Page 8 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL" Salem, Ore.; Friday, December 28, 1958 Considered Answers IK PROVERBS 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a brok en spirit drieth the bones. THC GLEAM TROM BEYOND THE ClOUPS i v ' 1 2 v ? 4 Red Chlno'i premier Chou En-Lal hod thee varied eipres iom last week during Interview In Chinese Embassy, ItanKoon, Burma, by Edward R. Murrow for CHS television audience. Responses were to these questions: Do you understand U. S.. objections to Red China In U. N.?, top left; Arc there any prospects on Formosa settlement?, top right; Do you feel U. S. . Is on side of colonialism?, lower left; and Would you welcome V. S. camera crew In China with same freedom as here In Burma? (AP Wlrephotol BUSINESS MIRROR Tax Ruling May Take Steam Out of Plant Expansion Rush By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK W-In denying a fast tax writeoff for new steel mills, Uncle Sam may have let come of the steam out of the busi ness expansion progrum thai is making money so tight. At the same time h may have put more steam into the pressure lor still higher prices. ihese apparent cross-purpose trends come about this way: Some steel companies say they now will defer or reconsider part oi tneir program to build more steel-making capacity. Others say they will go on building but must have higher prices to pay for it. And if steel prices go up again, as now seems likely, that will work through other Industrie cs it did last summer and fall and build up pressure for higher prices1 all along the line. The steel industry had asked tax concessions through a fast depreciation allowance for the proposed new facilities, totaling nearly 2xi billion dollars. Wash ington refused this Wednesday. If the building programs arc hailed or delayed, ' may also affect plans of other industries if for no other reason than by delays in getting structural steel. This would ease somewhat the1 big program for industrial expan sion or stretch it over more months and years than first planned. Washington has estimat ed that the expansion boom will 5 VU Students i no- c Willamette unKer.Mty students have registered to attend the IV'i cific Northwest United Chmlian council study eonferemr at Pacific Lutheran college December 2 through 31. Theme of (his year's sludy con ference will he You, (iod. and the 11, and will ask the question, "What does it mean to be a Chris tian on the campus?" One of seven simultaneous re gional conferences in the U. S spon.snred by the I'mtcd Student Chrbtian council, this meet will include colleges and universities in Washington. Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. It is designed to aid students to achieve greater clarity and faith in understanding the Christian faith and its relevance to life in the campus community Willamette university students attending the post-Christmas con ference are Rosemary (lilbert ami Dean Klarr, Salem; Maggie Ma pnne, St. Helens; Jerry Arnold. Iliekreall; and Herb Talai-erc, Walla Walla. hit a new peak in the months just ahead. Even before the steel tax de cision, however, there had been a few signs of slowdown in the big building programs that had strained the financial markets. The steel companies aren't like ly to give up their fight for new tax rules governing depreciation, Their central argument about depreciation allowances is that they arc no longer realistic. They say the cost of replacing old steel mills is now so nvich higher than when the mills were first built that they should be allowed more liberal allowances in writing off the depreciation of " mills that it should be figured on a re placement basis rather than on the basis of original cost. Army Decides To Streamline Combat Units New Infantry Divisions Will Have 3,700 Fewer Men Humorist J'- 4V 1 Ktf Harding of Mushinntnn. N. ('.. who holds the degree of U. L. (Doctor of Laughter) will he the guest of mcmlirrs of the Salem Knife anil Fork elub hI their next dinner meeting at the Mmlon, January 8. Called Ihr (ore most humorist In the nation, the former tobacco auctioneer Is said to have nn unlimited fund of funny stories. Only 1 WU Law Crad l nahiV to Pass IJar Kxams With notification from Alaska that Warren t'olver, June gradu ate from Willamette university's college of law, passed its bar ex amination, the law school reported that of all students who started with the class of 10.". only one failed to pass any state bar examination. All students graduating from TRIED AM) THl E the law school in June have been TAIILKlJl'AH. Okln. Tom placed as lawyers or have posi-lfhnstam should be a good pros lions in associated fields. ipect for a new car but he isn't Colvcr was sworn into the Alas- lie says his l!M2 model Kord, ka bar in December and is now! which has turned the 100.000 mile deputy United States commis- post twice, still percolates on all, aioncr for Alaska in Anchorage, 'four. Damage Suits Seek $61,211 Two damage suits, invnhing a total of fc'.l.Jll have been bled in Marion county circuit court. One results from a fw aei dent and the other from a con struction mishap. Lucy I.eighty .seeks Sas.SM from Kmer Ormbeek as the result ol a traffic aeident at the inteiset liun ol Siherton road am. Ian I carter dne Pec. 24, iy.V. I The H. I,. Klfstrom coiv.pany and the Salem Heating & Sheet .Metal company are named defendants in a $25,bT0 suit bruught by Arthur Hose. Bose says he was injured last August when struck by a falling tripod while engaged in construction work on a church building south of Salem on High way WK. By P. I). KLDKKD SAN FRANCISCO (fl Infantry divisions made up of five combat units and geared to fight atomic as well as conventional warfare, soon will replace the bulkier, tbrcc-rcgimcnt divisions. Armored divisions also are to be modern. 2ed, but the changes in them at this time will be com paratively minor, the Army an nounced yesterday in Washington and at 6th Army headquarters here. A special combat development and research center at Ft. Ord. Calif., has been taking the "hugs" out of the new basic combat unit around wh'ch the streamlined di visions will be created. Field tests have shown that the unit best suited for modern war- farn ic "Inpnnr Ihnn Mm nM hnt. (. tnlion and smaller than the rcg-l, imcnt." ,p Just how many men it will hac was not disclosed. " The reorganized infantry di- visions will be characterized by increased firepower, greater mo- hility and the capability of wide i 1 dispersal to survive under atomic 4 attack. The new division will have 3,700 i fewer men. k l A whole new group of weapons H is contemplated. ? The Army has announced a new $ 7.62 mm. machine gun. which it describes as "a lightweight, gen- eral purpose gun developed to re- place all three of the present ..TO- caliber machine guns. It can he fired from shoulder, hip, bipod f or an aluminum tripod mount. ' 3 The 7.2fi bullet is just a fraction I I smaller than .30 caliber. iv I There is a new rifle on which tests have been completed which i fires the NATO ammunition and embodies certain improvements. The infantry will have a new guided missile known as the "Dart," transported by light truck and described as "a simple hut etfective antitank missile . . .with a high probability that a single hit would destroy a heavily ar mored tank." Improved artillery. mortars, submnchineguns. helicopters and the addition of Honest John and other type missiles will, (hp Armv believes, make the smaller di vision much harder hitting. I riK-KVKn WKST P.U.V BKAt'lt. Kla .1 llarold Hotlian looked like a plas ma caso when police reached him in his overturned bakery truck Hut he was only shaken up. The apparent gore came from his car go o' cherry pies. Schaefer Corn Remedy The corn or callous should come off in 6 to 1 0 days. 25c SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open nalh 1:30 i.m. to p.m Siindsvs. 9 i.m In p.m. I3S N rnmmrrlal At . ; There may be folks who dream of a new year with no clouds over the horizon. But life has taught most of us that there is never a day free of uncertainty. Some like to rejoice in the calm of today and give no thought to the clouds of to morrow. Theirs is a contentment without strength, a happiness empty of hope.' But stronger souls see both the calm and the clouds. And they look beyond the clouds to the Light whose rays bathe the horizon. These are the souls who face the new year with faith in their God. They know the days will not be without shadow". The ripples may sometimes become angry breakers. But they follow the gleam across another year ... the Gleam from beyond the clouds. The Church is for those who would look ahead . . . ever toward the Light. Vf'v Hili ( -if I THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH Th Church Is th greatest factor on earth lor the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse, of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are lour sound reasons why every person should attend services nnularly and support the Church. They are: (11 for his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regu larly and read your Bible daily. Chiptir Vmts BRADLEY'S BICYCLE & SI'ORT SHOP 237 N High rh. 3 3844 Br'lTI.KR-Ol'lST.-Sn I.BR. CO. "EvervthinK to Build With" 495 Wallace ltd. - Ph. 3 8181 RI'SS I'RATT CAPITOL cm TRANSFER Moving Protected Storage Expert Packing Agent tor Mayflower Nationwide Furniture Movers Phone 2 2436 230 S. Front St LESTER DcLAPP TRANSFER STORAGE "Local and N.tionwide Movers" Ph. 2 1750 1115 N Commercial R. U EI.FSTROM CO 26U South Liberty OSCAR ENGKF AGENCY Insurance All Types 865 N. Capitol Thone 4-2201 HENRY'S PHOTO SHOP Things Photographic 469 State St Ph. 24505 HOW F.LI .-ED WARDS Fl'NERA' HOME Acr'iss from Scars 545 North Capitol HVTCHEON PAiMT STORE Paints Varnishes Wallpaper Ph. 3 6687 162 N. Commercial LIMBER DIVISION OREGON Pl'LP A PAPER CO. . Quality Material Courteous Service Front and Ferry Fh. 2-2421 MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete l'clevisiin and Radio Sales and Service We Gtvt &h Green Stamps Phone 3-7577 1880 State MAYFLOWER MILK Phone 3-920S MONTGOMERY WARD Department Store LES NEWMAN'S Men's Wear and Shoes 179 North Commercial MASTER BREAD Brought to You Fresh Dally by Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co. PAY LESS DRUG STORE "Pay Less Has Everything" 484 State St. Phone 2-3654 DICK MEYER LVMBER CO. One Piece or a Truckload "5 Lana Ave. Ph. 34939 W. T. RIGDON CO. Funeral Director! 299 N. Cottage Thone 3-3173 SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. - SENATOR HOTEL and COFFEE SHOP SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 9 P.M. Court and High Sts.. Salem Phone 34151 TWEEDIE FUEL OILS "Oil to Burn" Ph. 24151 1174 Edgewater West Salem THE VISTA MARKET Complete Shopping tenter 3045 South Commercial UNITED THEATER COKF. Elsinore Capitol Grand Drive-In' OTTO J. WILSON CO. Authorized Buiclt Sales. Service 388 N. Commercial Ph. 2-3621 V. T. GOLDEN MORTUARY 605 S. Commercial Ph. 4-2257 TM1I ?Br OF AM IS BEINS PUBLISHED EACH WEE-K UMMR TNS AVWVCI! 0 THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY AND M T INTEREST OF ALL SALEM A R CHURCHES, AND IS SPONSORED BY V h.i .uli.nih i'i THE PUBLIC-SPIRITED, CIVIC-MINDED BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS I A I