) Cascade 58. Newport 51. North Marion 45. Canby 28. Tillamook 54, Central SI (over time) Amity 49, Jefferson 46. Sublimity 53. Shedd 39. Valsetz 64. Perrydale 41. Molalla 50, David Douglas 31. North Bend 62. Astoria 49. Ashland 30, Cottage Grove 29 Milwaukie 59. Orejron Citv 45 Jefferson (Portlandi 63. Klamath Falls 59 Mcdford 60, Cleveland (Portland) Benson (Portland) 64, Eugene 52 Baiter 49. Ontario 36 Wilson (Portland) 53, Evergreen i Wash. I 47 Corhett 42. Cascade Locks 35 Nestucca 70. Willamina 66 West Linn 61. Hillsboro 52 Clatskanie 37, Nchalem 35 Grants Pass 53, Franklin (Portland) :6 w Washington (Portland) 62, The Dalles 45 Central Catholic 42. Grant 41 (both Portlandi Beaverton 70. Albany fil Roosevelt (Portland) 61. Gresham 59 lovertinir-l tfillard 62. Phoenix 42 Eaele Point 54, St. Mary's (Eugene) 37 COLLEGE RESULTS Washington 80. USC 61. Oregon Stale 62. San Francisco 40. Willamette 59, Sacramento Stati 511. Nevada 57, Whittler 45. Wichita 63, Oregon 5B. UCLA 82, Butler 71. Idaho 53. Colorado AAM 63 Washington State 91, EWCE 61. Puget Sound !)9. Pacific Rfl. Fresno State 77. Portland U 73. Pacific Lutheran 53. British Col umbia 45. Eastern Montana 65, Colorado Col lene 56. Tennessee 70. Arizona 66. Illinois 108. Princeton 87. Lewis K. Clark 74, Western Washington 60 MOTOR CITY CLASSIC (1'lrst Round) Detroit 75. Boston U 58 Northwestern 79, Wyoming 77 ECAC HOLIDAY CLASSIC Temple 73. NYU fil (Consolation) Fordham 86. Niagara 8 (Consolation) St. Johns 76. Vdianova 64 (Consolation) Notre Dame 91. Bngham Young 6 iSemisi Manhattan 82, Ohio State 67 iSrnm) Louisiana invitational u"nso,ano"' ..... m Louisiana Tech 80. Hardin Simmom I-oyola 86, Northwestern State 83 Centenary 83. Louisiana State 75 SOITHWF.ST CONFERENCE TOURNEY (First Round) Texas Christian 67, Navy 65 Texas 101. Bavlor 84 Southern Methodist 68. Texas A&M 46 (Semis) Arkansas 81. Rice 70 (Semis) ALL-COLLEGE (Consolation) Georgia Tech 75. Idaho State 72 Texas Tech 88. Tulane 60 Seattle 84. Memphis State 76 i Semis I Oklahoma City 63, Marquette 58 (Semist RIO SEVEN TOURNEY (Consolations) Nebraska 70. Missouri 65 Iowa State 74. Kansas State 64 i Semis ' Kansas 74, Oklahoma 56 (Semis) Colorado 90, Michigan State 8T I Semis) OIXIF CLASSIC (l hampion&hlp Semis) Wake Foiest 73 N. C. State M North Carolina 87. Duke 71 DePaui 73. Inwa 72 (Consolation) Utah S3, West Virginia 66 Consola'ion ' ORANGE BOWL TOURNEY (Srrond Round) Connecticut 57. Stanford 5fl Valparaiso m. Miami 76 W estrrn Kentucky 81 LaSalle 83, N A I A TIP-OFF TOURNEY Arkansas Tech 74, Indiana Central fi6 Roi-khtirst 60. Eau Clair 55 St Francn 89, Gustavus Adolphuj 81 'Semis, Texas Southern 94, Hamline 68 GATOR BOWL TOURNEY Gmmia fi4 South Carolina 62 Florida 105. Clemson 71 SUGAR BOWL TOURNEY Houston 7b, Alabama 68 Kentucky 56, Virginia Tech 53 BLUE CRASS TOURNEY Dayton 88. Duquesne 45 First Roundi Louisville 68. St. Louis 43 -By Ham Fisher per game averagv Miller, who tops the team in Ircc accur.iQ' uli 1 orpontnu on: tot. 11 lit u-iM u it 11 -cr-